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Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 21, 2012 11:49 PM:
The National Park

When there isn't anything else to do, you can always take a stroll through the National Park. At any given moment, you'll find women just minding their own business and airing their feet our to breathe. Enjoying your lunch break becomes a much better leisure when you can't help but stare at these women's soles. It is amazing how your lunch tastes a whole lot better as a direct result of looking at their feet.

Throughout the course of the season, I will show you galleries of women who have allowed me to take photographs of their feet. One person told me that these pictures look as if the lady doesn't know I'm there. He wanted to know if that was the desired effect? The answer is yes. In every gallerie I post, I tell the women to act as if I'm invisible while I tell them how to pose their feet for me.

As you walk through the park, you just might come across someone who I call The Zebra only because of the design of her shirt. I like this gallerie because she looks perplexed in some of the pictures as she's messing around with her iPhone.

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NOTE ...

As with any gallerie here, you might want to hit the Refresh button a few times if some of the images don't appear.


This next one is a title with a catchy name. Not only was she surfing the web while I was doing my thing, but the cut you see on the big toe of her left foot was from surfing the waves.

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The National Park is always open and anyone is always welcomed. Feel free to visit anytime.

-- National

[ March 04, 2014, 09:33 AM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 21, 2012 11:51 PM:

People hang around the National Park after the sun finally sets. NightVisions refers to the pictures I have taken just when I'm about to call it a night. The images are not as clear as those taken during the day, but they are still pretty neat to look at nonetheless. These images give a different taste because images taken outside during the dark is not something people see in this forum quite often.

First up, we have someone who reminds me of a ghost when I see these images. She sort of glows in the dark in these pictures. In an innocent kind of way that is not meant to spook anyone, I dub her as the Resurrection Mary of the park.

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The light was given its name for the simple reason that the light gives this gallerie its signature. I love how that light kind of distracts you from the feet for just a second before coming back to it. Magic caught in the moment.

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Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on August 22, 2012 09:26 AM:
These pictures you took are quite amazing. They hold my complete attention as through by magic. This stuff is excellent from top to bottom. An amazing job and thanks for sharing these. I'll spend the rest of my time enjoying these. [Smile]
Posted by The_FJCruiser (Member # 6007) on August 22, 2012 10:26 AM:
Great work National! The Zebra is my favorite! Love her toes!
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on August 22, 2012 01:49 PM:
This is nothing short of sensational. Great work with your foothunting adventures for the sake of making us smile and for the sake of providing us with raw material for us to jackoff to. Each gallery is unique in its own way. Can't wait to see more of what you've got.
Posted by ddash1985 (Member # 18676) on August 22, 2012 02:01 PM:
Great work.
Posted by DSW (Member # 35008) on August 22, 2012 09:27 PM:
An amazing assortment of pictures. I agree with everything everyone above me has said. You do a superb job with your annual celeb contests and now show us THIS with all these Average Janes? You, sir, are the Goodwill Ambassador of this forum.

I love how you have a name or a title for each girl you post. There's something great to be said about each girl. Especially the last one.

For an amateur, you sure know how to point that camera because these angles are heaven. With the last girl, if it weren't for that light, this set would've been just ok. This picture is perhaps my favorite from that set:

That was so cool the way the light shined between her two toes like that. [Thumbs Up] I've never seen anything like it before.

With the Zebra, I love how her face was hidden from view by that table. It made me focus on that just as much as it did with the feet. Weird and amazing at the same time.

If we can see some pictures of the toes from some of these women, then we'll be all straight. Other than that, you have done a fantastic job with these ladies.
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on August 22, 2012 09:40 PM:
Excellent work man! All those girls have some delicious looking soles! Hope to see more [Smile]
Posted by DancingFool (Member # 3728) on August 22, 2012 11:05 PM:
Great shots all around! That park is a haven for feet. Does anyone know the name of the site that featured pictures much like this many years ago?? I believe he shot vids also.
Posted by feet right now (Member # 39672) on August 22, 2012 11:15 PM:
This is something special. An excellent posting no matter how you slice it. There's something about the ghost that makes me want to visit the park right now while it's still dark outside. Her feet are so good and inviting.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 22, 2012 11:59 PM:
Thanks to everyone who has shown support up to this point. Thanks for the great words and thanks for giving me the motivation to go out there and do a better job than what I have done before. There will be more to come and everyone will have more reasons to pay a visit to the National Park.

Like the last guy who posted said, this is something special. I'm doing this as a public service for people who want to enjoy feet through the eyes and imagination of someone new who wants to contribute images of new feet to the forum. And I cannot wait to show people some of the better work I've done.

Originally posted by DSW:

For an amateur, you sure know how to point that camera because these angles are heaven. With the last girl, if it weren't for that light, this set would've been just ok. This picture is perhaps my favorite from that set:

That was so cool the way the light shined between her two toes like that. [Thumbs Up] I've never seen anything like it before.

When I took that picture, I knew I had to post it for everyone to see. Before that moment, I had not seen anything like that either. I'm probably the first guy to ever have a foot photo come out like that. That photo should be an instant classic in the foot fetish world.

For 'bluetoelover', I'm glad you enjoyed it as well. The first gallerie that featured the Zebra reminded me of you because of her toenail polish. I apologize, however, for not taking any pictures of her toes. I live and die by the soles and these pictures were taken to satisfy what I like best about feet. Which leads me to this ...

Originally posted by DSW:

If we can see some pictures of the toes from some of these women, then we'll be all straight.

There have been a handful of women who I've decided that I wanted to take pictures of their toes. I'll post those sometime in the future. In the meantime, if anyone is looking for toe shots, I suggest you not hold your breath.

Again, thanks for showing some support. I really appreciate the words and the time you took to look at these photos. I might post another gallerie within the next 48 hours. Stayed tuned.

-- National
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 23, 2012 12:12 AM:
I hope you made there on time. The National Park is closed for the night. Don't worry, there's always the following night. Who knows, she just might reappear at a very convenient moment for anyone fortunate enough to witness the sighting. I was.


Originally posted by feet right now:
There's something about the ghost that makes me want to visit the park right now while it's still dark outside. Her feet are so good and inviting.

-- National
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on August 23, 2012 09:29 AM:
I'm blown away! Quite fascinating that these women allow you to give them that kind of attention. The Surfer looks the cutest from the bunch and perhaps worshiping her feet would nurse that little cut the way Neosporin would. [Smile]

I love that one shot where she looked shocked by what she read on her laptop.

Anyone not pleasuring themselves to these pictures must have no testosterone. Everyday women showing their soles for National is a good thing.

Fascinating, fascinating stuff, my friend. I'm already jealous. Please share some more when you get the chance. I'm sure everyone would like to see what else you have uncovered.
Posted by footcenter (Member # 34062) on August 23, 2012 02:31 PM:
Great stuff you've got there. I also think my lunch would taste better if sitting close to me were women like the zebra and the sufer baring their soles. I bet my dinner would taste better if I saw the ghost or the other night lady doing the same. I would catch a major hard on if I were that close to their feet. Congrats on your great adventures, National.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on August 24, 2012 12:22 AM:
I gotta ask you: of these four women you posted, which one was the easiest to work with? I guess it could give us some idea which chick was the coolest about this out of these four women featured. My pick would be the girl in the last set of pictures where the light shines through between her toes. [Smile]

I would think that some of these women would feel embarrassed about having some guy who they just met take pictures of their feet.

Yes, we need to see more of the awesome work you have done.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 24, 2012 02:15 AM:
Originally posted by caseman:
I gotta ask you: of these four women you posted, which one was the easiest to work with?

Good question.

Just about every woman I encounter to shoot photos of their feet is very easy to work with and maneuver around. Rarely (and I mean RARELY) have I come across someone where it felt like I had to pull teeth for something that shouldn't be painful! That's leads to the comment you made about if they feel embarrassed. The ones that were harder to get going were the ones who felt embarrassed. But whatever. I mean, being a bit embarrassed is kind of cute ... as long as she learns how to get over it and enjoy the moment for what it is, which has happened a number of times. But the other one or two needles in the haystack were too embarrassed.

But 99 percent of the time, the women I encounter are not embarrassed and are quite nonchalant about the whole thing and/or excited and flattered at the same time.

Keep in mind that I'm referring only to women who have allowed me to take pictures of them, not women who have rejected me.

But if a gun was put to my head and I had to pick which one of these four was the easiest to work with, first let me say that all four were very easy and very fun to work with. But if I HAD to pick one, I'll say The Ghost was the easiest of these four. I had fun doing that one just as much as I did with the other three posted.

The easiest of the easy of these four was The Ghost. Resurrection Mary.

Originally posted by caseman:

Yes, we need to see more of the awesome work you have done.

I should post some more pictures by the end of the weekend. Be on the lookout.

-- National

[ August 24, 2012, 02:44 AM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by Millennium Wind (Member # 39525) on August 24, 2012 09:21 AM:
Wonderful job with what you got these women to do for you. Keep up the good work and share some more of what you have with the rest of us.

[Thumbs Up]
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on August 24, 2012 02:21 PM:
I thought the zebra was the easiest to work with because people seem to like her pictures best. My personal pick was the girl in the last gallery because she was smoking and some of those pictures were incredible with the angles you caught with that light. But now that you said that the ghost was the most easy going, I'm starting to love her pictures even more. Can't wait to see who else was completely cool with you.
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on August 24, 2012 08:38 PM:
I dig your taste in soles there National, although I'd also luv to taste their soles [Mmm] .. [Big Grin] .... Nice work [Thumbs Up]
Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on August 24, 2012 11:15 PM:

Love the tag name you are giving! Zebra has some nice soles...but I got my eyes on the Surfer! [Wink]

Looking forward to see what else you got in the stash!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 25, 2012 02:25 AM:
Originally posted by FootLongSub Zero:
I dig your taste in soles there National,

Me too! [Big Grin]

Originally posted by oneagain:

Looking forward to see what else you got in the stash!

I'll finally unveil those pictures this Sunday night. Right now I don't know which girl to go with, but I'll have it figured out by then.

-- National
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 27, 2012 12:37 AM:
We welcome you back to the National Park. This is the place that is synonymous for foot watching, foot gazing, foot appreciation. This is the national landmark for anyone who has a love for feminine feet.

I'm here to introduce more women who were spotted foot teasing. When I asked them to pose their feet for me, they smiled with pleasure and wondered Why not?

Ivy Green got its name from all the leaves in the backround.

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Monday is typically a day that people are not in the mood to show up to work or to do any heavy lifting. In the National Park, Monday is always a day where it is best to unwind to relax your mind from all the stress that drives you crazy from work. This next girl was someone who I talked to on a late-Monday afternoon. When you visit the park, Mondays doesn't feel so dreadful all of a sudden.

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SIZE 10.5

[ August 28, 2012, 12:18 AM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by footcenter (Member # 34062) on August 27, 2012 02:44 AM:
Once again, I have to congratulate you on your adventures. These pictures are well done and you have a great knack on how to look at feet through an artist's eye. My hat goes off to you and your excellent work.

Both women featured this time makes this park a popular discussion on this forum.

Is it me, or does this Ivy Green girl look a little bit like Hope Solo?
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on August 27, 2012 03:10 AM:
Thanks National.

Loved Monday's 10,5's
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on August 27, 2012 09:12 AM:
Thanks for making it your mission to save all of us. These women give us guys the world over a great reason to look forward to Mondays. Women like these must be the coolest in the world and they must think you're quite intrguing as well, National. I'm impressed with your work. And Ivy Green does have some Hope Solo features in her.
Posted by DSW (Member # 35008) on August 27, 2012 10:15 PM:
National, you've gotta give us the secret recipe to making these women undress their shoes for you and letting you take these amazing pictures. They pics are definitely worth the time pleasuring oneself to. In the first few pictures of Monday's pictures, I just love how she poses her feet like that. It's pretty unusual to have a woman cross her legs at the ankles like that. Love the first two pics when we are to look up at her soles crossed like that. Her soles are amazing.

Ivy's gallery is pretty cute.

If you wanna talk actual average girls and not hired actresses, I salute National for sharing with us the natural goods.

Thanks a million, pal. [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on August 27, 2012 10:47 PM:
**Down goes the zipper**
Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on August 27, 2012 10:53 PM:
Fuck, my keyboard! [Jerkoff]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 28, 2012 12:32 AM:
This is the actual map of National Park. The tags on the map are the spots where I took the pictures of each girl who I posted thus far.

-- The three on the top left corner happened right by the last letter of each word.
-- The Surfer happened right in the middle of the letter S.
-- Ivy Green took place right in the middle of the letter G, while Monday's session happened right where the s is.

Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on August 28, 2012 02:46 AM:
Originally posted by Lust In Translation:
**Down goes the zipper**

Originally posted by Lust In Translation:
Fuck, my keyboard! [Jerkoff]

LOL! [Laugh]

Originally posted by DSW:
It's pretty unusual to have a woman cross her legs at the ankles like that. Love the first two pics when we are to look up at her soles crossed like that. Her soles are amazing.

Amazing, indeed. The third picture in Monday's gallery is so my new wallpaper. [Smile]

I swear, these pictures make you go Holy ____________ [Thud]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on August 28, 2012 01:51 PM:
Originally posted by caseman:
I swear, these pictures make you go Holy ____________ [Thud]

Holy sh*t. You took those words right out of my mouth.
Posted by DSW (Member # 35008) on August 28, 2012 10:18 PM:
National, after seeing the pictures, the women in those pictures, their feet and how the unique angles in which you aim that camera, I wish I could go on a foothunting adventure with you at the park so I could get a behind-the-scenes feel for all of this magic is put together. And now with the map of the park and where each woman was found, made me wish I was there even more.
Posted by eddi (Member # 11744) on August 28, 2012 10:42 PM:
Very hot
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 31, 2012 12:24 AM:
Originally posted by footcenter:
Once again, I have to congratulate you on your adventures. These pictures are well done and you have a great knack on how to look at feet through an artist's eye. My hat goes off to you and your excellent work.

I thank you for leaving this great comment. Every once in a while I come across some lady where the immediate surroundings create unique angles for how someone can look at the feet. For example, . Is quite abstract because while the focus should be on feet, one can't help but to look up at the table that's blocking her face. Everything doesn't have to be so centered. The feet shouldn't have to be in the center of every picture. Leave 'em off to the side or towards the edge of the frame and make people to force their eyesight in that direction. It's a great challenge because sometimes, something else in the pictures will distract them from the main object. Some asymmetry is good when dealing with works of art.

The galley I titled The Light has the light playing a prominent role in those pictures, especially in the second picture on the second-to-last row in her gallery.

'Monday's Niceties' was very fun to shoot and it shows in the images. Galleries like 'Ivy Green' are more typical of the times. There were no crazy angles to deal with, just very basic. And speaking of her, I do see some Hope Solo in her now that someone has brought it up. The thought of Hope never crossed my mind as I was taking pictures of her feet, though. Oh, well ...


I have more stuff to show everyone on Tuesday.

The National Park will make your visit worthwhile throughout the Holiday weekend coming up.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on August 31, 2012 07:08 PM:
Here's a question I can't believe no one has asked by now: did any of their feet stink? Like were you able to pick up a scent from any of their feet from where you were taking the pictures? I'm going to guess that Ivy Green's feet were a bit smelly.
Posted by Tadpole in a Jar (Member # 4402) on August 31, 2012 09:26 PM:
Nice work. They really do have the look of "candids".
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on September 01, 2012 10:03 PM:
Originally posted by Tadpole in a Jar:
Nice work. They really do have the look of "candids".

Thanks, Tadpole. That's the signature style that I was shooting for all this time. It's something different, unique and fresh. These are the best "candids" ever taken. And I have more from where that came from, and I'll share some of them this Tuesday.

Originally posted by caseman:
Here's a question I can't believe no one has asked by now: did any of their feet stink? Like were you able to pick up a scent from any of their feet from where you were taking the pictures? I'm going to guess that Ivy Green's feet were a bit smelly.

You're about to go 0-for-2. [Big Grin] At one time, you asked which girl (of the ones I posted thus far) was the easiest to work with. You guessed one person when the answer was 'The Ghost'. To answer your newest question, I can only remember a couple of the women who's feet did smell a bit, including one who I already posted. The one who's feet smelled a bit from where I was sitting was the phenomenon known as ... The Ghost. Resurrection Mary.

It wasn't so strong because it wasn't to the point where I don't think she even knew about it. There was this other girl who I have yet to post who had a stronger scent than she had. Other than those two, all of the others who have given me consent to gawk at their soles didn't have a smell to them at all.

-- National
Posted by Pjay (Member # 35692) on September 03, 2012 04:16 AM:
National, thank you for the delightful feet photos!

My favorite by far is the Surfer. She herself is very cute, but those feet she has look delicious! Their shape and texture are my ideal. I love the slight yellowing of the pads of her soles, as if from heavy athletic wear. I am a big fan of that kind of foot-toughness. I like a girl's feet to look like they've been exercised outdoors a bit. The Surfer's are awesome! [Drool]
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on September 03, 2012 03:42 PM:
Damn! The Ghost got me again. I'm done underestimating her. I mean, is there anything she can't do? Thanks for going out of your way to for the sake of giving us the enjoyment of looking at these pictures while our hands are busy chokin' our chickens. Looking forward to seeing more of the good stuff.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on September 04, 2012 03:32 AM:
We welcome you back to the park where I promised some more pictures by this time.

I've been doing this for almost two months now. This first gallerie you'll about to see is from one of my first ones I've ever shot. When you compare this gallerie to women like 'The Zebra' and 'Monday's Nicety', for example, you can see that I've learned a thing or two since my very first days on the prowl. I did not know what the hell I was doing back then compared to what I know now. If I knew then what I know now, this first gallerie would've been a lot better for your viewing.

She doesn't speak a lot of English, but she was one of the more enthusiastic women to have pictures of her feet taken in public.

A few days ago, I said that I can remember two women up to this point whose feet I could from where I was sitting when I took their photos. 'The Ghost' was one of them. This is definitely the other. She had the smelliest ones I've ran across at the park.

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Bright day, she's short and wears glasses. Hence the name I gave her. I think she's from Australia.

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For those who are into dirty feet, I've got someone for you guys. I kind of liked it myself ... so I went along with the spur of the moment and started shooting away. She's quite a deep thinker. A great conversationalist for anyone who likes to discuss the meaning behind the meanings of what the meaning is. All about philosophy.

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I keep teasing everyone that my best work is still to come ... at least in my personal tastes and opinion. If anything, I'm just threw these last three galleries out there just to kill time and to prime you up for what I have in store. Stay tuned for those. But for now, I hope you enjoy the pictures you see.

And more thanks to everyone who has showed support for the work I've done in bringing you entertainment for your value. Your appreciation has resonated with me dearly.

Thank you so much.

-- National
Posted by footcenter (Member # 34062) on September 04, 2012 09:48 AM:
I just came so hard while looking at the last group of pictures. [Jerkoff] Some morning relief to set you in a good mood for the rest of the day. Never stop what you're doing, National, and keep up with your fantastic efforts.
Posted by Doesn't_Exsist (Member # 35505) on September 04, 2012 10:30 AM:
Dick: Did you see those?
Me: Yeah.
Dick: Click on em.

For this post, I'm joining in the jerk fest with everyone else. I really can't decide on a favorite, but Monday's pictures has gotten my attention a lot followed by whoever you guys like best as a close second.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on September 04, 2012 11:26 AM:
God fucking damn it!
Fucking boner, dude!

Originally posted by footcenter:
I just came so hard while looking at the last group of pictures. [Jerkoff]

I'm about to follow your lead. When a dog gets angry, you have to pet it to calm it down. In this case, I'm getting so horny looking at White Thoughts pictures as well. When I get horny, I have to "pet" my dick to calm it down. [Big Grin]

Tissues, here I come! [Smile]
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on September 04, 2012 11:35 AM:
Epic soles you got going on here bro! Did you get to have fun with any of the girls after the shoot? [Big Grin]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on September 04, 2012 11:09 PM:
I'm having such a great time in here, cracking myself up with some of the comments I'm reading. I swear they're some of the funniest ones I've come across in this forum. It's the comments that make me laugh that are the ones that really motivate me to go out there and sweet talk these girls into doing this for me.

Originally posted by bluetoelover:
Epic soles you got going on here bro!

Thank you. If you think those are epic, just wait until you see what I've got in store for all of you. I'll unveil them when I think the world is ready. [Wink] In the last private message I sent you, remember when I told you about the one with the blue toes? And that's just for starters...

Originally posted by bluetoelover:

Did you get to have fun with any of the girls after the shoot? [Big Grin]

[Big Grin]

Hint: She's none of the girls who I featured thus far, although I will have to say that I couldn't believe myself for letting 'The Foreign Denim' slip through my grasp. Like a pro athlete not coming though in a crucial moment of the game. I could've had a lot of fun with that one.

But like they say, there are plenty of fish in the sea. Some of it smells like tuna..., but there are plenty of fish nonetheless.

-- National
Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on September 05, 2012 10:03 AM:
I've got a hard on that won't go down now. HELP!!!
Posted by DancingFool (Member # 3728) on September 18, 2012 07:03 PM:
So where's the September call ups National? Today was a rain out so surely you can fill us in with some scouting reports of the September call ups?
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on September 19, 2012 12:13 AM:
After some days away from the park, I think it's time we make a little revisit to a place that has become synonymous with foot watching. That place is the National Park.

Originally posted by DancingFool:
So where's the September call ups National? Today was a rain out so surely you can fill us in with some scouting reports of the September call ups?

Just like that quote, it was raining all day long. And I mean all day with the winds and rain picking up in intensity as the day moves along. So Tuesday was no day to go foot hunting. In the meantime, though, I've decided to show you some pictures I've taken on days where the weather was a lot more cooperative.

I've got some September call ups. Actually, the second and third galleries are from this month. The first and last one were from before then.


First up, we have this girl who was quite curious to know what it is about feet that makes it such a turn on for a certain group of guys. She, like all the girls whose feet I've taken photos of, had never had anyone take pictures of them. I love how I was able to talk her into letting me do this because it was like trying to reassure a little girl that everything would be just fine and then having her taking your word for it with a nice smile.

A reason why she was a bit hesitant or self-conscience about it was because of the burn marks she had on her ankles due to a fire accident when she was a young child.

She was one of those who was a bit embarrassed about me doing this but then got into a rhythm with me and had fun with the whole thing.

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I didn't know a hot girl can be quite eager to learn how to play chess. This next girl was playing some online chess game. I didn't believe her at first. I thought she was just being silly as her way of making the conversation light and quite casual. For a while thereafter we were sharing a dialog about other trivial stuff. It wasn't until she asked me if I knew how to play the game of chess when I started to consider that perhaps she was telling the truth about what she was doing on her laptop. I told her that it hadn't been a while since I last played, but yeah. She then asked me for some assistance in helping her decide which next couple of move was best for her to make.

I stop shooting pictures of her feet for the following several minutes to help her through her game. Seeing the game right in front of me got me to realize that not only was she telling the truth all this time about what she was doing, but also that she was serious about winning her match. If anything, I thought she would be playing it just for leisure and not take anything serious from it. Then I got back to getting more pictures.

She later went on to lose that game. I felt kind of bad for her because she was pretty hot to look at. Her feet were incredible to capture through the lens of the camera. I felt I had contributed to her loss even though my intentions were not for her to lose. Besides, she was the one who made all of the other moves. But what can you do? Better luck next time, I suppose.

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Posted by National (Member # 8568) on September 19, 2012 12:15 AM:
Of the four galleries I'm showing tonight, this next one was my most recent one. My first shoot that took place this past Saturday. Around here there is that hint that Autumn is just around the corner, and it certainly felt that way on that afternoon. I was sitting down somewhere looking for my first approach when she walked in and sat about ten feet behind me.

The sunglasses, her coolness, and the light cool breeze gives her the tag that I gave her.

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This is a gallerie that will mark the beginning of what is to come in the future installments of the National Park. This chick was completely understanding of how guys can get aroused by foot erotica and was very flexible with letting the photoshoot go in whichever direction it needed to go.

I spotted from what must've been 100 to 150 feet away. She was just standing there by herself just looking out to the streets and taking in the view around her. I was just admiring her from afar, just looking at her. Something told me that I was going to be in for a special photoshoot with her if I could get her to do it.

I approached her, said four or five words to her. She looked at me as if to think about how to respond to what I told her. Before she could even say a word to answer back, I had arranged the chairs as if I knew she was to tag along to begin with.

She took the bait and gave me this smile and a unique look as if to suggest that she like being sucked in by my magic. She looked at me, then the chairs, then sat down and followed my lead. All fascinating and powerful at the same time. Kind of weird, too, I suppose. But it worked.

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[ September 20, 2012, 11:44 PM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by DSW (Member # 35008) on September 19, 2012 02:43 AM:
Epic and sensational at the same time. You, sir, are on to something special here.

It's almost impossible to detect the burn marks on the cutie now that you point it out, but it was cool that she was down with your idea to let you take pictures of her feet.

Like you, when I think of a hot girl, the game of chess is the last thing that comes to mind. I wonder what inspired her to take that up as a hobby to begin with? Her concentration focus looks intense. By the way nice shots of her toes. Well taken care of to validate how sexy they look.

Love the name of the Private Jetliner. She does have the look of someone who can steer a small jet plane at high speeds in the air. Her soles are simply tongue magnets for us foot guys.

How fitting you saved the last one for last because I believe what you have done with her has set you apart from the rest of the field. This one has surpassed my expectations after seeing the first three sets in your latest update. You have taken this to the next step to how foot beauty can be seen through the eyes of a trained artist. You, National, have that gift.

Thank you for sharing this wealth with all of us and after seeing the set from the Brazilian chick, I applaud you for your outstanding dedication into inventing a new way to see how sexy feet are.

If this is a sign of things to come, like you said, one can only wonder what you have in store for us.
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on September 19, 2012 03:18 AM:
Fantastic job all the way. [Thumbs Up]

Epic and sensational at the same time is right, DSW. This National Park topic has become real popular here for all the good reasons.

The story behind Brasil is so amazing. It's a bit of a turn on, too. She certainly took pleasure in it from start to finish from the way National described it.

Simply amazing.
Posted by footcenter (Member # 34062) on September 19, 2012 09:58 AM:
This is amazing stuff. The best part is that we get all these pictures for free.

Having all these women show their feet to you is all the motivation you need to go back there the next day and do it all over again.

I love the last two girls best. Keep up with what you're doing because I love what you have going on here.
Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on September 19, 2012 08:51 PM:
Originally posted by National:

I spotted from what must've been 100 to 150 feet away. She was just standing there by herself just looking out to the streets and taking in the view around her. I was just admiring her from afar, just looking at her. Something told me that I was going to be in for a special photoshoot with her if I could get her to do it.

I approached her, said four or five words to her. She looked at me as if to think about how to respond to what I told her. Before she could even say a word to answer back, I had arranged the chairs as if I knew she was to tag along to begin with.

She took the bait and gave me this smile and a unique look as if to suggest that she like being sucked in by my magic. She looked at me, then the chairs, then sat down and followed my lead. All fascinating and powerful at the same time. Kind of weird, too, I suppose. But it worked.

You must be James Bond or something because this is one of the coolest things I've read. The best photography I've come across.

Those pictures are so hot, I would've cooled them down with my, umm, hose. [Jerkoff]

Only fitting that results this good from a shoot would come from a girl from Brazil. If I were a soccer player representing that country, I wouldn't mind losing out for a chance to win the World Cup if that girl and those feet were to be my consolation prize in return.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on September 21, 2012 12:24 AM:
Originally posted by DSW:
Epic and sensational at the same time. You, sir, are on to something special here.

That's my goal. My job is to provide a different style of enjoyment to something we all already love and something we're all comfortable with. Each girl brings a different feel, a different vibe as shoot pictures of her feet. Every once in a while someone stands out from the bunch that turns into a photo session that is one for the ages, something that is epic and sensational, as you put it. That Brasil gallerie was just that. And it was only that. The others were unique in its own way, but the more sensational shoots are the ones that keep the drive alive for me.


By the way nice shots of her toes. Well taken care of to validate how sexy they look.

I'm more into the soles of women's feet, but taking pictures of their toes is something I have mastered. The toe pictures I just showed with 'Brasil' and the 'Lost Knight' were nothing spectacular. Nice, yes. Spectacular, no. But over the course of time, after playing around with the camera a bit, I've come across a way to take toe pictures that even I would look at and enjoy immensely. However, I don't take toe shots of every girl I come across. The bigger her feet or the longer her toes, the more likely it is that I'll get her to pose her toes for me. I'll show those pictures pretty soon.


You have taken this to the next step to how foot beauty can be seen through the eyes of a trained artist. You, National, have that gift.

If Renoir were alive today, he would've said that you had taken those words right out of his mouth. [Big Grin]


If this is a sign of things to come, like you said, one can only wonder what you have in store for us.

I can't wait to show those to everyone.

Thank you for the comments.

-- National
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on September 21, 2012 12:30 AM:
My mind is blown! Epic shots man! Brasil has a perfect set of soles to match the great blue toes [Smile] Keep it up!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on September 21, 2012 01:41 AM:
I took these pictures last evening. These will be the last pictures I'll post this week. From now on I'll post new galleries every two weeks. So the next update won't occur until around October 5.


Even on a brisk night, the women still find themselves at the National Park so that their minds can escape from the chaotic pace that happens in a city in where you see scenes right out of an action movie on daily basis.

Even though it felt a bit cooler outside than the time I came across 'The Private Jetliner', the weather was still fresh and enlivening. Speaking to her, I got the sense that she was those two things that I just used to describe the weather.

I took one picture of her toes, but then figured I wasn't going to get much out of them. So I stopped right there. There will come a day real soon in where toe lovers will have everything to smile about. [Smile]

 -  -  -


Posted by National (Member # 8568) on September 21, 2012 01:59 AM:
Originally posted by bluetoelover:
My mind is blown! Epic shots man! Brasil has a perfect set of soles to match the great blue toes [Smile] Keep it up!

Man, if you thought Brasil was epic, wait until you see what I have in store for everyone. Especially you. I don't know when I'll show her. But when I do, forget it!

I can make the case that she's even hotter than Brasil. Her toenail polish was in a lighter shade of blue, not something I've seen before. If I had seen it, I don't remember when. Even though she wasn't six feet tall in the way runway models are, she could've easily been mistaken for one, regardless.

The toe shots, MUCH better than what you saw from Brasil.

So be on the lookout for ...


Coming Soon.

Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on September 21, 2012 03:09 AM:
Oh my god. This last update is so good. High arches with ankles crossed and toes flexed back are my favourite.

Congrats and thanks for sharing. Just perfect! [Wink]
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on September 21, 2012 10:09 AM:
This is the best stuff in here. It really is.

You killed it with both Brasil and the Lost Knight. I think Lost Knight has the best feet of the last bunch of girls you just posted, but Brasil clearly stole the show this week. I love how you handled all the different angles and the various poses you had her do. Unlike what we've seen from the other girls you posted. My mind is blown, too.

German Plains is another one that came out with excellent results. I love her pictures just as much. With her, I especially love the middle picture of the last row. Love her facial expression in that one. The way she looks up gives us the naturalness of whatever is going on around her.
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on September 22, 2012 01:44 PM:
You have saved this forum with by showing these amazing pics. Brasil is so hot and out of this world. So hot, in fact, that she made the sun go on vacation to the South Pole.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 02, 2012 12:48 AM:
It's back for another visit to National Park. I'll be updating this thread with new photos every-other week.

It's been so much fun making my rounds at the park, looking for women who find the idea of letting me take pictures of their feet intriguing, entertaining. With 7,500 women visiting the park still visiting the park on an average day, each woman comes with a flavor that is just as different as anybody's fingerprint is.



First up this week, is one of my earliest finds. I look at these photos and then become amazed with myself with how much I have improved over the course of time. If I knew then what I now know about taking incredible photos, this gallerie would've turned out to be a million times better. There are several things I now do with my photoshoots that I didn't do back at the time I ran in to this girl because I didn't know any better.

But I enjoyed taking pictures of this girl's feet because this was probably my first shoot I considered a classic.

If I had given out an award for Wackiest Personalities, this lady would be the front runner. She certainly didn't mind that I had a foot fetish. After the shoot was over, she began asking different questions just to dig into the mind of someone with likes women's feet. Some questions, however, were the kinds I didn't think anyone would ask, and were the type of questions no one has asked since. Questions like ...

- Do you take pictures of children's feet, as young as five or three?
- Have I ever taken pictures of a horse's hoof or a cat's paw? (She was being serious when she asked that)
- Do I have sex with men?
- If a robot lied in bed next to me, would I ... ?

Other than the second question, I couldn't tell if she was serious, joking around or both. I wasn't offended with any of the questions, though. I just played along with her to give her more hilarious material to keep the dialog going.

If I had answered yes to any of those questions, she wouldn't care one bit, even to the question pertaining to kids.

Yes, she's weird, but I prefer women who are wacked out, Looney Tunes character who come to life.

 -  -  -




Don't worry, because this is not the only gallerie I'll post this week. I'll show two or three others this week.

-- National

[ October 05, 2012, 02:15 AM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 02, 2012 02:14 AM:
Originally posted by caseman:

German Plains is another one that came out with excellent results. I love her pictures just as much. With her, I especially love the middle picture of the last row. Love her facial expression in that one. The way she looks up gives us the naturalness of whatever is going on around her.

Thanks a lot for commenting on German Plains. Your last sentence touches on the purpose of what my photos are about. By having her pose her feet for me and pretend I'm not there at the same time puts the viewer at ease because she's in a natural environment, in a sense. It makes the viewer look at the images longer.

-- National
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on October 02, 2012 03:13 AM:
Her long and slender toes add something beautiful to these pics. She looks tall from the viewers point of view.
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on October 02, 2012 10:55 AM:
God...I have nothing to say! Fucking LOVE her feet man! Those toes would be put to use pretty quick [Big Grin]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 03, 2012 02:47 AM:
Her bike was what first drew my attention to her. You don't see too many people with their bikes in the National Park. Using the hot knife to cut it through butter was harder than convincing her that it was a good idea to take her boots off. I mean, pretty soon all I have to do is just motion to the girl that she should take her shoes off, no words necessary.

It was a quite Sunday afternoon. The scene around her looked peaceful and across from her felt as if I was at a picnic with her. There were also not a lot of people around at the time the shoot took place, making it for a more comfortable feel as if we were very far from the city, by ourselves on the countryside.

I don't know how many people in here are familiar with the work of Spencer Tunick. I was always familiar with the work he's done, but was never able to place the right name alongside with the work until she brought his name into the conversation. She always felt that getting a bunch of naked people together to pose for him was a cool idea to express an interpretation of how peaceful human bodies can be, his pictures thought provoking.

She told me that even though that photographer and myself have a different idea of what's beauty to the beholder, the end results come across as non-pornographic and very natural, very real, very different.

I showed her the pictures afterwards, she loved them a lot and was honored that she was chosen as someone who had feet that can be admired through the eyes of the beholder. She never thought of her feet as being quite that, but now she has adopted a different outlook.

 -  -  -

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 03, 2012 03:05 AM:
Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
Her long and slender toes add something beautiful to these pics. She looks tall from the viewers point of view.

When I come across feet like that, I always take a deep breath to myself because those are my favorite type of feet and I know I'm in for a special shoot. She stood about 5'10''.

Originally posted by bluetoelover:
God...I have nothing to say! Fucking LOVE her feet man! Those toes would be put to use pretty quick [Big Grin]

I almost fainted when she took her shoes off because I had nothing to say either. [Smile]

My biggest regret about that shoot was that I didn't take pictures of her toes. I'm not a toe guy. Now I take pictures of toes in a way that's unique and innovative. There will come a day very soon when I'll show those pictures which will change the landscape around here. Mark those words.

Had I known how to take those pictures back at the time I met her, that gallerie would've been a 25 on a scale of 1-10.

But I'll take those pictures for the greatness that it already is.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on October 03, 2012 08:43 PM:
Originally posted by bluetoelover:
God...I have nothing to say! Fucking LOVE her feet man! Those toes would be put to use pretty quick [Big Grin]

I agree. Whoever has the privilege of getting at her toes is one lucky son of a bitch. But from the description National gave us about her, perhaps she hasn't found someone who has done things to her feet that we would've done. Why else would she ask all those questions?

Man, National is so lucky and I am so jealous.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 04, 2012 12:20 AM:
Originally posted by caseman:
But from the description National gave us about her, perhaps she hasn't found someone who has done things to her feet that we would've done. Why else would she ask all those questions?

Other than the fact that she's some wacko maniac (and I say that with so much love), that's a good question.

The answer is she's never met anyone with a foot fetish ... as far as she knew. However, she thinks the whole foot fetish thing is cool.

If I saw her and a two year-old toddler holding a pair of scissors, I'll take that thing out of the hands of the Serial Maniac. Yes, I might be playing that up just to sell the gimmick, but considering her crazy and twisted maniacal sense of humor, I don't think I'm far off course here.

I'll have more pictures for everyone in 24 hours or so.

-- National
Posted by DancingFool (Member # 3728) on October 04, 2012 11:33 PM:
Oh man, Serial Maniac Mania!! My pick for your best post EVER! Including those other posts from last year from 40 and Over!!

Folks, this guy is for real. He and I live in the same city and are friendly, and I went up to the park myself to see Mr. National in action. This guy is the smooth real deal!! The night I met him there, I hung out closeby and acted as if we didn't know each other once he started his method, and let me tell you. I think he asked 15 girls that night, and 1 said no!! 1!!!
Posted by DSW (Member # 35008) on October 05, 2012 12:46 AM:
Originally posted by DancingFool:
Oh man, Serial Maniac Mania!! My pick for your best post EVER! Including those other posts from last year from 40 and Over!!

Folks, this guy is for real. He and I live in the same city and are friendly, and I went up to the park myself to see Mr. National in action. This guy is the smooth real deal!! The night I met him there, I hung out closeby and acted as if we didn't know each other once he started his method, and let me tell you. I think he asked 15 girls that night, and 1 said no!! 1!!!

A little more than a month ago, I said

Originally posted by DSW:
I wish I could go on a foothunting adventure with you at the park so I could get a behind-the-scenes feel for all of this magic is put together.

Now here you are after witnessing what I had imagined to be a great experience. I wished for it, you actually witnessed National in action first hand. Man I wish I was there just like you were.

Did you get a good look at the soles of their feet while he was taking those pictures? I would think that something like this would be almost impossible to get women to do. But to see that National had a successful night in front of you makes it all worth while.

Were any of the girls he spotted in front of you already posted in here?
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 05, 2012 02:44 AM:
Originally posted by DancingFool:

Folks, this guy is for real. He and I live in the same city and are friendly, and I went up to the park myself to see Mr. National in action. This guy is the smooth real deal!! The night I met him there, I hung out closeby and acted as if we didn't know each other once he started his method, and let me tell you. I think he asked 15 girls that night, and 1 said no!! 1!!!

Thanks a lot, pal!

I don't think I asked that many women that night only because we spent a couple of hours at the park that night. BUUUUUUUTT, I was on a such a roll that night that it felt as if I asked that many. [Smile]

I must credit DancingFool for an assist that night because he pointed some girl who he wanted me to approach. I saw her and her feet and I had to get pictures of those. I'll post those pictures in about two weeks from now.

Originally posted by DancingFool:
Oh man, Serial Maniac Mania!! My pick for your best post EVER!

I didn't know how big her feet were until she took her shoes off and placed them on the chair. Serial Maniac is one of my favorite shoots of all time. I know there are a few others I have yet to post who will give Serial Manic some company as my best post ever. You and I love the same kind of feet and I must tell you that she is not the only one who you'll really enjoy. [Wink]

Speaking of women who you'll enjoy, there is someone who I'll post in the future. Even though she's not a size 9 or above, she will be a Hall of Famer. Be on the lookout for the ЯUSSIAN SPY.

Originally posted by DSW:

Were any of the girls he spotted in front of you already posted in here?

Not yet. I'll post one of them in a couple of weeks. The girl who I was referring to earlier that I credited him for the assist.


I'll post one or two more galleries before I'm through for this week.
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on October 05, 2012 09:51 AM:
That was such an amazing story behind the girl who you labeled as the Sunday Arts. She is very pretty and has an amazing shape to her feet. One of my favorite shots is when you have these girls flex their toes back. Those are such amazing pictures and you capture them in such a way that is perfect and in the angle that is ideal for all of us.

And what she said about you when she made that comparison to you and that other photographer is so right on the money. I never heard of the guy who she referred to, so I had to look him up. That was such a cool and neat encounter you had with her and her observation about you was so accurate that I couldn't have said it better myself. She is definitely one of my favorites you posted.

Your style and tastes are unique and unrivaled.

Thank you.

P.S. I'll get to the serial maniac at a later time because I, too, just love feet that look like hers. She's a pretty interesting character too.

But thanks again for this amazing collection you have here.
Posted by footcenter (Member # 34062) on October 05, 2012 02:06 PM:
Once again, simply amazing stuff. Awesome and truly great.

[Thumbs Up]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 06, 2012 03:28 AM:
I have a couple of more to put a finish to this week's picture showing.

 -  -  -



This one was sitting at her chair for about 90 minutes before I finally approached her. I kept making my rounds around the park looking for other women to pose for me. I kept her in the back of my mind as someone to ultimately go up to. There was one when I was at a completely different part of the park to shoot pictures of another girl's feet, during which time I had completely forgotten about the one who's about to be featured.

I walked to her side of the park and was surprised that she was still sitting on that chair for as long as she had. It was destined to be, I suppose.

Apparently she in no rush to go anywhere. I had to approach her because I loved the way she just sat there with her legs crossed.

She speaks French and knows very little English. I had to explain myself to her twice before she finally got the idea of what I wanted out of her.

I'll have to say that I wasn't too satisfied with how these pictures came out and it was during the time where I didn't know how to handle the camera properly to make these pictures as well as they should've. Shame on me. But I'll let these slide, nonetheless.

Also, it was in the middle of a weekday and I had to get back to work. In fact, I was 15-20 minutes late to where I had to be. So during the shoot, I found myself in a bit of a conflict with myself. I found myself rushing through this shoot just a little bit while at other times I didn't care about where I had to be at that moment, which made me calm the pace a bit to feel comfortable with the shoot. Looking at her feet made me want to stay there longer.

I thanked her for allowing me the time to take pictures of her feet and off I went to work, all late 'n stuff and behind schedule. Sort of reminds me of how the French and Italians spend most of their afternoons just relaxed and chilled because their work schedules are not as hectic or demanding.

The National Park is a place for leisure. For French Blue, she felt right at home away from home.

 -  -  -




That'll be all for this week. I'll be back in about ten days with new sets of pictures. Only this time, I'll start showing galleries that include toe shots.

I have to get up early this morning for what could be my final day at the park this year. After today, temperatures are going to take quite a dip as autumn begins to settle in.

Talk to you guys later.
Posted by DancingFool (Member # 3728) on October 07, 2012 12:48 AM:
Now here you are after witnessing what I had imagined to be a great experience. I wished for it, you actually witnessed National in action first hand. Man I wish I was there just like you were.

Did you get a good look at the soles of their feet while he was taking those pictures? I would think that something like this would be almost impossible to get women to do. But to see that National had a successful night in front of you makes it all worth while.

Were any of the girls he spotted in front of you already posted in here? [/QB][/QUOTE]

Yes, I did manage to maneuver myself so I was sitting right where I could see her soles. And like National said, I did assist him in the first girl he asked that night because I had gotten to the park a little before he did and plopped myself down right across a girl I wanted him to ask. I kept playing with my phone to make myself busy (and in fact I was on the phone at one point, with my length in doing so to the chagrin of National:) ...I don't remember seeing any who already had their feet posed...well there was that one National who was ashamed at how big her feet were. Hers were perfect and were plopped up but she was the one I believe who refused. But all of the others had their shoes on, so you have to just hope for the best once she is asked.

There was even a brief moment when I considered getting in on the action and asking a few myself, but it's still a bit strange for me. Plus I have to admit I would get too excited at a few and would end up asking if I could worship their feet
. It was a fun experience watching The Man in action, and also a bewildering one, as I could not believe girls who are comfortable with this sort of request exist!!

NYC is great. There is a dungeon I occasionally frequent (you like that? 'Occasionally frequent'??) closeby where the park is and I thought about dropping in for a session cause I was getting hungry for some action, but I decided against it. It happened to be 9/11 and I felt guilty enough being in the park and enjoying myself on a such a somber day with so many others overseas suffering and sacrificing to prevent such a day from happening again.

I may try this myself next season, but I'm not sure. For now, y'all have a lot to look forward to judging by what I saw on this night. National, isn't it ironic that just as Chipper retires, your career is just beginning? I can only hope yours next season doesn't begin as Chipper's ended!! What a disgrace!! Just kidding--he capped off a great career with what just happened to be a sloppy ass game.
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on October 07, 2012 12:52 AM:
As I was saying before, Serial Maniac's feet are as good as they come. Doesn't she look a little like Sarah Silverman to you? Her long toes are made for serious toe sucking. Going around the park and getting these women to do this for you had to have made your summer that much better.

It was also pretty neat that your friend tagged along with you to see the magic that is behind National's amazing work. Not too many photographers let someone from his fanbase follow him around for a day to see what it's like to have all the fun.

I love Serial Maniac's set, I love Sunday Arts, Brasil's are simply epic, and the Zebra's photo set is simply wonderful.
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on October 07, 2012 01:01 AM:
DancingFool, I was in the middle of typing my last message when you posted your's. Man, that's quite a story you have to share with all of us. It gives us a different side to the stories National has for each girl because we're getting it from an observer's view. It's like telling us what happened as a member of the audience or someone who paid tickets to see a ballgame. National's account is different in that he's the one on the field and he's the one thinking about what to do while he's on the field.

This is great stuff.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 07, 2012 01:59 AM:
Originally posted by DancingFool:
I can only hope yours next season doesn't begin as Chipper's ended!! What a disgrace!! Just kidding--he capped off a great career with what just happened to be a sloppy ass game.

Yeah. Don't feel bad for me, though. I told several people many years back that he would be a first-ballot Hall of Famer. They all laughed to my face. Guess who's laughing now? Chipper is one of two guys in history to be the overall Number 1 pick in the draft and then hit 400 home runs for the team that drafted him. If it weren't for the fact that he had to move to play left field to accommodate for Vinnie Castilla playing third, Chipper would have 500 home runs right now. It was when he moved to left field that he started to become injury prone because of all the running around in the outfield. I'll never put anyone else above him as my favorite player of all time. For being able to do all those things for one team in his whole career, he was the modern traditionalist, a rare species of baseball players nowadays.

I didn't see that game, though. I was at -- you guessed it -- the park, hoping the Braves would win it.

Speaking of season ending, I think my 2012 Season of foot hunting at the park has come to an end. I was going to give it another week, but the weather forecast does not favor me. I might try again on Wednesday. If not, then Saturday was my last day.

I approached the last girl with the idea that she could very well turn out to be my last one of the year. And she was. I've had better photoshoots, but that turned out to be a pretty decent shoot, nonetheless. I have absolutely no regrets with the results of that one.

Next year, my goal is to have AT LEAST 275 women allow me to take pictures of their feet between Memorial Day and Columbus Day, even if a million others say no. I know I can get that number closer to 300, but 275 is the minimum.

I'll respond to the other comments you made at some time later today. Interesting take on the part of 18th Floor.
Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on October 07, 2012 06:01 PM:
Two questions. 1, Is it okay that I jerkoff to these? 2, Will I go to hell if I do so? [Big Grin]

These pictures are pure gold.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 08, 2012 01:36 AM:
Originally posted by Lust In Translation:
Two questions. 1, Is it okay that I jerkoff to these? 2, Will I go to hell if I do so? [Big Grin]

Yes and absolutely.

These pictures are pure gold.

I know. [Big Grin]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 16, 2012 01:34 AM:
A return trip to the park for more of the same.

You never know what type of personality lies underneath the surface of outward appearances. When I first came across the Serial Maniac, for example, I was thrown in for a conversational loop by her hysterically dark, and unusually comical nature that's alien to someone who's willing to listen. White Thoughts was another person whose thoughts wander off. The difference is that with White Thoughts, at least people will come to a better understanding of life as if she recited poetry. Each person comes with a story of her own at the National Park.

There are other times in where you can judge a book by it's cover. With this next woman, what you see is what you'll get.

This lady who you'll meet in a second has a passionate love for horses, saying that has been the inspiration for artists through the ages. She believes that horses are natural wonders of the world. She loves befriending them and loves riding them every once in a while when she's far away from the city.

She took up equestrian as a hobby and even participated in some horse shows growing up, like those jumping events where the horse has to jump over hurdles and such. Now, she doesn't get involved in the activities that takes up that sport as much as she used to.

She was dressed as if she just came out of a Ralph Lauren shoot. In fact, Lauren is her name.

I was debating whether I should've gone with her or another girl who was sitting somewhere else. I knew I had to meet up with someone not too long afterwards, so I had to make up my mind real fast. Luckily, Lauren made my decision that much easier when she removed her shoes while she was in the middle of a phone conversation.

I caught her attention as she was wrapping up the conversation and she was completely cool with the idea.

 -  -  -


SIZE 9.5
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on October 16, 2012 03:11 AM:
Everything you said in the description fits in with one another. She dresses the part, and she acts the part. I loved how you tied everything together with the logo in the third picture of the gallery. Perfectly done. [Thumbs Up]

Lauren has spectacular feet and it's certainly a delight to look at and stare at.

Keep the magic going. Definitely in love with what you've got going here.
Posted by footcenter (Member # 34062) on October 16, 2012 09:55 AM:
Fantastic post yet again. That was so cool knowing that a friend of yours tagged along with you at the park. I bet anyone with a foot fetish who saw you in action would be a bit envious and would do anything to switch places with for the time that you're taking pictures of their feet.

Lauren Polo's set got me going in ways that a cup of coffee never did when you have it first thing in the morning. Her soles have a great shape to them and I would do anything just to sink my face into them.

Thanks a million for these wonderful shots.
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on October 16, 2012 03:04 PM:
Damn! Lauren's feet SCREAM footjob! [Big Grin] Great shots man!
Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on October 16, 2012 09:26 PM:
I swear this fucking thread is a goldmine. Not only does Lauren's soles scream footjob, my cum will shoot much stronger than a geyser, just like it did already.
Posted by luvbronzefemfeet (Member # 32686) on October 16, 2012 11:34 PM:
The Foreign Denim chick is hot i wonder what ethnicity she is, reminds me a little of Frankie from The Saturdays.Was hoping there was a nice shot of her looking directly into the camera with her sole(s) in the camera.
There is one shown in the gallery but the pics cut off at eye level.Pitty because that shot looked hot.

[ October 16, 2012, 11:43 PM: Message edited by: luvbronzefemfeet ]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 17, 2012 12:37 AM:
That was a pretty good comparison. She does bare some resemblance to her. To answer your question, The Foreign Denim is Greek. Her doesn't speak English all too well. Even then, she was still a lot of fun to work with. Of all the girls I have posted so far, she seemed like someone who's the most fun to have fun with out in the town one night. Even with her limited English, no topic of conversation will ever be boring, there would not be that awkward silence most people have on first dates. You can do no wrong and you can say no wrong when you're around her. Two or three drinks and that oughta do it!

Originally posted by luvbronzefemfeet:
There is one shown in the gallery but the pics cut off at eye level.Pitty because that shot looked hot.

Posted by luvbronzefemfeet (Member # 32686) on October 17, 2012 12:48 AM:
Originally posted by National:
That was a pretty good comparison. She does bare some resemblance to her. To answer your question, The Foreign Denim is Greek. Her doesn't speak English all too well. Even then, she was still a lot of fun to work with. Of all the girls I have posted so far, she seemed like someone who's the most fun to have fun with out in the town one night. Even with her limited English, no topic of conversation will ever be boring, there would not be that awkward silence most people have on first dates. You can do no wrong and you can say no wrong when you're around her. Two or three drinks and that oughta do it!

Oh ok thanks

Originally posted by luvbronzefemfeet:
There is one shown in the gallery but the pics cut off at eye level.Pitty because that shot looked hot.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 17, 2012 01:08 AM:

I had some great photoshoots at the park on this particular day. This was one of them.

I was about to walk to a particular part of the park when something told me to check up on another spot to see if I had overlooked anyone. It turned out that I did. My heart started racing when I laid eyes on her because I did not want to let those feet go unnoticed.

She smiled and laughed a bit when I told her I wanted to take pictures of her feet. Nothing unusual. It was the kind of smile and laughter that suggested that she was intrigued by the idea and was all the willing to take me up on that offer.

She had the kind of soles that made me think WOW to myself. It was one of those type of feet that made me take a deep breath within myself because I knew I had something pretty neat displaying itself right in front of me and just for me.

I knew from the flow of the conversation that she was going to give me all the time I needed, which made for a more relaxing shoot.

She's from Serbia and was spending the summer in the city. I think she had lost her keys to the apartment where she was staying and was waiting for her friend/roommate to come and pick her up.

During the shoot, we talked about many different topics that never resulted in a dull moment.

 -  -  -

NonChalance --


[ October 17, 2012, 11:19 AM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on October 17, 2012 02:18 AM:
It bares repeating that this is epic. Thank you for making all of us happier people with these women and these pictures.

With this latest girl, just looking at the third picture of the preview is enough to get me aroused and so horny. Love the sweat marks on her sandals. What makes it so hot is knowing how the owner of those sandals look like.

Her toes are just simply amazing.

Thanks a lot.
Posted by PublicName (Member # 12270) on October 17, 2012 08:31 AM:
great work man thanks for sending me here
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on October 17, 2012 11:02 AM:
Great stuff as always. Love your style and commentaries when it comes to these women you show. I can't say enough about what you've done here. You are a first ballot Hall of Famer in this forum. I bow down to you and what you've done for us here.

[Bow Down]

These last two girls have remarkable feet. If I had to pick between either one of them, I really won't know who to go with. I'd have to get back to you on that one.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 17, 2012 07:43 PM:
Originally posted by 18th Floor:

Her toes are just simply amazing.

Thanks a lot.

Thanks for liking those pictures. I must say that my biggest regret in regards to some of the women who posed for me in the beginning was that I didn't take pictures of their toes. For one thing, I prefer soles over toes. When I started doing this, I had little to zero interest in taking pictures of those because those pictures would've done nothing for me. Besides, if there was anything I enjoy about the toes are looking at them in out in the streets as I walk around. But whenever it came to looking at toe shots on the internet, I would lose interest immediately because I felt there was nothing there.

This girl was the second one in which I had the time to experiment with toe shots. At the time I thought they were pretty good, but not quite what I was looking for. At the time I didn't know what it was that needed to be fixed, but I knew I needed to get better with those.

I didn't take toe pictures of every woman I encountered for various reasons, but whenever I did, I try to out-do what I did before.

Some of the best discoveries throughout the history of time were those that happen by accident. That's exactly what happened with me one day when I asked a girl to pose her feet a certain way. She did what I said, but better. That's when I finally had that eureka moment and took some pictures of her toes in ways I don't remember anyone else doing them. Again, these were a few pictures of her toes.

After that shoot was over, I felt as if I had discovered the best thing since the planet Neptune. If anything, I think I will be synonymous with these kind of toe shots. It wasn't until recently when I discovered how to improve on that even better.

When spring returns to the city next year, I'll know exactly what to do.

-- National
Posted by Mr.SoleLvr (Member # 21192) on October 17, 2012 09:05 PM:
Outstanding work National! Keep it up!!
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on October 17, 2012 11:14 PM:
Originally posted by National:
I must say that my biggest regret in regards to some of the women who posed for me in the beginning was that I didn't take pictures of their toes. For one thing, I prefer soles over toes. When I started doing this, I had little to zero interest in taking pictures of those because those pictures would've done nothing for me. Besides, if there was anything I enjoy about the toes are looking at them in out in the streets as I walk around. But whenever it came to looking at toe shots on the internet, I would lose interest immediately because I felt there was nothing there.

This girl was the second one in which I had the time to experiment with toe shots. At the time I thought they were pretty good, but not quite what I was looking for. At the time I didn't know what it was that needed to be fixed, but I knew I needed to get better with those.

I didn't take toe pictures of every woman I encountered for various reasons, but whenever I did, I try to out-do what I did before.

Some of the best discoveries throughout the history of time were those that happen by accident. That's exactly what happened with me one day when I asked a girl to pose her feet a certain way. She did what I said, but better. That's when I finally had that eureka moment and took some pictures of her toes in ways I don't remember anyone else doing them. Again, these were a few pictures of her toes.

After that shoot was over, I felt as if I had discovered the best thing since the planet Neptune. If anything, I think I will be synonymous with these kind of toe shots. It wasn't until recently when I discovered how to improve on that even better.

When spring returns to the city next year, I'll know exactly what to do.

What you already showed us is gold. After reading this, it sounds like this thread is going to be worth more than that. Now I really can't wait to see what you have in store for us. I'm so curious and anxious to see how these toe shots are going to be so different from what people are used to seeing.

God bless you, Sir.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 18, 2012 12:01 AM:
Originally posted by Mr.SoleLvr:
Outstanding work National! Keep it up!!

Thank you very much. In the meantime, you keep doing what you're doing with Canadian FootBabes. You've done a great job yourself with what you got there. [Smile]

Originally posted by 18th Floor:
I'm so curious and anxious to see how these toe shots are going to be so different from what people are used to seeing.

I've spent some time in my laBORatory trying to figure out how to take these toe shots to the next level. You can do so many poses with the soles, but toes are quite limited with what you can get out of them in terms of how they look in the pictures.

Not anymore.

I've found a way to make toe shots legendary. In fact, I'm going to get in touch with the United States Patent and Trademark Office to solidify my stance on this.

Okay, that last sentence was an exaggeration, but you get my point. You won't notice it right away. But the time will come when all of you will see the difference.

Originally posted by 18th Floor:

God bless you, Sir.

Highly unlikely, but thanks for the compliment.

-- National
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 20, 2012 12:00 AM:
This is the final gallerie I'll post for the week.

I don't remember the story with this one. Most of the talking came after the shoot was done when I went to show her the pictures I have taken of her. Other women come to a better understanding about why certain guys adore the look, shape and texture of their feet. This one was eager to have an open mind into our fetish, but wasn't able to come to grasp with the concept.

She wasn't disgusted or repulsed by it by any means. When you try to teach someone how to speak a different language for the first time, you shouldn't expect that person to then speak the new language as second nature. It takes time for the person to be able to come to terms with how the language is spoken. In this case, foot fetishism might take its time to sink in to her.

She was kind of surprised to learn that guys would find feet sexually appealing. She said that as long as it doesn't harm anyone, then all of this should be just fine.

 -  -  -




I'll be around October 30 to upload some new galleries for everyone to enjoy.

It's was such a treat reading everyone's comments and taking praise for the great adventure I've embarked on over this past summer.

-- National
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on October 20, 2012 02:51 PM:
I will never be unimpressed with the contibutions you show from your days at the park. You continue to show great stuff. I would to do a lot of things to The Swede's feet that'll turn her on in an instant.
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on October 20, 2012 02:51 PM:
I will never be unimpressed with the contibutions you show from your days at the park. You continue to show great stuff. I would to do a lot of things to The Swede's feet that'll turn her on in an instant.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 21, 2012 12:37 AM:
Thanks, 18th Floor.

By all means, you get my full permission to do whatever you want to her feet. Other than touching her feet to get them to pose how I want them to, no one else has done anything to her feet that a foot fetishist would do.

I will be unimpressed with the women I can get to pose for me with the snap of my fingers. When I return to the park next spring, I will be at a point where I will be able to do this with such efficiency that even being blindfolded and with my pre-dominant hand tied behind my back won't slow me down.

But why wait until then? I thought the temperatures in the city would dip for good. As it turns out, I have at least another week of pretty decent weather ahead, with Friday being my pick of the week. I'll be at the park blindfolded for another six or seven days.

The National Park is a public place for people to visit free of charge. In these foot forums, I will show a plethora of pictures to everyone for the same price. That will never change.

-- National
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on October 21, 2012 06:54 PM:
You have done an amazing job and this has become my favorite topic in this forum along with your annual celebrity contest.

You have done an excellent job highlighting the real hidden talents of amateur girls. You're also a great storyteller. Combining those two together makes this park a great place to meet new women and spark interesting conversations.

Lauren Polo's set ranks as one of my favorites along with NonChanlance. I really enjoy looking at their soles. The toe pictures of NonChalance are simply amazing to look at. But to know that you're not completely satisfied with them, National, and that you have improved by a lot in that department only begs us to wonder what you have up your sleeves that no one else has been able to figure out. That can only make this thread even better than what it already is.

I love Serial Maniac's photoset as well. An amazing pair of soles she has and a weird personality that's just as amazing.

And let us not forget about Sunday Arts. An even more interesting person judging by her character and feet. That's another set of pictures I really had the pleasure of enjoying. Just looking at her previews you showed us was enough to know that we were in for something quite special. Love the shape of her soles. Love her face and the flow of the conversation you had with her.

To top things off, you even had a friend accompany you around the park.

Originally posted by DancingFool:
It happened to be 9/11 and I felt guilty enough being in the park and enjoying myself on a such a somber day with so many others overseas suffering and sacrificing to prevent such a day from happening again.

I wonder if National felt guilty being on the park on that day. If anything, it was a peaceful escape from the terrible memories and images people have on the anniversary of one of the more rude awakening days in American history. If it weren't for you being at the park that day, you might've felt even more down on such a day.

If National's not the man, then I don't know who is.

Exceptional job from a guy who has exceptional vision of how to capture truly amazing pictures. And from the sound of things, it's going to get better. I can't wait for these amazing toe shots and I can't wait to see who else you have in store for us.

Thanks for all of this.
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on October 21, 2012 06:57 PM:
Originally posted by National:

The National Park is a public place for people to visit free of charge. In these foot forums, I will show a plethora of pictures to everyone for the same price. That will never change.

-- National

This ices the cake as to why this thread is going to be one of a kind.

Thanks for being this kind to all of us.
Posted by The foot fu**in master (Member # 2152) on October 22, 2012 12:04 PM:
Originally posted by Doesn't_Exsist:
Dick: Did you see those?
Me: Yeah.
Dick: Click on em.

Strange you should say dick said the same thing to me!! lol [Joint]
Posted by Kiwisoles (Member # 45140) on October 22, 2012 04:54 PM:
i love these 'out of the blue' amateur photos, great job and please keep them coming [Smile]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 22, 2012 11:52 PM:
foot_fashion_industry, everything you said described my whole philosophy in a nutshell. Thanks very much for those very thoughtful words. It was a pleasure reading what you had to say and I'm very glad that you like the girls who posed for me.

Originally posted by foot_fashion_industry:
I wonder if National felt guilty being on the park on that day. If anything, it was a peaceful escape from the terrible memories and images people have on the anniversary of one of the more rude awakening days in American history. If it weren't for you being at the park that day, you might've felt even more down on such a day.

That's a very nice way of putting it, is you want to look at it that way.

I didn't feel guilty on that day at all. For the most part, I had forgotten that that day was the anniversary of the terror attacks. Even if I had kept that in my mind the whole day, I still would not have felt sad about it. Perhaps I would've felt guilty on the first anniversary, but not eleven years later.

When I'm at the park, the only thing on my mind is finding attractive women with nice feet. That place is an escape for me and it does an excellent job taking my mind off of work.

Originally posted by foot_fashion_industry:
The toe pictures of NonChalance are simply amazing to look at. But to know that you're not completely satisfied with them, National, and that you have improved by a lot in that department only begs us to wonder what you have up your sleeves that no one else has been able to figure out. That can only make this thread even better than what it already is.

No longer will people get bored at looking at pictures of women's toes. If you're a toes guy, then the pictures I have in store will be your greatest argument as to why you feel toes are better than soles.

Being a soles guy myself, I never felt that toe shots were necessary, which explains why a number of galleries didn't include any toe shots from my earlier work. But when I started experimenting with perfecting toe shots, those shots made my galleries THAT much better.

It will be very different than what we have seen all our lives. Toe shots will no longer be boring to look at. [Wink]

But enough about that for now.

Originally posted by foot_fashion_industry:

If National's not the man, then I don't know who is.

Aw, you shouldn't have.

