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This interview was with the sexy Lexi Lapetina of 'Erotic Neighbor'. She has agreed to answer some of your questions. You will find the questions she's answered below.

Down4u Asks: Lexi, You are the complete package and have the hottest package I've seen. Your looks are just incredible. I mean that without being crass.

Two questions:
1. Where are you from and what is your ethnicity?
2. How could I get a session with you?

Lexi Answers: Thank you for the flattering compliments!

- I am from New York
- You can get a private live cam show by sending an email to
Specify what type of show you are looking for and I will get back with you to discuss it further.

Camron Asks: Do you like your toes or your heel sucked?

Lexi Answers: Whatever the mood calls for.

500_degreez Asks: Sup Lexi? I'm a huge fan! I have a simple question. Have you ever played footsie with a guy under the table? Major turn on. ;)

Lexi Answers: Yes, I have ;)

John Smith Asks: Your soles are beautiful. I would love to tickle your feet and also receive a foot job until I would cum on your baresoles. Do you like to have your feet and baresoles tickled?

Lexi Answers: NOOOO, I hate it but my foot fans enjoy it so I suffer...ha ha My soles are extremely ticklish..I mean EXTREMELY!!

Joeseph L Asks: When a particular woman's feet turn me on, why will I do absolutly anything for her, even though I know that licking her feet is not an option?

Lexi Answers: Because woman are powerful and we put you under a

Antiochos Asks: Lexi, you are my perfect girl; not only do you have that mysterious dark beauty, but you are open to the possibility of foot-action. I must ask firstly, do you enjoy having a man at your feet? I myself have tried- subtly but endlesssly- to open a girl's mind to this activity. Indeed, girls seem to love having their feet complimented... but how would you perform the next step of propositioning the girl to use them? Are footjobs weird? P.S. Keep up the 'hard' work ;)

Lexi Answers: Yes, I enjoy a man at my feet....I like to dominate. I would have no problem discussing my sexuality with anyone and neither should you. You should be proud of it....who the hell wants a boring chick who is close minded??!! I don't think footjobs are weird ;)

Toeboy Asks: If you were getting ready to give a guy a footjob who had a small penis would you verbally humiliate him about it and then not give him the footjob? I am one of these guys who would like this done to him. Is 3.75 inches erect considered small? What insults would you give?

Lexi Answers: 3.75 should be ashamed of yourself!!! Your damn right I would humiliate you! You should also check out my clip store .....I got some great videos right up your alley..

Rio Asks: When did you first have your toes sucke?

Lexi Answers: About 6 years ago.

Jesus W Asks: Hi Lexi!! Do you enjoy having your feet tickled? What spot of your foot is the most ticklish? Thanks, have a nice day.

Lexi Answers: I answered a question like this already....No, I really don't enjoy having them tickled cause I am extremely ticklish on my soles. It drives me crazzzzzzzy but I do it for you guys cause I know you enjoy it ;)

thosetoes Asks: I hope this isn't a redundant question, but I want to know how you all got into this. And who in florida did you talk to? I'm in florida as well. And on top of that, your beauty is stunning. Yeah Lexi!!

Lexi Answers: I first learned in depth all about foot fetish in 1998. A good friend of mine owns a website called, I have shot for him many times and have done live dangling shows for the site for the past 5 years. I gained quite a following from there and it pretty much took off. I have now added a whole foot section into my website for my foot fans containing Hi Res photos and tons of videos. Who in Florida do I talk to? uummm lots of Thank you for the comps ;)

Steve Asks: What a beautiful girl you are. I have two questions. First, what size are your feet? Secondly, do you like to give footjob to completion? Thanks a lot for answering the questions and take care.

Lexi Answers: My feet are size 7 1/2. I have never given a FootJob yet.... I have been asked many many times. It will be a big event in Lexi history when I do...ha ha

Footluver Asks: When you are in public and notice a guy staring at your feet, do you give him a tease by dangling and playing with your shoes?

Lexi Answers: I tease the hell out of him!

X Asks: I love your feet!! I was wondering though, do you ever suck them yourself, and if so, wat do they taste like?

Lexi Answers: I don't suck on my own feet unless I am doing it for someone in a show or on video.

Tom Asks: Do the balls of your feet hurt in high heels? Some models have collagen injectet into the balls of feet-the ball of foot looks like pink pillow.

Lexi Answers: Only if I am wearing heels for hours and hours, then they start to hurt.

James Asks: Hey, I think your feet are extremly hot... But I've got a question and I want you to be really honest... Do you always wear a seatbelt in a car???or did you ever forget it or do you forget it often?? Please be honest...please.

Lexi Answers: Seatbelt always!

Shawn Asks: Hi Lexi. First of all I have to say your feet are very beautiful. I like giantess and was wondering if you have ever crushed things such as bugs with your beautiful feet. I also like to know how often you polish your toenails and what is your favourite color?

Lexi Answers: I have done crushing videos many times. I don't crush any bugs...feel to bad. Toes get painted weekly and my favorite color is deep dark red.

Dox1 Asks: Dear Lexi, anyone would be remiss in simply calling you a foot model. You are absolutely gorgeous from the tip of your head to the tip of your sexy toes. The greatest eyes also on the web. Thanks for sharing yourself with us fans and keep up the great work.

Lexi Answers: Thank you very much!

A Lexi Victim Asks: Lexi, your two Foot Fetish Tug Party clips are phenomenal! You're a great instructor! Is there any chance you might do a series of tug instructional clips in the future that are "playfully degrading" for those of us who are "size-challenged" and have an inferiority complex about our foot fetish? Maybe you and your pal Cali Alexis could even join forces for one of them! If so, I'd be first in line to buy it!

Lexi Answers: Hhhmmmmm I will keep that in mind!

Rambo Asks: Hey Lexi. I am such a huge fan of your gorgeous feet and I have you added on Myspace. I'll message you sometime soon. My question to you is are your feet warm or cold most of the time? How about right now as you touch them? I love the wrinkles on your soles when you arch your feet. Thanks so much Lexi!

Lexi Answers: Right now they're cold cause I keep the air below zero in my

rhbdz17 Asks: I loved your set with the NY Jets jersey. You are one incredibly sexy woman, but what can we do to get you to switch your allegiance from the Islanders to the Rangers? You're too hot to be an Islanders fan.

Lexi Answers: I like em both.

Entropy Asks: Do you like to be aggressive with your feet (i.e. smother a guys face with them) or are you more sensual with them?

Lexi Answers: Depends on my mood.

Tommy2toez Asks: Have you ever done or thought about doing any ballbusting? If so what did or do you think you would like about it?

Lexi Answers: I have done many videos like this in my store and they will be on my website as well. i have never done to a real person yet.

Rodeo Asks: Do you ever drive barefoot? If so, do you drive a manual or automatic? Your feet are super hot!!

Lexi Answers: Yes I do and I drive an automatic.

