Episode 1: Germany vs. USA: First meeting, shows feet, thoughts on foot fetish scene in USA vs. Germany, other tidbits
Episode 2: Meine Füße stinken: More on Germany vs. USA scene, acknowledges and responds to viewer criticms, which countries like her, German lessons, more views of feet
[ July 14, 2014, 04:19 AM: Message edited by: KlassFX ]
Posted by tootsylover (Member # 4584) on :
Oh wow she is adorable!
I would have loved to sniff those cute little feet of hers after she had been wearing those sneakers all day..... Posted by Feet jacks 420 (Member # 45673) on :
Man german girls are the best ive never had one ever tell me that my foot fetish was freaky they all loved it and thought it was cool
Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on :
Instant-boner city !!!
Posted by KlassFX (Member # 46337) on :
Revised OP to stay timely with Germany's WC2014 summer and created a double feeturette. More content will be added in store throughout week, have a bunch of footage and snapshots to go through.
@tootsy Made a sneaker show based on requests some of it is in episode 2 and will be made into a clip @fj420 Can't seem to really refute that so far but German dudes complain to me about them being stiff as bricks @fb1 thank you brother
Posted by tootsylover (Member # 4584) on :
Just came back to look at this thread again and saw your Part 2 vid ... that part in the car where she takes her sneakers off and asks you in German if her feet stink was pretty dang awesome for sure
Also at the beginning where she seems mad about something and slaps you was funny lol Posted by Peter, Peter (Member # 40235) on :
Found your video on youtube and I am glad I did. BTW I am subscriber. Great stuff