This week's set featuring Kelsey was done on a popular trail. We weren't even planning on shooting here, but as we drove up to an intersection we saw a metal framed arch sculpture. It was right at the corner of the intersection where the trail is only a few feet away from the busy road itself.
Even with the heavy traffic and semi-regular joggers/walkers using the trail, we wanted to use the spot and did. Dozens of people saw Kelsey baring her feet at some point along the process of these 100 photos. One of them was even a cop on a four wheeler. He didn't pay us much mind and went on his way.
For such a simple set with sneakers and socks, this is one I absolutely adore. Kelsey has been doing her best work these last two years, no doubt.
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on October 25, 2023 03:51 PM: