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This interview is with the beautiful and sexy Abby of 'Soles Of Silk'. She has agreed to answer some of your questions. You will find the questions she's answered so far, below. Be sure to submit your question to Abby now by clicking HERE

Frederick Says: Hi. I love the wrinkles on your soles!! I was wondering if you have been baptized by immersion?

Abby Answers: Thanks a lot, but i'm not sure what you mean. But if you are being literal, then yes I have been baptized.

Akoke500 Says: Your feet are very pretty. I was wondering if they are ticklish and if so on a scale 1-10 how ticklish are they? Also are they ticklish in socks? What is worst, socks on our bare? Which part of your foot is the most ticklish? Well I know thats alot of questions but you are very pretty thanks

Abby Answers: Let me just sum it all up for ya in a couple of lines. My feet are extremely ticklish. I mean like on your scale they are an 11. And Im not sure what part is worse, because well, I really hate being tickled. So it never happens :-(.

Maaniyar Says: Do you have a Myspace page?

Abby Answers: No I do not. Sorry.

Shawn Says: You have very sexy feet. Can you please tell me if your feet get sweaty and smelly much? If so, what causes this? I love smelly feet!

Abby Answers: Thank you. My feet get very sweaty feeling. Especially at work, but sorry to disappoint you, they rarely ever smell. I don't know why.

Phil Says: Hi Abby, Iīm from germany and I love your feet. Do you like it when a man licking and sucking your toes and soles?

Abby Answers: I love it when a man sucks on my toes and feel really cool.

Joe Says: Do you like getting your toes sucked? Would you put your feet in a man's face so he could caress them? Does it turn you on or are you just doing it for him?

Abby Answers: I do like getting my toes sucked, and it does turn me on too, not just for him.

V12 Says: How do you like your foot massage to be?

Abby Answers: Gentle, since I am extremely ticklish.

Yambag Says: Have you ever used your feet on a man in a position of authority such as a teacher/boss? If so, please elaborate.

Abby Answers: Yes a long time ago. I was pretty much just stepping on him a little bit. But nothing too overpowering. It was a long time aago, cant remember details.

Marc H Says: Hi Abby, I just wanted to know if you like foot torture and bastinado. And if you ver received anything like that.

Abby Answers: I don't like any kind of torture on my feetsies. They are too sensitive and I get scared if I can't stop it myself. I've never recieved that .

Wrinkly Feet Lover Says: Your feet are so wrinkly and silky. I would love to see you do more feet and face sole shows because your soles are so beautiful. Would you consider doing a feet and face show so your lovely face is placed between your soles? Keep up the sole scrunching as your soles are perfect.

Abby Answers: I will let Patrick of SOS know about that.

T.T. Says: My girlfriend's feet look very similar to your's, however, I have to confess I like your feet more...they're almost PERFECT! Well, she says that women with small feet usually get stinkier feet than other women. Do you think that is true? And did anybody ever made fun of the "strong" smell of your feet?

Abby Answers: Sorry to tell ya but my feet rarely ever have a smell. i dont know why. So I don't think its true that we get smellier feet.

Marzell Says: Have you ever givin a black man a footjob and would you ever want to?

Abby Answers: No, but a white boy once.

Matt Says: Your very good looking and your feet are great! I want to know if you have ever kicked a guy really hard in the balls? Did you enjoy it or did you do it when you had to. If so how many guys in all have you kicked? Thanks!

Abby Answers: I've probably only kicked one guy in the balls, my i doubt that i enjoyed it :-)

Bryan Says: Have you or would you ever kick a man in the balls?

Abby Answers: Just one, and I would do it again.

Michael S Says: Where are you from?

Abby Answers: Born in Puerto Rico, but grew up in Maryland since 8 yrs old.

Craver Says: Wow! Your feet are so gorgeous, as is the rest of you! Just wondering if you can get into dominating a guy with your feet, and if you'd ever make a guy give up his face as a footrest for you, particularly when they're hot and sweaty?

Abby Answers: I would if my man had a foot fetish. But he doesn't, so if it were the situation i would definately do it.

Jay Says: Hi Abby, Have you ever given a footjob? Would you enjoy giving a footjob?

Abby Answers: Yes, lots of times and enjoyed.

Sasa Says: Hi Abby, you have really beautiful feet. I have a question for you: Have you ever sucked another's female toes and when did you have your first experience concerning feet?

Abby Answers: Yes I have sucked another girls toes and stuff. I had my first exp. when I was 17.

Sohail Says: Hi nice Abby! I lover your feet. Can you please tell me do you belong to Indian origin because you got such nice indian features? If you do belong to Indian origin, do you know any indian classical dance which makes your feet fresh and active?

Abby Answers: Sorry dear, I'm from Puerto Rico.

Aamir Says: Hello , I like your feet a lot . My question to you is if we see a women wearing toerings and anklets , can we say that she knows about the foot fetish or she is just following the fashion . cz if your answer is yes then it will be easy for us to approach her isnt it ? ;) Thanx for sharing your pics . Take care , BYE

Abby Answers: I would think it's fashion.

Sohail Says: Hi! Abby you got the most sexy feet in the world.I LOVE YOUR FEET and always dream of licking and worshipping them. I wanna ask you that do you like to wear anklets and how many you wear in one foot and also that do you give footjobs? Plus why dont you grow toenails long? I think long toenails will suit your personality.

Abby Answers: I don't wear anklets. I work too much to grow long toenails. Plus when I'm in bed they stick me cuz I always rub my feet together when im sleeping. I used to give footjobs when I was dating a certain someone. But not anymore.

Barny Says: Hi, You have Beautiful feet, may I ask you a favor? If I ask you to kick me in the balls, would you do it?

Abby Answers: Of course I would.

Feet-e-zine Says: What thoughts and feelings do you have about men looking at your feet...the wrinkly soles of your they pleasure themselves? Do you desire to give us a "really good one" or? Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts

Abby Answers: I love the fact that someone is getting off on my pictures. it makes me feel desired.

Guitar Says: Abby oh Abby, you and your soles are toetally mesmerizing, AND you seem cool as hell from the soles of silk forum. im wondering what drew you in to the wonderful world of admiration for female feet? when did you FIRST notice that your feet were attractive to guys and catch them staring (I might as well be the first to ask two typical ones), and last but not least, have you always been the type to dangle your flip flops or shoes, take your shoes off as soon as you could, and slide your feet in and out of them absent-mindedly while sitting around? Thank you for taking the time for this and PLEASE don't go anywhere so we can keep seeing you on SOS

Abby Answers: Patrick will tell ya that he used to watch me in school dangling my shoes off my toes during class. I didn't think of foot fetishes or anything until I had met him.