Originally posted by Kiwisoles:
i love these 'out of the blue' amateur photos, great job and please keep them coming [Smile]

Thank you, Kiwi. I'll post some more sometime next week.
Posted by SoleDaddy (Member # 35831) on October 28, 2012 01:35 AM:
very sexy pics there!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 29, 2012 02:42 AM:
Originally posted by SoleDaddy:
very sexy pics there!

Thanks a lot, man! I'll show a few more galleries throughout the course of this week. Right now, I'm not sure which ones I'm going to show because I've yet to upload and organize any new material for the week. But rest assure that I will have something for all of you.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 30, 2012 02:35 AM:
We continue to reminisce on the sights and scenes that made the National Park a go-to place to relax and to meet new women on the typical spring or summer day. My final day of shooting images of women's feet at the park for 2012 was this past Saturday, ahead of Hurricane Sandy where so many people have been left without power in their homes. In fact, this has been the biggest power outage in New York since the Yankees.

In any event, feet will not be in the menu at the park for the duration of autumn and winter.

I had a hard time deciding which galleries I wanted to show this week, but I finally made up my mind.


We're going to start this week off with a couple of quickies. I didn't get a lot of these during my days of foothunting at the park where the photosession ended almost as soon as it started. Something is better than nothing, I suppose.



 -  -  -




This photoshoot took place back on August 24, the day when there was that shooting right outside the Empire State Building. That event was one of our topics in the conversation I had with her.

I saw her just sitting there by herself reading a book, as many beautiful women at the park usually do. Her glasses was the selling point I needed to approach her. I was able to convince her to remove her shoes for me after she had thought about it for a few seconds.

A couple of funny things happened in during the shoot. The first was that a another foot fetishist who I befriended at the park just happened to be walking along where this had taken place. He sat right beside me from out of nowhere and joined in the conversation.

At first, I wasn't sure if he knew who this girl was because he had seen me do this a few other times at the park and never interfered. The transition from a two-person conversation to a three-way conversation went so smoothly. A minute later I kind of figured that he didn't know who she was because none of us introduced one person to the other by name. The conversation just got more involved when he joined in.

She asked the other guy if he, too, had a thing for feet, to which he said yes. He doesn't go asking women for their permission to take pictures of their feet. He goes around and secretly videotapes their soles when they are placed on the chairs. Of course, he didn't tell her that part.

I guess the fact that the other guy joined the conversation and with the discussion of feet that took place between us, made her realize that there are more than a handful of men who like the shape and form of female feet.

She previously thought that foot guys were weird or creeps. That's what she told us. After talking to us, she came closer to realizing that that isn't entirely the case. We didn't go out of our way to emphasize that point or tell it her like that in that way, but just the flow and easiness of the conversation that was foot-related and other trivial things, just the fact that I just happened to be taking pictures of her feet while talking about a variety of things made her look at her feet and people who like them in a more positive perspective. Showing her how the pictures were coming out in between the shoot was helping to ice her cake that feet are beautiful in it's own way.

When asked why she would then let me, a person who she just met, take pictures of her feet after having said the things she said about foot fetishists, she said it was because she liked the way I looked, I spoke cleanly and a little bit of swag goes a long way. So there you have, boys.

The other funny thing that happened was that at the end of the photoshoot, her fiancée's parents walked in on us! She had that look on her face that said Hamana hamana hamana hamana! Instead of bolting from the scene and leaving her for dead while trying to come up with an explanation, she was so quick to dodge a bullet by telling her fiancée's parents that I was a co-worker of hers while the other guy was a friend of mine. Going along with the gag, I told her that I was going to see her on Monday (this happened on a Friday).

They saw me point the thing at her feet. Now your guess is just as good as mine about how the conversation went after I left. I hope they bought in to her cover up because she sold that excuse to the point where even I almost believed it.

After I walked away from her, my friend told me that he tried to warn me about that she was waiting for them to show up. I don't remember her saying such a thing. Perhaps I was mesmerized by the soles of her feet! Can you blame me?

 -  -  -

LensCraft --



I'll be back with more pictures before the week is over.

[ October 30, 2012, 02:52 AM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on October 30, 2012 04:13 AM:
You completely rock man!

The last girl with the glasses is so cool. Loved her feet and the easy going look.

Thanks! [Smile]
Posted by footcenter (Member # 34062) on October 30, 2012 02:31 PM:
This is fantastic. I, too, really enjoy looking at the last girl with the glasses. Her soles are AMAZING! You set a great example for all of us. I wish I was able to convince women to take their shoes of for me. Your pictures are second to none.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 31, 2012 12:39 AM:
Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
You completely rock man!

The last girl with the glasses is so cool. Loved her feet and the easy going look.

Thanks! [Smile]

Thanks for appreciating what I do here. That last girl with the glasses was one of the more intellectual girls I've spoken to during my adventures at the park. Posting those pictures last night was really the first time I've had a good look at them. I really loved how those pictures came out. She was very easy to work with and she became more relaxed as the shoot went along.

Originally posted by footcenter:
You set a great example for all of us. I wish I was able to convince women to take their shoes of for me.

You get this sensational high and the blood flowing through your body creates a rush that alleviates everything from you. Those women taking their shoes off for me creates that feeling for you. One time, I was able to convince one girl to let me take pictures of her feet just about a block away from where I live. I'll show those pics to everyone soon.

But, yeah, getting women who are random strangers to do that favor for you is king.


This lady was nice enough to let me take pictures of her feet. There's not really a whole lot to say about this one other than she kept smiling and giggling to herself throughout the whole shoot because she seemed to enjoy the fact that I thought her feet were nice enough to photograph.

She never asked why I wanted to take pictures of her feet. She was cool with the whole thing and took comfort in knowing that I thought her were cute.

When I showed her the pics, she smiled and giggled to herself some more. She was fascinated with my hobby and thanked me for finding her feet very pretty.

 -  -  -

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 31, 2012 12:46 AM:
 -  -  -


I gave her that name because she looked like a Stephanie to me and because she reminded of some chick I knew name Aries because she bore some resemblance to her. Actually, the Aries I'm referring to used to model for


I'm not a fan of women who wear running shoes like the one she had on. If she has to jog, that's one thing. But even then, I still don't like them. With so many women sitting by themselves, she was yet another one who wanted to kill some time at the park all to herself.

Being that I'm not a fan of sneakers that are made for jogging, that was the only thing that held me back from asking her to pose her feet for me. What outweighed my dislike of them was the possibility that her feet might smell a little bit if I could get her to remove them.

When I asked for her permission, she gave me that warning that her feet might stink and that she wasn't sure if I was going to take pictures of her feet like that. She said this a smile that said she wouldn't mind taking them off but at the same time was fearful if I find the smell unpleasant. I started to grow an erection in my pants because I wanted to find out for myself. My facial expression, however, was to act as if I was indifferent about how they might've smelled.

If you're ever out on the prowl looking to hook up with women at bars, clubs or parties, if you act too eager then you won't get the beaver, so to speak. So when hearing her tell me that her feet might smell, I wanted the sneakers to come off already. It took me another five seconds to re-assure her that all would be just fine regardless of the outcome. Those weren't my exact words to her, but you guys get the point.

So, did they smell? Take a wild guess. [Big Grin]

 -  -  -



More to come later this week.

Originally posted by footcenter:
Your pictures are second to none.

If you only knew I what I have in store for everyone in the weeks ahead ...
Posted by FootBoi88 (Member # 43020) on October 31, 2012 01:24 AM:
I'm impressed by your posts my friend, very honest and very nice pics. [Smile]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on October 31, 2012 02:48 AM:
There are so many things going on that I don't have the time to touch on all the subjects at one time. So many pictures that it's hard to decide whose feet to jack off to first.

But I will say that LensCraft's photo set is one of the best ones I've ever seen in here. It certainly is a classic. And reading the story behind that shoot was a bit compelling to read. My Goodness, I don't know how I would've reacted if her fiancee's parents walked in on us all of a sudden. Thank God you're as smooth as they come because that was handled perfectly.

My Goodness, the way you described the reaction to that girl's face when they showed up made me afraid to read anymore, fearing that there was some confrontation. I think that girl saved you and herself and her engagement. The best part was reading how you played along with her in giving those people the impression that you were only her coworker discussion God knows what.

And no, I don't blame you for being mesmerized by the soles of her feet.

You da man! I really can't thank you enough.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on October 31, 2012 12:28 PM:
Forget McDonald's because I'm lovin' THIS way, WAY more. This National guy is reeling in more women left and right and up and down.

The last girl you showed made for a much better jerk fest knowing how her feet smelled after coming out of those sneakers. You can tell they've been in there for a while because you can see the imprints from her socks on the soles of her feet.

I can't believe your great fortunes. She still let you take pictures of them while they were smelly. I'm jealous yet again.
Posted by sftfan (Member # 1959) on October 31, 2012 02:45 PM:
How good is this stuff? You rock National! Hit after hit after hit! [Cheers]

ETA: Oh yes. I'm going to give my meat the hiding of a lifetime to Nice Silver. And then Stephanie Aries! These picture sets will be in "high rotation" around here [Blush] [Laugh]

[ October 31, 2012, 02:53 PM: Message edited by: sftfan ]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 31, 2012 04:18 PM:
Originally posted by sftfan:
How good is this stuff? You rock National! Hit after hit after hit! [Cheers]


How good is this stuff? I'm proud of what I've done. The best part to all of this is that it's going to get better. I'm the only one who knows what's in store for everyone in here. And when I show those pictures, the people in here will remember those women forever. Instead of it being hit after hit, it'll be home run after home run.

Originally posted by sftfan:

These picture sets will be in "high rotation" around here [Blush] [Laugh]

That's right. [Big Grin]


More pictures on Friday night.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on October 31, 2012 11:48 PM:
LensCraft is going to be very popular in these foot fetish forums. I can tell. The pictures of her would not mean anything had it not been for the story you shared with us. You're so cool under fire because most other guys in your position would've peed in their pants thinking that the parents of her husband-to-be would cause some kind of scene. Incredible how she didn't pee in her pants when they came along.

It was cool that your friend got a front row seat to the whole thing. If I saw that her feet on the chair like that, I would only wish I had a chair to sit close to her and just start to chat with her as if we're picking up from where we left off yesterday. It seemed like your friend did exactly that.

The pictures themselves are just pure gold and quite spectacular. She's so fucking sexy and her feet are right there for the sniffing and the licking.

National, you know what you're doing. Don't ever lose sight of that.
Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on November 01, 2012 12:18 AM:
And the hits just keep on coming. And so do I. [Smile]

I'm going to need some alone time now with LensCraft and Afternoon Shades. Thanks, National, for saving my night.
Posted by DSW (Member # 35008) on November 02, 2012 12:16 AM:
Hey National,

Where can I send this check?
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 02, 2012 02:54 PM:
Originally posted by DSW:
Hey National,

Where can I send this check?

A check? A check for what?
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 03, 2012 02:00 AM:
I'm back for the final postings of the week. The reason I'm showing several girls at a time this week is because I'm trying to make way for some of my better shoots, including those National Classics that'll certainly be enshrined in my Hall of Fame. I'm trying to speed up the process a bit and then I'll start to slow down when we get to the ones that'll make your mouth water so much, that you'll run out of saliva to droll with. That's not to say that the ones I posted this week are terrible. It's just that I don't want people to wait too long for the showstoppers to finally appear.

In any event, let's close out the week.


Normally, I don't look for women who carry some extra weight to them. In fact, I can remember only two other women who posed for me who's of similar size. More than anything, I was curious to see what else was out there.

I tried to make the best of the shoot when I was pointing directly into the sun. On a day where it wasn't terribly hot, the sun's strong presence in these photos provided leisure for this very nice lady and made that moment in life a very relaxed one as time suspended itself.

 -  -  -



This happened right around the start of lunch time. I had just arrived at the park and she was one of the first ones who I kept in the back of my mind as a potential target. Usually, when I first get to the park, I have this sudden urge to use the restroom. Even if I had used a restroom fifteen to twenty minutes before I get there, I get that urge almost immediately when I arrive. I hate that because I fear that I'll miss out on something spectuacular.

After I was done with that, I walked back towards the same spot where I first spotted this lady, completely forgetting that she was sitting at that particular spot in the first place.

When I saw that she was still sitting there, I was more compelled to approach her because this time she had her black Converse-like sneakers removed. The vast majority of the women who posed for me already had their shoes on by the time I first approached them and sweet talked 'em out of their footwear. With this one already out of her shoes, I figured why not? She agreed.

The part I remembered most about this was that there was another woman who sat down just a few feet to my left, looking directly at us as the whole shoot was going on. She was eating her salad and seemed to be enjoying the sight of me taking pictures of some other woman's feet as if she was bird watching -or something. She said nothing during the whole time. She just watched.

 -  -  -


Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 03, 2012 02:02 AM:
There she was, studying right by the steps that leads into the main entrance of the New York Public Library on Fifth Avenue. The National Park is not only a place for escape and and to share a few laughs with friends and significant others, but also a place to really seclude yourself from all the headache and noise that goes on on the outside.

While she wasn't in the library to enjoy some dead silence from the outside world, she did catch my attention and had zero problems with me taking pictures of her feet.

She had some few questions to ask me as I showing her the finished product. Questions about how one finds feet very attractive. She asked because she was one of those who's brand new to this understanding. She was like The Swede in that she didn't quite get it but at the same time wasn't repulsed the other women would react when they think that you're weird for having a foot fetish.

She showed me a picture that she took of her feet the day before, sitting in the same spot where I spotted her. She did it only because she got tired of studying and took a picture of it just to get her mind away from the books.

Most of our conversation was in Spanish being that she's from Chile.

I gave her the title of Sooth Ink because of the tattoos, because she's into punk rock music and because she has virtually no wrinkles on her soles, giving it that soothing look along with smooth and cool (as in not burning) concrete that stood behind her and lied underneath her.

 -  -  -




Of the four women who I'm showing tonight, this one had the softest soles.

Throughout the spring and summer, there are free yoga classes that are taught outdoors. Tuesdays in the morning, Thursdays during the evening. This was not too long after the Tuesday morning session was over. She was reading by herself on the bench. She jumped on the opportunity because she thought it was pretty neat to have some stranger take pictures of her feet for the first time.

I love it when I hear from these girls that they never had pictures of their feet taken. Puts a smile on my face.

 -  -  -




That'll be all for this week. I'll be back in about ten days to show you guys more pictures from my days at the park. And I have a feeling that that will be the time when things get better.

-- National
Posted by sftfan (Member # 1959) on November 03, 2012 07:47 AM:
Another four great sets! Yogacentric nearly made me come in my pants [Drool]
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on November 03, 2012 09:37 AM:
AUGUST RED and YOGACENTRIC are incredible. I'm without words to describe how I enjoyed both girls feet!

Awesome work as usual!
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on November 03, 2012 09:57 PM:
National, you have shown us why you made yourself the unquestioned King of Feet of Bryant Park. You have really made the case why that place is the place to go for any foot guy who wants go foot sight seeing. Thanks for showing us what type of women visit that park and thanks representing us in a positive light. These women appreciate it and so do we.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 04, 2012 03:33 AM:
Originally posted by sftfan:
Another four great sets! Yogacentric nearly made me come in my pants [Drool]

If you nearly came in your pants just from looking at them, then imagine what would've happen if you just centimeters away from her feet like I was.

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
AUGUST RED and YOGACENTRIC are incredible. I'm without words to describe how I enjoyed both girls feet!

Awesome work as usual!

Thanks a whole lot.

I was in a bit of a rush when I was with August Red. When you're in a rush, you lose a bit of focus on what you're doing. I received a call from my employer wanting me to be at a place not too far from the park ASAP. Wasn't too happy about that. With YogaCentric, I wasn't worried about any interruptions and she gave me all the time in the world. The combination of not having anyone intrude on my concentration and the girl giving me all the time I needed made for a much better shoot.

Touching her feet felt so good because it was so soft.

If you were left without words to describe how you enjoyed both sets, then you'll be left without knowing how to speak English altogether when you see the ones I have in store in the weeks to come. Be on the lookout for girls like Barbie and the ЯUSSIAN SPY.

I'm glad you're such a big fan of my work. Thanks a lot.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 04, 2012 03:49 AM:
I'm National, and I approve this message...

Originally posted by 18th Floor:
National, you have shown us why you made yourself the unquestioned King of Feet of Bryant Park. You have really made the case why that place is the place to go for any foot guy who wants go foot sight seeing. Thanks for showing us what type of women visit that park and thanks representing us in a positive light. These women appreciate it and so do we.

I really would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to you for posting this meaningful comment. Something like this makes me look back and reflect on the impact I've had in here and how much my adventures at the park have meant so much to you people. It makes me reflect on how happy I was shooting these pictures of their feet and how happy, comfortable, interested, and/or fascinated they were with the whole experience. The greatest park that's hidden in all of this is that the girls and I were in our own little world away from the world when all of this took place. It was as if we were in our own secluded area, not taking into account of anything else that was happening around us.

The appeal comes from the fact these women are within reach of you guys, so to speak, in that these are women who you could've walked by in the streets just the other day. You wonder what her feet are like and here they are. The style of these pictures really brings the sense that this is as natural as it's going to get because this is exactly what men would see just by walking past them at the park. Only difference is that I'm giving you guys the closeness and angles that one doesn't normally get to inspect as if it were no big deal.

When foot guys go to this park, they will refer to it as National Park for the contributions I bring to all of you guys.

Good night, Ladies and Gentlemen.

-- National
Posted by DSW (Member # 35008) on November 04, 2012 01:21 PM:
Originally posted by National:
Originally posted by DSW:
Hey National,

Where can I send this check?

A check? A check for what?
For the service that you're giving out. What you've done here is nothing short of amazing.

I'll add my name to the list of guys who love this Yoga Centric girl. I just love how her soles look when you had her flex her toes back. It makes me want to bury my nose in there and take a deep breath.

I also like Sooth Ink. Interesting backround in that you don't see any trees anywhere in her pictures as we normally would with the other girls.

Yoga Centric was a very, very set set of pictures. Another one that can lay that claim is LensCraft. What an amazing woman you got there! You'll be in short supply of cum after letting off a huge load. [Jerkoff] She's someone who I'll never forget. Her fiancee is missing out on some amazing foot action from her!

I agree with 18th Floor: that park belongs to you.

So again, where I can I send this check?
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 04, 2012 06:08 PM:
Originally posted by DSW:
So again, where I can I send this check?

No checks necessary. [Laugh]

As I've said a few times before, I do this as a public service. I'm offering all of this to you guys for free. I'm not selling anything, I'm not charging anything. I'm allowing you guys to view the images I have taken of these women for free.

This park is a public place that does not charge a fee to get inside and enjoy the views and have a peace of mind. And I want everyone else in here to enjoy the better views and angles of their feet that all the other foot guys who do go to Bryant Park can't get access to for the same price: for free.

-- National

[ November 04, 2012, 06:13 PM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by FootBoi88 (Member # 43020) on November 05, 2012 01:34 AM:
I'm in love with Sooth ink! My kinda gurl! [Wink] muah!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 13, 2012 01:42 AM:
It's been a long wait for a lot of us in here. Being distant from the park for more than a few days makes you miss the sights and scenes of what the place always offers. But I'm back with more from the National Park brochure.


I'll start off this week with another quickie. This is one of those shoots that was short-lived. But it does give a sense of what the person is all about.

You can't tell from these pictures, but this one sure has some attitude issues. There are those out there who live on short fuses, and this one fits that description. The difference between her and 'Serial Maniac' is that Maniac is very kooky and is probably an Excederin tablet short of a full medicine cabinet. If you told me that saw her knit with one needle, I'll believe it.

With this one, however, you might have to sleep with one eye open and a finger on the trigger because she just might do you in while you're dozing off. She comes across as this very sweet person. When you least suspect it, she'll stab you in the back. How do I know that? Because she that she hates people and always had. I could tell from the way she said that that she was not playing around. I noticed how she clutched on to her book with a firm grip as she told me that before gripping it again when she repeated herself.

I walked up to her and she seemed all nice and roses. Before I could get some words in the conversation, she paused me to take a phone call. To my surprise, what started off as a regular conversation turned into a war of words with whoever was on the other end of that call. She spouted off some magic words that would've made George Carlin very proud. Then she hung up in a way that suggested that she had enough of the other person.

I was thinking to myself that perhaps that was a bad time to get her attention, but I asked her anyway because she wanted to know why I approached her. She sounded a bit pissed off still as she said that. Wanting to be a bit of a jackass myself, I asked her if she was having a wonderful day? And that's where she came in with the comment of how she has always hated people with such a passion. She told me how she's tired of feeling phony by being nice and generous all the time. She told me how people don't like her because they don't like her demeanor and how she gets into shouting matches with her family.

She never told me that she would stab someone in the back, but I couldn't help but to think that that's how she behaves.

Then I asked if she could pose her feet for me in the hopes that that'll help calm her tensions and high blood pressure. Why not?, she thought.

And there we have it.

I had to stop it short because my cousin called me as he was minutes away from the park. We were going to hang out and he was going to pick me up in his car.

 -  -  -





We're back with Night Visions. This is when I take pictures of women's feet as the sun sets that turns into the dark skies.

Her first words out of her mouth when she spoke to me were, "My feet?". She's from London. So when she said it with that English accent, it sounded more like "fate". But she said feet.

By the way, on a separate note, you know you're having a great summer and you know you have it made when the feet is the most common word women say to you.

In any event, I was happy to move her from one spot to another because it looked as if some guy wanted to start a conversation with her. He just sat there for a few minutes just tongue tied. When it looked as if he mustered up the courage to say something, that's when I dove in and swooped her away from his hopes.

He couldn't hear what I told her, but he seemed amazed that I was able to get her to stand from the concrete steps that lead into the lawn and onto the upper terrace and disappeared from his sight using fifteen words or less. It's not magic, but to him it seemed like it.

Her feet smelled just a bit, but just enough to where I was able to pick up the scent, but not enough for the scent to reach her nose.

By the way, she said it takes a special set of eyes to really see how sexy feet can be.

Do you guys disagree?

 -  -  -


SIZE 9 1/2
Posted by sftfan (Member # 1959) on November 13, 2012 08:52 AM:
Another excellent bunch of shots! Particularly that first shot of Bad Seed [Cool]
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on November 13, 2012 09:47 AM:
London 2012 gets my vote. And right now, all of my cum has been drained out of me thanks to her feet. Not that I'm complaining. But feet that look like hers are really to die for when it comes getting that close of an inspection.

Originally posted by National:

By the way, she said it takes a special set of eyes to really see how sexy feet can be.

Do you guys disagree?

Are you kidding me!? Of course I don't. My dick certainly didn't either.
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on November 13, 2012 03:54 PM:
Man, National. You were so calm and collected for keeping cool under fire. That Bad Seed girl has to be difficult to deal with on a typical day. You managed to keep pace with her whatever drama she was dealing with and you seemed to be a good outlet for her to voice her frustrations with people. She might need professional help. Either that or she needs more guys like you to pose her feet for. It seemed to do wonders for her for the time being. I'm surprised she didn't go off on you. If you got her to pose for you under stress, is there anything you can't do?
Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on November 13, 2012 09:06 PM:
Originally posted by National:

Her first words out of her mouth when she spoke to me were, "My feet?". She's from London. So when she said it with that English accent, it sounded more like "fate". But she said feet.

I thought I was the one in here with the jokes, but that quote was a pretty good one. It wasn't until I tried sounding it out myself when I realized just how funny and true it sounded.

It is the fault of her pictures that a lot of women are bisexuals.

She has feet that are just truly amazing. I can look at these all night and not blink.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 14, 2012 12:37 AM:
The name I gave this one is pronounced deez'nuff, which is French for nineteen. To me she had that French model look, but she never spoke with any foreign accent. She sounded just as American as the next typical white girl. She looked nineteen to me, but she's probably older than that for all I know.

Sometimes it's the smallest things about the person that you notice from afar that makes you want to approach them. Yes, I'm always fascinated with the model look, which drew my attention immediately. But also the fact that she was eating a doughnut, all to herself, enjoying the scene of the park on what was picture perfect day weather-wise, made it all the cuter.

That was the first time I saw her. Weeks later was when I noticed that she became a regular visitor of the park. Always by herself. I just leave her alone and leave that ladybug all to herself.

 -  -  -



My one-hundredth one who agreed to pose for me. A tourist from Australia who found out that her visit to New York was like a scene out of an action movie everyday.

 -  -  -


-- National
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 14, 2012 01:39 AM:
Originally posted by Lust In Translation:
Originally posted by National:
Her first words out of her mouth when she spoke to me were, "My feet?". She's from London. So when she said it with that English accent, it sounded more like "fate". But she said feet.

I thought I was the one in here with the jokes, but that quote was a pretty good one. It wasn't until I tried sounding it out myself when I realized just how funny and true it sounded.

That's right.

Originally posted by 18th Floor:
Man, National. You were so calm and collected for keeping cool under fire. That Bad Seed girl has to be difficult to deal with on a typical day. You managed to keep pace with her whatever drama she was dealing with and you seemed to be a good outlet for her to voice her frustrations with people. She might need professional help. Either that or she needs more guys like you to pose her feet for. It seemed to do wonders for her for the time being. I'm surprised she didn't go off on you. If you got her to pose for you under stress, is there anything you can't do?

You're not kidding when you said that she could be difficult to deal with on any normal day. It's one thing to have a bad moment or become angry about something because disappointments happens in life at inopportune moments. But I got the impression that she lives on a short fuse daily.

I certainly wish that I was able to spend more time with her during that shoot just to see if there was any one thing or person that doesn't make her tick.

Listen, as long as she doesn't do anything bad to me, then she's a nice person as far as I'm concerned. At least she was decent enough to put aside her issues to let me shoot her feet.

-- National
Posted by footcenter (Member # 34062) on November 14, 2012 09:50 AM:
Great work as always. This never gets old and I can never get enough of this. Great pictures where ever one clicks.

I'm not quite sure where to start so I guess I'll pick dix-neuf out of the hat at random. I bet that muffin goes great with those feet. I love that first sample pictures you showed us to preview her. Everything about her is so precious. You find yourself looking at her face just as much as you do with her feet. Perfect balance when it comes to taking pictures.

Thanks for supplying more morning wood for me. [Smile]
Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on November 14, 2012 06:27 PM:
Originally posted by National:
The name I gave this one is pronounced deez'nuff, which is French for nineteen.

deez'nuff rhymes with these nuts. And I would've busted these nuts all over the soles of her feet had it not been for the fact that London's feet drained all of the cum from me after jacking off to them last night. [Cry]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on November 14, 2012 10:50 PM:
More goodies from National's Christmas bag.

I love these last two here. Of the two, I think Dix-neuf has the smellier feet of the two. The second one, Nice Hundred, has feet that look like they don't smell.

Dix-neuf look adorable with that muffin in hand and Nice Hundred looks pretty nice, as her title says.

I think your words are music to these women's ears with the way you get them to show their feet for you. We're all thankful for what you share with us. You're a good man.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 16, 2012 12:27 AM:
Originally posted by Lust In Translation:
deez'nuff rhymes with these nuts. And I would've busted these nuts all over the soles of her feet had it not been for the fact that London's feet drained all of the cum from me after jacking off to them last night. [Cry]

Just look at her pictures again and they'll bring it back to life.

Originally posted by footcenter:
Great work as always. This never gets old and I can never get enough of this.

Neither can I.

Originally posted by 18th Floor:
I think your words are music to these women's ears with the way you get them to show their feet for you. We're all thankful for what you share with us. You're a good man.

I do what I can to bring new joy to everyone here. As Bret Farve once said: I don't do this for me ... I do this for you. I do this as a public service by giving all of this to you guys at no cost. I like free stuff and you guys deserve this free stuff. The last two sentences you just read were not quoted from him, that was me talking.

I'm grateful that you guys have taken a great liking to the material I show to you guys. And it's only going get better, you guys. It's only going to get better.

Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on November 16, 2012 09:51 AM:
Awesome! I knew that this thread was going to be one of the greatest ones in here when it first started. It's exciting to hear that things will get even better. I'm looking forward to all of this.

You are a great man.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 17, 2012 01:03 AM:
My final postings of the week.


Throughout the conversation I had with her, I was convinced that she was French just from the way she spoke and the unmistakable accent that we can associate with any French lady. It wasn't until towards the end when she told me that she was from Russia. I couldn't believe it. She's not related to anyone who's French, which made it confusing still because Russian women don't talk they way she does.

She had me hoodwinked. Anyone who listens to her speak would never guess Russia on the first try.

She was looking through fashion items on her tablet. She was a bit worried that her feet were a bit dirty. What she should've been a bit more concerned with was the fact that her feet were a bit smelly, which they were. [Smile]

She wore black sandals that night. It took a few minutes before any hint that her feet smelled finally hit me. I moved my chair a bit closer to her feet to see if I could catch any aroma from her feet. I was able to pick up on the smell a few times throughout, nothing constant or overbearing.

 -  -  -

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 17, 2012 01:05 AM:
This one sat at that spot for a long time before I gave her a shot. I remember walking by her, never thinking to myself that I should approach her because her body type is not my type. When I'm at the park, I look for thin women. Some junk in the trunk or some meat on the bones is desirable as well, like The Zebra -- the first girl I featured in this thread.

Then there are girls like this one. After I was done shooting another girl, I walked around and was surprised to see her still sitting there. I had a little debate with myself as to whether I should let the spotlight shine on her a little bit. Curiosity got the best of me.

She never thought her feet would be classified as sexy. No one ever complimented them before. Hearing that made me feel kind of sad for her. I didn't think they were that bad, actually, because her feet were incredibly soft. Her unique feature was how they looked when she flexed her toes backwards. It was as if she was double jointed in that area. If I had pushed them backwards any more than what she was able to, I don't think she would've been in any pain for discomfort.

Like I said, I don't think they're that bad. But at the same time, I'm not too crazy about them. After the shoot, she thanked me for finding something special about her to be able to ask her for feet pictures.

 -  -  -



This one is another quickie.

She is an Interior Design major to she goes to school. She took the time to stop by the park to excel in her line of studies, and it's a great thing that she takes her lessons to heart. It takes great ideas to create environments that enhance the quality of life. That is what she is setting out to do.

 -  -  -



That'll be all for this week. I will be back here in ten days to show you guys even more pictures of the women I approached in the National Park.

Also, even though I showed some great galleries throughout, I feel that the wait is finally over. I keep teasing about how things will get better. In ten days, that will mark the beginning of the best that's yet to come.

I, for one, cannot wait.

-- National
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on November 17, 2012 05:49 AM:
If there's a thing I love in women's feet is the ability to flex the toes completely backwards. This usually means flexible feet and high arches.

This is the case of GREY SKIES with one drawback that - as you also said - is she being a bit too much chubby. If she was a thin girl she would totally rock but that extra pounds disguise what could be a pair of delightful feet!

Thanks for sharing [Smile]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on November 18, 2012 02:15 AM:
The French-Russian has no idea just how beautiful she is. Grey Skies has feet that I would love to bury my nose in. Envisionesque has some pretty good feet herself. I love her skin complexion and I love that little line she has in the middle of each of her soles. You can see the flats she was wearing in some of the pictures, which makes her feet more appealing. I'm really loving this one, and it looks like I'll loving her feet some more in the days and weeks to come.

Once again, you have come through with some great stuff. I look forward to what more you have for us in the future. This is going to be the place to be if things do get better, as National said.

Thank you so much for being there for us.
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on November 18, 2012 03:36 PM:
[Thumbs Up]
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on November 19, 2012 01:50 AM:
Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
If there's a thing I love in women's feet is the ability to flex the toes completely backwards. This usually means flexible feet and high arches.

This is the case of GREY SKIES with one drawback that - as you also said - is she being a bit too much chubby. If she was a thin girl she would totally rock but that extra pounds disguise what could be a pair of delightful feet!

Those were not bad set of pictures, although I do agree with what you said by and large. She has killer toe flexing skills, though. I'm amazed with how good they look in the pictures.

Evisionesque was the one I would take home with me. Her feet are not bad at all and I would find myself sticking to a woman who had soles that looked like those.

Fantastic job once again.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 19, 2012 07:00 PM:
Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
This is the case of GREY SKIES with one drawback that - as you also said - is she being a bit too much chubby. If she was a thin girl she would totally rock but that extra pounds disguise what could be a pair of delightful feet!

I agree. I also think that a thick layer of fat around the foot hides its character. At least I gave her (and one or two others like her) a pretty fair shot. She was one of the more quiet and cooperative girls who posed for me.

Originally posted by caseman:
Evisionesque was the one I would take home with me. Her feet are not bad at all and I would find myself sticking to a woman who had soles that looked like those.

One of the cool traits about her was that she was very shy about doing this in the first place. I don't remember too many others who were like that when I asked them to pose for me. She's a great candidate for someone who's ladylike enough for you to want to introduce to your mother and father.

Originally posted by footjoyboy:
[Thumbs Up]

Posted by DancingFool (Member # 3728) on November 19, 2012 10:10 PM:
These are very nice, but not as spellbinding as Serial Maniac.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 27, 2012 01:17 AM:
Hope everyone has had a wonderful Holiday weekend.

I'm back with more of the same from a place that has become the national pastime for foot lovers: The National Park.

For a while, I've been teasing people that I would start showing galleries where you'll start to see more toe shots. More specifically, that I would be posting toe shots that are quite spellbinding and out of the ordinary of what all of us are used to seeing all of our lives. I also said that before we get to that point, that I was going to start posting some ordinary, plain toe pictures and then you guys can watch how I went from that to the masterful art pieces that I wound up finishing the season with.

Not every gallerie I post from now on will feature toes. However, toes will be a more common theme in these next eleven pages than they were in the eleven that we left behind.

For a while I promised that things will get better. The era will start with its infancy tonight. Watch as it grows from there.


I'll start this week off with only one gallerie tonight.

With this one, I hesitated for a very long time as to whether I should approach her. That was because she looked a bit too young to mess with. But since I love them very young to begin with, I finally decided to give this one a try.

I never asked for her I.D. until after the photoshoot. The reason was because even if she was seventeen, I still would taken those pictures and kept them for myself and not get into trouble in here by then posting these pictures. Personally, it wouldn't have bothered me if she was seventeen. Besides, 17 is the legal age of consent in the state of New York. But since 18 is the minimum age in this forum, and because of the fact that she was 18 at the time those pictures were taken, then I'm safe.

The last time I posted pictures of some girl, I said that I couldn't think of anyone else who was very shy in getting pictures of her feet taken. Well, I take that back because this girl was another one who was also very shy about it. She became more relaxed as we went along.

I think I was the first guy to plant the seed in her psyche that foot fun is fun for everyone. [Big Grin] That's right.

It was so cute to watch her listen to me explain why men would take special interest in her feet. It was just as cute to hear her talk in her shy voice about any curiosity she had about guys like us. The thought of men taking interest to her feet was completely new to her.

I didn't want to explain too much of it to her because she was too cute and angelic and very soft spoken all at the same time for me to make her deviant or something.

Other than the fact that she looked very young, what attracted me to her was the way she crossed her legs.

 -  -  -


SIZE 8.5


I'll be back for more as the week goes on.
- National
Posted by footcenter (Member # 34062) on November 27, 2012 09:28 AM:
Young Rising is amazing! Love how you can see that her soles are just a bit dirty, but not too much. Just the right amount.

She's one of the best ones featured in here, no doubt.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 28, 2012 01:22 AM:
I see that we're back for more sightseeing at the National Park.

This one is another quickie I encountered. She had some pretty amazing soles for someone who's not my type. She would've been my type if I was drunk enough or it was late enough. But no one needs to be either one of those to know that her soles are not bad at all.

 -  -  -


Her name isn't Ninka. If you take the feet out of the equation, when you see someone hold a pose like she did, then she's a thinker. Or a thinka, as I love to say it just to make it sound cute. Being that she's from the Netherlands, the name Ninka came to mind. I don't know why.

What was she thinking? She was thinking of either singing or winking while drinking OR wishing of kissing or licking my dick-ing ...

That's right.

 -  -  -


SIZE 10.5
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 28, 2012 01:25 AM:
I caught this one playing with her necklace as I approached her. Like Sooth Ink, she's also from country of Chile in South America. She knew very little English so I had to speak with her in Spanish to carry the conversation throughout the shoot. It's interesting we were listening to each other talk. We always pay closer attention to someone who speaks with a different accent or through a different dose of dialect. You learn so much from the other person, even if what was said was pretty simple and direct. You don't get that feeling when the other person you're speaking to has the same speaking patterns as you do.

She never had a guy make any mention of her feet in her life, which made our interaction more interesting for her. She was quite open minded about the whole foot thing and none of it seemed to bother her one bit. Getting her to talk about a variety of topics in between and after the shoot showed that all of this was cool for her and something that seemed just as normal as anything else.

There were a few girls who I can remember who didn't quite get the foot fetish thing even after I shot pictures of their feet. This wasn't one of them. It's a new concept for her because it's now something she'll accept with an open mind should any guy want to experiment with her feet.

 -  -  -




None of these galleries featured toes. The good news for any toe lover is that some more toe shots will come your way on Friday night when I post my next updates.

-- National
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on November 28, 2012 09:32 AM:
An amazing job you've done here with these women, National. Again.

I really enjoy all the women you posted this week. This is really good stuff. I could say more thing but I'll wind up repeating what I just said over and over.

You have done an amazing job here.
Posted by DSW (Member # 35008) on November 28, 2012 08:58 PM:
A lot of Kudos to National for doing putting this altogether. We get the sense that what we're seeing is all natural with the foot poses, the way the women are minding their own business in their surroundings. This is really what one expects to see when he enters this place.

When I see other pictures taken some of the others, I can't help but get the feeling of comparing them to what we see in reality tv. It feels like they're promoting a reality tv show, and we all know how real those shows aren't. I don't get that feeling when I see the pictures in here. All of this is genuine. This is really real life feet brought to us in its truest, rawest form.
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on November 28, 2012 10:28 PM:
I like Young Rising and Spiritual Necklace a lot. Very nice shapes to both of their soles. I also like how you can tell that Young Rising has worn those things for quite some time by seeing that her soles are slightly dirty. The first two pictures of the fifth row in her gallery, I love how you had it set up so that the big toe covers her face in first shot and how you now see her face in the second shot. She's so cute. I bet she'll get hotter as she gets older over the next few years.

But the fact that we get to see her now while she's still this young is just pure heaven. It's like taking pictures of a girl who then goes on to become very famous one day.

With Spiritual Necklace, it's nice to know that you can speak another language. If a woman can't understand English, you can speak in another language to get her to agree to show her feet for you.

[Thumbs Up]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 29, 2012 12:19 AM:
Originally posted by 18th Floor:
An amazing job you've done here with these women, National. Again.

I really enjoy all the women you posted this week. This is really good stuff. I could say more thing but I'll wind up repeating what I just said over and over.

You have done an amazing job here.

You're welcome.

Reading these comments makes the time I spent at the park all the worth while. It's a motivator for me to go back out there when Spring returns and improve from where I left off. Improve what I've learned and master what I can do to beyond infinity.

I'm glad you feel that I've done an amazing job. But your words will fall very short when you see what I'm going to unveil over these next several pages. Then you'll have to invent words to do these upcoming galleries some justice.

Originally posted by DSW:
A lot of Kudos to National for doing putting this altogether. We get the sense that what we're seeing is all natural with the foot poses, the way the women are minding their own business in their surroundings. This is really what one expects to see when he enters this place.

When I see other pictures taken some of the others, I can't help but get the feeling of comparing them to what we see in reality tv. It feels like they're promoting a reality tv show, and we all know how real those shows aren't. I don't get that feeling when I see the pictures in here. All of this is genuine. This is really real life feet brought to us in its truest, rawest form.

Perhaps the most accurate words spoken in here. A natural setting in where these women are in natural comfort. Nothing outlandish or crazy or too giggly. Not that there's much wrong with being outlandish, crazy or playful. It's just when you take those away, we get nature. Hence everything we're saying here.


More to come on Friday night.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 01, 2012 01:02 AM:
We will end this week with a couple of personal favorite of mine. What's great about going out foot hunting is that I never know who I'm going meet, how their feet would look like and how her personality is like and how the interaction would go between the the lady and myself. I bet that when these ladies woke up in the morning that I approached them that they would have some stranger take pictures of their bare feet. It's something completely out of the blue and it would make for an interesting conversation with her friends later in the day.



Waking up on this particular morning, I had had some tough luck finding women with big feet to pose for me. By that, I mean anything above a size 9. My favorite type of feet are those that are sizes 9 and up. I was having better luck with women whose feet were smaller, but I was starving for something more to my liking.

I approached someone earlier in the day who had big feet. She declined. Ten minutes later, I spotted this one. There are some women who I'll approach, even if they don't look like those who would be interested. There are other ones who I'll lay eyes on and know immediately if she has that look of someone who would be down for it or someone who's just otherwise damn hot. She falls under that category.

She was more than happy to make me happy. Very, very cool chic. She sounded kind of airheaded and ditzy when she spoke, which is not a bad thing. As a matter of fact, I like that in a girl.

I really enjoyed doing that shoot with her.

 -  -  -


SIZE 9.5



Here we have another National Park Classic. This was another one who I had to ask. I almost missed her when I was making my round around the park. I had to catch her out of the corner of my eye to spot her.

If there was ever someone who was all for this, it was this girl. She's someone who would fit in real well if she was ever a member of this forum.

She's not as talkative as Snowluck. She's more peaceful and enjoys spending her afternoons without a lot of disturbance or drama, unlike some of the other girls I spotted, like Brasil or The Foreign Denim. Those girls seem like the types who would feed of off crazy antics in the middle of the day. The Zebra, just like the girl who I'm about to show, was another one who was quiet and non-disturbing.

The smile on her face suggested that she didn't know what to make of my request, but at the same time she was completely okay with doing something harmless and out of the ordinary at the same time.

A few hours later, I spotted her in another part of the park still staring off into space and her immediate surroundings, enjoying the peace and the view.

Truly nice.

 -  -  -


SIZE 8.5


That does it for this week. As you can see, there is a bit of a toe presence around here in this thread. Like I said, not every gallerie will contain toe shots, but this is a theme that will become more frequent.

When it comes to toe pictures, this is just the beginning because things will get very interesting for you toe lovers.

I'll be back in about ten days with more photos to share.

-- National
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on December 01, 2012 04:17 AM:
I love what you've done here. These women are absolutely beautiful. And all the guys will look at their feet and know that they'll jump on the opportunity to spend the night doing what they want to their feet.

When I look at both Snowluck and Fruit Punch, my tongue would spend so much time licking every inch of their feet that I'll never be able to fall asleep. Come to think of it, I'll probably be in the Guinness Book of Records for the most consecutive hours for licking one girl's feet.

The picture of Snowluck where she has her hand in front of her mouth is purely priceless.


I wonder what she read on her phone that would make her react like that?

You can certainly take your pick of women in here and say a whole lot of great things about them. Spiritual Necklace can make any guy in here catch a serious erection with the way she posed her feet. I would spend the entire day having my nose in between each toe.

I don't know why you called that last girl Fruit Punch, but she sure is good. That was such an amazing set.

You killed it this week.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on December 01, 2012 02:37 PM:
National, all I can do is [Bow Down] to you. I don't think it's possible to pick one between Snowluck and Fruit Punch because both are classic, as you put it. This has become the most incredible thread in here. I swear. Fruit Punch's toes look so delicious. They are begging for some passerby to just get down there and start to lick them toe by toe.

With Snowluck, man I learned a lesson by not unzipping my pants before I clicked in here. Because my dick just ripped through my zipper and now I must get a new pair of jeans. Her feet are perfect. [Drool]

These last two are the best ones you posted this week. And that's not to take anything away from the others you posted this week because it's one hit after another with you.

I'm starting to lose words now. I'll let my dick do the talking as I masturbate real good.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 02, 2012 12:59 AM:
Originally posted by caseman:
With Snowluck, man I learned a lesson by not unzipping my pants before I clicked in here. Because my dick just ripped through my zipper and now I must get a new pair of jeans. Her feet are perfect. [Drool]

I'm sorry to hear that about your pants. [Laugh]

When she placed her feet on the chair, I fell in love with her soles immediately thereafter. I knew from the way they looked that I was in for a very great set. I knew I struck gold with that one. She had the kind of soles that I enjoyed so much that I could've gone home after that and called it a day at the park because her soles had everything I looked for in them. Had it been some other girl with feet I thought were just ok by my standards, I would've gone home being very disappointed with myself had she turned out to be the only girl who I had that day.

You can bet that my eyes were glued to her feet from beginning to end.

Originally posted by foot_fashion_industry:
The picture of Snowluck where she has her hand in front of her mouth is purely priceless.


I wonder what she read on her phone that would make her react like that?

Celebrity gossip. She felt so compelled to tell me what she had just read. I nodded and shook my head a few times and said a couple of things just to keep her entertained and amused for a bit.

I was so happy the camera caught her at that moment. It's a highlight of that photoshoot that tells you a story within these pictures.

National, all I can do is [Bow Down] to you.

I don't think it's possible to pick one between Snowluck and Fruit Punch because both are classic, as you put it.
Picking one between those two would be such a compelling debate because people from both sides of the argument will make compelling cases for their girl.

This has become the most incredible thread in here. I swear.
Not only that, it's only going to get better. I swear.

-- National
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on December 02, 2012 02:44 AM:
Originally posted by National:

National, all I can do is [Bow Down] to you.


That was pretty good.
Posted by DSW (Member # 35008) on December 02, 2012 11:54 PM:
With Snowluck, I love how you can see some yellow spots on her soles when you had bend her toes backwards. After laying my eyes on her soles for as long as you had, I would've died a happy man if her soles turned out to be the very last thing I saw in my life.

I also enjoyed the second girl you posted on this page. Very enjoyable soles to look at. I loved every single picture you took of her.

Excellent photo work on your part.
Posted by DancingFool (Member # 3728) on December 03, 2012 01:05 AM:
Posted by jediofthefeet (Member # 1463) on December 03, 2012 10:19 AM:
Fruit Punch has amazing toes!

The polish color is a lighter shade of blue, but still looks dark in contrast to her skin. I really like the dirt on her soles. I'm about realism, not gloss and glam.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 03, 2012 10:49 PM:
Originally posted by DSW:
With Snowluck, I love how you can see some yellow spots on her soles when you had bend her toes backwards.

I love them, too. I'm telling you, I couldn't keep my eyes off of them.

Originally posted by jediofthefeet:
I really like the dirt on her soles. I'm about realism, not gloss and glam.

I agree. Her feet were something quite special. Now, everyone gets to see them for themselves. I'm with you on this one, Jedi.

I suppose the texture of these pictures taken place in a real-life setting gives people the realism effect. These everyday girls showing appreciation for what guys like us enjoy brings is their way of giving us a shout-out.

Thanks for enjoying the images I share with all of you.

-- National
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on December 04, 2012 03:02 PM:
I'm still jacking to these, and the description of how they smelled.


Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 06, 2012 09:08 PM:

You should also jack off to these, and the description of how they smelled. [Big Grin]

Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on December 07, 2012 02:44 PM:
^^ I must have missed her; fill me in to what page she is featured on.
It's going to be hard to top the chick in the tight blue jeans...her feet are damn near the perfect shape (for me).
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 07, 2012 11:16 PM:
Originally posted by aka.footjoyboy:
^^ I must have missed her; fill me in to what page she is featured on.

She's featured on page 8. I called her Afternoon Shades.
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on December 08, 2012 03:22 PM:
Oh yes! Definitely whack worthy.. [Jerkoff]
Posted by Pjay (Member # 35692) on December 09, 2012 06:01 AM:
Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
AUGUST RED and YOGACENTRIC are incredible. I'm without words to describe how I enjoyed both girls feet!

Awesome work as usual!

I agree. And I'm intrigued by the reported attitudes of these women, like with Yogacentric thinking it was cool to have a stranger want to take pictures of her feet. I wonder what she would think about a stranger also wanting to take her to a motel room and suck on those feet and maybe some other things for a few hours! One always wonders what the extent of the enthusiasm and openness might be. [Wink]

National, does that kind of thing ever happen, or does this always end after the shoot?
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 11, 2012 01:26 AM:
The last set of pictures I showed were the first steps towards the new direction, towards a new era. Throughout the next following pages, which will span over the course of at least another couple of months, you will see the difference in the angles that'll make that style uniquely mine, the difference in the angles that hasn't been touched upon by anyone else.

As much as I would love to show those pictures right now, I feel it's best that we take baby steps to get there.


Every once in a while I come across someone who's not some bimbo who I can turn any conversation into a lively and enthusiastic dialogue. This girl was someone who could've done well on a game show like The Weakest Link.

I saw her enter the park about an hour before I finally approached her. When I first saw her walk in, I didn't pay much attention her because that compelled me to see what she was all about. In fact, I didn't look down at her feet to see what they were like at the moment I first saw her.

An hour later, I come back around to the Fifth Avenue side of the park and saw that she was still there, reading her book. She kept waving her feet around, perhaps moving to the tune of the music was listening to. I had to watch her move her feet around for a couple of minutes just to enjoy the view for myself, a way of getting myself warmed up for the actual close up of taking pictures of her feet.

Very soft spoken, she was. The type who would shy away from an argument with someone. She seemed like the type who could easily fold under the intense moment of being scolded and walk herself to the corner of the room to take her punishment. If she were locked in a room with The Bad Seed, the girl who I'm about to present to you guys would've been eaten alive! A few other girls I came across were like that.

She's a very, very kindhearted person, nonetheless. She smiled at the thought that I liked her feet and with the way she moved them before I approached her. She always thought her feet were very nice and thought that it was the coolest idea to have me go ahead to snap as many pictures as I wanted.

After the shoot was over, she wanted to see how they came out. Looking through the pictures, she had a new liking to her feet, as she never saw them from the perspective of how they would look from the point of view of someone else looking at them.

The picture on the cover of the book she was reading had an Ace of Spades. She wears a size 7.

 -  -  -



More to come this week.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 11, 2012 01:28 AM:
Originally posted by Pjay:
I'm intrigued by the reported attitudes of these women, like with Yogacentric thinking it was cool to have a stranger want to take pictures of her feet. I wonder what she would think about a stranger also wanting to take her to a motel room and suck on those feet and maybe some other things for a few hours! One always wonders what the extent of the enthusiasm and openness might be. [Wink]

National, does that kind of thing ever happen, or does this always end after the shoot?

[Big Grin]

I had another person ask me the same type of question in a private message he sent me. What makes this so fun for me is the chance that the interaction could turn into something more fun and careless. I met up with a few of them at some time after the shoot ended for some drinks, which lead to some foot play afterwards. Always at their place. Actually, one of them was someone who I didn't meet for drinks in our first meeting after the shoot. We meet somewhere and took a walk for some sightseeing. So to answer your question, yes.

There were others who I tried hooking up with, but nothing ever materialized after exchanging numbers. Ninety to ninety-five percent of the time, though, things would always end after the shoot. I really don't do this to look for sexual partners. This is more of a hobby I enjoy. I want to take pictures and just leave the ladies alone and go our separate ways. If I like her well enough and we hook up afterwards, that's always a plus. But at the same time, and for the most part, I just want a peace of mind when I'm there. Taking pictures of them and talking to them is all I can ask for.

-- National
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on December 11, 2012 02:37 AM:
Aces of Seven is such a great find. It's not often you pictures of women wearing glasses showing their feet. Glad you didn't overlook her twice after doing so the first time. You would've missed out on some great look to look at and get hot for.

Thanks once again for your mastery.
Posted by Millennium Wind (Member # 39525) on December 11, 2012 09:49 AM:
Love your work. Can't get enough of these. If you got some more to share, then point them in this direction. There's always room for more. [Smile]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on December 11, 2012 03:26 PM:
These women have the kind of feet that makes my mouth water more than it did when I was about to eat my big feast dinner on Thanksgiving night! Seven of Aces is no exception.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on December 11, 2012 11:00 PM:
Originally posted by 18th Floor: These women have the kind of feet that makes my mouth water more than it did when I was about to eat my big feast dinner on Thanksgiving night! Seven of Aces is no exception.
Well said. After a great meal, I come in here and look at National's pictures. And after I hold my sausage in hostage, my cum explodes like a geyser! This particular picture did it for me.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 12, 2012 12:53 AM:

This was my first shoot on this particular day. This was at a time when the New York Public Library was closed on Sundays. I had gotten to the park about 15 minutes before I saw her walk onto the scene. I saw her and immediately saw how beautifully proper she was. I knew that I HAD to approach her to see if I could get her to pose for me.

I was sitting down when I first saw her as she walked by me. I knew she was headed towards the library, which was why I didn't approach her the very first second I saw her. I knew that once she realized that the library was closed that she was going to make her way back down the stairs and towards the street.

I got up from my chair and started to walk around a bit to make it look as if I wasn't waiting around for her. I didn't want to get her attention while I was seated because it would look as if I'm begging, being desperate for something. Standing up puts me in better position of power.

Reality finally sunk in to her that the library was closed. When she got down the stairs, she had the option of making a quick exit at 41st St. Instead, she starts to walk towards the 40th St exist, the same direction where she entered the park.

Thank Goodness!

There are certain girls who I come across who I know are "It", girls that make me say, "WOW, I must get to this one." Seven of Aces wasn't one of those girls for me because she didn't have the dynamics of female flair or allure that would capture the attention of many guys. This one, however, did.

As she was walking towards the 40th St exist, she stopped in the middle of her tracks suddenly. She was either texting someone or had to read something so compelling to her that it made her stop what she was doing.

Her back was facing me as I walked closer and closer to her. I wanted to run to her just so that I catch her before she took another step forward. But considering how nice she looked, running to her would lower my value to her. If she saw that I ran all that way just to ask for this favor would look weird and would cast me as some loser. Instead, I just kept my cool while I was taking my time to get closer to her.

I had to thank my lucky stars that she didn't take another step in the 30 seconds it took me to finally get to her.

She thought about it for a minute, which was a good sign because she didn't say no right away. She needed an icing on the cake as to why her feet was an essential part that makes certain guys look at her with some interest.

When I got her to sit down and had her take her shoes off for me, I was in heaven because her feet lived up to the billing that I had in my head. Seeing those feet leave her shoes felt so good to my eyes. Seeing them come to life was better than how a child would feel vising F.A.O. Schwarz for the first time.

Her feet were not smelly. However, they were very, very, VEEEEEEEERY sweaty! In every shoot I do, they allow me to touch their feet however I want to. In this case, touching her feet was a pure delight because the sweat from her soles made me keep my hands on there just a few seconds longer than I normally would in my shoots. It felt so good feeling my thumb and index finger slip from her feet whenever I tried to arrange them to a new pose or position.

That was the first time when I also realized just how good toe shots would look in my pictures. I asked her to pose her toes for me, not expecting to get any interesting pictures out of them. I thought I would take some boring, repetitious, characterless toe shots I see just about everywhere else on the internet. I didn't tell her how to pose her toes at all, she just styled them the way she did naturally. That's when I had my eureka moment and knew that this was going to be the start of more toe snapshots from different women.

These toe shots were just the beginning of what became an ever-improving art for me. There are not a whole lot of toe pictures here, but for you toe lovers, you can thank her for saving this thread. I took from what learned there and tried to improve on it each time I had the chance with some girl who was worth experimenting this on. Little by little, I got better and better at this to the point where toe pictures are no longer your typical point and shoot snap shots.

 -  -  -



-- National
Posted by DSW (Member # 35008) on December 12, 2012 02:05 AM:
I can see that this is the start of something great here. Again, I tip my hat off to you for an excellent job well done. A National Classic doesn't come along too often, but when it does, I know it's something worth savoring.

Cherry Coke could very well be my favorite one in here. Her toes are so delicious and the red polish will make them taste like cherry, I bet.

I got real hard knowing that her feet were that sweaty. When I read that part, that's when I was officially sold. Just imagine. Her feet. Sweaty.

This is a great story because it gives us an idea of what happened in the moments leading up to the introduction. Amazing how these women are so accepting of you.

Thanks to you, National, for blessing us. Thanks to Cherry Coke for blessing us as well. Now when I see a can of Cherry Coke, I'll never look at it the same way again. [Smile]
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on December 12, 2012 03:23 AM:
Cherry Coke's set is perfect. Some of the pics are simply unbelievable to say the least.

Great work as usual National. Those high arched ankle cross made my morning a better one [Smile]
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on December 12, 2012 07:04 AM:
You did a nice job with the toe shots. Thanks for the set & the story!
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on December 12, 2012 09:31 AM:
Just when I thought I'd seen it all, you come across with another masterpiece, a masterpiece in which I will never, ever forget. These pictures should be placed in foot fetish Hall of Fame. Her soles and toes are simple breathtaking! She has everything a man can want in a steady girlfriend. With feet like those, I would be nearly impossible to cheat on her. Her feet are everything you want all rolled into one beautiful, masterful masterpiece. Love how you approached the toe pictures. From those pictures, I can tell that you have some of the best toe shots in store for us in the near future.

I'll make sure to purchase a can of cherry coke while I'm on my lunch break in her honor.

Thanks again, National.

[Thumbs Up]
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on December 12, 2012 02:15 PM:
Posted by footcenter (Member # 34062) on December 12, 2012 08:40 PM:
Caseman needed to wait just a bit longer before he jacked off because that Cherry Coke was AMAZING!


With the two pictures above, I love the "now you see it, now you don't" approach when it comes to her face. Very creative, my friend. Love it.

If I've ever seen anyone hit the jackpot with some random girl who he got to pose her feet for him, it's the case with Cherry Coke.

The last few pictures were mouth watering. That's a great way of displaying some hot girl's toes.

Drinking some hard liquor while looking and admiring the pictures is a sensational combination.
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on December 12, 2012 10:51 PM:
Originally posted by National:

That was the first time when I also realized just how good toe shots would look in my pictures. I asked her to pose her toes for me, not expecting to get any interesting pictures out of them. I thought I would take some boring, repetitious, characterless toe shots I see just about everywhere else on the internet.

With that last sentence there, truer words have never been spoken. I bet that's the reason why most foot guys are into soles more than toes. Judging from those toe shots you did of her, they were anything but those.

Originally posted by National:
These toe shots were just the beginning of what became an ever-improving art for me. There are not a whole lot of toe pictures here, but for you toe lovers, you can thank her for saving this thread. I took from what learned there and tried to improve on it each time I had the chance with some girl who was worth experimenting this on. Little by little, I got better and better at this to the point where toe pictures are no longer your typical point and shoot snap shots.

If what you said holds true, then your will be doing the world a huge favor by finally cracking the code of how to take proper shots of women's feet. The first two pictures of her toes are the styles we always see from other guys when they take pictures of the woman's toes. After those two pictures, that's when things get very interesting.

To say that you did what you could to improve on those angles with other women could change the way we look at feet. And for the better.

Originally posted by National:
Her feet were not smelly. However, they were very, very, VEEEEEEEERY sweaty! In every shoot I do, they allow me to touch their feet however I want to. In this case, touching her feet was a pure delight because the sweat from her soles made me keep my hands on there just a few seconds longer than I normally would in my shoots. It felt so good feeling my thumb and index finger slip from her feet whenever I tried to arrange them to a new pose or position.

Those words in my mind while I was looking at Cherry Coke's feet was what made me [Jerkoff] with aggressive authority!!!

Snowluck, Fruit Punch, and now Cherry Coke. This stuff is legendary. Spiritual Necklace is an honorable mention because her soles are sculpted to perfection.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 12, 2012 11:53 PM:
^^ Everything he said.

In your last paragraph, if those girls were in anyone's starting pitching rotation, he will never be miserable for the rest for as long as they're there. If one of them can't make herself available on a certain night, there's always the other one. Call her from the bullpen to provide you some long relief. Eenie-meenie-miney-moe'ing will be the best way to decide who to go with as your next girl if the one you originally wanted can't see you that night. There is no wrong answer for whoever you land on. To make things more interesting, let's add Serial Maniac, NonChalance and YogaCentric to the rotation.


Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
Cherry Coke's set is perfect. Some of the pics are simply unbelievable to say the least.

Great work as usual National. Those high arched ankle cross made my morning a better one [Smile]

I appreciate you taking the time to look Cherry's gallerie and commenting on it. Those pictures certainly beat a cup of coffee to get your morning started. Not only that, her gallerie serves as a calming stimulant right before you go to sleep. I think it's about time that people realize that drinking coffee is overrated.

Originally posted by DSW:
Thanks to you, National, for blessing us. Thanks to Cherry Coke for blessing us as well.

An even bigger thanks to you guys for showing your patronage with continued visits to the National Park. You are welcome to visit any day of the week and enjoy some of the sites yourself. Besides, showing these amazing pictures for free, I'm doing this as a public service to all.

Originally posted by hyperion:
You did a nice job with the toe shots. Thanks for the set & the story!

Doing this with Cherry Coke was, as I've said before, really my first wake up call when it comes to really paying attention to the toes and how to display them in such a way that has been neglected by anyone else, basically. For someone who prefers soles over toes, you guys will see over the course of time as to how I started to take these toe shots to a new level towards infinity.

Like I said, toes won't appear in every shoot I'll post, but they will be more common from now on. Having said that, if you prefer toes over soles, then I am your savior.

The best part about all of this is that you guys don't know what you're in for.


Originally posted by aka.footjoyboy:

That's right. When I saw her soles rest on the chair, I, too, was licking my chops like the Big Bad Wolf that I am! [Big Grin]


I'll show some more pictures in about 48 hours from now.

Thanks to all.
Posted by DancingFool (Member # 3728) on December 13, 2012 11:11 PM:
Stellar!! I like Seven of Aces.
Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on December 14, 2012 02:29 AM:
My dick just came out of my pants to click on these pictures! Unbelievable job you've done, National.

And speaking of guys holding their sausage for hostage, I was also playing with my magic wand when looking through these pictures.

National, I don't know how you're able to maintain your composure when you have all these feet
staring at you in the eyes on a constant basis while you're shooting so many pictures?

Cherry Coke's feet are so hot, she should share some of it with Canada.
Posted by screwhead20 (Member # 16242) on December 14, 2012 03:43 AM:
Very nice thread National! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on December 14, 2012 11:16 AM:
This thread is perfection. I owe ya a beer! [Big Grin]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on December 14, 2012 02:22 PM:
Cherry Coke's feet must have been real sweaty because you can see her feet glistening in some of her toe shots! I would love to lick the sweat right off of them so that the sweat will be replaced by my saliva!
Posted by Footsessed (Member # 45603) on December 14, 2012 02:27 PM:
I'd love to stroll through this park one day, for a feast of feet
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 15, 2012 12:52 AM:
This will be my last update for the week.

If one you guys ever made a visit to the National Park, you're not going to go there to sun bathe on the lawn to catch a tan. You're not there to hear someone recite his poetry in front of a small crowd. And you're definitely not there to play chess or backgammon. In theory, you can do those things because the place has many great distractions to offer. But when you make a visit to the National Park, you're there for one reason that overrides any other. You are there to window shop for feet.

A great natural setting where we feature the average lady, women who are not famous, whether it be a big-time celeb or a porn star. The reason being is that by eliminating those women from the equation, we here at the National Park remain its level of authenticity. By going by their daily routine or just by sitting back and admiring the view, enjoying their peace from the daily stress in their lives, that gives us the genuine feel that everything here is natural.


I knew I didn't have much time on my hands at the time I approached this lady. It wasn't too long before it was going to rain. The forecast predicted rain for the evening commute home and the skies were getting uglier by the moment.

It's women with her hotness that keep my addiction for foot hunting alive. This one didn't mind that I found her feet to be the object of desire. She smiled at the thought that her feet had that kind of magical power and took me up on the offer because of how unusual such a request is. I showed her other pictures I have taken up to that point and thought the other girls were pretty with nice feet. She was flattered that I wanted to add her to the list.

Her feet were already out of her shoes when I first spotted her. My heart almost stopped beating because someone this good looking was something I could not afford to pass up on!

Even though her feet were a bit dirty, they were not smelly at all.

This was one of the first girls I ever approached to do this for me and it was one of my first classics. This was at a time when I didn't how to handle the camera well to get better pictures. It was also a time when I wasn't quite sure how I wanted the girls to pose their feet for me. I was still in the learning curve, still trying to find my niche or my signature styles.

I had to stop the shoot when the rain drops reminded me that all good things must come to an end.

