For a few months now, the disappearance of Wu from Wu's feet links had many foot fetishists concerned (and speculating) about the actual whereabouts of Wu.
It seems now that the hosting company for Wu's Feet links, BHE-bill, has formally determined his untimely death and posted a notice on the front pages of his website.
Wu was a pioneer in the foot fetish community and a great guy. I wish him the best in the afterlife.
R.I.P. Wu and condolences to his family Posted by soft sole lover (Member # 2540) on :
WOW, Simply put, R.I.P. WU.
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!! I need time for this to sink in Posted by itotallylovebarefeet (Member # 43881) on :
Very sad news, I never actually knew the man but he was obviously a pioneer in this community. Wu's was one of the first foot sites I ever visited (I'm sure it was back in late 1996 or 97) and this forum has always had a fantastic community feel, all started by the great man himself. My condolences to his friends and family. Rest in peace Wu.
[ May 18, 2014, 07:20 PM: Message edited by: itotallylovebarefeet ]
Posted by solesurvivordragon (Member # 37330) on :
Whoa.............I was not expecting that at all. Does anyone know exactly how Wu passed away? Was it a accident or a illness? Either way, it's very unfortunate to hear about that.
RIP Wu..........He shall be missed. My thoughts and prayers to his friends and family during this time.
Posted by TruthBeTold (Member # 47114) on :
quote:Originally posted by NorcalfeetStudios: So wow..I wonder who from BHE will step in and maintain the forum at this point?
Well, I am very skilled with CGI + database web programming (went to college for it and done it for 4 subsequent companies/enterprises), so if anyone knows Phil at BHE, they can tell him that I can maintain the existing site as well as phase in modern dynamic web features if desired.
From a technical perspective, I'm over-qualified to operate, maintain, and develop dynamic websites as I've been doing it for years. It's the least I could do in honor of Wu, while also extending an olive branch to you Norcal if you put in a good word for me at BHE. Posted by domitilo (Member # 1325) on :
I have been coming to the Wus site over twenty years. I thank Wu for his work creating a place where foot fetishist can air out. My sincere condolences to the Wu family and Wu may you Rest in Peace. As far as this site goes, I hope that somehow someone or some entity steps up and takes the reigns. In all honesty, this site has been in a decline for the past few years, not be cause of Wus work but because of lack of member participation. I think there is room for commercial stuff on this site, but think that most important is amateur member participation by posting wife and girlfriend pics followed by comments/recognition by the viewing members. Don't know if this is possible, but thai is my opinion.
Posted by sole arch-bishop (Member # 30462) on :
I don't see anything that says he has passed, was it a hoax?
Posted by SpaceCitySoles (Member # 42517) on :
Posted by dougiezerts (Member # 6829) on :
When I got my first computer, I scanned the net for foot fetish sites. This forum was one of the first things I saw, and I've been here ever since. My deepest sympathy and sorrow to Wu, his family and friends, and to everyone on this forum.
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
quote:Originally posted by sole arch-bishop: I don't see anything that says he has passed, was it a hoax?
no its real man..I did get a tip last night actually..but I couldn't see the message either.
Posted by sole arch-bishop (Member # 30462) on :
Oh no! I hope he knew how much he meant to all of us. Best wishes to everyone that he has touched, and helped to improve their lives. We can help him live on by being a strong community. This site puts a smile on my face on a daily basis, not only for the content, but the people as well. Knowing how many of us are out there allows me to go about my daily life in comfort, and allows me to indulge in my passion for female feet. Thank you to everyone!!
Posted by montegalan (Member # 14465) on :
I usually just lurk but I have been checking this site daily since I found it many moons ago. It allowed me to feel like my foot fetish didn`t make me a monster. Thanks for giving me that freedom Wu, wherever you are!
Posted by Two-Bit (Member # 21841) on :
All the best, Wu/Alex. I been visiting this site for many many years. Thanks for making a place where the words and images speak to me, and people like me, louder than anywhere else.
Posted by Mr.SoleLvr (Member # 21192) on :
Truly a sad day to hear this news, it has been almost two decades that I have been coming here as this is where it all started for many of us.
Not many of us knew who Wu(Alex) was but one thing we all knew is that this was the place where we could come and truly feel part of the foot fetish community.
I believe this site & community will continue to flourish in his honor.
RIP Wu as you were a true pioneer & legend in the foot fetish community.
You will be truly missed and not soon forgotten.
Marcus & Barbie Gurl
Posted by solesurvivordragon (Member # 37330) on :
Here's something I should've mentioned earlier:
For a while now, ever since I had a computer, I always go to Wu's as a haven for those who share my passion of the female foot. While I do like T&A, I always find female feet a hidden gem and they should be treasured as such. Since then, they have been (and always will be) my favorite part of a female body and for a while, I was thought that it was greatly overlooked. Then along came Wu's and it finally showed me that I'm not the only one who loves feet.......There's no telling exactly how many lovers of feet are out there, but I know there are so, so many throughout the country and all over the world, which is incredible.
There are some who would think that having a foot fetish is considered weird and unusual, but it really isn't. There are many models who love their feet and love to show them to the world and we love them to do it. And not just models.........But celebrities and regular people, too. People are out there expressing their foot fetish and the future is still looking bright.
Wu has really did a wonderful thing for us foot fetishists out there and we should be thankful that we were able to get a chance for him to do it. I'm not entirely sure what the future will hold for the site now that Wu has passed away and I'm also not sure who will take over it, but whatever is going to happen, I'll support it 100%.
While we do mourn a loss of a fallen friend, we should also celebrate him for all he has done for us.
[ May 18, 2014, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: solesurvivordragon ]
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
I'm going to go ahead and re-post the message I had placed in the stickied thread about Wu's status....I still can't believe that he's gone.
Okay, I just saw the message on the main board, and I'm completely stunned. I'll leave it up to a more respected and tenured member of this forum to create a thread for it, but for right now, I just want to send out my condolences to the friends and loved ones of Alex F., aka Wu. What he created here is something that has always had a big impact in my life and because of him I've been able to interact and befriend many of the other members of our community.
Go easy Wu. Know that the rest of us will do our damnedest to keep your legacy going, and someday, I hope you and me will get to catch up and look down (at those toes).
Raising a beer to you soon, John
Posted by Robotron2084 (Member # 33263) on :
Just ain't right. He was the Elmer Batters of the Internet. My condolences to his family.
Posted by FIASCo (Member # 1899) on :
I did not know Wu, but was fortunate enough to exchange a few emails with him a while back. In addition to being thankful to him for providing us with, I will remember Wu as a friendly gentleman who expressed admiration for my foot fetish artwork. He will be sorely missed.
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
To issue an understatement, this sucks. Hopefully he died peacefully and surrounded by friends and family. And hopefully, this issues a message to hug your loved ones a little more and tell them you love them.
May you Rest in Peace Alex(Wu).
Posted by eff (Member # 11277) on :
R.I.P. Alex F. (Wu)
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
Wow... Just wow... I'm stunned and sad. In the back of my mind I did wonder if something like this could be the reason, but I just wrote it off as the least likely because I would of someone rather just not love what they used to love and continue their life doing something else. To know that Wu is gone is upsetting.
I was starting to wonder last night what was going on as I saw new members were being approved for the site and to my understanding, only Wu was able to do that. I'm guessing someone at BHE has gotten in here to allow them access. I was so hopeful last night going to bed that Wu had returned and even emailed him and BHE to see who had done that. No one had yet responded, but when I saw these threads today... Talk about a massive let down and feeling of sadness.
There is so many of us still left around here and no matter what our differences in the past, we all know this place has always been amazing and can still continue to be amazing.
Posted by Five For Feet (Member # 33596) on :
Wow. My condolences to his family and loved ones. All I can do is say...Thank you Wu.
Posted by Adam X (Member # 2872) on :
R.I.P. to a pioneer and a really cool dude/quality fantasy football player.
My condolences to his family/friends.
Posted by coedfeet (Member # 2738) on :
I want to thank Wu for all he did for me and my site, and every other site, free and pay. No single person will ever replace him, and match the amount of time and work he spent on advertising everyone. I felt honored that he was a fan of the girls I worked with, and ideas we shot.
My sympathies to his family and friends.
Posted by Kokaith (Member # 22763) on :
I guess this is what everyone feared. Goes to show, none of us know the day, hour, time, or place. Thank you to Wu for keeping this forum going as long as he did. RIP.
Posted by Kim's Kastle (Member # 47360) on :
quote:Originally posted by Patrick: Wow... Just wow... I'm stunned and sad. In the back of my mind I did wonder if something like this could be the reason, but I just wrote it off as the least likely because I would of someone rather just not love what they used to love and continue their life doing something else. To know that Wu is gone is upsetting.
I was starting to wonder last night what was going on as I saw new members were being approved for the site and to my understanding, only Wu was able to do that. I'm guessing someone at BHE has gotten in here to allow them access. I was so hopeful last night going to bed that Wu had returned and even emailed him and BHE to see who had done that. No one had yet responded, but when I saw these threads today... Talk about a massive let down and feeling of sadness.
There is so many of us still left around here and no matter what our differences in the past, we all know this place has always been amazing and can still continue to be amazing.
Posted by Kim's Kastle (Member # 47360) on :
I just found out today that I have lost a sweet friend. I spoke with the boss at B.H.E. earlier & learned that this wasn't a hoax. I will always have a place in my heart for this wonderful man that is no longer with us. Big, sweet & soft kisses for Sugar Lips/a.k.a. Wu...also Alex. See you in my dreams dear friend <3
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on :
A huge loss for our foot world. He will be missed by many. RIP.
Posted by John&Sophia (Member # 32856) on :
Yes this is really is a sad sad day for the foot-community, feels unreal. Rest in Peace Wu..
Posted by LovelyLadies (Member # 5079) on :
Posted by Tiny Dave (Member # 30771) on :
I been here for along time too its a shock to hear of his death. Whats going to happen to the site now that he has passed.
Posted by PublicName (Member # 12270) on :
Reposted from another thread, best to have it here.
Holy smokes..that was an unexpected thing to read. Not sure where else to post this, so we'll put it here. I've been here for many years, though I'm not a huge contributor, I'm often here at the end or beginning of my day 3-4 days out of the here's to Alex/Wu and all he's done to keep this community up and running.
Take care brother, while we may not have known each other personally, we definitely had at least one common interest. In your creating this site and these forums, I've been able to explore an inner passion of mine, which I may never have bothered with if not for you. Thanks for all that you've done in keeping this site up and running for so many years, you will be dearly missed by many.
Rest in Peace Wu, and deepest condolences to your family and loved ones.
- Mark
Posted by Below_the_Ankles (Member # 33795) on :
I've been reading Wu's since 2003. This is the first foot fetish community I discovered and also the only one I ever regularly returned to. It defines the online fetish experience for me. I'm very thankful to Wu for that.
May he find plenty of beautiful feet in the next life.
Posted by XXX toes (Member # 46190) on :
After 15 yrs of steadfast updates and getting emails only 4 favors from webmasters and members alike. Here's to Wu.
A man of few words, but tons of sexy pictures.
Best -
Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on :
What a shock
Thanks for everything Wu...this is still the best foot fetish site there is!!!!
Posted by Drunk_24-7 (Member # 21781) on :
Best wishes and sincere condolences to Wu & his family and friends during this time.
I never spoke to the man directly on here I don't believe but I can't even begin to express the respect, gratitude and admiration I have for him for running this site so efficiently and effectively for such a long time. This place has been around pretty much since the beginning of the internet generation, it's stood the test of time and had a profound impact on the foot fetish community both in offering quality content as well as comforting interaction that's made so many more confident & comfortable in coming to terms with the foot fetish side of themselves in such a way that they can embrace it as a gift from God that can be a cool asset to having going for ones self rather than some kind of curse that one should be ashamed of or try and hide.
Wu is a true pioneer and self made legend in the foot fetish community and should always be respected and remembered as such. Thank you for all that you've done for us all good Sir.
Hopefully he's up there in Heaven being treated to a buffet of Angel's feet as we speak. Hopefully the site will stay strong, live on and evolve & exist successfully in his memory going forward, but regardless of what happens to the site, this run he had with this site and the positive things this site and he himself has done for the foot fetish community as a whole is nothing short of astounding and will never be forgotten.
Rest in Peace.
Posted by Fair Adam (Member # 13350) on :
Well, what can I possibly say? I feel like I just got kicked in the gut. I can't begin to express in words just what this forum has meant to me over the years, and I'm not even going to try, because it won't be fitting.
I do regret not meeting Alex in person. I remember one of our last phone conversations, some years ago, where I told him that if he ever got around to coming to New York, everything was going to be on me, and I not only meant it, I kept trying to convince him to do the road trip. It was not be, and 'll never get the chance to thank him in person for all he has done for me. Godspeed my friend.
Posted by Mommie (Member # 18340) on :
I am deeply saddened by this news. I wanted to express my condolences to Alex's family and friends. Wu always treated me fair and with loving honesty. I will miss him very much.
Posted by Sherbs (Member # 4242) on :
I don't post much. But been a lurker/member for years.
So long, and thanks for all the feet x
Posted by Lordsoysauce (Member # 2193) on :
While I may not have had as close a relationship with Wu as many of you have, it is still heartbreaking to hear of this news. This site has been a major part of my life since my early adulthood, and hearing about this is like hearing about the passing of your favorite teacher, or gym coach. I've always looked up to the man for what he has done for us, and how this community has helped me accept and embrace my fetish.
Thank you, Wu. Thank you for being there for me, and for everyone else in the fetish world. We will all miss you dearly.
Posted by togodan (Member # 1415) on :
Very sad news indeed - RIP
Posted by feet lover/chris (Member # 2048) on :
Sad to hear. R.I.p. wu.condolences prayers to his family
Posted by jamaicanfeet (Member # 16678) on :
This is sooo fucking sad...I don't even have the right words...
Posted by Mtndukid (Member # 1030) on :
Sad news, I've been a member since 2003 and visitor almost daily. Wu and the moderators have run a world class site. I hope someone will take up the reins and continue this awesome site.
Posted by Mandy Flores (Member # 47387) on :
Well I hope he got to die smothered in beautiful toes and feet! RIP WU!
Posted by sayonara (Member # 5497) on :
Posted by folex55 (Member # 78) on :
I've been here posting, trading, meeting great people - in real life as well as online since the first year this was online. Alex was a good guy who did something great by setting up a free site that had something for everyone in this community. Thanks Alex...RIP WU javascript:void(0)
Posted by Nylon Toe Sucker (Member # 21491) on :
WOW, SAD TO HEAR, MY Condolence to his Family. RIP WU.
Posted by LordLucan (Member # 2130) on :
I doubt that Wu's family will see much of what's posted here, but for the record, Wu was a remarkably dedent guy, spending much of his time to allow all of us to share the one common thing that all brought us here.
Years of dedicated service, personal time and sacrifice are things that go unnoticed by people who simply drop in for their daily fix, though those of us who run sites either for business or pleasure know how consuming it can be at times.
My genuine condolences got out to his family, his friends, both in the real world & online.
Wu, a.k.a Alex was a pioneer in the online foot community and one way or another, his legacy will continue for a very long time. Afterall, his selflessness has touched each and every one of us who has visited his pages over the years.
A good man will not be forgotten and I wish to publicly thank Wu and his memory for everything he has ever done for us in his own quiet ways.
Rest in peace Wu.
Posted by tootsylover (Member # 4584) on :
Very sad news indeed ... I have been around this forum for more then 10 years (finally got around to registering back in 2005 I think) and Wu's Feet Links was and still is definitely the best foot fetish message board / community out there ... RIP Alex/Wu hope this site you built lives on for a long time to come in your honor Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
Posted by 6Inch4Ever (Member # 5457) on :
I'm so sad... My condolences to his family.
Posted by 426 HEMI (Member # 769) on :
All I can say is ...... WOW
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on :
When people started to speculate as to what might have happened to Wu, I was hoping for the best but I was fearing the worse. Now the worse has reared its ugly head.
I had to turn my TV off as soon as I read the news and reading the reaction from everyone in here extending their condolences.
I know someone who has met Wu personally. He talked about how cool and professional he was during the short time that they hung out with each other in Virginia. At first I thought he was joking, but considering who he was I had no reason to believe he was making that up.
Another time, Wu sent me an email asking if I would be interested in joining in his fantasy football league. Now is not the time for me to comprehend as to why I declined his invitation. Looking back on it, I should have joined. I guess something like that is so easy to say after the fact that someone has passed, but there you go.
I don't remember how I first came across this site, but I do remember being a long time lurker before I finally decided to join in on the conversations by becoming a member. This forum is the place where all the forks on the road converge as one, a place where like-minded people share thoughts, ideas, photos and videos with each other.
Wu will be greatly missed. The show must go on in his honor, the legacy he created will live on.
Thank you, Wu, for everything.
[ May 19, 2014, 12:26 PM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
He asked me to join his fantasy football leagues a few times too. I always told him to grab others as I hated running multiple teams in different leagues. I, too wish I would have now, in hindsight. He and I would always exchange banter about my Ravens and his Redskins. We lived about 50 miles apart. I should have tried to meet up with him, but I just felt like he liked his offline life kept separate.
Posted by vineofthorns (Member # 1313) on :
I logged on to this site with a message about his passing and my heart felt like it dropped.Alex/wu created a online foot playground that is like no other on the internet.When I first joined this site I was new to this whole "online fetish community thing" and this site took me with open arms.I was in my late teens/early 20's and just getting comfortable with my fetish in the "real world" and anytime I felt like I was stumbling a lil bit,this site always lifted me up.i just want to say thank you wu,may you rest in peace....
Posted by Derfjmeister (Member # 875) on :
The news is being posted all over just about every forum and community on the Net
Posted by goodguyneighbor (Member # 2824) on :
Wu put in such an incredible amount of time and effort on this site to the great benefit of the entire community. He was a friend to all models and webmasters no matter what their affiliation. A man of few words, but consistent work ethic, posting the regular updates and contributions like clockwork for over 15 years. I've been browsing Wu'sFeetLinks since 1998, and it is still one of the central hubs to this day. That's quite an achievement considering how few sites are still around from that era. He was a friend and a fan on the handful of occasions that we talked. His death comes as a shock and is very untimely indeed as he was still a relatively young guy. The days we take for granted are but fleeting moments in time, but he will not be forgotten. Thank you for everything Alex,
Posted by nylloverr (Member # 47235) on :
Very...very...very sad news... i'm just...speechless
Posted by slave_r (Member # 39758) on :
Very sorry to hear of Wu's passing. Like others have said, his site was among the first I found when I first tentatively searched online for "foot fetish" back in 1999, and it's the only site I have returned to 3 or 4 times a week since. Without Wu's site to show me and continually reassure me that so many other people share my love for feet, and that a foot fetish can take so many different forms, I doubt I'd have ever developed the confidence to share my secret with my partner. I am incredibly grateful to Wu for all he did for the foot fetish community as a whole and for me as an individual. May he rest in peace.
Posted by mcqueen (Member # 3576) on :
So sorry to hear this news... My thoughts go out to his family. For him to have such a positive influence on the cyber world... He must have truly been wonderful in the real world.
Posted by screwhead20 (Member # 16242) on :
R.I.P Alex, Thnx for building a platform for like minded people to come together and showcase our appreciation for what we love. A very big loss.
Posted by nusuth (Member # 7372) on :
I stumbled across the news last night. To put it succinctly, i was shocked. I was afraid this was how things would end. I couldn't imagine him just walking away from that which he obviously was truly dedicated to and loved.
My condolences and thoughts to his friends and family, online and off.
Posted by curly09 (Member # 33380) on :
Rest in peace Wu. My thoughts and prayers go to his family.
For some one I have never met or even spoke to on this board, I have admired online as a hero for starting this site and making me feel comfortable with who I am by starting this foot fetish community. I am very grateful and proud to be a member on wus.
Posted by topcat1238 (Member # 4044) on :
My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends
Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on :
Wow...... wow.
I was about ready to post a few comments on a few postings that I liked in the Pictures section. Then I saw Patick's Wu tribute thread, and now I find this. I'm at a loss for words. Like many of you I never personally met the man, or spoke with him. Hell, I never even pm'ed the guy. But something just tells me---- I'm telling you I KNOW what a good man he was. And his goodness and kindness came thru loud and clear thru this website.