AJ Says: Do you like having your feet smelled?

Abby Answers: Sure...but there's barely a smell :-(

Matt Says: I just wondering what your favorite nail polish is and if you ever get French > pedicures ?

Abby Answers: Any metallic colors that match with my skin tone. And i've never had a pedicure, believe it or not.

Paul S Says: Hi there I love your silky soft feet what do you do to keep them looking so well and how often are they worshipped?

Abby Answers: I always lotion them up, maybe 2 times a day with intensive healing lotion so they stay smooth...always.

Tommy Says: Hi Abby! You are so hot, and your feet are just beautiful. My question is have you ever injured your foot or ankle before? What happened? Did you wear an ace bandage around your foot or use crutches? Did you enjoy having so much attention directed towards your sexy foot? Thanks! and keep on keepin' on!

Abby Answers: The only thing I've done to my feet was fracture my big toe. I've never hurt anything else.

Todd Says: If you were giving a guy a footjob,who had a tiny cock,would you make fun of him. What nickname would you give him?

Abby Answers: I try to never make fun of people. So probably no nickname.

Anthony Says: Hi how long have you been doing this?

Abby Answers: About 7 years.

Arturo Says: I love your soles, they look really softly and sensitive... I wonder what do you feel when someone lick them very delicately?. Also You should do some tickling pics with feathers that will be very, very, very hot and sexy (soles and face of course)

Abby Answers: They are extremely sensitive, if youve read before youll know that I don't like being tickled, but I could do some pics for you guys anyway.

Toe Smeller Says: What would you do if you found a teenager smelling your socks?

Abby Answers: Laugh... sorry :-)

Footlover Says: What was your first reaction to people liking your feet?

Abby Answers: It was cool, different. Didn't mind at all.

Fiut Says: Hi Abby. You have wonderful feet. I wanna ask you how ofen you polish your toe nails?? You do it yourself or go to the salon and have a professional do it for you?? Have you ever had your toe nails polished on black???

Abby Answers: I polish them about every 2 weeks. I've never had them done proffessionally.

Chris Says: Abby you have the most sexy feet in the world and I love them. do you personaly have a foot fetish. and do you suck your own toes.

Abby Answers: I don't personally have a foot fetish.

Shoeboy Says: Lovely feet. I am a shoe man myself. Have you ever wore shoes with cum in them, if so what did it feel like, if not what would you think if you found some in your shoes when you put them on. thank you.

Abby Answers: I have worn shoes with cum in them. It felt very gooey and crazy :-)

Hellen Says: My boyfriend enjoys footjobs but i've never given one. I was wondering if the cum feels good? Do you like it?

Abby Answers: Yes the cum feels great, warm and gooey like a warm lotion.

Stan Says: Please tell us a story of anytime that sticks out in your mind when you stepped on any type of living creature (insect or anything), please tell us of the one time that might stick out in your mind. Thanks very much.

Abby Answers: I try not to step on things, especially bugs...I hate them, so I don't wanna feel them under my feet.

Toemassager125 Says: Hi Abby, I love your toes and soles of your feet. they look really soft. I was wondering, is there a certian style on how you give foot jobs?

Abby Answers: I used the sole of one foot and the top of the other while laying down sideways.

Pete Says: What do you think girls think when they find out a guy has foot fetish?

Abby Answers: They might say ewww, if they arent open minded.

BIGJohn Says: Hi Abby, seeing you on a site called "Soles of Silk" is an understatement. You feet look softer than that. Anyway I was wondering if you drive barefoot or in nylons often. If you do, what do you drive?

Abby Answers: I have driven barefoot when I wear platforms to the club...can't drive a stick shift wearing those kind of shoes. I drive a silver '04 Hyundai Tiburon.

123footstuck Says: Your feet are amazing and id love to see you crush my balls with both of them. Or you could just kick them and leave me there on my knees :). Would you do that to a man if payed?

Abby Answers: No, it would be a little weird for me... I'm taken.

Tony Says: How do you feel about being a model for that site, and about being on the web?

Abby Answers: I think its the coolest thing. I don't mind my pics being out there for peoples pleasure.

Wrinklesslover Says: What would it take for you to compare your wrinkled soles amoungst the most wrinkled soles of the feetnsole models? espeically kristal morse and jessica bartlett? would you dare to compete?

Abby Answers: Sure, I like competition.

Tonyrome214 Says: As the husband of a pretty woman with gorgeous size 10s with long succulent toes, high arches, and glassy soles, it's very rare that I go ga-ga for an Internet foot model. But I must say your pix send me through the roof every time! Your face always displays a definitively sexy attitude that tells me you love getting guys off with your feet. I have many questions and would love to chat with you sometime. But for now, I'd like to know what size are you? (I'm guessing 10/10.5) What do you like doing/having done with your spectacular peds? How do you feel about footjobs..and if you love 'em, what method(s) do you find particularly effective? Thanks babe.. ciao for now =P

Abby Answers: you are way off on the foot size. I wear a 6 or 6.5 depending on the shoe. Go to Soles Of Silk to learn more about me :-)

Andy Says: Very sexy feet- whats the favorite part of your foot?

Abby Answers: My wrinkles.

Cam Says: Abby the wrinkles your feet get when you curl them are awesome, what size are they and do you do alot of shoe dangling shots in your site?

Abby Answers: I don't know...go to the site and find out for yourself and many of my other friends and models. :-)

Billy Says: I think that you have very beautiful feet and toes!!!!Do you ever wear super sheer stockings with open toe sandles? If so, do you feel sexy when you do?

Abby Answers: I haven't worn stockins in years...but ive been meaning to do a shoot with them on.

Hazzard Says: Hi Abby. Firstly I would just like to say that your soles are absolutely mind blowing. Out of this world. Actually, I don't think there is a word great enough to describe how sensational your soles really are. Anyway, my question is. Seeing as you have absolutely amazing feet, do you have many guys who are actually dying to get to them, or do you like to keep your assets to yourself?

Abby Answers: I like to keep my assets to myself. I'm a very private person and only stick to those I know, especially with the foot fetish thing. Patrick is the only one I will model for. Sorry guys :-)

Josef5 Says: Abby you are very pretty and your feet are majorly hot! what is your ethnicity? What size are your feet?

Abby Answers: Puertorican, 6 or 6.5

BlowJobBetty Says: Hello Abby, you are beautiful and you have realy nice feet. I want to ask you if you think women who give a man a blowjob in porn films should be barefeet? What I mean is most blowjob scenes the woman is wearing shoes. I would love to see a woman on her knees, BAREFEET sucking a guys penis and the camera sometimes films the floor, her wrinkled soles. That is what men want to see?

Abby Answers: I think they should be barefoot too. I don't think you should give a foot job with shoes on, you wont get the same smoothness for the feeling.

Sam Says: Have you ever had a guy lick his cum off your feet?

Abby Answers: Yes.

Mike Says: Please tell me how you 1st found out that Men were into feet.

Abby Answers: I think I heard it in a movie...then I ended up dating a guy with a foot fetish.

Toeguy Says: You have very nice feet. Do you like your toes sucked while you are asleep? It has been a fantasy of mine to suck my wife's toes while she sleeps.

Abby Answers: I've never had the opportunity to have my toes sucked when i was would probably feel great.

Sudhleo Says: Can I worship your feet?

Abby Answers: Sure, through my pics on the soles of silk site. Enjoy please.

Ponderous Says: Hi, you are lovely. just want to ask, if you weren't doing this for a living, what do you think ud be doing? how does doing this make you feel? Do you sometimes think you made the wrong choice?

Abby Answers: It feels great...i never thought i made the wrong choice.

Todd Says: Why don't you flex your feet enough where they show lots of wrinkles?

Abby Answers: Are you blind? go and see many many more wrinkles.

Rambo Says: First off let me start by saying you have very clean and soft looking feet! They're beautiful!! Your feet look like they are cold alot!! I love that!

Abby Answers: My feet are almost always cold.

Sean S Says: Hi Abby.Your toes are absolutely beautiful.What's your favorite type of shoes?

Abby Answers: Platforms, and the nylon reebok classics with the suede. I love comfort, and then big shoes when im out.

Posse Says: Hey there. Are you often barefoot around the house and stuff or do you prefer to wear socks??

Abby Answers: I hate wearing anything on my feet when im always..unless its really cold in the house.

Jeff R Says: Abby, What is your favorite thing to have between your toes?

Abby Answers: Tongues ;-)

Tedd Says: Do you smoke? Do you like when one kisses your feet while you smoke?

Abby Answers: I'm sorry but i hate cigarettes. I used to smoke over a year ago, but I hate it now.

Herry Says: Do you like your feet?

Abby Answers: I adore my feet, they are so pretty and never crusty.

Abbyfan Says: Hi! I love the way you spread your toes. Have you always been able to do that or was it something you had to do over and over to get it right. Thanks!

Abby Answers: I had to do it over and over to get it right... For some reason when I try to spread them the middle three toes stay close together. You can only see that from the top of my foot. So that's why they are mainly sole shots.

Mr Anonymous Says: Hey, first of all i'm a big fan of the site, of you inparticular your feet are extremely gorgeous... any man who gets to touch them is very lucky... anyway, heres the question, have you ever had anyone cum on your soles or in between your toes, if so did you like it?

Abby Answers: Of course I have...and i did like it. But it doesn't happen anymore.

Jon M Says: Hi, Abby! I would like you to rub my nipples and tickle my nipples with your toes, painted with dark red nail polish. Will you do that for me? And will you be my girlfriend on Valentine's Day? You're very beautiful. I love you.

Abby Answers: I cant be anyones girlfriend guys...sorry

Alfonso Says: Hi Abby, my question is the next: Iīm a foot fetichist and I like lick, kiss and smell female feet, but my girlfriend dont like very much that I worship her feet, What can I do? Thanx and kisses in your beautiful feet.

Abby Answers: Just try to tell her what you really like...and that it would make you really happy if she would try for you.

Marlon Says: Hi, has black guys ever suck your toes before. If I ask you what would you say to me.

Abby Answers: If you were my man I would surely let you.

Foot boy Says: How can I try to interduce my foot fetish to my girlfriend?

Abby Answers: Start off by telling her that you'd like to give her a wonderful foot massage. Then slowly go down and smell lightly and so on... Then tell her youd like to do it again.

Foot Lover Says: Hi Abby you have really sexy feet. My question is do you like driving with bare feet? If so, do you like putting the pedal to the floor and driving fast?

Abby Answers: I've only driven barefoot when I go out because i cant wear platforms and drive a stick shift. and who doesnt love driving fast?

Marquez Says: Hi Abby, I must say you are very beautiful and have some of the most beautiful feet I've ever seen. I was wondering have ever taken photos without polish on your toenails ? I dont know what it is about natural nails though. Would you ever consider to do it ? and last but not least, have you ever sucked your own toes, and how did it taste ?

Abby Answers: I have suggested to the photographer to have me with bare nails but it hasn't happened yet. My toes tasted great...nice and yummy.

Patrick Says: Marry me. I've always loved you.

Abby Answers: You're crazy patrick. :-)

Curiou Latino Says: Hi Abby, you are a very attractive woman with a very sexy presence who by the way happens to have very hot feet. So first of all thanks for sharing your feet with us. I wanted to know how old were you and how was it that you realized others were attracted to your feet? Thanks a lot and please show this question to your boyfriend as a reminder of how lucky he is!!!

Abby Answers: I am 25 yrs old, and when i was 17 is when i learned someone loved my feet. so it was pretty cool.

Ank Says: Hi first allow me to say you have very sexy feet. My question is do you like to wear foot jewelry if so please tell what types and how many of each have and wear at once.

Abby Answers: I don't really wear any foot jewelry. If I feel the slightest discomfort I don't like it. So I'm very picky about what I put on.

Mrkal Says: Is there anyway I can worship your feet?

Abby Answers: Only through my pictures you can see many more.

Imperialfootman Says: Hi how are you doing,your feet are exquisite. I visit soles of silk every now and then and I like the food play yall do. Have yall ever thought about selling the food yall play in with your feet? Like that cake that you had on the bottom of your sole's I would enjoy eatting it just knowing that your exquisite feet played in it,what do you think about that? Have a nice day.

Abby Answers: I haven't had any pictures with cake, you must have seen another model. But about your question for the would be a little hard to sell that to people that were far away.

