
Welcome To Wu's Feet Links. This site is updated daily with a variety of foot fetish content, ranging from pictures, movies, links stories and more. To navigate, use the menu on the left side. Have fun!!
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The Art of Model Persuasion
Adventures of Trace Dog led to being the top story of 4 different Local news agenc
ies from Seattle, Portland, and Robins news on the Howard Stern show!
Trace Dog traveled over the next 4.5 years across the USA in order to attain his m
odels every single month. This book shows you how he convinced these models to pose their feet for photos
Stories of Trace Dog's adventures will make you laugh out loud and allow one to th
ink deeply about their own persuasion abilities.
*Click here for more info and to order the book"
Column - July 2017
Written on a monthly basis, columns take a look at numerous foot fetish subjects. This month's topic is...
* Why I've Been M.I.A. Lately
Feature Model - Sep 2020
Published on a monthly basis, feature models sets are exclusive to Wu's Feet Links and are done by invitation only. This months feature is...
Affenity Bound
Model: Affenity
Sites: http://www.AffenityFeet.com
(Feature Model sets are posted on the 15th of each month)
Interview - Mar 2018
* Conducted on a monthly basis by Patrick of Soles of Silk. Interviews feature a wide variety of different foot fetish personalities from around the web.
* Princess Nikki

I'm always looking for great new foot sites. If your site fits that description or if you know of one that does, click HERE to submit it. This form can also be used to notify me of updates to your site. |

Here, you will find links to other foot fetish sites around the web. You have to the choice of browsing the links by category or alphabetically. To begin browsing, click HERE |

This section contains all the feet you ever dreamed of. Here, you will find photos sent to me by visitors and foot models from around the web. To get your photos published on this site, click HERE
A contribution set should be a minimum of eight pictures measuring at least 800x600.

Are you thinking of starting a web site and looking for reliable hosting? If so, contact Big Horn Enterprises at bhe@b-h-e.com. For more info on BHE click HERE |
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