I don't know what else to say but I will stop now because I will just ramble on and on. Nor will I go back and proofread or edit anything I just typed, because it was all honest and came straight from my heart.
Rest in peace Alex, thank you for everything, and long may this website continue in YOUR HONOR !!!!!
Posted by feetdikfeet (Member # 47150) on :
Wow. VERY sad news. I'v been coming to this site almost daily since 2001. Wu will be missed. RIP!
Posted by Turm (Member # 1048) on :
Posted by slave_r (Member # 39758) on :
Very sorry to hear of Wu's passing. Like others have said, his site was among the first I found when I first tentatively searched online for "foot fetish" back in 1999, and it's the only site I have returned to 3 or 4 times a week since. Without Wu's site to show me and continually reassure me that so many other people share my love for feet, and that a foot fetish can take so many different forms, I doubt I'd have ever developed the confidence to share my secret with my partner. I am incredibly grateful to Wu for all he did for the foot fetish community as a whole and for me as an individual. May he rest in peace.
Posted by Lady Steph (Member # 31562) on :
Rip Wu, You showed me nothing but love since my feature set back in 07/08. You would email me everytime I updated. I see you too babe. The foot fetish community will never know how much influence your site has had on each and every one of them
I'll miss our sweet correspondences. With love and sweet feet Lady Steph
I see you
Posted by 2swift (Member # 16002) on :
Rest in Piece, Wu. Thank you for giving us all a home here to share our thoughts, pictures, and conversations surrounding our common ground. I have been a proud member here for a long time and this place was the first I found to share my fetish, ideas, and comments on this subject and much more. He provided a safe and respectful place to do this, and I shall always be grateful for that.
Regards, 2swift
You will be missed.
Posted by Skittlzrapper (Member # 9922) on :
Wow! A legend in the foot fetish industry sad.
Posted by ThoseToes (Member # 2489) on :
This is terrible news. I was told about this and I still can't believe it... Rest in peace Wu, thank you for creating this!
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
This thread just goes to show us the amazing community HE created with this site. He touched so many of us, and just to inject some humor, as I know Wu would have loved it, others of us he probably really wanted to touch... like below the ankle. Wu loved all the ladies and they surely loved him!
Posted by hollabac85 (Member # 22042) on :
So sorry to hear the news about WU, he will surely be miss. R.I.P. Alex
Posted by Feet of Philly (Member # 20091) on :
Terrible news which makes me very sad. I, too, never met him. Had email and PM conversations with him and he seemed like a real nice, genuine guy who, like us, loved what he did and was passionate about what we all share here.
This is where everything in this industry started for me, as I'm sure it was the same for most here. This is THE go-to forum and message board for me and so many others. Nothing else is even comparable. This site and all the time put in is the benchmark of foot fetish. It has stood the test of time. I understand membership has been down, but we all go here everyday, whether you are a producer or a fan, we are all here together. It's weathered social media and continues to shine with all of us.
If it weren't for Wus forum, I would never have met Jason from FWP in NYC and if that meeting between him and I never happened, my life may have been different or it would have been a much different path to get there, as far as foot worship parties go. The parties have become very successful here in Philly, and places like Jason's FWP in NYC is where it all started and Foot Night in LA, Vegas and other cities, Candi Kiss in Fla, and more....I owe all this to Wus ( Alex ). I wish I got to know him personally. I did know he was very private about his personal life, and we all respected that.
What was really cool about Alex is that, he really seemed to like my foot fetish / foot worship pics and material and he ALWAYS got my contribution pics up right away. That not only brought traffic to my sites, but it gave them instant name recognition. He understood both, the business end that producers go through and to keep the sites we all enjoy profitable but he also most importantly, understood us all just as fans of foot fetish, the amateur posts by wives and girlfriends or guys who just wanted to post anonymous foot pics. This combo of everything made this website what it is.
Let's somehow pull together and keep this going. I do feel like we should start a Wus Twitter and Facebook page. I will volunteer my time to help out in any way shape or form. It's the people like us who need to keep this wonderful site going and to do this to keep the memory of Alex ( Wu ) alive and well.
Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on :
Nice words John.
I'd like to volunteer in any capacity as well for the site.
It seems bhe is keen to keep the site...but however it changes...we should carve out a permanent spot to remember and thank the man who got this started and kept it running through the you cant keep something going and growing for 15 years unless you really got something there the people enjoy!
Posted by oscarthemonkey (Member # 1692) on :
Posted by gooolah (Member # 39684) on :
Can you give us some brief info on Wu(background,etc)? Does anyone know how he passed?
Posted by 5thgear (Member # 46148) on :
Sad. When I first got online back in the late 90s I came across Wu's as one of the first 5 results and remember thinking how awesome it was to have all of the feet links on one page as well as everything else. May his legacy to this fetish live on.
Posted by b883r (Member # 20732) on :
Much like a lot of other people here; this is where it started for me.
Posted by Feetosopher (Member # 45909) on :
It's terribly sad. I neither had the privilege of knowing Wu/Alex in person, nor I had direct email exchanges with him. But I am honored that he deemed two models of my BAREFOOT NUDITY site (Chat Noir and Deep Green) worth the "contributions" section of his site. I discovered Wu's Feet Links back in 1997.. in those days, foot fetishism was deffo NOT mainstream. Wu's site has always been a safe harbor for everybody into female feet.. the Eldorado of Barefoot Beauty. Rest in peace, Alex.. you will surely be missed forever.. and your legacy will never die. WU IS DEAD.. LONG LIVE WU!
Posted by joebond (Member # 11049) on :
Terrible news...R.I.P..Wu...
Posted by DancingFool (Member # 3728) on :
RiP Wu.
This site too was the first I ever found when I first did a search in my first computer back in 2000. I used to post more in here but I too have been more of a lurker in recent years. I never really sensed any drop off in usage in recent years. Always seemed just as lively now as it had then. I will make more of an effort now so as to maintain the site and the spirit of the man Wu.
Posted by TxToez (Member # 19) on :
R.I.P. Wu, hope your at peace now!
Posted by King Leonidas (Member # 26222) on :
May you rest in peace Mr. Wu.
Posted by Solelvr 20,020 (Member # 20632) on :
Aw man, this is crazy... I knew it hadn't been updated in a while, but never imagined this though. I've learned so much from the site over the years RIP
Posted by ja2854 (Member # 44868) on :
Wow. Don't know what to say. Been coming here for what seems like a decade, talked to him on many occasions...inspired me and the ex GF and new wifey to post pictures here. Want to know what happened but at least there is some closure, he'd probably want the site to live on new and improved. Whoever takes the reigns should always allude to the man who started it, definitely was a huge part in figuring out myself and one of the things that makes me unique. I thank him for that.
So damn sad. RIP.
Posted by Kim's Kastle (Member # 47360) on :
quote:Originally posted by gooolah: Can you give us some brief info on Wu(background,etc)? Does anyone know how he passed?
Posted by Kim's Kastle (Member # 47360) on :
Alex was a very young, handsome & one of the few gentlemen left in this world. He was a 30 something young black male who help me discover the wonder of the foot community. He had rheumatic fever as a child. From what I am understanding his big ole heart just couldn't handle this. It was a huge accident. He probably didn't see it coming & I can only pray that it was fast an painless.He was found alone in his home. He was a very educated man & believe it or not a shy man as well. I have nothing but wonderful memories of the time we shared from the years 2000 to 2005. At the time, my ex husband ha submitted pictures of me to Wu's site. He took me under his wing & helped to teach me what the foot fetish community was wanting. I also need to throw out a HUGE thank you to B.H.E. Another great man. He will continue to take care Alex's site, in the way Wu would want it ran. I have been off of the scene for about 9 years due to personal reasons, but am seriously thinking of coming back & making my 1st set of pics in loving Memory of this awesome man who I consider the pioneer. Everyone smile, he is up in foot heaven enjoying his dreams. I know for me personally, he will be greatly missed. R.I.P. Sugar Lips & I will see you in my dreams ) Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
Joined the forum 07' but have been lurking the site since the late 90s linked here from a site called 'Aragorn's feetlinks', not too sure if that site still exists.
Haven't had any formal contact except a request I asked to change my rank to 'The Outcast', didn't happen for a while so I assumed it fell on deaf ears. But later I noticed the change which I thought was cool.
I'm grateful that wusfeetlinks exists. Its served me a lot through pics, links, forum advice, fun... just a cool place to hang with fellow foot enthusiasts. RIP to the Wu-master, creator of this wonderful residence of greatness Posted by DeTrOiT (Member # 37598) on :
...I'm really sick inside...I just don't know what to say...Thanks Wu...I was really late on Web surfing as I only used my computer at work...One day I decided to Google "Foot Fetish" and Wu's Feet links popped up...I was amazed that there was so much content on the Web and I spent a few days just browsing the links to other sites. After going through all of the links I somehow stumbled on the contribution section and I was hooked...I had always been open about my love for female feet but I learned everything about having a foot fetish from this site...
I would just like to thank Wu because this was the only place where I felt understood and where I learned to understand...The site is so classy and professional...There is nothing that is even close in terms of the professionalism in how the site was ran...
I know that very few people are as open as I am about my fetish but I just hope that his family knows how important he was and what he meant to so many of us...
Wu...We love you and we will miss you...
[ May 19, 2014, 09:07 PM: Message edited by: DeTrOiT ]
Posted by Yogi (Member # 581) on :
Been here since 2003 posted my wife feet back when we were barely dating, I've never gone a week without poking my head in since. I'm sad about all of this. Things will never be the same. Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
What sad news and what a great loss. Wu was a legend and his website played a vital part in the foot fetish community. I can't imagine what it would have been like without him and his links pages, the tens of thousands of quality photos and the great forum. In the last 15 years Wu promoted more websites on his title page and added more models in the feature galleries than anyone else before him, giving foot lovers the enjoyment of seeing some of the best girls and feet on the web --- and bringing people together to find and communicate with like minded foot lovers and models from around the globe. And all this was offered for free! Thank you, Alex F. aka Wu. You will be greatly missed.
