Watching the movie MATCHSTICK MEN and just a barrage of amazing closeups of this girls feet in flip flops and subsequently out of them..
Does anyone have these vidcaps?
Posted by footspy (Member # 2112) on :
I'm sorry but I don't have any pics of her feet but thanks for reminding me that you see her feet in that movie. I had completely forgotten but now I'll it to my list. I was surprised to find out that she was actually of legal age when she made that movie because in the film she plays a 15-year old.
Posted by toelikr4u (Member # 3474) on :
Any clue where to find them? What list are you adding that to?
Posted by footspy (Member # 2112) on :
I've created a list that lists films that feature foot scenes in them wether it be simple foot shots or worship scenes. I also list the actresses who's feet we see in each individual film. I've also got one for foot shots on tv shows which I'm working on.
Here's a link to the thread I started about my list:;f=1;t=003117. You'll find a link to the list in the first post. I've updated the list, adding over 30 titles to the list since I posted it, and will upload it soon.
Posted by tasm (Member # 3081) on :
It's funny you mention allison lohman,because the first time i saw her(before she became known)was in a movie called "Sharing the secret" She has her bare foot resting on a table and you can see the whole bottom of her foot,soles and all.It was made in 2000. And once in a while it plays on the lifetime channel. I'll let you know when it plays again.I have the scene recorded on dvd but i don't know how to get it on here. I don't have the softwear.
Posted by You (Member # 2107) on :
i have a few vidcaps from that scene on matchstickmen but i cant post them here, would you like them on your email?
Posted by LordLucan (Member # 2130) on :