Solebrother Asks: Wow, you have beautiful feet! I LOVE your soles. What do you do to keep your feet soft and smooth?

Lexi Answers: Thanks!!! I get lots of pedicures ;)

Fantafeet Asks: Do you love lick your own foot?

Lexi Answers: No, I do not get pleasure off of licking my own feet.

Jerome Asks: Hi ya, you have such lovely feet but do they ever get smelly? and how bad can they get and what makes them smell the most?

Lexi Answers: I workout hard so I 'm not so sure they smell like roses after the gym.

A.G.E. Asks: Have you ever crushed bugs with your bare feet?

Lexi Answers: eewww NO

Hongarik Asks: Would you ever consider doing a different fetish theme alongside foot fetish? I.E. Tongue & Teeth or mouth fetish?

Lexi Answers: Sure...I am open-minded.

Tom Asks: I think you have the most beautiful feet out in the internet... I am a giantess fan. What would you make a 6inch man do to your feet?

Lexi Answers: I would crush a 6in man!

Javi Asks: Do you have really a dominant side and do you love men at your feet serving you? Thanks, you are beautiful. Kisses on your soles.

Lexi Answers: YESSSS, I am dominant and I enjoy it. I love men serving me period!

Robi Asks: Hi Lexi, I love your feet. What do you think about thousands of men jerking their cocks watching your sexy feet?

Lexi Answers: I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it

Micke G from Sin City Asks: YES! I finally get to contact you for real! Well my question is more of a future fantasy that probably won't come true, but F it... I'm going to ask in a BEGGING manner ,even if it's not attractive. If ever down in Vegas, would you ever attend a foot party for some foot worship or even have a session with a lurker fan? You have the hottest feet on the net and if all I can do is dream then I'll guess I'll settle! BTW, I'm featured on WU's worshipping in the contribution Vegas Foot Party (hott bald guy)

Lexi Answers: Probably not but I will make it know if I make an appearance at a foot event.

Captain Jack Asks: Hey, Lexi more of a thank you than a question I guess. But I have masturbated so many times while looking at your pics and vids that I can't count. Thank you for that and I love LOVE the bottom of those feet. Your boyforind or husband is a very lucky man.

Lexi Answers: aahhhh to hear it!!! Keep jerking baby! Thank you for the comps.

22yroldfootlover Asks: If you were single and someone aged 22 and was good looking etc.. made convo with you and commented on how stunning your feet were looking...what would your first initial reaction be and what would you say back? could you end up going home with him and fufill his dreams?

Lexi Answers: I would ask him straight up if he had a foot fetish. Go home with him... you gotta really be something special for me to go home with you.....looks is just one part.

Gus Asks: Lexi I love your feet! I jack off to them all the time and I love the clips you sell. I have a fantasy of smelling your feet and cumming on them. Have you ever done this before?

Lexi Answers: Thanks...I'm glad you enjoy them..I enjoy making them for you!

Dempsey Asks: Hey there Lexi, you are very sexy haha. My question is, around the home are you in bare foot or do you like wearing socks and flip flops around the home

Lexi Answers: Usually barefoot.

Undecided Asks: Hmmm well this may not get selected or whatever but do these guys wanting to jerk off over you make you feel extra special and slutty?

Lexi Answers: A little of both and I like it ;)

Barny Asks: Hello, you have beautiful feet. my question are... have you into Ballbusting?, Have you kick a guy in the balls?, If I ask you to kick my balls by request... would you do it?, thnx for answering my questions

Lexi Answers: I have done many videos like this but never in person.

Ron Asks: First I would like to start by saying your feet, your legs, in general you cyber presence is highly erotic; your chosen website name fits so well! I have a two part question: What would your perfect night of foot fun entail? And How would you respond to anybody(male/female) who made a foot fetish advance to you in public? P.S. I love sweet soles...and your perfect toes...heels as well!!!

Lexi Answers: Thanks for the wonderful comps! Worshipping, rubbing and pampering my feet is what I would like! Yes, I have caught men many times in public starring at my feet....I know they have a foot fetish so I just tease them a bit more ;)

Moudandes Asks: Hi Lexi. Just like to start by saying that you have one of the nicest pair of feet I have come accross. I can just imagine how proud you must feel taking the opportunity to exhibit and show the world your hidden talent. I say this with great respect and admiration. What I would like to ask Lexi, is something that has me baffled. From a female point of view, why would it be apparent that there are so many ladies out there who seem to take pride in showing off their feet to the public by means of nicely pedicured feet, perhaps some jewelery on the ankle or toes and a sexy pair of shoes that reveal most of their feet, however I sometimes get the feeling that when I look and admire at these womens feet in public, I seem to get a negative vibe, as if they do not appreciate guys staring at their feet. A kind of, (why is that guy looking at my feet sort of thing). Can you perhaps enlighten me on this issue Lexi?

Lexi Answers: They are idiots... plain and simple.

Squidman Asks: Those "masterpieces" you walk on everyday look delicious! The question I have for you is more like a "scenario." If you were pulled over by a male traffic cop (who just happened to have a foot fetish) and he says to you: "Miss, I noticed you were speeding and I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you a ticket." But, while writing the ticket, he notices that you are driving barefooted. He then says: "Um, I'll be glad to tear this ticket up if you'd let me sniff your foot bottoms clean." What would be your response Lexi??

Lexi Answers: I would stick my foot in his face...lmao

Mike Asks: Hello Sexy. lovely Lexi, the most beautiful neighbothood foot girl on whole wide world. You have great soles. Give you a foot massage using baby oil and polish your sexy toes it's one of my dreams. I want to ask you how often you have your toes pedicured?? You do it yourself or go to professionalist?? What is your favorite toe nails colour?? On your web site you wrote that you like shaved heads. Have you ever had your head shaven bald or had a short military buzz cut?? If you done it please write me where I can find those photos or if you have never done it tell me do you ever think about it? You wolud look great with shaved head - trust me.

Lexi Answers: Thanks for the comps! I like MEN with shaved heads...not woman. I get a pedicure 3x a month, favorite nail color is deep dark red ;)

Isis Asks: Are there any photos of your feet where you have toe rings and/or anklets and where can I see them? Btw. fantastic feet you have!

Lexi Answers: No...I never wear toe rings cause they annoy me. Anklets are pretty but I have broken everyone I have ever worn so I just sorta gave

Pleasedoit Asks: You are so unbelievably smokin' hot! But you never have any pictures of anyone kissing or licking your feet. Would you ever take or post any??? I would order each and every clip of it...seriously!

Lexi Answers: I do in my website.

Stefon Asks: Please indulge my ignorance. When your feet are tickled do you curl your toes?

Lexi Answers: Curl my toes, squrim, scream, laugh, cry..

Simon Asks: Hi Lexi, your feet looks very, very good.=D Have you ever had a leg-cast or a bandage foot? And do you have thoughts to cast your leg?

Lexi Answers: I have sprained my ankle several I had a bandage on it but never a cast.

Kevin Asks: Can you show your feet more often?

Lexi Answers: What? Did you use your brain when writing this?

Cono Asks: would you ever let me cum on your toes and then lick it off?

Lexi Answers: Piggy.

Goldman Asks: Like your soles.Do you have any wrinkles on the outer parts of your heels? Do you get a lot of request for wrinkle foot pics?

Lexi Answers: I just looked ....nope

Scooby2 Asks: Hi! First off, you're a beauty. But want I want to know is what is a regular date like for you? What I mean is, beyond the foot stuff, do guys take you to the movies and buy you dinner and open doors for you? I think we (us foot guys) forget that you're more than just a picture, but you're also a girl (woman)! Whaddya think?

Lexi Answers: I have been with my BF for 9 yrs but I can tell you what a fun date is in my eyes... Go get some dinner (mexican) , head off to the tattoo shop and get some new ink, then head out to a bar that has a good band playing and drink some beers and party .....violating hot woman usually happens after the 3rd

Sean Asks: Hi Lexi, When do you think a guy should become open about his foot fetish during a relationship and how should he go about it? admittting my foot fetish to women is still a very hard thing for me to overcome. thank you in advance for any advice.

Lexi Answers: I think you should be open from the start. There is nothing to be ashamed of...sexual desires are human nature. What are you afraid she is not cool with it then who the hell wants her around anyway??? Sorry if I am being harsh....I don't mean to but I have no tolerance for close-minded people.....this lifetime is to short to be inhibited.

Braulio Asks: Lexi, please do more tickling sets!!!! please make us happy!!! :-)

Lexi Answers: I am...I promise!!!

Eric Asks: ave you ever crushed a toy car with your beautiful feet. I have a bunch of model cars that I would love to see you crush. If you are heavy enough.

Lexi Answers: I actually just recently did a scene where I smashed up some toy cars with my heels!

Sands of Time Asks: If I was 1 inch tall, standing at your feet, what would you do to me?

Lexi Answers: Step on you

Bowa Asks: If a man paid you to kick him in the balls as hard as you can twenty times would you do it? How would you do it and would you wear shoes?

Lexi Answers: Yes, I would do it and I would do it hard! I would wear shoes and heels.

Jason Asks: I think you have a very beautifull and amazing soles!!, also you are gorgeous!! and I wonder why dont have more pictures of face and soles??? by example here at WU in your contribution of FEATURE MODELS I expect more face and soles pics and you only have 2 of 30!! As a big fan of your feet I hope we can see more face and soles pics in the future. Thanks for your time!

Lexi Answers: I have lots of full pictures sets in my site that feature my face.

Quietrob Asks: First of all, you are so sexy it's ridiculous! My question is What is Your favorite sexual position and do you prefer wilder places or the privacy of a bedroom?

Lexi Answers: AWW thank u ;) Depending on my mood my favorite sexual position is either doggie or on top.....I prefer wilder places....I hardly have sex in my bed.

Hot4u Asks: First, I want to compliment you on what an amazingly beautiful women you are. My question is will you be adding more worn item to your store? Maybe some of your worn socks or tennis shoes you don't want anymore.

Lexi Answers: Yes, I will! I just haven't had the chance to update my store. If there is a certain item you want and its not listed please contact me-

Hector Asks: Hello Goddess Lexi, I'm from South America and love foot fetish, sandal fetish and crush fetish, I sent you some emails for a request but I'm not receive a answer yet, anyway..., do you like crush things like toy cars under you sexy feet and sandals ?, I hope that you can do it for you clipstore, I'll buy these clips !

Lexi Answers: Hi and thank you for the compliments! I have a ton of foot fetish and crush videos in my store ( and in my site ( My inbox is a scary sight, I can't keep up with it!!! Thats why I created a forum on my site for you to post clip request at-

Frank Asks: Will you ever do footjob clips? I'd love to see you do that. Or maybe footjob post orgasm torture.

Lexi Answers: I will...I will....very soon

KK Asks: Do your feet have any specific odor, like cheese or vinegar?

Lexi Answers: That's pretty nasty.....and NO my feet do not smell like that.

Footman Asks: Lexi, I've seen some sexy feet over the years and have been lucky enough to touch many a foot through the years but I have just one question. How do you sleep at night knowing you drive every man crazy with those feet?

Lexi Answers: Knowing that gives me such a peaceful sleep....ha haaaa

Footlover Asks: Hi Lexi,Would you ever consider owning a slave? What would a slave's duties be? Can I address you as Goddess Lexi.

Lexi Answers: own many slaves...some have been with me for years! The question you think your worthy enough to be my slave?

DJ_Daddy_69 Asks: I know your soles are very ticklish, but, to you, does a feather tickle more or fingers, and how you like either one?

Lexi Answers: Fingers tickle me more.

Toetally Yours Asks: Which is the more likely to happen?

1) Tickling your feet drives you so crazy that you beg your lover to stop . . .


2) Sucking your toes makes you so hot that you beg your lover to do you?

Lexi Answers: #1

Barry Asks: Lexi...I'm absolutely in love with your feet, I personally think they are the best on the web, hands down! A question though...Has anyone ever brought attention to the veiny quality of your feet? Has any guy asked to rub his penis along the veins? I'm just curious because I am a veiny foot lover in addition to having a mad foot fetish. Thanks for your answer.

Lexi Answers: Because I am a workout nut my feet & hands have become even more vascular. Yes, a few people have brought that to my attention asking me to show it off more ...I guess they enjoy it.

Lee Asks: Lexi first let me say your a very beautiful woman, what is your ethnic background? And you have some very pretty feet, why do you think that more woman aren't into foot fetish activity? And are there signs that women give that can let a man like myself know that they like foot pleasure. Oh and do you have a myspace page?

Lexi Answers: Thank you for the flattering comps and I am Italian. I have no idea why more woman are not open-minded to the fetish and I would assume it would be pretty obvious if she did enjoy foot fetish - kinda like how you know if a woman is enjoying sex.

My Myspace-

Todd Asks: If a man came up to you on the street and complimented you on your shoes-how would you react?

Lexi Answers: I'm a shoe nut so I would probably love that he noticed them and keep talking about

Duduss Asks: Hi Lexi! I´m David from Argentina. When I saw you the first time I fell in love with you because you have an spectacular body and your feet are soooo incredible. You are very sweet. Believe me. I want to know something of you.. Do you think to come to show your personality.. in other parts of the world, like Argentina for example? Do we have (the fetish people) a chance to see you? I´ll really be happy if you answer me.

Lexi Answers: Hi David and thanks for the wonderful compliments. I am sorry but I don't have any plans on coming to Argentina anytime soon.

Jay Dude Asks: what do you think of a men's feet?

Lexi Answers: I think a man should keep his feet clean and cut. I really hate when I see a man's foot that looks nasty and there toe nails are long and yellow...eeeuuuggg shit grosses me out.