Posted by jinchuu (Member # 7198) on :
Like many others have said, Wu's was the very first foot site I discovered back in 2000. During those days, foot fetish sites weren't as abundant as they are now. I used to believe that I was the only kid on earth who actually liked female feet. I was genuinely shocked when I found a site that actually understood and celebrated my love for female feet. It became an escape for me after a long boring day at school. I'd look at the contribution and feature sections every week to see the new pictures. I'd browse the link sections for celebrity foot sites and free sites with original content. Thanks to the effort and commitment Wu put into this site, I was able to discover hundreds of fantastic foot sites and browse thousands of FREE pictures over my 14-year stay here. I know I don't post very often here, but I wanted to share my experiences with the rest of you and to remember a great pioneer in the foot fetish world.
Thank you, Alex. Rest in peace.
Posted by kingler (Member # 40920) on :
quote:Originally posted by FootLongSub Zero: Joined the forum 07' but have been lurking the site since the late 90s linked here from a site called 'Aragorn's feetlinks', not too sure if that site still exists.
Same, loved that site!
Won't lie I've been visiting this site less and less. I usually just see what's going on in forums once a month and checking the free images once a week, but I found them slipping or overproduced.
It's strange to think of this guy being so famous but I wonder if any of us even knew what he looked like? Or any personal details? Not that I'm asking, but it's certainly making me rethink my own online existence and the sites I manage!
RIP Alex.
Posted by MD-Rassau (Member # 47645) on :
What a sad news, but thanks Kim that you provided us with more information.
It was around 1999 when I discovered Wu's site and he was significantly responsible for a huge step I made with my own attitude. He was the first who gave me the feelings of not being pervert or anything weird. Because of Wu, I got the most visitors through him also.
Although this is very sad and a deep loss for all of us, especially for his family, we should take care of our lives and remind ourselves how important it is to live with an open mind and without fear.
Not only for that, I want to thank Alex and his great things he did for us.
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
@Kim's Kastle: Thanks a lot for the information about Wu.
Posted by Fair Adam (Member # 13350) on :
Thank you so much for the information, Kim, although it won't bring Alex back, it gives us some type of closure. BTW, I do hope you come back, you have a lot to offer to our community.
Posted by mclaren f1 2003 (Member # 2934) on :
Wow! This is crazy to hear. R.I.P. Wu and my condolences to his family. I have been coming to this site since it's inception.
Posted by GQguy (Member # 16534) on :
My heart is broken.....
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
This is such sad news. I'm hoping that this site will continue to be a great forum for sharing thoughts and pictures for years to come. Question is the forum can go as it has, but who would be able to take over and keep updates going for the links end. I assume the guys at b-h-e will need someone to continue to carry on that part of the website.
Thanks Kim Kastle for giving us a little more information of the personal side for Wu.
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
Just an update here folks. Just got off the phone with Phil at BHE and they are working hard at getting all the contributions, links, and updates working again. Wu's system was seriously out of date the way he did all his code and such...but have no fear it's in good hands with them and their well qualified tech who is scrambling to bring it up to speed.
They just approved 440 awaiting accounts that hadn't been done since March. As far as the format of the forum don't expect it to change much besides some minor tweets to make photo posting a little easier..BHE has no plan to hire anyone to revamp it as to keep it close as possible to what Wu wanted...
As far as specific Wu death info, Kim was correct that he had Rheumatic fever as a kid and suffered from a heart attack according to his parents when Phil finally got ahold of them. RIP Wu...may your tradition live on just give BHE a few more days or so to get everything running smoothly again. Thanks for your patience.
Posted by solesurvivordragon (Member # 37330) on :
Well, as long as the BHE people will be there to update the site whenever they can, that's all that matters to me.
I'm sure he would want it that way..........
Posted by Smonster (Member # 4769) on :
Wow! Been keeping semi-up to date with what people have been speculating. Horrible to hear this but may he rest in peace. It's completely amazing what Wu has accomplished here and it should stand testament to him for as long as possible.
My thoughts go to his friends and family.
Posted by Sinnister (Member # 2394) on :
Damn. RIP! This site has been with me for a very long time and it was thanks to him.
Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on :
Thanks Norcal for the bhe update and confirming Kim's story.
I am happy they plan on keeping the site as is.
Wow...440 people waiting to get in!!!!
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
Wu, I'll never have enough beer to raise up to you brother. It's because of your vision that I was able to feel welcome in a community that made me stop feeling like a man apart. You were able to bring together men and women from all walks of life who all shared the same appreciation. I never got to speak to you, nor did I ever have the pleasure of meeting you, but it feels like I lost a good buddy who I grew up with. I've been in and around this forum since I was 17; I'm 29, and for 12 years, Wu's has been an integral part of my foot fetish lifestyle.
Once again, go easy Wu. Thanks for everything.
Posted by solemansince74 (Member # 24760) on :
Thanks for the insight Kim. I didn't know a thing about Alex, but he sounded like a great guy. Rip Alex.
And Kim, please come back!
Posted by BODIEFROMTHEWIRE (Member # 4415) on :
huge condolences to wu and his family, this site is not the same without him. Ive been coming on here since like 15 years old. in the early 2000's Still check it almost every day, cant let something like this end it would be such a shame to not let wus legacy rock on!
Posted by ch15x (Member # 12382) on :
Posted by Kwiksand (Member # 2390) on :
My sincere condolences go out to Alex's family, friends, and to all on this board who he touched.
Rest in peace, Alex.
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
I have total faith in BHE maintaining this site, but there will be ONE very important thing to keep it running the right way.
Although Wu ran the site, it was all of us that made that job worthwhile to him. He loved seeing everything from the most candid of shots, to the guy taking photos of his wife, girlfriend, or friends, to those who run their own sites. It's really a place he built were all of us were welcome.
So if you want this site to continue on, let BHE catch up and get some things in place. We will try to keep everyone up to date as best as possible. They will NOT be able to do it without ALL of us though.
Let's keep this community what it's ALWAYS been, the best one ONLINE!
Posted by CTsoleMan (Member # 27800) on :
I've read everyone's comments and am pleased to hear from all the contributors to the site chiming in that Alex was a man even more than a legend. I can't even remember when I first started coming to this website, and honestly, knowing it was one guy coding behind the scenes really shocks me as much as finding finally that he's gone.
Posted by morefeetplz (Member # 2698) on :
I have to say, my mouth dropped to the floor hearing that we lost a friend. Wusfeetlinks has been one of my favorite sites to visit for years. When all of the other sites began to disappear or cease updating their site, Wu's never gave up and provided some of the best source for our fetish.
I didn't know Alex personally, however, just coming to the site made me feel at home. As others have stated, it is hard sharing your fascination for feet with everyone. Most don't understand and many are quick to judge. Wu's built a community whereas we could share our likes, desires, and personal experiences with like minded people.
My wish for wusfeetlinks is to keep it going and to remember the one who made all of this possible. Wu, wherever you are, we celebrate your achievement with this site over the years and wish you peace and happiness in the afterlife.
To your family and friends, my condolences. You will be missed my friend.
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
Posting this in a few places so everyone can see it. But I created a black & white Wu tribute ribbon that I've added to my site's design and all the photo sets' watermarks active immediately. Please feel free to use it too. I have download links for a transparent background, Photoshop file (PSD) and a flattened JPG file. Download links can be found on my blog below:
[ May 21, 2014, 12:14 AM: Message edited by: Patrick ]
Posted by Fair Adam (Member # 13350) on :
Great idea Patrick, thank you. I will be adding your ribbon to Monday's Feet Fair cover...
Posted by Keyfeet (Member # 27313) on :
How old was he. What did he die of? And why did it take months for BHE to find out? How did they find out? What are the details surrounding this?
Posted by Tickleman (Member # 19256) on :
I first got to know Alex online when he had contacted me about exchanging links with a site I'm still involved with, which may have been in 1998 even though this site of his was created on March 24, 2000. If I'm recalling correctly, I think like me and a few others at that time, he may have had a foot fetish link site on a personal web page of his.
That's kind of how our combined foot fetish community was organized back then, via personal web sites that we linked together, BBSs (Bulletin Board Systems) and then mainly through Geocities, which now only operates in Japan after Yahoo bought it, and shuttered its operations in the United States.
Edited as noted: With my understanding support, thank you Patrick for making your wise edits; very much appreciated.
[ May 22, 2014, 02:23 AM: Message edited by: Tickleman ]
Posted by tom (Member # 223) on :
Damn. So sad.
Posted by craver (Member # 10999) on : There truly are no words, as we know. I join the many who feel genuinely like I've lost another true friend.
I came upon this very sad news while listening to 'Oracle & Odyssey' by The Zombies, which leavened my sadness a bit, possibly...."Hung Up On A Dream", "Changes", "Time Of The Season"...I always find that momentous days are marked by irony more than others.
For me, I've not been much of a Forum kind of person but....14 years, three times a week...Wu was our firmament, a top shelf pioneer. I only hope Wu got at least as much pleasure out of what he gave us as that which we took.
Thank you, Wu, for all you did. And thank you to those who have helped monitor this sad situation and provide us some aspect of detail of the events herein. It does help to know even a little about this great, mysterious person who made such a great impact on our lives.
Posted by Ronar Prefect (Member # 23370) on :
I'd been fearing this outcome since learning he hadn't been heard from for a while. I can't even remember how long ago I started coming to this site. I think I found the link on Aragorn's and I am pretty sure it was before 2000. I never even knew until recently that he wasn't asian-not that his ethnicity mattered, I just had this image in my head of this asian guy named "Wu" who made this great site. I don't know if anyone has pictures of him but it would be great if anyone who did would post some. Maybe he posted a picture on here a long time ago and I missed it. I'm sad he is gone and I hope he rests in true and lasting peace.
Posted by Tickleman (Member # 19256) on :
I remember Alex very fondly. He started out online with his foot fetish endeavors not long after I did in 1997. He reached out to me for advice, which I was happy to give, and I was even happier to see him succeed with this site.
Edited as noted: With my understanding support, thank you Patrick for making your wise edits; very much appreciated.