Anonymous Says: Do you have stairs in your house?

Abby Answers: Yes I do.

Andy Says: Hi Abby I love your feet. I was wondering what you like more, your toes sucked or your heels licked or both.

Abby Answers: Both are nice.

Kelly P Says: I love your pics Abby. Here are my questions for you. Have you ever heard of foot riding? Would you ever let somebody (man or woman) ride your feet?

Abby Answers: Foot riding? Never heard of that...but i've had someone do them with some lube...if thats what you meant.

Derek Says: How did you get started modeling your feet? You have lovely toes by the way.

Abby Answers: Patrick

MrC Says: Have you ever had your feet licked? =)

Abby Answers: Of course I have.

Beedub Says: Let's pretend I lock you in a magician's "sawed in half", with your feet sticking out one end. After taking off your shoes, I drag my fingers up and down your soles, to the sound of "kootchy-kootchy-koo", then lick between and suck on each and every toe.

Abby Answers: I would kick the crap out of you when done... :-) I hate being tickled.

500_degreez Says: Hi Abby. You are very beautiful and I would love to pleasure your feet. Have you ever played footsies under the table with a date? Like taking off your shoe and rubbing your foot on your date's leg or cock.

Abby Answers: Yes while his parents were around us :-)

Sinnister Says: Finally, the beautiful Abby! You're locked down, so do you have any sisters that would date a brotha? Just kidding. The real question is, do you rather your man be "normal" or do you like a little foot loving?

Abby Answers: I don't mind how my man long as he loves me.

Foot Fan 1 Says: Do you know all the other models of īsoles of silkī??, Who do you think has the best soles of `soles of sikī besides yours of course. Thanks for your time

Abby Answers: I really couldn't choose just one other sole mate...but if I have to then...Chloe, Kelsey, and Kellie.

Ilhan Says: Have you ever vacuumed your soles?

Abby Answers: Honestly...why would I vacuum them?

Timmy Says: Has someone recognized you in the street or some place as being a well known foot fetish model?? Perhaps didnīt tell you but they look your feet very obviously.

Abby Answers: Yes, while I was working, but I didnt get to see who it was. They told me after the person had left.

Carlos Says: Hola Abby! me imagino que por tener asendencia latina hablas un poco de espaņol. quisiera saber si alguna vez has usado anillos en los pies??, deberias usar algunos aunque sea solo para tus sesiones de fotos en `soles of silk`. Con esas plantas tan perfectas y arrugaditas un par de anillos te harian aun mas sexy!. Saludos. Traduction: Hi, abby! I guess because you are a latin girl you speaks a little bit of spanish. I want to know if you have ever wear toe rings??, you should wear a coupple even if you wear them only por your photo sessions at `soles of silkī. With that soles so pefect and wrinkled a coupple of toe rings will make you even more sexy!. Geetings

Abby Answers: mi espanol no es tan bueno...pero se lo que dices. me coje mucho tiempo en pensar como decir algunas cosas. estado aqui en EEUU demasiado tiempo. Well I used to have toe rings but i got rid of them a long time ago... I'll getsome more for you guys.

Mike Says: Do you think you could put a guy in the hospital with just one kick to the balls?

Abby Answers: Yes I could.

Mike Says: Why did you kick your brother in the balls? Was he hurt? What did he do when you kicked him?

Abby Answers: He was annoying me like always, and I got tired of it.

Brad Says: Would you ever do a giantess type clip crushing cars and buildings with your barefeet? If so could you tell me how you would crush them?

Abby Answers: I'll do one for yous next time.

Ink Addiction Says: Have you ever had another girl suck your toes and masturbate with them?

Abby Answers: Suck my toes, yes...but not masturbate to them.

Crazy Boy Says: Hello. I think you are a very pretty girl and you have very beautiful feet too. This is my question: Just imagine the following crazy thing: During the last years an unknown virus has razed the masculine population making many men to be shrinking. At the beginning this fact is considered as a great misfortune, since doesn't exist a remedy for the illness, but with the step of the time it transforms into a normal fact and those that were reduced by the illness are considered as inferior simple human beings without rights, like pets or bugs. Now imagine that one day you return home of the work, of bad humor and tired, you take off the shoes and, suddenly, you find in the floor of your living room a small man of approximately ten centimeters high requesting for your help. What do yo do with him? Would you help him? Do you squash him with your bare foot? Would you adopt him as like a pet? What do yo do with him? Only take some minutes and please respond me. Thank you for your time and and excuse my so bad English and my crazy fantasies.

Abby Answers: Lets make this short... I would probably help him or keep him as a pet.

Miguel Says: Hello Abby!!!!!!!! I love your feet they are so sexy!!!! Do you enjoy giving foot jobs?

Abby Answers: I used to, yes.

500_degreez Says: Hi Abby! I love your feet. They are so sexy. Here's my question. Have you ever squashed some type of food and had someone lick it off your beautiful feet? Would you do it?

Abby Answers: of course i have squashed food and had some one lick it off. strawberry cheesecake was one of 'em.

Pete Says: Hi Abby! I know from this interview that you donīt like to be tickled, but what do you think about tickling another girl?? I wonder what model from Soles Of Silk, you would like to tickle? I would like for you to tickle Carmen, Chloe or maybe Molly, but that's just me. I wonder who you'd like to tickled?? Thanks for sharing you time with us.

Abby Answers: I would definately tickle someone else :-). I love tickling, just enough to make them laugh but not suffocate them. I hate when some people go too far with the tickling and then its not fun anymore.

Denaro313 Says: First off, you have a pair of very appealling peds, but what enticed you to become involved in the footfetish world and have you ever made a man or woman worship yor feet?

Abby Answers: my ex boyfriend patrick is who got me into the foot fetish world. that was his thing and i supported it and told him it was a great thing and to not be shy about it. i used to make him worship my feet.

Rafa Says: Hi Abby sweety baby. First I have to say that you have really perfect feet. Your soles, your toes, the way you spread your toes really turns me on. I want to ask you, how often do you do things exciting like go barefoot in the street, drive barefoot, take off your shoes and massage your feet while you are working or wear sneakers without socks?? Excuse me for my English, because I'm Mexican, and here we love you and we love the feet fetichism and believe me, you are one of the best.

Abby Answers: well thanks a lot babe. i usually only do things like that in the summer. my feet are always cold so i have to wait until its warm. im always barefoot when its warm.

Mr Feather Says: If Soles of Silk has plans to start producing any short video clips to enhance the site, the one I'm most interested in is called "Abby's Foot Tickling Madness"!!! If it only ran 3-4 mins in length, you'd be up for it, right?

Abby Answers: I might do a clip tickling someone else. but not me being tickled.

Rayhaff69 Says: What size are your feet?? They're so sexyy... How long can you go wearing high heel sandals.. I mean, do they hurt your arch at all?

Abby Answers: 6 or 6.5. I can go quite a while with them on...especially if they're platforms.

FootSlave0099 Says: Hey how are you? Wow your very pretty. Anyway I was wondering besides showing your feet which are lovely to guys. What do you do on your spare time? Does your family approve of you doing this? When did you get your fetish or was it always there? One more question: What advice would give anyone that wants to do this as a carrer?

Abby Answers: i work on my spare time. have to pay bills like everyone else. once in a while i might go out to the club and dance. and then other times i just watch tv or get on the computer for a little while. i dont live with my family so as long as im happy thats all they need to know. i dont think it would be a good career, wouldnt make enough money just being a foot model.

Phman Says: Hello Abby you have beautiful toes just wondering if you have ever givin a footjob in pantyhose had had someone cum on them?

Abby Answers: Yep

Aikikai Says: What do you think about footjobs in kimono? My girlfriend is a black belt in karate and I feel so excited when she takes my hard cock with her soles after a karate training!!!!! Maybe you are black belt too??? I'd like to see you in a karate footjob, wearing a martial arts uniform. I hope for an answer...kisses!

Abby Answers: well this one is really different. im no black belt though. I'll keep it in mind.

Jen Says: Have you ever had an embarrassing moment with your feet.

Abby Answers: Not at all.

Harley K Says: Please excuse my english and indulge me. I am from germany and in my country tickling is well embraced. Would you do some foot tickling pictures. If I may ask what is the exact most ticklish spot on your foot and what is your reaction.

Abby Answers: the arch is most ticklish...and then i would get mad.

Oscar Says: Have you ever ticked or seen Carmens feet tickled? Are her feet ticklish? I think its great that yours are.

Abby Answers: No

Orion Says: When your feet are tickled do your toes curl.

Abby Answers: they spread instead.

Bukestalifaro Says: Thanks for taking the time to respond to fan questions, Abby. Your soles are awesome! I know you're happy with them just the way they are, but if for some reason you just had to switch feet with another SOLES OF SILK model, who would you pick to mke the exchange with and why? And I know that you don't have a foot fetish yourself, but what (if any) non-SOS foot models do you admire?

Abby Answers: its hard to pick just one. lexi, kellie, carmen, chloe.

Tony Says: Hi Abby im Tony from Puerto Rico. I want to say that your feet and soles that the most beautiful I ever seen. You are so beautiful and I dream kiss your feet and soles. Si pudiera chuparia todos tus dedos y las plantas de tus pies mi amor.

Abby Answers: gracias papi.

John Says: Hi Abby!Have you ever crushed any bugs with your feet?(shoe on)

Abby Answers: with my shoe on, yes.

Icecoffe Says: Is there any way I can contact you using MSN or Yahoo massenger?

Abby Answers: you could but i dont IM people that much. i dont stay on the PC long enough.

Brian Says: Hi Abby you have goregous feet, I was wondering what would be the best way I can tell my g/f I have a foot fetish without freaking her out?

Abby Answers: give her foot massages all the time, and offer to pamper her a little bit. its not a weird thing.

Adam X Says: Just wanted say you awesome and congrats on get the interview. :) Quite pretty too.

Abby Answers: thanks a lot baby.

Soleman9 Says: Do you worship your own feet?

Abby Answers: not really...i just ake good care of them and make sure i keep them smoth.

Soleman9 Says: Have you ever licked cum off your own feet?

Abby Answers: i probably have...but i cant remember. it was a long time ago.

Mr S Says: Hi Abby have you ever sucked your own toes? if so why?

Abby Answers: yes for pictures mainly, and to try and turn my ex on.

Toespread4me Says: You've got quite some history behind you! I first remember you from an article that Patrick submitted to Leg Show about a particular experience that involved your toe being submerged in a shot glass of cum...and then the infamous photo shoots with Kim T from Feetures! Good to see you back, I am really a lover of you and your toespreads and my question for you is when you did the photoshoot with Kim and Chris, did he ask you to pose with spread toes alot? Any chance of another shoot with them?

Abby Answers: wow, somebody who knows about me. well, i really have to be honest with you. i think they were spread a lot, but about doing pictures with tme again, that would be great. theres just one problem though, patrick has tried to get in contact with them for a long time and for some reason he cant. so i really dont know if it would happen again.

B Says: Abby, I love your feet. What's your favorite sexual actvity with your feet? Having your toes sucked, giving a footjob, posing for pictures, crushing objects, or getting a pedicure? Or other?

Abby Answers: i like posing for pictures the best. my feet are so soft that crushing things feels weird. a little too sensitive sometimes.

Hoselover Says: Your soles look gorgeous. Do you like to wear pantyhose? I found them very sexy.

Abby Answers: I haven't worn pantyhose in years. But for my next shoot I think i'm going to need to wear some.

Jason Says: Hello Abby you are very sexy and so are your feet I would just like to know that if you were a barefoot mega-giantess on a rampage, would you be naked or in a bra and thong and what colour would it be? please respond

Abby Answers: i think naked would be best.

E Says: You're very cute and gorgeous soles. In addition to my foot fetish I also like women in casts. I was wondering if you've ever had to wear a cast for a broken bone or been on crutches. Thanks and keep up the great work!

Abby Answers: i guess you havent read some of the interview. i have only fractured a big toe..thats it. i havent broken anything big and i hope i never do, i hate pain.

Solesofsilkfan Says: i just want to tell you a love your feet and would you ever give a foot job

Abby Answers: i would give one if my man wanted one.

Sniffah Says: Hello Abby lovely feet can you rub your big toe and 2nd toe together and make that rubbing sound if so have you done that in a girl or guys face before?

Abby Answers: Yes I have.

Marzell Says: would you ever think about giving a black man a footjob? and do you enjoy giving them?

Abby Answers: if my man was black then yes.

Rakesh Says: I am a fan of yours and you have lovely feet. How do you maintain them. My fantasy revolves around first licking both your feet clean, first the right then the left. Then oiling your feet with baby oil, put my dick between them and you giving me a hot foot job. Can this fantasy ever turn to reality? First of all, would you love it?

Abby Answers: my soles are so smooth that they dont even need baby oil.

King Says: Hi if I was a tiny bug invading your home and the only way to get me out is to squish me with your bare foot would you do it? if so would it be fast or slow

Abby Answers: i would run and get something other than my foot. i hate bugs so i dont even wanna feel them.

Mike J Says: Do you like to crack your toes?

Abby Answers: I don't like to crack anything.

Mandy Says: Can I lick your feet?

Abby Answers: Sure

Johnny H Says: please tell me more about your poor broken toe. how did you break it? was there someone there to pamper your injured foot? did it prevent you from wearing shoes?

Abby Answers: my feet are so smooth that it slid off the step and landed toes first on the next one. when my toes hit the next step down they curled downward with all my weight. so, crack. no one but my mom was around :-( . and i had to wear this funky shoe for a few big toe was blue and purple.

Patrick Says: How on earth did a dork like me get you? Did you see my video with Janet?

Abby Answers: No I haven't

Jeremiah Says: what do you look for in a guy and what celebrities would you like kissing your feet?

Abby Answers: paul walker is the hottest guy id like to be licking my feet.

Jenny Says: Hi Abby, iīm glad to have the oportunity to ask you some question, because as a girl, I need another opinions. First, when you will be mother and you find out your son has a foot fetish witch will be your reaction, and if you still be a foot model how will you explain that to your son. Tell us about your begining in foot fetish, and what activity you like most. Finally, with your experience in foot fetish, had you get turned on by other girlīs feet. There are a model that you like to share a photo set. Thank you.

Abby Answers: i wouldnt care if my son had a foot fetish. every one has their thing that they love that turns them on. and i dont think ill be a foot model by the time i have a child. and finally there are a lot of models id love to share a set with.

Harris Says: Have you ever smelled your shoes before?

Abby Answers: yes to see if they were stinky or not.

Footlover Says: if your friend was giving you a massage but secretly smelling your feet would you confront him or let him cum from your hypnotic aroma?

Abby Answers: i might just let him do his thing.

Millington Says: When you notice a man looking at your feet, do you get mad or do you like to tease him? Are you ticklish?

Abby Answers: id probably tease him. and i am extremely ticklish.

Tim Says: I think you and your feet are just about as adorable as it gets. My question is have you ever had trouble getting a car started and pumped the gas pedal vigourously to try to make it run? Have you revved the engine vigoroursly?

Abby Answers: well i had to pump the clutch. i had a problem with the switch that lets you start the car when you press it. i have to basically stomp on the clutch pedal to get it to start. i try not to rev engines...its doesnt do anything good.

Monciman Says: Hi Abby, am dying to know if anyone has ever ate or eaten anything off of your beautiful sexy wrinkled soles, also was wondering if you would do some pictures with some grapes in between your toes and squishing them while the juices run down the soles of your wrinkled feet.

Abby Answers: yes i have had someone eat off my feet. cheesecake, and all kinds of stuff. i could do pictures with grapes...ill keep it in mind.

Mickey J Says: Abby, do you like having a man toungue your soles from heel to toe?

Abby Answers: Yes I do.

Steve Says: Do your feet smell after you wear shoes the whole day?

Abby Answers: Maybe a little bit.

Lordgrim Says: Hello gorgeous, love your feet! my question is when did you first give a footjoob? And if you haven't would you? Also would love to see those sexy toes in black polish! ;)

Abby Answers: I think I gave my first foot job when I was 18 (like7 yrs ago)

WJA Says: Hey whats up I love your wrinkled soles. I have a female friend who has nice feet and I would like to worship her feet, but i'm afraid to tell her. I was wondering how can I tell her about my fondness for female feet? Thanks.

Abby Answers: like ive told others...offer foot rubs when she gets home from work, and start off slowly. evey couple of days do something else.

Antiochos Says: First and foremost, your feet are divine (so many wrinkles I'm dizzy looking at your pictures!) My question is how does it feel to be a part of the foot fetish scene? What I mean is, do you feel a real power-trip that you have so many guys and girls literally worshipping them via the internet? Who do you feel has the nicest feet you have seen on the scene? Keep up the good work and us guys will keep up too!

Abby Answers: I love it! I can't pick one person to have the best feet. They are all gorgeous.

Jester Says: Evening Abby. Let me first complement you on your striking good looks, as well as your obviously delicious feet. If you could indulge in a foot session with any celebrity, male or female, who would it be and why? Much obliged, from your Irish fan.

Abby Answers: paul walker is the sexiest, and jake jillenhall (i dont know how to spell it). both of them at the same time. them two are so hot.

Ellie Says: Abby, I guess I'd just like to say hi and thank you for sharing your thoughts. I can't exactly talk to my girlfriends about foot fetishes. I've tried, but they laugh. Like you, my boyfriend introduced me to it. At first I was overwhelmed at how a whole new world opened up when I saw how popular feet were with men. Now, wearing sandals for a night out is erotic. I'm very aware of my own feet as well as those of other women and how men react to them. Did you have any kind of surprise 'awakening' when you discovered that your feet were considered sex objects by a lot of people? Did it improve your sex life?

Abby Answers: I was just a little surprised that I had ended up with someone who had a foot fetish. I had heard of it before but had never experienced it or knew the whole extent of it. Some crazy stuff :-). It did improve the sex life because it wasnt always the same normal thing. And your girlfriends are missing out. :-)

Tcarp Says: Reading your interview, I see that you are very ticklish. I was wondering, have you ever done a foot worship scene and ended up breaking up laughing because it accidentally tickled? Or perhaps tickled during a pedicure? Tell us about it.

Abby Answers: I can barely get a foot massage. Only one person has been able to without tickling me. And I've never had a pedicure done.

Johnny Says: Abby, are your toenails yellowish since they are always polished?

Abby Answers: Not really. They were once after this one color I had. Never wore it again.

??? Says: What would you say an average size dick is?

Abby Answers: 6 1/2 to 7 1/2 i guess.

E Lowe Says: Weren't you on a previous website by Patrick? I have been waiting for you. Have you been diving into the fetish word since then? Your soles look soooo soft I would cum if was in the same room with you feet!