Hootie Asks: Hi Lexi, I have a couple of questions, try to answer them as best as possible. I see in a couple of you photo shoots that you are not wearing any socks or pantyhose with your closed-toed shoes. I was wondering if your feet sweat in them? I was also wondering if you can feel your feet sweating by the hour in them, and does it bother you? Does it turn you on to feel your sweaty feet against the leather, then taking off your shoes and rubing them in a guys face? Thank you for your time, you are extremley sexy and beautiful!

Lexi Answers: If I wear heels with no nylons or anything then yes, after a while they do start to sweat and it does annoy me.

Big Boi Asks: Can you move each toe independently?

Lexi Answers: I just tried and they seem to be moving all at

Bo Asks: Hi Lexi.... You have such sexy toes with naturally beautiful toe nails that would look sooo sexy to unpolished. I've nothing against painted toes at all, but sexy toes like yours, unpolished, DRIVES ME WILD!! Any chance of getting a custom video of your posing your sexy toes unpolished?

Lexi Answers: Sure, I can do a video like that ;)

Wooten Asks: Hi sweety, I was wondering if you like to have your feet worshipped by other women, and if so what kind of shoes do you like to be wearing, and do you like it when a girl takes off your sweaty shoe and immediatly start smelling and sucking your toes? Man that would be extremly sexy!

Lexi Answers: I have had my feet worshiped by another woman before and I liked it!

Hootie Asks: Have you ever made a guy sniff right under your toes as soon as your shoe comes off your foot? Does that turn you on a bit? Do your like making guys take off your sweaty shoes and massage and lick your tender feet from your sole to your toes?

Lexi Answers: Yes I have! It turns me on to dominate the man with my feet.

Doc Asks: Your feet are so hot, especially with that tattoo...did that hurt?

Lexi Answers: Thanks! aahhhh yes, my foot tattoo was pretty painful but well worth it!

Vic Asks: Do you like to danlge shoes in public?

Lexi Answers: I am a dangling nut!

Randy Asks: You're my dream girl and watching your perfect, beautiful flat feet being tickled is all I need in this world. I can tell you're not faking it. Do you enjoy it at all? Does it get you aroused at all?

Lexi Answers: UUMMMM of course I am not faking it...those are real tears pouring out of my eyes from me laughing so I don't despise it or else I wouldn't do it but it doesn't sexually arouse me. In a weird way I enjoy the fear and excitement that runs through me right before I am about to get adrenaline is pumping.

Footlover84 Asks: First off, Lexi you have such amazing beautiful feet. My question is how long have you had the tattoo on your foot and what made you want that particular tattoo placed on your foot? I love tattoos and feet, so it's a double turn on looking at your feet.

Lexi Answers: I love tattoos as well that's why I can't stop getting them!!! The tattoo on my foot is actually a cover-up from an older one I had there. The old one was alot smaller and was on the ankle (that bone that sticks out on your ankle..I don't know the name of it) so I needed something bigger to cover it up with. I wanted a poppy flower and vines and I just loved the idea of the vines coming down my foot.

Joel Asks: Just curious. How do you feel about other women's feet. Do you like sucking on other womans toes or having your beautiful toes sucked by another woman? Dont really see many videos of that and would love to see some of that from ya.

Lexi Answers: I have a few videos like that in my store and website.

JayZ Asks: I'm a huge fan of yours. You are the most amazing woman that Wu has brought to this site. Anyways, I just adore your feet and wondered if anyone has ever smelled them before--including yourself. If you have or if someone else has, what do they smell like. If you couldn't tell I love the smell of womens toes.

PS Your laugh on your videos cracks me up !

Lexi Answers: hank for the the flattering compliments! Yes, many have smelled my feet before and as far as I can tell they all loved it so I guess they smell yummy.

Charles Asks: Your feet are beautiful!! Have you ever been to a movie put your feet on the seats in front of you and someone has come sat next to them on purpose? Did you tease him? What would you do?

Lexi Answers: No, I never had that done but I have had someone ask me to put my feet

Tim Asks: Hi, Lexi! I think you're a very sexy girl and you have fantastic feet! I'd like to know if you have any kind of martial arts background. And anyway, if you were to defend yourself against a bad guy, how would you use your feet on him? I mean, where would you kick him for good measure?

Lexi Answers: Kickboxing is what I do best!!! Don't mess with me, I will beat your ass down....and then tease you a bit with my!!!!

Livin in LA LA Land Asks: I'm 24 living in LA, can you hook a brotha up with his first footjob?

Lexi Answers: aaahhhh lol lol lol lol lollllllllllll

? Asks: What would you say the average size dick is?

Lexi Answers: You must have a tiny that why you are asking me this???

BBJ Asks: Hello Lexi, you have an amazing body and your feet are amazing too ! =D. MY question is: What do you want a man to do to you sexually? What turns you on? It dosen't have to be about feet.

Lexi Answers: ForePlay...lots and lots of foreplay! Alot of things turn me on really depends on my mood.

Kevin Asks: Hello there Lexi...What would you do if you fell asleep on the couch and then suddenly awoke and saw a male person who you knew but did not know had a fetish was smelling-sniffing your feet...would you freak out?...would you be calm and cool?

Lexi Answers: I wouldn't freak out but out of a dead sleep I would ask what the heck is he doing.

Markb Asks: First let me say you have the best feet I have ever seen. They are very prettyalong with everything else. I have 2 questions Are your soles soft? Also if you were in public and a random guy came up to you and asked you to kick him in the balls barefoot really hard and offered you money would you do it and hard and what part of the foot would you kick with? Please reply thank you.

Lexi Answers: Yes my soles are very soft and wrinkly. Yes also the ball kick.

Gianluca Asks: Hey Lexi. Gorgeous feet!!! I'd like to know whether you like crushing things with your feet? Do you put out cigarettes under your soles? If so, how do you do it? Twist your feet? Solekisses

Lexi Answers: No..why would I put a cigarette out with my barefoot????

Mr F Asks: Have your lovely foot have ben tied up before??

Lexi Answers: Yes

Brian Asks: Have you ever sprained your ankle?

Lexi Answers: Yes, like 5x...I am a Klutz!

J Asks: Have you ever trampled a guy? How does it feel?

Lexi Answers: Yes I have and it felt powerful ;)

Yuu Asks: Hey Lexi what is your longest toe and can we meet up for a footjob somewhere?

Lexi Answers: My longest toe is my big toe and hit yourself over the head with a tac hammer for your second question.

Dr. Williams Asks: If someone offered you $100 000 U.S. Dollars for a foot job would you give him one, be honest?

Lexi Answers: I would laugh at him just as I am laughing at you right now.

p123 Asks: You are soooo hot.

Lexi Answers: Why thank you!

Emanuel Asks: As you stated before you like being dominant. Having a guy at your feet. If you had a choice would you prefer a man who would be strong and take control of your body or one who would get on his knees and obey you. The goal is for your physical desire.