 -  -  -




This lady is a fashion consultant. She is a stylist who puts together outfits for clients for maximum outward appearances for social events and fashion shows. Whether it be a history of fashion design or having the know-how of what the latest trends are, this lady means business.

On this particular time, however, work was probably far from her mind. I think the daily demand of such a profession took its tool on her mind. She was planning on meeting up with her boyfriend and was waiting for his call in hopes of knowing when he was going to meet up with her at the park. He might've been running a bit late from what I gathered. That idea made her feel a bit unsettled. You might be able to tell from the pictures.

She was one of those women who I needed to approach. There are those who look so-so in general appearance. Though not quite as appealing, I still approach them. Others, like this one, like Cherry Coke, like Brasil, to name a few, were those who made me stop and my tracks and just be amazed at how they looked. It's one of those moments you have when you think to yourself, "You know what I should do this Thursday ... [I]OH, MY GOD, she's hot!" Laying eyes on her interrupts your original thoughts.

At first she thought I wanted to take pictures of her flats she wore. When I told her that it was her actual feet I wanted to see, she was a good sport about it because she knows how good feet can look when presented the right way in the world of fashion. She was a bit nervous that I wasn't going to be able to find her feet attractive. She thought I would be disgusted with them. When I told her that only ugly are generally the ones with ugly feet, that's when she knew that I wasn't going to find her feet unappealing at all.

I couldn't have been more right. When they came off the shoes and and right on the chair, I wanted to shed a tear because I was in love with the shape and size of her feet.

One more thing. Her feet did smell a little bit. Oh yes, indeed! [Smile] When I saw that her feet were a bit dirty the way they were, I made sure I got closer to her feet as I took the pictures just to pick up a scent. After a while, it finally got to me. She didn't know that her feet smelled just a bit, making this all the more innocent.

 -  -  -


SIZE 9.5


This has been a great week of pictures. I really hope everyone enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed taking them. I'll be back around Christmas to give you guys more pictures of women that I have taken.

Until then, take care.
-- National
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on December 15, 2012 01:38 PM:
Fantastic work once again. I agree with what bluetoelover said. Just when I was finished talking about Cherry Coke, you come back with two other women who can satisfy my cravings as well. Both Vodka Silk and Fashion Diaries are very hot and both have their feet dirty to a degree due to walking in their shoes for some amount of time. Such a powerful image! [Jerkoff]

I didn't know whose feet I wanted to cum to first, so I picked Vodka just for the heck of it. I hope I have any left when I return home later to play with Fashion Diaries' feet.

This is, without a doubt, the greatest thread in this entire forum. Stellar work that's getting better by the week. Thanks for sharing all of this with us.
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on December 15, 2012 02:01 PM:
Loved the last update. No preference over both girls! They are perfect [Smile]

Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on December 16, 2012 01:32 AM:
I knew this thread was going to be legendary in this forum. But now National is rubbing it in. I think he's just showing off without even trying to. Just imagine how things will look like when he DOES show off intentionally.....

I think the word superb has been used many times to describe your work. It's worth using that word again. The latest updates can be described as superb.

Originally posted by 18th Floor:

I didn't know whose feet I wanted to cum to first, so I picked Vodka just for the heck of it. I hope I have any left when I return home later to play with Fashion Diaries' feet.

I picked Fashion Diaries because when I read National's description of her, the part about picking up the scent of her feet was the selling point for me. I can only imagine what that was like. That's not to say that Vokda Silk wasn't worth the time. She'll get my full attention when my dick reloads with more cum.

It was funny to read that she thought you would be disgusted with her feet, National. Nobody must have told her that her feet are simply wonderful! I don't think her boyfriend has done anything to reassure her that her feet were damn sexy. Otherwise she would have no reason to think you would object to them.

Thanks for doing God's work for us. [Thumbs Up]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 16, 2012 07:15 PM:
Originally posted by screwhead20:
Very nice thread National! [Thumbs Up]

Thank you.

Originally posted by bluetoelover:
This thread is perfection. I owe ya a beer! [Big Grin]


Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
Loved the last update. No preference over both girls! They are perfect [Smile]


Both women are absolutely outstanding. I'd probably pick Fashion Diaries only because her feet are bigger than Vodka's. But if someone made the choice for me and gave me Vodka Silk over Fashion Diaries, I'd still be the happiest guy in the park.

Originally posted by Footsessed:
I'd love to stroll through this park one day, for a feast of feet

That's why I've strolled through the park a million times. For a feast of feet.
Posted by boii170 (Member # 41910) on December 16, 2012 09:54 PM:
Originally posted by National:
The name I gave this one is pronounced deez'nuff, which is French for nineteen. To me she had that French model look, but she never spoke with any foreign accent. She sounded just as American as the next typical white girl. She looked nineteen to me, but she's probably older than that for all I know.

Sometimes it's the smallest things about the person that you notice from afar that makes you want to approach them. Yes, I'm always fascinated with the model look, which drew my attention immediately. But also the fact that she was eating a doughnut, all to herself, enjoying the scene of the park on what was picture perfect day weather-wise, made it all the cuter.

That was the first time I saw her. Weeks later was when I noticed that she became a regular visitor of the park. Always by herself. I just leave her alone and leave that ladybug all to herself.

 -  -  -


These toes look delicious [Mmm]
Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on December 17, 2012 01:26 AM:
Fuck deleting my history! I need to get back here EVERYDAY!

And why is my right wrist bigger than the left one? [Confused]
Posted by sftfan (Member # 1959) on December 17, 2012 02:22 AM:
What a fantastic thread. It's just hit after hit. Thanks National! [Cheers]
Posted by jediofthefeet (Member # 1463) on December 17, 2012 09:15 AM:
Interesting noone inquired about Cherry Coke's footwear, which made her feet sweaty. I was able to see Vodka Silk wore some very traveled in black flats. They looked so tempting! And you should've taken Fashion Diaries up on her mistake of thinking you wanted to shoot her flats, and got then in too. Some of us would like to be familiar with the shoes which made their feet dirty, such as Fashion Diaries case.
And you mentioned her feet were smelly, making some of wonder about her flats.

Maybe one day, right. One day....
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 17, 2012 06:02 PM:
Originally posted by jediofthefeet:
Interesting noone inquired about Cherry Coke's footwear, which made her feet sweaty. I was able to see Vodka Silk wore some very traveled in black flats. They looked so tempting! And you should've taken Fashion Diaries up on her mistake of thinking you wanted to shoot her flats, and got then in too. Some of us would like to be familiar with the shoes which made their feet dirty, such as Fashion Diaries case.
And you mentioned her feet were smelly, making some of wonder about her flats.

Maybe one day, right. One day....

At the time I took pictures of just about everyone I posted, including the ones I posted last week, I had little to zero interests including shoes in the pictures. Looking back on them, that's one of the biggest things I regret not doing.

I think you brought up this issue not so long ago. It was also brought up to me in the other foot forum, though I can't remember whether it was you who was asking the questions or someone else.

Fear not, my friend. Last week I mentioned that shooting pictures of Cherry Coke's feet was the first time I had a big wake up call about how much better I can improve on taking pictures of feet. Cherry Coke has lead the way to what became a much better foot hunting experience for me in terms of how to take better pictures of feet. She is responsible for saving this thread from complaints anyone might have. It started with the way she posed her toes, a pose she styled on her own without me directing that traffic. That was when I realized that I can take this to another level.

As far as the shoes themselves go, just hang on real tight. By the 25th page of this thread, they, just like the toes, will become a more common theme around here. Just last week people have started to notice that toes are making their presence. Shoes will soon follow. All I ask is for some patience ... because you all will be rewarded. Greatly. I'm not saying it will appear in every single gallerie from now now. I'm saying it will be a more common theme around here.

You will see the transformation slowly, but surely. It will be unlike anything you've seen anyone else do by the time all is said and done.

It started with Cherry Coke, and things got better from there little by little by little. You will be very satisfied. [Smile]

I'll have more updates for you guys around Christmas time.

-- National
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 17, 2012 06:05 PM:
Originally posted by sftfan:
What a fantastic thread. It's just hit after hit. Thanks National! [Cheers]

If you the comment I just posted above, you'll start to see some changes in my style of shooting feet. Then it'll be homerun after homerun and people'll think I'm on steroids!

I want to give a shoutout to Barry Bonds. [Smile]

-- National
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 25, 2012 12:49 AM:
After looking around the internet over the last ten days and seeing what else is out there, there comes a time for all foot admirers to return to a place that has become their haven and natural habitat. This place is the favorite hangout spot for the everyday woman, a place and setting where nothing you see gives you the feel of posed phoniness to sensationalize some foot fantasy.

Although these images are meant for your pleasure and leisure, what separates this from the others is that when you look at these images, they don't come across as blatantly pornographic.

The National Park will present you guys with more images from its brochure so that you know what to look for whenever you decide to make a visit.


This photoshoot was arguably the most refreshing I've ever had. This took place at around 10:40 on a beautiful morning. In New York City, the quality of the air you breathe is one thing. But in the National Park, the air seems fresh. And when you can get a woman to agree to pose for you while people are still having breakfast, the air becomes purified.

It was the right temperature, the sun was still rising, and the place is about an hour away from really packing up with office workers going on their lunch break. I kind of wish that all of my shoots would take place around that time when the weather is that nice.

It was way too easy to get this one to remove what she wore on her feet to pose them bare for me. Someone who's very down to earth and who is not adverse to a guy having a like and a fascination to women's feet is someone who is considered a keeper. There's a lot about her to like. She was dressed appropriately feminine for someone who wanted to enjoy the benefits of getting work done in the morning, a nice and very innocent dynamic for the beginning stages for drawing and building attraction for any guy who wanted to strike up a conversation with a simple Good Morning.

During the shoot, she found it cute that a tourist couple sitting at the table to her left was watching and pointing at us as if to explain to each other what they thought was going on. We waved and smiled at them in the way someone would do to a neighbor out in the suburbs. They waved back at us before getting back to their own business. They both enjoyed the sideshow attraction that we provided them.

With the tattoos, I asked her if that was a tell tale sign that a rose was the way to her heart. She thought about for a second and said that she never thought of it quite that way. But since she loved the suggestion so much, she might as well use those tattoos so that it gives that interpretation. My words, not hers. I was only
paraphrasing her. She said she picked those as tats simply because ...

I made her day in more ways than one. One, for finding the beauty in her feet. Two, for giving new meanings for her rose and heart tattoos.

The third picture you see in the sample below was one of her favorites. She looked at it for a minute, just admiring everything about it. You could tell from the reaction to her face that she simply loved that one because it's about feet, but at the same time her facial reaction in the picture tells a different story that has very little to do with feet. Her words, not mine. She credited me for making the photos come out in such a way that's very natural (there goes that magic word again) and in a way that it shouldn't be a big deal for people who want to make a fuss about it.

 -  -  -




I'll show two or three more women throughout the course of this week. Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 26, 2012 12:29 AM:
Her style is edgy and chic. She's in tune of current trends that inspires provocative wisdom. Loved the shirt she wore, the legs she bared. A rocker and a fashion-holic, she's also quite interesting to talk to in that she's not as easy flowing as The Morning Thorn. With Morning Thorn, everything is very simple and the conversation is very conventional. She's more down to earth. This next girl, however, brings a different charge to the interaction, something much more suitable for a trendy nightlife.

As she was reading an erotic fiction novel that featured erotic elements of sexual practices involving BDSM, one can't help but notice on how you can't see her eyes behind those frames of eyewear, perhaps influenced by the books' dark nature of how sexual pleasure is received and given.

In no other photoshoot will you not be able to see the lady's eyes, a characteristic that's solely hers.

 -  -  -


Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on December 26, 2012 08:30 AM:
You have done a fantastic job with this thread, National. This is the only thread I think about everyday when I'm in this forum and when I'm away from my computer. Everything about this is what a mega thread is supposed to be about. Both Morning Thorn and Iconic Eyes are nothing short of great.

This is, without any fucking question, the thread of the year! [Thumbs Up]

Originally posted by Lust In Translation:
Fuck deleting my history! I need to get back here EVERYDAY!

And why is my right wrist bigger than the left one? [Confused]

Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on December 26, 2012 08:42 AM:
Great! Thanks!
Posted by toesuck258 (Member # 11481) on December 26, 2012 02:48 PM:
First off thank you so much. This is foot appreciation art of some of the highest quality.

Have you ever filmed video clips of these women? Have you ever massaged/worshiped their feet after the shoot or at another moment in time? Did you ever answer what kind of shoes Cherry Cola was wearing in order to make her feet so sweaty?
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 26, 2012 06:25 PM:
Originally posted by toesuck258:
Have you ever filmed video clips of these women?

No, I haven't. That could change in the future, though I can't make any promises on that.

Have you ever massaged/worshiped their feet after the shoot or at another moment in time?
I have massaged the feet of a few of them right after the shoot. There was this other girl whose feet I sniffed after the shoot. She was the second girl who I shot. It just occurred to me that I never posted pictures of her. Looking back on it, I didn't really like how those pictures came out. Perhaps I'll post them one day. Her feet smelled like soap.

As far as hooking up with any of them and worshiping their feet afterwards, yes. That happened quite a few times. A lot of those girls? No. Just a few of them. When I'm there looking for girls to shoot, I'm there just to add pleasure to my hobby of taking pictures of feet of random women. If something more happens, that's always better. But I'm there to take pictures, have a small conversation with them and leave. I do touch their feet about a hundred thousand times during the shoot, but I leave them alone for the most part when it comes to massaging or anything else.

I haven't posted pictures of those whose feet I worshiped. One girl who I could've hooked up with but didn't was Foreign Denim, whose pictures can be found on the third page of this thread. She's one of those girls that got away. I regret not swooping that in, but oh well.

However, I might get a second life with Snowluck (page 11 of this thread). We didn't exchanged information at the time the shoot took place. She ran into me in a crowded train earlier today. She got in the stop before the one I was supposed to get off. We kind of looked at each other in a way that said, "Do I know you from somewhere?" Looking at her face was fun because it kept me guessing as to whether it was the girl I was thinking of. I looked at her feet and they appeared the same size as the one whose pictures I took. I finally realized it was her when I spotted that ring in the middle finger of her right hand.

We get off the same stop. She followed close behind me. When I got out of the station, I stopped and waited for her to exit. When she did seconds later, she asked me if I was that guy who took pictures of her feet at the park.

The funny part about the whole thing was that it started to snow during out small talk. Snow. How lucky was I? When I named her SnowLuck, never in my wildest dreams did I think the name was going to live up to its billing quite literally!

We exchanged numbers, so lets see what happens.

Did you ever answer what kind of shoes Cherry Cola was wearing in order to make her feet so sweaty?
I didn't. Perhaps looking at this picture will give you a great idea.

Originally posted by toesuck258:
First off thank you so much. This is foot appreciation art of some of the highest quality.

Thank you very much for taking appreciation in what I do. If you think those pictures are good, then you, along with the rest of the forum, are in for a rude awakening because things are headed in a better direction that what you guys have been accustomed to seeing all your lives in these forums. The best part about saying that is that you guys have no idea what I'm talking about. Cherry Coke was the official kick off to the new era. Little by little, it will get better and better. You guys will love this thread more and more as we go page by page.


I'll post more pictures on late Friday night/early Saturday morning.

Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on December 26, 2012 10:43 PM:
The Morning Thron is beautiful. The stories attached to these women brings them to life in a way. Without these stories, we're just looking at a blank wall. And the person taking the pictures without providing us with a sense of her personality, is a person who's heart isn't into what he's doing. I can smell the fresh air as if I was there to admire Morning Thorn. Thanks for taking great pictures of her feet. It was also pretty neat that she picked out one of her favorite pics. That makes her a more likable person. Not only did you make her morning, but you also made the mornings of that tourist couple she pointed out.

I have you to thank for being The Voice of that speaks for foot fetishists around the world, because I think your stuff is really that amazing.
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on December 26, 2012 11:45 PM:
Amazing that you ran into someone you already approached. I had to go back to take another look at Snowluck's gallery to remind me of how gorgeous her feet looked. To also learned that you met up with a few others after the shoot is fucking awesome, man!


Adding to what 18th Floor said, the description you gave for Iconic Eyes was short, sweet, a bit mysterious, and right to the point. A small introduction was quite fitting for a personality like that.

And I still like the names you come up for each girl. Iconic Eyes is very special. After reading your introduction of her, people are going to look at her eyes just to get a rise out them. Anyone reading that book is looking for a good spankin'! This is the type of fantasy many of these women are hankering for.

I loved everything about her pictures. I love how she bends her toes backwards in the last two pictures.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 29, 2012 01:57 AM:
The final updates of the week.

This first one was another quickie, one of those shoots that didn't last as long as my usual shoots at the park. More accurately, it didn't last for as long as I had wanted it. I was on my lunch break and time was running out before I had to get back to work.

After I was done eating, I knew I had enough time for one quick shoot. I was looking over towards the lawn to see if they were any suitable chicks who were up for the task. Then I turned around to see if there was any girl on the upper terrace of the park who I'd thought would make for a great foot showing. Thank goodness I turned around at the time I did because I was that close from walking away from that spot and make my way across the lawn, towards Sixth Avenue, just to see if there was potential-looking girl who I couldn't spot from afar initially.

When I turned around, I saw this gorgeous, Gorgeous woman walking into the scene. I saw that she was headed in the direction of a seat that wasn't taken. There was only that one chair and no other empty chair close by. The park was still relatively packed with people taking their lunch break from their offices.

She spots the chair and puts her purse on top of it. Apparently, it seemed as if she was looking for a better spot to sit at. Almost immediately, some guy finished with his lunch and gets up from his chair. She then takes that chair and brings it back to her original spot. If you're doing the math, that's two chairs where she's standing. This could only mean one thing. My heart's racing because I'm waiting to see if she was going to do what I hope she was going to do. She sits down at the first chair. Then this beautiful woman removed her shoes and rested them on the second chair that she brought with her from the other spot. I couldn't believe it. After watching her set up the entire scene, that was when I HAD to approach her! I had to. There was no looking back.

I knew that if she looked up at me at the moment I approached her, there was a strong possibility that she was going to squint her eyes or try to put her hand over her eyebrows like a visor because she was facing the direction of the sun. I had to position myself so that my body would block the sun and that she would have no reason to squint. If she had to squint, there's a higher risk that she'll decline. At least that's how I felt.

That move might've helped me because I became relieved when she gave me the green light. "My feet?," she asked. "Cool! OK"

I said OK and went to work. She was worried that I was going to be turned off by the band-aid she sported on the bottom of her right foot. A girl who looks like her can get away with drooling on my pillow all night, I don't care. In this case, the band-air looked clean, she was hot, that band-aid was never there as far as I was concerned. Now I never said any of those things to her out loud because I would blow myself out of a photoshoot for sounding so desperate.

Six or seven feet to my right there was this couple who I would see sometime while I'm making my rounds through the park. I think that guy has a foot fetish as well because there were times when he would massage his girlfriend's feet. He wakes her up from her sleep and points me out to her. After a few minutes of touching my subject's feet, the other lady said, "OH MY GOD, YOU LET HIM TOUCH YOUR FEET?" She looked over at the lady who said it and then tells me that considering how ugly her boyfriend looks, she should be the last person to ask that question because she would never let a guy who looked the way he did touch her anything. I guess the other lady lady must've heard some of that because she asked my girl if she said something. I told the girl I was with to ignore those two and to get back to what we were doing. I was never worried about having this shoot ruined because of those two, and she didn't seemed bothered by the interruption. But just to make sure, I had to get her to ignore them in a tone of voice that conveyed that they should be laughed off. She smiled.

I had to stop the shoot because my lunch break was up ten minutes before. To rub it in that other girl who heckled us before, this girl and I exchanged contact info right in front of them. Boy, did that get on her nerves. She said, "OH MY GOD, YOU LET THIS STRANGE TOUCH YOUR FEET AND NOW YOU GIVE HIM YOUR PHONE NUMBER?" There were others sitting nearby turning their heads at us to see what the commotion was about. I laughed to myself and told my girl that we should get out of here.

And we left together.

 -  -  -





I was able to get this nice girl to pose her feet for me. She was a bit hesitant at first because she was worried that I would be put off by the way her feet smelled. She said it might stink a bit and she wasn't sure if I still wanted to go through with the shoot. It's only natural that they smelled a bit after spending some considerable amount of time in those flats. In fact, I find it quite sexy and reassuring.



We looked at each other for a few seconds. Fascinated by the request and by what she just heard, she was delighted to give in.

Ladies and Gentlemen, by the way her feet smelled, I could tell that she was walking in them for some time. The right type of smell that agrees with your nose and the type of smell that your zipper won't be able to hold back.

That's right.

She asked how they smelled. I took a quick sniff at them and kissed them once quite slowly. Good thing I wasn't wearing a chastity belt! The smell up close and personal in a public place was ripe and quite invigorating. Authentic female feet smell. It's something that charges the inner recesses of your brain wiring because the smell is an integral part of what makes our fetish a fetish.

After I did that, I asked her if that answered her question. She had the look on her face as if to say that she couldn't believe that I had courage to do what I just did so out in the open. She gave out that laugh that said that she was shocked by what just happened because she was, and said that I was amazing. She was now more at ease than ever and let me continue shooting.

Not a whole lot was said between us during the shoot. She just let me admire them and let me enjoy the smell that was coming from between her toes. Quite rich and feminine.

Her feet were very soft, too. Just wonderful. I bet she looks at her feet a whole lot differently now. [Smile]

 -  -  -




That does it for this week. I'll be back in about ten day to post new pictures of women and their feet. I hope you have enjoyed your stay at the park as much as I did.

I will like to wish everyone in here a happy and eventful New Year for your friends and family. Drink responsibly.

Posted by jediofthefeet (Member # 1463) on December 29, 2012 09:13 AM:
Let me be the first to chime in on this one. My good man, thank you for the shoe pictures! It was the icing on top of the icing of the marked down red velvet cake I'm eating as I read your post. Excellent subject and story. [Thumbs Up] [Thumbs Up]
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on December 29, 2012 01:48 PM:
Novelista's feet have something that I don't really know yet what it is but... they are so good!

Thanks [Smile]
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on December 29, 2012 05:41 PM:
Originally posted by jediofthefeet:
Let me be the first to chime in on this one. My good man, thank you for the shoe pictures! It was the icing on top of the icing of the marked down red velvet cake I'm eating as I read your post.

That had to have been some real good cake then. [Big Grin] The cake, combined with those pictures, satisfied your appetite.

National, I'm starting to sense how things are getting a bit better around here. These new pictures once again have hit the spot for me and I cannot thank you enough for coming through with excellent pictures that are truly top notch.

The stories associated with both Novelista and Nice Girl are fantastic reads. Reading the story with Nice Girl made me catch a real hard on when reading how they smelled and what you did to her. These women are so fucking cool. Trying not to get a hard on while wearing some chastity belt at the same time and getting close and personal with Nice Girl's feet would be impossible.

Novelista's feet get a 9.99999999999999999999 because of that little boo-boo that made her put a band-aid on top of it. Amazing is the word I'll use to describe her.

One question. Does she really think that all men are liars? I didn't know why you showed a picture of that book cover until I got a closer look of the book she was reading.

Awesome work, my man. [Thumbs Up]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 29, 2012 06:31 PM:
Originally posted by jediofthefeet:
Let me be the first to chime in on this one. My good man, thank you for the shoe pictures! It was the icing on top of the icing of the marked down red velvet cake I'm eating as I read your post. Excellent subject and story. [Thumbs Up] [Thumbs Up]

I thank you. Let me tell you something, though. These shoe pictures were very plain compared to the shoe shots you'll see in the future. The shoe pictures you saw was only conventional and the type of shots you see everyone else take. Even with the improvements I've made with shoe shots, I know there's so much more room for improving on them. When I return to the park next spring, I will PROMISE you that I will take full advantage of that to the extent that no one else in here can even dream of.

I will dedicate next year to you and all other shoe lovers in terms of shoe pictures. When you see what I was able to do in 2012, in 2013 you will think I have a shoe fetish more than a foot fetish.

2012 was just a test shoot and even with the improvements I've made, I still made mistakes that might neglect a certain group of foot fetishists. You must forgive me for that. 2013, however, will be a completely different world.

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
Novelista's feet have something that I don't really know yet what it is but... they are so good!

Thanks [Smile]

Some things have more value if they are left unexplained, left to wonder. Finding the thing that makes Novelista's feet so beautiful is one of those things. What you said had something that I don't really know yet what it was but ... it was so good!

Thanks for chiming in.

Happy New Years from me and the women who posed for me. [Cheers]

Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on December 30, 2012 04:40 AM:
My hat's off to you, National. You handled the situation quite well with the heckler trying to get at Novelista. That girl has one of the more amazing looking feet I have seen in a long time. She's quite a beauty as well. She's an A+ in both departments. With the nice girl, you showed great smoothness when you smelled her feet and kissed them like at a place where the public can see that. And she didn't get freaked out by it! You da man!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 30, 2012 03:00 PM:
Originally posted by caseman:
One question. Does she really think that all men are liars? I didn't know why you showed a picture of that book cover until I got a closer look of the book she was reading.

She didn't buy that book because she hates men or something. If anything, she certainly enjoyed my company at the park and then again on subsequent occasions.

She did like the title of the book, however, which first caught her interest in buying the book. She certainly loved reading it. Just for the record, that book has nothing to do with how all men are pathological liars.

Posted by DSW (Member # 35008) on December 30, 2012 09:13 PM:
An awesome display of your work once again. Your work is an inspiration for real and genuine foot photography with women who are real and genuine spirited.

Originally posted by National:

She did like the title of the book, however, which first caught her interest in buying the book. She certainly loved reading it. Just for the record, that book has nothing to do with how all men are pathological liars.

I'm now compelled to pick up a copy of that book. Learing what it's about gives us a bit more insight to the person who'e feet were lusting for. If you look at her gallery, the shot right before the cover of the book is my favorite one.


It looks like she's taking in whatever information she just got from the story, taking it all in and trying to figure out what might happen next. Again, true great photography on your part.

Another thing that makes this true and genuine is reading over and over again the smell that came from Nice Girl's feet. You've got it made, man.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 31, 2012 03:52 PM:
Originally posted by DSW:
I'm now compelled to pick up a copy of that book. Learing what it's about gives us a bit more insight to the person who'e feet were lusting for. If you look at her gallery, the shot right before the cover of the book is my favorite one.


It looks like she's taking in whatever information she just got from the story, taking it all in and trying to figure out what might happen next. Again, true great photography on your part.

I think I might pick up a copy myself. The synopsis of the book tells of several twisting accounts of what happened to the guy who might've committed suicide.

Anyway, that picture you just pointed out was also one that I truly enjoy looking at. It takes the focus away from the feet for just a little bit and makes you wonder what she's thinking about. That's a very beautiful picture.

Very beautiful indeed.

-- National
Posted by Jiao (Member # 44950) on December 31, 2012 04:53 PM:
Those photos of Nice girl are fantastic! I could just smell their delicious odor and was logging do put the on my face. FABULOUS! [Jerkoff] [Jerkoff] [Jerkoff]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 08, 2013 01:04 AM:
Spring is just around the corner in the Northern Hemisphere. That will be the start of the 2013 campaign of the National Park, a campaign that will make this thread one for the Ages. Until then, let's continue to enjoy some of the women who made the sights and scenes at the National Park a more welcoming place to visit.


This one came over from Minnesota with her fiance to start another, more prosperous chapter in their lives. Her fiance wasn't with her at the time I approached her, which might've explained why she was a bit hesitant to let me take pictures of her feet. But I didn't find out about that fact that she was engaged to be married until I was in the middle of the shoot, so it wasn't as if she brought that to my attention and I continued to talk her into doing this for me. Usually, an engagement ring is one of the first things I look for when I approach someone in hopes that she'll allow me to take pictures of her feet. For whatever reason, I didn't take notice of that ring. In any event, I wish her and her fiance the best that their future has in store for them.

 -  -  -




It was a Saturday evening and I was looking for one more lady to shoot photos of before I called it day. I was making my final tour around the park in hopes that I would run into someone who looked suitable enough, and then I saw her from afar, sitting all to herself. As I was starting to make my way towards her, another hot girl walked into the scene ahead of me and sat a few tables down from Girl Number 1.

I couldn't believe my fortunes. I wound up slowing down and I had to take a seat not far from where both ladies were sitting just to get pretty good look at both women.

I knew I was essentially running out of time for the day and I needed to get one more girl to shoot to make my day complete. So I sat there for a few minutes trying to figure out which one I should approach. I made up my mind and went with Girl Number 2 first. Her mind was in a tug of war as to whether she would be down for this. After about a couple of minute of this stuff, she finally said no.

So I approached the first girl and she was absolutely cool with it without a question of any doubt. During the shoot, she noticed that the first girl was kind of staring in her direction and was thinking that she thought the whole thing was interesting to watch. I looked back to see if she was talking about the same girl I was thinking about. It was. What was funny was that she buried her head back into whatever book she was reading, pretending not to notice what was going on in front of her. I then told her about how she rejected my advances just minutes before I approached her.


Yeah, tell me about it.

She thought the whole thing was interesting and when I left the scene, I walked past the first girl who was still pretending to read her book. We made eye contact and I winked at her before walking away into the night.

 -  -  -




I plan on showing three more galleries by the time this week is over.
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on January 08, 2013 03:19 AM:
Both girls wear a size 9 which happens to be favourite size [Smile]

Shapely speaking, both girls do have great feet but my preference goes to girl nr. 1. Interesting heels / balls of feet ratio, and nice arches.

What a way to start!
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on January 08, 2013 08:45 AM:
These are some good pictures from both ladies. I look forward to see more that you have in store for us this week. It felt like it's benn a long time since we last saw pictures from you, but I'm so glad that you're back with more to share with us. Thanks once again.
Posted by jediofthefeet (Member # 1463) on January 08, 2013 09:52 AM:
Strawberry Creme had a wonderful pair of red flats, which were obviously the source of the dirt on her lovely feet. [Cry]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 09, 2013 12:05 AM:

Class, advanced geometry is in session.

There are distortions of the icosahedron that, while no longer regular, are nevertheless vertex-uniform. These are invariant under the same rotations as the tetrahedron, and are somewhat analogous to the snub cube and snub dodecahedron, including some forms which are chiral and some with Th-symmetry, i.e. have different planes of symmetry from the tetrahedron. The icosahedron has a large number of stellations, including one of the Kepler–Poinsot polyhedra and some of the regular compounds ...

... Okay, I was only joking with you guys. You can put the pencils down, you won't be quizzed on this. However, the girl in the following gallery was preparing for such an exam. Even with all the noise and traffic that goes on right outside of the park, the park's comfort zone has the effect of blocking out all of that noise that pollutes the streets. You're outdoors, but the noise is not there somehow. Amazing.

Studying outside is just as quiet as a library, it seems. Unlike a number of girls who appear in this thread, she doesn't seem like the type who'll get invited out to the hottest nightclubs, she doesn't seem like the type who gets asked out on dates to the most expensive restaurants, she won't go on shopping sprees to the mall where she can buy 25,000 dollars worth of clothing.

I was walking along and saw her. Her big feet was what really caught my attention to her first. That was from afar. As I got closer to her, that's when it became clear to me that she was one of the nerdy type of girls, all focused and determined to get her studies done. She had the face, the glasses, the voice and the way she spoke that brought her nerdy image to life. I know there those out there who find these kind of women uniquely appealing, a separate kind of fetish, I suppose.

In terms of being totally cool with men finding women's feet sexually appealing, this woman is really a leading candidate for that. I did tell her a bit about why I love feet, and it seemed like she really enjoyed finding this whole idea cool and interesting at the same time, as she never came across any guy who has a foot fetish.

She was a very cool sport with me and she was one of the easiest girls I got along with during a photoshoot. She's a bit of a twist herself, a quirk in a sense because she doesn't mind a little bit of pain to mix in with her pleasure. Just a little fact about her that I wanted to throw in there.

Somewhere in the conversation I had with her, I asked her if dividing by zero gives you infinity. She made a case that it doesn't. I disagreed with her, turning it into a chit-chat that stimulated her mind a bit. Being that her specialty is in mathematics, I thought I'd give that question a shot. And, boy, does she know a lot about that! Except for the infinity part, but that's okay.

Very easy to get along with, very easy to talk to, very understanding of what turns certain people on.

 -  -  -




So that does it for today's class, students! Be sure to stick around because in the near future, Curriculum 101 will return for one more class. This time, we'll delve into the practice of psychology.

I'll be back on Friday night/early Saturday morning for my final updates of the week. Thanks a lot for stopping by.

Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on January 09, 2013 01:20 AM:
Blue Lake
Strawberry Creme
Icosahedra (I had to go back a few times just to make sure I spelled it right.)


All three sets are great, my friend. You keep coming in with the goods like there's no tomorrow. I just love the last two shots you in Lake Blue's set. You're literally looking up from the ground to get a great view of her soles. Unbelievable and fantastic all rolled into one! It's like a slave's tongue trying to reach out to desperately get a taste of her soles. She's like a dominatrix who doesn't care if your tongue never gets there. She just doesn't care as she looks off to her left.

Strawberry Creme has lovely soles. She was the one who I [Jerkoff] to. I could spend hours worshiping them before I could get to the other two you posted.

The last one who's the math geek is real good to say the least. Awesome pictures, man!

Here's a toast to you. [Cheers]
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on January 09, 2013 03:00 AM:
You should be awarded the Nobel prize of the foot fetish literature (and maths apparently) [Smile]

Not to mention a Pulitzer in photography. Loved the nerdy's soles. She does have a pair of big feet [Big Grin]
Posted by jediofthefeet (Member # 1463) on January 09, 2013 08:21 AM:
Its the plain janes, such as that one, who fly under the radar with lots of us. We'd probably not give her a second look if we saw her in passing...that is until we looked down and saw her feet. [Thud]

Based on seeing the tops of her toes, and the look of her toes in general, especially her big toes, and her very high arches, I have to say her feet are the best I've seen you shoot thus far. I like the fact that she probably got that pedicure for the sake of a major holiday, and then let it go once it passed. She doesn't seem to care one way or the other if they are done.

Thank you for including her sandals in this one.
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on January 09, 2013 02:01 PM:
Even though reading the first paragraph in the introduction of Icosahedra was confusing as anything can be, it felt like I learned a lot at the same time. If that girl can understand that, then God bless her. It's becoming harder and harder choosing your top favorites. I came extra hard for her and it felt so great!
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on January 09, 2013 04:52 PM:
[Thumbs Up]
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on January 09, 2013 09:39 PM:
There is something about girls who are nerdy that makes some guys curious about them. Glad that National was able to see something in her that made him think that she was going to go well with the people in here. Granted she's not the best looking girl I've seen in this thread, but she's not ugly either. She seems very friendly and it was very cool that she was able to say how she likes some pain inflicted with her pleasure. Who would've thought that about someone like her? She's definitely someone that we'll all remember for a long time.

What I love about her pictures is that the backround in most of the pictures is so damn white, like the building behind her is shining bright.

You have done us foot guys a huge service by opening their minds to what we like and then posting their pictures in here.
Posted by Jiao (Member # 44950) on January 09, 2013 09:48 PM:
Great shots. Thanks for reminding me why I love girls ad girls feet so much! [Hop]
Posted by ThoseToes (Member # 2489) on January 09, 2013 11:15 PM:
These are great photos and the woman are beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on January 10, 2013 09:48 AM:
Originally posted by aka.footjoyboy:
[Thumbs Up]

I second that, which gives this thread TWO thumbs up.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 11, 2013 10:40 PM:
Originally posted by ThoseToes:
These are great photos and the woman are beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you very much. I thank you for enjoying these. I will continue to share my work for everyone's continued enjoyment.

Originally posted by Jiao:
Great shots. Thanks for reminding me why I love girls and girls feet so much! [Hop]

I appreciate those words of thanks. You're a very good man.

-- National
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 11, 2013 11:25 PM:
Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
You should be awarded the Nobel prize of the foot fetish literature (and maths apparently) [Smile]

Not to mention a Pulitzer in photography.

I'm quite honored. I'm also the recipient of the New Talent Rising award. As far as the Nobel prize for math, Icosahedra deserves that award more than I do. I think she's been waiting for that longer than the Levinson recursion. While I was spending my time with her, not taking my eyes off her feet, you can forget about the fact that I pitched a tent in my pants. To put it more accurately, she would've described it as my pants forming the shape of the Dirac delta function. [Big Grin]

As for the other awards, I'll gladly accept the first one. The other one can be put away in a safe place for now. I'll officially accept that by this time next year. Like I said, the New Talent Rising award is more fitting for me at this point.

When all is said and done, however, I'll be on stage accepting the first and last Lifetime Achievement award for the same categories.

Thank you very much for presenting these, my friend.

-- National
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 12, 2013 12:40 AM:
Some people enjoy quiet more than others. This chick is one of those. I saw this one walk onto the scene and sat at a chair she thought would provide the most solitude. I was looking for someone super hot at the time I layed eyes on her for the first time. But since she looked approachable, I'd thought I'd give this one a shot, another Plain Jane who deserves an honorable mention here.

She had absolutely no shame that her feet were made dirty from the black flip flops she wore. She was that comfortable with me. Her feet were not smelly, though.

This was an enjoyable break from the outside world for the two of us.

 -  -  -





This is one of the older ladies who I spotted during my days at the park. She's in her 40s and thought the experience was worth talking about it with a few of her friends for it's unusual request and spur-of-the-moment factor that made the whole thing pretty nice.

A very pleasant person to talk to if one ever got the chance. Like any number of girls I take pictures of, this one asked several questions in a search for an understanding to why we like feet in ways a lot of other guys don't. I don't answer her questions by languaging her to death about it. Doing so will overstay my welcome and any mystery about fascination with feet are worn off and gone. Giving my answers while showing her the pictures as I was doing so made her think about it just how special feet can be. It's like that with the other girls as well. With this one, it was a bit reinvigorating for her to have a younger man such as myself to find some good traits about her feet, as she never really thought that younger men can look at women's feet the way they do. She told me that this was a great way to put an end to what was a very boring day for her. One of those moments in her life that she'll keep in a special part of her memory.

 -  -  -



This will be the final updates for the week. Take not that I will not be posting any new pictures for the next TWO weeks. I usually post pictures every-other week. Not this time, however. After that, though, I'll return to the every-other week format.

The next updates will come your way around January 29th. And when I do, I will have a couple of Classics in store for everyone. One of them is called The Hottie.

-- National
Posted by jediofthefeet (Member # 1463) on January 12, 2013 08:35 AM:
Based on her bare nails, The Science Natural was a beautiful, no frills type of girl. They are rare finds. She was quite ok to be out and about with a ponytail, simple top, jean shorts, and her flip flops. And then, of course, there are those fantastic, high-arched feet of hers. [Thumbs Up]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on January 12, 2013 01:58 PM:
More stuff that doesn't disappoint. The last two were pretty nice. The first three you posted this week were just spectacular. I'll never forget those them, especially the nerdy girl. What's good is that you can sense that more toe shots are making their way in here and making their presence felt. Even though I'm into soles more, it's great to see a mix of both sides of the feet. It tells us more to the story about each girl.

This has been a real fun week here and I'm glad that I was a part of all of this.

Thanks for all of this.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on January 12, 2013 07:19 PM:
Of the last two I enjoyed Natural Silence a bit better for the same reasons Jedi pointed out. Those pictures of her toes are so great to look at. What an amazing thread this has turned out to be.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 12, 2013 11:04 PM:
Originally posted by jediofthefeet:
Its the plain janes, such as that one, who fly under the radar with lots of us. We'd probably not give her a second look if we saw her in passing...that is until we looked down and saw her feet. [Thud]

I know. At the time I first layed eyes on her, I wasn't looking for someone who looked very nerdy. Not only would those women fly under the radar, if you're lucky you can run into one who isn't adverse with your foot fetish.

I enjoyed the photosession with her very much.

Originally posted by jediofthefeet:
Based on her bare nails, The Science Natural was a beautiful, no frills type of girl. They are rare finds. She was quite ok to be out and about with a ponytail, simple top, jean shorts, and her flip flops.

You're right on the money. She was quite okay with just about anything. Nothing extravagant or over the top. Everything about that girl and with the shoot was very simple and straightforward. She can be just about anyone's type of girl.

Posted by Pjay (Member # 35692) on January 13, 2013 03:38 AM:
Originally posted by jediofthefeet:
Based on her bare nails, The Science Natural was a beautiful, no frills type of girl. They are rare finds. She was quite ok to be out and about with a ponytail, simple top, jean shorts, and her flip flops. And then, of course, there are those fantastic, high-arched feet of hers. [Thumbs Up]

Yeah, [Mmm] I fell for her pretty hard. The "doesn't-mind-if-her-feet-get-dirty-and-her-toenails-are-a-little-rough" type is actually "my type"! (Not joking, I'm serious.) She's the type you can be comfortable around, her just being her, you just being you.

It certainly helps when she has really nicely shaped feet! [Drool]
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on January 13, 2013 03:52 AM:
Originally posted by caseman:
I just love the last two shots you in Lake Blue's set. You're literally looking up from the ground to get a great view of her soles. Unbelievable and fantastic all rolled into one! It's like a slave's tongue trying to reach out to desperately get a taste of her soles. She's like a dominatrix who doesn't care if your tongue never gets there. She just doesn't care as she looks off to her left.

Those pictures do have that effect, indeed. Can't stop looking at those pictures. I don't remember seeing shots like those from random women is such public locations. Great backrounds as well from those pictures as you're looking into the skies as well. What's cool is that she's so casual about the whole thing. Just to have that kind of view where you're looking up at her soles like that in an amateur setting is riveting. Your tongue does find itself reaching for it. Awesome job with those, National!

Originally posted by National:
As far as the Nobel prize for math, Icosahedra deserves that award more than I do. I think she's been waiting for that longer than the Levinson recursion. While I was spending my time with her, not taking my eyes off her feet, you can forget about the fact that I pitched a tent in my pants. To put it more accurately, she would've described it as my pants forming the shape of the Dirac delta function. [Big Grin]

I had to google some of the things mentioned here. Now having found out what some of these things are, it makes sense how those terms can be seen as part of the punchlines. I think the two of you should share that award in math.

You did an excellent job with her feet.
Posted by lovepaintedtoenails (Member # 8935) on January 13, 2013 08:52 AM:
This young lady here ICOSAHEDRA,  - has some seriously sexy long toes!!!!! [Jerkoff] [Jerkoff] [Jerkoff] [Jerkoff] [Jerkoff] [Jerkoff]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 13, 2013 06:14 PM:
Originally posted by Pjay:
Yeah, [Mmm] I fell for her pretty hard. The "doesn't-mind-if-her-feet-get-dirty-and-her-toenails-are-a-little-rough" type is actually "my type"! (Not joking, I'm serious.) She's the type you can be comfortable around, her just being her, you just being you.

I'm happy to hear that she's the type of girl that guys like yourself really like. The last sentence from that quote is so spot on it's not even funny. It's so spot on that I should've just quoted that part of your post. The reason I didn't was because I wanted you to understand that I knew where you were coming from, what you said that lead up to that last sentence.

For the most part, I don't believe in the advice of being oneself to get the other person to like you. But if there was an exception to this rule, where you can just be yourself around a girl and have her just be herself around you, and have the two of be attracted to each other just as equally, then the Silence Natural is your girl.

-- National

[ January 13, 2013, 07:00 PM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 29, 2013 12:21 AM:
It has been awfully quiet around these parts as of late. After taking a two-week break from posting pictures in here, it is finally time to bring this back into the mix and revive the spirit of this forum once again. We're back in the National Park for great content of what we all love to see.

Women baring their soles is a natural occurrence in the park. In a way, this is something that makes them feel right at home and the women feel quite comfortable in their surroundings. It's their home away from home, only it’s in the outdoors and the settings and views is what helps put them at ease from the daily stress of their days.

Where else can these women bare their soles other than their homes? A place like the National Park is quite the remedy to get these women to chill out and enjoy their days for what it was meant to be.


Classic don't come around quite as often. When they do, you enjoy them for what it's worth.

First up was someone who I knew was going to be something special when I first laid eyes on her. I was sitting down in hopes of finding another woman who would make my visit to the park worthwhile. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw this lady walk into the scene to take a seat about forty feet from where I sat. You have to call a spade a spade and this was a hottie hottie.

There are those in here who appreciate the plain Janes because they bring out a natural factor that makes this thread quite relatable to the people in here. They are certainly the girls next door and someone who the guys can easily relate to. There's a sense of understanding between one another. Those who are 9s and 10s in the looks department, however, is where the money is. Using baseball jargon for a second, these women are the homerun hitters, the power sluggers, the Jimmy Foxxes and Barry Bondses. In football, these women are the quarterbacks, the Tom Bradys and Peyton Mannings. In basketball, these 9s and 10s and the LeBron Jameses and Kevin Durants of the roster.

You know what beauty is when you see it. It's immediate. There was no way I was going to let this one sit there all by herself. Hot women who are completely for the cause is the best a foot admirer like myself can hope for. This one fit the bill.

Another thing I enjoyed about this one was she wasn't as smart as a calculator as Icosahedra was. In fact, she was Bimbo dumb. She had that bimbo voice, too. I love that! That's the perfect combination for me. In fact, it was during our conversation when I found out that she thought Tiger Woods was a forest in Africa! Actually, I'm joking, but you get the idea that she not there to make people think that she's the next Albert Einstein.

It's very fun talking to her, which makes her more appealing. Others like the Silence Natural was easy to talk to. Women like these next two are fun to talk to. Very fun.

If there's anything other than finding the appeal of female feet appealing that we share in common, is the fact that we both have great interests in analyzing people's handwriting. When I approached her, she was reading a book on how to interpret how people write. I'm not some expert in this field, but I know enough about it to get by if I were to spend an entire day with the people who are experts. In case anyone is curious, here's an overview of that book:

In any event, she's very, very cool with this whole foot thing. And to this day, she's still very, very cool with me. Fantastic company. [Smile]

Be nice now.

 -  -  -

ALOË  vera --




I like to think of this one as the sister of The Cutie (page 4).

I had the day off from work and I was very much looking forward to visiting the park. However, I got off to a such a terrible start in finding women who would agree to pose for me. For a while I started to think that I was going to waste the day off from work in finding no one. I don't ask every girl I see, but the ones I did approach seemed to have something in their water that made them decline my offer.

I knew there had to be someone who would take the bait, it was just I was having a hard time finding that girl. The ones I approached were pretty decent looking, but not outstanding. Finally, I saw someone who stood out from the others I approached in terms of looks, and I could tell from the second I spotted her that she was approachable and very cool, quite friendly.

My eyes popped wide open when I saw her and I wasted zero time in getting her attention. She saw no problems with anything I wanted and went right for it.

This girl is very embarrassed about her feet because of its size and she feels extremely self-conscious because of them. There was never a guy who paid special attention to her feet and she was quite flattered by me finding interest in them. She's one of those girls who doesn't understand why guys have foot fetishes probably because she things her feet are ugly. Even though she doesn't quite get it, she was all too willing to have an open mind about it. There are those who don’t understand it and still get repelled by the idea. She’s not like that. For having an open mind and being so willing and able to pose for me regardless, she gets bonus points and credit.

She's another one of those who has that Bimbo persona when you hear her talk. I'm willing to bet that if she was missing a finger, she wouldn't be able to count past nine! By the way, I'm not saying that like it's a bad thing. On the contrary.

All silliness aside, though, she's a real sweetheart and someone who seems like a lot fun to spend some time with.

 -  -  -




I should have another gallerie posted tomorrow night.
Posted by footcenter (Member # 34062) on January 29, 2013 12:53 AM:
These latest pictures brought tears to my eyes and my jaw to the floor. National, you are the luckiest fucking guy the world has ever known.
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on January 29, 2013 01:31 AM:
Originally posted by footcenter:
These latest pictures brought tears to my eyes and my jaw to the floor.

I think you took the words out of everyone's mouth. I couldn't believe my eyes either. I saw the sample pictures of both women just to get a glance of what was going on before I even read a word about their back-stories. Even though I'm typing this, I'm still at a loss for words. AMAZING feet with the two of them.

Unbelievable stuff, National, and I would like to shake your hands for a job well done with these two. Especially Aloe Vera, since you've developed a a pretty cool bond with her afterwards. No wonder you're never in a foul mood.
Posted by DSW (Member # 35008) on January 29, 2013 02:19 AM:
Aloe vera and the Hottie. If either one of these girls peed in my soup, I think I'd be okay with it. [Mmm]
Posted by footcenter (Member # 34062) on January 29, 2013 10:37 AM:
Originally posted by DSW:
Aloe vera and the Hottie. If either one of these girls peed in my soup, I think I'd be okay with it. [Mmm]

Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on January 29, 2013 01:27 PM:
Again, National, these two women are absolutely gorgeous. Looking at their feet, they definitely do not disappoint. They definitely made the day better for me and anyone else who saw these and couldn't stop staring and drooling. You cannot make the case that one of them is that much better than the other. These are our dream women and I thank National for being the great ambassador in all of this.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 29, 2013 07:46 PM:
Thank you.

I can't thank you and the other guys enough for the support you've given me. I knew both of them would turn out to be huge hits with you guys and they provide the spark to revive the energy level of this forum.

These are classic pictures that'll be stored in the annals of time.

-- National
Posted by octoberbaseball (Member # 20977) on January 29, 2013 07:47 PM:
Wow Aloe is hot! Dark hair, dark eyes, beautiful feet! Amazing. As well the hottie has a very attractive look and of course attractive feet! Great posts!
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on January 29, 2013 09:47 PM:
I think it's safe to say that these two are the hottest ones we've seen in this entire forum. We see women like these and we hope that their feet won't be as ugly as sin. But when we see that they're as beautiful as heaven, they are heads and shoulders above everyone else.

If these two were regular members of this forum, then they'll take over this place, without a doubt. The forum needs more women like these.

If I were to make a choice, I would take National's play mate, Aloe Vera. [Big Grin] She has feet no man would get tired of. The Hottie is too good as well.

This is awesome stuff.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 30, 2013 12:04 AM:

There were one or two other galleries I thought of using tonight, but I'll hold on to those until Friday night. In the meantime, this is another one of those shoots that was quick in nature. It's not too common that I take so few pictures during a set.

I had to take a break from strolling the park because I was hungry. I usually skip a meal while I'm at the park because I'm afraid I'm going to miss something spectacular. But it was slow at the park at the moment I approached this woman.

I was finishing my late-afternoon lunch when I turned my head innocently enough. I must've been to busy with my lunch that I didn't see her sit just a few chairs from where I was sitting.

There's not too much to say about this one other than that she was very polite about whole thing. Before I knew it, I was done with her and I thanked her for her time.

 -  -  -


Come to think of it, I just might show two galleries this Friday night. We started out the week with a couple of classics. We will end the week with another National Classic.

-- National
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on January 30, 2013 01:17 AM:

Originally posted by National:

 -  -  -

 -  -  -


The more you see these, the more you wanna see these.

Quick, to the FAPMOBILE!
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on January 30, 2013 10:29 AM:
Those size 11's from the Hottie are the biggest one you've posted thus far, I think. If they're not the biggest ones you've taken photos of, then I would love to see them.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 30, 2013 07:17 PM:
Originally posted by 18th Floor:
Those size 11's from the Hottie are the biggest one you've posted thus far, I think. If they're not the biggest ones you've taken photos of, then I would love to see them.

Stayed tuned ... [Smile]
Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on January 30, 2013 07:44 PM:
Very nice my man!
Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on January 31, 2013 12:32 AM:
Mission Impossible 7: Click on their galleries and look at their pictures without faping. Good luck guys. [Smile]



By the way, National, wasn't it hard to take pictures of those two with just one hand?

[ January 31, 2013, 06:39 PM: Message edited by: Lust In Translation ]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on January 31, 2013 09:49 AM:
Originally posted by Lust In Translation:

By the way, National, wasn't hard to take pictures of those two with just one hand?

That's a good question. [Laugh]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on January 31, 2013 10:20 AM:
Originally posted by National:
Originally posted by 18th Floor:
Those size 11's from the Hottie are the biggest one you've posted thus far, I think. If they're not the biggest ones you've taken photos of, then I would love to see them.

Stayed tuned ... [Smile]
You mean you have pictures of someone girl with bigger feet than The Hottie? Damn! You can bet I'm staying tuned.
Posted by happy4me2see (Member # 6998) on January 31, 2013 11:06 AM:
Great post BTW. What's most shocking to me is the conditions of these women's feet. Either they have a long walking distance to work or their footwear is really worn out.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on January 31, 2013 11:44 AM:
Originally posted by Lust In Translation:
Mission Impossible 7: Click on their galleries and look at their pictures without faping. Good luck guys. [Smile]

Let's see Tom Cruise pull this one off. I don't think he can. I certainly couldn't. I failed this mission 27 times already.
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on January 31, 2013 06:07 PM:
Aloe... [Drool]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 31, 2013 08:37 PM:
Originally posted by oneagain:
Very nice my man!


Originally posted by octoberbaseball:
Wow Aloe is hot! Dark hair, dark eyes, beautiful feet! Amazing.

Originally posted by aka.footjoyboy:
Aloe... [Drool]

Originally posted by foot_fashion_industry:
If I were to make a choice, I would take National's play mate, Aloe Vera.

ALOË vera is amazingly fun to be around. Her amazing body and her airy-cheerful makeup is a recipe for fantastic chemistry. I can tell you from spending some time together that she's sexy when she's just fooling around and being herself. Not many girls are that attractive.

Originally posted by Lust In Translation:
By the way, National, wasn't it hard to take pictures of those two with just one hand?

Absolutely! As a matter of fact, during the shoot, something was rising. And it wasn't Jesus.

Originally posted by footcenter:
National, you are the luckiest fucking guy the world has ever known.

[Big Grin]
Posted by footcenter (Member # 34062) on February 01, 2013 12:44 AM:
Originally posted by footcenter:
Originally posted by DSW:
Aloe vera and the Hottie. If either one of these girls peed in my soup, I think I'd be okay with it. [Mmm]

You know, come to think of it, I would have no problems drinking their bath water, especially the part where their feet spent most of their time. [Mmm]

By the way, I, too, failed Mission Impossible 7. I want to fail that test again, but I'm in no position to do it now because I'm still out of cum from the last time I jerked off to their feet. I think I like the Hottie just slightly more, but who cares?
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on February 01, 2013 10:29 AM:
I think the seventh installment could be the last one in the Mission Impossible series. Aloe Vera and The Hottie are just so BEAUTIFUL! I truly feel that they are the most attractive ones we've seen in the forum in a very long time. I just love how the Hottie is smiling in some of these pictures as she looks through her notepad 'n stuff. Just lovely.
Posted by DancingFool (Member # 3728) on February 01, 2013 04:40 PM:
Very hot girls, but just average to slightly above average feet. I still like that 'crazy' one the best.
Posted by Millennium Wind (Member # 39525) on February 01, 2013 06:20 PM:
Aloe REALLY hit the spot for me. This is just what I needed. I whipped it out, jacked it off, and gave her feet a um....... a "pearl necklace", if you will. [Jerkoff]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on February 01, 2013 10:02 PM:
Originally posted by 18th Floor:
I think the seventh installment could be the last one in the Mission Impossible series.

Both ladies are a part of Mission Impossible: Sempiternity. It features a class of women that'll last us to beyond and evermore ...

Any Mission Impossible before that one will be very simple tasks like trying to stop a billion asteroids from slamming into the Earth all at once.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on February 02, 2013 01:08 AM:
I'm back with my final updates for the week.


Another photoshoot that didn't last too long, but I suppose that something is better than nothing.

We have here who is studying Marine Biology. She wasn't doing anything related to that when I approached her. When majoring in something that specializes in how life in the ocean is, your mind deserves a break from it once in a while. This shoot was just another interesting distraction to take her mind off of school.

She doesn't speak in a rapid chatty, high-pitched pace like an ALOË vera or Hottie. She speaks in a sense that feels as if she's watching the waves in the ocean all to herself, listening and being spellbound by the noise the water makes when it crashes into the sand. She speaks too slow, but she does have an inquisitive mind and a snooping personality.

 -  -  -





We end the week with another classic. This is probably the first time in where we had three National Classics in one week.

Older women have different qualities to them that have unique appeal to their personality. Because they are rarely featured in a way that catches the imagination of foot admirers, people pay special attention to them. People in here appreciate how these women age gracefully, appreciate some added age to their physique, added age to their feet. Of course, I'm talking about those who look pretty nice for their age.

We have a lady who appears to be in her mid-40s. I never asked for her age, and it's kind of nice not knowing because it keeps her appeal in tact.

Personally, I prefer younger women. However, it's always a pleasure to take a look at what older women's hidden treasures.

I knew she was perfect for this the second I laid eyes on her. She said, "Mmm, kinda kinky, but okaaaaay!"

She enjoyed the experience and I know you'll enjoy this set. I certainly enjoyed every minute of this, especially because of the size of her feet.

 -  -  -




I really enjoyed this week. I'll be back in about ten days with more updates.

-- National
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on February 02, 2013 09:04 AM:
Sea creature did it for me! Her feet are shapely stunning!
Posted by foot&co. (Member # 34125) on February 02, 2013 01:38 PM:
These are the best friggin pictures in the entire forum!
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on February 02, 2013 02:49 PM:
Good work, thanks for sharing.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on February 02, 2013 07:39 PM:
When I return to the park just in time for spring, I will have a brand new camera ready for use. The pictures I'm showing were taken last summer. It's just above freezing up where I live so I'm not out there everyday like I was during the summer. I'll have to wait until it gets warm enough for me to have fun again with the new camera.

-- National
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on February 02, 2013 08:07 PM:
Originally posted by NorcalfeetStudios:
Good work, thanks for sharing.

Thanks a lot. Great to hear from you.

Originally posted by foot&co.:
These are the best friggin pictures in the entire forum!

And that's the best friggin comment in this entire forum!
Posted by foot&co. (Member # 34125) on February 03, 2013 05:04 AM:
Originally posted by National:

Originally posted by foot&co.:
These are the best friggin pictures in the entire forum!

And that's the best friggin comment in this entire forum!
And tha's the best comment of a comment in this entire forum!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on February 03, 2013 03:20 PM:
Originally posted by foot&co.:
Originally posted by National:

Originally posted by foot&co.:
These are the best friggin pictures in the entire forum!

And that's the best friggin comment in this entire forum!
And tha's the best comment of a comment in this entire forum!
And that is officially the best comment of a comment of a comment in this entire forum!
Posted by foot&co. (Member # 34125) on February 04, 2013 01:47 AM:
Originally posted by National:
Originally posted by foot&co.:
Originally posted by National:

Originally posted by foot&co.:
These are the best friggin pictures in the entire forum!

And that's the best friggin comment in this entire forum!
And tha's the best comment of a comment in this entire forum!
And that is officially the best comment of a comment of a comment in this entire forum!
Thanks....Thanks hook me up with Cherry Coke


Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on February 04, 2013 12:17 PM:
Daisies was such an incredible find, National. A little different than what we're used to seeing: older women. So much has been said about Aloe vera and The Hottie. Now here, we have another woman who deserves a lot of recognition in here. Although Daisies toenails need some pedicuring, her feet are not bad at all. Like yourself, National, I also love women with big feet. You don't see too many MILF's in here who have feet as big as hers!

Love everything about her gallery, as it gave me an instant hard on! Excellent stuff as always!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 04, 2013 11:17 PM:
I've been away from this thread for a while. When things get very, very busy in life, that leaves me with less time to get back here and fully commit myself to updating this thread as consistent as I once did.

We're back here for another tour around National Park.

The girl you're about to meet is very, very cute. There are those who give you the sense that she's a very sweet person just from a brief interaction with her, a sweet person just from engaging in an intimate moment with her. We got to talk with each other for about 20-30 minutes, and I suppose that part of being a sweet person is being a bit naive about things. This person is just like that, but this is not said in a way that's meant to discredit her character. In her case, it's an asset that adds to her appeal of what can draw a guy to her. In her case, there's not much need for her to toughen up her mind set a bit so she can be more savvy about certain talking points in a conversation.

I was sitting down, taking a small break from walking around the park. It was a slow day, and the one or two girls whose pictures I shot before meeting this one were nothing noteworthy, nothing to write home about. I then see this girl walking towards my direction. I got excited because I knew this could be something quite nice. I was prepared to get up from my seat and walk towards her so I could get her attention. Then she stopped suddenly to have a heat not too far from where I sat. Perfect.

She was admiring the cupcakes she bought from a store, not sure whether to eat them or to further fall in love with them just by looking at them. Perhaps she wasn't sure which cupcake to eat first. That's when I came in and introduced myself. She loved the idea of what I proposed. She thought it was cool to take part in this on her last day in the city before flying back to Scotland the following day.

I must tell you, and I must apologize for some of the pictures that came out because it showed my inexperience when it came to taking pictures against the sunlight. I should've moved her to another spot where the sun wasn't going to be an interference. I didn't, however, deciding to make the best of the situation. So again, I apologize for the sunlight in some of these pictures. That won't ever happen again.

In any event, she was all for it. Talking with her throughout the shoot brought out the trait that she was very easy going. I love knowing that I was the first guy to ever take pictures of her feet. In showing her the pictures after the shoot, she was very glad she shared that moment with me.

The reason I gave her that name is because of the cupcakes she had with her. Also because her face kind of resembles Kate Upton (at least I think so). I didn't come to realize that until a week or two ago when I went through these pictures for the first time, several months after the shoot. If Upton had a long lost little sister, she might be it.

 -  -  -




This next girl was someone who I kept walking by several times throughout the afternoon before I finally wanted to see what was up with her. I kept making my rounds around the park to find other women who were willing to pose for me. When it started to become a little slow and I wasn't able to find the right girl to pose, I went back to the Library Terrace on Fifth Avenue. When I got to that area and I saw her, I had totally forgotten all about her. After passing her over several times before, I went ahead and approached her and she was very nice about the whole deal.

There's not much for me to tell you guys about her, being that she was preoccupied with whatever she was doing with her laptop. All I can say is that if she had no qualms with me taking pictures of her, then she's pretty cool to me. The designs on her dress, all the plants and leaves you see in the backround makes up the reason why I named her Botanical Garden.

 -  -  -




I should be back by this time tomorrow night with pictures from another girl I found at the park.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on March 05, 2013 01:45 AM:
For a while there I thought you were done showing pictures that you took. I'm sure glad it's back. And the hits just keep on comin'.

Both women have very nice feet. Very nice. It's so cool to see someone who's out there talking these women into showing their feet for you. And these women are so cool with being totally cool with showing their feet.

Botanical Garden has some very nice soles. Those soles of hers make you look at the pictures for a long time. And CupKate is just simple very cute. Her feet are flawless.

Thanks once again for coming through and showing us what's out there.
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on March 05, 2013 03:08 AM:
Botanical Garden just made my day. There are some very nice pictures in her set. Thank you for sharing these. I was kind of missing the National Park [Smile]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on March 05, 2013 12:04 PM:
I was missing the National Park as well. Nice to see that it's back and open to the public, as National would say. [Smile] The soles on Botanical Garden has a lot of character to it and they look so delicious to lick and savor over. The toes and CupKate look perfect. She killed it with that red toenail polish.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 06, 2013 12:03 AM:
Monday afternoon, and I'm taking an extensive break from my job. Whenever I get to the park, I simply forget about everything else. You certainly would, too, if you know that it'll be just a matter of time before you're just mere inches away from some beautiful feet that belongs to some attractive female. Forget what I do for a living because being at the park is my typical day at the office. All that's left is to find someone who looks cool and open-minded enough to indulge in my pleasure.

That's where this one comes in. I just love talking women into removing their footwear for me. In this case, she was wearing sandals when I approached. Her shirt, the hair, her skin, blended in perfectly with the sun that was shining in her direction.

I was on the phone with someone before I finally approached her. I wasn't sitting too far from where she sat. In fact, we made eye contact with each other a few times, playful smiling between the two of us. I was in no rush to finish my conversation on the phone because I could tell from her body language that she wasn't going anywhere soon. I thought it was fun in a voyeuristic kind of way of just admiring her from a safe distance while I was on my phone, not too far but close enough so that one knew that the other was close by.