Abby Answers: yes i was. thanks for waiting for me :-)

Preston Says: Do you personally know women who likes other women's feet? And does the smell of a woman's feet turn you on? Such as a lady friend of yours or something.

Abby Answers: I don't personally know a girl that likes other girls feet. And I don't really sit there sniffing feet :-)

JoeyB Says: I was just wondering if you'd ever taken any martial arts. Not that I'm into being kicked in the balls or anything like that. But some of us are aroused by women who know how to use their feet in that way. Sort of a graceful powerful dance if you get me;)

Abby Answers: No sorry to disappoint you, i dont know anything like that.

Turbo Says: Hi Abby! I think you have the nicest wrinkled soles in the world. I would love to know if you feel something special when you drive barefoot. Could you tell me which will be the car of your dreams to put your smooth soles on the pedals? Thanks in advance and congratulations for your awesome feet.

Abby Answers: Well I have a lot of dream RX8, Delorean, and a big huge Pick up truck.

Missouri Says: Could you possibly give someone a footjob while you lie on your abdomen with your hands behind your head?

Abby Answers: Please tell me how that would work and be comfortable at the same time.

Yummy Says: You are way sexy, and your feet are too hot to look at some times. I don't know your foot experiences with men, but I have to ask, do you realize how hot you can make a guy by putting your soles right into his face? If you have done this, how does it make you feel to do it?

Abby Answers: Sexy

Mongo Says: Do you like guys with muscles?

Abby Answers: not too much muscle. just enough.

Mike Says: First, let me say that I love your feet. Your toes are cute little piggies. Do you agree that "little piggies" is another term for the toes?

Abby Answers: yes i agree, i used to be in a site called 10 little piggies by patrick a couple of years ago.

Jeff Says: Do you like to play footsies buy rubbing your feet with your partner's feet?

Abby Answers: Yes I do, especially when I tickle his soles with my toe nails :-)

Mike T Says: Have you ever had foot sex with another girl....or wit a girl and a guy at the same time?

Abby Answers: No I haven't.

Genius Says: I love your beautiful feet! I just want to suck your toes. Now to business. I was wondering, why did you get into foot modeling?

Abby Answers: For Patrick

Patricio Says: I have a question and I hope you can help me (I have a girlfriend and she know very well about my fetish). I want to know, when you dated you ex-boyfriend do you feel jealous or unconfortable when your ex watched another girlīs feet in the street by example?? When he told you about the foot fetish world, did he show you all the web sites in the internet about it or just told you and you serch for your own?? Thanks beautifull. Have a nice day

Abby Answers: i would pick on him when hed look at other girls feet. im not the jealous type. so i knew that he was mine and that the others girls feet were just to be looked at not felt. he did show me all about it. like magazines (Leg Show) and web sites too.

Rob Says: If you were at a party, and passed out only to find some guy you dont even know licking your feet and rubbing his crank on your feet, would you stop him? Or let him drop a load on your soles?

Abby Answers: if i was single id probably let him drop the load off. :-)

Daniel from Cincy Says: I have seen your wrinkled soles with baby oil rubbed in; and they are hot. How do you feal when posing them?

Abby Answers: I feel great and sexy too.

Footfuncpl Says: Do you enjoy having a man ejaculate on your perfect wrinkled soles, then have him lick them clean again?

Abby Answers: Only if they like to lick off their own cum... I don't see why not.

Sam Says: If you were on a bus, just a regular school bus, and someone with a foot fetish was looking at your feet, and it is obvious he has a enlarged cock, and he asked to massage your feet. Would you let him?

Abby Answers: He would probably scare me off if he was obviously hard.

Murango Says: Would you smell, suck and worship my feet or any man's for that matter? Basically do you have a fetish for a man's foot?

Abby Answers: No not really. I like to play with the toes and stuff just for fun, but I don't have a fetish for it.

WaldorMd Footguy Says: Abby, I just love your feet and I was wondering what part of Maryland are you in and have you ever had any maryland guys worship your feet. Thanks and keep up the good footwork..

Abby Answers: Central Maryland.

Austin Says: You sure do have pretty feet do you like wearing cowgirl boots.

Abby Answers: I don't even have one pair. They aren't really my style.

Murango Says: Abby, are your feet stinky?

Abby Answers: Nope. And it's not like I haven't tried to make em smell. They just don't.

Musclex Says: I have a quick question for you. I have a friend that is a woman and she has nice feet. She is not into the whole feet scene like I am but she knows that I find her feet attractive. She also knows that I love to see a woman in heels. We went to lunch last weekand she wore a sexy pair of heels. Now,was she trying to send me a message or was she flirting with me? You are a woman, what do you think?

Abby Answers: She probably just wanted to feel sexy.

Maurice Says: You have very pretty feet. My question is what to you like to do to show them off? Do you prefer to dangle a pair of heels or wear a pair of sandals?

Abby Answers: Sandals.

Max Says: First of all let me say that you have beautiful arches. My question is, what do you think is the most attractive thing about your feet?

Abby Answers: Their shape and sensitivity.

Jack Says: When did you first notice your beatiful feet?

Abby Answers: I always thought they were nice and took care of them to make sure they stayed soft.

Jimmy Says: I really like your site. Do you tour or have any events where you meet your fans? And if a fan asked you to kick him in the nuts would you?

Abby Answers: i dont go to events or anything like that...and its not my site.

Dasfutluva Says: Do you get pedicures?

Abby Answers: Never had one.

Lidia Says: Have you ever or would you stick your feet in another woman?

Abby Answers: If it were to ever happen then maybe.

Jeff Says: Hi Abby, just wanna let you know that I would love to smell your cute little toes all day long! You've got the most amazing feet. Have you ever had a man sniff at your toes?

Abby Answers: Of course I have.

Martin Says: I have a question for you. I am a black man and I work on a college campus. My question is why is it that a lot of white girls tend to wear flip flops no matter what the temperature is outside? Is it a white girl thing?

Abby Answers: I think its stupid to wear flip flops when its cold. And I dont know if its a white girl thing... I'm not white :-)

Bambam Says: Hi Abby,

You have gorgeous feet. My question to you is what do you think would turn a man on most about your feet?

a) wearing sandals/flip flops
b) wearing toe rings or ankle bracelets
c) dangling a pair of high heels
d) going barefoot

Abby Answers: e) all of the above :-)

Ben Says: Soy de Sur America, kisses to you feet, do you like squash toy cars under you sandals?