Lexi Answers: When it comes to foot fetsish, I enjoy taking control of the man.

Alex Asks: Do you like to crack your toes. And did you ever think of doing a video like that.

Lexi Answers: Yes, I actually do like to crack my toes..I didn't know this was something common. I have been doing it since I was little

AROCK Asks: Do any particular shoes make your feet sweat more than others? Do you ever wear running shoes without socks on? What is the strongest smelly pair of shoes you own? I would love to see some photos of your feet without any nail polish. Keep up the good work!

Lexi Answers: Heels make my feet sweat the most and I always wear socks with my sneakers.

Soles-Up Asks: Hello Lexi, You have extremely beautiful soles.... Are they as soft and smooth as they look? Do you enjoy foot-smothering with them, or just sticking your soles in someone's face? What would I have to do to have your sexy soles in my face????

Lexi Answers: Why thank you ;) Yes!!! my soles are very soft and silk baby! I love sticking my soles in someones face.

SabadoGigante Asks: Hi Lexi! Since you've established your feet are ticklish... Let's say, you were blindfolded and you couldn't untie your feet... On your left foot, a simple paintbrush dusting back and forth under the toes. Then, for your right foot, a hair brush - all the bristles just sliding up and down...which one would be teh most ticklish and why? And how might you be reacting? :) (Now imagine it lasts for another ten minutes...)

Lexi Answers: Ok, I would freak out if it had to last for 10mins!!! I would say the hair brush would tickle me more. It seems my feet are more ticklish with a bit more force..if ya get what I mean. Like a feather on my soles doesn't really affect me but once your fingers start tickling them it drives me mad!

Chuck Asks: Your pedicured toes and wrinkled soles have made my day. What is YOUR favorite part of a foot fetish. Do you like to have your feet licked?

Lexi Answers: I would say my favorite part of "foot fetish" is being able to get a man aroused by teasin him with my feet.

Arte Asks: Have you ever had handcuffs on your ankles or toecuffs on?

Lexi Answers: I dont believe I have.

??? Asks: Hi! My dick is almost 7 inches. Is that small or average or what?

Lexi Answers: Closer to average.

Tony Asks: What color are your toes painted right now?

Lexi Answers: French right now.

Paul Asks: I have a 4" dick. Would you give me a footjob or just laugh while you made me kneel down and lick your pretty feet and jerk off my small dick?


Love-Your-Feet Asks: Hey Lexi, Question For you: How often do wear tennis shoes? When you do, how would you describe your socks when you take them off. Thanks!

Lexi Answers: I dont wear tennis shoes.

Lidia Asks: You are the total package. I love your pretty feet especially with the tattoo, and I love your perfect shaped nipples. I would love to worship both of them.

Lexi Answers: Thank you ;)

Lidia Asks: Do you prefer to suck toes or have your toes sucked.

Lexi Answers: Have my toes sucked.

Lidia Asks: You are the most beautiful girl on the internet.

Lexi Answers: That's extremely flattering..thank you.

Tony D Asks: Lexi, you're fucking beautiful, and you're italian. What more could a guy want. Anyways, what's a guy (me) gotta do to get a date with ya sweethart?

Lexi Answers: I'm taken but thank you for the wonderful compliments ;)

Lena Asks: I would like to know do you use scissors or clippers to cut your toenails? What was the longest time you spent without clipping your toenails?

Lexi Answers: Clippers to trim my toenails and the longest I have ever gone is only a week. I do not like long toenails.

KarlsBad Asks: Have you ever been on crutches? What happened?

Lexi Answers: Nope... never.

Feetunder Asks: I'm a big fan of your feet. They are really amazing... Do dominant women get horny while humiliating a man? Is it only about sex or does she do that because she like to dominate people? What do you think?

Lexi Answers: In my case it would be a turn on to do the actual dominating.

Lecren Asks: Love your soles! Question is would you have a problem stepping on a 3 inch person if it were thier fantasy? Take care and please keep contributing to the foot fetish world!

Lexi Answers: Nope... bring it on.

Adam Asks: Just wanted to say you're one of the single most beautiful women I've ever seen.

Lexi Answers: Awww thank u!

Gunit Asks: Yo, of all the sites I visited you got the best foot site girl. Hey what is your Myspace url I want to see it

Lexi Answers: thank you.

Mike Asks: Hi Lexi. Your feet are sexy and toes are cute. Do you like driving fast and putting you foot to the floor

Lexi Answers: I am dangerous behind the

Lidia Asks: Do you have any fetishes besides feet? If so what?

Lexi Answers: I really enjoy facials...its naughty!

Marco Asks: Lexi you are so beautiful : ) I was just wondering what nationality you are?

Lexi Answers: Italian

Eddie Q Asks: Do you find that after your feet are tickled that you feel more ALIVE, INVIGORATED?

Lexi Answers: Actually, I feel out of breath and exhausted after being tickled!

John T Asks: Your toes are great and you're one of the hottest women i've ever seen! Anyway I have three questions for you. Do you ever remove your socks using your toes? Do you like to take your big toe, put it over the toe next to it, push down and make it crack? Do you like to crack your toes at all and if so how often? Please answer all three.

Lexi Answers: Yes, I have taken my socks off with my feet before. No, I dont like putting my big toe over my others to crack it. Mine crack easy, I just move them a certain way and they will crack if I want.

Noise Asks: Have you ever covered your feet in a messy substance like syrup, pudding, or jelly?

Lexi Answers: Yes and I had a girl lick it all up ;)

DJ Asks: Have you ever been foot tickled with a feather and if so what was the difference between that and finger tickling?

Lexi Answers: A feather does not tickle me very well, hands are the best to use when tickling my soles.

ShrunkOnFoot Asks: Hey whats up Lexi..First off your just absolutly beautiful, your bf's a lucky guy... I'm a big Giantess fan and was wondering if you'd ever do a GTS movie, or clips of you finding a 1inch man or something (it'd be mad hot).. And also I see your from NY. I'm from Jersey, please tell me your a Yankee fan =)

Lexi Answers: I am a Yankee fan!! Yes, I will do a giantness scene like that and post it in my clip store and on my site ;)

Freddie Asks: Hi Lexi, you have very very sexy feet! If I really begged you to kick me in the balls as hard as you can, would you do it? By the way, will you be doing any of the foot fetish parties in nyc in the future?

Lexi Answers: Damn right I would and I would do it hard. Probably not on the NYC parties.

Small Guy Asks: What would you say to a guy that has a 3" penis and/or a severe premature ejaculator? Would you enjoy humiliating him?

Lexi Answers: I would!

Rocker Asks: Do you ever go barefoot in public, like into a store, Dairy Queen or gas station mini-mart or anything and make everyone envious ? Do the soles of your pretty feet ever get dirty & silvery gray or blackish from walking around barefooted all day or from crossing a street or parking lot while barefoot?

Lexi Answers: No, that is you realize the diseases you can get from walking barefoot in places such as a filthy gas station?!!

Confused Asks: Hey Lexi,I love your french pedicure its hot!! hey I've just recently broken out of a relationship where my ex knows I have a Foto fetish and it was a messy break up and shes gone round the town saying to people I have a foot fetish now alot people give me shit and say "hows ya foot fetish you freak..." what shall I do

Lexi Answers: Laugh at how ignorant they are!! Then tell them things couldn't be better and invite them to a foot fetish party!! Seriously, I feel bad for people like that...I mean its gotta suck to be so close-minded and inhibited with your sexuality.

Human Carpet Asks: Lexi, you do have very pretty feet. I was wondering if you have ever trampled a guy and or demanded to have your shoe licked?

Lexi Answers: I have done both ;)

Peter The ToeJizzer Asks: I am from Europe and absolutely love your feet. My favourite part are your toes and I lost count of the times I blew a big load of cum watching your pretty feet and toes. 5 minutes befote I typed this question I masturbated on your pics. I wanted to ask you what kind of feeling does this give you. Does it turn you on knowing people on the other side of the Atlantic are jacking their hard cocks watching your feet. Do you get wet by this. Anyway keep up the good work and I will keep jerking :-)

Lexi Answers: Naughtu Naughty boy you are Peter. Now I want you to watch one of my videos and jack off again!

Spero Asks: Hi... i'm italian guy.. sorry but I don't speak english well... Do you like have your feet worshipped??? Thank you so much.

Lexi Answers: So, do you think you can cook a better pasta dish then yes, I love to have my feet worshipped!

Bo Asks: Hi Lexi, You have amazing feet girl… I’m hoping their ticklish too… say it is so! Lol! Answer this: Let's say we were at dinner and you were sitting across from me having a pleasant conversation. The waiter/waitress walks up and asks us for our order... I politely offer you to go first (I'm a gentleman) and all the sudden you feel your shoe slipped off and your foot in a seemingly firm grip. Of course you know it's me (because who else would it be)! I began to rub my index finger along your sole and between your toes...Doe you think you could take being tickled without letting the waiter/waitress know what's going on? or Would you crack up and let it all out?

Lexi Answers: NO WAY....I couldn't take it..I would try but I know that I would fail and burst out laughing!

Walls Asks: When are you going to do more pics of you in white flip flops and red toenails. All of your clips and shots of you in your white flip flops are so sexy! Hope to see more of your sexy toes soon.

Lexi Answers: I will do more..promise!

Shaker Asks: Beside your gorgeous feet I noticed your also very gorgeous smile. So here are my questions (maybe a little bit off-topic):
1. Do you have all your teeth in original condition or do you have any crowns or fillings?
2. Are you afraid of the dentist?
3. What is your favorite footwear if you have a dental appointment?

Lexi Answers: 1- These are my original teeth. I have no crowns, no filling, no anything. The only thing I have ever had was a retainer when I was younger.
2- I hate the dentist, I usually seem to freak out and have a panic attack whenever I go there...I just don't like people touching my teeth. So, I make sure to take good care of them so I don't have to go that often!
3- FlipFlops

Tommie Asks: hey lexi, gorgeous feet, gorgeous body, gorgeous face, gorgeous everything...I'm a member of your site and you have some of the most amazing and original scenes ever viewed by you girl....some women are toe curlers and do it every chance they get, ru one of those women....I think its very hot myself, instant erection ;)

Lexi Answers: Thank you for the wonderful compliments and thank you for being a member of my site! I don't know if I curl my toes but I can tell you that my toes are always moving. Even when I lay in bed at night i have to rub my toes together so it will put me to sleep faster.

Shawn S Asks: I wanted to say that you are absolutely gorgous and I two questions that I would like to ask you.

1. Have you ever meet on of you fans?

2. Do you enjoy be showered with gifts?

Lexi Answers: Hello and thank you for the wonderful compliments!
1- Yes & 2- of course I love gettiing gifts!!

Mike Asks: I have a non-foot-related question: What do you think of the death-penalty? Are you pro or against? Could you attend a death-penalty and watch a person being killed by electric chair?

Lexi Answers: Isn't this a foot fetish interview?

Diablocentopercento Asks: Beautifull legs and soles,i love your feet!!Do you like a men or woman who smell your feet?

Lexi Answers: Either or ;)

Foot Lover Asks: Lexi, forget about your feet - you are the most beutiful girl I've ever seen. Your feet are wonderful as well, but you are one of a million and you should feel proud about having such beauty! My question is: let's say you would be sitting at your computer, surfing the internet, while you feel something is caught inside your slipper. You feel it, laying under your toes, and you start squeezing it since you believe it's just a piece of lint. Then, it begins to tickle your feet, and you can feel it... So you take your foot out and grab it with your hand. Then you discover - it's a 1 inch man. What would you do with him?

Lexi Answers: WoW...that is extremly flattering..thank you! That story is really would stomp on you for itching my foot!

Dirtyfeetlover Asks: Hi. you really have very sexy feet. I love barefoot sexy woman like. You do you like to walk barefoot? do your soles get dirty ? do you find dirty soles ok?

Lexi Answers: I do enjoy walking barefoot but I only do it around my house and my own backyard.

Kilo Asks: Hey! lexi first I'll confess to you that I jerk off everytime I see you. Will you be my girlfriend?

Lexi Answers: Good and I want you to keep on jerking it!

Foot Dude Asks: Hey lexi. Does your feet sweat alot and do they stink? I was wondering what your feet smell like after a long workout?

Lexi Answers: They only sweat when I have my socks and sneakers on during a workout....I don't smell them after that but they are sweaty and I can't imagine sweaty feet smelling to

Tom C Asks: I love your feet - the pix on your site are great! I also love that your feet are ticklish and had 2 questions... 1) are your feet more ticklish bare or with silky nylons on? 2) have you ever accidentally been tickled when it is not supposed to tickle (like during a foot worship scene or while you're getting a pedicure.) Thanks.

Lexi Answers: Thanks, I am glad you are enjoying my site!! Yes I have been accidentally tickled many times. I have never tried being tickled with nylons on but now I will!

Tommy Asks: Hi Lexi. Your feet are so cute! I would like to ask if you ever let a man sniff on your feet or socks?

Lexi Answers: Yes, I have before.

Max Asks: I have a simple question for you. Do you prefer to wear sandals to show off your feet or to wear close toed heels and dangle to draw attention to them?

Lexi Answers: I love anything where your toes are showing.

Maurice Asks: My question is do you prefer to wear sandals, heels or flip flops the most?

Lexi Answers: Flip flops the most.

Tom Asks: Hey lexi, ever stepped on a snail.