Finally, I had enough of the person on the other end of the conversation, got up from my chair and started to talk to her, introduced myself to her, she gave me her name, started to chit chat about this and that, all light stuff. After several minutes of this, I then switched the topic.

"Whoa, pretty COOOOL!", was what she said almost immediately. "Sure, why not?" You've gotta love the Germans! She's not a tourist, though. She's been living in the city for a few years now and works at a real estate firm, if I remember correctly. It's very easy to make her laugh, she's a free-spirited person who doesn't take a lot of things too seriously, a person who loves to go with the flow. Very relaxed.


 -  -  -




I'll post another gallerie on Friday night/early Saturday morning for my final update of the week.

Thanks everyone.
Posted by FootBoi88 (Member # 43020) on March 06, 2013 12:30 AM:
Man do I love the Parks you go 2 ! [Tongue]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on March 06, 2013 02:48 AM:
Originally posted by FootBoi88:
Man do I love the Parks you go 2 ! [Tongue]

You're not kiddin! I think you speak for everyone in here when you say that. And just when I was done complimenting on some National posted, he comes in here with ANOTHER girl to make this candy store even sweeter. Goldiefrost has excellent feet, and she makes sure they are well kept. Love her unpainted toenails and delicious soles. [Drool]

You're making me run out of words here.

By the way, love reading the back stories to these women, especially the last one. You're like some cool, slick guy or something. Nice!
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on March 06, 2013 03:04 AM:
She's pure "gold". Great soles [Smile]
Posted by Foot creamer (Member # 45673) on March 06, 2013 03:19 AM:
Love the german girl man german chicks are so cool with it i was their 3 years and never had one say it was weard they enjoyed it as much as i did
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on March 06, 2013 11:10 AM:
I love the pictures you got there from Goldiefrost. By looking at them you can tell that it wasn't too hot that day. Love her soles and how close they were to the camera. If that's the description of your typical day at the office, then that's a job I would love to have. [Smile]
Posted by footcenter (Member # 34062) on March 06, 2013 03:32 PM:
This stuff continues to be amazing! This deserves to be Thread of the Year by the this year is done. Every so often I find myself adjusting my top ten list of favorite girls from National Park. Thanks for being so generous with us.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 07, 2013 01:16 AM:
Originally posted by FootBoi88:
Man do I love the Parks you go 2 ! [Tongue]

Well, it's actually one park, but I know what you mean. [Wink] But, yeah, I love that park as well.

Originally posted by 18th Floor:
By the way, love reading the back stories to these women, especially the last one. You're like some cool, slick guy or something. Nice!


Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
She's pure "gold". Great soles [Smile]

If she's pure gold, then I must be the richest man in the world because I've got more where that came from. Stay tuned. [Smile]

Originally posted by Foot creamer:
Love the german girl man german chicks are so cool with it i was their 3 years and never had one say it was weard they enjoyed it as much as i did

German chicks are awesome. I would love to visit that place one time.

Originally posted by footcenter:
This stuff continues to be amazing! This deserves to be Thread of the Year by the this year is done. Every so often I find myself adjusting my top ten list of favorite girls from National Park. Thanks for being so generous with us.

That's great to hear, that you find yourself having new favorites every now and again. It keeps the thread alive because you never know who I have waiting in the wings to be unveiled to for everyone to view.

-- National

P.S. A reminder that the Russian Spy is coming soon ...
Posted by Foot creamer (Member # 45673) on March 07, 2013 02:42 AM:
Man what i would do to those feet
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on March 08, 2013 09:47 PM:
Hey National, incredible photos as usual.

I was wondering, have you had any encounters with smelly feet recently?
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 08, 2013 11:54 PM:
Originally posted by Sol:
Hey National, incredible photos as usual.

I was wondering, have you had any encounters with smelly feet recently?

Are you talking about my encounters at the park or in my private life away from the park?

... Don't worry, I know you're referring to the park. I was only joking with you when I asked that question. But to answer your question, the last time I was there on a regular basis was months ago when summer turned into autumn.

-- National
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 09, 2013 12:15 AM:
That shoot with Goldiefrost was an amazing way to start things off that day. I made some work-related calls afterwards with some clients and what have you. Just wanted to touch up on a few topics with them to make sure everything was going smoothly or if there were any minor issues that needed fixing, blah blah. After I got the sense that everything would be smooth sailing with them, I decided to call it a day at work and stayed in the park to continue with my hobby and National Pastime. Boy, did that put a smile on my face!

It was now time to look for my next object of interest, object of desire.

A half hour after I was done with Goldiefrost, I made a connection with this next woman you're about to meet. Before I approached her, though, I had to make a choice between asking her and another girl who I was interested in asking who was sitting no more than thirty feet from where she was. I had to sit down somewhere within their vicinity to make some closer observations. I knew that if the first girl I picked gave me the consent to photograph her feet, that I would be with that girl for a long while. Long enough so that by the time I was done with her that the other one would've left by then. Usually when I take pictures of each girl, I'm there for quite some time with a hard on that just won't quit! So it's not like I'm in and out of there in five to ten minutes. I don't know about anyone else, but I hate it when I have to make a choice between two very desirable women who I felt extremely certain would let this mysterious stranger get to know them and their feet for a little while.

After debating with myself for a couple of minutes, I finally made my choice.

The section of the park where these pictures were taken was in the Reading Room. It's kind of like an outdoor library where people can enjoy reading different materials such as newspapers, books, magazines, or any reading material they brought with them. There she was reading. I decided to play along with her. I knew that there was an article in that day's paper about dating advice. So I took a copy of the paper, sat a couple of seats away from her and pretended as if I came across that article for the first time. I struck up a conversation with her about that article to get a female's point of view, perhaps pick her mind a little bit and loosen her up a bit. We playfully disagreed with each other about one or two things as I wanted to get a sense about what she was like.

To make this already-long story short, any topic I discussed with her that lead to another one was somewhere within the sexual universe. Nothing too perverse or retarded. In any event, the next thing any of us remembered was that found herself with her bare soles right out in front of me where she allowed me to look at it closely from this angle and for me to rub it from that spot. Gee, I had no idea how that happened (*wink, wink*).

I had to calm things down before I got too excited and got back to the business at hand. I did my usual thing and told her how to pose for me as she went back to reading her book. She kind of idolizes Cleopatra based on that book she read during the shoot. She could be her historian if she wanted to, as a matter of my personal opinion.

In case anyone is keeping score, her feet did not smell. She was so nervous that I was going to find something unappealing about her feet mostly because her toenails were not painted. They're all like that, the women are.

Being that she was nervous in the beginning about me not liking her feet, she wanted to see the pictures to see if she saw the same beauty in them as I did. Wow, she thought. She definitely loved how she looked in those sunglasses while the feet played a prominent role in these pictures.

Goldiefrost started my day off in the right tract. A half hour later, this next girl kept the fun alive.

 -  -  -


SIZE 7.5


This is my final update for the week. It'll be a couple of weeks before I'm back here for more. And when I do so, the Russian Spy will finally be here.

Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on March 09, 2013 02:47 AM:
Shit, this is getting better by the post. This is amazing once again. Reading from these stories, you're having a fucking blast in that park, especially with this latest one. I've come to think that this is not just some park. Instead, I think these pictures are taken from another planet where chicks are way more open minded than they are here on Earth. You certainly have a way with the ladies and you played that situation for effortlessly like Damn. Look at her, this chick is fucking HOT!

Amazing that you get a lot of leeway on your job there to be fucking around like this in the middle of a weekday.

I wish her feet did smell a bit, but I wouldn't have complained either if the girl I got looked like her.

Amazingly sexy feet! She has no reason to be ashamed of them whatsoever. National, I don't know how to properly thank you, but thanks anyway.
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on March 09, 2013 09:52 AM:
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on March 09, 2013 08:31 PM:
I just blew a huge load on this new version of Cleopatra. Cleopatra was a goddess when she ruled Egypt back in the days. Wouldn't be nice to learn that this girl you just photographed has Cleopatra herself as her ancestor? She might be listed in her family tree.

And once again, you have saved the day by being so cool with this girl that you were able to strike up that conversation with her and then have one thing lead to another. I'm not that smooth in where I can be able to pull off the moves you just did in order to get Cleopatra to pose for you.

She was so cool with all of this by going with the flow with you. That makes you a good man and an ambassador. [Bow Down]

Hot, hot, HOT story, my man!

The only other guy who might be able to pull this off is David Blaine!
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on March 09, 2013 08:37 PM:
I just went back a few pages and remembered that you also took pictures of Aloe Vera and The Hottie. What a trip down memory lane! JESUS CHRIST these women are finger lickin' good!
Posted by foot&co. (Member # 34125) on March 10, 2013 01:27 PM:
You have done a sensational job with what you're doing, National. Keep up the great work, and I can't wait to see the Russian Spy.
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on March 10, 2013 03:27 PM:
Great stuff National. Awesome that you're keeping tabs on whether their feet smelled or not. Definitely something I look forward to [Smile]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 11, 2013 01:45 AM:
Originally posted by aka.footjoyboy:

Believe me, I, too, was licking my chops like the Big Bad Wolf when I had her feet in my hands, fresh out of her shoes.

Originally posted by caseman:
National, I don't know how to properly thank you, but thanks anyway.

Posting a comments about how much you love my work is a great way of thanks, as you've done many times before. You guys have been incredibly positive towards my content. These women are my gift to all of you.

Originally posted by 18th Floor:
The only other guy who might be able to pull this off is David Blaine!

I don't know about that. If he wants to stay in frozen ice cubes and hang himself upside down for a week while being strapped to a straight jacket, then be my guest. While he does that, I'll continue to come up with new foot pictures for everyone in here.

Originally posted by foot&co.:
Keep up the great work, and I can't wait to see the Russian Spy.

She'll be ready. Will you?

Originally posted by 18th Floor:
I just went back a few pages and remembered that you also took pictures of Aloe Vera and The Hottie. What a trip down memory lane! JESUS CHRIST these women are finger lickin' good!

That's right!

Originally posted by Sol:
Great stuff National. Awesome that you're keeping tabs on whether their feet smelled or not. Definitely something I look forward to [Smile]

I still remembered how some of their feet smelled like as if it were yesterday.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 22, 2013 11:42 PM:

I have a treat for everyone here. I first started mentioning her in the early pages of this thread. I think the time for the hype has reached it's breaking point and its time for her to live up to it.

I was walking through the Fifth Avenue terrace. As I walked along, I spotted the girl who I'm about to introduce you to. This one really stood out and she was truly glorious even from afar. It was Fashion Week in NYC and I thought I was looking at someone who might've participated on the catwalk of one of their shows at the Metropolitan Opera. As I got closer, I realized that she was too short to be a runway model, but that didn't make her any less attractive.

The other thing that really stood out at me before I approached her was the fact that the area where she sat was practically deserted. For anyone who has ever walked through a ghost town would know what I mean. Whenever I approach a girl at the park and introduce myself to her, there's always many, many people who are seated in the surroundings and many more people who are walking just walking by. When I first got to the terrace, I was expecting to see a lot of people either walking around or sitting down somewhere. Aside from three or four people who were seated at least 45 feet away from where she sat, aside from one person walking by every five to seven minutes, not a single person was to be found.

I was about 80 away from her, making my way towards her, when I finally realized how empty that area was. I had to stop for a moment to take it all in because this seemed too good to be true. For anyone who's a baseball fanatic like I am, this was the equivalent of Barry Bonds' eyes opening up real wide because he can't believe that a pitcher would be stupid enough to throw a that's right in the middle -- and I mean RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE -- of the strike zone, knowing that if he connects with the ball, it's traveling 700 feet before crashing into McCovey Cove! The only reason I would strike out if there was a hole in my bat.

So either I strike out with the bases loaded, or I hit a grand slam. Up until I met her, she's never met any guy who gets magically aroused by the sights and movements of feet from the fairer sex (if she had, they never brought it to her attention). She gave me a look saying that she admired that I found something appealing about them in some special way.

In the middle of the shoot, some homeless guy walked by, saw what was going on and said to her, "You've got some pretty-ass toes," before walking away. He popped his P when he said pretty. She rolled her eyes at him after he left as if she had this high sense of entitlement -or something.

This girl enjoyed the experience greatly, she was very cooperative, and was very cool with me afterwards as we made small talk with each other.

Very nice.

By the way, the fourth picture on the first row of the gallerie was a picture she took herself.

 -  -  -



-- National
Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on March 23, 2013 12:58 AM:
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on March 23, 2013 03:53 AM:
Oh my gosh look at her arches! I'm glad you are always able to skock me from time to time [Smile]
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on March 23, 2013 07:30 AM:
This girl has a powerful aura. All-around fantastic.
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on March 23, 2013 07:47 AM:
I have to post again on this girl. She has award-winning toes. They have a lovely shape and length, and really nice nailbeds. Her skin tone and luster are remarkable; just look at those legs! The curves! the shine! Her arches are divine. Her expressions are precious, her face serene. This girl requires carefully thought out adjectives. "Hot, cute, etc." do not cut it here.

Grand slam, indeed. Wow, man. Just, wow.
Posted by foot fetishism King (Member # 9930) on March 23, 2013 07:49 AM:
Absolutely incredible high arches! Wow! This girl and Cherry Coke are by far professional foot model quality. How will you ever top this girl? Or do you have a few more stellar high arched gorgeous feet ladies still yet to come? Fantastic work you do and a great photography. I sure wish you could take more photos of her again
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on March 23, 2013 07:50 AM:
And to top it off, a size 6, my favorite.


Alright, I'm done now. Thank you for photographing this girl.
Posted by sftfan (Member # 1959) on March 23, 2013 01:59 PM:
Did that second picture put the ol' lead into anyone else's pencil? Unbelievable! Hyperion isn't wrong when he calls them award-winning toes! [Jerkoff]

Great work National!

We do indeed need a whole new set of adjectives, hyperion [Cheers]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 23, 2013 02:49 PM:
Thanks so much to everyone who have posted thus far. I would love to sit here and continue to express how thankful I am from you guys appreciating this stuff. However, I must run a few errands right now.

I'll be back tonight for another set of pictures.

-- National
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on March 23, 2013 06:17 PM:
My goodness! This is clearly one of the more amazing sets I've ever seen. This is definitely classic status. I swear these are, without any question, the best group of pictures I've seen in here this week or the week before. And maybe the week before that one.

She definitely lived up to the hype and I am taken away by the amazing work you've put into this one.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 24, 2013 12:41 AM:
On this day I had a friend of mine (who is also a member of this forum) show up at the park to have a front row seat of what this was all about. It's one thing to see the pictures posted in here, but it's something different when you see it live and in person.

The plan was for him sit somewhere close by, not too close because he didn't want the girls to know that I was with him. He was in incognito mode, to put it perfectly. He didn't want to sit too close, but at the same time he didn't want to sit too far to where he loses focus of their soles. He had to make it look as if he was just some random guy who just happened to sit close by and act all casual. He played the part perfectly, a lot better than I thought he would.

We planned to meet up right outside the park, right by the sidewalks on the street. We were talking about something that had nothing to do with feet. I think he was the one who cut the conversation short when he pointed out a girl who he wanted me to approach. I had to turn around to see who he was talking about. She looked pretty good to me, so I had to look down at her feet. I enjoyed what I saw, especially because she had long toes and looked to be a size 9. My friend and I love the same kind of feet: sizes 9 and up with long toes.

When he pointed her out, she was just standing there, going through her bad for something. Whatever she was looking for, she was having a hard time finding it. Since my friend pointed her out, I had to spring into action because I didn't want to disappoint his visit to the park.

I walked up to her and tried sweet talking her into letting me take pictures of feet. At first, she wasn't sure if she was up for it. From the way she talked, I could tell right away that I could still talk her into this. She wasn't sure she wanted to let me do it because she thought that I thought that there was something terribly wrong with her feet. I kind of laughed at her way of jumping to conclusions. She was relieved to know that I wanted to spend a few moments with her for the opposite reasons.

Instead of taking her inside the park to find some ideal seating arrangement, we got it on right then and there, right by the streets during the evening rush hour, a time where the streets are massively crowded.

While I was taking pictures of her, I would look over to where my friend was to see if he was watching me. He was on the phone with someone, so I wasn't sure how much he was paying to what was going on.

Curiosity got the best of her and she started asking all sorts of questions about why I found her feet so attractive. She found it a bit strange in a sense because she wanted to know why feet more than any other part of the body? When I say that she found it strange, that is not to be confused with the notion that she thinks the whole thing is creepy. It's only in the sense that she was curious, or snoopy ... or nosy about it. I didn't give her the gory details in my answers. I only said bits and pieces that left her with more questions than answers as a bait to ask more questions, to get her to have a better sense to why I like what I love.

After the shoot, we then spent the next several minutes scrutinizing the pictures I took of her. She enjoyed the pictures, though she remained a indifferent and curious still as to what the appeal is about her feet. She was happy to be of my assistance. I was a bit disappointed to learn that her feet were not as big as I thought they were, but oh well.

As she was leaving, she went back to looking through her bag in search for whatever it was.

I gave her this name because hair smelled amazing. It immediately reminded me of their hair products.

 -  -  -



[ March 24, 2013, 12:49 AM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by footfetish&martini (Member # 34060) on March 24, 2013 02:51 AM:
Originally posted by sftfan:
Did that second picture put the ol' lead into anyone else's pencil? Unbelievable! Hyperion isn't wrong when he calls them award-winning toes! [Jerkoff]

Great work National!

We do indeed need a whole new set of adjectives, hyperion [Cheers]

I agree wholeheartedly.

The Russian Spy is an award-winning total package, as far as I'm concerned! The toes, amazing! Her soles, amazing! Her hair is so luxurious that whenever she runs her fingers though it, it makes beautiful sounds like a harp. The same holds true for Goldiefrost and Aloe Vera. Aloe's legs and that of the Russian Spy are so SHINY! So lick-able!

These women are so beautiful, National.

With the Russian Spy, I love all of the pictures, especially the ones where you get close looks at her sandals.

This is an award-winning thread. These women are goddesses.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on March 24, 2013 01:26 PM:
New idea for a TV series: You take these ladies and form a team of crime fighting superheroes. Their power is having amazing feet which criminals have to stop and stare at for hours. It's kind of based on a true story.
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on March 24, 2013 03:54 PM:
There is something about Fructis that is SO GOOD! I don't know if it's her yuppie style or her perfectly shaped feet, but looks like the kind of girl I would not hesitate in ask her to go out sometime. Flawless!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 24, 2013 08:52 PM:
Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
I'm glad you are always able to skock me from time to time [Smile]

You're not alone. Others feel the same way. I have some more tricks up my sleeve that I intend to show everyone in the future.

Originally posted by foot fetishism King:
This girl and Cherry Coke are by far professional foot model quality. How will you ever top this girl? Or do you have a few more stellar high arched gorgeous feet ladies still yet to come?

Stay tuned ...

Originally posted by foot fetishism King:
Fantastic work you do and a great photography.

Thank you. [Smile]

Originally posted by footfetish&martini:
The Russian Spy is an award-winning total package, as far as I'm concerned! The toes, amazing! Her soles, amazing! Her hair is so luxurious that whenever she runs her fingers though it, it makes beautiful sounds like a harp. The same holds true for Goldiefrost and Aloe Vera. Aloe's legs and that of the Russian Spy are so SHINY! So lick-able!

"Her hair is so luxurious that whenever she runs her fingers though it, it makes beautiful sounds like a harp."


There's something about these women that brings out the inner-poet from yourself. You don't get that from guys who don't find a particular girl that attractive. Speaking of poetry, we had one or two others stop by ...

Originally posted by hyperion:
I have to post again on this girl. She has award-winning toes. They have a lovely shape and length, and really nice nailbeds. Her skin tone and luster are remarkable; just look at those legs! The curves! the shine! Her arches are divine. Her expressions are precious, her face serene. This girl requires carefully thought out adjectives. "Hot, cute, etc." do not cut it here.

Grand slam, indeed. Wow, man. Just, wow.

Very NICE!

You used words like serene, divine, precious to help sum up what she is. I would like to throw in some more adjectives, if you don't mind. You can use pretty, enticing, pretty enticing, refined, and comely. You have my permission to use those words to describe her. I'll give you full credit for that.

I knew she would have some impact in here, but I wasn't expecting aspiring poets to come in here and profess their undying love for her. [Smile]

Thank you so much for showing your care for her.

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
There is something about Fructis that is SO GOOD! I don't know if it's her yuppie style or her perfectly shaped feet, but looks like the kind of girl I would not hesitate in ask her to go out sometime. Flawless!

You would hit the jackpot with that one, my good friend. Whatever it was that she had that made you say that is coming from an inner sense that tells you that she's the right one for you.

[ March 24, 2013, 11:17 PM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 25, 2013 12:09 AM:

This one is very special to me and dear to my heart, so I want everyone to be nice.

We're still on the same evening where I took pictures of Fructis, where I had my friend follow me around to see how I work my magic. After I was done with Fructis, my buddy shook my hand, congratulating me on a job well done. We sit somewhere where I showed him how the pictures came out. After talking for a few minutes, it was time to find someone new. I walk around for a few seconds and found no one who made a compelling case for why I should approach her.

I finally walk onto the grass of the lawn and saw someone who I had to have. When I first saw her, her back was facing me, but I had a nice look at her toes and could see that she had big feet. My friend was ten- to fifteen feet behind me, trying to make it look as if we don't know each other, which was part of the plan. I talked her out of her foot wear so fast that I don't think my buddy had time to catch her do it. I'm not exaggerating, either!

This lady and I were talking for a few minutes in English. Throughout that time, I couldn't help how her accent overrode what she was saying. She told me she was from Spain and that she's been living in the city for a few months, her first time in the United States. From Spain? Perfect, because I can also speak Spanish! Excellent for her because she can now feel at home and start talking to me as if she never left her country.

We took the time to talk about different body parts such as hands, legs, breasts, and other sensitive and private parts. Not in a way that was pornographic. She was the who brought those aspects into the conversation because she wanted to exercise her views on how she sees the female body as sensual, sexy, pure. Those were her words, in part. She seemed to enjoy what she was saying, and how her accent played into her words that she spoke became intriguing.

So she completely understood why I wanted to get acquainted and have a closer look at her feet and she took joy in knowing that I found them and her attractive.

Whenever she spoke, her words came out at a steady pace, very calm, peaceful, perhaps as if her words had to go through a filtering process before they were finally heard. Yet, she believed what she said, adding spike to smooth drink.

She asked me several questions along the way and we started to like each other a little bit.

To this day, she is still a great person to me as we share some great times with each other. She is very kind, affectionate, softhearted individual and I'm thankful that the lucky stars drew us to one another.

 -  -  -




That will be all for now. I'm glad you all enjoyed it. I'll be back in a couple of weeks with more pictures for everyone.

Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on March 25, 2013 02:34 AM:
National, I want to give you a round of applause for wrapping this up in a bow and present these last few women to us like Christmas presents. You have done a magnificent job with these ladies, one beautiful girl after another.

Russian Spy was just alluring, Fructis has very, very sexy toes that'll turn any guy into foot lovers, and this last one is a jewel.

I wish I lived in New York. Amazing how you find one open-minded woman after another. Your buddy there got to see all of this first hand? That's like having tickets to the superbowl!

I loved the story behind Love Letter. It's fitting that you called her Love Letter seeing how as the two of you really connected with each other. That was perhaps the coolest story I have ever read in this forum. Ever. You played it perfectly. If you didn't know how to speak Spanish, that might've been the only interaction you would have had with her. It was nice reading how she felt that she was home away from home speaking her native language with someone of the opposite sex.

She really does have one of the best looking feet in this thread, and you certainly picked out a winner in this one.

Fantastic job with this one, my man! [Thumbs Up]

Thanks so much for sharing this with us.
Posted by footcenter (Member # 34062) on March 25, 2013 11:22 AM:
You continue to come through with these wonderful discoveries. It's so cool with the way you describe Love Letters. You use different words to describe everyone you post, like they all have a different story to tell. I can tell from reading this that Love Letters stood out to you.

Russian Spy is someone that was sent to us from another planet because she is just wonderful to look at. Definitely one of my favorites in here. I love how you include pictures of what they wore on their feet.

Thanks so much. Looking at the pictures of these women makes me so happy for you.
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on March 25, 2013 07:35 PM:
[Drool] [Drool] [Drool]
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on March 26, 2013 10:16 AM:
These latest updates are excellent, excellent and more excellent. Wholesome quailty all around. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with all of us.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 26, 2013 09:49 PM:
Originally posted by footjoyboy:
[Drool] [Drool] [Drool]

I never seem to stop doing that when I'm at the park. Can you blame me? [Big Grin]


Here's a map of National Park. On it, you'll find the names of ten women I've posted and the exact locations of where those pictures were taken. Anyone who's been to the park before can verify that the women listed on the map are placed at the exact spots of where their photoshoots took place.

-- National
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on March 27, 2013 06:53 AM:
Thanks for the map. Have you ever tried to look for yourself on Google Earth's street view?
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 27, 2013 09:20 PM:

Posted by DSW (Member # 35008) on March 28, 2013 01:53 AM:
The last three girls you posted are all amazing women for letting some complete stranger take pictures of their feet out in the open like that. You have done an excellent job of putting this place on the map. If anyone were to visit New York City, this is a definite hot spot to go to. It's a tourist attraction for all guys with a foot fetish.

Speaking of putting places on the map, I also appreciate you showing us the map of the actual place and where the women in question were seated. It's very cool knowing how you move around the place and where you find these cool women.

That Russian Spy girl, that was pretty neat that was willing to take a picture of her own feet. Not bad at all.

Both Fructis and Love Letters have soles that are perfectly shaped. It's great to hear that you spent more time with this very lovely lady. You probably had your way with that girl's delicious feet. If so, I salute you, sir. You continue to fight the good fight and bring all that's positive and fun to the foot community.

Thanks a BILLION! [Bow Down]

By the way, I would love to hear from the person who you invited to the park to witness this whole thing right in his presence. You said he's member of this forum, right? It'll be cool to get his take on what happened that night.
Posted by DancingFool (Member # 3728) on March 28, 2013 03:21 AM:
I gotta say folks, this young man has inspired me to possibly take a stab at such an endeavor myself come this spring and summer.

I am the friend that went to watch him at work, and I've said in past threads here, the man is a Goddamn marvel of modern science. Never mind the law of averages, of which this dude is batting in the high .800's I would say if I had to venture a guess, (though he knows his own actual average to the decimal which I'm sure will be shared in his response) but the sheer biological composure it takes to actually walk up to a woman and request such a favor so casually is breath taking. I don't think I could do it without knocking back a few Jacks, but I may try. It doesn't hurt him either that he is quite easy on the eyes. We are close in age, but I look considerably older than he even though I am myself not exactly a beast if I may be so bold. He also speaks Spanish which opens up those opportunities by about 25-50%. It is inspiring and there isn't much more I can add that hasn't already been said. National my man, you should start your own festival and charge people to visit each summer, like Cannes.
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on March 28, 2013 09:15 PM:
Originally posted by DancingFool:
I gotta say folks, this young man has inspired me to possibly take a stab at such an endeavor myself come this spring and summer.

I am the friend that went to watch him at work, and I've said in past threads here, the man is a Goddamn marvel of modern science. Never mind the law of averages, of which this dude is batting in the high .800's I would say if I had to venture a guess, (though he knows his own actual average to the decimal which I'm sure will be shared in his response) but the sheer biological composure it takes to actually walk up to a woman and request such a favor so casually is breath taking. I don't think I could do it without knocking back a few Jacks, but I may try. It doesn't hurt him either that he is quite easy on the eyes. We are close in age, but I look considerably older than he even though I am myself not exactly a beast if I may be so bold. He also speaks Spanish which opens up those opportunities by about 25-50%. It is inspiring and there isn't much more I can add that hasn't already been said. National my man, you should start your own festival and charge people to visit each summer, like Cannes.

Awesome, man! Just awesome! Reading your post was like getting raw footage of The Man at work.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 28, 2013 11:36 PM:
Thanks for all the kind words, DancingFool.

Some days at the park are better than others, and for some reason I thought that that day was going to start off with one rejection after another, with a couple of women who were willing to buy in. However, it was one of those days where I started off 3-for-3, with another hit sprinkled in after striking out in the previous at-bat.

Somewhere in the middle of the evening, I introduced him to another guy who I befriended at the park, someone who also has a foot fetish. They went off somewhere to have a drink or two, I think. I was still on the hunt for others while my friend and the other guy were just chillin' out somewhere else.

It was a great night. A marvel of modern science while I'm at the park, Agent 007 at all other times.

Speaking of my batting average, I've decided not to keep track of that anymore. I don't know about batting .800, but my slugging percentage certainly was, like Barry Bonds on the year he hit all those homeruns. [Big Grin]

I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures. That was your first real look as to how the pictures came out, and I know you were waiting for a long time before I finally posted them in here.

-- National
Posted by wallhaller (Member # 45416) on May 13, 2013 10:50 AM:
Mate!!! pls upload new pictures, i cannot wait!!! i am just on a feet withdrawal, oh pls, let this pain and dispair end
Posted by wallhaller (Member # 45416) on May 13, 2013 10:54 AM:
please forgive my grammar, i am only a german guy
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on May 21, 2013 12:56 AM:
I knew it's been a while since I was last in here, but I didn't realize that it's been almost two months since I last updated anything until recently.

I have three girls in store for us this week.

I saw this walking back and forth in my presence, speaking to someone on her phone. I decided to wait out the conversation before I approached her. After a few minutes of talking on the phone, she leaves the scene and walks right onto the streets. I thought she was going to look for a place to sit after she was done. Apparently not, I thought. I guess I had miscalculated what she was going to do after the call and thought nothing of it since I thought that was going to be the last of her.

I decided to step out of the place for a few minutes to buy something to drink. I returned to the same spot and there she was again. I guess she changed her mind and decided to come back. She was on the phone again talking to whoever, slowly pacing back and forth as she did so. I knew she wasn't going to last long because as she was talking on her phone she also held a book on the other hand with one of her fingers separating the pages to mark the last page she read. By that I knew she really wanted to get back to her reading. I also knew that I was going to get this girl to agree to pose for me.

I didn't wait long before she finally hung up. It's amazing what kind of luck I have, finding girls who are flattered and have no problem fulfilling my pleasure or women who don't quite understand why I find feet appealing but are willing to give the experiment a shot. She was the latter.

The shoot was over before I really got into a groove. The person who she was texting was her father who was minutes away from meeting up with her. She didn't want him to walk into what was going on between us, so I respected her wish and left. She was a bit disappointed that she never got read the book from where she last left off.

Sure enough, the dad shows up. I left them by themselves and later found other females who had more time on their hands.

This shoot took a few minutes so I cannot really tell you what this girl is about. I will say two things, however. One, I loved the feeling then I put my hands on their feet to flex her toes back because she's one of those who can really flex them backwards, almost double-jointed-like. Secondly, her feet were not as smelly as they looked. In fact, they weren't smelly at all. The last girl who I'll show this week had smelly feet, but this girl is not one of them.

 -  -  -




It's nice to be back. The National Park is the home of all foot enthusiasts. The park will be in full swing the the Spring and Summer seasons, becoming a place to kill time, have fun or just take a break from all the gridlock that one endures on a daily basis with work and life in general.

I'm here to make you all feel welcomed and to make you enjoy your stay at the park. I am your tour guide.

I'll be back tomorrow night with another set of pictures.

-- National

P.S. By the way, I have great news for lot of you guys. I'll do this some other week in the very near future. What will happen is that for everyone who has posted a comment in this thread, praising the contributions I've made up to this point, May 21, 2013, I will reward you guys with an exclusive gallery that I won't show to the rest of the forum. Let me tell you, these set of pictures are simply amazing.

I'll send each of you guys a PM with the link to the pictures. I'll send you guys the link in a few weeks because I won't have the time to do it this week.

Thanks to all of you guys for your support and appreciation to the National Park.
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on May 21, 2013 03:14 AM:
What a way to start the season. I was missing your adventures. About the girl: I completely understand what you say about the toes flexing back ability as it is one of my favourite "features" of a girl's feet. And man she flexes hers like hell! If she had her toenails a bit more cleany she would go straight up to the hall of fame.

Posted by sftfan (Member # 1959) on May 21, 2013 05:44 AM:
You're back! [Joint] Can't wait for the new sets!
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on May 21, 2013 10:05 AM:
Great to see this back. Love your style and the pure amateur feel that comes with all of that. It's amateur content, but at the same time it's the best amateur content out there that it doesn't cross into the professional content, which is the intent all along. It's kinds like having the best of both worlds at one time.

Thanks a lot and I also look forward to more stuff from you.
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on May 21, 2013 11:46 AM:
This thread hands down is best in the Foot Pics section. If you could highlight it in GOLD it would still be an understatement. I'm loving that the chicks you are getting have superb feet but look fuckable as well [Smile]
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on May 21, 2013 02:15 PM:
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on May 21, 2013 04:09 PM:
National, it's great to see you posting pictures again.

Thanks a lot for also mentioning whether or not the girls had smelly feet - it's one of the details I love reading about. Can't wait to see the smelly feet girl later this week!

And great idea about giving us an exclusive gallery! You really know how to spoil us
Posted by dicksonjoe (Member # 6527) on May 21, 2013 09:14 PM:
Can't wait for more asian feet!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on May 22, 2013 12:07 AM:
It was a hot Saturday afternoon. After taking my lunch break, I returned to the park to see what I was missing.

As I was waiting for the street light to change, I looked across the street into the Fifth Avenue terrace where the New York Public Library is located. Even from across the street, I spotted a this beautiful woman who was just sitting there, minding her own business. I raced across the street because I knew this one was someone who I couldn't slip through my grasp.

I entered the scene, and I knew she wouldn't have a problem with me taking pictures of her feet based on her body language. I approached her, made my pitch and she shrugged her shoulders as if to say why not.

She's German and is living in the city with her husband. Her English comprehension is perfect so it wasn't as if there was any language barrier problems. Had she not told me that, I would not have taken notice that she was straight from Europe because I couldn't pick up an accent. If I can recall correctly, she was waiting to meet up with him at the spot where I was shooting those pictures. I spent a long time shooting pictures of her feet, long enough for her husband to show up to see what was going on. I never saw him. Either he showed up a lot later than he was supposed to, or she was killing some time knowing that it was going to be a while before she finally saw him. I can't remember being that these pictures were taken many months ago.

There are women who I posted who were easy-going conversationalists, in that they were very fun to talk to, in that they didn't take too many things that serious. Anyone who wanted to reap the benefits of their time of leisure would enjoy a great escape from the stress that life brings just by being next to these ladies and talking to them about anything that doesn't involve politics or anything else of the sort. This one, however, is someone who is better reserved for a series of small talk that excludes anything too trivial. Conversations that involve a lot of nonsense can easily bore the dialogue with this girl. I'm not saying that she's a genius by any means. All I'm saying is that conversations that are childlike in nature does not amuse her too much. Unlike some of the others who I photographed, she doesn't sound like someone whose brain has melted to mush.

When you speak to her, be on your best behavior.

 -  -  -


SIZE 10.5

I gave her the name Liquorice because she is easy on the eyes but isn't dumb, a reference to how bitter and intense that candy tastes. Also, the colors she wore reminds you if that.


I have one more update in store for us, and I will show it late Friday night/early Saturday morning.
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on May 22, 2013 03:19 AM:
Love girls with BIG feet! [Smile]
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on May 22, 2013 10:27 AM:
I normally don't like the taste of liquorice, but in this case, I'm going to make an exception. She is very beautiful and her feet look well taken care of.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on May 23, 2013 02:31 AM:
Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
What a way to start the season. I was missing your adventures. About the girl: I completely understand what you say about the toes flexing back ability as it is one of my favourite "features" of a girl's feet. And man she flexes hers like hell! If she had her toenails a bit more cleany she would go straight up to the hall of fame.


They were arguably the most flexible ones I've come across. I found myself playing with her feet for a few extra seconds just to see if they could flex back any further. They could have.

Originally posted by bluetoelover:
This thread hands down is best in the Foot Pics section. If you could highlight it in GOLD it would still be an understatement.

I agree. [Big Grin]

Originally posted by bluetoelover:
I'm loving that the chicks you are getting have superb feet but look fuckable as well [Smile]

You're not kidding. You know who else agrees with you? This guy ...
Originally posted by aka.footjoyboy:

Trust me: I, too, was lickin' my chops like the Big Bad Wolf. That's an understatement when you see the girls I have in store down the line.

By the way, Bluetoelover, what did you think of the Russian Spy back in page 21?

Originally posted by Sol:
National, it's great to see you posting pictures again.

Thanks a lot for also mentioning whether or not the girls had smelly feet - it's one of the details I love reading about. Can't wait to see the smelly feet girl later this week!

I can't wait to post her pictures. They'll be up late Friday night or early Saturday morning. She's a very cool chick.

Originally posted by Sol:
And great idea about giving us an exclusive gallery! You really know how to spoil us

[Big Grin]

Originally posted by caseman:
Great to see this back. Love your style and the pure amateur feel that comes with all of that. It's amateur content, but at the same time it's the best amateur content out there that it doesn't cross into the professional content, which is the intent all along. It's kinds like having the best of both worlds at one time.



By this time tomorrow, I'll post a few teasers of which girls you can expect to see in the distant future.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on May 24, 2013 12:09 AM:

This is just a small preview of the girls who I plan to unveil to everyone in the distant future. In other words, you'll be in for quite a wait before we get to them. The girls who came before them will be shown first.

The first two pictures you see are the ones I took with my new camera. They were taken just the other day at the park. The last one was taken with my old camera. Click on each thumbnail to enlarge the image.

 -  -  -


In the meantime, my next update will be posted at this time tomorrow.

[ June 02, 2013, 06:51 AM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on May 24, 2013 02:40 AM:
Originally posted by bluetoelover:
This thread hands down is best in the Foot Pics section. If you could highlight it in GOLD it would still be an understatement. I'm loving that the chicks you are getting have superb feet but look fuckable as well [Smile]

Dude, I agree with you 100 percent.

National started out in the scene as someone who showed a lot of potential in the amateur foot photography scene. Now, he is on pace of being an all-time great in this field, in a category all to himself.

After seeing the preview of those three women, we now know that National isn't going anywhere. Can't wait to see all three of those girls because all of them look simply irresistible. All three of them. I cannot tell which one will be the best one for me, although I might lean towards the one in the middle because she looks like she has big feet.

You have done a masterful job in marketing this National Park thread. I tip my cap off to you for being an ambassador.
Posted by dicksonjoe (Member # 6527) on May 24, 2013 07:35 PM:
Will you look for asian girls also??
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on May 24, 2013 09:49 PM:
Originally posted by National:

This is just a small preview of the girls who I plan to unveil to everyone in the distant future. In other words, you'll be in for quite a wait before we get to them. The girls who came before them will be shown first.

The first two pictures you see are the ones I took with my new camera. They were taken just the other day at the park. The last one was taken with my old camera. Click on each thumbnail to enlarge the image.

 -  -  -


In the meantime, my next update will be posted at this time tomorrow.


National, this stuff is amazing!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on May 25, 2013 12:38 AM:
Originally posted by dicksonjoe:
Will you look for asian girls also??

Although I have taken pictures of a number of Asian women, those meetings were few and far between. I do know that an Asian girl will be posted in the near future, though she will not be featured in the next group of updates.

I will go as far as to say that when you do see her, no one is going to be disappointed.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on May 25, 2013 12:41 AM:
I saw this girl at the park the day before these pictures were taken. I was looking around to see if I could spot someone who seemed like a cool chick. I spotted her in the Reading Room from a distance and thought that this was someone who would make for a good shoot. As I started to make my way towards her, she closed her laptop and started to gather her belongings before leaving the scene. I was a bit bummed out that I wasn't in her area any time sooner. When she left, I immediately forget about her before continuing my search for new feet to feast my hormones on.

Fast forward to 24 hours later where I was back at the National Park. After spending some time there, I became tired from walking and decided to have a seat somewhere and just relax for a few minutes. Just when I was about to get up from my seat to use the restroom, guess who showed up from out of nowhere? None other than that girl who escaped my grasp the day before. She walked towards my table and asked me if that seat was taken. My heart must've skipped a beat because the chances of something like that happening are not in ones' favor. She was smiling while she flipped her hair behind her ear waiting for my answer ...

"You can have it," I told her. I knew she wasn't going anywhere with that chair because there was really nowhere else for her to go because it was so crowded. After I told her that she could have the seat, she became chit chatty with me as she sat down and told me that that chair is actually to give her feet a rest. She placed her feet up on that chair. How I didn't fall off that chair from feeling light-headed, I don't know.

This was a situation that had been gift wrapped so neatly with a frou frou ribbon placed on top of it.

It was very hot day at the park and I couldn't take the heat anymore! Neither could she because she kept taking a sip of a bottled water she had with her. She started the conversation talking about the weather. I knew I had to change the subject because talking about that wasn't going to lead me to where I wanted to go. I had no time in sounding geeky by being her meteorologist. I directed the conversation from that point on with some small talk, threw in some laughing points, she's enjoying our time, smiling, flipping her hair, indicating some interest.

I knew I was running out of time because I couldn't stay at the park much longer and I knew she was going to get to her laptop soon enough. I said something about her feet not being comfortable enough and said that I was going to make things more accommodating for her by removing her shoes. She looked at me, kinds of smiled and giggled and said okay. Right before I went to remove them, it had suddenly occurred to her that her feet might be a bit smelly. I shushed her and told her not to interrupt The Professor at work. She had that flirty look on her face that said she couldn't believe that she's letting some total stranger take control of the situation out in the open like that. She took out her laptop and started to go to work with whatever it was she was working on.

Then the thought that I might've been some guy with a foot fetish suddenly occurred to her. I answered her question by telling her that I thought her feet had a very nice shape to them and that I wanted to take pictures.

It wasn't until a few minutes when the smell of her feet got to me. It wasn't overbearing by any means, but there was enough there to tell you that there's a hint of smell that lied between her toes. The smell got me more fixated on her feet and I don't remember ever blinking during the time I had shooting them.

 -  -  -




That'll be it for this week. I'll be back in two or three weeks with some pretty amazing sets in store for you guys. In addition to those galleries, I will also deliver on that promise I made earlier about that exclusive gallerie, which could be the icing on the cake.

The National Park is a landmark for us foot guys, and a paradise. It certainly is for me.

-- National
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on May 25, 2013 03:34 AM:
I am now almost without words to describe this last set you just posted and how I'm feeling about it.

- The overall situation is incredibly cool to say the least. She must be VERY open minded and you were blessed my friend;

- She is very pretty;

- Her feet are perfectly well shaped. From heels to soles, arches and toes;

- I love girls that have the bump in the outside part of their feet (around the ball of feet area). Curiously she has that bump very accentuated but only on her left foot;

- She wears my favourite shoe size: 9.

Thank you for sharing this one and keep up with your outstanding quality work.

Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on May 25, 2013 03:59 AM:
With so much going on here, I don't where to start. I'm so glad to see this thing up and running again. I think of the three girls posted this week, Vitamin V was the best one.


I'm willing to overlook the fact that her soles need a bit of some moisturizers because she looks very nice and her soles are one of the best looking ones in here without a doubt.

More amazing is the backstory about your encounter with her, National. I had to read that story over because it was that great. That girl made you the luckiest guy on Earth with the way this played out. You were presented with the bases loaded in the bottom of the 9th and you were able to pull through in the CLUTCH. That's a dream spot for any of us to be put in, and you experienced it. [Bow Down]

These stories are great because it tells us a story that the pictures are not able to tell. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. National, your words to describe these women are the ones that make these pictures worthwhile.

You are someone who has an incredible knack of how to appeal to the opposite sex by getting these women to pose for you.

And the preview showing those three girls is pretty cool. I think I like the last one best, although I'm sure you can't go wrong with the other two. The first one looks very cool, the one in the middle looks most relaxed, while the last one seems to be the most friendly of the three.


I really like what you've done here, National. You continue to do so well. From the looks of things, it's only going to get better.
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on May 25, 2013 08:25 AM:
Vitamin V has amazing feet. The pictures are made all the more awesome knowing that her feet were smelly.

Out of interest, what shoes was she wearing? It would be great if we could have a picture or two of the shoes each girl was wearing [Smile]
Posted by wallhaller (Member # 45416) on May 25, 2013 08:36 AM:
yes yes yes, i cannot wait, i hope this next post is coming soon. Great work [Big Grin]
Posted by ThoseToes (Member # 2489) on May 25, 2013 10:37 AM:
Nice stuff. It's nice reading about a score, then the pics to prove it.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on May 25, 2013 10:38 PM:
Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
I am now almost without words to describe this last set you just posted and how I'm feeling about it.

I know just how you feel. I was almost without words when I was right there, taking in the entire interaction as it was unfolding by the minute. She had one of the best looking soles I've ever seen.

If you're out of words now, then you won't have any words left to speak when you become an even bigger fan of my work in the future.

I can tell that Vitamin V has struck a chord with you and I'm very pleased to know that.

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:

- The overall situation is incredibly cool to say the least. She must be VERY open minded and you were blessed my friend;

She's a very cool chick and she went with the flow of the situation and it had certainly made her day. I loved the look on her face when she allowed me to take her shoes off.

Originally posted by foot_fashion_industry:

More amazing is the backstory about your encounter with her, National. I had to read that story over because it was that great. That girl made you the luckiest guy on Earth with the way this played out. You were presented with the bases loaded in the bottom of the 9th and you were able to pull through in the CLUTCH. That's a dream spot for any of us to be put in, and you experienced it. [Bow Down]

You had no idea, man. The way the whole situation played out was an instant classic. Funny how you compared this situation to a pivotal moment in a baseball game. That was a spot in where the pitcher threw a pitch right down Broadway, begging for the batter to cream it. I had a great feeling I was going to see her bare soles ... all I needed to do was find the opportunity to get from Point A to Point B.

Originally posted by Sol:
Vitamin V has amazing feet. The pictures are made all the more awesome knowing that her feet were smelly.

Out of interest, what shoes was she wearing? It would be great if we could have a picture or two of the shoes each girl was wearing [Smile]

I took those pictures back at a time when I wasn't too interested in including what shoes she wore. As time goes on, however, you will see more and more of the shoes these women wore. Next thing you know, that might be the most popular feature in this thread.

I really regret not taking pictures of what she wore on her feet, however, I can tell you that it was something very similar to this ...


Originally posted by wallhaller:
yes yes yes, i cannot wait, i hope this next post is coming soon. Great work [Big Grin]

Thanks very much. The next updates will be in two or three weeks, when I have more time on my hands.

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:

Thank you for sharing this one and keep up with your outstanding quality work.


I do this as a public service to this society. I am the Mother Teresa of the Foot Pictures section of this forum, as you know.

Originally posted by ThoseToes:
Nice stuff. It's nice reading about a score, then the pics to prove it.

[Thumbs Up]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on May 26, 2013 02:51 PM:
I second everything that everyone has said, including myself. [Big Grin]
Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on May 27, 2013 12:03 AM:
National, the girls you attract make men do things they shouldn't. With Vitamin V, for example, I think I can write a book that summarizes the things I want to do to that woman. [Mmm]

Originally posted by National:

 -  -  -

Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on May 29, 2013 09:07 PM:
The arches on the Spy are crazy high! Love to see those toes wrapped around something [Big Grin] Still can't believe you're finding these gems! Keep it up!
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on May 30, 2013 03:05 AM:
Originally posted by bluetoelover:
The arches on the Spy are crazy high! Love to see those toes wrapped around something [Big Grin] Still can't believe you're finding these gems! Keep it up!

I just went some pages back to check that out again and yes, you're right. Wondering who will be the next high arched National park queen that will leave our jaws completely wide open!
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on May 30, 2013 10:51 PM:
Originally posted by Lust In Translation:
National, the girls you attract make men do things they shouldn't. With Vitamin V, for example, I think I can write a book that summarizes the things I want to do to that woman. [Mmm]

Originally posted by National:

 -  -  -

Dude, you're comments are so funny. Speaking of writing books, Hyperion can write a novel on the Russian Spy. She has left him spellbound to this very day. I bet there will be no shortage of words he'll use to describe her.

Speaking of Russian Spy, when she wraps those arches to stimulate me, something will be rising..........and it won't be Jesus.

Bluetoelover is right, you keep finding these gems out of nowhere.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on May 31, 2013 01:55 AM:
Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
Wondering who will be the next high arched National park queen that will leave our jaws completely wide open!

Not only that, the next girl who will leave our dicks completely exhausted from shooting out more cum.

While some of us resort to sneaky tactics like taking bullshit pictures of unsuspecting women from their phones, you're out there doing things the better way.
Posted by allthefeet (Member # 34550) on June 07, 2013 02:06 AM:
HOLY SHIT! You must be a magician to get all these women to do this for you. I applaud you for everything you've done here. I'm amazed and impressed.

You deserve to go by the name 'allthefeet' a lot more than I do.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on June 07, 2013 08:43 PM:
Originally posted by Lust In Translation:
National, the girls you attract make men do things they shouldn't.

No way!!!

These "things" men shouldn't do must be the same things they do at night when the cops aren't around, right? Not that I'm condoning whatever acts you're thinking of, but I hear ya! [Thumbs Up]

Originally posted by Lust In Translation:
With Vitamin V, for example, I think I can write a book that summarizes the things I want to do to that woman. [Mmm]

Can you also produce a movie that summarizes that follows the same script?

Originally posted by bluetoelover:
Still can't believe you're finding these gems! Keep it up!

[Thumbs Up]

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
I just went some pages back to check that out again and yes, you're right. Wondering who will be the next high arched National park queen that will leave our jaws completely wide open!

... Speaking of which, I ran into this European MILF the other day at the park. You want to talk about arches, then Holy Shiite!

Originally posted by allthefeet:
HOLY SHIT! You must be a magician to get all these women to do this for you.

Kind of like, "Now you see it, now you don't" when it comes to their footwear.

-- National

P.S. The next group of updates will be posted around June 18.
Posted by dicksonjoe (Member # 6527) on June 09, 2013 06:21 PM:
Please tell me you got some asian feet pix!!
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on June 10, 2013 07:28 AM:
Originally posted by foot_fashion_industry:
Hyperion can write a novel on the Russian Spy. She has left him spellbound to this very day.

Alright man, I'll see what I can do about that...
Posted by wallhaller (Member # 45416) on July 02, 2013 05:27 AM:
where is the new update?? [Cry]
i thought it will be released around june 18th?
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 14, 2013 12:15 AM:
At times, it can be hard to find women with big feet who are willing to pose for you. My preference is for women who have bigger feet, size 9 being the minimum. Smaller feet is certainly fine with me, but if I see a lady bigger feet, my eyes will light up and my heart will race in hopes that I can get her to bare her soles for me because opportunities like that do come along very often. The bigger her feet, the more that that rule applies.

Such was the case with this next girl. I was walking along. I saw this girl, looked down at her feet and I stopped dead on my tracks when I saw how huge her feet were! She was a pretty tall girl with feet that is consistent with her height. It's rare that the women I photograph are as tall as I am or taller.

Her face kind of looks masculine, but she is all woman.

She came to New York from the Ukraine on vacation. I went up to her and asked if the other seat was taken. She said no, thinking that I was going to take it and move it somewhere else to sit. Then I sat down on it and started a conversation with her. The look on her face showed that she wasn't expecting me to sit at her table, while at the same time becoming welcoming of my presence and taking the time to find out where she's from and what she was all about. I do that sometimes to the women I want to approach, especially if she has the look of someone who I know is going to let me shoot photos of her feet. This girl was no exception.

When she's not vacationing, she's to be found jogging a lot and playing volleyball at some indoor facility, like a gymnasium more or less. Beneath her exterior is someone who has a very positive outlook of life, someone who is not insecure about a lot of things, someone who will not back down from challenges that living a life can throw at her.

As for her feet, they're tied for the biggest ones I've photographed to date. She loved how I made the transition from talking about different things to having a special fondness, a warm affection for her feet. She went for it because she like how things went from Point A to Point B so naturally.

For big feet lovers, when a woman with feet that big just places itself on a chair right in front of her, your eyelids loses its ability to blink.

The reason I gave her that name is because the biggest lattice tower in the world is located in the Ukraine, which goes hand in hand with the fact that she's from that country and because she can be just as tall as one of those structures. Also because her feet were pretty huge.

 -  -  -


SIZE 12.5


NOTE ...

Since I'm having some computer problems, this will be the only update this week. I was planning on showing a few more this week, but with the problems I'm having, I'll try to make it up to everyone next week by posting the pictures that I wanted to show this week, including that exclusive gallery that I intend to send as a private message to everyone who has praised my work by commenting on it.

Sorry if I've let anyone down with this news, but I figured that showing something was better than not showing up at all.

-- National
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on August 14, 2013 07:12 AM:
12.5, wow. I like her bone structure. Thanks for capturing her tops and toes, too. You keep finding gems from central Asia who rock (e.g., this one, Russian Spy). Good show!
Posted by sftfan (Member # 1959) on August 14, 2013 08:34 AM:
Great to see you back - and in top form! [Cheers]
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on August 14, 2013 12:37 PM:
Truly unbelievable! The pictures are amazing as well. It's okay that you'll need some time to show us more pictures. As long as you have more pictures to show us in the future, you'll be just fine with all of us in here.

Keep up with your amazing work.
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on August 14, 2013 03:01 PM:
What a way to come back! Some of Lattice Tower pictures are simply UNBELIEVABLE!

High arches, ankles crossed and toes flexing FTW [Smile]
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on August 14, 2013 04:45 PM:
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 15, 2013 12:15 AM:
Originally posted by hyperion:
12.5, wow. I like her bone structure. Thanks for capturing her tops and toes, too. You keep finding gems from central Asia who rock (e.g., this one, Russian Spy). Good show!

I guess you have a special soft spot that is reserved for women from that part of the world. Those women are very fun to have pose for you. Fantastic imports from neighboring countries who have been neatly wrapped and packaged for us, especially you. [Smile]

Originally posted by sftfan:
Great to see you back - and in top form! [Cheers]


It's great to been seen back. I have plenty - and I mean plenty - of women to show everyone that I have stored in my library.

I thank you so much for taking the pleasure in enjoying my work. You will thank me even more in the future.

Originally posted by caseman:
Keep up with your amazing work.

I thank you very much. I intend to do so.

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
What a way to come back! Some of Lattice Tower pictures are simply UNBELIEVABLE!

High arches, ankles crossed and toes flexing FTW [Smile]

I wish you had a chance to talk to her. The accent was there, and she's someone who will listen to everything you say and completely understand where you're coming from, even if she might not agree with everything you say ... but that's okay. Then when those big feet are put right in front of you for you to diddle and play with, it's all a wonderful interaction.

Originally posted by aka.footjoyboy:

Just like the Big Bad Wolf. [Smile] I was doing the same thing.



This is someone who I met at the park on Wednesday. It's going to be a very long time before I finally show her entire set. I'm showing just a couple samples now only because it serves as a teaser that there is more to look forward to with each visit to the National Park.

 -  -

-- National
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on August 15, 2013 06:34 AM:
Originally posted by National:
It's great to been seen back. I have plenty - and I mean plenty - of women to show everyone that I have stored in my library.

Glad to hear it National, your posts are truly a highlight of these forums.

I have to ask though, of those women stored in your library, did any have smelly feet?
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on August 15, 2013 11:00 PM:
I just love women with big feet. Seeing the pictures of Lattice Tower just adds to the list of reasons why I enjoy big feet the way I do. Love the pictures and how you're able to focus your attention on her soles. Greatly displayed and I cannot believe you got her to do this. So jealous.

Her toes are so long and suckable. Her 12 and a half size feet are awesome to say the least.

The two pictures of that last blond you showed is simply gorgeous. Looking at her shoes makes me want to know how her feet look like even more.

Once again, thanks a lot for treating us to these wonderful women.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 16, 2013 10:34 PM:
Originally posted by Sol:
Glad to hear it National, your posts are truly a highlight of these forums.

I have to ask though, of those women stored in your library, did any have smelly feet?

Yes. I don't remember how much, exactly, but it was definitely more than a handful.
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on August 17, 2013 09:15 AM:
Originally posted by National:
Originally posted by Sol:
Glad to hear it National, your posts are truly a highlight of these forums.

I have to ask though, of those women stored in your library, did any have smelly feet?

Yes. I don't remember how much, exactly, but it was definitely more than a handful.
Okay awesome. Absolutely can't wait to see their pictures!
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on August 17, 2013 09:46 AM:
Nice avatar National...haha
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 18, 2013 11:41 AM:
Originally posted by NorcalfeetStudios:
Nice avatar National...haha

Posted by jediofthefeet (Member # 1463) on August 18, 2013 09:32 PM:
zzzz!!!! Sorry, I was alseep. I haven't checked the foot pictures section in a couple of weeks. Its rather ennui without National's posts.

I'm with 18th Floor, those shoes! Wowsers! One can only imagine the divine odor those classic, vintage look leather shoes must have inside them.

Looking at her makes me think of Kraftwerk's song "The Model". [Thumbs Up] [Thud] [Bow Down]
Posted by dicksonjoe (Member # 6527) on August 19, 2013 02:01 AM:
Dying to see some asian feet!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 19, 2013 11:59 PM:
It was right around the start of the autumn season when I met this interesting woman at the park. She is an example of why the autumn season can be a special time of the year.

- The trees look really pretty.
- Everything gets a bit more atmospheric.
- There are leaves to kick and jump into.
- Mornings will be golden, and you'll know it'll be misty.

- With cold weather comes the excuse for hot drinks like pumpkin spiced lattes, hot cocktails or just warm alcohol in general.

- So things may seem dark after 94 days of summer, but there's always something to look forward to ... like Thanksgiving.

- And whatever you most want to enjoy this autumn, you can spend a whole extra hour doing it when the clocks go back. For example, the extra hour of footplay with this next girl and other fun activities that adults enjoy doing together. [Smile]


This lady is majoring in Fabric Styling and she was catching up with her studies. At the National Park, there is a small section called the Reading Room which is like a mini outdoor library. I was going to say that one can enjoy peach and quiet when she is seated in that zone. But since the Reading Room is outdoors, I think the better term to describe the setting is that one can enjoy peace and un-disturbance, since being outside is never exactly quiet stroll in the middle of New York City. People enjoy the peace from the daily grind when they visit the park, regardless of where they sit. But there's something about the Reading Room puts you in a more settling mindset. I've shot The Italian Cleopatra and Iconic Eyes in the Reading Room, among several of other creamy gems I've found in that spot.

With this girl I'm about to show, I couldn't stay too long because it was becoming dark outside earlier than usual. But she was very sweet and receptive to me. She was a bit shy about it at first, but I was able to sweet talk her into participating with not too many words so as not to language her to death.

She's a fashion chick and she reminded herself that feet can be used as fashion accessories and eventually saw no harm in foot appeal at all.

 -  -  -


Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on August 20, 2013 08:51 AM:
She looks very nice. It's amazing how you get these amazing women to do this for you.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 21, 2013 12:16 AM:
Perhaps you just happen to be walking by the park during the night hours to take in the nightly breezes the dark skies provide after the sun disappears.

It was a cool night in the city. After having a pretty decent day at the park, I was getting getting ready to clock out and head home. Just when I was about to go down the stairs to leave the park, this next girl walks right by me to head into the park. She wasn't paying much attention to where she was headed because she was too busy texting someone or playing some kind of game on her smartphone. At least walking through the park and looking down at your phone at the same time is a lot safer than crossing the street doing the same thing.

I made my U-turn because there was a new opportunity to capture images of someone else's feet. She wasn't walking fast at all, so it was easy for me to catch up to her.

With some girls, no explanation is necessary with what my intent was in taking pictures of her feet. I just asked, and she went right along with me. Even though we didn't talk to each other and minding our own business during this very quick shoot, I could tell from how she reacted that she seemed like the type of person who's noticeably happy and optimistic, full of good spirit with an overall positive vibe that shows through her behavior.

"Yaaaay, you think I have nice feet!", she said, all cheery.

At the end of the day, this next girl is seems pretty cool and that all she asks for is for people to play nice and have a lot of fun.

Aww, how cute!

 -  -  -


SIZE 7.5


For those who like mature feet, then I hope you enjoy this next one. She's not like the girl above her in that her conversations have more substance to them.

Normally, I don't look for women who are old enough to be someone's mother, but I'm certainly willing to make exceptions to the rule every once in a while because there is an audience out there of men who can appreciate the sight of an older baring her soles out in the open.

This one already had her feet out of her shoes when I first spotted her. I looked at her soles and thought, Why not?

My memory has escaped me because I cannot remember what the story behind this one was. Any memory I do have of her has to be about how understanding she was with the idea that I have a thing for feet. She laughed at my request to take pictures of her feet before giving me the green light to go ahead and have my fun.

 -  -  -



I will have two more galleries to show everyone by the end of this week. I will show them on Friday night. And for those who have commented on this thread to gave it nice praises, I will have that bonus gallerie that I've been talking about ready to go. I will send you guys a private message with a link to those pictures.

Thanks a lot, guys.
-- National

[ December 12, 2019, 07:35 AM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on August 21, 2013 03:07 AM:
About the anonymous mature lady: With arches and toes flexing ability like her's... why not?? [Big Grin]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on August 21, 2013 09:18 AM:
Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
About the anonymous mature lady: With arches and toes flexing ability like her's... why not?? [Big Grin]

I agree.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on August 21, 2013 02:57 PM:
Can't wait to see what more you have in store for us this Friday. Also can't wait for that exclusive gallery.

I really enjoyed that last set of that mature lady. [Mmm]
Posted by footcenter (Member # 34062) on August 22, 2013 12:06 AM:
That older lady you posted has some super arches to her feet and they look so good when she flexes her toes back. This is going to be one of my favorite sets in this entire thread. It's not common for us to see feet from someone her age, which makes you pay attention to them even more. I love the shots and the angles that you captured her feet in. Amazing stuff as always and I appreciate the contributions you've made in here. Thanks a lot.
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on August 22, 2013 11:52 PM:
Originally posted by National:

I will have two more galleries to show everyone by the end of this week. I will show them on Friday night. And for those who have commented on this thread to gave it nice praises, I will have that bonus gallerie that I've been talking about ready to go. I will send you guys a private message with a link to those pictures.

I, for one, can't wait. I'm looking forward to these new pictures. This is such a beautiful thing.
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on August 23, 2013 05:01 PM:
For Jelly Bean and the older lady... [Drool] [Drool]
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on August 23, 2013 07:14 PM:
Haven't popped into the Park in a while... fuck me gently what a stable of girls you got in here man! [Cheers]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 23, 2013 11:11 PM:
More from the National Park.

It had rained in the city earlier in the morning. People start to populate the park very slowly after the rain has stopped because the chairs are still wet from the raindrops and they don't have napkins at the ready to wipe the chairs dry and/or because the skies are still overcast and the threat for more rain still remains. In this case, it was still quite cloudy and the sun was not going to appear anytime soon. There were not a whole lot of people walking through the park. When I'm able to spot someone interesting on a day like that, chances are there's practically no one else sitting nearby. I'm already used to approaching women right before they let me take pictures of their feet when there are many other people in her immediate surroundings. Happens all the time. Rarely would I come across someone who's really isolated. If that's how the situation is set up, I'm not going to pass up that opportunity as well. Russian Spy was someone who I got to when there was practically no one else in sight. This next girl was another one.

There must be something about the park that makes these women open minded about the fact that some young man wants to take pictures of their feet. I mean, I have a harder time getting my little niece to eat her vegetables. With that being said, this one had no problems with letting me shoot away.

This lady was a tourist who traveled overseas from Europe because visiting New York City for the first time is one of those once in a lifetime experiences that one can take pride in enjoying.

I wish the shoot had lasted longer. Sure enough, it started to rain again and we had to go our separate ways. She went inside the library and I had to go back to work.

 -  -  -




This final girl is another MILF. She's old enough to be someone's mother and she looks fantastic still. It was her legs that grabbed my attention more than anything since her feet were already in their flats when I introduced myself to her. She was one of those women that I had to get pictures of. I was relieved when she accepted. When I told her what I wanted out of her, she answered my request by slipping off her shoes and setting them at the chair in front of her. I would've been a fool not to recognize that that was her way of giving me the green light.