Abby Answers: I never thought of that or heard of it until i started doing this interview.

Ohyes Says: Do you like bondaged feet?

Abby Answers: No I don't like the idea of being tied.

Max Says: Lets say that you are out to dinner with your husband and you want to push his bottons. Do you ever try to turn him on with your feet under the dinner table?

Abby Answers: I probably would :-)

Maurice Says: I have a quick question for you. When traveling, do you ride in the passenger seat with you feet in the window on the dashboard? If so, do you get a lot of attention from men in passing cars?

Abby Answers: I have done that, especially in the summer. And I don't know if people look, I'm usually sleeping.

Adam H Says: Yes I love to see women showing their feet off when I go to pulic stores. How should I approach them to tell them they have pretty feet??

Abby Answers: Just be straight forward and tell them.

Vic Says: Do you like to dangle shoes in public?

Abby Answers: I do it anyway. It's just a habit, like you wanna give them some air.

Samo Says: If me and you were in a room alone...and you started to give me a foot job with thouse Yummy long will it take you to make me cum?

Abby Answers: Probably 5-10 min. I don't know.

Toe Sucker Says: Have you ever had a man eat off your feet?

Abby Answers: Yup.

Poplegend89 Says: How do you really feel about your foot-fans,especially the devoted ones,the ones that REALLY love your beautiful feet?

Abby Answers: I feel appreciated and good, because i like the attention and knowing someone gets off on looking at them.

KFH Says: When did You first give a footjob? Does it arouse You when you get cum on your feet??

Abby Answers: It didnt really arouse me to turn me on, but i thought it was fun and different.

Frenchtips-guy Says: Hey, what's up abby would you ever get french tips on your toe nails.

Abby Answers: if i ever had the money and thought about doing it.

4Sho Says: Your feet are beautiful from every angle. Not just the soles, toes etc... I love boriquas and you are gorgeous! Do you or would you ever do a licking/sucking session and is race a concern? I ask the last part b/c your answer a/b giving a black man a foot job wasn't clear. Thanks beautiful!

Abby Answers: because ive only given foot jobs to one person. that person happened to be white, and so is my current boyfriend. i have dated black guys...race is not an issue to me, its just who ive ended up with. but if my man happened to be black and liked feet then id give a foot job to a black man.

Jenteal Says: My hubby is toetally into my feet, I want to please him....but never knew he was into feet until I caught him playing with my sandals...he thought I left for work....I love him and I want to please you have any suggestions on how I can take this to the next level?

Abby Answers: you just really have to be creative and ask him what he would will be so fun and different. i can imagine the look on his face when you caught him with the sandals :-)

Bowa Says: Do you think that you can put a man on the ground with one kick to the balls?

Abby Answers: If he annoyed me enough.

Toefanatic Says: Let me start by complimenting your beautiful feet. My girlfriend doesn't mind letting me lick and suck her toes (provided I first give her a foot massage), but she's afraid to let me bite and nibble on her feet. How do you feel about that?

Abby Answers: to me i feel that that would be a little too ticklish for me if someone tried to bite them and nibble them.

Footlover Says: Would you rather give a footjob to a 4 inch dick or a 8+ inch dick?

Abby Answers: in between would be good.

Footboy Says: First off I would have to say that you have very lovely feet. anyways, would you rather have a girl lick your feet or a guy? And do your feet smell?

Abby Answers: Either, doesnt matter to me. and they dont smell.

Scottman Says: I want to know what kind of feeling does it give you when you have a man under or at your barefeet smelling between each toe, kissing the toes and licking your feet. Y ou see how desperately he wants to smell your feet! Does that excite you in a controlling way or perhaps a submissive way?

Abby Answers: i think its a little bit of both. it is controlling because he is down at my feet basically worshiping. but it would be submissive because it would relax you so much maybe that you would do anything.

Dan Says: I think you are the coolest girl and so fine! Please do some pics with nylon toespreading. I'm a guy that doesn't like sucking toes, I just like smelling and looking at toes spreading. I had a girlfriend who loved my fetish but sometimes now when I date girls and tell them that I think their feet are cute they look at me like I'm weird. When you first found out about footfetishes did you think it was weird or did it kind of turn you on?

Abby Answers: i didnt think it was that weird, i had heard of it but i always thought everyone had their own thing that turns them on or that they love with great passion. i thought it was cool. :-)

Dean Says: Do you like your feet sniffed whilst being fucked?

Abby Answers: It doesn't matter to me. feels good either way.

William Says: Abby, I won't state the obvious and say that you have lovely feet...that's already established. I would like to know however, which shoes make your feet perspire the most when you wear them and can you feel your feet sweating in them? I'd love to know! Please take care!

Abby Answers: i always thought that heels made my feet sweaty. but working in reebok classics all day makes them sweaty too. and i can always feel when they are sweaty and hot.

Shoelicker Says: Would you ever let a man lick all of your shoes clean? After all, awesome feet like yours deserve the best. How many shoes do you have? I would love to lick all your shoes.what do you say

Abby Answers: i have about 6 or so pairs of heels and like 4 pairs of tennis shoes. im not a big shoe buyer.

Dave Says: Which do you prefer?? having your soles licked or having your toes sucked?

Abby Answers: hmmmm...too hard to answer.

Timmy Says: Would you please please please just let me put my dick inbetween your soft wrinkly soles!! that would be heaven!!

Abby Answers: In your imagination you can.

Sami Says: I am a great fan and have fantasized about you on many occasions. Can you tell me how you take care of your feet so well?

Abby Answers: intensive care lotion everyday, morning and night.

Smith Says: Have you ever wore the same nylons for a week took your shoes off had someone lay on the floor and you put your feet on there throat and stand on it with all your weight till they black out or farther.

Abby Answers: No I haven't.

Feetslave4u Says: Hi Abby, you mentioned that your feet are usually cold, would you like to rest your cold feet on my warm face so your feet would warm right up?

Abby Answers: It takes a long time to warm them up.

Dave Says: Have you ever driven a motorcycle in pumps or flip flops?

Abby Answers: Never drove a motorcycle. Rode on one, but I had platform boots on.

Brody Says: Is it a pleasant thought for you that men are and will be addicted to your feet?

Abby Answers: It sure is.

Matt Says: Do you love it when a guy sucks on your toes?

Abby Answers: It feels really nice and relaxing.

You can see more of Abby at