[ November 06, 2011, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: deano4feet ]
Posted by SoleDaddy (Member # 35831) on :
That's funny Deano... I was just "using" some of her videos the other day. I have attached a few pics of her for your pleasure, enjoy.
Posted by SoleDaddy (Member # 35831) on :
Another batch from this sexy vamp!
Posted by dq32 (Member # 31250) on :
those nails are a lil scary but if she can still work em well im down
Posted by Xero (Member # 15476) on :
I got to agree with dq on this. Those nails are a little intimidating, but if the soles are nice and the technique is good, I am boiling over like anyone else on her feet.
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
Her feet look great covered in cum.
Posted by Sweettooth (Member # 37575) on :
Long toenails aren't really my thing but I figured I had to at least show appreciation for what beautiful soles she has though! Posted by SoleDaddy (Member # 35831) on :
I know what you mean, but there is something sexy-kinky about them... I think it would be fun to fuck around with them for a week or so...
Posted by nusuth (Member # 7372) on :
maybe i'm the only one, but her feet scare me tremendously and turn me off completely. no disrespect intended to you guys who find them hot.
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
quote:Originally posted by nusuth: maybe i'm the only one, but her feet scare me tremendously and turn me off completely. no disrespect intended to you guys who find them hot.
I would LOVE to see her with normal nails and I think her feet would be damn near perfect. Her soles are tremendous and the shapes of her toes are great. It is just the nails that I'm not much into. Still, if she wanted to drain my balls like in those videos, nails or no nails, I'd be spilling.
Posted by deano4feet (Member # 42813) on :
Amen! Me too Patrick! They are outrageous! Bet she cant even wear shoes...LOL! Which of course is Great! DEANO
Posted by SoleDaddy (Member # 35831) on :
Don't get me wrong... if she was my girl, there is no way I am cool with her sporting those daggers, I just think I would be OK with it as a novelty foot session. A new experience if you will...
Posted by eff (Member # 11277) on :
Well I love the nails...
Theres nothing wrong with a little scratching(as long as you dont get bruised lol). I dont think she would intentionally try to hurt you so it just comes down to how kinky you wanna get. Its a certain level of control and power the long nails represent. You're at her mercy basically.
I love for women with sexy feet to seduce me with them, dominate me with them, etc etc...so the nails just do something for me. Hard to explain but they do.
Its kinda like how Bellecita's feet just have a "dominating/powerful" type of look to them....long nails (on the right type of feet) add that look.
Posted by SuckYourToes? (Member # 3193) on :
I'll admit they're a bit too long for my tastes, but I'll take 'em over the usual bitten-down variety you see everywhere. Anyway, she's probably pretty skilled and the chances of injury are very small Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
That avatar image is fucking awesome. In box me the big version please. LOL
Posted by eff (Member # 11277) on :
I get more msgs in my inbox concerning my avatar images (everytime I switch em) than anything else. lol
No Problem Patrick. Posted by eff (Member # 11277) on :
Attractive woman but the looooong toe naisl just doesnt do it for me.
Posted by joebond (Member # 11049) on :
Awesome soles..But the nails are a little much...
Posted by solesearcher77 (Member # 21607) on :
quote:Originally posted by eff: Well I love the nails...
Its a certain level of control and power the long nails represent. You're at her mercy basically.
I love for women with sexy feet to seduce me with them, dominate me with them, etc etc...so the nails just do something for me.
Right on with the liking to be seduced/dominated with them...
I don't really like the length of the nails, but they do give off a very powerful and controlling vibe to me as well...I am intrigued because I see something sexy going on...but one of the main parts of my fetish is seeing how the top of the toe goes around the nail, like mommy dearest toes do. But this chick's soles are beautiful to my sole-lovin eyes...and that's why I'd let her give me a fj with her soles...kuz I wouldn't have to worry about the toes anyway lol...