To me, these are one of the best soles I've ever taken pictures of. When you have someone who looks great, someone who's in good shape, someone with great feet to complete the package, your heart will pump faster by the minute because you've just hit the jackpot! These pictures were taken eleven months ago, and if I had the chance to go back in time and re-did the shoot, I would've done a better job knowing what I now know with the improvements I've made since then. But I'm grateful with what I was able to get at the time.

She was very accommodating to work with. She's the type of person who has a lot of patience with people before she will have enough with you. In other words, it would take a lot to make her mad, she does not run on a short leash. She has a very helpful nature to her personality and is someone who would absorb as much information as she can about why certain guys see feet as something sexual, something that can arouse one's emotions.

She kept saying throughout the shoot about how interesting it was that I find her feet to be something that I desire. She's in her early- to mid 40s, but she has a tiny voice. Not tiny in a way that annoys someone; it's moreso in that she can do the voice of a little girl in a Disney cartoon. I loved it listening to it. I loved how she kept telling me how interesting it was that I was taking pictures of her feet before going back to reading whatever it was she was reading. Happened several times and I thought the whole thing was cute. I kept smiling when she said it and continued shooting away, keeping her curiosities about me and what kind of tastes I have in women alive.

 -  -  -




That will be it for this week. I'll be back in two or three weeks with more pictures to show everyone.

Also, I hoped everyone who I sent a private message to enjoyed the exclusive gallery I sent you. It was such a pleasure shooting pictures of her.

-- National
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on August 24, 2013 08:40 AM:
I love how you can see the world reflected in Dahlia's toenails.

As stated in other missives, much appreciation for the hard work in bringing these to us. You rock.
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on August 24, 2013 09:02 AM:
Dahlia's soles are to die for. This season is promising [Big Grin]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on August 24, 2013 09:05 PM:
Thanks so much, National, for everything you're doing here. First off, thanks a lot for that exclusive set of pictures you sent us through private message. Love the name you gave that girl and I love how you were able to capture her soles in various angles. She will be a favorite of mine for a long time to come. What a hot girl she was and the fact that her soles were a bit dirty got me more excited. I'm sure that others who received the pictures will say similar things.

As far as the last two you updated in this thread, amazing women. I would be so nervous to do what you do out in the open in front of all those people who are at the park. With that Norwegian Pineapple girl, what a blessing that she was there with no one around. I bet that wasn't the case with Dahlia. Both women have great feet and I do like them big. Amazing how Dahlia just took off her shoes for you when you asked her. That's a girl who knows what she's doing.

I was going to say that you rock, but Hyperion beat me to the punch. But I'll say it anyway: you rock. [Thumbs Up]
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on August 25, 2013 12:34 AM:
Originally posted by 18th Floor:
Thanks so much, National, for everything you're doing here. First off, thanks a lot for that exclusive set of pictures you sent us through private message. Love the name you gave that girl and I love how you were able to capture her soles in various angles. She will be a favorite of mine for a long time to come. What a hot girl she was and the fact that her soles were a bit dirty got me more excited. I'm sure that others who received the pictures will say similar things.

As far as the last two you updated in this thread, amazing women. I would be so nervous to do what you do out in the open in front of all those people who are at the park. With that Norwegian Pineapple girl, what a blessing that she was there with no one around. I bet that wasn't the case with Dahlia. Both women have great feet and I do like them big. Amazing how Dahlia just took off her shoes for you when you asked her. That's a girl who knows what she's doing.

I was going to say that you rock, but Hyperion beat me to the punch. But I'll say it anyway: you rock. [Thumbs Up]

I couldn't have said that any better myself. Keep fighting the good fight, National.
Posted by lovepaintedtoenails (Member # 8935) on August 25, 2013 03:40 AM:
Love the updates, but this shot here for me just sticks out the most:  - I love long toes and when that 2nd toe is longer, the better I like them!! Keep up the great work and thanks for the effort put into sharing all of your work. [Jerkoff] [Jerkoff] [Jerkoff] [Jerkoff] [Jerkoff]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 08, 2013 12:19 AM:
This was a very nice lady. She loves computer animated films and seemed to know a lot about what goes on behind the scenes in the organization of putting those films together and bringing those characters to life in those films.

She was sitting by Le Carrousel, watching the children go in circles in the merry-go-round in hopes of drawing new inspirations or ideas for more children's animation.

 -  -  -





There have been three times in where I can remember introducing myself to someone at the park when practically no one else was around to have witnessed the encounter. Russian Spy was one, the Norwegian Pineapple was the other. This next girl was another one.

I was walking along and I couldn't believe the opportunity that sitting there all by herself. I thanked my lucky stars for making the situation too easy for me. I'm used to having people sitting around and walking by when I take my photos, but when a treasure is all isolated and no one else is laying a claim to it, I'm going to take it.

I said a few magic words to her and she didn't see the harm in posing her feet for an audience like us the world over who share a common interest in female feet.

It wasn't until a few minutes into the shoot when the smell of her feet was airing from between her toes and into my nose. The smell wasn't too strong because it was wrestling with the natural air that we breathe in an attempt to take over my sense of smell. The smell wasn't strong, but whenever it did reach my nose, it was that classic cheesy smell that has become the signature scent for guys who are into that aspect of the fetish.

It seemed like I was the only one who was aware of the smell. Either the smell didn't reach her or she kind of didn't care too much about it knowing that I have a kink for feet.

 -  -  -


Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 08, 2013 12:20 AM:

I really loved this one. When I first spotted her, she was already talking to someone on the phone. There wasn't any doubt in my mind that I wanted to get to take some photos of her. So I sat at about 20 feet away from her and waited until she was done with the phone, during which time I was building up the hype in my mind about what it would be to have her feet model for me.

When she was done with the phone conversation, I finally went up to her, knowing that she was going to be a done deal.

I loved how she smiled at me. She said, "So, I've heard about guys like you," a bit flirtatious 'n all. Playing off on her vibe, I went, "No, you haven't."

"Oh, I'm pretty sure," still smiling.

"REALLY? All right then, enlighten us."

I purposefully waited for her to answer so that I could shush her. All I wanted to do was embellish our conversation and make it into some form of entertainment. When I shushed her, I told her that I needed to take a chair so that I could sit next to her and hear her out. Now I could've done that without telling her what I was going to do that. But announcing it to her added some humor and theatrics to our conversation.

When you find someone who's open-minded as she was, the flow of the conversation becomes smooth sailing. It was cute how she said, Umm before giving me another bullet point. I interrupted her in the middle of one of her sentences when I told her that none of the things she outlined could've been further from the truth. In actuality, what she said was nothing negative about us. I was only teasing her.

Instead of going straight in for the pictures immediately thereafter, I wanted to keep the conversation going and talk about a few different things that were unrelated to feet, just to get an idea of what kind of girl she was.

Something that happened after the shoot was over was very interesting. Earlier that month, I tried to get some other girl to pose her feet for me. Not only did she not want to do it, she practically barked at me about what kind of sicko I must've been for liking something as "plain" as feet. If I were to put her rant about how she went off on me and put that soundbite side-by-side to a dog barking, you would not be able to tell the difference between the two. She didn't curse at me, but she was offended nonetheless.

Anyway, we fast forward to the moment where this particular shoot was over. It wasn't until I was done with the shoot when I realized that the area was almost empty. When I approached her, there were hundreds of people around. When I was done, the area turned into a ghost town. Again, I want to emphasize that there were literally hundreds of people around when this started. Now, those people have magically disappeared.

I asked the girl where all those people went. She didn't know, but she did tell me that there was this one person who was sitting behind me. I looked to see who was behind me, and guess who it was? It was her... the lady who went off on me! You mean to tell me that of all those empty vacant seats that were available, she choose to sit at the one chair that was directly behind mine? She wasn't sitting there when the shoot started. The funny part was that she pretended she wasn't paying attention to what was going on. I was looking right at her for twenty seconds to see if she would say or do something. She looking straight ahead, staring out into nothingness, still pretended not to notice what was going on. I don't think she ever blinked.

Then she got up and left.

The model told me that she was sitting there for a while. I never told her about that episode I shared with that who got up and left. Besides, this lady right here was much cooler.

 -  -  -




Orgianlly, I thought about ending the week showing pictures of the last two girls I just showed. I then changed my mind and decided to show these women first. I have other good ones saved up for the end of the week.

I'll be back here tomorrow night with more girls to show everyone.

[ November 17, 2024, 07:13 PM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on October 08, 2013 03:15 AM:
You are The King of both this forum and the National park. The last couple of girls were a very nice catch but knowing my taste like you probably already do, Barbie left me completely stunned. She has every little aspect I just love on a girl's feet. Congratulations and thank you for your work and sharing.
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on October 08, 2013 06:32 AM:
Hmm... Yeah, I just don't know, man... These are only super excellent...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA oh man these three girls are amazing with their insanely long toes and well-formed nailbeds. Holy shit they were great. I also really love how you pose them when you shoot the tops of their feet, they way you have them point their feet. A delicate, girly pose that I don't see captured very often at all. A terrific update, thanks again.
Posted by soledoctor (Member # 44891) on October 08, 2013 11:53 AM:
Always a pleasure to check into this thread. I'm a fan of your photo angles and close-ups -but not too close. So many sexy ladies here and my favorite is Fructis.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 09, 2013 12:19 AM:
Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
The last couple of girls were a very nice catch but knowing my taste like you probably already do, Barbie left me completely stunned. She has every little aspect I just love on a girl's feet. Congratulations and thank you for your work and sharing.

I thank you for your support and appreciation. Barbie was a pleasure to work with. She was totally cool about it and very understanding. I also liked the fact that she was drinking Diet Coke, with emphasis on the word Diet.

Originally posted by hyperion:
Hmm... Yeah, I just don't know, man... These are only super excellent...

If those were only super excellent, then you'll have to find a word that's better than perfect when you see how my style has progressed over the course of time. I'll be here to see your reactions to the new girls I have saved in my library. [Smile]

Originally posted by hyperion:

I also really love how you pose them when you shoot the tops of their feet, they way you have them point their feet. A delicate, girly pose that I don't see captured very often at all. A terrific update, thanks again.

You've seen nothing yet. Stay tuned. I do thank you, though, for that comment. Your words are always grateful to me.

Originally posted by soledoctor:
Always a pleasure to check into this thread. I'm a fan of your photo angles and close-ups -but not too close. So many sexy ladies here and my favorite is Fructis.

Fructis has the kind of feet that I would never kick out of bed.
I'm a fan of my photo angles as well, and I thank you so much for taking notice. [Cheers]

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
You are The King of both this forum and the National park.

As you know, I do this as a public service for everyone. I will continue to give away all this content for free, as I continue to provide all of you with the value that comes with natural foot viewing.

-- National
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 09, 2013 12:22 AM:
This one gets her names because it was very cool that night and the winds were gusting from time to time. The lights from the rooftop of the building across the street from the park keeps the lawn lit during the hours. She had become the magnet that drew those two things together that made for this rather unusual shoot. The images make her look like a residential ghost of the park because how the lights beamed down on her while it was dark out.

Not a whole lot was said during the shoot, but we got to know each other a bit after the shoot where she became more talkative. I decided to take her away from the lawn and get a few drinks. While we had drinks, we exchanged numbers. As she was putting down my number into her phone, she got one of the digits wrong. She wanted to send me a text, not knowing that she got my number wrong. The text was sent to some lady from who knows where. Her texts were in Spanish, and the girl who I was with didn't know what the messages were saying. The lady on the other end became a little crazy because she kept sending her texts after texts after texts, demanding to know who she was.

My girl was buzzed, so was I, and we kept laughing off the messages. I had to translate to her what the texts were saying. When I finally had enough of her stalker, I used her phone to call the lady and told her that the message was meant for someone else to read, plain and simple.

This girl is German, and Germans girls are nothing but fun.

 -  -  -


SIZE 7 1/2



This next girl was sitting on the front steps on the New York Public Library. I could tell by the way she was sitting that she was waiting for someone. From the phone conversation she had during the shoot, she was waiting on two or three other people to show up.

I went up the steps and asked her to pose for me anyway. Since whoever she was waiting for was running late, she didn't mind killing some time with a perfect stranger by showing me her goods.

Her feet were very soft and sweaty. I couldn't keep my hands off of them because of its softness and sweatiness.

She's Cuban and lives in The Bronx. She hardly spends time in Manhattan, but there was an event she had to go to, which explains why this was one of those few moments she had to bring herself to the city.

 -  -  -




I'll be back at the end of the week to show everyone more girls who are in store.
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on October 09, 2013 01:08 PM:
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on October 10, 2013 12:54 AM:
I don't know how you keep doing this, but keep up the good work. That last girl, by the way, I don't understand why you gave her that name. Perhaps you can shed some light?
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on October 10, 2013 02:43 AM:
Wow, amazing pictures again National.

I love that Barbie's feet were smelly but she didn't seem to care/notice. Do you remember what shoes she was wearing?
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 10, 2013 07:30 PM:
Originally posted by caseman:
That last girl, by the way, I don't understand why you gave her that name. Perhaps you can shed some light?

To those who don't live in NYC, I gave her that name because get to the area where she lives in the Bronx, you'll have to take the Pelham Bay-bound 6 train.

Originally posted by Sol:

I love that Barbie's feet were smelly but she didn't seem to care/notice. Do you remember what shoes she was wearing?

She was wearing boots, but I don't remember how they looked like.

Originally posted by caseman:
I don't know how you keep doing this, but keep up the good work.

I don't know how I keep doing this, either. However, I will keep up the good work.

Originally posted by Sol:
Wow, amazing pictures again National.

Thanks a lot for liking them.

-- National
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 12, 2013 12:57 AM:

The name I've given her is pronounced Rossii holodno, which is Russian for Russian Cold. I think I've got the translation right.

In any event, this visitor is one of the millions and many more who placed New York as one of the places to visit if you're ever going to travel to different parts of the world. After doing some sight-seeing and what have you, a stroll through National Park is always a great suggestion to relax the mind, body, feet and spirit. And that's exactly how I found her.

I was walking across the lawn to find a friend of mine, who's also one of the security guards at the park. As I was walking one of the most incredible set of bare soles caught the corner of my eye. I was walking through a sea of people who were seated on the lawn and it seemed like her soles were the guiding light that drew my attention away from everything else, placing me in another dimension where the only things that existed were myself and this lady. Everything else was dead space and dead silent to me. Her soles were calling me over to them and I needed to have them as my source of energy and new life. My heart almost jumped out of my mouth when I was able to get a better look at them as I was approaching closer to her.

"How 'bout I take pictures of your feet?"

She starts to laugh, "My feet? What for?"

"I love storing mementos."

"Mementos? What's that?"

I then have a seat right in front of her, "Something that I can keep as a reminder of you."

I touched her feet twice as I was toying with my voice to make it sound mysterious or seductive or playful when I said that last part. I looked into her eyes for a few seconds before she shrugged her shoulders and told me that if I wanted to, then I should go ahead.

And I was off to the races.

 -  -  -

России холодно --




I got this one right after I was done with the shoot from Pelham Bay 6. And I mean immediately right after. As I was talking PB6 for a while, this next one caught my attention from down the terrace. I had one eye on her and the other one on Pelham Bay, trying to pay as much attention as I could to her. From where I was sitting, I could tell see that this next girl was hitting the book, studying something from a class assignment. That told me that she wasn't going anywhere soon. That bought me some more time to talk to this beautiful Cuban before I made my next move on this next girl.

Sometimes I'm still amazed at how quickly these women agree to pose their feet for some stranger who fancies feet. When I approached this one, she saw this as something that was completely harmless and went along for the ride. I showed her pictures that I just took of Pelham Bay 6, then I pointed her out to her because she was still close by, still waiting for her friends to show up. She seemed impressed by my work and off her boots went.

She felt embarrassed when she told me that she was a size eleven. "Aw, there, there ... don't cwy now." She wasn't going to cry. I was only playing off of her embarrassment, poking a little fun at her, if you will ... trying to make her realize that it's not a big deal. I said something about photography being beautiful and she smiled again.

 -  -  -





This was on a Saturday. It was a slow start to my day and I was sitting down to take a break from walking around. Right on cue, this lady walks into the picture and she takes a seat about ten feet from where I was sitting. There are some girls who I ask to pose for me just for the heck of it. Then, there's another gallery of women. Those are the ones who I'm compelled to ask, and it's not just for the heck of it. She fitted into the latter.

I was admiring her from afar. I could tell that she was a tourist because she was reading a brochure. When she gave me the green light to have at it with her feet, I knew I had to make this one a classic shoot.

Many women give me all the time in the world to take as many pictures as I want. She was no exception. With this one, I thought she was going to give me the entire day.

She's from Italy and she speaks English pretty well. She also speaks Spanish. I didn't find that out until she answered the phone to talk into it. Her English is pretty good, but her Spanish was just as good, if not, better. I can also speak the language and we spend the rest of the time speaking Spanish.

When she left after the shoot was over, I was looking through some of the pictures that I just took of her. Twenty minutes later, I see her re-entering the picture. She came back. She didn't come back to see me because with her was her much older companion who I imagined was her Sugar Daddy. As they walked by me, she looked over and gave me a wink. What we shared was our little secret, in other words, not to be known by that other guy.

She is one of the two girls who's real name I plan on using in this thread. The name brand of the shoe also bore the same name as the girl who you're about to see.

I chose this picture as a preview because it looks as if she's praying to God. Maybe she wasn't. Regardless, I'm so glad I took that picture at that moment in time.



The shoes shoe wore during the shoot is a stylish and versatile wedge that was named after the stunning Patchuli flower found the in the Amazon jungle. The Patchuli wedge embodies the beauty, style and grace of its namesake and with a striking, bold stripe down the heel of the shoe, the Patchuli wedge also mimics the two-toned petals of the Patchuli flower. The shoe features a 4" wedge heel with a hidden cushion platform, adjustable ankle strap and a peep-toe for the perfect feminine touch.


That'll be all for this week. I'll be back next time for more and more girls to unveil to the world.
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on October 12, 2013 11:15 AM:
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on October 12, 2013 07:12 PM:
Originally posted by Sol:

I think that's an understatement. I'm really enjoyed and was really impressed with the girls and photos shown this week.

I don't know where to start or who to talk about first. All I know is that these women are spectacular and you've done an excellent job getting those women to show their feet to you. My hat's off to you, sir.
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on October 12, 2013 09:50 PM:
Glad to be back in here to see more of the greatest collection of amateur women who can strut their stuff for the camera. Looking at these pictures, going through the hiatus was well worth it. I'm starting to see the first real signs that your photography style is changing. Most prominently in the toes department. More specifically, pictures from the last three or four girls shown.

Russian Cold has excellent soles. Her toes are excellent as well. Barbie's feet are just so wonderful to look at. It's impossible to not have a response to her. Love how you captures her soles in the last three pictures of the seventh row of her gallery. That goes for the second picture on the eight row. Simply amazing and simply perfect. For those who are into smelly feet, that's an express ride to heaven.

I have many more to say, but I'm going to reserve my energy and enthusiasm for later.

Awesome work, National. I can't believe it.
Posted by DSW (Member # 35008) on October 13, 2013 02:30 AM:
It's hit after hit with these girls. Pelham Bay 6 is really something to remember. After seeing the first few pictures on her set, I can't help but imagine that her feet must be smelly. Love how when you see the top of the foot, you'll see the imprint the sloes left on her feet, like her third preview.


And I'm really enjoying the toe shots you take of these girls. They're starting to look anything but your conventional toe shots, which makes your style unique.

So again, Pelham Bay 6 really caught my attention. I appreciate it. Thanks for making my day.
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on October 13, 2013 03:28 AM:
The story behind Vanilla Coffee is epic. The story was compelling to read and the best part was that there was a punchline at the end of the story. The last few paragraphs gave that story a twist. I found it hilarious that the other lady who turned you down wound up being the same girl who sat behind you during that shoot when there were other seats she could have taken. She probably couldn't believe that someone would actually let you take pictures of her feet. I think she needed to sit close because she needed to see it to believe it. You're lucky she didn't make another scene out of the whole situation and tried to make you a sicko for taking those kind of pictures, and her a sicko for letting you do that. Reading all of that made me enjoy the pictures even more.

Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on October 13, 2013 07:19 AM:
A group of long-toed goddesses. Boffo, great show.
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on October 13, 2013 04:30 PM:
This week was such a great showing of girls that I can't help but to come back in here again and again. You saved a real great one for last in Melissa. That one was a show stopper. Loved how you were able to capture her toes in those great angles and her last three pictures are just spectacular. We're seeing that you have a great eye for female feet.

Love your work.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on October 13, 2013 10:48 PM:
You're out-doing yourself, National. Melissa's set is proof of that. She is just plain sexy with how she poses. Really love those pictures of her putting her shoes back on. You got yourself a real winner here. I'm going to spend the next several nights really enjoying myself to these. Beautiful girl after beautiful girl this week.

Melissa is [Bow Down] worthy.
Posted by sosole (Member # 24530) on October 14, 2013 08:50 AM:
Nothing but praise... omg, women from next door pose for gorgeous feet-pics.

You have a new fan :-)
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 14, 2013 09:30 PM:
Originally posted by DSW:
It's hit after hit with these girls. Pelham Bay 6 is really something to remember. After seeing the first few pictures on her set, I can't help but imagine that her feet must be smelly. Love how when you see the top of the foot, you'll see the imprint the sloes left on her feet, like her third preview.


The impressions those shoes left on her feet left an impression on me. Something like that lets me know that I'm in for a special shoot.

Originally posted by 18th Floor:
The story behind Vanilla Coffee is epic. The story was compelling to read and the best part was that there was a punchline at the end of the story. The last few paragraphs gave that story a twist. I found it hilarious that the other lady who turned you down wound up being the same girl who sat behind you during that shoot when there were other seats she could have taken. She probably couldn't believe that someone would actually let you take pictures of her feet. I think she needed to sit close because she needed to see it to believe it. You're lucky she didn't make another scene out of the whole situation and tried to make you a sicko for taking those kind of pictures, and her a sicko for letting you do that. Reading all of that made me enjoy the pictures even more.


That other lady capped off what was a classic shoot of Vanilla Coffee. I found the whole thing hilarious as well. She thought that there was no way on earth that anyone would let me shoot pictures of her feet. I laughed it off when she went crazy on me that time, and I was able to laugh off another crazy episode that involved her. I came out as the winner.

Originally posted by hyperion:
A group of long-toed goddesses. Boffo, great show.

I always appreciate your support. The cast of women I have lined up will continue to make National Park one of the greatest documentaries. A great show, indeed.

Originally posted by foot_fashion_industry:
We're seeing that you have a great eye for female feet.


Originally posted by caseman:
Really love those pictures of her putting her shoes back on. You got yourself a real winner here. I'm going to spend the next several nights really enjoying myself to these.

I don't blame you.

Originally posted by sosole:
Nothing but praise... omg, women from next door pose for gorgeous feet-pics.

You have a new fan :-)

My park is open to the public. I always welcome new visitors, and I'm very pleased to know that you have become a new fan. I have so many more women to show everyone that it's not even funny. You will enjoy your visits at the park, as you'll see more and more ordinary women who were kind-spirited enough to engage in a flirtatious show with me and, ultimately, the rest of us.

I'm glad you're a new fan of my work. Welcome to National Park.

-- National
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on October 15, 2013 09:15 AM:
Originally posted by sosole:
Nothing but praise... omg, women from next door pose for gorgeous feet-pics.

You have a new fan :-)

That's the same thing I said when I first came across this thread. [Smile]
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on October 15, 2013 05:32 PM:
Looks like I missed out the last update to this thread but I keep saying: You rock!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 16, 2013 01:16 AM:
Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
Looks like I missed out the last update to this thread but I keep saying: You rock!

Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on October 16, 2013 08:03 PM:
If my mom came back right now, the hardest part would be to explain why the toilet paper is by the laptop.

National, because of you I will definitely die a happy man.
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on October 17, 2013 01:34 AM:
National has made his park a landmark for all foot guys. It's one of those places that I must visit in my lifetime.
Posted by SoleDaddy (Member # 35831) on October 17, 2013 08:57 AM:
well done as always. I'm so amazed how you get so many ladies to stick their bare soles up for you to photograph...
Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on October 17, 2013 10:01 AM:
All I have to say is: [Thumbs Up]

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 22, 2013 12:11 AM:
Here's a very nice person. She's very quiet by nature, but judging from the book she was reading, there's a part of her that has a strong drive to compete and be exceptional at or proficient in any activity.

Coming to us from Taiwan, this lady here has the traits and characteristics of ...

A fire breather.

 -  -  -




I have more girls to show everyone this week. I'm going to save a real good one for last, which I'll show this Friday night. What's great about this thread is that the concept is easy to digest because I show these girls every now and then to the point where people have started to come up with their Top- 5 or 10 list. I like reading those because it shows that my National Park thread has resonated with you people and these ladies become very relatable to when you read the stories attached to them.

This Friday, I will present someone who will make a compelling case of why she should be in your Top 5 or 10, thus replacing someone who's already on your list. Personally, I have not made my own list, but I do know that if I were to rank them according to my tastes, this girl will not only definitely find a spot, but she will never leave my Top 10. Ne-ver. She may switch spots with others on my list from time to time, but she'll never leave it.

There have been foot fetish photos over the years that have been widely regarded as classics. The pictures from the girl who I'll show this Friday night should be added to that conversation.

-- National
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on October 22, 2013 05:50 AM:
The stage is set! I absolutely can't wait National.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on October 22, 2013 04:25 PM:
Originally posted by Sol:
The stage is set! I absolutely can't wait National.

Neither can I. National knows how to prop up these girls and can make a show out of them. With this mystery girl, however, I don't remember a time where he was setting it up so that she will definitely bump someone off my list.

The countdown is on.

I won't go unless I give mention to Fire Breather. Her unpainted toenails are in excellent shape. I'm glad you were able to take pictures of those to show us how they were well taken care of.

Looking good.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 23, 2013 12:05 AM:
This next one is an Italian who's studying international law. Her accent was quite pronounced that it became unmistakable that she was Italian. She was thinking of going into the library to continue her studies indoors because it was a bit chilly that day. However, she didn't mind killing some extra time with me while I photographed her feet.

 -  -  -

De jure --


I was taking a break when I spotted this one having a seat about 100 feet away from me. She was with someone else who turned out to be her sister. The sister left her side for a few moments to go to the ladies room inside the library. I decided to have a little fun with this one by seeing what the look on her face would be when walking into the middle of a stranger taking pictures of her sister's feet.

I usually don't look for MILFs, but I do make an exception to the rule every once in a while. I was in a mood for that and there she was. She's in her forties, although I wasn't sure exactly how old she was being that the shoot happened on her birthday.

She was taken by surprise that someone would come out of the blue and make such a request, but at the same time she was very flattered to take part in this. She liked how I was being a Gentleman in my approach and mannerisms about this whole thing, that she didn't see what the harm was about someone with a foot fetish. I could smell her from where I was shooting the pictures. For those who enjoy the smell, it's excitement in knowing that smell is actually free to roam through the air as it pleases, like being released from the prison inside the shoes or boots they were encased in.

After some time, the sister finally returned from the ladies room, and the look on her face was just great. She did a double- and triple take on the situation at hand. I caught her up to speed with what was going on. She didn't want to take part in the photoshoot, but she certainly didn't mind the fact that I wanted pictures from her sister.

I should point out, before anyone starts to beat me over the head with this, is that I did not get pictures of her toes. I know how some people click on a link, expecting to see toes, only to be disappointed that there are no such shots. Well, I'm giving an advance notice about that so that there will be no surprises.

In fact, this shoot was the last one I did in where I did not include shots of her toes. After this one, every gallerie I post from now on will include pictures of the ladies toes.

 -  -  -


SIZE 9.5


That'll be it for now. I have one more girl to show this week. She will be the one who I will give the spotlight to. The stage will be hers on Friday night. All of you will fall in love with her. This one will be a National Classic.
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on October 23, 2013 06:13 AM:
It's muffin time!! Yaaaay! I want an English muffin!!!

I love these milfy girls with multiple toerings. I bet she's been sporting those since 1998, and if you'd asked her for footpics back then, she would have gladly posed.

No complaints from this toe man, just praise and thanks to you.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on October 23, 2013 11:34 AM:
You, sir, are both great and lucky at the same time. Of the two you just showed, I enjoyed the milf a lot more. What's more is that her feet were smelly. Thanks so much, once again, for being so generous with us for sharing all of this.
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on October 23, 2013 02:49 PM:
[Thumbs Up]
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on October 23, 2013 11:16 PM:
I'm still loving those pictures from Russian Cold. Really an excellent find and a marvel on how you were able to capture her feet in those pictures. Same goes for Melissa. Funny how you should mention that that one picture looks like she was praying to God because it looks like she was doing it in this picture as well:

Praying from below with that design she around her neck. Just love it.

Fantastic work as always.
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on October 24, 2013 04:08 PM:
Wow National, English Muffin might be my favourite yet.

I have a huge weakness for girls wearing toe rings, so for her to be wearing three is a site to behold. And then you tell me they were smelly - simply heaven for me.

How would her smelly feet rank among the other girls?
Posted by sftfan (Member # 1959) on October 24, 2013 08:27 PM:
OMG, English Muffin is just superb! Love the toe rings as well.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 24, 2013 10:05 PM:
Originally posted by hyperion:
It's muffin time!! Yaaaay! I want an English muffin!!!

I love these milfy girls with multiple toerings. I bet she's been sporting those since 1998, and if you'd asked her for footpics back then, she would have gladly posed.

No complaints from this toe man, just praise and thanks to you.

And I tip my cap off to you too. Your appreciation is always welcomed.

Originally posted by caseman:
You, sir, are both great and lucky at the same time. Of the two you just showed, I enjoyed the milf a lot more. What's more is that her feet were smelly. Thanks so much, once again, for being so generous with us for sharing all of this.

Once again, caseman, I thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

Originally posted by 18th Floor:
[Thumbs Up]

[Thumbs Up]

Originally posted by foot_fashion_industry:
Funny how you should mention that that one picture looks like she was praying to God because it looks like she was doing it in this picture as well:

Praying from below with that design she around her neck. Just love it.

You're right. I can't help but think that she could've been asking something from God, but I think she was talking to me when I snapped that. Whatever she was talking about made her look up towards the sky. Melissa is was a shoot I'll never forget. She was fantastic about the whole thing.

Originally posted by sftfan:
OMG, English Muffin is just superb! Love the toe rings as well.

Originally posted by Sol:
Wow National, English Muffin might be my favourite yet.

I have a huge weakness for girls wearing toe rings, so for her to be wearing three is a site to behold. And then you tell me they were smelly - simply heaven for me.

How would her smelly feet rank among the other girls?

Glad to know that's she's getting positive reviews from you guys. The toerings seems to be an added plus. I can only imagine how Sol would've reacted in person had she removed her boots for him, her feet right in front of him, close enough to be able to catch a few whiffs from her smelly scent. Doing what I do at the park, getting these perfect strangers to pose for me puts me in heaven so many times that you would think I live there. I was certainly there with English Muffin. The whole experience was wonderful.

How would the rank among the other girls? Among the girls I've posted so far, hard to say. I do know they were just a bit smellier than Barbie's. Foreign Denim's feet were quite smelly themselves. Again, I'm not including women who I have yet to show. Unless I'm forgetting about someone who I have shown, it's kind of hard to rank them at this time.

Originally posted by Lust In Translation:
If my mom came back right now, the hardest part would be to explain why the toilet paper is by the laptop.

Oh, my!

-- National
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 26, 2013 12:36 AM:

Whether one wants to call this an amusement, a craft, a diversion, a fancy, fun, an obsession, a specialty or a weakness, presenting myself to so the ladies makes this hobby all of those sentiments put together. In pursuit of what I do during my leisure time, I come across many interesting personalities from the stories and backrounds of these women, all the while snapping images of their feet. Some stand out more than others, but it's all rewarding in the end, nonetheless. This is one of those women who stands out more than some of the others. When you meet someone like this, you're reminded that the more you take up in this hobby or pastime, the more fascinating it becomes, the more you want to get to know it and keep it.

Be gentle with this one, because she will be very nice to you.

Walking along, I was able to spot this next girl deep within a sea of crowded people. It is like how someone would walk around, not really paying attention to what's going on until someone miraculously appears from out of nowhere demands your attention because her appearance is worth taking notice. Think of it like that demonstration in the Matrix when Neo was just walking along, not paying attention to much when all of a sudden that Lady in the Red Dress shows up, causing a distraction.

If there was ever a time when the Red Sea had parted, that was it. The people didn't make way to form a clear path that would've lead me straight to her, but it sure felt like it.

We were walking towards each other. I could tell from the way she was walking that she was going to head up the steps that would lead into the New York Public Library. I knew just from laying eye on her for the first time that the shoot was going to be something special. I also knew that if I swallowed my tongue, she was going to go into that Library and that would've been the end of that. Well, no cat was going to get this tongue, especially when I literally had another second or two before I could up with an Opener that would get her attention. Everything was happening so fast.

A nanosec' before I could say anything, however, she opened me. "Love the sunglasses." A great line to use after something like that is, "No you don't, you're just attracted to me," which was what I said, or something along those lines.

I loved the reaction that got out of her as she stopped dead on her tracks because there was some truth to that. I motioned for her to walk back to be because by then she had already taken two steps up the stairs. So she did.

After a few minutes of small talk about this and that and what have you, trying to get a feel for each other, I found a way to bring the topic of feet into the conversation.


I could see that there was an angel hovering over one shoulder while the devil was right above the other, playing a tug-of-war with whatever was going through her mind. If the devil wasn't going to do the bidding for me, then I must. I told her to come along with me and held out my hand so that she could hold it.

We found a spot almost immediately as there were three chairs available while the rest of the area was packed.

 -  -  -  -  -  -


It was a very stimulating conversation, talking about things that were within the universe of sex. Just like myself, this woman is a Master Debater and a cunning linguist. She's that kind of conversationalist. In fact, when it came time to remove her boots, she said to me, as if it had just occurred to her, that she had a sixth toe in one of her foot. I was thinking that she had to have been kidding me, but at the same time I believed her. I was thinking that I was going to snap one picture of her feet just to be nice and then I was going to delete it when she's out of my sight. When I saw that she was just messing with me, she smiled and said April Fool's. And we were nowhere near the month of April, bringing to light just how much of a sense of humor she had. I was able to get back at her with some cruel jokes of my own, but she knew it was done in good nature.

She had one of the more incredible feet I've ever some across. To this day, this stands as one of my Top Ten shoots. I don't know who else to put in there or how I would rank them, but she's certainly in that list.

This was a wonderful shoot. Hypnotic in terms of her feet and in terms of our chemistry. You guys should enjoy these. I hope you do.

-- National
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on October 26, 2013 03:33 AM:
You really hit the ball out of the park with this one. This one here is really top notch. You have left me speechless with this one and so has she. The words I'm now using does not do this girl any justice that she deserves because what the two of you have done here is a true masterpiece.

I'm at a loss for words because I'm in awe of her and because what you've done with this one, National, is nothing short of extraordinary.

I thank you, and I thank you again.

[Bow Down]
Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on October 26, 2013 01:28 PM:
These are the best 93 pictures ever taken. I'm going to look at these velvety pictures every night to remind me that perfection actually exists. For the first time, I am actually lust in translation.
Posted by DSW (Member # 35008) on October 26, 2013 02:42 PM:
I will have to say that you've done an amazing job with Distinctive Velvet. I knew I was in for a special treat when I read the layout of the story and the fact that there were six sample pictures instead of three sample pics that you usually show before clicking on the links.

I really enjoyed how you were able to get her toes on such cool angles. It's new and it is very interesting to look at the toes in such a way. You also did an amazing job with the soles of her feet. She's very beautiful and her feet are virtually perfect. Just perfect. I love her facial expressions in those pictures.

The story, the layout, the vibe between the two of you, her beauty, her beautiful feet, all of that put together gets a 25 on a scale of 1-10.
Posted by Nairda (Member # 34530) on October 27, 2013 03:45 AM:
My clients have started an unofficial fan club. You should start practicing your autograph. Thank you for all of this.
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on October 27, 2013 10:15 AM:
Perfect lips & mouth, cute sassy expressions, nice long toes on well cared-for feet. Just delicious, man. Well done and thanks.
Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on October 27, 2013 03:18 PM:
Originally posted by National:
Just like myself, this woman is a Master Debater and a cunning linguist.

[Laugh] LOL!

I thought I was the only one in here with the jokes, but what you said there cracked me up!

Again, let me say that Distinctive Velvet was such an awesome shoot. She looks so calm and beautiful. She's glamorous by nature, born that way. Her feet are so lovely.

Personally, I could NOT work on a photoshoot with a girl that gorgeous, or girls like her, w/out dying of a fatal boner-induced heart attack. But I would die a happy man. [Smile]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 28, 2013 12:38 AM:
Originally posted by Lust In Translation:
These are the best 93 pictures ever taken. I'm going to look at these velvety pictures every night to remind me that perfection actually exists. For the first time, I am actually lust in translation.

Very nice!

Originally posted by DSW:
I will have to say that you've done an amazing job with Distinctive Velvet. I knew I was in for a special treat when I read the layout of the story and the fact that there were six sample pictures instead of three sample pics that you usually show before clicking on the links.

I really enjoyed how you were able to get her toes on such cool angles. It's new and it is very interesting to look at the toes in such a way. You also did an amazing job with the soles of her feet. She's very beautiful and her feet are virtually perfect. Just perfect. I love her facial expressions in those pictures.

The story, the layout, the vibe between the two of you, her beauty, her beautiful feet, all of that put together gets a 25 on a scale of 1-10.

If I were to make a shorter version of what I said about her, I'd probably use the words you used to describe her. I appreciate your likeness to her.

Originally posted by hyperion:
Perfect lips & mouth, cute sassy expressions, nice long toes on well cared-for feet. Just delicious, man. Well done and thanks.

No one will disagree with you. I love the first two words of your last sentence there because they describe how I like my girls.

Originally posted by Lust In Translation:
Originally posted by National:
Just like myself, this woman is a Master Debater and a cunning linguist.

[Laugh] LOL!

I thought I was the only one in here with the jokes, but what you said there cracked me up!

[Big Grin]

Originally posted by Lust In Translation:

Again, let me say that Distinctive Velvet was such an awesome shoot. She looks so calm and beautiful. She's glamorous by nature, born that way. Her feet are so lovely.

Personally, I could NOT work on a photoshoot with a girl that gorgeous, or girls like her, w/out dying of a fatal boner-induced heart attack. But I would die a happy man. [Smile]

You're definitely a funny guy. I don't know what more to say to that. That second paragraph was certainly an interesting way of looking at it. I understand what you mean. Your first paragraph was fantastic, though.

Originally posted by Nairda:
My clients have started an unofficial fan club. You should start practicing your autograph. Thank you for all of this.

That comment made my day. It means a lot to me.

-- National
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on October 28, 2013 09:04 PM:
Originally posted by National:

Walking along, I was able to spot this next girl deep within a sea of crowded people. It is like how someone would walk around, not really paying attention to what's going on until someone miraculously appears from out of nowhere demands your attention because her appearance is worth taking notice. Think of it like that demonstration in the Matrix when Neo was just walking along, not paying attention to much when all of a sudden that Lady in the Red Dress shows up, causing a distraction.

I see what you're talking about. Good analogy.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 29, 2013 08:26 PM:
Originally posted by 18th Floor:
Originally posted by National:

Walking along, I was able to spot this next girl deep within a sea of crowded people. It is like how someone would walk around, not really paying attention to what's going on until someone miraculously appears from out of nowhere demands your attention because her appearance is worth taking notice. Think of it like that demonstration in the Matrix when Neo was just walking along, not paying attention to much when all of a sudden that Lady in the Red Dress shows up, causing a distraction.

I see what you're talking about. Good analogy.

[Thumbs Up]
Posted by FootBoi88 (Member # 43020) on October 30, 2013 08:55 AM:
Thank you so much for these incredible post! I can't get over how sexy "De Jure" feet are my gawd! [Mmm] [Big Grin]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 26, 2013 12:11 AM:
After lurking in the forum for the last month, I'd figure it's time once again to take to pull more stuff from my archives and show everyone the cookies I've found in the jar while on my usual stroll through the park.

It's always fun and unpredictable when I'm out there getting pure amateurs who are complete strangers to pose their feet for me at a moment's notice. It's a great feeling when you wake up in the morning, not knowing which girl is going to accept the offer of being put in the spotlight. When you walk by the girls in public, you always imagine of what it'll be like to have her remove her shoes for you so that you can touch, hold, feel, and whatever else to their feet. I get to live out that fun, making this an endeavor that I always enjoy embarking on.


This girl was one of those in where the communication was going to be a bit of a challenge to follow through. Like most of the Asian tourists I run into, this one spoke very little to no English. There isn't much I can say about this girl other than she was very polite to me and about the whole situation. When she didn't understand me at first, I had to show her pictures of previous girls whose pictures I've taken to illustrate my point more clearly. She laughed when she finally got the idea that I wanted to snap photos of her and was a bit shy about it to begin with. Then she wanted to see more pictures of the different girls who posed for me before. Doing so probably gave her second thoughts and figured that the whole thing would be pretty harmless.

It's fun talking to those girls because even though they don't know English and I don't know Japanese, you get into this guessing game about what we're trying to say to each other.

 -  -  -


SIZE 6.5


She is the first of four girls who I will show this week. Just like I did with Distinctive Velvet the last time I was here, there will be another girl who I will show this Friday who is going to be classified as a National Classic. I'm using Green Air as a way to get us started this week, which will lead us to our ultimate climax at the end of the week. I guarantee that the last girl of the week will not disappoint any one.

Until then, I hope you will enjoy the others I have in store for the week.

-- National
Posted by Gezlock (Member # 25394) on November 26, 2013 08:21 AM:

she has perfect feet
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on November 26, 2013 02:29 PM:
Nice job.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 27, 2013 12:10 AM:
With nothing else to do, this lady sits right outside of the library to reflect on the day that was.

She seemed like someone who would be quite reticent and not like someone who would stand out from a heard if other females were around. I decided to see what she was all about just for that reason alone.

 -  -  -




This next one is a Bimbo Alert.

She can be portrayed as an attractive woman who's vain and not very bright, but with frequent moments of level-headedness. By the way, I'm not saying that like it's a bad thing. In fact, that's what I prefer. When I say she's not very bright, I mean that in an innocent kind of way. Girls like her all have that squeaky voice ... I just love it! I really think that if a six year-old girl were to spend a couple of weeks with her, she would get left back, forced to repeat the first grade just from having listened to her talk!

At first, I walked past her without even realizing that she was sitting where she was. I stopped just to have a moment to myself when I heard that voice speak from a short distance. There's this guy who frequents the park selling hair products to women or tries to get them to become members of a salon where they can get all these preferential treatments at a pretty good dollar value over the course of a month, two months, or however long those memberships last. He sees me shooting pictures of women's feet all the time.

Anyhow, I hear her voice, I turn around to see that that guy was trying to get her to sign up for a membership. I was waiting for him to finish with his pitch before I could get in there and work on some magic of my own. I could tell just from listening to her that this was going to be a sure thing. Sure enough, she didn't even give it a second thought as she started to giggle.

She was just killing some time as she was waiting for a friend to get out of work.

 -  -  -

Miss Miss --



I'll return on Friday night with my last update for the week, a photoshoot that got into my Top 10 list. I love having a foot fetish. Doing what I do by going up to women who I've never met before and getting them to take their shoes off for me in a New York minute is soul soothing and worth ... everything.

Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on November 27, 2013 06:57 AM:
Fantastic as always. Miss Miss has some great feet!

I was wondering, any smelly delights planned in the coming updates?
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on November 27, 2013 07:00 AM:
Oh I like Miss Miss. Well dressed and cute little feet. Yeah she may be a squeaky-voiced bimbo or she just might be the quirky project scientist at the local lab. Good show man!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 27, 2013 09:24 AM:
Originally posted by Gezlock:

she has perfect feet

They must've been real amazing to you if you had to spell out that word the way you did. I'm so glad you 're able to find her enjoying.

Originally posted by caseman:
Nice job.

As always.

Originally posted by hyperion:
Oh I like Miss Miss. Well dressed and cute little feet. Yeah she may be a squeaky-voiced bimbo or she just might be the quirky project scientist at the local lab.

... perhaps.

Originally posted by Sol:
Fantastic as always. Miss Miss has some great feet!

I was wondering, any smelly delights planned in the coming updates?

One must stay tuned to find out. [Smile]

Posted by Gezlock (Member # 25394) on November 27, 2013 10:57 AM:
Gotta tell, you're the best out there men.
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on November 27, 2013 06:09 PM:
I love these last three girls you posted. I'm not sure which one of those three I enjoy best. Probably that Japanese girl. What's interesting about all of this is that I've noticed that you're starting to switch up on your style in terms of how you photograph their feet. For example, that last picture you showed in the sample of Miss Miss before clicking on her link. Many pictures like those with the other two girls as well. I like them a lot because I don't think I've come across pictures like those before.

Thanks for coming through once again, and I certainly cannot wait for what's to come on Friday.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on November 28, 2013 12:07 AM:
Originally posted by National:
I love having a foot fetish. Doing what I do by going up to women who I've never met before and getting them to take their shoes off for me in a New York minute is soul soothing and worth ... everything.

Nice. Well said.

You certainly know how to make the best of your hobby. It certainly beats bird watching. We all appreciate the contributions you make.

Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 28, 2013 12:33 PM:
Originally posted by caseman:
You certainly know how to make the best of your hobby. It certainly beats bird watching. We all appreciate the contributions you make.

Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving.

Many thanks from me to you in response to what you said there. Like I said once before, the more you take up on a hobby the more fascinating it becomes, the more you want to get to know it. After a while, I get the sense that these women ... belong to me. That's how one greatly enjoys his pastime or diversion.

... And happy Thanksgiving to you as well.

Originally posted by Gezlock:
Gotta tell, you're the best out there men.

Thanks. It's great to know that you feel that way and I'll return your gesture with more girls down the line that will make things look and feel even better for you and everyone else.

Originally posted by foot_fashion_industry:
Thanks for coming through once again, and I certainly cannot wait for what's to come on Friday.

Neither can I. [Big Grin]

Posted by dicksonjoe (Member # 6527) on November 28, 2013 09:56 PM:
anymore asian soles coming up?
Posted by admiralseadog07 (Member # 45009) on November 29, 2013 11:29 PM:
do you ever get footjobs from these models national?
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 30, 2013 12:05 AM:
Originally posted by admiralseadog07:
do you ever get footjobs from these models national?

No. I'm not a fan of footjobs.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 30, 2013 12:56 AM:

Whether by definition or by nature, her feet are very nice. Here, we have a visitor from Finland who made her trip to the United States for the first time. When she answered my question about why she choose NYC as her first trip to the States, "Well, it's for the simple fact that it's New York City," she said. And that was all that needed to be known.

She was spotted walking out of the library. I knew immediately that she was someone I needed. When you zero in on someone who has the potential to be very special, everything else around you blurs out or doesn't exist. The noise level out in the public space quiets down somehow and the ambiance changes its demeanor from the hectic chaos that comes with living in New York to the one where things are more composed and calm. Everything around you slows down.

It was a good thing she decided to stop and sit where she sat because for a second there I thought she was going to exit the scene and that I was going to stop her and then look for an available spot to shoot pictures because the place was just packed and seats hard to find.

Even though I never saw her holding a tour guide, I could tell that she wasn't from around here, unfamiliar with her immediate surroundings. That meant that must've been walking around all day, baby, 'cause that's what tourists do! [Smile]

As I was watching her take each step down the stairs as she was leaving the library, as I watched her take each step that lead her to where she sat, I was licking my chops like the Big Bad Wolf.

After she sat down, it was my turn to step up to the plate. "¡Hola!," I said. "¿Cómo estás? ¿Me puedo sentar aquí?" That was my Opener right there. Yes, I knew that the chances of her knowing Spanish were slimmer than a supermodel, but I said it on purpose anyway, just to be funny or a smart aleck. If she didn't know Spanish, then she should at least recognize that hola meant. She did, and she smile a bit after I asked the first question and kept that smile when told me that she didn't know Spanish after I asked the second question. After repeating myself in English, she allowed me to sit next to her.

You've got to love girls who can speak English well enough to get by in the U.S. for a couple of weeks ... because when they do speak it's accompanied with that accent that confirms that they were not born and raised in this country. If she never told you she was from Finland, you would've guessed she was Russian. They did get their independence from Russia, so that explained that, I suppose.

She's one of those women who talks slowly as if she's thinking of what to say as she's saying it. She speaks at the normal speed when she reaches towards the end of her sentence or paragraph ... probably because by then all of her thoughts have been organized and ready to make perfect sense. When looking at her pictures, you can tell she's that kind of speaker. The way she speaks makes you pay closer attention to her, especially considering that she's from another country and you're trying to compare how the culture here differs from the place she calls home. That's exactly what happened here.

When the topic switched over to feet, she started to pay a different kind of attention to me when I was pointing at her shoes and when I got her to put her left foot up on my lap so I could have a closer look at her shoes. Talking to her about her feet got her interested because she kept asking questions about why it is that feet makes a woman attractive to men.

I had her where I wanted her and I knew I could do whatever I wanted in this situation. I told her to remove her shoes. When she started to do that, I stopped her and told her that I was going to do that favor for her instead. So I removed her shoes and socks. Right out in the open public. She was smiling a bit because by that time she knew how I felt about them and letting a complete stranger do that remove her shoes in front of other people was something unusual but different.

Even though there were plenty of people sitting outside in front of the library, I couldn't tell how many of them noticed what was going on between the girl and myself because I was too zoned in.

Having her feet in my hands, touching them, massaging them, she didn't mind any of it at all. I took out the camera and started snapping away.

At the end of the shoot, she let me kiss them and smell them and kiss them and smell them. By that time, most of the people were gone and the people who were there were few and far between.

I stopped myself short from doing those things too long because it won't look too good for me if she was the one who wanted to stop. I mean, I knew she wasn't going anywhere to do anything anytime soon. She was willing to kill a whole lot of time with me.

Knowing that I know she had no plans for the night, she asked me if I was doing anything that night, reminding me that she had no plans of doing anything. Again, considering the way she talks, she asked me that question in a way that was so ... straightforward or unemotional. Personally, with the underlying message behind what she was saying, I din't care what her demeanor was.

"Am I free tonight? Umm ... now I am!"

Not every girl is bubbly and overly enthusiastic about things like a bimbo would. This one certainly wasn't. But she certainly enjoyed the experience, nonetheless.

It was getting dark outside. I placed my hand on her left knee and I was kept moving it up and down her thigh as my way of saying that I like her too. She was smiling again. I told her that we should get out of here together.

And that we did ...

 -  -  -  -


SIZE 6 1/2

I gave her that name because as we know, people from Finland are called Finnish. The cross part is in reference to the Nordic Cross that is featured on her country's flag. When you put the final touches together, you've got yourself a name that'll catch on to many people.


That's all I've got for this week. Thanks for stopping by.

Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on November 30, 2013 03:17 AM:
Holy shit, National. I give up!!! That's with three exclamation points. I don't think I ever commented on Distinctive Velvet, that most amazing girl back in page 30. I was going to come up with comments about how amazing that shoot was. Just when I was about to do so, you come out with THIS one. In the overall looks department, I'd have to give it to Velvet because there's a seductive factor to her that this latest girl doesn't have. That's not to take anything away from this last girl because the job you did with her is simply wonderful, not to mention the backstory to how this all came about. With both women, your story telling skills were masterful because you have a way of describing things that can only be found in a novel.

Again, going back to what I said earlier this week, I'm noticing that you are switching up your style in your foot photography. You're starting to put a new spin on things that I haven't seen before, like the first and third pictures of those sample shots, especially the first one.

When I clicked on the link, I was impressed. You're getting better at this, and one can only guess that your skills are going to grow from there.

That story was simply well worth the read.

You are the man. No doubt about it. Thank you for everything. I really mean it.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on November 30, 2013 04:13 AM:
Finnishing Cross = [Thud]
National = awesome.
Me = grateful.
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on November 30, 2013 07:10 AM:
Prior to this, all I really knew about the Fins is that they have the most rigorous and comprehensive public school education system in the world.

Just terrific. I salute you sir.
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on November 30, 2013 10:47 AM:
Fantastic girl, there's something about her face I find really attractive... a subtle naughtiness to her.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on November 30, 2013 11:26 AM:
Love those shots! Dirty feet right in your face! Well done, legendary! [Wu]
Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on November 30, 2013 01:59 PM:
You know how when you jerkoff so much to the point where you can't feel your dick anymore? That's what just happened to me, bro! Man, fuck lifting weights! The Finnishing Cross is my arm workout for the day. I'll get back to you guys in a month to show you how much stronger it became. [Smile]
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on November 30, 2013 03:16 PM:
Originally posted by Sol:
Fantastic girl, there's something about her face I find really attractive... a subtle naughtiness to her.

You know, I think you're right.

She is quite an amazing catch. I can't find the right words to justify how nice her feet look. That's a job that I'll leave up to the rest of you guys.

I just might go to Finland to find more girls like her.
Posted by Nairda (Member # 34530) on November 30, 2013 10:42 PM:
I feel like this is the best thing in this forum.

Originally posted by caseman:
Finnishing Cross = [Thud]
National = awesome.
Me = grateful.

In addition to feeling grateful, let's not also forget feeling amazed and inspired. That's how National's generosity makes me feel. Gates and Buffet should move over, there's a new philanthropist in town.

I can't thank you enough for all that you're doing for us.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 01, 2013 02:58 AM:
Originally posted by foot_fashion_industry:
Again, going back to what I said earlier this week, I'm noticing that you are switching up your style in your foot photography. You're starting to put a new spin on things that I haven't seen before, like the first and third pictures of those sample shots, especially the first one.

I'm glad you're taking notice. Over the course of time, you'll see that while some things stay the same, other aspects to my style change. It was around that time, around the time I shot Distinctive Velvet, was when I finally opened my eyes and thought that there has got to be other ways to capture these women's feet. That's when I really started to play around to see what kind of other weird angles I could get. Other than having these girls act as if I'm not there to give it a more natural feel to things, I needed to come up with a something else that was different and unconventional that would set me apart. That kind of experiment was so much fun and I hope you guys continue to appreciate those changes is style as this thread continues to evolve.

Originally posted by caseman:
Finnishing Cross = [Thud]
National = awesome.
Me = grateful.

Pretty nice. That's an interesting way of putting it.

Originally posted by Sol:
Fantastic girl, there's something about her face I find really attractive... a subtle naughtiness to her.

A quality like that is what makes women like her a hidden treasure. I was able to find her and then able reap on all of the rewards that treasure entailed. [Wink]

Originally posted by foot_fashion_industry:
... your story telling skills were masterful because you have a way of describing things that can only be found in a novel.

That comment reminded me of this one ...

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
You should be awarded the Nobel prize of the foot fetish literature ...


Originally posted by hyperion:
Prior to this, all I really knew about the Fins is that they have the most rigorous and comprehensive public school education system in the world.

They're usually right up there when it comes to education, with special emphasis on science. Long before having that encounter her, I knew the Finnish national anthem. Not the words to the song, just the instrumental tune. I can't speak the language. After we shared our goodbyes, I was playing that song in my head all the next day. [Smile]

Originally posted by Icarus:
Love those shots! Dirty feet right in your face! Well done, legendary! [Wu]


Originally posted by foot_fashion_industry:
You are the man. No doubt about it. Thank you for everything. I really mean it.

Originally posted by Nairda:
In addition to feeling grateful, let's not also forget feeling amazed and inspired. That's how National's generosity makes me feel. Gates and Buffet should move over, there's a new philanthropist in town.

I can't thank you enough for all that you're doing for us.

Originally posted by hyperion:
Just terrific. I salute you sir.

I thank all of you by tipping my hat to you guys. Thanks for giving my the curtain call.

Posted by DSW (Member # 35008) on December 02, 2013 01:42 AM:
I have so much catching up to do with this thread. Just saw the last few women posted and I can see why the girl from Finland got most of the attention. I can spend the entire day looking at these and not get bored. I love how you had her arch her feet on the chair towards the end there. This is becoming more special by the post and I'm certainly glad to be a part of this. One of the shots that really caught my attention was this one:

Very artistic of you there.

Love the Miss Miss photos as well. I also love how you're including more and more shots of their footwear in these photos. You have a way of making them look like ads you see posted all over the place advertising shoes for stores like DSW [Big Grin] The boots she wore would certainly help keep the business going for those stores.

Keep up with the fantastic work. It's always a pleasure seeing this place active.
Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on December 02, 2013 07:27 AM:
Originally posted by National:




This next one is a Bimbo Alert.

She can be portrayed as an attractive woman who's vain and not very bright, but with frequent moments of level-headedness. By the way, I'm not saying that like it's a bad thing. In fact, that's what I prefer. When I say she's not very bright, I mean that in an innocent kind of way. Girls like her all have that squeaky voice ... I just love it! I really think that if a six year-old girl were to spend a couple of weeks with her, she would get left back, forced to repeat the first grade just from having listened to her talk!

At first, I walked past her without even realizing that she was sitting where she was. I stopped just to have a moment to myself when I heard that voice speak from a short distance. There's this guy who frequents the park selling hair products to women or tries to get them to become members of a salon where they can get all these preferential treatments at a pretty good dollar value over the course of a month, two months, or however long those memberships last. He sees me shooting pictures of women's feet all the time.

Anyhow, I hear her voice, I turn around to see that that guy was trying to get her to sign up for a membership. I was waiting for him to finish with his pitch before I could get in there and work on some magic of my own. I could tell just from listening to her that this was going to be a sure thing. Sure enough, she didn't even give it a second thought as she started to giggle.

She was just killing some time as she was waiting for a friend to get out of work.

 -  -  -

Miss Miss --


Wow, I can only imagine the anxious anticipation as you were waiting for the hairspray idiot to finish his sales pitch... and I'll just bet your heart was pounding as those boots finally started coming off. Fingers crossed you got close enough to get at least a faint hint at how those sweaty soles smelled? [Fingers Crossed]

[Jerkoff] [Jerkoff]

Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on December 02, 2013 07:27 PM:
Nice! I like her feet.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 03, 2013 12:38 AM:
The show must go on after the instant popularity that both Miss Miss and especially The Finnishing Cross received over the course of the last several days. I'm back with more girls to show everyone. Five more women will be shown this week for what will be a pretty decent show, capping off with a couple of pretty good ones to close out the week.


These were taken a long time ago. I believe she was from Vietnam, though I could be totally wrong about that because my memory is failing on me when it comes to this one. She was another one in where the language barrier was going to be a challenge for us.

She was willing to play along with me for the short time we had together.

 -  -  -

SIZE 5 or 5.5


This next one is the Circulation Manager of a public library in the city. Not the New York Public Library, but for another branch in the city somewhere. For those who crave holding down a conversation with an intellect, someone with a wide range of references of novels and authors stored in her heart and memory, especially when it comes to American history, then she is your guide and historian. More than just books, she is one of the brain trusts who provides useful insights that can help keep a library as a convenient place for people to study or research or whatever their visits call for.

This was a Sunday afternoon and she was putting some books away when I first spotted her. Her boots was what drew me to see what was stored inside those. After she removed them, I got closer to her feet to get a better look at those. From the look of her soles, they appeared to be smelly. If you look at her photos, you would think the same thing even if I'd not made any mention about it. It got me very excited. Sure enough, they smelled quite a bit. Those boots lived up to their purpose and kept them nice and sweaty while the weather conditions outside were anything but warm. She didn't seem to care that they smelled a bit. She warned me about a potential smell coming from her boots if she removed them and asked if that would make a difference as to whether I would continue to go along with the shoot. Well, considering the fact that I continued to take pictures after giving me the heads up should tell you that I didn't mind it whatsoever.

So we spent the time talking about what she does does for a living, how she spent her time while vacationing in Bermuda (I think), other trivial topics that'll make for a nice conversation. Nothing overtly sexual or perverted. Just an innocent way to kill time with a stranger.

 -  -  -




That'll be all for now. I'll post pictures of another girl tomorrow night.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 03, 2013 12:54 AM:
Originally posted by footboy1:
Wow, I can only imagine the anxious anticipation as you were waiting for the hairspray idiot to finish his sales pitch... and I'll just bet your heart was pounding as those boots finally started coming off. Fingers crossed you got close enough to get at least a faint hint at how those sweaty soles smelled? [Fingers Crossed]

[Jerkoff] [Jerkoff]


I was laughing at the part where you called the hairspray guy an idiot. He probably thinks I'm weird for doing what I do because he's seen me do this many times before. Having said that, he's not all that bad. [Laugh] However, I can understand why you would call him an idiot. I don't think he spent that much time talking to her because she rejected his offer in a short manner of time. If he had her hooked, then I would've gone off to find someone else because he would've been a while.

I don't think she gave me a chance to explain myself to her when she told me that she was going to do it. She pretty knew what was up based on the chit chat we had afterwards.

I do have to tell you, though, I like smelly feet. But her feet weren't. I wish I could say they were, but I can't.

Originally posted by Icarus:
Nice! I like her feet.

My thoughts and words exactly as I was taking those pictures.

Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on December 03, 2013 06:39 AM:
Kudos for being the cold weather warrior and snapping a girl with the ultimate librarian look who in fact is---a librarian!
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on December 03, 2013 09:25 AM:
The Bookworm's soles sure do look smelly - great job National.

If you have the time it would be great to get a smell rating out of 10 for the girls whose feet were smelly [Smile]
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on December 03, 2013 02:44 PM:
Good stuff once again. This hits just keep on coming!
Posted by barnyard27 (Member # 2096) on December 03, 2013 10:31 PM:
Great work my man! Jelly Bean & Barbie can have my check!!!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 04, 2013 12:57 AM:
Originally posted by Sol:
The Bookworm's soles sure do look smelly - great job National.

If you have the time it would be great to get a smell rating out of 10 for the girls whose feet were smelly [Smile]

The idea sounds like fun. However, I don't know if that kind of rating system is something I want to attach to each girl in this thread. I'd rather give people an idea of what it was like by describing it through words.

Originally posted by hyperion:
Kudos for being the cold weather warrior and snapping a girl with the ultimate librarian look who in fact is---a librarian!

Pretty awesome, wouldn't you say? It wasn't until she pointed that out in where I had to do a double take to realize that her book can be judged by its cover. She can be its autobiographer. She's one of those people who rarely goes through spurts of watching a lot of television.

Originally posted by caseman:
Good stuff once again. This hits just keep on coming!

Originally posted by barnyard27:
Great work my man! Jelly Bean & Barbie can have my check!!!

[Thumbs Up]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 04, 2013 12:59 AM:
Back with another one.

From Australia, we have another lady who decides to take a few minutes off to herself. She is very polite to the point where I don't think there's an evil twin that exists within her. She speaks in a way that a lady with proper manners should and when you add that distinct accent on top of what she is saying makes her sound more innocent or honest than most of the other girls I come across. I don't know if you can find a reason to wash her mouth out with soap. For those who like a woman who's well-natured and neighborly, then she's someone who can be introduced to your mother.

 -  -  -

SleepyCare --



I'll be back at the end of the week with two more women who I know you guys will enjoy very much.
Posted by DeuceBigglo (Member # 1326) on December 04, 2013 01:53 AM:
Sweet toes.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on December 04, 2013 10:00 AM:
The pictures you got out of this girl looks pretty cool, I should say! You're really doing something quite different with the toes of these women. I've never seen photos of toes taken from those angles before, and I'm getting more excited to see where the style of your photography is heading. These toe shots look quite amazing. This is some good stuff!

Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on December 04, 2013 09:53 PM:
Been a while since I was last here, and I've certainly missed a lot since that time. I can't thank you enough for what you're doing here. The Finnishing Cross was one of the more amazing sets I've ever seen. The story you had with her was just a foot man's dream come true. I usually prefer bigger feet, but in her case, you'll get no argument from me if you want to say that her feet are perfect. Shapely soles, her toes are in great condition.

I love the bookworm as well. Now it makes me have fantasies about getting it on with a librarian at a library.

With this Sleepy Care girl, it is definitely something different with the way you have us viewing her toes, but I think I like the concept. I think it's those unusual pictures that makes her pictures stand out.