[ May 22, 2014, 02:24 AM: Message edited by: Tickleman ]
Posted by DREAMGIRLS IN SOCKS (Member # 20669) on :
R.I.P. Wu and condolences to his family. Posted by mywifesfeet (Member # 2630) on :
I figured that Wu had died. It happens to all of us at some time or another. Alex was Wu's real name and he did such a fantastic job with this site. My wife and I have been enjoying this site from almost as early as the Internet was available to people on planet Earth thanks to Al Gore for inventing it. Wu's updates and input and conversations with all of us will be sorely missed. I have a feeling that Calico Jack that many of you remember did thousands of posts here and was a moderator who suddenly disappeared from Wu's probably died as well years ago. I had conversations with Wu and Calico Jack many times. Both great guys, both gone. A sad day. I hope Alex is in a good place. Posted by mywifesfeet (Member # 2630) on :
This has been my ONLY go to site for feet stuff for years now. Every site seems to suck when held up against the quality here on Wu's. My wife and I hope this site can continue. So many great folks here on the Forum!
Posted by feetlover2 (Member # 4788) on :
Rest in Peace Wu. You will be sorely missed in this community. May your memory live on through this site, our posts, and forever in our hearts and minds.
Posted by jd1656 (Member # 16121) on :
I only lurk on here, and post very little. I have been using his site since it's inception. Prior to that is was Night Hawks page. I'm very sorry to hear this news, and I too feel like he was part of my life.
Posted by Craigy boy (Member # 3340) on :
Bloody sad news. This was the 1st foot site I found. It was the 1st site I posted 1000 posts. And the 1st place I posted pix of feet.
Posted by Foot_Man_UK (Member # 26650) on :
Really sad news to hear about Wu. If it wasn't for this site, I would have never been so open about my foot fetish. You're a legend Wu. RIP
Posted by Elzbennet (Member # 1234) on :
I feel very sad about his death. Seems unbelievable when someone as young suddenly leaves us. He was always very kind and sweet to me. Rest in peace Alex.
Posted by Phil at BHE (Member # 3361) on :
Site update...
First, I want to thank all of you who have expressed your appreciation for Wu and his efforts with this site. He was a great example of a single person who was able to make a big impact on a lot of lives and help foot fetish become a more mainstream pleasure for all of us.
I am Phil with BHE, We partnered with Wu right after he started when his current hosting situation was evaporating. He has been our partner ever since. The partnership was carefully defined in that we took no active part in directing his efforts with the site, but we were happy to receive his expression of gratitude by listing BHE sites in a somewhat prominent way. We also benefited greatly when a new webmaster asked for direction about how to start a site as Wu typically recommended our service as a good alternative to examine.
I discovered what happened when I did a trace for his name as the phone number I had on record was no longer in service. I had been trying to call him because there had been no response to my e-mails. I noticed that there was another listing of an older person with the same name in the same town and took a chance and called. I left a voice mail asking if they knew of an Alex that was single and heavily involved in the web under the name Wu.
A day or two later I received a return call from a person who identified himself as the father. He said that he had been in the hospital with a heart attack at the end of March and that Alex had visited him regularly while there. When released, a day or two passed and they didn't hear from him. They called, but got no answer from his residence. Finally, in early April they went by his apartment and found him dead of an apparent heart attack. Alex had rheumatic fever in his youth and the weakened heart that so often comes from that.
They were not aware of his popularity on the web and I didn't out him regarding the foot fetish. I just referred to the fact that he had a very large following of friends from around the world. I let them know that his count of friends who sincerely cared about him was very large and he will be missed by us all.
Many people have offered to take over the site, and we appreciate all their offers. But, I have worked very closely with Wu since his arrival here and understand a good deal about his intentions for this community. So, I will be acting as the webmaster. You can leave comments for me in this forum or write me directly at or call me at 770-682-4808.
Since I confirmed his death I have started working my way through the structure of the site and trying to become familiar with his code. Apparently he used an offline HTML editor and uploaded composed HTML pages to the host. Very little of the site was automated and how he maintained things like site updates is a mystery to me. There were a few thousand messages in his inbox, the largest number of which were notices of site updates so I focused my effort there first. I reworked the structure of the pages to make them easier to maintain and processed all update notices for a significant period of history. I also changed the structure and cleaned up many of the dead links that I found. Now, updates are being processed daily with new posts being sorted to the top of the listing. There are two major areas, web sites and clip stores.
I know that the contribution sets are a favorite feature and I am working on adding a PHP script that will make it easier to upload sets amd to view the posted albums. I will get it operational as soon as possible and make an announcement here when it is ready to go.
Hopefully the contribution script will make it easier to upload and display the featured model section. I am waiting to find out before I jump in with a new feature entry at this point.
Unless I hear a huge outcry I intend to get rid of the chat area since it requires Flash and seems to be broken even if you have the tool to use it.
Patrick has offered to do interviews, and I would like to take him up on his offer. He and Wu had discussed expanding the interviews to include photographers, webmasters, and other people who would be of interest to the community. He has a journalism background and should be able to make this a dynamic and interesting part of the site.
Your comments and suggestions are welcome! I hope we can all work together to grow our community and maintain and increase the value of this, our site, to all.
Posted by combine_hunter (Member # 39526) on :
Phil, I just wanted to say thanks for the update and for the effort to continue to maintain the site and forum.
Posted by Keyfeet (Member # 27313) on :
How old was Alex?
Posted by 426 HEMI (Member # 769) on :
Phil... Thank you for all the information. Your time, and effort, to keep Wu's alive and kicking, is greatly appreciated.This is a fantastic site, with great potential moving ahead. It's good to hear your ideas. Thanks again.
Posted by lovepaintedtoenails (Member # 8935) on :
RIP we will miss him very much. Is it not funny, some of us miss him, and never knew him. All we know that he was just like us. He will be missed for sure. Won' be the same without him here. Once again, rest in peace our foot loving friend!! May our prayers be with him, and his family.
Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on :
Many thanks Phil!
I agree with dropping the chat window. A few other aspects of the site probably isn't getting hit too much either.
Looking forward to seeing what Patrick comes up with interviews and looking forward to how you update and automate the site.
Thanks for your much appreciated efforts:)
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Thanks for the update Phil. I look forward to seeing you keeping the spirit of Wu alive here by continuing to keep the site up and running. I had a BHE site with a partner/model for about a year that definitely benefited from the exposure it got on this forum and the contribution updates, so all the other related BHE sites must have benefited the same. This site means a lot to many people and I'm glad to see your continued support of this community with all the new updates to come.
Posted by tyvianc (Member # 40624) on :
Phil, thank you for the update on Wu, and I am sorry to learn of his passing. I can only imagine what the following he had must feel of his untimely passing. I was a huge fan and every morning and night when coming back from work, I would always hit the site up for the updates and see what others have posted onto the forum. I want to thank you for taking his legacy into your hands and trying to keep this site open for all of us to enjoy. I remember speaking to you about twice about a year ago with a program that I needed help running. Thank you so much to Wu for all he's done to make the foot fetish mainstream and to see that we the people that love feet all around the world can be accepted as well. Phil, I can't thank you enough for all that you have done to preserve the site and his legacy again. I still visit everyday to see what people post and I feel like a part of my identity is lost because of this good man. R.I.P. Wu!!!!!!!!
Posted by footpunkz (Member # 43797) on :
oh noooo! That's horrid. Thanks for the update, Phil, I'll give you a call soon.
Interesting to see so many of the fetish producers come together on a thread like this. Sad circumstances, but still nice to see the community gathered.
Long live Wu.
Posted by Tickleman (Member # 19256) on :
Thank you, Phil, for posting your update about Alex. It's very much appreciated.
I knew Alex before he partnered with you when he was looking around for a host. I had considered hosting his site as I had done for others when a bunch of us had an online foot fetish community that ended up being linked via sites at Geocities before they shuttered their operations in the United States. Many of us foot fetishists had gotten to know each other before that via a 16 line BBS out of Brentwood, California.
When Alex asked me if I knew anything about BHE, I was able to give a thumbs up because of others who gave me good feedback about your operations. But as I recall, I think by then he had made up his mind up about having BHE host his site.
Over the years, like Alex who I keep wanting to call Wu, contributors to our site asked for direction about how to start a foot fetish site, and I would typically recommend your service. To this day, links continue to be exchanged between our site, and BHE sites.
Thinking about it now, particularly since you're clearly a good steward for his legacy, I am quite sure he would be pleased. His untimely death makes me think of ways that I and others like me can continue on with our part of the foot fetish community at large.
I'm just thinking out loud here, but I think it would be great for foot fetish sites to continue on in perpetuity, perhaps with BHE, even if all that remains of the site is a marker of sorts keeping a history of what's been enjoyed before.
Even though as you can tell I've been a member here in this forum for over 7 years, I only felt compelled to post for the first time after having learned about Alex's passing. I don't remember when I last chatted with him, but I do know it was quite a long time ago. Still, I am proud, glad, and happy to have known him, and I am grateful that his memory will be honored with your continued work on his site.
Posted by LordLucan (Member # 2130) on :
The site couldn't be in better hands. Thank you for the update Phil, your message fills in a lot of blanks both about Wu as a person and the future of this wonderful site. As much as Wu will be missed, life goes on. What a marvelous impact Wu has had on us all!
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
Thanks for stopping by Phil. We all look forward to carrying this on and helping you guys out in any way. You've left your contact information for people and people know they can contact me if they have ideas at
I'm glad this will be in your hands and you have already began taking a look at certain areas.
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
I've also stepped up to take a larger part here as well and committed help & service to BHE as they have always treated me right through thick and thin, low and high months, etc...they've been the rock which I built my business. So feel free to contact me as well regarding the site or info I can pass on to our new Admins. Greg
Posted by Phil at BHE (Member # 3361) on :
Wu had 2,716 pages that had the navigation directory. Imagine the problem he faced if he wanted to change any element of the navigation set. I have edited those pages to be replaced with a single 'include' file which allows me to edit one document and have the change appear on each of the 2,716 pages.
Having done that, I culled some really old pages that had a plethora of broken links and were unchanged since 2005 or so. Removed from the navigation set are the following pages:
Cam Shows Video Room Movies Foot Parties
I will be glad to reinstate any page that is deemed valuable by the community especially if some folks have some updates for these pages. A hearty THANK YOU to Patrick for putting up the poll which confirms that many items are not really of value to the community.
I am leaving the stories in place since some folks may discover them with a less-cluttered menu and because as static items they don't really require any maintenance.
