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Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
I don't collect his comics, but I do have a few books of his work covering his career. He hit on a lot of subjects dealing with his own perversions with women making himself a character at times in his almost biographical work. Many times stuff seemed to cross over into an area foot fetishists would relate to since Crumb had a shoe fetish (however the shoe had to be worn by a woman)amongst other things.

Lou sent me some scans of a foot fetish comic of Crumb's staring the Snoid a few years back. Ok, its not exactly the most PC comic, but I figured everyone on this board could appreciate it for what it is and get a laugh from it.






Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :


Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
Totally crazy [Laugh]
Thanks for sharing.

Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Hal, if you're not familiar with his work you should definitely search it out.
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
Yes, I know Robert Crumb. I even have some of his old comics. He was often featured in these old 70s underground comics from Germany called "U-Comix".

I once had a very weird Robert-Crumb-like experience in my neighbourhood: My gf and I were walking down the street when a junkie walked up, opened his jacket and asked in a shady voice: "Hey, I need money...wanna buy these?". At first I thought he was going to pull out some drugs but he had some "Fritz the Cat"-comics and also some "Freak Brothers". He had probably stolen them somewhere because they were in mint condition and still sealed. I didn`t buy them, though [Wink]

Posted by diamond johny (Member # 27586) on :
Great stuff.
Didn't he have a fetish for girls to give him piggy-back rides?

Keep on Truckn'
Posted by FIASCo (Member # 1899) on :
I missed this. Is the Snoid a one-off character or did he show up in other Crumb comics?
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
He was a recurring character though not quite as often for example as Mr. Natural.

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