Lexi Answers: eeww No

Bigfoot Asks: I have read some other peoples questions and noticed that you don't like tickling. This is great, I dont either. What turn on is there forcing a woman to have her feet tickled. This is, in my opinion, being dominant to the woman and considering that foot fetish generally involves being submissive towards the womans feet, it is fair to assume that tickling goes against the foot fetish norm. Congratulations on taking a stand against these foot ticklers! Oh I suppose thats not really a question.... so, ummmmm what's your favorite toenail polish colour? :)

Lexi Answers: I don't think anyone really enjoys being tickled and I think thats what makes it a fetish. I do it to please the foot ticklers so I wouldn't really say I am taking a stand against them.

Cage Asks: Lexi, love your feet and also a few other "body parts" you have!! Have you ever been stuck in your car in mud or snow with your wheels spinning? Please share a story!

Lexi Answers: Yes I have and it sucked!! When I lived in NY I had a Jeep Wrangler with big ass tires and I used to take my truck 4 wheeling, on the beach, etc etc. One day it was down pouring so was like a river in the streets. I don't know what I did but I stalled out and pushing a truck sucks ass!

Phil Asks: Hi Lexi, do you wear sandals out or at home. Like those sporty soccer slides?

Lexi Answers: I wear flip flops most of the time.

John Asks: You have the sexiest feet I've ever seen. What type of lotion do you use?

Lexi Answers: Thank you!!! The lotions I use are either Aveeno or Victorias Secret body lotion in either Pear or Pure Seduction.

Tommy Asks: Hi Lexi! you are sooo hot and your feet are just perfect. Hey, I love pickles too! My question is... you mentioned earlier that you have sprained your ankle several times. How do you usually do it? Were you on crutches? Did you enjoy having so much attention directed towards your feet? And would you ever consider posting pictures of your injured foot or doing a sprain set? Thanks and take care!

Lexi Answers: Mmmm love pickles....I live on them!!! How do I sprain my ankle...aauugg I am a klutz thats how!!! I am naturally a very hyper person...from the minute I wake up in the morning till I go to sleep I am non stop. So I have sprained my ankle running up the step in my home, running down them, being drunk and trying to run in high heels, I sprained it once in soccer....if I would just calm down for a damn minute I probably wouldn't have ever sprained it !!! I have never used crutches simply cause I dont have the patience for them. Everytime I have sprained my ankle I have either hopped on it or semi walked on it (which made it take even longer to heal).

Shawn Asks: Do you like sniffing women's shoes? By that I mean women you personally know.

Lexi Answers: No.

Bounce_69 Asks: Hi Lexi. You are soooooooo hot and your feet are amazing. If we were to pass in the street and I politely asked you to kick and stomp on my groin area, how would you feel? Would you charge me or do it free as I am a huge fan?

Lexi Answers: My first reaction would probably be to laugh at you but I am sure I would do it.

Asshole Asks: You have HOT HOT feet! If you where my girl I would rub your Feet when ever you want. Do you own some tan Pantyhose or Nylons? Thanxs, luv your feet!

Lexi Answers: Thanks and Yes I do own tan hose.

Cory Asks: What size are your feet?

Lexi Answers: 7.5

Johnnie Asks: I would like to ask you, how do you feel that many men watch you on the internet and jack off for you and your feet?

Lexi Answers: I love it!

Stan Asks: How flexible are your toes? Can you do that "thumbs up" pose with your toes? Can you spread them wide?

Lexi Answers: Yes I can.

Aziem Asks: Your feet are so hot! I love the way you flex them. Do you drive barefooted? How can you tell if a man has a thing for your feet?

Lexi Answers: Sometimes I drive barefoot like when I leave the beach. I catch him starring at me ;)

Match Asks: I`ve been looking at your ass & feet pics and I haven`t stopped masturbating since morning !!

Lexi Answers: Keep it going baby!

Foot Boy Asks: Would you let any slaves worship your feet, for example me?

Lexi Answers: Do you really think your worthy?

Footdoc6969 Asks: Have you ever given and footjob and a blowjob at the same time?

Lexi Answers: Nope

Ben Asks: Hi Goddess Lexi, I love you feet and sandals, I bought you clip of toy car crush, because I like giantess, when you do more clips like this ?, can you do a clip using you platform flip flops and crushing a tiny town with houses, cars, etc... ?

Lexi Answers: Yes I will be doing more clips like this!!

Harry Asks: Hi Lexi. What kind of socks do you wear and how do your feet smell?

Lexi Answers: Ankle socks or tube socks that go to my knees.

Andrew Asks: Can I be your footslave? I worship you Mistress Lexi?

Lexi Answers: Show me whatcha got.

Phil Asks: I think your feet are really sexy, I was wondering if you have a favorite kind of flip flop or slide? Do you own a pair of those sporty soccer slides?

Lexi Answers: I lovvve havaianas.

VC Asks: I was curious to know, have you ever worshipped a guy's feet before? If not, would you?

Lexi Answers: No I havent and probably never will.

Kin Asks: Hi Lexi, you are a goddess. Do you mind having an arabic muslem feet slave under your feet? Please say yes and let me dream. Big kisses to your feet.

Lexi Answers: As long as your willing to obey me, spoil me and do as I say ..I dont care what your heritage is.

Mightyrrbass Asks: Is it possible to see ya live at any time soon?

Lexi Answers: I was just at Exxxotica Convention In Miami Beach last month...where were you???

Dave Asks: Do you drive a car or truck & have you ever ran over anything cool I.E a toy, a beer, car, or a small bike

Lexi Answers: I drive an SUV and yes I have ran lots of thing over and have managed to pop all my tires cause I run so much shit over.....I am definably not the best driver...lmao

Foot Lovin Asks: Hey Lexi, I love foot jobs and the soles of feet. Do you think giving a foot job till the guy cums on your soles is a turn on?

Lexi Answers: I just gave my first footjob the other day....wooo it was fun and cummy!

Matt Asks: Have you ever given a footjob to a guy and then afterwords had him lick off the cum from you feet?

Lexi Answers: I just recently gave my first footjob and I liked the cum all up off my feet afterwards!

Rich Asks: Lexi, you are my dream girl! I love you! LOL... but seriously, your french pedicured toes drive me WILD! I have many pictures of you posted up in my room/around my computer desk. I'd give just about anything to lay on the ground and worship your feet all day and rub them after youve been wearing heels all night! :) xoxox

Lexi Answers: Aaww thanks naughty boy!

Sean Asks: Hi Lexi. I see your feet are very sexy and you like sex very much by all of the sexy stuff you put on your website. If your lucky boyfriend ever asked to give you a footjob would you do it.

Lexi Answers: I have ;)

Bradely Asks: Hi sweety I am puertorican and I love women's feet. Sometimes my girlfriend gets mad cuase I stare at other chicks feet in the street since hot girls like wearing sandals. My father is a pilot and my mom a doctor. I'm rich. I just want to say if you would give me a foot sesion. The most I'll pay is 120000. Thats my offer no more than that.

Lexi Answers: Send me a check....well see how serious you are.

Footlover8734 Asks: Hi! Do you ever let a guy sniff your feet?

Lexi Answers: Yes I have.

Servant Asks: Hey Lexi, I'm a big fan of your site and love your videos, especially the instructional videos! That's one of the features, among many, that make your site a cut above the rest. My question is...In casual settings where other people are around you, are you self-consious about propping your feet up next to someone? For example, your sitting in a lazy boy recliner watching a movie with your feet proped up on the foot rest. you happen to look down and notice your feet are in the person's face that is laying on the floor in front of you. would you move your feet or leave'em there? Have you ever had anything similar to this happen?

Lexi Answers: Thanks for the great compliments! If my feet were in the persons feet and they had a foot fetish...i would keep em there....if they didn't I would move em.

Chazo Asks: Have you, or will you ever do a video or photo shoot of you stomping on bellies? I would love to see you dig your bare feet and heels into a man's belly and literally stomping on him. Can and will you do that for us? If you need a volunteer, I'm the man for the job.

Lexi Answers: I have done a trampling video like can grab it in my site or in my clip store ;)

Kent Asks: Wow, your feet are sexy. Very classy site. I was wondering if you have used your sexy feet or shoes to tease and pop balloons and if you liked it.

Lexi Answers: Thanks for the comps! I have done a popping balloon was actually really funny! You can see it in my site or buy it at my store.

Tessy Asks: Do you smoke? Do you like when one kisses your feet while you smoke?

Lexi Answers: This September will be 2 yrs that I have quit smoking but you can still see old smoking videos of my in my site and clip store.

Jamie Asks: Have you ever given a foot job, and would you be willing to travel to Arizona to give one? I've never have had the experiance of getting one.

Lexi Answers: Are you freakin kidding me....aahhh lol lol lol lol lol

Big Ferg Asks: I have had a foot fetish for 15 years. I have a seen thousands of females feet and hundreds of them I have smelled, massaged and worshipped. But you easily make my top 5 GREAT FEET OF ALL TIME. If you were the boss in a big company and you caught the same employee staring at you feet. Would you? A: tease him (leave your shoes under the desk for him to sniff,dangle you shoes aroud him.) or B: tell him that if he want to moves up in the company he has to worship your feet everyday until you are pleased.

Lexi Answers: Thanks for the great comps!! My answer is that I would tease the hell out of him, take advantage of him and do everything in my power to make sure he stays my foot slave!

Footluver Asks: Hiya, Lexi. Love your site and love you. I suppose what I'm writing here is a question/request. Have you ever noticed anyone looking at your feet while you workout, (I'm notorious for being distracted by woman's feet while at the gym :D) and would you ever make a POV shoot of a guy who asked you to both ballbust him and give him a sockjob at a gym? Thanks very much for answering. PS: you're, like, crazy beautiful. :)

Lexi Answers: I workout in my own gym so there is no one to stare at my A sock job??? I don't think his cock would even be able to stand up after I ballbusted him!

Toeboy Asks: Your footjob clip was awesome. Would you ever let a slave like me who is not worthy of a footjob lick cum off your feet after a footjob?

Lexi Answers: Yeh...that's probably the only thing you are worthy of.

John Asks: Hello , would you be afraid to jump up and down on a guy's chest while you trample him?

Lexi Answers: Nope...I already have.

Brian T Asks: I just wanked to one of your pov clips4sale vids and it was very hot, thanks Lexi.

Lexi Answers: Welcome!

Panuwa Asks: Lexi do you refuse to give foot job to a dwarf who has a very small penis? Would you do the job forcibly untill the guy make the sound gnak gnak miserably under your renerent feet. (I am that guy who never can aproach) I beg you to answer me.

Lexi Answers: lmfao!!!!!!

Toelizard Asks: I Love the tattoo on your foot. Do you plan to get more tattoes on your feet/toes? If yes, what do have on your mind?

Lexi Answers: I plan on getting more tattoos but I dont think I am getting anymore on my feet.

feet4u Asks: Hi Lexi, I am in need of some advice... I am 24 and dating a Latina woman who doesnt know I have a foot fetish yet. She has beautiful tan soles with pink toes... how should I pop the question of a footjob? By the way, your feet are so sexy I would die to lick those soles up and down :)

Lexi Answers: I think first you need to pop the "Hey honey...I have a foot fetish"

Smellyfootluv65 Asks: I just want to start by saying you have beautiful feet. But yea I was wondering if you are ever dominant with your feet. I'm very submissive and I have came many times to the thought of you forcing me to lick your sweaty, smelly soles.

Lexi Answers: Thank you! Only if you are a slave you can contact me through yahoo id: obeylexi

Benny Asks: Hi Lexi. Of all the people on the net only two stood out to make it as my email address. You being one. That was a few years ago. Have you ever toe wrestled another woman? If so did you win? I'll get a membership soon. Take care.

Lexi Answers: Hi there and thanks for the comps! No, I have never toe wrestled another woman before but now I want to!!! I am gonna have to do a clip like this for you ;)

Italian FJ Lover Asks: I've just seen your footjob video!!!!! You are absolutely fantastic and your feet are so exciting!!! How was your first footjob!!! What are your first impression about it??? Big kisses from Italy.

Lexi Answers: Thanks!!! My first footjob was exciting for me ;) I actually anticipated it being more difficult to do it with my feet than it actually was. Once my feet wrapped around his sort just all fell into place. I had alot of fun and will be doing more!

Barefoot Forever Asks: Have you ever stomp grapes with your bare feet? It`s so nice to do and I guess you can do it so erotic.

Lexi Answers: Yes I have!!

Dave Asks: Hey Lexi! I'm a sole guy and I think you have some very sexy soles. Those wrinkles are hot! Does it turn you on to know that guys are pleasuring themselves to pictures of your feet? And do you like having your soles licked?

Lexi Answers: My answer is YES to both!!

Joe Asks: Hi, Lexi. Question for ya. Has a guy ever smelt your worn socks before? If he did, what did he say they smelt like? Thanks!

Lexi Answers: Yes a guy has and he loved every second of it!

Tyron Asks: Hello Lexi. You are very beautiful as a total package. I would be at a lost of words if I ever met you in person. My question to you is, how do you think men obtain a foot fetish? When do you think I foot fetish starts?

Lexi Answers: I personally think most men have acquired there foot fetish at a young age....lots of them by watching there school teachers.

Jimmy B Asks: Hi Lexi! You are amazing. Yours is the only site I "need" on the internet! You have it all! How did you sprain your ankle? Any pics?

Lexi Answers: Thanks!!!!!! I wrote all about my sprains in another one of these.

Wow Asks: I've read that you're italian...what a wonderful news....I'd love to see you drive barefoot or in your favourite flip flops... Have you ever had problems with your car, and you had to crank it and pump your pedals?Do you often remove your shoes while driving??

Lexi Answers: Yes I am italian ;) I have some driving clips in my store where I drove with my flip flops and my bare feet.

You can see more of Lexi Lapetina at