We have as a top priority finding an easy to use but effective tool for handling contributions and feature model submissions and an updated viewing method that doesn't require backing up to thumbs to select the next image. We hope to have a slide show format that runs automatically or by selection of next or previous. We will not get rid of the years of history, but will set it as a separate item that is contribution archives so they stay with us for as long as the site lives.
Thank you to all of you for your acceptance of me acting as WuTwo and for your support of this community.
Posted by Uno1 (Member # 2883) on :
I'm so sorry to hear about Alex. My best wishes go out to his family. I appreciated his efforts with this site and forum. Thank you, Phil.
Posted by sweetjamesjonesjr3d (Member # 47652) on :
R.i.p. wu legend
I been on this site for years i didnt know a black man ran it, but it has giving me comfort n alot of sleepless nights n days
Posted by Knank (Member # 33565) on :
Such a sad ending to a legacy of good times Posted by craver (Member # 10999) on :
Thanks for the updates, Phil. I think we all feel a bit better knowing the site is in good hands, and even from a distance it would seem like you'd be the best person to carry on Wu's legacy. Thank you for taking that on. It must be very difficult under the circumstances described.
re: Patrick's intention to expand the 'Interview' section. I'd guess I might speak for many who think this would be an outstanding idea; great for the site as well as for the 'community'. In fact, I'd often wondered why Wu/Alex didn't put more emphasis on that over the years. Part of the reason this site has been so successful, obviously, has been its informational value alone. Best of luck going forward.
Posted by Mr Selexis (Member # 26745) on :
Posted by Andi & Ryan (Member # 4143) on :
It is quite difficult to describe the feelings I have after hearing this terrible news. It isn't a familiar feeling grieving the loss of somebody you have never met face-to-face. However, those of us with a foot fetish understand how important this man and web site was in our lives.
My wife and I have had many years of good times being members on here and we have Alex (Wu) to thank for that. We have had the pleasure of meeting a lot of great people.
We traded many emails with the master himself who was always so kind and respectful to Andi when he would ask for more pictures of her. He confessed to us in an email that he really "had a thing" for Andi's soles. So of course we would indulge him and send him photo sets. Some for the contribution page, others just for Wu's private collection.
No matter what happens to this site, I will always remember the excitement, pleasure and satisfaction that it gave us for so many years without waiver. All thanks to Wu's passion.
We loved Wu and all he did for us and the FF community. Thank you old friend and may you have all the little bare soles in heaven that your kind heart desires!
Your friends, Andi and Ryan
Posted by Feet of Philly (Member # 20091) on :
Thanks so much, guys for all your help and the updates. Definitely in amazing hands. Thanks for keeping Wu's legacy alive and well. Please let me know if I can be of any help to you guys. We are a strong community.
Posted by Phil at BHE (Member # 3361) on :
For someone who asked earlier, Wu's birth date is May 18, 1976, so he was about to be 38.
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
quote:Originally posted by Phil at BHE: For someone who asked earlier, Wu's birth date is May 18, 1976, so he was about to be 38.
Was this just a coincidence since this was announced on on this website on May 18th? That's a little
Posted by Feet of Philly (Member # 20091) on :
Wow, so young.
Posted by Feet of Philly (Member # 20091) on :
Hey, quick question to either, Phil, Patrick or NorCal......when I submit my site, I also see update my site. Which one should I use? I'm sure I don't do it twice. Before, it was submit my site and that's the one I just used. It's for new updates that are current on my clips stores now. Thanks again for all your hard work in keeping this site up and running.
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
quote:Originally posted by Feet of Philly: Hey, quick question to either, Phil, Patrick or NorCal......when I submit my site, I also see update my site. Which one should I use? I'm sure I don't do it twice. Before, it was submit my site and that's the one I just used. It's for new updates that are current on my clips stores now. Thanks again for all your hard work in keeping this site up and running.
Yeah it appears to be one in the same thing at the moment, I know Phil is busy working with it.
Posted by solebrotha985 (Member # 2347) on :
im pretty late hearing about this but wow what a shock! i have been visiting wu's for 15 years now and was the first foot community i ever really joined and became involved in. im truly sad to hear this news. he vision has help many of us really explore our love of beautiful feet.
Posted by Cloyster (Member # 33045) on :
I am shocked and saddened by Wus death. Like many here, this was the first fetish forum i found on the web. Wu and the contributors to this site made me realize i wasnt a freak for loving feet. He and all of you here gave me the courage to own my fetish and accept it as part of who i am. I told the woman i was dating at the time about my fetish the night i signed on and ive told every one since. I have a debt to Wu that can never be repaid. RIP Wu, and thank you for everything. I only regret i never had the chance to tell him.
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
quote:Originally posted by craver: re: Patrick's intention to expand the 'Interview' section. I'd guess I might speak for many who think this would be an outstanding idea; great for the site as well as for the 'community'. In fact, I'd often wondered why Wu/Alex didn't put more emphasis on that over the years. Part of the reason this site has been so successful, obviously, has been its informational value alone.
Honestly, Wu and I discussed doing this a few years ago. He wanted to streamline it a little bit and take out the user submission aspect. He and many of the models seemed to think it was a good idea, but all too often just resulted in 200 questions asking, "What's your shoe size?" 200 more questions asking, "Are your feet ticklish?" and so on. So he asked me if I'd be interested in taking over since he liked the fact that I do my own interviews on Soles of Silk with my models and that I used to run a Columns section there as well (now it's been changed into my blog).
Long story short, I came up with the idea of not just doing models, but also doing photographers, web masters, dominatrixes, and more. He was all for the idea and I began doing some interviews - the first of which was supposed to be with Lady Steph. I also did one with Britney Sweetstink as well at the time. I contacted a few other people, but Wu and I just kept tossing around ideas for layout and such and it began to fall by the wayside around the holidays. Both of us slacked off on making it a priority and it just never got done.
Although I still have the interview with Lady Steph somewhere on this computer, I'm conducting a whole new one with her and am still starting it off with her. Wu wanted her first and that's still going to happen. Just wish he would have gotten to read it. Anyhow, be on the lookout for it, hopefully soon. Still working with Phil/BHE on how we're going to post them.
If you have any ideas for people to interview, please PM me with your suggestions. I don't want this thread to turn into a suggestions thread, but I wanted to answer the question about it as I think doing this is something Wu wished at one time, so I'm sure he'd be proud it reboots and carries on after he's gone.
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
quote:Originally posted by Feet of Philly: Hey, quick question to either, Phil, Patrick or NorCal......when I submit my site, I also see update my site. Which one should I use? I'm sure I don't do it twice. Before, it was submit my site and that's the one I just used. It's for new updates that are current on my clips stores now. Thanks again for all your hard work in keeping this site up and running.
I honestly do not know. I never once told Wu I updated. He always posted it on his own, or had something that knew I did - if that makes sense. I don't know how it works, so if Phil or NorCal knows, I'll let them answer. Guess it will be nice to know if I'll have to start using it too.
Posted by Phil at BHE (Member # 3361) on :
Submit a site and Update a site both end up in the same mailbox. What is important is to use the update to notify us that your site has been updated. When you do, please use the URL to the site or to the clip store and not the site name.
I process the updates several times each day to give new posters maximum exposure.
Patrick, if you could use the update function it would help me avoid missing your site since I have no visibility to what automated function Wu may have had in place.
Posted by MrJames1980 (Member # 1488) on :
I'm gutted.
I'm not a major player on the forums, never have been. But it's safe to say Wu and his site played a big part in my life. It must have been in the last century that I found this place, and my understanding of foot fetish changed forever. I went from feeling like the only person in the world who liked feet, to feeling pretty normal. Thank you Wu, for all you've done.
Rest in peace.
Posted by Tadpole in a Jar (Member # 4402) on :
This is such sad news...
I, too, like so many other members here, discovered this website when I first connected to the internet in the early 2000's. Joining this community has really made me realize that I am not alone in this crazy little fetish. Thank you so much Wu for giving us this haven to relate to each other.
Posted by Fair Adam (Member # 13350) on :
Thank you for the information, Phil, it helps us get a more complete picture of Alex/Wu. I am also happy that you have decided to keep this site alive, as I consider it an invaluable asset to anyone in the foot worship community. Simply put, there's nothing like this forum anywhere, and the best way to honor Wu, is by keeping his brainchild alive.
Hope all is well with you guys, I look back to my time with BHE with fondness. Thank you for holding my hand when I knew nothing, and helping me develop my site; you were always nothing short of a gentleman, and always extremely patient and gracious to me...
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
quote: Hope all is well with you guys, I look back to my time with BHE with fondness. Thank you for holding my hand when I knew nothing, and helping me develop my site; you were always nothing short of a gentleman, and always extremely patient and gracious to me...
Phil will be pleased to hear this Adam...that was great of you to mention this. Posted by Fair Adam (Member # 13350) on :
quote:Originally posted by NorcalfeetStudios:
quote: Hope all is well with you guys, I look back to my time with BHE with fondness. Thank you for holding my hand when I knew nothing, and helping me develop my site; you were always nothing short of a gentleman, and always extremely patient and gracious to me...
Phil will be pleased to hear this Adam...that was great of you to mention this.
It's well deserved praise, NorCal, Phil is one of the true gentlemen in this biz...
Posted by Feetosopher (Member # 45909) on :
In a shooting I held yesterday in Venice (Italy), my models ALYSSA and ALPHEA were happy to make an impromptu tribute to the memory of WU by forming a "W" and a "U" with their bare feet.. the results were far from perfection (it's difficult to shoot pictures of such kind on the road), but I was moved anyway. (the picture is visible HERE) MANY THANKS FOR ALL, WU.. may Barefoot Beauty be with you forever! Posted by TruthBeTold (Member # 47114) on :
quote:Originally posted by Fair Adam: Phil is one of the true gentlemen in this biz...
Absolutely true, and a fine example for many out there to emulate! Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
quote:Originally posted by Feetosopher: In a shooting I held yesterday in Venice (Italy), my models ALYSSA and ALPHEA were happy to make an impromptu tribute to the memory of WU by forming a "W" and a "U" with their bare feet.. the results were far from perfection (it's difficult to shoot pictures of such kind on the road), but I was moved anyway. (the picture is visible HERE) MANY THANKS FOR ALL, WU.. may Barefoot Beauty be with you forever!
Very Cool! Posted by lexisfeetrule (Member # 30390) on :
I discovered this site when I was probably 16-years-old. I was so happy to discover it. Without this site, I probably would have never come across Britney, or Lexi, or some of my other favorite models and sites. This site has always been a blessing, and an eye opener because I learned I was not alone and astonished at just how many people loved women's feet. What a great thing to be remembered for, bringing the beauty and love of women's feet to the world. Rest in Piece Wu. You have helped shape my views of the world and helped bring to light the true beauty of women from all over the world. Thank you.
Posted by Barefootsies (Member # 9008) on :
It is a very sad day indeed. I appreciate Lord Lucan for giving me the heads up on this news.
Despite being in the foot fetish community since 1997, I have not kept up with some of those old link sites of the past. A lot of us grew up online and in this industry together. I remember when Wu was the place to be for web links if you were doing anything foot fetish related. Him and Hawk you had to check every day whether you're a webmaster posting up links/updates, or looking for the freshest sites.
Wu was gone too soon (39). He always put his heart and soul into this website, and hopefully Phil and the BHE crew can keep the memory alive and the site online to the standards set by Wu over the past decade plus. One thing that is refreshing is seeing some old names come out of the woodwork and post up in this thread. A lot of people that had vanished over the past 15 years still around.
In closing, Wu was a 'watering hole' for us foot fetish folk for a long time. I sincerely hope that the site, and forum, can continue marching on in his honor.
Posted by fempedlover (Member # 47661) on :
The first links i saw were on wu's 16 years ago and i remember thinking this is as close to heaven as a female lovin ft fetish like me can get. It's always been my #1 place to escape too. He will truely be missed.
Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on :
quote:Originally posted by Patrick: [QB] I also did one with Britney Sweetstink as well at the time...
Wow Patrick, you worked with Britney Sweetstink? I didn't know that. She was always one of my favorites. I have heard that she is super cool and a really nice person. I know that she is pretty much retired nowadays, but do you think there is any way you can contact her and ask if she can do just one more photoshoot, as a special tribute to Wu?
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
quote:Originally posted by footboy1:
quote:Originally posted by Patrick: [QB] I also did one with Britney Sweetstink as well at the time...
Wow Patrick, you worked with Britney Sweetstink? I didn't know that. She was always one of my favorites. I have heard that she is super cool and a really nice person. I know that she is pretty much retired nowadays, but do you think there is any way you can contact her and ask if she can do just one more photoshoot, as a special tribute to Wu?
So I suppose that rumor that went around of her getting injured in an accident years ago was false?
Posted by Feet of Philly (Member # 20091) on :
Hey Phil - thanks so much! Sorry, was away from the forum the past few days doing family stuff. Yeah I before would click on submit site and I'd list all my different stores and Wu always got them up. I have three foot clip stores. I see my Feet of Philly store was listed but not barely legal footjobs or Philly Tickling. I understand there will be a transition period and I'm willing to help out or make it as easy for you guys as possible. Hope I'm making sense here, lol. I also, before, would type my site name and right next to it, the URL.....http://www.....etc, etc
Posted by Feet of Philly (Member # 20091) on :
Phil, should I use submit my site as I did before or update site? I don't want to create extra work or do it twice. It almost seems like update site sounds more accurate for an update where submit a site sounds like a new site submission. Maybe I'm wrong.
Posted by Feet of Philly (Member # 20091) on :
Re-read post, I'll just use update and list my stores there each day. I don't want to clog up this forum with my stuff anymore than I already have, lol. Thanks so much, guys!
Posted by Feet of Philly (Member # 20091) on :
Meant to type - I re-read Phil's post. Sorry, it's late and I'm tired, lol.
Posted by Phil at BHE (Member # 3361) on :
Thank you to all those who provided testimony to my character. It is sincerely appreciated as I value all current and prior associations.
Regarding updates as asked by Feet of Philly, please use the update function and when you write please include the full URL to your site. If your site is not already listed I will simply add it to the appropriate list of updates. I do check to make sure that a site is really a foot fetish site before I add it to the list.
I also periodically check to make sure that a post was done on the date claimed - so no cheating please [smile]!
Thank you again for all the kind words!
Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on :
quote:Originally posted by NorcalfeetStudios:
quote:Originally posted by footboy1:
quote:Originally posted by Patrick: [QB] I also did one with Britney Sweetstink as well at the time...
Wow Patrick, you worked with Britney Sweetstink? I didn't know that. She was always one of my favorites. I have heard that she is super cool and a really nice person. I know that she is pretty much retired nowadays, but do you think there is any way you can contact her and ask if she can do just one more photoshoot, as a special tribute to Wu?
So I suppose that rumor that went around of her getting injured in an accident years ago was false?
Norcal, I'm not too sure. I didn't hear that but then again I was out of the loop for quite awhile. I hope that's not the case!
Posted by Craigy boy (Member # 3340) on :
Right on. Before here, I thought I was odd!
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
Great to hear that you're working on the site, Phil. Thanks a lot, really much appreciated.
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on :
Wow a sad day indeed. I extend my condolences and best wishes to friends and family of Alex F., AKA Wu.
I raise a glass to your memory, sir.
To those stepping in here to run the site, I offer my kind regards and a tip of the hat. Best of luck, gents.
Posted by moldy (Member # 13437) on :
I am so sorry to hear of Wu's (Alex's) passing. I will always remember how this site enriched my life and made me realize that I wasn't alone with my desires in this world. Hats off to you Wu! You will be dearly missed. Rest in peace friend.
Posted by thebeast88 (Member # 47418) on :
Wow @moldy.. I couldn't have said it better myself. Ive been visiting this site since 2008 and remember all the things that wu delivered such as model interviews, contributions, and the infamous Hall of Fame... thank you wu "alex" your memory will live on within the members of this site.... R.I.P
Posted by Barefootsies (Member # 9008) on :
It's definitely nice to read all of the kind messages about Wu, and the impact he and his site has had on our lives as foot lovers. Whether you're a webmaster, or just a foot fan.
Posted by Mr Hollywood (Member # 39227) on :
As many have already stated, this has been THE home & number one go to site for all of us liked minded fetishists. It set the standard that many others have tried to emulate & duplicate. Very tragic & sad news, especially for someone so young.
Alex & I had our first communication back in '08 when I resided in Miami with Mia. That led to the first contribution set with her. He did in fact come off as a very cool person...a good dude.
He'll be missed by all of us, but what he's left through his creation will last many lifetimes. For that Alex, I and many like me, thank you. May God Bless your soul. Rest in paradise.
Posted by archadmirer (Member # 3142) on :
My condolences to everyone who knew Wu personally. I appreciate all his work on our behalf, creating not only a website but a community of foot lovers. I worried when I was younger that my fetish was pathological, but after finding wusfeetlinks I was reassured that though I may be crazy at least I'm in good company. Thanks again Wu, sorry I didn't express these sentiments while you were alive.
Posted by nemesistoez (Member # 42983) on :
I have been coming to this site since it first opened, I have made a few user names cause of lost emails but man, sad news.
I really hope the site and forum continue to stay open for people to enjoy- it really has been one of the very few sites I continue to visit over the years. I mean this site goes back so long- decades- AOL days.
You my boy Wu! RIP brotha.
Posted by canIsmellYourFeet (Member # 11183) on :
I've been here since 2005, come to find out. Almost a decade.
I checked my PMs (I never delete anything) and come to find out I did communicate with Wu, briefly, in 2006: I noticed was down and told him about it, and he said he'd look into it.
Beyond that I knew next to nothing about the man. In fact for some reason I always assumed Hal was Wu. In any case, like I said in the other thread, I'm always going to be grateful to Wu, to Alex, for this site. RIP.
Posted by IAmSpartachris (Member # 3289) on :
So very saddened to hear this news.
My time here at Wu's Feetlinks has lasted longer than several relationships in my life.
I remember stumbling upon this place in the '90s, and feeling like I had finally found a site that truly catered to my fetish. I lurked for several years before signing up at the forum and discovering the rich, open community Wu had fostered here.
I've seen many contributors and members come and go over all these years, but Wu was always the one constant hand guiding this site.
His loss is immeasurable.
He will be missed.
Posted by PrincessCy (Member # 16047) on :
I'm very sad since I read that...
R.I.P. dear Wu.
Posted by thebeast88 (Member # 47418) on :
How did wu pass?
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
quote:Originally posted by footboy1: Wow Patrick, you worked with Britney Sweetstink? I didn't know that.
The post was talking about an interview. I never met her. I do remember the post about being injured. I haven't heard from her in ages and don't know her story these days. Sorry.
Posted by BBQ-HOT (Member # 9761) on :
Goodbye Mr.WU!
You were great contributor for the Foot Fetish community. RIP.
Hope someone will maintain this grat homepage as WU did!
Posted by tulsafootlover (Member # 2118) on :
Wow!!! I have been off here a few weeks and am in total disbelief. As others have mentioned Alex and this site let me know there were a ton of people that shared my same feelings about a foot fetishism. So glad he had a positive impact on our lives. My condolences to his family.
Posted by Ramsfan (Member # 1996) on :
Rest in peace. Posted by dreamer23 (Member # 27241) on :
Shocking news. R.I.P
Posted by charlie g. (Member # 38468) on :
Always been a mere lurker, but feel the need to exclaim my sincere gratitude and utmost respect for the man, the legend. Thank you Wu (Alex) for all you have done! May you rest in peace.
Posted by CFTS (Member # 45969) on :
Posted by Keyfeet (Member # 27313) on :
OK, if nobody is going to address the elephant in the room, I guess I will. How long is this thread going to stay at the top of the page?
Bc now were getting into that weird Apple territory of when Steve Jobs passed away, and they kept his picture on the homepage for months afterward.
It was sorta like, we get that he was the founder and had a huge impact, but we don't need to be reminded of his death everytime we go on the apple website. We're ready to move on.
I feel the same way about this. How long is this going to stay a sticky for?
Posted by combine_hunter (Member # 39526) on :
quote:Originally posted by Keyfeet: OK, if nobody is going to address the elephant in the room, I guess I will. How long is this thread going to stay at the top of the page?
My assumption is that no one addressed it because they thought it would be disrespectful.
Posted by Keyfeet (Member # 27313) on :
quote:Originally posted by combine_hunter:
quote:Originally posted by Keyfeet: OK, if nobody is going to address the elephant in the room, I guess I will. How long is this thread going to stay at the top of the page?
My assumption is that no one addressed it because they thought it would be disrespectful.
I don't think it's disrespectful at all to ask. It's a fair question, and I was respectful about it.
Posted by combine_hunter (Member # 39526) on :
quote:Originally posted by Keyfeet:
quote:Originally posted by combine_hunter:
quote:Originally posted by Keyfeet: OK, if nobody is going to address the elephant in the room, I guess I will. How long is this thread going to stay at the top of the page?
My assumption is that no one addressed it because they thought it would be disrespectful.
I don't think it's disrespectful at all to ask. It's a fair question, and I was respectful about it.
Others may disagree.
Posted by Keyfeet (Member # 27313) on :
eh. Its still a fair question.
Posted by wodspectre (Member # 4838) on :
Come on man. Have some respect. This isn't apple. Wu made this whole thing with his time. We owe him a memoriam. Besides, every TRUE nerd knows without Wozniak, Jobs was just this really creepy asshole.
Posted by GQguy (Member # 16534) on :
quote:Originally posted by combine_hunter:
quote:Originally posted by Keyfeet: OK, if nobody is going to address the elephant in the room, I guess I will. How long is this thread going to stay at the top of the page?
My assumption is that no one addressed it because they thought it would be disrespectful.
The thought never even crossed my mind. People are still paying their respects and hearing the news.
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
quote:Originally posted by Keyfeet: eh. Its still a fair question.
Fair Question, but I think we should keep it up for awhile longer myself. The Main Page banner will never come down, but perhaps eventually in time this thread will rest. As long as some are still paying tribute it should stay up.
Posted by MrJames1980 (Member # 1488) on :
Fair question? Show some respect! I wouldn't shame myself by even thinking such a question.
It's a sticky, you don't have to click on it. Still bothering you? Then can I suggest finding a different board to frequent.
Posted by Fair Adam (Member # 13350) on :
quote:Originally posted by MrJames1980: Fair question? Show some respect! I wouldn't shame myself by even thinking such a question.
It's a sticky, you don't have to click on it. Still bothering you? Then can I suggest finding a different board to frequent.
I completely agree, please let's not lose sight of who created this forum. As far as I'm concerned, this thread can stay open in perpetuity, and any asshole who thinks it needs a time limit, should examine his values.
Posted by Plastercast to thank (Member # 827) on :
quote:Originally posted by TruthBeTold: For a few months now, the disappearance of Wu from Wu's feet links had many foot fetishists concerned (and speculating) about the actual whereabouts of Wu.
It seems now that the hosting company for Wu's Feet links, BHE-bill, has formally determined his untimely death and posted a notice on the front pages of his website.
Wu was a pioneer in the foot fetish community and a great guy. I wish him the best in the afterlife.
R.I.P. Wu and condolences to his family
Im very sad about news.
Posted by cassarj (Member # 9898) on :
Just felt the need to drop my deepest heartfelt condolences to Wu's family. So sad to hear that yhe man behind such a legendary foot fetish website And forum, was taken from us, way too soon. May he rest Above the Clouds, in Peace.
Posted by chaz36 (Member # 21412) on :
RIP old friend. Thanks for everything. You were greater than you thought!
Posted by SSF (Member # 47698) on :
I remember back in the late 90's I start looking for pictures of female feet and videos. Wu's, Hawks feet links were the biggest out there along with Aragorns feet links! Wu helped me get my sites going and always offered ideas and support!
I hope you're in FOOT Heaven WU! Jack and Terri SSF
Posted by WillJerk4Feet (Member # 21497) on :
Thank you for leaving the notice about Wu up on the main page! Been a while since I was here so I didn't know anything about Wu's passing until today.
The guy was a true pioneer and I first checked this site out soon after it had opened way back when. As someone said, Wu was the Elmer Batters of the Internet, so true! I'll always remember this place and it was fun being in his Fantasy Football League when fall came around!
Posted by 426 HEMI (Member # 769) on :
Whoever is worried about how long this thread stay's alive, needs to get a hobby, or something. How about collecting road kill or maybe wood whittling...
Posted by Derfjmeister (Member # 875) on :
It's still people finding out that Wu has passed.
So this thread definitely should continue being up on here for a while....
Posted by LickHerSoles (Member # 5302) on :
Im just seeing this post i dont get on a lot myself he well be missed , I got to talk with him a lot back in the day when i needed help on the forum he was a great guy Rest in Peace Wu
Posted by canIsmellYourFeet (Member # 11183) on :
quote:Originally posted by Keyfeet: OK, if nobody is going to address the elephant in the room, I guess I will. How long is this thread going to stay at the top of the page?
Bc now were getting into that weird Apple territory of when Steve Jobs passed away, and they kept his picture on the homepage for months afterward.
It was sorta like, we get that he was the founder and had a huge impact, but we don't need to be reminded of his death everytime we go on the apple website. We're ready to move on.
I feel the same way about this. How long is this going to stay a sticky for?
It has been *A* month since word of his passing was made public knowledge so your analogy doesn't fit. It would if it was 6-8 months later, so a fair question *to you* is what's the hurry?
Posted by The foot fu**in master (Member # 2152) on :
I've been away for a while due to work commitments etc, and I've come back to learn of this! All I can say is that I echo the sentiments of all those who have been visitors/members of this website/forum, however long we've been coming. Truly sad news. I hope this site remains as part of Wu's legacy as one of the online foot fetish pioneers.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
This is the first I've read of this terribly sad news. I've been a member here for almost eight years, and have spoken to Wu, and read his posts. May he RIP, and I thank him for starting this wonderful site. May we all continue the legacy that he left.
Posted by Wu (Member # 1) on :
============ ANNOUNCEMENT ============
The Contribution tool is now in place. Please upload only .jpg files. Picture sets that are a multiple of 4 pictures [ie. 4, 8, 12, etc] will provide a balanced posting set of thumbnails.
The link to the contribution tool is at the top of the contribution page and I hope the instructions are complete enough that the process will be easy for all contributors.
Contribution sets will no longer be posted on only Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but instead will be posted as they arrive!
If you have questions please contact me at the number below.
Phil 770-682-4808
Posted by Talos (Member # 39913) on :
Cool! Thanks Phil!
Posted by FtLckr26 (Member # 13998) on :
For over a month I refused to look at this thread because I thought it was someone saying that Wu's Feet Links wasn't going to last much longer with new sites taking over like Reddit, TUMBLR, etc. But man, this is shocking to me. Ever since I got my very first computer back in 2000, I browsed Wu's. It was my favorite website. I couldn't go more than a couple days without checking it out. Knowing that I wasn't the only guy out there who liked feet made me feel normal.
R.I.P. Wu
Posted by JasmineLover24 (Member # 46780) on :
R.I.P. WU, may God rest your Soul, and be there in true peace.
Posted by Arch_Analyst (Member # 28756) on :
I have not been visiting regularly for years, but Wu's was such a fixture in my daily life at one point that despite feeling that I had outgrown this place, I've always come around every now and then just to see what's going on, the latest topics, and check out some pics.
When Wu disappeared, I thought he decided to move on from managing the site. That's what happens to most foot sites. Unfortunately, that was not the case.
Thanks Alex(AKA Wu)for creating this place. This place was my outlet to express myself in terms of my love for women's feet long before I had the courage and the confidence to let the real world be my outlet.
I'm glad to see a lot of people that have been gone for some time back to pay respects.
Thanks to Phil at BHE for reviving the site in Wus absence.
Posted by Mr.Xie (Member # 32688) on :
how did he pass away? sad RIP WU
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mr.Xie: how did he pass away? sad RIP WU
Heart condition. Phil mentioned some of the details a few pages back in this thread if you want to know a little more.
Posted by markn (Member # 13818) on :
quote:Originally posted by TruthBeTold: For a few months now, the disappearance of Wu from Wu's feet links had many foot fetishists concerned (and speculating) about the actual whereabouts of Wu.
It seems now that the hosting company for Wu's Feet links, BHE-bill, has formally determined his untimely death and posted a notice on the front pages of his website.
Wu was a pioneer in the foot fetish community and a great guy. I wish him the best in the afterlife.
R.I.P. Wu and condolences to his family
Well said, Thank you Wu
Posted by Kani C. Eurphete (Member # 2662) on :
Finding out news like this is always a shock to the system. Although I've been an absentee, Wu's Forum (for me) has become a virtual sanctuary, for folks such as myself. He will be sorely missed.
Posted by RJFoot (Member # 37988) on :
I've been a member of this site since January 2010 and have always felt most welcome here with such a decent community of like-minded individuals. I have Wu to thank for this, so hearing of his passing has been a shock. RIP Wu
I know his death was earlier this year but I've only just logged on after being away from this site for so long (due to personal reasons)
Posted by Ms.Sweet (Member # 21144) on :
My gosh , Ive been away for a while ,and didnt expect news such as this , my heart goes out to him ! Such a nice man ,we e-mailed back and forth for a bit and I always enjoyed our little "chats" . He will surely be missed!
Posted by Gazu (Member # 48305) on :
Big Wus!!! Thanks!!
Posted by Ophillia (Member # 29787) on :
I retired and lurk from time to time. This is such a loss to the fetish community. Wu's was the first place that I ever called home. My condolences are with his family.
Posted by Michael Pitt (Member # 47716) on :
phil saying he made the call to his father to ask if he knows wu and asking what is going on with him has me thinking
he didn't want to "out" his foot fetish to his father but if we die suddenly like wu won't all of us be "outed" as foot guys?
i imagine his dad got his computer, it's possible he saw tons of foot content on it
Posted by Wu II - Phil (Member # 1) on :
Regarding opening the site to amateur content. You can always post pictures in the forum and we have opened up contribution sets so that anyone can post a contribution set as long as it has at least eight pictures and reasonable quality.
Posted by seojianfei (Member # 52020) on :
I am wondering back in the last 1970s I order some wrinkled soles picture from Wu and I order them from California. I am wondering was this the same person?