The next time I have a drink, it'll be in your honor. [Cheers]
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on December 05, 2013 08:20 PM:
Australia is SWEET! Love her feet!
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on December 06, 2013 06:54 PM:
Originally posted by National:

I'll be back at the end of the week with two more women who I know you guys will enjoy very much.

I'll be tailgating out here, counting down the hours until you show us who these two are. [Big Grin]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 07, 2013 12:30 AM:
We are here for our final unveilings of the week.

Mother and Motherland are Greater than Heaven. That is the motto of where she's from. If people compiled a list of ten countries they would love to visit in their lifetimes, I don't know if the name of her country would appear on the majority of those lists. This lady is from Nepal.

When I asked her where she was from, I wasn't sure what I was expecting her answer to be. What I was sure of was that Nepal wasn't on my list of possibilities. If I was a detective in search for Carmen Sandiego, I think she would've eluded capture hiding out in a place as breathtaking as that, practicing Buddhism as this next girl does.

She is pleasing on the eyes and pleasing to your ears when you listen to what she says. This is another one who your family will welcome with open arms if you were to introduce her to them. She is a very quiet but wonderful, and she plays and intertwine those two characteristics to a charm. She is polite, thoughtful, friendly. A great companion to have while out in public or in front of a group of people you love.

She also liked the idea finding feet as a kinky way of playing to a lover's attention to make things a little interesting behind closed doors. That makes her experimental to what your needs are and open to new ideas, ... as long as they're "safe", she said. Perhaps she needs to be corrupted a bit in order to bring out more of the devil side of her consciousness. The girl is a little too innocent.

I first saw her walking into the scene in one direction while I was walking in the opposite direction towards where she was. She decided to sit down to give herself a break from sightseeing.

Sometimes I talk them up to gauge what they're about before going for the feet. Other times, I just go straight to the point and then learn a little about the ladies afterwards. With this one, I did just that. She placed her index finger at the edge of her mouth in the way a child would when trying to think of the answer to the question. The way she kept moving her eyes from left to right while holding that pose suggested that she was being playful about it and that she going to go for it. It was also tease to get me to think that she might decline my offer, but I could read through her jest.

"I guess, of course!" [Smile]

That was the first time I heard anyone use those words in that order. Her tone of voice way very accepting to the idea that it made her sound so cute.

"Awesome!", I said. "Let's get started."

I don't think I could've given this girl a better name than the one I gave her. I think she has visions of exploring and conquering the world.

 -  -  -  -  -

Nepaléon --

SIZE 7.5


[ December 07, 2013, 01:10 PM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 07, 2013 12:32 AM:
We have a Russian to close out this week. She was born and raised in The City, though. She's studying to become a paralegal in the field of medical malpractice.

I saw her walking away from the New York Public Library and onto the streets. I didn't want to sneak up from behind to get her attention. Instead, I had to walk down a different path so that I could meet her face to face before she got to the corner of 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue.

"Fuck it, let's do it!"
"Well, what'a we doin' here? Let's go back upstairs and have a seat."
"Sure, let's do it."

It's amazing when these girls are down for something like this. When they accept, you get this hard-on in your pants because this is someone who you JUST met, a complete stranger you know nothing about, decides to spontaneously play along with you. The power you have when just go up to a total stranger, point out to her and then the shoes come off after a blink or two later is excellent.

Seeing what she was wearing on her feet left me feeling hopeful that her feet might smell. When they came off, they smelled just a little bit. You had to get real close to pick up on it, though, which I did. She told me how she was walking around all day (a comment that I get a lot from these ladies when I make my rounds around the park [Smile] ). Music to my ears. I don't think they would've smelled had I not kept my fingers crossed. Good thing I did. Her feet were real soft, too. Almost gooey, actually.

A cool girl to hang out and have a few drinks with.

 -  -  -




That'll be it for this week, ladies and gentlemen. Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed the experience and adventure of having interacting with them in person.

As Bret Farve would say in his commercials: I don't do this for me. I do this for YOU. I feel the same way he does when it comes to this. The only difference is ... I do this for me as well. [Big Grin]

See you next time.

Posted by barnyard27 (Member # 2096) on December 07, 2013 02:39 AM:
thanks for all your effort !
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on December 07, 2013 03:12 AM:
You're becoming a better foot photographer as we know it. This is truly great stuff and I don't know which words to use to express how thankful I am for everything you're doing here. You've become a real inspiration for others out there to do what you're doing. I can't get enough of your style and setup. You've taken the time to be very organized with your words and how you set up the sample pictures as a tease to show us what's in their photo galleries. Speaking of teases, Nepaleon is a dream come true. You've foud such an amazing catch and she seems adorable.

Reading her backstory makes me want to save up to visit such a country like Nepal. Not just because to see what kind of girls they have there, but to see first hand what it is like to be a part of their culture. You've put Nepal on the map and you've done a masterful job photographing this girl. They way you show her toes is just amazing. I never thought pictures of toes can be taken in such a way. You truly see things in a different way. For that, that's what makes you truly special.

Thanks for all that you do for us. I truly, really appreciate your message.

And don't get me started on Legal Fee(t) because that shoot was just masterful.
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on December 07, 2013 05:27 AM:
Thank you for all the updates you have been posting lately National.

Hope you had a great time with Legal Fee(t). She's wonderful
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on December 07, 2013 08:31 AM:
Maybe we should start calling you "International Park." Love the pics where the toes are pointing in toward each other.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on December 07, 2013 01:24 PM:
And there was MUCH rejoicing! [Cheers] [Hop] [Woot] [Thumbs Up] [Fingers Crossed] [Bump]
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on December 07, 2013 03:02 PM:
National, these pictures are really, really good. It's becoming apparent that you're making moves to switch up your style. I love it and it's making things way more interesting around here. I remember a time when you never posted pictures of toes or what the girls were wearing on their feet. Now you're showing those as well, and you're doing it in a way that's very different than what we're used to seeing all over the net.

Switching up a little bit here and there is always good and it keeps things fresh.

I really love the last two girls you showed. The last girl in particular is wonderful. Love the shots and the unusual angles you were able to get those feet in.

I salute you, sir. [Cheers] [Thumbs Up]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 07, 2013 03:06 PM:
Thanks, everyone. I'm here to acknowledge that I have read your comments. I'll be back later to take the time to reply to what you guys said.

You guys have been great to me.

Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on December 08, 2013 01:33 AM:
"And I think to myself,...... 'What a wonderful world.'" (with Nepaleon, of course)

[Big Grin]

A girl's life would be so much easier if she looked like her.
Posted by Gezlock (Member # 25394) on December 08, 2013 05:26 AM:
As usual : THE BEST
Posted by horseshack (Member # 34942) on December 08, 2013 11:28 AM:
love Nepaleon, thanks for finding her!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 08, 2013 06:15 PM:
Originally posted by barnyard27:
thanks for all your effort !

And thanks for your support.

Originally posted by 18th Floor:
You're becoming a better foot photographer as we know it. This is truly great stuff and I don't know which words to use to express how thankful I am for everything you're doing here. You've become a real inspiration for others out there to do what you're doing. I can't get enough of your style and setup.


The way you show her toes is just amazing. I never thought pictures of toes can be taken in such a way. You truly see things in a different way. For that, that's what makes you truly special.

That could very well sum the meaning of this thread by the time all is said and done. I never thought pictures of toes can be taken in such a way as well. Now it's become a trait on mine that I will never let go of ...

Originally posted by hyperion:
Love the pics where the toes are pointing in toward each other.

I really enjoy them as well. At first I didn't know what to do when it came to taking pictures of their toes in a way that would've made me actually want to see them. Doing conventional toe shots wasn't going to do anything for me, so I neglected to pay attention to them. It wasn't until I started getting these girls to pose like that was I able to truly understand why toe lovers prefer that over the soles. Putting my own twist on taking pictures of their toes has allowed me to open up and see things entirely different. That has perhaps become my favorite part of shooting their pictures because I can do something weird or out of sync with how I want to present them. That style is going to become synonymous with my work.

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
Thank you for all the updates you have been posting lately National.

Thank you for enjoying them. It's always good to see you around here.

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:

Hope you had a great time with Legal Fee(t). She's wonderful

I agree with the last sentence. [Smile]

Originally posted by hyperion:
Maybe we should start calling you "International Park."


Originally posted by Icarus:
And there was MUCH rejoicing!


Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 08, 2013 06:27 PM:
Originally posted by horseshack:
love Nepaleon, thanks for finding her!

Nepaléon is very nice. It was a pleasure to spend the time with her.

Originally posted by Gezlock:
As usual : THE BEST

Thank you.
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on December 08, 2013 11:26 PM:
I love that name you gave her - Nepaleon. It matches well with what you said about her traveling the world and conquering it. She's very cute and could quite well be one of my favorite ones you've posted so far. As I said, she looks very cute, and from reading the description, she seems like a very easy-going person.

I really loved the row of pictures you should that's right in the middle of the gallery, the one right before the row of pictures where you showed just her shoes only. Very nice there.

Speaking of shoes, I loved her shoes as well.

Very nice, all around. She is so nice, almost in love.

Excellent discovery, National. Now she can go and discover other places around the world. I'm so jealous that you got to spend some time with her and that she let you take pictures of her feet.

You did good, my friend. [Thumbs Up]
Posted by NFH (Member # 37814) on December 09, 2013 04:33 PM:
Cool, you are here too, Cool

Overwhelming us with your great generosity in TheMousePad, and also, here, WOW, you are amazing, WOW

I see many great members in many great boards like this, sadly, no time to be as active as I want in all of them, so, the place I started in over a decade ago, is where I picked to remain, that is the only reason.

Nevertheless, I have to express my huge gratitude for your huge efforts, in this epic thread as well.
Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on December 10, 2013 08:24 AM:
Lately I find myself returning to this thread again and again, as it has proven to be.... a useful tool [Evil Grin] .... Digging back thru the archives a bit (is that allowed? [Wink] ) I was simply AWESTRUCK when I came across this little minx you posted around a year ago:

Wow, wow, wow. 17,18,19, who really cares?? She is drop dead GORGEOUS, with long, flat, sweaty, sticky, (and what I hope are) smelly feet. I get so horny whenever I look at her (can you tell how horny I am while typing this right now??), and I am not ashamed to say that had she turned out to be 17 + 1/2 I would still be lusting over her as much as I am now.

THIS shot is perfect.... the look on her face... as if to say "go ahead, lean in and take a nice big whiff.. you know you want to" [Jerkoff]

And THIS one.... "go ahead you fucker, I haven't got all day!"

Let me say this ----- once a foot guy gets her in the bedroom she is in for one hell of an education. [Jerkoff] And hey she's like 19 now, wow time really flies! (And so does the sperm!) [Big Grin]

From the looks of some of those amazing shots, I notice you got close to those. I mean REAL close. You must have picked up, at the very least, a faint scent? Possibly more?

One of my ALL-TIME favorite girls in my (almost) nine years here on Wu's. Absolute PERFECTION.


P.S. -> Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go grab the box of tissues once again [Jerkoff] [Jerkoff] [Jerkoff]
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on December 10, 2013 10:41 PM:
Thanks for the repost,,, missed it the first time. [Thud]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 11, 2013 08:36 PM:
At footboy1...

Oh my! That was an epic post. I don't know what more to say that can add to that because you kind of spoke for everyone who came across those pictures.

Originally posted by footboy1:
One of my ALL-TIME favorite girls in my (almost) nine years here on Wu's. Absolute PERFECTION.


Now that says a lot. As if what everything else you said about her didn't convince people that you meant what you said, then that quote I just pulled from you was the icing on the cake.

Originally posted by footboy1:
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go grab the box of tissues once again [Jerkoff] [Jerkoff] [Jerkoff]

If you're going to use napkins, make sure its Bounty. With all the mess you'll be leaving around and needing to clean up afterwards, you'll be comforted with the knowledge that Bounty is the quilted, quicker picker-upper.

[Big Grin]

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 11, 2013 08:40 PM:
Originally posted by Icarus:
Thanks for the repost,,, missed it the first time. [Thud]


Originally posted by NFH:
Cool, you are here too, Cool

Overwhelming us with your great generosity in TheMousePad, and also, here, WOW, you are amazing, WOW

I see many great members in many great boards like this, sadly, no time to be as active as I want in all of them, so, the place I started in over a decade ago, is where I picked to remain, that is the only reason.

Nevertheless, I have to express my huge gratitude for your huge efforts, in this epic thread as well.

Thank you a million times. You've always been one of the great guys who really appreciates what I do. Guys like yourself will be greatly rewarded as we go along with this thread. You guys will see just how much your appreciation means to me when you see the several differences between what I've done back at the times when I shot those photos that appear in the latest galleries I posted all the way up to my most recent works that are nothing short of sensational. I'm going to treat you guys real well.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 24, 2013 12:30 AM:
I see that we're back for another tour through the park. Doing this is so much fun and it never gets old. These women walk around all day, they need a place to rest, and their feet rests as well. I have more fun at the park than a little child visiting F.A.O. Schwarz for the very first time.


She had just started out in college in her freshman year, attending courses for her major in Accessories Design. There's something about that that seems so pure and clean ... the fact that she's a freshman, that is, ... not so much that she chose what she wanted as her major. But what she's studying seems pretty cool, too. She studies fabrics and develop ideas that help create accessories like handbags and shoes.

She was looking onto the streets, her mind wandering off. I was on the sidewalk, walking past the library and it's possible we made eye contact. I didn't want to leave that one by herself with her mind wandering off deeper into space. I needed to snap her out of it and bring her back to Earth.

Her voice and her entire demeanor is ... I don't want to say relaxed because I'm not sure that's the word I'm looking for when describing her, but it's more like her poise is free from harshness.

She's very low maintenance. However, I think that might change by the time she's done with her studies in a few year's time. I'm just speculating here.

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The stagename I gave this next girl is in reference to a characteristic that makes her a unique person compared to any other women I have photographed.

You might not be able to tell from the way she's dressed, but this woman has an ability that is unlike many, many women that you will come across. She possesses physical strength, relentless in force. Anything you can do at a gym, she can do better. She's always participating in events that tests a person's endurance when it comes to strength, testing mind over matter, testing endurance, perseverance, and the dedication to stay agile through many aerobic strengthening routines. She's a CrossFit competitor. For starters, she can bench press more than 200 lbs. She doesn't like sissy boys; she wants a guy who is very athletic, a guy who can do some of the things she does on a regular basis. An Ironman of sorts.

Someone who's as active as she is needed to have her feet relaxed. I massaged them, much to her delight. I figured she needed to get an even blood flow on her feet. It was a beneficially mutual exchange, if I do say so myself.

Nothing about this girl is weak, including the feel of her feet and the way they smelled. My nose picked up on some of the smell that was encased in those sneakers for God knows how long before they came out of her sneakers. I loved every single moment of it.

Not since the Hanging Gardens of Babylon have we've seen a piece of classic antiquity like this one. For her physical feats of Amazing, for the ability to out-wrestle just about any man, for her sights and goals to climb things like the Empire State Building, ladies and gentleman, I present to you ...

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I have a few more to show this week. This is a way to get the week started. I am saving two very, very good galleries for the end of the week. They will be well worth the wait. Until then, I hope you enjoy these.


[ December 14, 2019, 12:11 PM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by dolow (Member # 37306) on December 24, 2013 01:06 AM:
Great thread. You sure do get around

[ December 24, 2013, 01:14 AM: Message edited by: dolow ]
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on December 24, 2013 07:07 AM:
I like the long toes of "innocence" and the ankles/tights and look of "14th." Good show, as always.
Posted by Gezlock (Member # 25394) on December 24, 2013 08:50 AM:
Once again, TNP is winning the game
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 24, 2013 05:43 PM:
Originally posted by dolow:
Great thread. You sure do get around

More than a NASCAR driver does when he drives around the track. [Thumbs Up]

Originally posted by hyperion:
I like the long toes of "innocence" and the ankles/tights and look of "14th." Good show, as always.

Thank you, as always. You will really appreciate the last two girls I'm going to show everyone. You won't be able to stop looking at them.

Originally posted by Gezlock:
Once again, TNP is winning the game

It's great to have loyal fans. Thanks for your support. I'm going to show another one tonight, which you might like. I'll show two more after her, which you will enjoy even more.

You're a great guy.

Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on December 24, 2013 08:41 PM:
WOW, you didn't have to even mention that "14th's" feet were smelly, I can tell just by looking at them.... Good God, I can practically smell them right thru my computer screen [Smile]

[Thumbs Up]

Posted by lovepaintedtoenails (Member # 8935) on December 24, 2013 09:34 PM:
Would like to catch up with THE FOURTEENTH WONDER, after she had a pedicure. She had some really nice long toes I think!! Great work as always!!!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 25, 2013 02:12 AM:
Not much to say about this next girl. I saw her walking in my direction. I stopped her. She wanted to pose for me and didn't seem to have any problems with me liking feet. As she was about to sit down, she suddenly remembered that she was wearing leggings underneath it all.

"Holy shit, that's not a good thing."
"Yeah, I guess not."
"What do you suppose we do about this?"

I wasn't going to let her answer that question. Instead, I interrupted her as she was about to speak because I wanted to steer the conversation the direction where I wanted it to go so that I get the end results I'm looking for.

"...Oh, I have an idea! There's a ladies room inside the library. Why don't you go inside there, undress, remove the leggings and come back out here so that I take pictures of you?"

"Okay, sounds like a good idea. Are you going to be here by the time I get back out here?"

"We'll see."

"Okay, I'll be right back."

Sure enough, she came back.

 -  -  -  -




That's it for now. I will be back at the end of the week with two more models that I know a lot of people will really enjoy. They will be one of those girls that people will come back to enjoy many months and years down the line. There are a few girls who really stand out as those who come to defy what this thread is about.

I hope everyone enjoys the holidays where ever you are.

Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on December 25, 2013 05:12 AM:
Cat Burglar has an amazing nickname and is awfully cute - well done on getting the pictures even with that obstacle!
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on December 25, 2013 08:09 AM:
Like you were gonna go anywhere while she was taking leggings off for you... Heh heh.
Happy holidays man.
Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on December 25, 2013 05:08 PM:
Holy shit. My whole life has been a lie. I'm jealous that National gets to do all of this with whatever girl he wants, has the kind of days that I can only wish of having, while I.......... well, I just sit here and look at pictures of women he got up close and personal with. [Smile]

Originally posted by hyperion:
I like the look of "14th." Good show, as always.

Just imagine if she, with all her strength that only the Incredible Hulk can fight off, grabs you with her legs. There's no way you can escape that. Damn, that's HOT!

I bet she can break my dick with her vagina.
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on December 26, 2013 12:14 AM:


You're the funniest guy in here. You're one of the reasons why I love visiting this thread. Things have gotten more interesting in here since National started showing more toes and shoe shots on a consistent basis. And I really, really enjoy his new style when it comes to how he gets those toe shots in these unusual angles. I love them a lot. Shots like these:

I'm not a toes guy overall, but those shots gives us a different perspective on how they look. I never saw pictures of feet taken from those angles before and it's something very fresh and kind of innovative. If you're into that whole giantess thing, and you're just this tiny tiny person, you can just imagine yourself climbing up their feet and being in total heaven. I'm not into that stuff, but those pictures can make someone delve into that fantasy.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 26, 2013 08:21 PM:
Originally posted by footboy1:
WOW, you didn't have to even mention that "14th's" feet were smelly, I can tell just by looking at them.... Good God, I can practically smell them right thru my computer screen [Smile]

[Thumbs Up]


I knew you'll like them. I LOVED the way they smelled. Footboy (and others who are into smelly feet), had it been you in my place, taking pictures of her feet, you wouldn't have taken your sense of smell for granted ever again. [Smile]

Originally posted by lovepaintedtoenails:
Would like to catch up with THE FOURTEENTH WONDER, after she had a pedicure. She had some really nice long toes I think!! Great work as always!!!

Thank you. The next three drinks are on me. [Cheers]

Originally posted by Sol:
Cat Burglar has an amazing nickname and is awfully cute - well done on getting the pictures even with that obstacle!

Can you imagine that I was that close from giving her another nickname? It was a great thing that I changed my mind and went with Cat Burglar instead. She wore clothes that made her look like someone who would sneak into your house in the middle of the night and takes what she wants before you even realize what's going on. She should be Splinter Cell's sidekick.

Originally posted by hyperion:
Like you were gonna go anywhere while she was taking leggings off for you... Heh heh.
Happy holidays man.


No foot guy in his right (or his left) mind would turn the other way and leave a girl hangin' if she's willing to do that for him.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your holidays, hyp. You're a good man.

Posted by barnyard27 (Member # 2096) on December 26, 2013 09:03 PM:
CAT BURGLAR & innocent Nature can both get it!!! Nice pics my man i will have to post some of my own that i've been taking one day soon.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 26, 2013 09:50 PM:
Originally posted by foot_fashion_industry:
Things have gotten more interesting in here since National started showing more toes and shoe shots on a consistent basis. And I really, really enjoy his new style when it comes to how he gets those toe shots in these unusual angles. I love them a lot. Shots like these:

I'm not a toes guy overall, but those shots gives us a different perspective on how they look. I never saw pictures of feet taken from those angles before and it's something very fresh and kind of innovative. If you're into that whole giantess thing, and you're just this tiny tiny person, you can just imagine yourself climbing up their feet and being in total heaven. I'm not into that stuff, but those pictures can make someone delve into that fantasy.

Interesting way of looking at it. Part of having the fun I'm having is doing things differently than how others have done it before. Some of these toe shots are a bit surreal and unconventional. I'm pretty sure that either myself or someone else has said that before, but it's worth repeating and worth extracting the messages that these weird, yet cool pictures are trying to convey.

Thanks a lot for appreciating the difference and development of a new style.

Originally posted by barnyard27:
CAT BURGLAR & innocent Nature can both get it!!! Nice pics my man i will have to post some of my own that i've been taking one day soon.

Excellent! I hope to see them one day. [Smile]

Originally posted by Lust In Translation:
Just imagine if she, with all her strength that only the Incredible Hulk can fight off, grabs you with her legs. There's no way you can escape that. Damn, that's HOT!

I bet she can break my dick with her vagina.

My oh my! [Thud]


In about 26 hours from now, I will finally post pictures of my final two girls for the week. The fans will come to love them. These are very nice girls and they will be welcomed with open arms.

Thank you all so much, and I will be back in here for more of the same.

Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on December 27, 2013 01:41 AM:
Never thought one could improve upon perfection, but I'll be damned sir! You went and did it! Keep up the stellar work! [Smile]
Posted by Gezlock (Member # 25394) on December 27, 2013 02:42 PM:
can't wait for more !

I really like you work because it's really improvised stuff, woman showing their feet in their everyday outfit (I'm mad for clothed girls barefeet), no photoshop, no make up, only realism.

You're the best.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 28, 2013 12:57 AM:

I saw this lady walking along. When I first saw her, she was kind of far from where I was. I needed to speedwalk just to get her attention before she left the scene and gone from my life forever. Apparently, I was either farther away from her than I thought or I wasn't walking fast enough because she walked down the stairs from the terrace and onto the streets and off into the world she went.

I was disappointed with myself because I knew for a fact that she was going to be someone who I was going to spend some good amount time with and someone who would be cool for something like this. With some chicks, those signs are more obvious than others, but I really felt that this one was going to be great for me and I was a bit hard on myself for not noticing her sooner. I wasn't going to spend a lot more time at the park because I had plans on going somewhere else to meet up with a friend.

I went inside a pizzeria to have my late-afternoon lunch and thought about what it might've been like to have some time with that girl. After I was done with my food, I return to the place and I couldn't believe my eyes. Our lady had already returned to the terrace right outside of the public library. I guess the reason she left in the first place was because she was looking for a place to buy tea, return to the place and have her mind space off. I could not believe my fortunes.

There was no need to speedwalk this time because she was seated right there and I knew that whatever my Opener was going to be, that she was going to go for it.

"That's a lovely hat you've got there. Can I see your feet?" Funny, right? Sometimes I don't know how these words come out of my mouth, but they do.

"What?" She heard what I said, but she needed to make sure that she heard what she thought she heard, which was exactly what I said.

"I said that that was a lovely hat you've got there. It goes very nice with your hair." Sometimes when I crack some stupid joke, I have to keep the act going to let them know that all I want to do with them is lighthearted, interesting or fun. I really wanted to burst out in laughter, but I don't know how I kept my composure from doing so. However, I did make a face to show her that I was trying to be sarcastic about the whole thing and that I wanted her to delve into my world of jokes and interests.

She starts to laugh a bit because she knew that I was trying to be some smart-ass comedian about my approach. "No, you silly!", she said. "I heard the part about my hat - by the way, I thank you for the compliment - but didn't you said something about my feet? Or am I going crazy?"

I sensed that she knew that I was trying to loosen her up and she went along with the gag, and that was all I needed out of her to get the thing started. I needed her to snap out of her own world with some wisecrack introduction to get her attention and to keep her mind sharp so that she can see where this was headed.

Before she knew it, I she was following my directions as to what I wanted her feet to do for me.

Before I go any further, I should point out that when her soles were finally in front of my face, she had a couple of things on her soles that were the size of a gravel, matching the color of her skin. I didn't know what they were exactly, but I knew that whatever it was, that it was something that was going to be easily removed by just dusting it out of the way. Looking back on it, I don't remember why I didn't remove those myself when the shoot started. You'll see those in the first half pictures of her soles. But halfway through the page and beyond, those things were removed so that you can see that those things weren't naturally attached to her. I apologize for not having those things removed at the beginning of the shoot.

She was born and raised in Wisconsin, but she has been living in NYC for six years now and has grown quit accustomed to the vastly different lifestyle that is lived in New York than the one lived by those who are life-long natives of Wisconsin. She will always have a heart for her home in the mid-west of the U.S., but this girl cannot get enough of the fast paced antics that makes NYC one of a kind.

She has her goals set on becoming a stage actress in one of those Broadway or off-Broadway plays, which explains her move from small town Wisconsin to New York.

She's one of those down to Earth kind of girls who is very open and understanding to why guys might have a foot fetish. She didn't know too much about it when I met her for the shoot other than the fact that there are guys out there who have this liking to feet. She will keep an open mind if she ever runs in to a guy who has it.

She's very, very laid back. If you want to go out with her, she's down. If you want to stay in the house with her instead and watch some independent film, she's all for it. Whatever you want to do.

 -  -  -  -





Back in May, I gave a Future Outlook on the girls you will see in the future. I showed three girls as previews of what you can see down the line. This next one is the first of those three girls.

This girl is of Russian decent and she LOVES hockey. At first I thought she was just saying that just for the heck of it. She then went to give me the list of teams that won the Stanley Cup Finals over the last decade and that's when I knew that she was for real. She didn't know who Barry Melrose was, but at least she gave me the list of the Stanley Cup winners over the last ten years, something I couldn't have done because I'm not into hockey. Her favorite team: the Rangers. If you can find a hot chick who knows the names of hockey players other than Sidney Crosby, Alex Ovechkin, and Henrik Lundqvist, then you've got yourself a winner! She gave me lists of other players as well. Since I don't know hockey, I took her words for what she was telling me about what she knows and loves about the sport. When asked who was her favorite historical player, she paused for a few minutes. Shen then gave me the name of Bobby Orr. I mean, you've got to be kidding me ... right? Look, I thought that that was a name that only guys knew. To have this hot girl give me that name was so surreal, I literally thought I was in a dream because I never thought that some girl who looks like her could come up with something like that. I asked if she knew anything about baseball, football or basketball. She knows little to nothing about those other three sports, which I know a lot about about. So if you're a diehard NHL fan, then you've got yourself a future wife and a slave with this girl. Oh yeah, she loves fashion, too.

This was a great shoot. I know there are those out there who will enjoy it as well. She was very fun to work with and enjoyed the attention I was giving her.

She is the second - and by far the last - girl who real name I'm going to use in this thread. She looks like a lady who goes by that name as well.

Perfect match.

 -  -  -


SIZE 6 1/2


That's all I have for this week. I hope you enjoyed these girls as much as I enjoyed spending the time with them and getting to know a bit a bit about them.

I hope you guy have a fantastic weekend.

Thank you all very much.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 28, 2013 03:22 AM:
Originally posted by bluetoelover:
Never thought one could improve upon perfection, but I'll be damned sir! You went and did it! Keep up the stellar work! [Smile]

I think the same thing to myself from time to time. Then I do something by accident that makes me switch up my style to re-invent myself and voila! Just when I thought I had it all figured out, something new gets discovered and then crafted to my own interpretation of what's pretty special. You'll like the thread better as the months go by.

Originally posted by Gezlock:
can't wait for more !

I really like you work because it's really improvised stuff, woman showing their feet in their everyday outfit (I'm mad for clothed girls barefeet), no photoshop, no make up, only realism.

You're the best.

I agree with what you said. Everything is you see here is unadorned, natural, bare, basic and modest. This is something people can relate to and it's something that makes you feel comfortable, as if you were there yourself.

Only realism is what makes you feel at ease and at home.

Thank you so much for your appreciation. That really means a lot to me. The adventures I present to everyone is my way of thanking you guys for your support.

I will continue to do what I can to make you guys very happy. These women will be there for you.

Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on December 28, 2013 04:19 PM:
I am a HUGE hockey fan, so you have just filmed the girl of my DREAMS!! Nice work!
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on December 28, 2013 10:26 PM:
National, my hats off to you. You have done an outstanding job with these women and it's always such a pleasure to see what you were able to get out of them.

These last two women in particular were well done. You really made my night with those pictures and the poses were done with careful planning and it shows in the results. It's been said many times that the stories that goes with these girls is what brings these photos to life. Thank you for sharing with us the encounters, their reactions, and your way with words when describing these stories.

I really love both New Wisconsin and Anastasia. You are really getting better at what you do and I think you should be rewarded with the Sportsman of the Year award, if there was ever any for foot fetish contributors to the society.

National, I wish you a happy new year and I look forward to more of what you've got up your sleeves.

You have become a legend here.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on December 29, 2013 04:18 AM:
I, too, enjoy what you did with the last two girls. I don't know which one I enjoy better. With Anastasia, it's like you're looking through a catalog of stuff a girl can buy and wear to look very nice.

With New Wisconsin, I like her feet better because I feel that the shape to it is better. I bet her feet must be real smelly after coming out of those boots. [Fingers Crossed] Her soles and toes and simply fantastic. I really enjoyed looking at those.

An excellent job once again.
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on December 29, 2013 06:01 AM:
New Wisconsin just made my day! Such a great pair of feet and besides that she's a cutie!

Great find :-)
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on December 29, 2013 09:31 AM:
These are great... thanks man and happy 2014!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 29, 2013 04:46 PM:
Originally posted by Icarus:
I am a HUGE hockey fan, so you have just filmed the girl of my DREAMS!! Nice work!

Look at that. Looks like you have way more in common with her than I do. I knew she had to score the game-winning goal with someone in here. Just imagine what the first date between the two of you would be like ...

She's a hot girl who doesn't mind the whole foot tease thing, AND she's an NHL fanatic. That's a quinella for you, my man! She really loves that sport. She loves the sounds of the game, the speed, intensity, and she just loves to see a good fight in the middle of the rink. My Goodness! [Thud]

She's loves those Winter Classic games, that new format of the All Star game that was implemented a few years ago where the captain from each team gets to select players for their teams instead of that the old East vs West thing they once had.

She's 19, by the way [Wink] (probably 20 now).

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
New Wisconsin just made my day! Such a great pair of feet and besides that she's a cutie!

Great find :-)

You were probably the first person I thought of when I posted her pictures. I knew she was going to be a favorite of yours.

Originally posted by hyperion:
These are great...

I couldn't agree more.

Both girls were going to resonate well with you, with my guess being that Anastasia was going to be at the top of your priorities. [Big Grin]

Originally posted by hyperion:
thanks man and happy 2014!

Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on December 29, 2013 06:10 PM:
Originally posted by National:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Icarus:
[qb] I am a HUGE hockey fan, so you have just filmed the girl of my DREAMS!! Nice work!

Look at that. Looks like you have way more in common with her than I do. I knew she had to score the game-winning goal with someone in here. Just imagine what the first date between the two of you would be like ...

She's a hot girl who doesn't mind the whole foot tease thing, AND she's an NHL fanatic. That's a quinella for you, my man! She really loves that sport. She loves the sounds of the game, the speed, intensity, and she just loves to see a good fight in the middle of the rink. My Goodness! [Thud]

She's loves those Winter Classic games, that new format of the All Star game that was implemented a few years ago where the captain from each team gets to select players for their teams instead of that the old East vs West thing they once had.

She's 19, by the way [Wink] (probably 20 now).


Stop it, man! You're killing me!! LOL
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on December 29, 2013 06:29 PM:
Originally posted by National:

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
New Wisconsin just made my day! Such a great pair of feet and besides that she's a cutie!

Great find :-)

You were probably the first person I thought of when I posted her pictures. I knew she was going to be a favorite of yours.
This is such an honour! I don't even know what to say besides of wishing you to keep up with your great work!

Thank you National [Smile]
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on December 30, 2013 01:56 AM:
Everytime I come in here to praise your work, you always come back with more amazing work. These last two women stole the show for the week and it was fitting that you saved those two for last.

Amazing and interesting angles you got from New Wisconsin.

And I also love how you showed her toes in this shot.

The angles you showed in the second page are just amazing and they actually make you look at them for a while I love the way you put a spin on these angles. Just masterful.

And with Anastasia, I loved everything about that girl. She seemed to have a great time with you. I loved the third picture of the first row where she tilts her head to get it in the frame of the shot. She is very, very beautiful and I ESPECIALLY loved the last seven shots of her. Fantastic photography. I loved how you took a photo of the name brand of the bag she was carrying to showcase that she's someone with good/expensive tastes. The way you had her pose for those shots really makes it look like that this is not some foot fetish thing, but instead an advertisement push for Armani. You did a better job plugging that brand than the people at Armani themselves.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 31, 2013 12:12 AM:
I'm in a generous mood. My original plan wasn't to show any more pictures this week, but then I changed my mind. After a great time last week, it'll be a great idea to continue on with the show. I have a few more girls that I want to share with everyone this week. We'll start with some girls who will set the tables for the Grand Finale that I have in store for the end of the week.


I think this first one was from Tennessee. She just came to the City in hopes of becoming famous somehow. I say somehow because I don't remember in which exact category that she wanted to become famous for. I'm pretty sure it has to do with acting or singing or something else along those lines. She already knew some people in the city and was waiting to get some information from a buddy or two to see if some space can be made available to her for a place to stay while she's in town. It didn't seem to me that she had some clear objectives as to what she was going to do with her life in order to make it better for herself. Even if she did, she didn't do a good job of making me think that her ideas were going to be put into serious action or that she was going to put much effort into making the most out of herself.

I hope she does well with whatever she decides or has decided to do.

In other news, she has the smallest feet I have ever photographed.

 -  -  -




Another tourist here whose English was very limited. I really wanted to have pictures of her and she had some time to kill. Her feet were a bit smelly because it took a while before the smell got to me. Not too bad, I should say.

 -  -  -


SIZE 6 1/2


These are the two that I'll use to get us started this week. I have a few more to show before this week is done, and they will be topics of some good conversations around here. This is going to be fantastic!

Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on December 31, 2013 06:09 AM:
Wow, I am in love with Wanderstar's feet. That nail polish ranks as one of my favorites ever! And those wedges she was wearing are super hot too.

Korea's soles are also very pretty, and it's made all the better knowing they were slightly smelly.

National, how often do the girls warn that they might have smelly feet? Or have you found most to not ever care or think about it?

Either way, another incredible contribution and a great way to end 2013!
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on December 31, 2013 12:57 PM:
[Thumbs Up]
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on December 31, 2013 04:06 PM:
Wow, sure would like to have Korea's feet to play with!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 31, 2013 04:46 PM:
Originally posted by Sol:
National, how often do the girls warn that they might have smelly feet? Or have you found most to not ever care or think about it?


To answer both of your questions at the same time, all rolled up into one good answer, I will say that that happens every once in a while. Not once in a lifetime, but once in a while. Every now and then. From time to time. Occasionally. Sometimes.

To be more specific with your first question, it happens right at the moment they're about to take off their shoes as if the thought that their feet might or does smell had just occurred to them. Sometimes we get into a playful cat-and-mouse game where they're afraid that the smell might repel me and where I try to settle or laugh off their worries by making the case that such a thing doesn't bother me. There was this one lady who warned me right away that they were smelly. Other times, no cat and mouse game is needed. In either case, if they see that I don't care, then they won't care as well. They become totally cool and blasé about it.

Answering your other question. In the cases where they didn't warn me about it and their feet turned out to be smelly anyway, it's possible that they didn't care. The other possibility is that they never thought that it would smell in the first place when they place their bare soles right in front of me. They probably thought that they were scentless. However, little did they know ... [Evil Grin]

Originally posted by aka.footjoyboy:
[Thumbs Up]

You got it! [Thumbs Up]

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 31, 2013 04:58 PM:
Originally posted by Icarus:

Stop it, man! You're killing me!! LOL

[Big Grin]

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
Originally posted by National:

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
New Wisconsin just made my day! Such a great pair of feet and besides that she's a cutie!

Great find :-)

You were probably the first person I thought of when I posted her pictures. I knew she was going to be a favorite of yours.
This is such an honour! I don't even know what to say besides of wishing you to keep up with your great work!

Thank you National [Smile]

Even though I don't know you personally, you are still good friend. Thank you for your great acceptance speech and I will keep up with the great work that will only get better.

And thanks to everyone else who has supported me. I meet these women, spend time with them, take pictures of them, and I give you my thoughts and experiences with them all for free just to see all of you guys happy. I love doing this and will continue to spoil everyone. Yes, that means you, you, you, you, and especially you.

Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on January 01, 2014 09:31 AM:
Originally posted by National:
To answer both of your questions at the same time, all rolled up into one good answer, I will say that that happens every once in a while. Not once in a lifetime, but once in a while. Every now and then. From time to time. Occasionally. Sometimes.

To be more specific with your first question, it happens right at the moment they're about to take off their shoes as if the thought that their feet might or does smell had just occurred to them. Sometimes we get into a playful cat-and-mouse game where they're afraid that the smell might repel me and where I try to settle or laugh off their worries by making the case that such a thing doesn't bother me. There was this one lady who warned me right away that they were smelly. Other times, no cat and mouse game is needed. In either case, if they see that I don't care, then they won't care as well. They become totally cool and blasé about it.


That's fantastic. Which lady warned you right away that her feet were smelly?

Also, when you do catch a whiff of smelly feet, I assume you never mention it? Or have there been times you'd tease them or say something?
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 01, 2014 02:54 PM:
Originally posted by Sol:
That's fantastic. Which lady warned you right away that her feet were smelly?

Some lady in her 40s. I haven't posted her pictures. It'll be a very, very long time before I get to her pictures. She almost didn't want to do it because of that. I thought she was underplaying it, but they turned out to be quite smelly. She wasn't lying. But I'll tell you more about it when it comes time to show her pictures.

Originally posted by Sol:

Also, when you do catch a whiff of smelly feet, I assume you never mention it? Or have there been times you'd tease them or say something?

More often than not, I don't say anything to them when it comes to that. Sometimes I feel that bringing it up is something that might be better off left alone. I just shoot away and enjoy the moments for what they are. If they don't mind that I don't mind that their feet smell, they become laid-back and very casual with the fact that I enjoy their foot scent/odor. They then go on about their own businesses or we continue to chat as if their smelly feet are just an afterthought. It's pretty neat when they become that comfortable loose-fitting around a complete stranger.

If I do say something, it's when I'm massaging their feet and I bring my nose in between their toes for a whiff. I'll tease them about it only when they ask me it or something along those lines. For example, that was the case with The Finnishing Cross, who can be found on page 32 of this thread.

Originally posted by National:
Answering your other question. In the cases where they didn't warn me about it and their feet turned out to be smelly anyway, it's possible that they didn't care. The other possibility is that they never thought that it would smell in the first place when they place their bare soles right in front of me. They probably thought that they were scentless. However, little did they know ... [Evil Grin]

Such was the case with The Fourteenth Wonder back on page 35. I was a bit surprised you didn't say anything about her. I thought you would jump right on it. [Big Grin]

Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on January 01, 2014 05:45 PM:
Originally posted by National:
Some lady in her 40s. I haven't posted her pictures. It'll be a very, very long time before I get to her pictures. She almost didn't want to do it because of that. I thought she was underplaying it, but they turned out to be quite smelly. She wasn't lying. But I'll tell you more about it when it comes time to show her pictures.

Ahh this is going to be a difficult wait!

I still wish I could have an idea of the strength of each girl's smelly feet. I love the descriptions you give but my brain always craves a kind of numerical indication, so as to rank the girls. I know you've decided against this though so I won't press you! All I'll ask is, who would you put in your top 3 smelliest feet, of all the past (and future) girls?

Originally posted by National:
More often than not, I don't say anything to them when it comes to that. Sometimes I feel that bringing it up is something that might be better off left alone. I just shoot away and enjoy the moments for what they are. If they don't mind that I don't mind that their feet smell, they become laid-back and very casual with the fact that I enjoy their foot scent/odor. They then go on about their own businesses or we continue to chat as if their smelly feet are just an afterthought. It's pretty neat when they become that comfortable loose-fitting around a complete stranger.

If I do say something, it's when I'm massaging their feet and I bring my nose in between their toes for a whiff. I'll tease them about it only when they ask me it or something along those lines. For example, that was the case with The Finnishing Cross, who can be found on page 32 of this thread.

Yes, I would imagine that's the best approach.
When you initially sit next to a girl, do you ever show them photos of past shoots to show your previous work? Or is simply asking to take pictures enough to get them to comply? I was thinking of approaching girls where I live in the UK, so some insight would be great.

Originally posted by National:
Such was the case with The Fourteenth Wonder back on page 35. I was a bit surprised you didn't say anything about her. I thought you would jump right on it. [Big Grin]


Haha, I'm glad you recognise me as the chief smelly feet fan! I can assure you I enjoyed her pictures a lot and saved them all [Smile]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 01, 2014 05:57 PM:
For this next one, she's probably the oldest woman who I've photographed. She was on vacation from Vancouver with a couple of her friends (who were not with her at the time of the shoot).

She was walking in my direction when I first saw her. She then stopped to have a seat at the exact location where I wanted my next shoot to have taken place all along.

She was very nice, quite talkative with me after the shoot. Talking to her gave me the sense that I was on a lunch date with her in that we had light-hearted conversations about trivial things in life without getting to know each other too well. I don't do lunch dates, but that's what it felt like to me.

She's quite an informative person and a fantastic person to have a conversation with during your lunch break from the office.

 -  -  -



That's all for today. I will be back here by the end of the week to show you two girls who had (arguably) the best looking soles I have ever seen in all of my time going up to women and shooting pictures of their feet. I mean, I've seen many fantastic soles over the course of time, but these two certainly took my breath away without any question of doubt!

Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on January 01, 2014 11:15 PM:
Pretty nice. A little change in scenery once in a while is good. Someone who's older, apart from the younger ladies that we're used to seeing does have her appeal. This will be one of those ladies in this thread who will stand out to me.

Thanks for everything.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 02, 2014 01:07 AM:
Originally posted by Sol:
I still wish I could have an idea of the strength of each girl's smelly feet. I love the descriptions you give but my brain always craves a kind of numerical indication, so as to rank the girls. I know you've decided against this though so I won't press you! All I'll ask is, who would you put in your top 3 smelliest feet, of all the past (and future) girls?

That's a hard question to answer. I mean, it's a fun question to try and come up with answers to, but that's something I'll have to give some thought about. I try not to give away information about girls who I have yet to show, especially because there are so many of them that I don't remember them all. A couple of names off the top of my head that I will throw out there (in no particular order of whose was smellier than the other) are The Fourteenth Wonder and Foreign Denim. Their feet had smells that were quite rich in fragrance. I think you can throw Barbie in there as well. Since I don't have the time to really give this a lot of thought, I'm pretty sure I'm leaving someone off who deserves to be mentioned. Things will be made more complicated if I then think about the girls who I haven't shown yet.

Maybe I'll put that list together one day. But not today.

Originally posted by Sol:
When you initially sit next to a girl, do you ever show them photos of past shoots to show your previous work? Or is simply asking to take pictures enough to get them to comply? I was thinking of approaching girls where I live in the UK, so some insight would be great.

I guess it depends on the girl.

Most of the time, just asking them to pose for me is all I need to do to get in. For me, the majority of them don't ask to see my previous work. Some of them do ask for examples of shots I've taken before so that they have an idea as to what I want out of them. I could tell in their voices that they wouldn't mind posing for me, but they would like to see some works from the past to show them that other women were completely fine with my time, my company, and with the idea that I found something about them that can be sexy that many other guys tend to overlook. They find the whole concept fun and interesting. Other times, if I feel like it, I'll show them previous examples without them ever asking for it either before the shoot or during the shoot. It's just something to add to the conversation. There are quite a number of women who don't ask for samples of what I've done before but would like to see the ones I took of them so they can see how their photos came out. So it's a combination of all of those things.
Posted by Gezlock (Member # 25394) on January 02, 2014 09:53 AM:
Thank NP, amazing as always
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 02, 2014 10:13 PM:
Originally posted by Gezlock:
Thank NP, amazing as always

Thank you so much. I will continue to entertain you and to keep things interesting and different.

Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on January 03, 2014 07:28 PM:
Originally posted by National:
I will be back here by the end of the week to show you two girls who had (arguably) the best looking soles I have ever seen in all of my time going up to women and shooting pictures of their feet. I mean, I've seen many fantastic soles over the course of time, but these two certainly took my breath away without any question of doubt!


Can't wait. [Mmm]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 04, 2014 12:23 AM:

She walking up the step and into the public library when I first saw her. I didn't want to go after her just yet because she was just entering the building. I told myself that if she didn't come back out in ten minutes, then I was going to look for someone else to photograph. Eight minutes in, I had lost my patience and decided that I was going to search for another girl. Right at the moment, she comes back out.

It's amazing how some girls can say yes to this without giving it much of a second thought.

She asked, "Foot fetish, right?"

"Congratulations, you're part of the club!"

This one really needed a break from walking around the city all day. She went for it because she thought this kind of break would be both unusual and fun.

I knew I really wanted to take pictures of her when I first saw her. But when she removed her sneakers, I was blown away by how amazing her soles looked! This was a gift from my lucky stars. To me, it was one of those soles that made me open my eyes even wider because that was a scene I wanted to hold on to for the rest of my life.

She doesn't see anything special about her feet at all and never thought about them as things that can turn men on. I mean, she's heard of the fetish, of course. It's just that she never thought that something like that could be applied to her.

Perhaps, that'll be a different story from now on.

On a side note, that second picture you see in the sample there, I feel that that was one of the greatest pictures I have ever taken.

 -  -  -





It was very early on a Sunday morning. I knew I wasn't going to spend a whole lot of time at the park and I only had time for one shoot.

I went up to her and made my sales pitch. She was that close from rejecting me. She was very iffy about it and I had to do a little extra talking to talk her into it. I knew that the more I talked, the more that this was going to work against my favor and the sooner I was going to strike out with her. I tried to keep it as short and sweet as possible. If it was some other girl, I would've let her go and find someone else later on. But there was something about this one that I did not want to let go of.

"Can I think about it for a few minutes?"

Oh, my God!, I thought to myself. She was the first and only girl to ask me that question.

"You know what, I'll make that decision for you." I then showed her pictures from the past that I have taken. As I was showing her the pictures, I tell her, "Besides, there's nothing for you to think about because I explained everything you need to know." I said it in a way that made it sound reassuring to her.

"You know, I guess you're right. You seem like a pretty decent guy, so why not? You know, you sometimes here what kind of creeps they can be, but since you came up to me, was polite during this whole time and patient with me, you deserve to be rewarded. I certainly hope they look good to you because I'm a bit self-conscience about my feet."

I breathed a sigh of relief to myself because for a while there I thought I was going to lose out on this one.

She removed her boots, and her soles were one of the best I have ever seen. I prefer bigger feet, but since they were smaller, there was no way I was going to kick them out of bed because the shape of her soles were just outstanding. They were the kind of soles that'll make you lose your breathe for a minute or two before you regain your composure.

There were a few times during the shoot where she would bring up the fact that I look familiar to her. I took a closer look at her, and made no recollections as to who she might've been. So finally she asked what neighborhood I lived in. I answer the question. That's when everything came in full circle for her because she recognized me from seeing me at various spots in the same neighborhood where she lives in. She lives four blocks from where I do.

We start talking about some of the popular spots in the neighborhood like bars and restaurants, if either of us went to school in that area, blah blah blah, you know ... things like that.

It was a nice and wonderful shoot. One of my favorites of all time.

She's half-White/half-Chinese and she's a very intelligent person as well, especially when it comes to American history. She got those boots at some thrift shop because things bought from those stores carry sentimental value.

 -  -  -  -  -


SIZE 6 1/2


That's all I have for this week. It's been a pleasure coming in here and making you guys very happy.

I don't know when I'll be back, but I will see you guys again.

Posted by pedicurist (Member # 47188) on January 04, 2014 03:28 AM:
I must commend you on a very entertaining thread. This really is an interesting concept.

My main question is the reasoning behind your style of photography. Your angles are very good, but I wonder why you choose not to focus on the feet much, particularly when you do close ups. Do you not have a macro feature on your camera, or is there some reasoning behind it all? I'm an amateur photographer myself , and when I take pictures of feet and close ups of toes, I get them so sharp that you can see a speck of dust or a grain of sand if it were there. Of course, that's my style.

My other question is even though many of the photos seem to be somewhat in focus, there is a slight blur to all of your photos. I wonder if it is because you reduce the quality before uploading the photos, or if that is your desired effect as well?

This is a question that may have come up for you previously, but I don't remember seeing it on any section of this thread. So, I apologize if this is something that has been answered previously.

Keep up the good work!
Posted by Yendor34 (Member # 45730) on January 04, 2014 07:18 AM:
You are correct, Those are the best soles thus far.....keep 5 them coming
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on January 04, 2014 07:59 AM:
Wow you are not kidding about Spring Fox's soles. She's amazing! Thanks man!
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on January 04, 2014 01:42 PM:
Brilliant! Spring Fox soles are so good that it hurts just to look at them! Also loved the way she promptly asked you if it was a foot fetish [Smile] we need more girls like her (down to earth) in the world
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 04, 2014 02:13 PM:
Originally posted by hyperion:
Wow you are not kidding about Spring Fox's soles. She's amazing! Thanks man!

[Thumbs Up]


At pedicurist ...

This is not first time that something like this has come up and I've answered this question before. No need to apologize for asking this question, though.

These pictures were taken a long time ago and at the time I was using the camera from my phone. I was too lazy to get an actual camera. Now I'm using a real camera where the quality is much better. I have taken so many pictures with this new camera that the calculator actually gave up from keeping count of it all. Here is a sample from that camera that I showed everyone before ...

I'm just showing these older ones just to get them out of the way before I start showing the ones I took with my current camera. I could just start with the ones I took with my new camera right now, but I don't want to abandon the ones I took before then.

Thank you for your appreciation for what I do even though the quality of the pictures I show now are not up to speed.

Originally posted by Yendor34:
You are correct, Those are the best soles thus far.....keep them coming

[Thumbs Up]
Posted by lovepaintedtoenails (Member # 8935) on January 04, 2014 09:02 PM:
Love your latest update!!! Both of them had some nice long toes. Thanks again for sharing it here with us.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on January 05, 2014 02:27 AM:
Every week there's someone who's amazing, and these last two are no exception. If someone made a choice for me as to which one has the feet that I should have my way with, then I would not be disappointed with either one. In either case, I'll wind up being the winner. [Hop]

Pretty amazing what you've done with those two women. Just keep up the great work because I'm starting to run out of words that should give you the proper credit you deserve.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 05, 2014 04:27 PM:
Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
Brilliant! Spring Fox soles are so good that it hurts just to look at them! Also loved the way she promptly asked you if it was a foot fetish [Smile] we need more girls like her (down to earth) in the world

Just imagine what it was like for me being there in person? She's an awesome girl ... for all the reasons you just said.

Originally posted by caseman:
Every week there's someone who's amazing, and these last two are no exception. If someone made a choice for me as to which one has the feet that I should have my way with, then I would not be disappointed with either one. In either case, I'll wind up being the winner. [Hop]

Pretty amazing what you've done with those two women. Just keep up the great work because I'm starting to run out of words that should give you the proper credit you deserve.

Amazing. Thank you so much.

Originally posted by lovepaintedtoenails:
Love your latest update!!! Both of them had some nice long toes. Thanks again for sharing it here with us.

Sharing is caring, like the old saying goes. [Smile]

Posted by horseshack (Member # 34942) on January 05, 2014 06:09 PM:
spring fox is HOT, pretty face and outstanding toes...thanks!
Posted by Lust In Translation (Member # 43968) on January 05, 2014 10:52 PM:
Spring Fox seems to be one of the more popular girls you have ever posted, National. Looking at this nice hottie and her lovely and sexy feet, I can understand why everyone had to spunk on their keyboards.

A girl like her can abuse her power to rule the world just by being persuasive through her feet. I guess the only guy she answers to is National because he was the one who got her to remove her shoes for him. Damn you, sir! [Big Grin]
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on January 06, 2014 06:29 PM:
Aside from the shot National thinks was one of his greatest ones he ever took, every shot he took with Spring Fox is fantastic. One of the shots that I enjoyed in particular is this one


Beautiful is one of the words I use to describe it. Her last two toes are in the forefront, taking up half of the picture. In the other half of the same pic, her face is seen behind the toes as if you're a very tiny, tiny man whose taking a peek around them. She's very attractive. And then in the backround you can't help but look up to see that tall building with some tree branches in the way. I would think that something like that takes thought and imagination.

With Neighborly Favor, not a single bad shot from that shoot, either. Her shoot was crafted with care and she has the kind of soles that can win the hearts of many, just like Srping Fox.

Another thing that's pretty neat and unusual that he's adding are shots like these, like what he did with the girl from around his way.


This thread is becoming both better and different all at the same time.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 28, 2014 12:44 AM:
I've decided to start the week off with this girl you're about to see.

I thought she pretty cute, so I decided to give her a try. Like some of the other girls I approach in getting pictures of their feet, she had to do a double take just to make sure she grasped what she thought she heard the first time around.

She's one of those peace-loving, nonviolent people. That's not to say that other girls who I met aren't like that in any way, but I think she wears those traits better than most who I have come across. She loves to channel her thoughts through writing in her diary, just like the time during the shoot. She's quite mature beyond her age.

As I was looking through her pictures not too long before posting this message, I had come to realize that she's probably the third girl who I photographed who had hair that short. I don't think there was anyone after her who had the type of hair that didn't go past the back of her neck. If there was, then I clearly don't remember who she was.

In any event, here are her pictures.

 -  -  -


SIZE 6.5


Another nerdy girl has been added to the ranks that consists of Icosahedra and The Bookworn before her. I find their conversations to be intellectually stimulating when they have their shoes off, especially if they know you have a foot fetish and they don't mind it at all.

Of the three nerdy women mentioned in this conversation, the Bookworm is the only one who cannot be described as someone who is naive about practically anything. This one certainly was, and for me I found that to be quite appealing because you have someone who is very bright, very intelligent and yet there's this innocence about her that's genuine and sincere. This girl is someone who is a lot of fun to hang around with.

She is a physician scientist in-training at the university she attends and will continue her studies into the world of medicine after she's done with her programs at her current school. She wants to help shape the course of medical history with her committed focus on medical education, scientific research, and anything else that's related in that field of study to help demonstrate her purpose in improving the human condition.

I really didn't have to explain myself to her as to why I wanted pictures of her feet. She put two and two together and thought it was pretty neat that I was into her feet. The rings on her toes serve no particular purpose other than trying to be a bit decorative.

I love it when I see girls wear TOMS on her their feet. I didn't notice those until I got much closer to her when I first introduced myself. I'm not a betting man, but had I done some wagering with this one before her shoes came off, my wallet would've been a lot heavier for guessing correctly that her feet were smelly. Not so much that it becomes unbearable to even the most hardcore smelly feet fan, but just enough so that the moment is shared privately between yourself and the girl right next to you. She wasn't self-conscious about her feet being a bit smelly at all as she was totally open to my idea during time we had together. It's a total dream come true to be there and to take it all in.

All in all, this chick always goes with the flow, she is so easy to get along with, so easy to understand, all in a dorky, techie persona.

 -  -  -  -  -

WebMD --

SIZE 7.5


There will be more to come this week. Stay tuned.

Posted by DeuceBigglo (Member # 1326) on January 28, 2014 02:24 AM:
The physician had got some hot toes. I would have had a rock in my pants. Seeing those.
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on January 28, 2014 03:19 AM:
Glad you are back! The physician girl's feet are quite attractive. Loved her feet shape and balls of feet. The idea of capturing the shoe size was also brilliant. It's always good to carry up some evidence on the girls sizes [Smile]

Thumbs up!
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on January 28, 2014 05:43 AM:
Wow National, I have a huge weakness for toe rings, and seeing how uncommon they are makes it even more exciting when I see them. But to know that WebMD also had slightly smelly feet has propelled her into my top 5 all time favourites!
Posted by Doc Ock (Member # 46755) on January 28, 2014 06:12 AM:
The last set of pics gets a pass in my book. Nice,
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on January 28, 2014 08:31 AM:
I really enjoyed the WebMD set. She has very pretty feet and I like her jewelry.

The thing about toerings is that these days, they are not a trendy accessory. So a girl who wears them kind of goes out of her way to make that choice, if you know what I mean. In her case, these are not just tiny little cuffs; they are big, solid bands. She has to be feeling them throughout her day. Perhaps she's not that naive about foot stuff, perhaps? Or maybe something else motivated her choice.

On a non-foot related note, I also enjoyed the sunshine in her set. We are in winter lockdown where I'm at and the air is starting to liquefy. So cheers.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on January 28, 2014 11:44 AM:
Nice as always. Thanks for sharing more of this stuff. It never gets old.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on January 28, 2014 08:14 PM:
Lovely! Thanks!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 28, 2014 09:25 PM:
Originally posted by DeuceBigglo:
The physician had got some hot toes. I would have had a rock in my pants. Seeing those.

You're not kiddin'! I was licking my chops like the Big Bad Wolf when those feet were in my presence.

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
Glad you are back! The physician girl's feet are quite attractive. Loved her feet shape and balls of feet. The idea of capturing the shoe size was also brilliant. It's always good to carry up some evidence on the girls sizes [Smile]

Thumbs up!

It's funny you should say that because I don't remember taking those pictures to capture her shoe size. I guess I was more interested in what it said below the 7.5 sign. I guess reading it bought me a few more seconds to study how worn out her TOMS might've been.

Originally posted by Sol:
Wow National, I have a huge weakness for toe rings, and seeing how uncommon they are makes it even more exciting when I see them. But to know that WebMD also had slightly smelly feet has propelled her into my top 5 all time favourites!

I'm not a fan of toe rings, but I can understand why others like them. Her soles and the smell of her feet stole my attention away from the toe rings. Can you blame me? It was a great thing that my nose wasn't clogged up that day.

Originally posted by Doc Ock:
The last set of pics gets a pass in my book. Nice,

I don't see how many people can disagree with you. You, sir, are a good man. [Thumbs Up]

Originally posted by hyperion:
I really enjoyed the WebMD set. She has very pretty feet and I like her jewelry.

The thing about toerings is that these days, they are not a trendy accessory. So a girl who wears them kind of goes out of her way to make that choice, if you know what I mean. In her case, these are not just tiny little cuffs; they are big, solid bands. She has to be feeling them throughout her day. Perhaps she's not that naive about foot stuff, perhaps? Or maybe something else motivated her choice.

On a non-foot related note, I also enjoyed the sunshine in her set. We are in winter lockdown where I'm at and the air is starting to liquefy. So cheers.

Naive about the foot stuff? Perhaps not. She was totally down with me. Naive about a lot of other things? Different story. By the way, I'm not saying that like it's a bad thing. In fact, that's what I prefer.

When it comes to the weather, I should remind everyone that nothing that I post in here is recent. Every photoset that I post is something that took place many, many months before. I have to rely on my memory to give you guys the backstories to these women. We're still stuck in the winter here.

For the record, though, the sun did feel very nice on the day I met WebMD. [Smile]

Originally posted by caseman:
Nice as always. Thanks for sharing more of this stuff. It never gets old.

Originally posted by Icarus:
Lovely! Thanks!

I thank you guys as well. Your on-going support never gets old.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 29, 2014 12:21 AM:
This one gets her name because I needed a catchy name to go with the two countries she represents. To travel to either one of those places from the United States, the plane must travel over that ocean first.

If you go through her pictures, you'll notice that I didn't take any pictures of what she wore on her feet. That was by design because I really hate the type of footwear she decided to go with that day. For me, if I can classify any type of footwear that I'm so dispassionate about, it's the five finger shoes. Forget it, I'm not snapping a shot of that. I approached her because I liked the way she looked and thought she would make for an interesting subject nonetheless.

She's family oriented and she's not too much of an outdoor type of person unless she wants to go out for a jog.

I wished she had taken a little better care of her soles, but by and large I didn't mind them.

If you were to guess which two countries she represents, what would the chances be that you would say that she's half Cuban, half South Korean in your first guess? Such a unique combination of differences in cultures from those two countries, I would say. She's fluent in Spanish, Korean, and English.

I could've stayed longer to continue the shoot, but we had to leave when it started to rain.

 -  -  -  -


Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on January 29, 2014 01:59 AM:
I like these last two girls you posted. Incredible toes and even better soles. I especially love WebMD because she seems like the coolest one of the three so far this week. Those women can get overlooked sometimes, only to find out what fantastic feet they've got!

With Atlantic Pacific, that was a pretty neat shoot. Too bad about her shoes, although I may have taken a picture or two of those just so that people can see what's going on, but I clearly understand why you don't like them because I hate those shoes as well. Other than that, I'm completely loving her set. Love the angles you got on a number of these pictures.

Can't wait to see what more you have in store for us this week.

Thanks for all of this once again.
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on January 29, 2014 06:35 AM:
Originally posted by National:
I'm not a fan of toe rings, but I can understand why others like them. Her soles and the smell of her feet stole my attention away from the toe rings. Can you blame me? It was a great thing that my nose wasn't clogged up that day.

I'm surprised you're not a fan of toe rings. I like the idea of the girl drawing attention to her feet - it shows confidence. You'll almost never meet a girl who wears toe rings and is shy about or doesn't like her feet.

What kind of smell did WebMD's feet have by the way?
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on January 29, 2014 11:33 AM:
I can't believe I completely looked over both Spring Fox and Neighborly Favor. It was like they appeared from out of nowhere for me.

Let me say that both of them are simply fantastic, and in my opinion, one of the better ones you've posted. I'll give the slight edge to Spring Fox because she has bigger feet. But I can't simply ignore Neighborly Favor's feet. Both women have really enhanced my enjoyment for this week.

Purely unbelievable stuff from those two. Truly outstanding feet. My hat's off to you once again, National. And I don't know how many more times I'll keep tipping my hats off to you because I'm starting to run out of them.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 29, 2014 09:00 PM:
Originally posted by Sol:
I'm surprised you're not a fan of toe rings. I like the idea of the girl drawing attention to her feet - it shows confidence. You'll almost never meet a girl who wears toe rings and is shy about or doesn't like her feet.

Without saying too much, all I'm going to say is that there are other ways women can draw attention to their feet (either unintentionally or on purpose) that doesn't involve toerings that will still garner the attention of foot guys. And this is not even the biggest reason why I'm not a fan of toerings.

Originally posted by Sol:
What kind of smell did WebMD's feet have by the way?

The best way I can put it is that it was a bit like mozzarella. At the time of the shoot, I wasn't quite sure how what to use as an example to compare the smell of her feet to. But I'm pretty certain that I got this description right. It wasn't strong at all, but there was enough there to keep your nose between her toes nonetheless.

Originally posted by 18th Floor:
I can't believe I completely looked over both Spring Fox and Neighborly Favor. It was like they appeared from out of nowhere for me.

Let me say that both of them are simply fantastic, and in my opinion, one of the better ones you've posted. I'll give the slight edge to Spring Fox because she has bigger feet. But I can't simply ignore Neighborly Favor's feet. Both women have really enhanced my enjoyment for this week.

I really enjoyed spending the time with those two. I will never forget them.

Originally posted by 18th Floor:

Purely unbelievable stuff from those two. Truly outstanding feet. My hat's off to you once again, National. And I don't know how many more times I'll keep tipping my hats off to you because I'm starting to run out of them.

Your appreciation is always appreciated. I thank you so much.

Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on January 30, 2014 02:16 AM:
I think National has made the WebMD website more popular now than has been ever before. I found myself visiting that site for some useful information about how to stay healthy and all that other good stuff. I bet half of the articles were written by this MD girl herself. [Smile]

I should thank both you, National, and that girl for that nice plug to that site. [Thumbs Up]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 31, 2014 01:42 AM:
Originally posted by foot_fashion_industry:
Aside from the shot National thinks was one of his greatest ones he ever took, every shot he took with Spring Fox is fantastic. One of the shots that I enjoyed in particular is this one


Beautiful is one of the words I use to describe it. Her last two toes are in the forefront, taking up half of the picture. In the other half of the same pic, her face is seen behind the toes as if you're a very tiny, tiny man whose taking a peek around them. She's very attractive. And then in the backround you can't help but look up to see that tall building with some tree branches in the way. I would think that something like that takes thought and imagination.

Indeed, thought and imagination was exactly what it was. I'm happy that you were able to take note on what a great shot that was. That capture was pretty amazing. The fact that it showed that she was minding her own business made the picture the masterpiece that it is. That's another shot that can go down as one of the greatest ones I've ever taken. What I also love about that picture is that fact that she's looking in the direction of where those toes are. It's like looking at her fact and then going back to her toes because it's in the direction her face is pointing towards. To include the building in that picture was well done.


By this time tomorrow, I will post pictures of my final two girls of the week. I'll see you guys then.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on February 01, 2014 01:04 AM:
I don't remember too much about this girl here. But I'm going to post these pictures anyway because her feet are pretty cute.

 -  -  -



This was towards the end of the day and I needed one more shoot before I could call it a day and go home. I didn't think I was going to get any more and was thinking about leaving. I decided to walk around the place one last time just to see if I overlooked someone or if someone new would just enter the scene and give me a reason to stay just a bit longer to do another shoot.

I was walking along and saw someone who inspired me to create another shoot. Just as I was walking towards her, I saw another girl who was seated about 40 feet from her. That girl also looked like someone who wouldn't mind my taking pictures of her feet. I knew how much time I had left before I would leave the park and I knew that if the first woman I asked wanted to pose her feet for me, then I was going to be with her for a while and the other girl would be completely out of the question. If the first one I ask is open to the idea of having photos of her feet taken, then I hope this turns out to be a good shoot, I thought to myself. And it was.

I decided to ask this woman first (the one whose photos you're about to see) because she was seated closest to where I stood, and because I love it when women wear ballet flats. That is a soft spot for me because my love for that kind of footwear and how they go hand in hand and so well with the women who wear them is something I can't put into words at this moment in time. All I knew was that I had to get photograph her.

The possibility did cross my mind that she was going to turn down this opportunity down, but something like that doesn't stop me from meeting someone new and have her pose for me. In any event, I was delighted to see just how incredibly accepting she was to all of this.

I word I would use to describe her is lovely. Her personality has wonderful balance of someone who exhibits common sense, where she has the decency and class to go about her life, making good decisions and having sound judgement, along with being a carefree and happy-go-lucky. She's also a very sympathetic and kind person. I found it endearing that she was more than halfway through reading a novel all to herself. All of this makes her the type of person who's perfectly suited a sensible man.

When she removed her flats and placed her feet on the chair, the air immediately surrounding her feet became just a tad pleasantly warm. I also appreciated how her flats looked as if she was comfortable wearing them for as often as she had.

She is one of the coolest people you'll ever meet.

 -  -  -  -  -


SIZE 7.5


That's all I have for this week. I will be back real soon with more women to share with everyone. It will be a very good show.


[ October 28, 2023, 09:43 PM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on February 01, 2014 08:11 AM:
Creme is a cutie. I like the shots you got of her posing in those flats at the end of the set. Great captures of toe cleavage. Also, very pretty red toes on the unnamed girl. Good show, as always.
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on February 01, 2014 12:21 PM:
Well said hyperion, that toe cleavage is spectacular.

And that little smile she gave you is amazing National!
I too love ballet flats. They have a lot more character due to how they reflect their age and wear.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on February 01, 2014 10:54 PM:
Simply amazing, National. Simply the best content in this entire forum.
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on February 02, 2014 04:28 AM:
Another National hotshot (Cream). Loved every detail of her wide high arched feet
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on February 02, 2014 11:50 PM:
Originally posted by hyperion:
Creme is a cutie. I like the shots you got of her posing in those flats at the end of the set.

It was a lot of fun getting those shots of the set in particular. It was especially fun getting those shots in the angles I got them in. It gives the chance for people to see just how much I love that type of footwear, a chance for people to see what my interpretations and imaginations are when it comes to laying my eyes on them.

Thank you very much for appreciating those shots because I took in a lot of joy in toying with those shots, the flats themselves and her feet as well.

Originally posted by hyperion:
Also, very pretty red toes on the unnamed girl. Good show, as always.

My thanks to you for enjoying the treats.

Originally posted by hyperion:
Great captures of toe cleavage.

Originally posted by Sol:
Well said hyperion, that toe cleavage is spectacular.

Toe cleavages are another huge weakness for me, as I'm sure it is for many others. Those shots are something that's not seen too often, I think. I wanted to take advantage of that view by putting my own spin on it, on how I want to look at them.

Originally posted by Sol:
I too love ballet flats. They have a lot more character due to how they reflect their age and wear.

That pretty much sums it up. I could go on a soliloquy as to how much I agree with what you just said there. But all I will say for now is that I love the fact that Cream Creme wears shoes that have that lived-in look, such as those flats she supported during the shoot.

Originally posted by caseman:
Simply amazing, National. Simply the best content in this entire forum.

I'm so gracious and thankful that you said that. My thanks goes out to you and everyone else out there.

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
Another National hotshot (Cream). Loved every detail of her wide high arched feet

So did I. [Smile]

Originally posted by Sol:
And that little smile she gave you is amazing National!


Posted by National (Member # 8568) on February 04, 2014 12:23 AM:

Before I get started with this week's show, there is an announcement I am going to make. It's something that's been long overdue for everyone and it's something that is going to take into effect very soon.

This is going to be the final week in where I'm going to show images that were taken from my camera that I've used all along to show all the pictures that were posted in this thread. After this week is done, the pictures I will show from here on out will be those that I have taken with my newer camera I've been using. The resolution will be there, the more finer details of these women and their immediate surroundings will be clear and apparent.

This is something that everyone knew was coming, but wasn't exactly sure when the change was going to happen. You guys have been patient with me through all this time and I will deliver on my promise that you guys will be paid back in spades.

The group of girls who I will show this week will represent the final ones that I've taken with the old camera. After this week is over, that's when the new era begins as I re-open National Park. In fact, I have so many photos with this newer camera, that the National Park will phase into two new eras, including the one we will embark on very soon, after this week is over.

This week will be a fantastic show nonetheless, starting off with some decent women, and ending it with a couple of girls who I labeled as National Classics.

This is going to be a pretty good week. The women will be great and we will have better things to look forward to down the line.

So the question remains as to when we can expect the unveiling of these better pictures? The re-opening of National Park will take place on March 4, exactly a month from now.

All in all, I do want to say that even though the quality of the pictures will be on point, everyone is going to realize over time that my style of photography is a thousand times more important to me and will become synonymous with my work while the brand of camera I'm using will become a irrelevant. I want to be synonymous for my own style and less known for what camera I'm using. While quality will be nice, this will have more to do with my eyes, patience and my imagination that will make for outstanding photos and not my tools.

The bottom is that the mood in here is going to change for the better.


If memory recalls correctly, this first girl was a tourist from New Zealand. I knew immediately that she was a tourist from the very large backpack she had with her. You don't see too many local girls carrying backpacks that large and heavy around. She was already seated by herself when I first saw her and I could also tell that she wasn't alone because there was another huge backpack right next to hers. Chances were that wasn't killing herself by hauling both of those things around the city. Whoever was with her must've been in the library using the restroom.

I went up to her anyway and got her to agree to pose for me. About five minutes into the shoot, I asked who she was spending the time with in New York? It was her mother.

Her mother arrives and she couldn't believe what she was seeing. It wasn't in the sense that she was getting mad or anything like that. It was simply the case that she couldn't believe what she was seeing in that she didn't know what to make of the whole situation at first. It was a look that said that coming across something that is as unexpected as this can be a fun thing. Whatever she wanted to say were words that she couldn't get out of her mouth. So I had to fill her in to what was going on, trying to be a bit silly or comical about the whole just to ease her into the situation. She couldn't help but to laugh a little bit and decided to take a picture or two of me taking pictures of her daughter's feet.

I got her mother talking for a while there and it turned into a bit that made it seemed like we - including the daughter - already knew each other for a long time and that they were completely cool with what I was doing.

The mom didn't want to tag along in the pictures, which was fine. She did, however, tried to pair me off with her daughter after the shoot was over.

 -  -  -



This next lady is a bartender at a place that's literally around the corner from where I live. Now I didn't know that going into this shoot because when I go out to see people or to socialize at certain events, I like to go to places that's away from my neighborhood. Not that my neighborhood is terrible by any means. It's just that I like to go to places that are out of my way or places that are unfamiliar to me. When I'm done having fun, I don't want my house to be just a few steps away.

She asked what part of town I lived in. I told her, and that's when she told me about place where she serves drinks. When she named the place, that's when we really hit it off. She's an awesome person, the type that will go with whatever flow you're on.

It took a while before the smell from her feet got to my nose. For a long time I thought her feet didn't smell of anything, but when it finally got to me, that's when it hit me kind of hard. I never said anything to her about it. I just smiled and kept shooting and kept letting me shoot away. It was that classic feet smell that packed a decent punch. In fact, if you look at the third-to-last picture in her gallerie, you'll see a mark that was left on the chair indicating just how hot the air was that was emanating from her feet.

She's an awesome chick. She moved to the City several years ago from Denver. By the way, speaking of Denver, I can tell you that she's not too happy about how the Broncos lost that SuperBowl to Seattle. Poor girl! Don't worry for her too much, though ... she'll live.

 -  -  -


SIZE 8.5


I'll be back here real soon with more women to share with everyone as we celebrate the final week of pictures from my old camera before we make the transition to a better future in here. We'll see more girls tomorrow night. At the end of the week, I'll finish things off with a couple of Classics.

Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on February 04, 2014 06:47 AM:
Fear not, your style speaks what needs to be said, and you've established that.

Nice girls on this one! Back in the day when I used to do what you do, I had run across enough Antipodeans to decide that as a group, they were very reluctant to play. But kudos.

Cheers, mate!
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on February 04, 2014 08:52 AM:
Nice girls, as always. Pretty cool stories with both of them, especially the last one being a bartender who works just doors down from where you live. Seems like you hit a jackpot that's very close to home for you.

And I also look forward to what these new pictures are going to show us in the future. This certainly makes for exciting news and it's only going to make this thread even better and better.

Thanks for the photos and the news.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on February 04, 2014 10:41 PM:
Originally posted by hyperion:
Fear not, your style speaks what needs to be said, and you've established that.

Thank you so much for acknowledging that. But it's time for my style to speak a different and clearer message. And that will become even more established.

Originally posted by hyperion:
Back in the day when I used to do what you do, I had run across enough Antipodeans to decide that as a group, they were very reluctant to play.

Shucks! My condolences.

Originally posted by caseman:
Nice girls, as always. Pretty cool stories with both of them, especially the last one being a bartender who works just doors down from where you live. Seems like you hit a jackpot that's very close to home for you.

You can say that again!

Originally posted by caseman:
And I also look forward to what these new pictures are going to show us in the future. This certainly makes for exciting news and it's only going to make this thread even better and better.

You better believe it. You guys will be seeing more National Classics when the new era makes its presence felt. It's going to be very exciting and compelling for anyone who's a fan of my work.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on February 05, 2014 12:17 AM:
It's pronounced Bulgari, like the name of that famous jewelry company. When they spell out the name of their own company, they put the V in place of the U because in Latin, the V is our version of U. I did something similar to her name, however I've place the V upside-down. She's from Bulgaria, and in one dictionary where they give a breakdown on how they want you to pronounce each word, they had that upside-down V in place of the U in Bulgaria. Combine those with the fact that I liked how she dressed that day, that's how her stage name name came about.

She came with that thick accent that left you with no doubt that she was from that country and she didn't mind killing a few moments with me.

 -  -  -




She doesn't follow the NBA, but when it comes to NCAA college hoops, she's on the the game and on the money. When you're from Smalltown, Kansas like she is (I say Smalltown because every place in Kansas is small), the Jayhawks are the only talk of town. That team is one of the oldest and most successful programs in the history of college basketball. She's from one of those places where the next biggest story in town is how a cat got rescued from a tree or how much money some kids made from selling lemonade right in front of their house. Perhaps I'm over-exaggerating things a bit, but you get the idea of she's from.

In any event, she lives in New York now. She was still trying to get used to the transition from Kansas to New York, where everywhere you turn there's a scene out of an action movie. Things are spinning in her head from all the commotion and chaotic pace that New York is synonymous for, but she very much enjoys the rush and the unpredictability that come along with those. She's having fun living here while her heart is still with those Jayhawks and the people of her hometown.

 -  -  -




That will be all for now. I have a few more women to show everyone before this week is done.
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on February 05, 2014 06:07 AM:
Most definitely still enjoying those toe cleavage and playing-with-flats shots. Great stuff.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on February 05, 2014 09:01 AM:
Originally posted by hyperion:
Most definitely still enjoying those toe cleavage and playing-with-flats shots. Great stuff.

You're not alone because I also enjoy these very much. My goodness, National, this is GREAT stuff. I swear. Her photos were excellent. Her toe cleavage and dangling shots were well done. They were exceptional. Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em!

You're doing a fantastic job with these women.
Posted by jediofthefeet (Member # 1463) on February 05, 2014 02:04 PM:
Smallville has such thick toes! I love the unpolished look. She takes excellent care of her feet. Her soles are immaculate! And she is a very lovely, attractive mature woman. I can appreciate that. Just don't go the route of Pedisole Junction. He will shoot anyone, from old great-grandmothers to dudes!
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on February 05, 2014 06:12 PM:
A great showing, as always. I love Clear's gallery and Smallville's. I also enjoyed the girl from Bulgaria. Loved that her soles were just a bit dirty. That made me click on her set almost immediately. Needless to say that I wasn't disappointed at all. I don't regret wasting my load on those soles. [Jerkoff]
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on February 06, 2014 12:50 AM:
Originally posted by 18th Floor:
Loved that her soles were just a bit dirty. That made me click on her set almost immediately. Needless to say that I wasn't disappointed at all. I don't regret wasting my load on those soles. [Jerkoff]

I don't regret it either. [Jerkoff]
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on February 06, 2014 06:13 PM:
Can't wait to see what your work will entail when we see these new images in better, clear quality. This is great news and I can only imagine how much better things are going to get around here.

You've done a great job with what you got out of your old camera and I will definitely cherish a lot of the women you got to take pictures of. I am looking forward to what you have in store for us in the future.
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on February 07, 2014 01:29 AM:
Some great work that you posted over the last few days. I enjoy Smallville's set. I especially love the last few shots where the angles are below her feet, looking up at them from the back as she's dangling her feet. That's something we don't see a lot of. Those are very sexy shots. We all love how they look when they dangle their shoes. But we all see it by looking down where their feet are. It's almost never that we see it from the angles where we're the one who's sitting below, looking up at how her heels and soles look from that spot.

Clear is not the best looking girl you photographed, but her feet are in pretty good shape. Loved how her mother was a spectator through it all. Very generous of her to try to pimp her daughter out to you, so to speak. You're living a pretty cool life, man. [Thumbs Up]

And that Creme Creme gallery is out of this world. I don't see anything wrong with it. The shots are pretty good and her story leading up to it was well written. Sometimes when I read your stories, it feels like I was the one who was there trying to get these girls to do what it is they do.

Love how she was able to pose her feet towards the end when she was styling in her flats. Well done.

Thanks a million, and I cannout wait for these Classics that you talk about that will end this week. Simply can't wait.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on February 08, 2014 01:53 AM:
I remember seeing her a few minutes after walking into the park. When I made my decision to go up to her, I received an important phone call that I HAD to take. That took my attention away from her partly because I knew that I was going to be in for a lengthy conversation. So I continued walking to look for another spot to sit down at some other part of the park, far away from her.

By the time I was done with that, I made my rounds around the park looking for girls to photograph. It wasn't until an hour later when I finally get back to the Reading Room, the same spot where I saw this girl same girl before. I couldn't believe she was still there after all that time and I had completely forgotten about her by the time I got to that part of the park again. She looked so cute sitting there all to herself reading a book.

She's a very quiet person. She's someone who speaks a few words and is more shy about things than most of the girls I meet.

 -  -  -


Posted by National (Member # 8568) on February 08, 2014 02:21 AM:

She had her back facing me when I first spotted her, and I knew from her long hair that she was going to make for a great shoot. She was one of those girls who I knew I needed to get. When I walked by her to see how her face looked, there was no doubt that I was going to go in. Very beautiful, nice blond hair, lovely legs. To not ask this girl to pose for me would be inexcusable.

Even though I've done this so many times, I still cannot believe just how easily a lot of these women accept the offer. I don't think I was able to complete two sentences before she told me that she didn't see why she couldn't do this for me.

I love it when these girls tell me that having me take pictures of their feet is the first time someone has ever done something like that to them. She's no exception. When asked how often she gets pedicures, she said once a year. She would do it herself and not get it professionally done in a salon. She's one of those types who generally throws on the first articles of clothing she sees and just walks out the door without taking much into account about how it looks on her and wastes very little- to no time picking and choosing what goes best on her while styling in front of the mirror. While I believed her, I also found that hard to believe. If that confused you for a second, then it should've.

She's not into shows like Access Hollywood, Entertainment Tonight, or anything else that looks like that. That's not to say that she's been living under a rock because she definitely knows who some of the stars are and what they're up to these days. She tried get to get herself interested in those shows, but lost interest in them almost immediately.

She's your very typical, casual, cool, laid-back chick. Like everyone else, she watches some TV on some nights, more TV on others, as long as it's not shows like the ones mentioned or the Academy- or Golden Globe awards or any event that's too "formal" and "appropriate" for her.

The thing that draws you in about her is that a conversation with her can easily take left or a right turn on Seductive Lane where her voice and the demeanor of the conversation becomes your aphrodisiac. In that sense, she reminds me a lot of Distinctive Velvet (who's pictures can be re-visited on page 30 of this thread). She also can be made to blush quite easily. She's quite sensitive that way.

An interesting spot during the shoot happened about 10 minutes into the shoot when a bunch of 11 or 12 year-old kids came in from a field trip and sat at the chairs that were several feet away from us to eat their late-afternoon snacks. Some of them, including the chaperones couldn't help but look over to see what was going on. You can hear some giggles from the children, but for the most part they kept to themselves.

I really loved her soles, the size of her feet and how long her toes were - the kind of feet I look for in a girl. I was glad to have met her.

 -  -  -  -





This last girl of the week was given a unique stage name that perfectly fits her identity. The first name is Greek for sword, the last name is Welch for gracious protector. Both names are feminine, although I didn't have to capitalize the V in the first name. I did it just so that it can stand out to the audience.

She reminds me of a modern day version of someone who has time traveled from the Medieval- or Dark Ages of Europe, although she's American and a native New Yorker.

I got to the Fifth Avenue terrace before she did. The place was extremely crowded because people were still enjoying their lunch breaks at 3:30 in the afternoon.

When I saw her walk in, I immediately sensed that she would be the perfect girl to do this with. I had to have her, I knew I was going to get her and nothing was going to convince me otherwise. I was standing still, looking for someone to shoot when she walked by me and her whole look, plus her hair color was what caught my undivided attention. I saw what kind of shoes she had on and I got more excited as I saw each step she was taking as she walked around. I wanted to say something right away, but stopped myself from doing so because I needed to see where she was going to sit first. It looked like she was there to take a break from the city and read a book because it was already out when I saw her and she held it open to a certain page.

After she made herself comfortable, I went up to her to make myself comfortable. There were a lot or people around, but oh well. My heart was set on that girl.

Without giving this a second thought, she took her shoes off and was ready to go. She had a great attitude about it and found my fascination with women's feet perfectly normal. It's funny that I say that because there was a woman came in to sit down at a table right to my left about five minutes in. Apparently she didn't think my love for women's feet was normal. I could tell because of the look on her face. You know that look - I don't have to explain it to you. She thought I was taking pictures of this girl's feet without her knowledge or consent because she was reading her book while I was snapping away. She probably thought I was a sick pervert, taking advantage by preying on unsuspecting women. She probably got the pervert part right, but the women I photograph knows what's going on and know that I have a foot fetish.

So ... I decided to have a little fun with the second girl and said, "Don't worry, sweet'art ... you're next." [Smile] I'll never forget the look on her face when she gasped, got up from the table and walked away. I think she lost her appetite. Good! GOOD!

The first girl loved how I got rid of the second one and we laughed it off a few seconds before returning to our regularly scheduled routine of my photoshoots. She went back to reading and gave me the time I needed.

She loves collecting books and is so fascinated with stories that involves dungeons, dragons with heads of a lion, submission and sexual slavery that glorified those times in the ancient past. Anything riveting to that extent, she will be captivated. The book she was reading during the shoot followed a theme that went along those lines.

After the shoot, we talked for a bit longer and connected with each other quite well.

 -  -  -

ZeVa Esme --



Well, we have come to an end of showing pictures from my old camera. We had so much fun going through those images, a lot of fun in seeing how I had progressed in my photography style over the course of that time, and it's only going to get better.

On March 4, we start a new era and everyone will enjoy the viewings even better. I can't wait to show them. Thank you all so much for being such fantastic supporters. I thank everyone for the appreciation. Thanks for welcoming my work with open arms. I will continue to spread the wealth by showing you all these pictures for free, images of fantastic women.

All of this just for you guys.

Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on February 08, 2014 07:48 AM:
These last three are terrific. I like Carrina's gestalt, I like Swordbearer's skin tone, complexion and hair color (she should be in a white, diaphanous gown), and I love Blonde Blush's perfectly formed feet and toes. Those were just exquisite.
Posted by smy454 (Member # 10309) on February 08, 2014 08:19 AM:
great post,the pictures are clear and very good angles. nice sets.Thanks
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on February 08, 2014 08:52 AM:
Huuuge National Classics!

I was waiting for this update to come. Both girls have great looking feet. Gosh you hit us with a straight punch this time.

Due the well worked out picture lightning, and also because of her perfectly shaped feet, soles and high arches, my vote for this week goes to ZeVa Esme!

Thank you for another quality post in the epic National Park thread. I bet you have a lot of fun doing this :-)
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on February 08, 2014 11:18 AM:
Great work! Those last two youngish girls were perfect girl-next-store look. Love their feet!
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on February 08, 2014 03:26 PM:
I'm going to agree with everyone here. Just WOW! My goodness, I knew there were going to be some new girls right around this time, but the last three girls, especially the last two, were so amazing that they were more than what I had bargained for. These three girls are arguably the most memorable three girls that you presented back-to-back-to-back. You really know how to save the best for the end of the week. You just posted the best pictures of the week, without question. That cannot be disputed.

If people liked them so much, I can only imagine how much better things will get when pictures from the new camera are posted.

I love each of the three girls for different reasons, and their stories really add weight and depth to what we're looking at and how people respond to your work. Great stories and wonderful pictures.

My hats off to you again.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on February 08, 2014 09:32 PM:
Originally posted by hyperion:
These last three are terrific. I like Carrina's gestalt, I like Swordbearer's skin tone, complexion and hair color (she should be in a white, diaphanous gown), and I love Blonde Blush's perfectly formed feet and toes. Those were just exquisite.

I agree with everything you said. Every word. I, too, would love to see that girl showcasing herself in such a gown. If there's any girl who I posted who is best suited to wear that and play the role perfectly, it would be her. She would trance into an orgasm having don a dress like that.

Carrina, because of her shy nature, becomes a very cute puzzle to solve because one would like to know a bit more about her. As long as her feet are made available at a moment's notice, it's probably meant to be that she remain shy and not as talkative. She's very nice and I'm very happy that you like her so much. Means a lot to me because I share the same sentiments about her as you do.


By the way, while we're on the subject, Blonde Blush can be described as someone who's quite bashful herself. [Smile]


As far as ZeVa Esme goes, that's not an impression that you can pick up so easily on her. Let it be known that that girl is still a warrior to this day, and that spirit will stay within her forever. That's a characteristic I don't think I'll be able to classify with regards to anyone else I photographed. And I cannot believe that I've just come to that realization now! The fact that I can't say that about any other girl I met, not the fact that she's a champion.

Like the two girls before her, she is kind-hearted. When it comes to Zeva, and how she presents and carries herself, I think I prefer to use the word benevolent. Unlike the other two, though, there's also a nefarious, yet playful side to her that excites her.

All of this in the form of your average, everyday girl who just sit next to you in a subway ride home during the evening rush.

Originally posted by hyperion:


Posted by National (Member # 8568) on February 08, 2014 09:37 PM:
Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
Huuuge National Classics!

I was waiting for this update to come.

So was I, you had no idea! I knew these two girls would compel you to post a message showing how much you like them. I actually thought to myself going into this week, when I planned on the order in which I was going to show these girls: These first few girls might not catch his attention. But wait 'till he sees THESE girls.' Absolutely true.

What's also amazing was that I knew in advance that you would give your vote to Zeva Esme. You and I are practically identical when it comes to what kind of feet we like.

Sometimes I like to think of Zeva as a character as opposed to just another person. No matter how you slice it, she is great to be around.

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
Thank you for another quality post in the epic National Park thread. I bet you have a lot of fun doing this :-)

Sir, you have no idea how true that is. I'm always happy and it's therapeutic.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on February 08, 2014 09:38 PM:
Originally posted by smy454:
great post,the pictures are clear and very good angles. nice sets.Thanks

Originally posted by Icarus:
Great work! Those last two youngish girls were perfect girl-next-store look. Love their feet!

... and also in response to 18th Floor's comments ...

Thanks so much for finding the words to express your likeness of these last group of women. Your comments are always appreciated and I will continue to treat you guys right.

Thank you all for everything.

Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on February 09, 2014 03:23 AM:
What a way to put an ending to this week. I'm at a loss for words here. I would be perfectly fine if someone had to choose any one of these three girls for me. I don't care.

You are legend, National.

I don't even know what to say about any one of these girls that will do them proper justice because these women, the stories and their feet are just great. Kind of like a must-see kind of thing. You catch their feet at the best, and some might say unique angles that makes this thread really stand out from the others out there.

Unbelievable job once more. Amazing.
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on February 09, 2014 05:49 PM:
Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
Due the well worked out picture lightning, and also because of her perfectly shaped feet, soles and high arches, my vote for this week goes to ZeVa Esme!

You probably nailed it right there. It's because of that that that will stand out as one of the all-time best shoots we will ever see for a very long time. Something about how the sun was positioned really made her hair stand out and really did a great job in highlighting her feet.

One of the reasons I love this thread so much is how National packages these girls through their stories and the words he chooses to describe each person. I think reading National's response to your's and hyperion's quote by giving you guys more insight to what that ZeVa Esme is like really heightens her appeal.

I also love how he came up with her name as well. Just brilliant.

Blonde Blush has toes that makes them look very suckable and her soles are stunning! It was funny reading how those kids were sitting around, looking over at the shoot and having a few laughs at your expense, National. [Smile]

I REALLY enjoy some of the angles you did for both her, Carrina, and especially ZeVa. You really love what you do.

This has been great. I really enjoy these and I feel so relaxed now after looking through a lot of these pictures.

Thanks a million billion. [Thumbs Up]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on February 10, 2014 01:11 AM:
ZeVa Esme

It seems like she has become the most popular girl in here since Spring Fox. To see many people gather their support for one girl above the rest of the pack makes me feel pretty good and it makes this thread a very special place to hang out.

This is another chance to get a good look at her. These pictures below are one of the numerous other pictures I've taken of her that I did not post in the original gallerie.

I thank you all for seeing what makes ZeVa Esme a very gifted person.

-click on a picture to enlarge-
 -  -  -  -  -  -  -

Posted by footograf (Member # 11549) on February 11, 2014 12:17 AM:
i was in New York,in October, i really thought i could meet you.
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on February 11, 2014 02:11 AM:
I swear, this stuff is great! These extra photos are awesome and I really appreciate that you found the time to show some other poses that you didn't post in the first place. All of these extra pictures are great, especially the first one, and it gives us more reasons to like Zeva Esme.

Thanks so much for sharing these with us. I salute you, National.
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on February 11, 2014 06:29 AM:
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on February 11, 2014 09:56 PM:
Originally posted by foot_fashion_industry:
I swear, this stuff is great! These extra photos are awesome and I really appreciate that you found the time to show some other poses that you didn't post in the first place. All of these extra pictures are great, especially the first one, and it gives us more reasons to like Zeva Esme.

Thanks so much for sharing these with us. I salute you, National.

Originally posted by hyperion:

Thank you. Both of you.


Originally posted by footograf:
i was in New York,in October, i really thought i could meet you.

Damn. I saw some of your work for the first time a few minutes ago and it says you're from France. I apologize for not making myself available to you at the time you were in New York.

Speaking of France, I ran into someone back in June who films women's feet. He's also from France. Here's his YouTube channel.

I don't think I've told this story before in this foot forum. It was a Saturday and I was at the park taking pictures of some girl's feet. After I was done with her, he comes up to me to start a conversation. At first I tried to get rid of him because I thought he was trying to recruit new members to join a bible study. Whenever I was at that park, I would be approached once or twice a week by someone who wants to preach the word of God and how God is the answer to everything, blah blah blah. So when he came up to me, I thought he was another one of those guys.

Before I was ready to walk away from him, he told me that he wasn't there to talk about religion, but instead he wanted to talk about what I was doing with that girl just a minute before, taking pictures of her feet. He said that he had a foot fetish as well and that he has videos posted on YouTube. He's good friends with Fred Sweetsoles on YouTube. I couldn't believe that I was talking to the man who was behind some of the videos I've seen before on the internet.

He almost never visits any foot forums, which explained why he never saw my work before. He wanted to see pictures of different girls who posed for me. He loved those pictures a lot and couldn't believe how many pictures I took and how many women posed for me. The guy thought I was a God or something.

We talked for five to ten minutes minutes before the conversation had to be cut short because some drunk guy was hitting on his wife, who was standing about 50 feet from where we were.

He couldn't stay much longer and he really needed to be somewhere else. I wished he had stayed longer so that he could've seen me in action. In fact, minutes after he left the park, I was able to get some other girl to pose for me. I felt bad that he had to miss that.

We exchanged a few emails since, but I haven't spoken to the guy in a long time. I should get in touch with him again because he was a really cool guy.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 04, 2014 01:46 AM:
This is the grand re-opening of a place that has become a landmark for people who share the admiration of women's feet. This is the grand re-opening of National Park.

When one walks through this place, it does not take long before he comes across a woman who has her feet propped up on a neighboring chair (which explains my avatar), baring her soles so that her feet can take a break from walking the streets of New York City and finally begins to breathe for a sigh of relief after they've been removed from her shoes.

The desired effect of these pictures is to have the ladies go on about their business as if the camera was never there to begin with, keeping the scene and the feeling as close to genuine and authentic as possible. When looking at the pictures, this is practically identical to what one is expected to see when walking through the place.

These are your genuine, everyday Janes, the Mary Housewives of this world. The ladies featured here are not porn stars or celebrities who live lifestyles that only the very rich and famous live. These ladies walk among us, work among us, talk among us. During the morning and evening rush hours, these are the girls who are sitting across from you in the buses or subways, either going to work or escaping from work, looking forward for a night out in the town or just crashing the night at home.

Ladies and Gentlemen, you will have the comfort in knowing that these ladies have not been re-touched. They are not hired hands. These women were nice enough to pose for me at a moment's notice, their feet fresh out of their shoes, as is.

You're welcome to visit the park anytime, and I hope you enjoy your visit.

Thank you.


From Moscow, we have our first girl who will lead us into the new phase of National Park. Unlike other women from Russian who I had pose for me, this one does not come with the thick accent that helps characterize her heritage, although her facial features is a giveaway that she's not originally from the United States. Her English is so organized that I don't see how she can speak in her native language can be any better.

When I first saw her, she was seated not too far from the fountain that's by the park's entrance on Sixth Avenue. She had her back towards me when I started to make my move. That was also the same time when she got up from her chair and started to walk around the park a bit before she would make her exit from the park for good.

I was following her, hoping to catch her before she disappeared. She was walking down the alley when she suddenly stopped to take in the view of the lawn. I walked up right beside her ...

"So beautiful, right?"


"Looking out on to the lawn. Watching those people play around with each other, watching the children spending quality time with their mothers and fathers, on a day where the weather couldn't be any better, just being an observer of this scene from the outside looking in, brings tranquility to the soul."

I guess she appreciated the delivery in which I said that because it took her a few seconds to digest the passage she just heard. I said that in such a way that made it sound as if someone was watching Nature on the National Geographic channel or some other channel like that.

There was a moment of silence between us. From the corner of my eye, I could see that she looked at me, then the lawn, then back at me before she asked, "Are you a poet or something?"

"No, but I play one on TV."

She smiled at that, knowing all along that I was only teasing her.

 -  -  -




Over here we have someone from Long Island. She owns a nail salon out there and she runs the business with the help of her daughter. Her daughter was the one who gave her mother the pedicure that you'll see in these pictures. All sounds good in that mother-daughter relationship. Earlier that day, however, those two got into a huge argument over something and the mom was pretty convinced that her daughter now hates her. She wasn't sure if their relationship would be the same afterwards. She didn't seem incredibly sad by it, even though the thought was bothering her a bit.

She seemed like a woman who would be able to learn how to live with the distance between herself and her daughter. I remember feeling as if I was her psychologist just listening to her story while I'm still shooting photos of her feet. Not that I mind being her doctor, so to speak. I enjoyed it because that was her first chance that day to talk to someone about that particular issue as if I was someone who's known her for a long time, completely forgetting that I'm, in fact, a stranger to her.

What was amazing about her side of the story was that at no time did she ever say a bad word about her daughter. She never said anything to demean her or to assassinate her character. She was only hoping that things would get back to the way they were.

Instead of asking what's the hardest part about being a mother, I asked her what was the easiest part of being a mom. That was a good, unexpected question as she sat there to think about the answer. She said that the easiest part about being a parent is gaining a new perspective for appreciating and loving life itself. She said that that's probably best gift anyone can receive from having a child.

NOTE ...
The first two pictures in the sample are not included in the gallerie. However, you can click on those thumbnails to enlarge the images. The third thumbnail is included in the gallerie.

 -  -  -




Hope you enjoy the images. I have more where that came from, and I will show them to everyone throughout the course of this week.


[ March 04, 2014, 01:58 AM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on March 04, 2014 06:31 AM:
What a great icebreaker to take home after an argument: "The strangest thing happened to me today..." Who knows, maybe you facilitated some reconciliation.

Cheers, man, these are pretty girls with pretty feet.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on March 04, 2014 09:43 AM:
These pictures definitely looked like they were taken from a different camera than the one you were using before. I can certainly tell the difference between the ones in Nature Moscow, for example, and the ones posted before her. I really love how these came out, and I'm definitely looking forward to more of what you've got for us. Fantastic once again.
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on March 04, 2014 09:47 AM:
Nature Moscow's toes are incredible.

I'm so glad to see this thread is back in full swing. Can't wait to see what else you have in store for us Natonal.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on March 04, 2014 03:42 PM:
Great job, as usual (only better)!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 05, 2014 12:05 AM:
Normally, I don't go around shooting pictures of women who share the same body type as the girl you're about to see here. This was one of those "ah, why not?" type of moments for me.

When I got closer to her, that's when it really dawned on me that this would make a great candidate for someone who has very smelly feet. When I saw the conditions that her footwear was in, it had to have been a foregone conclusion that her feet would smell.

There was that little hesitation from her about wanting to do this in the first place because she was married. When I was about to leave, she decided to go for it after thinking about it for a few seconds.

For those who love smelly and/or kind of dirty feet, you might enjoy this one. It was one of those moments when I knew that her feet were going to smell way before she removed her shoes. It's like know how it's going to feel to get punched in the face way before the punch lands on your face after begging someone to do it. This is a case where a book can be judged by its cover because her footwear was a dead giveaway that something quite smelly was wrapped inside them and the fact that her feet weren't that clean looking to begin with was another sign that someone should heed the warning about how they could've smelled like.

I forgot her shoe size. Perhaps you can figure out how big they were.

 -  -  -



This was probably the shortest shoot I've ever had. Everything just happened so fast.

I knew going in that I had very, very little time to work with. She was just about to exit the park on Sixth Avenue and she stopped suddenly on the steps to reply to a text. She told me how much time she had before she really needed to go. I could've just forgotten about her and pretended that the encounter never happened. For some reason, I really wanted to see what her feet were about. I was glad I did because her feet were one of the best I've come across.

From the pictures I've taken of her, I knew that had she had more time on her hands, I was going to turn it into another National Classic.

I wished she stayed longer, even though I knew she had so little time to give me.

I told a friend of mine (who also visits the park and who also has a foot fetish) that I wish I had more pictures of her. He told me that had he had the balls to cold approach women like I do, that he would've been so excited that he was only able to get a dozen or so pictures out of any girl.

When you've been spoiled like I have, and the girls allow you all this time to do what you want, you always want more.

In the end, I am thankful for what was I was able to get out of her. She was in a rush to leave the park when I approach her, but she was still nice enough to give me something to remember her by for my pleasure.





I do have more women to show everyone. You will see them towards the end of the week. There will be something in it for everyone. These up-coming girls will send us into the weekend on a very positive note. Everyone will be in a great mood.

Posted by DeuceBigglo (Member # 1326) on March 05, 2014 01:38 AM:
Moscow lady got fine toes and feet
Posted by DeuceBigglo (Member # 1326) on March 05, 2014 01:40 AM:
Moscow lady got fine toes and feet
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on March 05, 2014 06:20 AM:
National, the larger girl's feet are probably the smelliest looking feet you've posted. How did the strength of the smell compare to other girls with smelly feet in this thread?
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on March 05, 2014 12:42 PM:
I continue to lose buckets worth of cum when I see your pictures. I lost control of myself when I saw the bigger girl's feet. She's kind of a hidden gem because I would see a girl like her and not think that the shape of her feet and soles would look as good as her's did.

Originally posted by Sol:
National, the larger girl's feet are probably the smelliest looking feet you've posted. How did the strength of the smell compare to other girls with smelly feet in this thread?

That's a very good question.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on March 05, 2014 01:14 PM:
Nice! I like the girl with the worn shoes and stinky dirty feet. You can see inside the shoe it says 10/11 which I assume is the size, but her feet don't look that big. I would have guessed size 7.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on March 05, 2014 07:54 PM:
Originally posted by Icarus:
Nice! I like the girl with the worn shoes and stinky dirty feet. You can see inside the shoe it says 10/11 which I assume is the size, but her feet don't look that big. I would have guessed size 7.

I agree. They look kinda big in those shots, but the size of the shoes don't look that big to me. Weird, I suppose. Perhaps a 7 is correct based on how small the shoes look compared to her feet themselves. Perhaps she crammed her big feet into them so she could get them really smelly. I know I'm engaging in wishful thinking, but still. [Big Grin]

Sol is right, her feet do look a lot smellier than the other girls he posted. [Jerkoff]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 05, 2014 11:31 PM:
Originally posted by hyperion:
What a great icebreaker to take home after an argument: "The strangest thing happened to me today..." Who knows, maybe you facilitated some reconciliation.

Cheers, man, these are pretty girls with pretty feet.


Originally posted by Sol:
National, the larger girl's feet are probably the smelliest looking feet you've posted. How did the strength of the smell compare to other girls with smelly feet in this thread?

Of the girls I've shown so far, a case can be made for placing her in the Top 3 or Top 4. The Fourteenth Wonder, though, had a pretty strong smell as well, so let's not forget about her. The larger girl definitely had a stronger smell than WebMdD's. Make no mistake about it: the large girl's feet were very smelly. I didn't have to get too close to see if there was anything there because the smell came right over to me.
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on March 06, 2014 03:18 AM:
Glad you are back! I'm getting used to this great thread so it was kind of hard to wait for all these consecutive days without hearing from you :-)

Nature Moscow did it for me. She looks great and the overall coloring is high above the average!

About the smelly girl shoe size which is generating some debate, I also noticed the 10/11 and it seemed completely normal to me as her feet look huge at the first sight (maybe I'm wrong).

Thanks for sharing. Can't wait for the next ones!
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on March 07, 2014 12:18 AM:
I'm also excited to see that you're back. Looking at how these new picture came out certainly gives this thread a new reason not to miss anything that's going on. Love the quality and graphics of how the pictures came out, and I agree when another person said that Nature Moscow's pictures were the best examples of how clean the new pictures can look. Don't know how to explain them, but something about the quality in her photos look different from anything else I've seen before. Hope to see a lot more photos that look as well as her's. The pictures from the others look pretty good as well, certainly better than what we've seen in this thread before. The details in the pictures that feature the larger girl are also pretty good and that certainly played into the conversation as to why she's been mentioned several times before.

I think I like the mother's feet best. The story behind her was not something I was expecting to hear when I first started to read her situation. Kinda feel bad for her and hopefully her relationship with her daughter has been smoothed over. Her pedicure does look pretty good. I certainly, certainly love the first thumbnail before clicking on her link where she's biting into whatever she was eating. The soles of her feet, the look on her face as she bit into that thing made everything look so delicious and it made me hungry as well.

Shadow Eerie had some pretty sick soles as well.

I know there will be more pictures to come and my mind is running all over the place because we don't know which girl will pop up next.

Awesome work.
Posted by devilman99 (Member # 31632) on March 07, 2014 06:28 PM:
WOw, congratulations for your work! Amazing [Big Grin]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 08, 2014 01:15 AM:
I came across another very nerdy girl. Sometimes I like to see what kind of feet those women have. Judging by her appearance, she not the type of woman who a lot of guys would place as top priorities on their To-do lists.

Curiosity got the best of me and I wanted to get a real good look at her feet. Her feet were a bit smelly as I got closer and closer to her soles.

After the shoot, I spent a bit talking about why I liked her feet. She got very shy and she felt nice about herself because not too many guys pay that much attention to her to begin with. It was interesting to her that I chose her feet as something that needed to be at the forefront and center.

Before, she thought her feet were nothing special. Thanks to me, she said, she will no longer neglect how she takes care of them and will see them as something far more special than just feet.

 -  -  -  -



On a rainy day, I am not to be found in the park. I see those as a well-deserved day off for me in my foot hunting adventures. I walk by the place, minding my own business, not expecting to do anything that day in terms of visiting the park.

This must've been around 10:30 in the morning and I was taking a small break from work. I walk by the entrance of the place and saw this girl sitting on a chair right next to the street on Fifth Avenue. She looked as if she was in a world to herself and was feeling left out that no one wanted to join her company. Kind of like the look a child gives when she's the last one to be picked when other kids are choosing who they want on their dodge ball teams.

At first I walked by her. Then I stopped on my tracks before retracing it. I thought it would be nice to make use of her time.



"I notice you're sitting there all to yourself. I'm not doing anything now myself. Let's get to know each a bit. C'mon, let's talk."

I took her up the stairs onto the terrace where the shoot eventually wound up taking place.

I told her that I like her shoes, asked where she got them from, one thing led to another and her feet were then out of her shoes.

She's very smart and someone who's well informed about the immoral, unscrupulous organizations assisted by corrupt officials. She would probably make for a good public advocate in the town where she lives (she's not from New York).

 -  -  -


Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 08, 2014 01:40 AM:
Another beautiful day at the park, and I was in the mood of having fun with someone who was in her 40s and, hopefully, single. I knew that whoever she wound up being, she would get a kick out of a young, handsome guy hitting on her.

Her accent told me that she wasn't from anywhere near the United States. She's from New Zealand.

"Of course, why not? Anything for you," she said when asked if she can pose for me.

"Anything? Careful how you use that word around here, 'cause in New York ... anything goes."

"Anything? Is that so?"

From the way she said that, you could tell I pushed the right button with her.

I sit down next to her. "Let's not rush into this just yet. Tell me a bit about yourself. Who are you? What brings you to New York? And why ... do I get the sense that you and I can bond into a great chemistry here?"

With her accent that's still prominent in my memory, "Wow! ... Are you trying to hit on me or something?" She gives a look as if she like the direction in where this might be headed.

"What if I am?"

I wish you were there to see her reaction to that question. She wanted to laugh, but couldn't because she couldn't believe that I was bold enough to there with her so soon into the conversation. At the same time she was at a lost for words because she couldn't believe that I was bold enough to go there with her so soon into the conversation. She wanted to smile, too. I could tell. I guess she was still feeling the effects of the last one or two questions I asked her.

She started to fan herself with her hand. "Oh my God! Wow ... it just got so hot out here all of a sudden." She asked, "Wait a second: who are you?"

"Who am I?"

"Are you this flirtatious with other women?"

"Oh, settle down!," I smiled. I was patting her knee as I said, "No need to get so excited. Look, let's take this one at a time..."

From there, we enjoyed the conversation we had. From there, I took her pictures. And from there we decided that, while the park is a nice place to stay, the dynamics of our connection was destined to become more interesting as I invited her to leave the park with me and have a few drinks. She was honored by the gesture and gladly accepted my invitation.

 -  -  -



Just like the last one I showed you, this lady is also in her 40s who didn't mind the attention from a young man.

She was just stopping by in the park to take a little break before she could go on with her evening. She was going to attend an off-Broadway play, her second in as many weeks. For anyone who loves Broadway musicals, she would make for a wonderful date and a classy companion.

When I saw her at the park, I immediately made my way up to her. She was all to happy to pose for me. After showing her the pictures afterwards, she told me that whatever I decided to do with them, that she didn't mind where those pictures were going to end up, just as long as the people looking at them are very happy and like what they see.

 -  -  -


SIZE 9.5
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on March 08, 2014 07:50 AM:
I think Nerdy Size 6 girl is adorable.
I would have loved to have painted Raingirl's toes for her.
What a great story with Valentine, and Iliked her pretty red toes.
And if you ever see Theatrical Wine again, let her know that yes, I'm happy.
Posted by devilman99 (Member # 31632) on March 08, 2014 09:35 AM:
The "Sooth Ink" set it's beautiful! [Smile]

I'm noy only into feet, but also girls blowing gum. Some people find it rude or disgusting, but for me, it looks sexy, a little bit naughty [Tongue]

Any chance of another set with feet and bubblegum? [Big Grin]
Posted by jediofthefeet (Member # 1463) on March 08, 2014 10:10 AM:
Rain Wishess and Theatrical Wine both had amazing arches. Rain Wishess had nails on her little toes almost the size of fingernails! That was indeed unique. By now, I'm sure some of the guys on here realize the fun, and also, importance, of including a girl's shoes in candid shoots.

That was how we determined the shoe size for A CLASSIC THAT WASN'T. Its not always sure fire, as in the case of Rain Wishesses and Valentine. But very fun to see the big 6 underlined and circled for the nerdy ginger. [Thumbs Up] [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on March 08, 2014 11:42 AM:
Well done! Great sets, all! Thanks.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on March 08, 2014 02:01 PM:
Originally posted by Gezlock:
As usual : THE BEST

Before all of this is said and done, the world will realize just how true that is.

I love these girls and these shots you're getting out of them. And the stories make these pictures more enjoyable.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on March 08, 2014 08:50 PM:
Originally posted by hyperion:
I think Nerdy Size 6 girl is adorable.
I would have loved to have painted Raingirl's toes for her.
What a great story with Valentine, and I liked her pretty red toes.
And if you ever see Theatrical Wine again, let her know that yes, I'm happy.

I agree with all your points, and if I ever see Theatrical Wine again, I'll certainly let her know.

Originally posted by jediofthefeet:
By now, I'm sure some of the guys on here realize the fun, and also, importance, of including a girl's shoes in candid shoots.

That was how we determined the shoe size for A CLASSIC THAT WASN'T. Its not always sure fire, as in the case of Rain Wishesses and Valentine. But very fun to see the big 6 underlined and circled for the nerdy ginger. [Thumbs Up] [Thumbs Up]

Taking pictures of just their shoes is so much fun. I don't feel that a set is complete unless shots of what she wore are included.

Originally posted by Icarus:
Well done! Great sets, all! Thanks.

You're welcome.

Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on March 09, 2014 07:37 PM:
Great way to introduce us with these pictures from the new camera. The pictures will definitely be more enjoyable to look at from now now and this thread will be even better to visit as a result.

In terms of how well the pics came out, I'll have to give it to Nature Moscow. I was in love with the camera immediately when I saw how clean they came out. Her feet look so good, love the specific details that can be seen. The wood of the chair is clear and the quality of the backround balances everything else out very smoothly. Those pictures were very, very smooth looking. Something about the graphics made it look different from other people's work. In terms of storytelling, I enjoyed Valentine's account best. Her pictures were good as well. She is pretty hot, too. A lot of young guys would love to get with someone her age who can manage to stay good looking up to that point, even if it's for a little while. The type of thing that makes me jealous of National and his exploits with these wonderful, wonderful ladies, this one in particular. Amazing with how you were able to pull off that stunt with Valentine. Her accent would make whatever she says sound even sexier. She was a great winner and I'm happy to know that you took well care of her. A lady needs to have a little fun while she's away from home and you provided yourself as a great outlet for her, National. She walked into the park, not thinking anything spectacular would happen, and then you madde her visit to the park and to NYC eventful Good stuff, if I may say.

When it comes to feet alone, not to say that she's unattractive at all. In fact, she's on the contrary. The girl looks very nice as well. And her name is Theatrical Wine. In terms of feet, I think her's look the best. Her soles were to die for and her toes are spectacular.

Let's not forget about the classic that wasn't. My favorite shot is the last one from her set of pictures. The details makes you pay attention to her even longer and I love the angle in which you shot that picture from, National.

Thanks once again for your very generous offerings, National. We really appreciate what you have done for us.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on April 01, 2014 12:43 AM:
The National Park has been made into a legendary landmark thanks to the women who pose their feet in various angles for me so that my passion and enjoyment of what I do can be viewed by many others in here. Now this Park is a place that no foot guy will forget to visit if he finds himself in the Big Apple.

I have several women to unveil this week, making this thread a topic that should become a lively discussion for the rest of the week.

This is National Park, and I am your tour guide.


Here we have someone who moved to New York over from Germany a few years ago. I was walking down the alley towards the upper terrace of the park when I caught this one walking on the gravel alongside the lawn in the same direction where I was heading. She stopped walking when she found a place to sit, which ultimately became the spot where this shoot took place.

Great time and place for a woman to remove her shoes after a very long day at work.

 -  -  -

size 7.5


Ladies and Gentleman, here we have someone who I can classify as our first real-life SuperHeroine of National Park. In fact, I think the name I've given her fits this girl's persona perfectly.

She possesses extraordinary talents and supernatural phenomena. She uses her powers to counter day-to-day crime while also combating threats against humanity by SuperVillains. As well, she sometimes will combat such threats as aliens, magical entities, and godlike or demonic creatures.

So what her her strengths, you ask? She ...

- chews gum.
- pops gum.
- looks fashionable.
- expert knowledge in the area of interior decorating.
- goes out on dates.
- shops for shoes, belts, purses, what have you.
- takes trips to the south of France.

You get the idea.

Her weaknesses include ...

- mathematics
- science
- global history
- politics

By the way, I'm not listing her weaknesses as if they were bad things.

When I first saw her, I had to get pictures of her. I had to. The two of us were walking in opposite directions at the same time when I stopped her on her tracks.

"No face, right?", she asked.

Well, as you know ... I am a cunning linguist and a Master Debater, and I seem to have a different way of answering that question for each time it is thrown at me, depending on the girl's attitude and how I think the conversation is going.

"You know what, I actually haven't made up my mind if I want your pictures just yet." I had her give me her hand, I spun her around slowly, allowing me to check out the rest of her body.

"Soooo?" She smiled, trying to disguise her sense of feeling a bit nervous, fearing that I might give her body a grade of a C- or something.

"I'll take your pictures. I just need you to fix your hair before we get started. That needs to look good for the camera, too." I turned my back to her so that I could get my stuff ready. When I turned back to face her, she was taking her brush out and then proceeded to pet her hair with it.

She gives me a thumbs up as if to ask if she was good to go. I told her that she forgot to brush that part of her hair. In actuality, it didn't seem to me that her hair needed any brushing nor did she "forget to brush that part" as she was getting it ready. I wanted to see if she would comply with me. That was a way to set the foundation as to who called the shots during the shoot. That seemed to have an effect on her when she told me how she thought she liked me already as she was putting her brush away. She didn't explain herself, nor did she need to.

This lady is from Belarus, and for my personal tastes, she has one of the best looking feet I have photographed. I thought about showing her pictures towards the end of the week for one of the big climaxes, as I usually do. Instead, I changed my mind and decided to show her images to start off this week.

By the way, with all that talk about super heroines, this is my way of planting the seed for down the road because there was this other girl who I found who will play the perfect super villain as a yin to her yang, so to speak. So keep that in the back of your mind. She'll make her appearance in the future. You can't have a plot about a good girl without having a bad girl being involved to make things interesting. But for now, our hero is here and she will do what she can to save the day for all of us. Ladies and Gentlemen, she is ...

 -  -  -




You guys already know that I have an endless supply of girls where those came from. I will be here with more pictures around this time tomorrow.


[ April 01, 2014, 12:48 AM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on April 01, 2014 06:37 AM:
I like the poses you put Germangirl in. RE: Cosmic girl, not the very best feet you've captured, but nice long toes, yes. And, 11/10 for backstory on her. A great read.
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on April 01, 2014 11:16 AM:
I completely agree with you National, Cosmic Girl easily has one of the nicest feet you've ever captured.

Big yet slender and elegant, with deliciously long toes and beautiful soles.

Pretty much what I would call perfect feet!

What a way to kick off a new wave of submissions. I cannot wait!
Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on April 01, 2014 01:24 PM:
Whoa...reading Cosmic Girl...I maybe missing something...did you first approach her and mention feet pics or did she already know what you were after?

Great stuff either way man!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on April 01, 2014 07:43 PM:
Originally posted by hyperion:
I like the poses you put Germangirl in. RE: Cosmic girl, not the very best feet you've captured, but nice long toes, yes. And, 11/10 for backstory on her. A great read.

Thanks, hyp.

I understand that a girl with a size 6 is perfect for you. For myself, I prefer women with bigger feet, long toes. Nevertheless, I'm glad you liked her enough to give her a passing grade.

Originally posted by Sol:
I completely agree with you National, Cosmic Girl easily has one of the nicest feet you've ever captured.

Big yet slender and elegant, with deliciously long toes and beautiful soles.

Pretty much what I would call perfect feet!

I think I said those exact words to myself as I was photographing her feet. Word for word. [Smile]

Originally posted by oneagain:
Whoa...reading Cosmic Girl...I maybe missing something...did you first approach her and mention feet pics or did she already know what you were after?

Great stuff either way man!

I approached her and went straight to the point about about her feet.

Glad to see you, man. We haven't talked to each other in a while. [Cheers]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on April 01, 2014 07:47 PM:
"Belive me, I know, when you leave New York, you go nowhere."

- Laurence Fishburne, Actor
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on April 02, 2014 12:09 AM:
An older woman who has very smooth soles. I don't have a whole lot to say about this woman other than that she had no problems with letting me take photos of her feet. This session stopped short because it started to rain.

 -  -  -


SIZE 9.5


Her name means "one belonging to a great heritage and family." She's from Pakistan and the name, although not her real name, kind of sums up the type of characteristics she exhibits.

I guess the concept of men liking feet was brand new to her. She didn't know what to make of it but she let me go ahead with the pictures anyway. She wasn't uncomfortable with me wanting to see her feet. Instead she thought it was a little funny. She was indifferent about it, but that's okay. As long as she gave me the go-ahead to do what I wanted at my own pace, then she's okay with me.

You'll probably like this gallerie.

 -  -  -  -


SIZE 7.5


It's common practice in this thread for some women to be posted early in the week while the climaxes are not unveiled until towards the end of the week.

Two photoshoots that I enjoyed very much will be shown this Friday night/Saturday morning, depending on what part of the world you're in.

Thank you all for being here.

Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on April 02, 2014 05:56 AM:
Aseelah has fantastic feet.

In my own experience Indian/Pakistani girls have the unique trait of having really long toes relative to foot size. I'm a big fan!
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on April 02, 2014 07:13 AM:
Kudos to "Herself," she has very nice feet; easily the feet of a girl 20 years younger than she is. And, I like bigger feet just fine.
Aseelah is also impressive. Very nice lighting on the sole shots.
Happy April!
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on April 02, 2014 11:04 AM:
I guess it's cause I'm getting old [Cry] but I really appreciated seeing a nice pair of older ladies feet. Liked that she had flip-flops on, too! Nice soles.

Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on April 02, 2014 08:57 PM:
I don't what to say anymore to give you all the thanks in the world. So the only thing I can do now is.... [Thud]
Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on April 02, 2014 09:16 PM:
Originally posted by National:

Originally posted by oneagain:
Whoa...reading Cosmic Girl...I maybe missing something...did you first approach her and mention feet pics or did she already know what you were after?

Great stuff either way man!

I approached her and went straight to the point about about her feet.

Glad to see you, man. We haven't talked to each other in a while. [Cheers] [/QB]

[Wink] Glad you are really flourishing...still trying to find an excuse to get back to the NY office!
Posted by Solelvr 20,020 (Member # 20632) on April 03, 2014 07:31 PM:
I must say, Aseelah has some naturally beautiful feet and creamy soles, thanks
Posted by sayonara (Member # 5497) on April 03, 2014 09:16 PM:
Old lady soles very sexy, and classic blue flip flops....mmm [Jerkoff]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on April 04, 2014 09:54 AM:
For the older lady, the tops of her feet shows her age, but her soles are as smooth as silk. Her soles takes some years away from her age. They look wonderful. Her soles look so smooth, that if I came on them, it would slide right off in the same way that mud would on a car that's been Turbo Waxed.

Cosmic Girl just blows me away!!! If she was my girlfriend, I don't think I'll ever need anything else.

I know you have some more to show and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us.
Posted by lovepaintedtoenails (Member # 8935) on April 04, 2014 01:13 PM:
That Cosmic girl, has some sexy long toes!! Love this shot here the most:  - Then you came right back with these sexy shape feet with long toes,DAMN!! TOERIFFIC!!:  - & Then this shot of Aseelah :  - Like I said before, you always find some nice feet and sexy long toes!! Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing them here with us!!!!!!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on April 05, 2014 12:09 AM:
"The present in New York is so powerful that the past is lost."

- John Jay Chapman, American writer



I've had many Early Bird specials during my tour of the park. This lady is one of those specialties. Moments like these are the only reason why I enjoy waking up early on a Sunday. I met this lady first thing on such a morning. While others are at church praying or begging their Fathers for forgiveness, for they have sinned, I'm out at the park doing God's work, for Christ sake. [Evil Grin] [Smile]

All kidding around aside, this was a great way to spend a Sunday. I would've been a fool if I had let this one out of my site. With this one, she was one of those girls who made things easy for me by accepting my request right before I could start speaking my second sentence to her.

She's Brasilian born, Brasilian raised. She was in New York to help her brother find an apartment and she was there to do the paper work necessary to get her brother steps closer to getting him a place of his own.

 -  -  -


SIZE 9.5
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on April 05, 2014 12:33 AM:

Before I go on, I should tell you that these following pictures involve soles only. If you prefer toes over soles, these might not be for you, although you're still free to look at them is you like.




This was another very quick shoot that finished right before it got started. I could tell she wanted to participate in the shoot, but I could also tell that something was holding her back. She was meeting up with her husband, and it was just a matter of minutes before he showed up. I told her that I wouldn't mind if he was watching along. She told me that it was fun that I found her feet to be very good looking, but it would not be a good idea if he saw me taking the pictures.


She was keeping tabs of his whereabouts on her phone, so she would tell me when to stop. After I stopped shooting, there he was a couple of minutes later. We gave a sly smile to each other, pretending that nothing between us has never happened.

She was another one with one of the best looking feet I've seen. Too bad the shoot was so short lived.

I loved her very nerdy look and nerdy demeanor. These type of women are hidden gems. There's something about her look that sort of emphasizes the appeal that the National Park is all about highlighting the women who live the lives of the average person.




For those who liked POLLEN's gallerie so much, I have some more pictures to show of her that didn't make the original cut.


SIZE 9.5

Intermission is over.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on April 05, 2014 12:49 AM:

Another lady who could be easily befriended. She's from Connecticut who came into the City to see her father during his lunch break from work. She's working on becoming a psychologist after she's done with her studies, after enduring all of the lectures at the university when all is said and done.

I asked to see her feet so that I could snap some photos. She said, "Ask and you shall received." That's all it took to get her to comply with me.

The name I've given her comes from the fact that she has a very old-fashion name. When I told her that, she smiled at me and said that she was named after her grandmother. The name you'll see below is not her real name, but the name that is there is used to pay some sort of homage to it's lineage. The first name you'll see is old fashion and so is the other one, which is also a first name. The last time that more than 100 girls in the United States shared that name (the second one, pronounced EYE-la) was in 1952.

I liked how, during the middle or towards the end of the shoot, she said, "We were drawing a lot of ssstares." I heard her the first time, but I asked her to repeat herself because the way she said it was so cute. She told me that when I was taking pictures of her soles, many people couldn't help but look and point fingers at us. When it came to the toes, not so many stares. She then looked up into space with a look that suggested that the fact that so many people were looking at us was pretty neat. You can tell that it was a nice thought that ran through her mind that she wanted to keep to herself.

 -  -  -




"New York stretches the eyes and invites me to look at it with renewed curiosity."

- Catherine Millinaire, Voyeuse

[ April 05, 2014, 01:03 AM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on April 05, 2014 08:41 AM:
"Doing God's work for Christ's sake..." Thanks for the chuckle this AM.

I like all these girls: the serene beauty of Pollen, the good girl naughtiness of Jewel, and Greta has the best feet. I love her expressions.

You are a man in love with his city. Cheers, brother!
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on April 05, 2014 03:29 PM:
National is doing God's work which is why he's a great ambassador to this community. I really love all of these girls, and I will have to go with Pollen as the best of the three, which is not taking anything away from the other two girls because I really enjoy them, too, as I said. Her soles are the stuff dreams are made off and I find myself going back to them over and over, just as much as I do with Cosmic Girl's. You've done such an epic job with her that you separated her pictures into two sections. When I saw her additional pictures during intermission, you reminded me how you never cease to amaze me. You seem to know how to pose their feet in the perfect positions and get them in the best angles ever. When I saw her samples right above her imagebam link, the shape of her soles told me that I was going to be in for something special.

Jewel Spider came in close second for me. I also wish that you could have done more with her. But something is better than nothing as they say. And the quality of her pictures are truly amazing.

And that's a pretty neat stat involving that old fashioned name. Greta Ila's set was very, very good. I really love some of the poses she held as well as the angle in which you caught them in. For example, every picture of the first row and the last three pics on the second row. Your uniqueness is what makes this place a very special place to visit on this forum.

Thanks so much because you have a very gifted talent when it comes to foot photography.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on April 05, 2014 04:46 PM:
Great work as always! Thanks, so much! [Cheers]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on April 06, 2014 03:38 AM:
Thank you all for your support. Nice to see people sharing their thoughts and views on the different women presented over the last several days. It means a lot to me.

I'll return with more updates before the month is over. Right now I have no idea which girls will be the next ones to show their feet, but I'm pretty sure that they will make this topic alive once again.

Adding to what Hyperion said earlier, I do love NYC. I'm here to give new reasons to why people say that they love NY.

Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on April 08, 2014 02:44 AM:
Can't believe I missed out on last week's updates at the time they were being posted. At least the pictures and stories are still there for me to catch up with everyone.

When I look at your work, it shows that you really enjoy what you do. Cosmic Girl has some pretty impressive feet and the story that lead up to the shoot was pretty awesome to read. Reading the stories makes this all the more fun and enjoyable because it makes me feel that it was actually me out there doing all of it or making me feel more confident that I can go out there and do this myself one day.

These National Classics are truly great to look at. Greta Ila was pretty cool by granting you what you asked for from the very beginning. I also like how she's pretty ambitious and strives to become someone who's strong-minded and very successful by reading the book she read during the shoot. Pollen's feet was something to behold because her feet were hot enough to be never ignored.

I love Jewel Spider's feet the best. And I love how the lady looked as well. There's this sense of wholesomeness when you look at her and her feet that's not present in many other women who agree to model their feet. And that's also something that gives this thread its realness and wholesomeness factor that's hard to find anywhere else.

Real women, real feet. This is just as good as mom's home-cooked meal. [Smile]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on April 28, 2014 11:58 PM:
Over here you can expect new photoshoots with every update I post. In a city with an endless supply of women, there will never be a photoshoot that has been recycled.

None of these girls have been retouched. Meeting so many new women and having them pose for me adds another element to why life is good.


This girl who you're about to see is the only one out of all of the others this week who is not a tourist.

This one doesn't work too far from where the park is. She was getting herself prepared to work her shift as a hostess for a restaurant.

 -  -  -




A tourist from Norway was also at the park. It started to rain all of a sudden and I had to keep her feet dry from the rain while keeping myself dry at the same time.

 -  -  -

SIZE 7.5


It has been a bit quiet around here for a long time. To make up for the absence, I will post updates in this thread over the next two weeks.
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on April 29, 2014 05:48 AM:
Fantastic National. It's always exciting when I see this thread has been updated by you.

Can't wait to see what other gems you have in store for us!

Thanks for the great updates.
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on April 29, 2014 06:51 AM:
Great as usual my man. Good to see you again here. Best wishes,
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on April 29, 2014 11:05 PM:
Thanks so much, guys. Your support will always be greeted with open arms.

- National
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on April 29, 2014 11:53 PM:
Every year at the Park, there's an outdoor summer film festival every Monday night from mid-June through mid-August that takes place on the lawn. Thousands of people come with their blankets, food and other essentials and enjoy the movies during sundown. The movies that are chose are usually oldies, from the eighties or even earlier.

Well, it was a Saturday when I met this lady. She's a tourist from Argentina. Seeing how her English was very limited, she didn't understand that there wasn't going to be any movies playing that night. She thought there was going to be a film playing because the projection screen was there. It was a quiet evening at the park and she was in the mood of spending that quiet time watching an old film.

I know how to speak Spanish, so I had to explain to in Spanish as to what was going on, about how there was not going to be any movies playing that night, and so on and so on.

Towards the end of the shoot, some guy with his two young kids along with the lady who bore his children walked by us and asked if she was a foot model. By the way, that's a question that gets asked every now and again when I'm out there shooting. Sometimes they ask follow-up questions out of curiosity and they usually finish up by complimenting the girl's feet. In this case, after the guy asked that question, he and his family sit down at a table not too far from us. The guy kept looking over at us and smiling. I don't think his girlfriend ever took notice of him staring at the girl and the fun I was having while taking pictures of her feet. The girlfriend was distracted by her two small kids by feeding them the food they had bought for each other and she kept reaching into the stroller to find things like juice for the baby and baby wipes. Something along those lines.

The lady I was shooting would point out from time to time about how the other guy seems to be admiring her and how he must like her feet as well. She didn't mind the extra attention and she was amused by the whole thing.

Whenever the guy's girlfriend focused her attention to him and not so much to her kids, the guy did a great job pretending that he never paid attention to what was going in my situation. He was all serious and everything and never looked our way. But whenever she had to spoon feed her kids or reach into the stroller for something, he would look over at us and the smile would return to his. At one time he even mouthed the word "Wow!" at us with his girlfriend not looking, of course. We caught a clear shot of him doing that because while he and his family sat a few tables away from us, there was no one else sitting between us and them. I'm willing to be that he enjoyed his view better than he was enjoying his food.

I'm laughing at myself just thinking about it. The carousel was open and still spinning. I think the fact that the carousel music was playing in the backround during the whole episode was a refreshing reminder that this is how you spend quality time with the family.

The lady from Argentina wasn't doing anything after the shoot was done, so we left the park to grab a few drinks somewhere. You know, she was all by herself with no one to engage in conversations with in Spanish. I'd figured that her spending time with a good-looking younger man like myself would give her a little boost during her visit to New York.

As we got up to leave, she waved goodbye to the guy who was with his family. He saw it. Since the mother of his children was talking to him this time, he could nothing about it but just stare at us leave the scene.

As a side note, the second word to the name I gave his lady is not pronounced sir. Instead, it's like saying "soothe", except you replace the last three letters with an "r".

 -  -  -


Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on April 30, 2014 06:20 AM:
That's an amazing story National! So funny imagining the guy trying to balance being a good husband and an admirer of feet!

She has nice meaty soles. Good stuff.
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on April 30, 2014 06:39 AM:
In a lot of these pics she appears to be looking at something with a bemused expression (np10 for example). Is she looking at the husband?

Pretty funny. Cheers!
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on April 30, 2014 06:54 PM:
National, the story attached to the last girl was one of the best ones yet! I was cracking up trying to picture what you were describing to us.

Like the others said, it was pretty funny and I can only imagine what the other guy was going through. I guess the wife didn't think anything of his comment when he asked you if she was a foot model. Was his wife good looking as well? If not, then that might have made things easier for him to admire someone else because that Del Sur girl look pretty damn good for someone her age, like that Valentine girl you posted a few pages ago.

Amazing stuff, National.

I don't blame the guy for looking at her while he had his family there. [Smile]
Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on April 30, 2014 10:15 PM:
Amazing stuff, indeed.

I loved the story that went along with Del Sur, and I must say I became very aroused with the thought of the guy sitting there with the woman who bore his child but at that very moment you just know if he could--- he would have been at this chick's feet, sniffing, licking and sucking like there was no tomorrow. [Thumbs Up]

Keep up the great work buddy! [Smile]

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on May 01, 2014 12:02 AM:
Hyperion ...
In that particular picture you're talking about, I don't remember if she was looking directly at him. The other guy entered the scene with his family a little bit after the shoot began. It's possible that she was looking in that direction just for the heck of it before he showed up. Throughout the shoot, she would look at him sometimes just to see what was going on, which explains a number of the pictures in her gallery. Other times she would just happen to look in his direction but not directly at him. So like I said, in that particular picture, I don't remember, but it's certainly possible. I say that if you want to believe that she was looking at him in that shot, then by all means. [Smile]

Sol ...
My thoughts, exactly. I bet had it not been for me shooting pictures of her feet, he would've sat somewhere else. It makes me laugh to think that he sat where he did just to get a great view of what was going on while at the same time the mother of his kids seemed completely out of the loop to what was really running through her man's mind. I always play back the part to where she waved bye to him and he couldn't do anything about it after staring and making those facial expressions behind the mother's back. It must've been torture for him to see it all come to an end like that.

I wish you guys should've seen the look on his face when we left. It was so unemotional, putting on a great act in front of his woman who was speaking to him at that moment.

To answer your question, I don't remember too much about her for some reason because the guy stole the show for us and we stole the show for him away from his girl. My memory of her is a bit fuzzy, but if someone were to hypnotize me to get a more accurate description of her, I would say I would that she was younger than Del Sure was, but Del Sur was in much better shape than his girlfriend was, without question. The other girl didn't look like someone who I would approach even if she was single, assuming that my memory of her is quite accurate.

You always crack me up when I read your posts in here. He probably got very hard in his pants and his girl had nothing to do with assisting that arousal. I mean she was right there next to him and at same time she was invisible to him.

Thanks for your support.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on May 03, 2014 12:04 AM:
From Germany, this girl had just arrived to the United States of America for the first time just hours before. She probably took a wrong turn somewhere and wound up getting lost to where she wanted to go. She decided to take a break from walking a couple of miles in the streets of Manhattan, sightseeing and all. That was a lot of walking involved. Not only was he choice of footwear appropriate for the walking exercise, she also chose the right place to take her well-needed break.

I saw her walk into the scene, and I could tell she was pretty exhausted. I wanted to her a few minutes to herself so that she can regain her composure and let her relax a bit. Poor thing!

While she was to herself, my eyes kept going from her sneakers to her face and vice versa. I kept doing that to get myself more excited with the thought of leaving her feet in those sneakers for just a bit longer just in case if they were smelly so that they can be a bit smellier by the time they come out into the open.

It must have been a matter of luck and great timing that I caught her at the time i did because she was very willing to pose for me because she found it very cute that I could be attracted to her feet and because that bought some time for her feet to take an extended break from walking around.

Her English was very good, so there was no need to overcome the hurdles in the language barrier department.

When her sneakers finally came off, they did smell a bit, but her scent wasn't anything too noteworthy to remember 'till the end of time. Even so, I was still thankful to have somewhat smelly feet resting right there for me to enjoy every minute of.

The name she's given is to reference the colors to the outfit she wore.

 -  -




That will be all for this week. I will definitely be back here next week with more new girls than the amount I'd shown this week. They will all be in store for everyone.

Enjoy your weekend.

Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on May 03, 2014 03:07 PM:
I truly appreciate everything you do here. You're getting better and better with how you keep updating your style, giving us some unusual angles.

This Bumblebee set exemplifies that.

Great job! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on May 04, 2014 12:54 AM:
I really enjoyed the last two girls you showed. This thread gives us the inspiration for some of us to go out there and try this on our own. You're a great man who does a wonderful deed to represent us foot guys in a positive light.

The story attached to Del Sur was one of the more hysterical reads I've read in a while. She looks fantastic as well. Women her age should look that good all the time. A great thing is that you can speak Spanish so that you can talk more women into taking their shoes off for you.

Bumblebee has some amazing toes. I don't know how you come up with these angles, but they make her feet look so good. And you're so lucky to be close enough to her feet to pick up a whiff from between her toes.

Amazing, and I really look forward to what you have in store for us next week.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on May 04, 2014 09:36 PM:
Thanks for your support. Your words mean a lot to me. I will be here tomorrow night with more pictures as my way of giving thanks to you guys who have given me thanks in return.

Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on May 04, 2014 11:11 PM:
Damn I am jealous of you!!!!!!

Do any of the women let you have any foot play?
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on May 05, 2014 06:59 AM:
Bumblebee has great foot structure, which you've captured extremely well. Boffo!
Posted by CaliFootExchange (Member # 43783) on May 05, 2014 12:06 PM:
I don't always jack off to other people's work, but when I do, it's the National's.
Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on May 05, 2014 09:49 PM:
Originally posted by CaliFootExchange:
I don't always jack off to other people's work, but when I do, it's the National's.

..stay horny my friend
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on May 05, 2014 10:19 PM:
Oneagain ...
Absolutely! Whether it be at the park or away from the park after sharing a few drinks, it's a nice way to get my daily fix. Great form of therapy without taking advice from a psychologist. That's not to say it happens with every single girl I run come across, but it has happened numerous of times before.

What starts out as innocence when I take pictures of a total stranger's feet can turn into quite an
adventure down the line somewhere else. [Smile]

Hyp ...
Thanks for taking notice. I'm into the soles more, but it's poses like Bumblebee's that make me enjoy shooting the toes a lot.

CaliFootExchange ...
Stay thirsty, my friend. [Cheers]

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on May 05, 2014 11:45 PM:
One belongs to New York instantly, one belongs to is as much in five minutes as in five years.

-- THOMAS WOLFE, American writer

A very nice lady from Denmark will start us off this week. Where ever there's lots of sun you can be certain that there're lots of girls outside to enjoy the weather. She was very relaxed being that her body was facing the sun, her mind blocking out whatever noise was going on in the streets outside the park from reading a book.

She's someone who doesn't ask too many questions about how person behaves or acts or thinks because there aren't too many things that phase her. As long as it doesn't hurt or kill her, she will go along with the flow.

When she talks, she doesn't give you the impression that she's someone who loves to party and get wasted. Even if that's what she does from time to time, those ideas don't conjure into your mind so soon. Her voice and demeanor comes off as a guidance counselor who's concerned about the welfare of a child in school, trying to lend a helping hand to that kid.

 -  -  -




Next, we have another visitor to New York. It was a pretty active evening at the park and everyone is in a good mood now that the workday was done.

I saw this real, real cutie just sitting there by herself. Not under my watch is a girl like that going to be left unattended.

"I want to take some pictures of your feet."

She starts to laugh, "Why?"

That laugh right there told me that I was in, she was going to let me do it. The only thing was going to mess it up was me saying something dumb. With her laugh, I had to keep the introduction upbeat and easygoing, on par with her laugh and sudden mood change.

I laughed right back at her, "Why? Um, because I said."

She thought the way I said was pretty funny, so there was another laugh before saying, "Oh, yeah ... DUH!" to herself. "Are you a footman or something?"

I had to keep up with the theatrics and showmanship. With a sigh that showed that I'm being playful with her, "DUH!", I said in return.

"I don't knoooooooooow, I think my feet are quite smellyyyyyyyy ....!" Her voice was still in a playful mood when she said that, although I could tell she was a bit embarrassed to admit something like that to someone who just met her out of the blue. She looked cute saying while she was at it.


Earlier I said that she was visiting New York. An accent in her voice made me ask where she was from, which is the reason behind the name I gave her. She's from South Africa. The name I gave her is named after a river in South Africa. It's always one of the first places I think about when I think of that country. It's pronounced as if you're saying the word movie, except that you don't pronounce the V, like moo'ie.

Unlike the girl I showed before this one, this one does have that party girl persona with that girly-girl voice.

 -  -




I hope everyone will enjoy the pictures I have in store for this week. I will cap off the week with a National Classic that will be a favorite among many people here. Like the other girls in here, this one will bring home the sentiment that the average girl does has some pretty nice feet.

Until then, I'll be back here tomorrow night with more pictures to share with everyone.

Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on May 06, 2014 06:25 AM:
I think you have photographed girls from every populated continent. I wonder how many countries?

Something about Mooi, she's got this early-1980s-Madonna thing going on. Probably nobody else will agree.

And Danish, the kind of taciturn girl you wonder, "what's she thinking while I'm doing this?"

Rock on,
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on May 06, 2014 12:36 PM:
Mooi makes me go [Thud]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on May 07, 2014 12:57 AM:
A tourist from England was spotted at the park. She was a pretty nice girl who struck me as someone who can be down for pretty much anything.

Just for the record, the name I gave her is not her real name.

 -  -  -




This lady was visiting New York on business from Texas. She told me that the first time she met her husband, his first words to her was that he approached her because of her feet. They were at a beach, he was with a group of his friends and she was with a group of her friends, so it was all lighthearted and fun.

 -  -  -




That's it for tonight. I will be back here on Friday night/Saturday morning, depending on which part of the world you live in. I will be back with some nice girls who will put an end to this week pretty nicely.

Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on May 07, 2014 06:39 AM:
These two seem like departures from your typical models. Good to mix it up, I'm a sucker for flats with leggings and jeans.
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on May 07, 2014 08:11 AM:
Keep up the good work [Thumbs Up]
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on May 07, 2014 02:33 PM:
I like. [Smile]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on May 07, 2014 08:45 PM:
Yes, I have taken photos of women from those six continents. Antartica is the only continent that has never had a war fought there. If that place was ever as populated as the others are, I can only imagine what the women there would look like. European women have their features, Asians have their own features, women from Brasil look a certain way. Women from Antartica will become a new breed or species of women.

I've taken pictures of women from at least two dozen countries.

Glad you picked up on the comparison between Mooi and a much younger version of Madonna. What would go with Mooi to make that image complete is to picture a boombox nearby playing that Olivia Newton-John's song Physical. A present day girl like Mooi paying tribute to the 1980s by the way dressed that day makes her a futuristic oldschooler.

Thanks, Hyp for paying attention to detail.

And yes, the last two girls are not the kind of women who would be prominently featured here. Sometimes curiosity gets the best of me and I want to see what is out there. I don't go out of my way looking for older or heavier women, but every once in a while, you'll see someone like that make an appearance in this thread.

FootLongSub Zero...
Thank you very much. I will keep up the good work. You can count on that.

Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on May 08, 2014 07:01 AM:
Originally posted by National:
What would go with Mooi... is to picture a boombox nearby playing that Olivia Newton-John's song Physical.

Ha ha! Yeah. When I saw Mooi this image came to mind:

Peace out my man. Um, I mean, "Catch the wave! Bitchen!"
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on May 08, 2014 02:17 PM:
OMG... [Jerkoff]

Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on May 08, 2014 03:00 PM:
I just don't know if a pair of soles can be more perfect... [Drool]

Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on May 09, 2014 12:44 PM:
Can't wait to see the new updates tonight. Looking forward to whatever is in store for us!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on May 09, 2014 07:36 PM:
I can't wait to show them. I'll post them in a few hours.
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on May 09, 2014 10:21 PM:
I'm with Hyperion when he talked about mixing it up a little bit. As long as National doesn't overdo it with these fat girls, then showing them every once in a while wouldn't hurt. History has shown that overweight women are not the norm on the menu, so we should be just fine.

However, I will say about Betha is that I really thought the second, larger picture in Betha's sample was a pretty cool picture. I loved how most of the picture was dark but the sun was the only source of light when it lit the top of her feet while she wore her flats. That was a pretty cool effect and it was something that made anyone really pay attention to her feet. That really made the feet the focal point of the picture. Very nice.
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on May 09, 2014 11:30 PM:
I love the toe poses from Mooi and I love how her soles look. That was a pretty nice catch and I love the dialogue between the two of you. You made yourself very presentable to her and she was already buying in without much effort from you. Nice job, National, as always. She's real nice.
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on May 10, 2014 12:03 AM:
Originally posted by 18th Floor:
However, I will say about Betha is that I really thought the second, larger picture in Betha's sample was a pretty cool picture. I loved how most of the picture was dark but the sun was the only source of light when it lit the top of her feet while she wore her flats. That was a pretty cool effect and it was something that made anyone really pay attention to her feet. That really made the feet the focal point of the picture. Very nice.


I agree. I also love how she's looking up towards the sky. It makes you want to look up in that direction but at the same time you're drawn to her feet thanks to the sun shining its light on it.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on May 10, 2014 01:35 AM:

This was one of those shoots I really enjoyed. I walked away from it feeling so good about myself. It feels very relaxing when I have all these women giving me all the time I need to write a story through these pictures so that I can finally tell the story to you guys when its published by way of posting their pictures on this forum.

You have the average girl that has the pair of feet that many of us guys would love to have a better look and feel of. These women are the very ones that walk among us in the streets and interact with us on a daily basis. These are the ones that make you feel closer to home, closer to comfort and familiarity. This is another girl who exemplifies everything I said. A girl who isn't supermodel hot, but she gets a passing grade from me because of her everyday girl-look appeal who can live next door to any one of us.

She's a very nice person, too. I say that about some of the ladies here, and this one can be added to that list. I've gotten to know her better since the shoot took place and she is not someone who looks for drama, making any situation tumultuous for no apparent reason. Even during times of when things are not going too well for her, it's usually trouble that has found her, not the other way around. A day spent with her is well worth the time and company because she is someone who, regardless of one's personality, can make you have a connection with her, making her a very likable and approachable person.

I first saw her when she was reading her book by the side entrance of the New York Public library. She just stood there to read being that there was nowhere to sit nearby. I was walking from Fifth Avenue, making my way towards Sixth Avenue to see if there was anyone by the lawn to photograph. I was looking to do one more shoot before I called it a day. Midway through that walk, I saw her.

I walked right past her as if she was invisible to me. And I kept walking. Something told me to stop. I stopped. Something told me to give this girl a second look. So I walked back and gave her a second look. Her eyes never left the book. This time I took a quick glance at her toes as I walked by. I liked what I saw and that's when I made my move.

She was very open about it and took me up on my request. She was one of those girls who never asked any questions about it ... she just went along for the ride. We moved to a spot where there were seats available and started the shoot.

It was so much fun staring at the soles of her feet while she let me snap as many pictures as I wanted.

As far as she knew, she never met any guy who had a foot fetish and was curious to know what it would be like to know someone who did, since the way I presented it to her came across as so natural and non intrusive to her personal space.

She is someone whose parents raised her right. She likes to be outside like anyone else, but I won't go as far as to say she's extroverted. In knowing this person better during our times after our introduction in front of the library, she's very cool, she has a calm demeanor about herself, and she can be quite lazy.

When you talk to her, she listens. When you want her to do you a favor, sometimes she'll bend over backwards for you, other times - quite often, actually - she hesitates a bit. Not because she's a mean person ... it's attributed to her being a bit lazy. But it's all good.

 -  -  -


SIZE 7.5


To emphasize the prominence of New York is like pointing your finger at the moon.

ANDREAS BEE, art historian

[ November 21, 2023, 12:25 AM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on May 10, 2014 06:43 AM:
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on May 10, 2014 06:34 PM:
This is clearly the best stuff out there. These two last sets are simply amazing to look at and their stories gave these pictures even more depth for my enjoyment. These pictures are simply amazing and these unique angles foot poses really speaks to your care for how you view their feet and how creative you can get, National.

It really is a pleasure to look at your and it's pretty special knowing that these are just your average girls not finding you creepy at all for them to pose for you.

I will forever be thankful for everything you do for us, as your work is simply the best.
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on May 11, 2014 09:14 PM:
Incredible stuff once again. You always find ways to make this place more interesting through your photos.

That German symphone girl has some nice feet, pretty nice shape to them. The same thing can be said for the Classic of the Week. Very down to earth girl with one of the best looking feet I've seen in here, worthy of a classic in my book. I love all these shots. Love her toes and her soles, both look so amazing.

The way you describe things makes us feel that we have known this girl for a long time and I feel very close to her already. Lucky that you got to spend more time with her after the shoot. You probably had more access to her feet as well.

Thanks so much. Those pictures really made my weekend worthwhile.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on May 12, 2014 10:19 AM:
Still can't get enough of these last two women. You are a legend, my friend.
Posted by jediofthefeet (Member # 1463) on May 12, 2014 12:25 PM:
Originally posted by hyperion:
These two seem like departures from your typical models. Good to mix it up, I'm a sucker for flats with leggings and jeans.

National Park is multifaceted in his outlook on women. Betha is on the heavy side, but if you look closely, you will see a very pretty, thin blonde girl dying to get out and show off to the world. She also has what many of us foot guys on here love: glasses, leggings, super worn flats, dirty feet, stinky feet, wide feet, larger size feet, foot tattoo, unpolished nails, rough heels, short stubby toes, and ample balls of the feet.

One thing about being good with women is being good with people. The best ladies man can readily converse with a wide variety of individuals. He doesn't always lay 8s, 9s, and 10s. Sometimes he takes one for the team by having sex with 5s, 6s, and 7s, if they pass his boner test.

Those flats of hers were positively delicious!

I appreciate his tactful aversion to homogeneity.

Vintage Symphony is the bad girl who just for that moment, is going back to her good girl roots. No bf or gf around to steer her decisions, no wild parties, no random hookups, and no drugs or alcohol.

As a side note, I see National has taken a keen interest in female footwear, especially very worn footwear. [Thumbs Up]

This arch shot was the icing on the cake for me.

[ May 13, 2014, 11:44 PM: Message edited by: jediofthefeet ]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on May 13, 2014 08:51 PM:
Jedi ...
It's always interesting to read what your take is on some of my models. You provide an analysis that only a licensed psychologist can diagnose. In this thread, your insight gives us another dimension to what was previously unnoticed by other members who comment in here when it comes to these women's personalities, their appearance, their feet, and to how I present them to the world through my photographs and stories.

What you said about me being multifaceted was spot on and I'm glad you took the time to bring that to light. Just like LeBron James is multifaceted and the most versatile player in the history of the NBA, I want to present a product that's versatile as well in that you will get very cute/hot women very often, while on occasion I will present someone who kind of deviates from the mean, as Hyperion once put it. In other words, women who are overweight or women who are in their 40s to early-50s. They're not my favorite type of women, but every once in a while my curiosity in them do get the best of me and I want to see what they're all about as well. Besides, there are those in here who enjoy looking at those women more than I do, but I feel that it's nice and generous to cater to that audience as well. I don't mind taking one for the team because I will enjoy the shoot regardless and I take great pride and joy knowing that there will be those out there who will greatly appreciate what I was able to bring out in those ladies. They feel great for having me stop by and talking to them, take pictures of them and I feel just as good about being Mr. Positive to them.

One thing about being able to converse with these ladies is that I have to be a Master Debater and a cunning linguist. Women love to have both of those things done to them so its not a wonder that they're game for me.

Thanks for everything, Jedi.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on July 16, 2014 12:52 AM:
When you've been away from the park for a while, the urge will always find a way to take control of your senses by reminding you that another stroll through the National Park is just what you need.


This lady is the first of several girls who I have in store for us this week.

There's a mini area in the park called the Reading Room. It's an outdoor library, if that's what you want to call it. It's open to the public between the hours of ten in the morning and seven in the evening. That space is there for people who only have an interest in reading the books and newspapers that are placed on the shelves or reading any material that they've brought with them into the park. If anyone has interests other than reading, then that space is not for them.

I've visited that spot several times. The only time I've ever read anything was a newspaper just to give myself an excuse to start a conversation with Italian Cleopatra. Whenever I'm in the Reading Room, it's because my interests are squared primarily on someone else and something else. That someone was the girl you're about to see. That something else was the prize I was seeking that was stored in her Converse.

When I first saw her, she was already seated with her back towards me. I could tell she had been there for while because of her calm body language and the sense that the energy around her was chilled and mute. When you're in the Reading Room, an effect takes over your mind in unusual ways that manages to have you believe that everything is slowing down, from the people around you to the sun setting. You leave the Reading Room with the peace that you sought.

After first spotting this girl, she stood out to me and I was immediately drawn to her. To make sure that she would make for a willing model, I had to circle around the Room just so I could get a good look at her face. Very nice.

I go up to her to introduce myself.

She had just come over the U.S. from France for the first time. It was her very first day in the U.S. and she had no time to relax after feeling exhausted from the commotions and chaos of the airport. This was her first real break of the day and she was going to reap the benefits from that.

Listening to the French accent from nice, young girls never gets old. Every time you hear it, it's like a listening to the notes that are playing from a renowned violinist.

She knew enough English to be able to get by in New York just fine.


She had one of the smelliest feet I've come across in all of my time doing this thing. I was anticipating some kind of scent coming from her feet as soon as the Converse were removed, but this was something a little stronger than what I had bargained for. Not that I'm complaining, by the way. I never knew that the combination of cheese and croissant could smell so amazing. Perhaps I was imagining the croissant component to tie in with the fact that she's French, but so what.

She's a very calm-cool person to spend some time with.

 -  -

Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on July 16, 2014 07:42 AM:
Good to see you again. She has nice nailbeds. Funny, but I feel like I can usually tell the difference between feet from Europe and feet from the West. Especially when told in advance, ha ha.

Cheers my brother!
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on July 16, 2014 08:01 AM:
Wow, you're back after a long break and you open with a girl who had some of the smelliest feet ever. I feel totally spoiled!

Did she make any comments about the smell or was she oblivious?
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on July 16, 2014 10:17 AM:
This is great stuff. You can't go wrong with French girls. And you certainly can't go wrong with hot girls wearing Converse shoes. It's one of my favorite combinations. It's amazing how you're still able to get away with taking pictures of women's feet out there in the open public. Again, this is great stuff.

Thanks once again and I can't wait to see the other girls this week.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on July 16, 2014 05:36 PM:
Beautiful work, National. You know, what you do, you elevate our passion for women's feet to the level of art, you really do.
Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on July 16, 2014 10:00 PM:
Originally posted by National:

She had one of the smelliest feet I've come across in all of my time doing this thing.

[Woot] [Thud] [Bow Down]

[Thumbs Up]

Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on July 16, 2014 10:01 PM:
Originally posted by National:
When you've been away from the park for a while, the urge will always find a way to take control of your senses by reminding you that another stroll through the National Park is just what you need.

You can say that again.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on July 17, 2014 12:14 AM:
That's a good one. Great sense of humor.

French women are fantastic. Her Converse shoe style are classic. You put those two together and it's always a recipe for something delicious. And yes, it feels great to get away with doing this in public time after time. It's kind of different from what people are expecting to see when they're at the park, but in the end nobody gets hurts.

I agree with what you said. I couldn't said it any better myself.

Spoiled is right. Just imagine how I felt when I was sitting right across from her. It's one of my reminders of why I'm so glad to have a foot fetish. The smell stimulates the senses, triggering the arousal. Coming from such a pretty girl like French Dressing, it's heaven on Earth.

She was one of those girls who didn't say anything about the smell of her feet. She must have known about the smell of it because it was so obvious that it was smelly as soon as she removed her shoes. She sniffed her socks for a second even, kind of shrugged her shoulders and placed them on the chair. It appeared that she gambled on the possibility that if I like feet, then the smell might come with the territory. It seemed like it wasn't a matter of much concerned to her, which was pretty awesome. If she was around a group of people or something, only then would she know that taking off her shoes is something that would not be in the best interest of the friends around her.

Thank you so much. It's interesting that you point that out because if that's how you really feel now, then you will be in for a very pleasant surprise in the future...

It's all part of a maturation process that I underwent as I was out there more and more. It has really opened my eyes, and I'm so glad to be able to see women and their feet the way I do.

It's going to be beautiful.

I'm glad you're noticing the trend, as I plant the seeds for the treat that's in store for everyone as we inch closer to that time.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on July 17, 2014 12:25 AM:
I don't remember a whole lot about this girl. She's a mid-western girl who has lived in New York for three years now after accepting a more lucrative position that will help boost her career in the advertising and marketing industry.

 -  -  -




I saw this one walk up the steps from the streets onto the terrace where she found a place a sit that would become the eventual spot for this photoshoot. I caught all of it out of the corner of my eye as I was trying to talk some other girl into posing for me. I could sense from my dialogue with the first girl wasn't going anywhere and I was glad to see the second girl come in because the day was starting to get a little late as the sun was just about to set for the evening and the park itself and the library terrace was unusually deserted. I knew my opportunities were becoming fewer and farther between.

After thinking about it, the first girl wasn't cool with my idea of a fun photoshoot. So I went over to the second girl. She widened her eyes after hearing what I wanted her to do for me. She was speechless at first and needed a few seconds to comprehend what was happening here.

After learning that she does speak after all, she told me that the reason she came there was to give herself an extended rest from walking around all day, which explained her footwear. She had to run so many errands that it had taken its tool on her and that her feet had become tired as a result. She was afraid that I might not be too kind to the possibility of her feet being smelly. That was pretty much her only issue with the whole thing. I don't remember what I told her after hearing that, but it was somewhere along the lines of assuring her that everything was going to be just fine.

After she removed her sneakers and after giving her a great foot massage to relax any tension she had, she felt so relaxed and was in a better mood to go on with the shoot after realizing that I wasn't judgmental about how her feet might smell.

For the record, her feet weren't all that smelly. You had to get real close to notice any scent. It was very faint, but I really liked it. I was pleased. She was very flattered as well after the massage she received because that was able to life any burden from her mind and body and just go with the flow. I'm paraphrasing here when I say that she told me that that was exactly what she needed and the whole experience was like I was sent to her from the skies above to with the intent purpose of salvaging her hectic day.

 -  -  -




I will be back here late-Friday night/early-Saturday morning with more pictures to close out the week.
Posted by DeuceBigglo (Member # 1326) on July 17, 2014 01:30 AM:
Coloured leash. Got nice toes.
Posted by DeuceBigglo (Member # 1326) on July 17, 2014 01:31 AM:
Coloured leash. Got nice toes.
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on July 17, 2014 07:29 AM:
Outstanding toes on Colored Leash. And legs, too!
Sunset Girl is adorable.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on July 17, 2014 10:18 AM:
I would not have guessed Colored Leash was size 10, looked smaller to me. Really beautifully proportioned and I loved her soles. Her 10's are a 10!
Posted by sftfan (Member # 1959) on July 17, 2014 11:04 AM:
Good to see you back, National. Colored Leash has amazing soles and fantastic toes [Drool]
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on July 17, 2014 06:56 PM:
Man the story behind Sunset is so good! Damn incredible :-) I just can't believe you massaged those feet... By the way, speaking about Sunset's feet... They are so f*cking good!! Glad you're back
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on July 17, 2014 09:46 PM:
Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
Man the story behind Sunset is so good! Damn incredible :-) I just can't believe you massaged those feet... By the way, speaking about Sunset's feet... They are so f*cking good!! Glad you're back

You took the words right out of my mouth. All these stories are great, but there are those that kind of stand out from the others and this is one of them. We read stories in this thread about how some guy spooked a woman out at a Walmart or something. And then, there's National. A guy who is the complete opposite of those losers who wind up in the news for the weirdest of reasons. National, thank you for what you do and thank you for making Sunset's night a pleasure. I'm so happy that you made her happy. From the looks of her, she deserved it.

Very nice feet she has. I would definitely hang out with someone like her for being very open to foot fetishism.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on July 19, 2014 01:40 AM:
I gave myself a break from walking around the park one evening when this girl walking onto the scene. I got up from my chair to stop her and simply told her that I wanted to take pictures of her feet. She didn't seem like a person who would find this whole foot fetish concept off putting. She agreed with me and we immediately got the shoot started.

I saw that she had tattoos, but for some reason I didn't think her feet would inked as well. This girl has tattoos all over her body except for her face. She plans on adding more in the future and she tried her best throughout the shoot to get me to go with her to the parlor for more than one visit so that I could be someone with more ink than skin on my body. A part of her was teasing me to go along with her while another part of her was being serious on that offer.

She was born and raised in Hawaii, but she has lived in the City for more than 10 years now. I thought she was from London or something because she had quite an accent as she spoke. She's never been to Europe in her life so I wasn't quite sure what to make of that.

When asked what made her say yes to my request so fast, her answer was that my question was so random that she had to say yes.

 -  -  -




We come to an end this week with a very nice person. The type of woman who doesn't look for trouble and enjoys her life by keeping things to herself and being very respectful and courteous to others.

She was already seated when I spotted her and figured that the book she was reading to go along with the children having a fun time in the carousel next to her would be just what she needed to take her mind off of her work day and go into a world of her own, away from the world at large.

I really enjoyed doing this shoot because she was so quiet throughout and she seemed to enjoy the added peace I provided by giving her her space to enjoy her book while paying special attention to her feet.

There were three guys who paid particular interest in what was going on between myself and the lady who I was photographing. The first two were those who sat behind me. They probably sat there just to get a closer look out of curiosity more than anything else. They were talking about something completely different than what was going on, but I could tell that they couldn't help but glance over at us. The third guy was her husband.

He wasn't sitting down. He was leaning on a concrete ledge just to get a view of us from a distance. I didn't know he there until after the shoot was over, but I could tell that he had been watching us for quite some time. Looking back on it, she obviously knew that he was there because I noticed that she would glance over at his direction from time to time towards the end of the shoot. For some reason I didn't even bother to look back to see what she was looking at.

After the shoot was over, she went over to him and gave him a hug. That's how I knew her was there. He wasn't mad or appeared to be upset about anything. If he had been, he would've made a big seen or something. But he seemed pretty cool about it. He asked her what that was about, referring to the shoot. Whatever she told him, he smiled and thought it was a unique way for someone to pay compliments to his wife. He never said anything to me, but he did give me a smile as if to say thanks. I thought it was pretty cool of her to sit there for as long as I had the time to photograph her feet, being incredibly patient with me without rushing me or anything even though her husband was waiting for her.

Nice lady, nice couple.

 -  -




There you have it. That's all I have for this week. It's nice to be back and I hope you enjoy these photos. It was so fun shooting these pictures, a lot of fun getting to know them. I will be back soon with more and more pictures.

Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on July 19, 2014 07:16 AM:
Amazing story with the Keeper, wow. Did you give her a footrub? Perhaps you provided them with a "marital aid."
Nice nails on Sleeveskin.

Cheers mi hermano,
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on July 20, 2014 02:24 AM:
I really enjoy the shots of these women. You can't go wrong with any of them. If you picked a girl for me to spend time with out of the ones you showed this week, it would not matter to me which girl has been chosen. I really enjoyed the story behind sunset girl. Just by looking at the three sample pics alone tells you that she's very relaxed and worry free about something. When reading the part about the massage, that explained everything.

The story about Storykeeper's husband is pretty neat. I really love her feet and I love how her pictures came out. Really lovely lady. And sleeveskin is quite a character. I really enjoy her pictures a lot. I can only imagine how the rest of her tattoos look like. That would be quite a sight. The soles to her feet are amazing and it would be a very, very long time before I ever get my hands and tongue off of them. [Mmm]
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on July 20, 2014 05:14 PM:
[Thumbs Up]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on July 21, 2014 12:51 AM:
Quite a story, indeed. I didn't give her a foot rub like I did with Sunset Girl. The encounter we had probably gave her and her husband a new idea into how they can further better their sex lives, a new avenue to branch into.

18th Floor...
Well said. Thanks for adding your perspective into the conversation. It's always great listening to you.

[Thumbs Up]
Posted by toesuck258 (Member # 11481) on July 21, 2014 05:58 AM:
first of all, amazing find with sleevskin! Such gorgeous toes with amazing polish! I love the sole shots as well! They have a look that just screams stinky. Did you get close enough for a wiff or massage?
Posted by MetaFootMan420 (Member # 47778) on July 21, 2014 09:39 PM:
Great job National, it's totally fucking rad living vicariously through your experiences with these women, another awesome week full of interesting interactions and beautiful feet. Looking forward to your next adventures.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on July 22, 2014 12:14 AM:
Massaging some girl's feet within a very short amount of time after meeting her for the first time is gratifying and fantastic all rolled into one. I've done this with numerous women who I've met doing this. Sleeveskin, however, wasn't one of them.

Thanks a lot for finding something special about her that makes her stand out to you. Thank you for taking the time to look at her pictures and posting your message. One of the coolest girls you will meet.

I can say with absolute certainty that her feet did not smell. There was nothing there to detect. I'm sorry. I was hoping for something myself, but not every girl I run into has smelly feet.

That first sentence was very nice to read from you. Thanks a million. I look forward to posting my next set of pictures. You guys have no idea just how fun this activity is.

Hope to hear from you again soon. Thanks for commenting. It's pretty neat to know that you support my work as well.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 26, 2014 12:03 AM:
Our first lady of the week comes to us from the Netherlands, which is not to be confused with Holland per se. Holland is frequently used as an informal pars pro toto to refer to the whole of the country of the Netherlands. This usage is commonly accepted, especially outside the Netherlands, but some people, particularly from the other parts of the Netherlands, dislike the use of Holland as a substitute for the Netherlands, or even find it insulting.

In any event, I first saw this one the day before when she was eating her lunch outside of the public library. I decided not to bother her at the time and decided instead to move on to find someone else to pose for me. I thought she looked real good as she sat there. Catching her at a bad time was a bit frustrating. Not too long afterwards, I found another woman to pose for me and I had quickly forgotten about the original girl who is the center of this story. It had never crossed my mind that I would ever see her again.

The following day, I knew that I wasn't going to spend a lot of time at the park as I had planned of doing something else with someone else who I met at the park just days before. It just rained heavily and I knew that it was going to take while for the park to refill to its capacity. In that stage with the park being as deserted as it was, viable women sitting at- or walking through the park were going to be few and far between.

Minutes after entering the scene, I couldn't believe that I saw the same girl who I wanted to approach the day before. She was exiting the library and it seemed as if she was lost, as if she didn't know where to go or what to do next.

Her feet were smaller than I thought they were going to be. When I saw her the day before, I was never able to get a great look at her feet from where I stood. Even though she wore a size 7, they looked more like a size 5 to me.

The name I've given her refers to her eyes because as cute as you think her feet are, her eyes became her most prominent feature for me. If you were to spend more time with her, her eyes might draw more attention from you than her feet will. That’s not to say her feet are terrible, but if her eyes were not the color they were, I would have given her a different name.

 -  -  -




This next girl who I'm about to present reminded me of actress Audrey Meadows by way of how their faces resemble that of one another. If an audition was held for women looking to revive the role of Alice Kramden in some Broadway or off-Broadway version of the Honeymooners, she might land the role when taking into account that her voice and Audrey's voice are alike, with the difference being that this woman here comes with an English accent. Perhaps she'll have a better shot of landing the role in London somewhere. Oh well.

She was on vacation with her family from London, although they were no where to be found. I'm pretty certain they got back with each other at some point after the shoot because she didn't seem too concerned about their whereabouts, but I found it a bit unusual that she was at one part of the city when her mother, father and younger brother were in another part of town doing things that tourists do.

The name given to her is in reference to the title of Audrey Meadows' memoir.

 -  -  -




I have a few more women to share with everyone throughout the course of the week that will make this thread a very popular spot to visit.

The National Park is a thread in where none of the photos have been retouched, a place where we run into the everyday girl. The National Park is a place where they come to relax and kill some time, and a place where the women wouldn't mind exposing and posing their feet in a polite public setting.

Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on August 26, 2014 03:25 AM:
Alice's feet are so good. Nice pair of perfectly shaped and very refreshing feet just to start up the day.

Can't wait to see more. Thanks for the quality pictures.
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on August 26, 2014 03:32 AM:
Alice's feet are so good. Nice pair of perfectly shaped and very refreshing feet just to start up the day.

Can't wait to see more. Thanks for the quality pictures.
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on August 26, 2014 06:51 AM:
I like how you posed Mint Crush and I see what you mean about her eyes.
I also see what you mean about Alice! She has nice nailbeds and long toes.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on August 26, 2014 02:30 PM:
Nice job as always. It's great to see you back.
Posted by DaSniper 75 (Member # 47111) on August 26, 2014 04:02 PM:
Dear God your photos are good for instantaneous boners!! LOL!! I've always loved your work, keep em coming!!
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on August 26, 2014 11:26 PM:
National, I see what you mean about her eyes! The are magical, would have loved to have seen some face close ups! I liked her feet, a lot, as well. Great shoot!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 27, 2014 09:57 AM:

I was supposed to meet up with a cousin one morning. I figured that I would stroll through the park real quick to see if I can get another photoshoot under my belt before I go off to see my cousin ultimately. I wanted to do a shoot that would leave me with enough time to make the trip to see him. It took me a little longer than I thought to find someone interesting enough who would be willing to let me pay homage to her feet.

When I first saw this girl, I knew that I was going to kill a lot of time. She already had her feet propped up on the neighboring chair, which made me that thirstier to make this thing happen. She was already on the phone with someone and that conversation went on for what seemed like forever. Just waiting for her to hang up the phone was a torture method that no guy doing this should ever be subjected to. That only made me want her even more, with her feet already in her shoes, imagining how they might look and how they might smell. There have been times when I approached women while they were in the middle of a phone conversation, but I wasn’t going to take that risk with her. I really wanted to have this shoot and I needed to have her full attention if this was going to work out.

While she was on the phone still, I had to text my cousin to let him know that I was going to be a little late.

When she finally hung up, it was like being submerged from the water to get some life-saving air.

To this day I’m still amazed by how these women just say yes to such a request without letting me finish my speech.

She was one of those ladies whose foot smell just hits you right in the nose almost immediately after being separated from her shoes, my Lord! Not only was I ecstatic by the way her soles looked, but her foot smell also made for a welcoming and breathe-easy experience I was able to have with her. Now that I was able to have her all to myself, I was able to cool off despite the fact that it was 90-something degrees that day. She was the first woman I’ve encountered who had that vinegar smell to her feet. I always read how some guys like that kind of smell, but it always sounded a bit off-putting to me. I have to say that I kind of liked it. It was something different for me and it took me some time to get used to it while I was snapping away.

She talked about how she spent the night before at a friend’s house walking around barefoot. She had that didn’t-take-a-shower-this-morning look, which I kind of like on some girls as well. I guess that heightened my appeal to her just a little more as I was waiting for her to finish that phone conversation not too long before.

She’s someone who is always in the know as to what’s going on the City, almost like hearing a live rendition of the Weekend section of the New York Times. Any outdoor concerts, art exhibitions, or anything else that does not involve going to the movies or the mall, anything that does not involve going for a swim in the pool or the ocean is something that she is well informed about. She is for bettering the minds of society by going to interesting or educational places as opposed to going to the mall. She seems to know a lot of secrets about the city that many people are not aware of, and that’s what makes this lady a great person to be around.

She was another one who didn’t mind the long foot massage from me. After I was done massaging her feet, the smell from her feet transferred onto my fingers in the way that lint does to articles of clothing. That smell stuck with my hands long after we parted ways. I kept sniffing them and sniffing them on the train ride to meet my cousin a lot later than originally planned. I had to wash the smell off after using the restroom somewhere. That was one of the few times that I hated soap.

For a better idea into her personality, there is a picture in her gallery that lets us know what her all-time favorite music group is.

 -  -  -




I will return by the end of the week with more pictures from more women.
Posted by combine_hunter (Member # 39526) on August 27, 2014 10:34 PM:
City Girl is lovely. Such wonderful soles!
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on August 28, 2014 06:50 AM:
Lovelovelove canvas shoes. And those shots with her legs up were amazingly great. Nice find brutha!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 28, 2014 05:19 PM:
Thanks to everyone for your continuing support of my work. You will have more pictures to look forward to before this week is over.
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on August 29, 2014 02:46 PM:
I'm so glad to see another smelly feet girl! City Girl's feet look incredible in those pictures. I particularly like how she has grime and dirt stuck to her soles, accentuating the idea that her feet were smelly.

Looking forward to your next update National! Thanks as always.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on August 30, 2014 01:47 AM:

Someone who is a well-rounded, great person to be around is someone whose company you want to be a part of whenever the opportunity presents itself to you. It’s very easy to spark a conversation with this lady and you will be left with the feeling that the next great person in your life is in the making.

Having good chemistry with the model makes the entire shoot a more smooth process, and she certainly ranks high on my list as someone who I had the best connections with during and after the shoot. She’s very gifted at drawing just about anything. She showed me several pieces of her work from her phone, including one of her little nephew which drew a striking resemblance from the actual photo that was the source of her inspiration. She found a lot of comfort in knowing that we think so much alike from one another, kind of like knowing how to read what the other person is thinking and then becoming at ease when knowing that the person next to you rides along the same wavelength as you do. Her ideas and way of thinking corresponds with mine almost exactly.

It was my first time ever meeting this girl and we talked into the night as if we were trying to catch up on what has been going on in each other’s life since we last saw each other years before. It was an instant date that has started under unconventional circumstances when I approached her and expressed interest in taking photos of her feet. She was the very first model to make reference to that episode of Sex and the City in where one of the girls who has a fetish with shoes brings her to a shoe salesman with a foot fetish. I knew what she was talking about because that clip can be found on YouTube, but I told her that I’ve heard of that scene but never actually saw it. I just wanted to see how she would describe that episode and what her immediate thoughts were upon watching it for the first time. She thought the whole thing was cute and hilarious before going on to explain why she thought it was cute and hilarious. She really enjoyed the idea of living a real-life, spinoff version of that clip. She was texting her friends about the whole scene we put on at the park and she would read out loud what some of those responses were. Some of them cracked jokes, but they were done in good spirit.

She’s a financial adviser/insurance agent. She’s qualified to sell both life insurance and variable annuities.

She has a very loud laugh and I absolutely love how it sounds. Many times I say something outrageous that would crack her up and people around us would turn their heads to see what the fun was about. It’s one thing for some to laugh at what you say, but it’s very different when the woman laughs as loud as she does. One time, she laughed while some guy who worked at the park walked up to our area as he and his crew were removing all of the tables and chairs from the lawn. What happened was when he saw what I was up to, he looked at me and then shook his head before continuing on. Yes, it’s a friviolous activity, taking pictures of women feet left and right, and the look on his face was priceless. He has seen me do this many times before.

She’s a movie historian – in theory, that is, not as a profession. Her knowledge in film is ... not to say impressive, but very good nonetheless. Any weakness in that area is probably horror films because she tries to steer away from those as much as she can.

Her feet were a bit dry, but I decided to go on with the shoot nonetheless. I looked at her shoes and made an educated guess. I told her that judging from the conditions of her footwear, I would bet five thousand dollars that she does not own any galoshes. You should have seen the look on her face. Speechless. As if she had seen a ghost who had appeared before her with an important message that could solve a 70 year-old mystery into the disappearance of a family members from many generations and eras before. After finally catching her breath, she told me that on the very same day of buying those shoes, she put them on before exiting the store. Soon thereafter, a huge thunderstorm hit the area and she got drenched during the downpour, hence why they looked like that.

Another moment that stood out to me was when I was talking to her about whatever it was I was talking about. Somewhere in that part of the conversation I made an anal sex reference, something about how one fucked another person in the ass were among the words I used. She stopped me from going any further and said, ... And there’s a little girl behind you. I turned around and there was this child who looked to be eight or nine years old. She gave me a little smile before running away. I asked how long she had eavesdropped on our conversation. A few minutes. She never said anything because she thought it was adorable the way the girl looked over my shoulder while she was listening in and because the tone of the conversation wasn’t as graphic as it had become all of a sudden.

By the time our little impromptu date ended, the sun had already set and the moon had settled in and had gotten itself comfortable with its position in the sky.

If you like the kind of girl who is not a slut, someone with great manners, someone who is enjoyable to be around and respectful, this is the type of person who you can introduce to your family one day and they will enjoy her just as much.

 -  -




I have seen this woman practically every time I just happen to be walking by the steps on the street level in front of the public library from late-autumn through the course of the winter. I guess she became somewhat of an attraction to any group of people who just happen to walk by because she would throw a plastic bottle a long distance away and her little dog would run that the length and returns to her with the bottle. This would happen over and over and a small crowd would always gather around to see this act between the lady and her dog. They would always talk to her and ask questions about herself and her dog.

She never wore any footwear that revealed what her toes looked like being that it was very cold outside during those times. I’ve seen her at least 50 times throughout the winter always playing with her dog. I would always look down at her feet and smile to myself knowing that if I ever were to make her show her feet to me that I would be treated to something that was at least a size 9 with long toes, hopefully. I made a note to myself that when the temperatures finally get its act together and rise to the level that was more conducive to sole baring, then I would get her attention and the photoshoot was going to happen. For some reason I never had a reason to believe that she would reject me. It wasn’t a matter of if, but a matter of when exactly I was going to run into her when temperatures finally got warm again. Until that time came to get her to do what I wanted her to do, I would sometimes think about how her feet would look in my daydreams, counting down the days of when it was finally going to happen.

Fast forward to a few months later, I see her walking around the park. I catch up to her and asked if she was up for this. It didn’t happen only because I caught her at a bad time and she was on her way out of the park. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to do it, it was that she couldn’t do it because it was going to interfere with some work-related thing she had to do, which made some sense because her dog wasn’t with her. However, if I caught at some other time, she would definitely do it because she’s at the park very often, she told me.

Soon, that other time arrived. I was in front of the library one evening, eating my late-lunch/early-dinner. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and there she was.

She’s from Brasil but has lived in the City for many years now. I was so glad that I was finally able to see the feet I’ve been wanting and imagining to see for quite some time. I was not disappointed at all. It was great.

 -  -  -


SIZE 9 1/2

[ August 30, 2014, 02:10 AM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by DancingFool (Member # 3728) on August 30, 2014 04:02 AM:
You're an animal!! And I'm pissed and envious again that I let another summer go by without being your B side to what is an already great record collection of A sides. City Girl might be the best set you ever shot. You've revitalized my interest in this pastime again. I will email you soon.
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on August 30, 2014 05:58 PM:
National, this collection keeps getting better and better. I don't what to say because I have been bombarded with so many pictures going in so many different directions that I am now dizzy with enjoyment. These photos are just something to behold and you have become a certified legend. To when this topic started back in the days, to what it has become now, to what it will become in the future. Whatever the future brings, I don't think I'll be ready for it.

Congratulations and these amazing finds once again. [Cheers]
Posted by tootsylover (Member # 4584) on August 30, 2014 06:01 PM:
Wow ... Dog Lady's long toes are amazing ... and I bet they smell awesome after being in those black Nikes all day [Drool]
Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on August 30, 2014 10:32 PM:

The quality keeps getting better and better man!!

Still incredibly freakin jealous of you...wish I had bigger cahonies!!!
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on August 31, 2014 03:38 AM:
I'm right with you, oneagain. This thread is only going to make me more envious of him and the fun he's having day after day getting women after women taking their shoes off for him.

I have so much to say about some of the women he's posted in here that I don't have the time to say it all right now. Rest assure that I will come back in here to give my thoughts on what's been going on in here.

I share the same sentiments as some of the others in here that this will wind up being the best thread ever.

I can only imagine all the fun her's having. Can only imagine.
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on August 31, 2014 06:36 PM:
Nice additions, Nat! [Thumbs Up] [Drool]
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on September 01, 2014 01:14 AM:
Look forward to your updates [Thumbs Up]
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on September 01, 2014 08:03 AM:
Thank you for these detailed backstories, I really dig them. I too have been in that situation so many times, where you see a girl frequently and develop a rich mental life about what her feet must be like. Dog girl did not disappoint, that is for certain. I love how she tapped you on the shoulder. Amazing.

Great nails on J to go with a great story.

Cheers, my friend. Salud.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on September 03, 2014 12:37 AM:
Last week’s stroll around the park gave us some pretty enjoyable views of the ladies who were there. City Girl was a pretty huge hit with the members in here and Judy was also a fan favorite. Dog Lady’s feet was a very good sight to behold. All of their stories provided very good reading material as it made us feel that we were right there on the scene, and getting to know each of them made us feel that we formed a closer connection to them. The other women from last week’s activities made for great excuses to kill even more time at the park. This thread feels as if you’re actually taking a walk though the park and actually interacting with them while being treated to a footman’s dream of checking out their feet up close.

For any footman, this is probably the greatest hobby in the world, going up to random girls and getting them to take their shoes off for you with just the use of a few magic words.


This week promises to be one of those weeks that will be remembered for a long time. As great as last week was, this week has some pretty spectacular women in store that it is my pleasure to present to you with the photoshoots I have in store. I think this week will reside in your memory longer than the fun times we shared last week. So now that I’ve gone on record to say what I just said, the stage has already been set.

Before we get to those women, I want to introduce you guys to a couple of females that will get this week started. When I decide which ladies will make up for the group that will be presented for a certain week, I have to decide the order in which I want to present them. Well, someone has to go first, there has to be an opening act and someone else has got to close out the show before the curtains close.

These next two women will be the first ones up. I don’t have a whole lot to say about either one of them because both shoots were pretty quick. With the first lady, her pictures were taken at a different park. I had no plans of walking though this particular park to find anyone.

I was walking by this park because I had to meet up with someone on some work-related business. After I was done talking to that person, I had to go downtown to meet someone else. I was heading towards the train station when I just so happen to spot this girl who was sitting there, doing some catch up in her studies. My eyes lit up and I made a u-turn to go back into the park.

I forgot what she was going to school for, but she was all too willing to let me take pictures of her feet for a few minutes. I wished I had stayed longer, but I really needed to get going to my other location.


The second girl was a tourist who I spotted at the park just gazing onto the lawn, minding her own business. When her feet left her shoes, I could tell just from the look of them that they might smell a bit. And they did. It wasn’t strong by any means, but my nose detected something nonetheless.

 -  -




 -  -



That will be it for now. These two women will serve as our breakfast for the week. There’s still lunch and dinner to be had, and by the time we’re done with the week, our appetites will be fully met with satisfaction.

Let me tell you about one of the girls who I have in store for the week. A few months ago, I showed pictures from a lady who I called Cosmic Girl. In her story, I made her out to be some sort of SuperHeroine. I even gave out a list of her strengths and weaknesses. I also said that there will be someone who I will label as her SuperVillainess who will play the role as her antagonist. She looks like someone who could play the role that spreads negative karma to anything around her.

She will finally arrive and the world is coming to an end. Cosmic Girl is our only hope.


[ September 03, 2014, 12:48 AM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on September 03, 2014 03:01 AM:
Breakfast - You couldn't have chosen a better word to describe the moment as I'm just into my daily morning reading of the forum before going out to work.

Interesting choices to start the week at the park. Both of them have an above the average degree of curvy feet and toe flexibility.

Altough I find both of them to be very interesting, if I had to pick one it would be Student. She'a a total hottie and her feet... oh My!
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on September 03, 2014 06:49 AM:
I like the long pink toes and corn-fed bemusement of Studious; although Belgian wins the prize for bemusement.
Posted by lovepaintedtoenails (Member # 8935) on September 03, 2014 11:04 AM:
I love some sexy long toes, and she has them!!!! Wow,PRETTY STUDIOUS, not only has she sexy long toes, but some really nice nail beds. Okay, she did not have a fresh pedicure, but with toes like that who gives a shit? I know I don't, I would suck her sweaty toes any day or time of the week. Nice catch, and by the way, what are those magic words you say, I would love to know. Really loving these shots here: My favorite shots from her set
My favorties
My favorites 1 My favorite 2 [Jerkoff] [Thumbs Up] [Cool] [Drool]
Posted by lovepaintedtoenails (Member # 8935) on September 03, 2014 11:12 AM:
Love this shot here:  - When I seen this shot I thought, nice long toes, I just need to clean them up for her and give her a pedi!!! Get her nails done and shaped, a pedi, and then some toe rings!! Great Work!!!! [Drool] [Drool] [Drool] [Drool] [Drool] [Cool]
Posted by BareSoles84 (Member # 45910) on September 03, 2014 12:55 PM:
Pretty Studious does have nice nail beds/nice toenails. Her actual polish seems to be coming off a bit, but there is some of her natural nail visible to where you could see her toes would look very good natural.

Like the fact that she was so easy to coax, and didn't hesitate showing her bare feet. She's one of your top posts in my opinion. Very good looking girl with nice big feet.
Posted by SOLEMAN 13 (Member # 33699) on September 03, 2014 04:36 PM:
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on September 03, 2014 10:58 PM:
HighArches ...
With my next update, you might want to skip the breakfast and going to work part and go straight to lunch as your first meal of the day instead. [Smile]

If someone had to pick between those two, then whichever choice they make will be a great one. A person can certainly understand why someone would choose the other girl over the one he prefers.

hyperion ...
Your analysis always makes people revisit the galleries and look at those pictures again with a different set of interests that wasn't there the time around. You take great interest in this thread and it shows through the way you word your comments.

I also thank you for the other comments you posted last week. What you said about Dog Lady is something that all foot guys can relate to when it comes to seeing a woman many times over the course of weeks or months without ever knowing how her feet look actually look like, leaving your curiosity up to your imagination to come up with a composite as to how they could look like. In this case, having to see her feet for the first time after months of speculation was certainly well worth the wait and it felt so rewarding and gratifying to be as close as I wanted to them.

I have a few more women to post this week and you might not know where to begin when you start adding a reply to this thread because the different facets to the upcoming stories will take you in many directions.

BareSoles84 ...
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. She was, indeed, easy to coax into doing this. I startled her a bit when I approached her because her mind was already in another world when she had her earphones attached, listening to whatever she was on her iPhone. For a second I thought that that would cost me the chance to take photos of her feet, but she was extremely easy-going about the whole thing.

[Thumbs Up]

DancingFool ...
I'm a beast incarnate!

Eat, Sleep, Conquer, REPEAT!!!

lovepaintedtoenails ...
You certainly laid down the law when it came to Pretty Studious. I don't know how anyone can disagree with what you said.

About the magic words I use to get the results I want from them? I just get a sense if the person looks like the type who would pose for me. I keep my words honest, to the point and I keep it simple because something like this shouldn't be made to sound too complicated. When I follow those rules, anything I say is magic. Either they'll pose for me because they appreciated the honesty and see that this is all harmless, frivolous fun ... or they will appreciate the honesty and still decide not to do it because the idea of their pictures being posted on a site like this doesn't feel right to them. Usually, using magic words like Bippity-Boppity-Boo would work wonders for me. [Smile]

With regard to what you said about Belgium Beige, you came up with a plan that's well worth taking the day off from work for. Even though I prefer painted toenails over the non-painted ones, I would've been just fine with how she had her toes on the day of the shoot. I'd lick 'em clean as is. I'd make sure I'd have a bib tied around my neck so that all the slobbering saliva from my tongue won't make a mess out of my shirt. [Smile]


I do have a few more women to show this week. My next update will be posted on Friday night or Saturday morning, depending on which part of the world you live in.

Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on September 04, 2014 06:38 AM:
Well I look forward to processing your next round of goodies. Thanks mi hermano!!!!!!!!
Posted by lovepaintedtoenails (Member # 8935) on September 04, 2014 10:28 AM:
Thanks for the reply and your words of wisdom. You really know how to pick them though. Your posts are great because you have a wide variety of different feet for everyone. I love long toes and painted nails, but there are some people who like short and stubby, you get them all, and make everyone good to go! Thanks for your efforts to the foot community. [Cheers]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on September 04, 2014 11:56 PM:
Originally posted by National:
Let me tell you about one of the girls who I have in store for the week. A few months ago, I showed pictures from a lady who I called Cosmic Girl. In her story, I made her out to be some sort of SuperHeroine. I even gave out a list of her strengths and weaknesses. I also said that there will be someone who I will label as her SuperVillainess who will play the role as her antagonist. She looks like someone who could play the role that spreads negative karma to anything around her.

She will finally arrive and the world is coming to an end. Cosmic Girl is our only hope.

National, you do a fantastic job of packaging these women and you are great when it comes to creating hype for someone who you're about to show us. It's what makes this thread fun and more interesting to participate in. I certainly canot wait for this new girl you're talking about. If you're going out of your way to give us a heads up on this mystery girl, then we're all in for a very special treat.

Thanks for being so nice to us, National.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on September 05, 2014 10:20 AM:
I really like these last two girls you showed, especially Belgium Beige. I really love her long toes and how you had her pose her legs in the shots before she bared her feet from her shoes. I can't wait to see more women that you have in store for us. The world awaits.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on September 06, 2014 01:00 AM:

The photoshoot I had with this next girl turned out to be a lot more than what I had bargained for. It started out innocently enough. Then things got real crazy.

I am going to do something different with you guys as it pertains to this particular shoot. I will not into the details as to what happened during the shoot because in doing so will make viewing this gallerie a bit of an anti-climatic viewing. I know that after looking through some of these images you will might be compelled to ask me some questions. This will probably be the one gallerie in where more questions are going to be asked by the members here because the backstory with this lady might not be enough to explain everything that happened here. I think it will be better if we fill in the blanks of the story by asking me some questions about this girl and me answering those questions the best I can.

I will, however, tell you all what the approach went. She was already seated by the time I spotted her. I walked up to her, said hi to her and then asked ...

”You see my friend over there?” I then pointed over to a gay man who had nothing to do with any of this. I didn’t know the guy at all, but I wanted her to believe that he was someone I knew. I wanted to use that guy as a prop to help sell the introduction. What helped sell the line even more so was the fact that he just so happened to look at us when I pointed him out.

After she said yeah, I then said, ”Well, ... this might sound a bit funny, but he wants to know if you think I’m cute.”

She couldn't contain her laughter, ”Wait a second, what, why, what?”

I tried holding back my laughs but I couldn't. To see her laugh like the way she did meant that I was in no matter what I said from that point forward. So I asked her what was so funny about that question. She couldn't wrap her mind around the question that was asked or how to answer it because the question does sound confusing a little gay when you think about it, especially when you consider that the guy who I pointed to was also gay.

When she wanted me to repeat the question, I simply asked, ”Do you ... think ... I’m ... cute?” This time I took the supposed gay friend out of the equation in a tone of voice that told her that the question was still very innococent, but that I was also more serious all at the same time.

She smiled, crossed her legs and said, ”Kinda, sorta.” I could tell from how she said that that there was more to that than what she was letting on.

 -  -  -




By the way, I’m not done with posting pictures this week because I still have some more left to show you guys. There will be more and I show show them tomorrow night. They will serve as icings on the cake. Also remember that one of the girls who I will show will be the one who I have billed as Cosmic Girl’s enemy. If Cosmic does not do anything to save the world, then Doomsday is upon us.

You guys have been so great this week, and you will get greatly rewarded tomorrow night.


[ December 07, 2019, 04:44 PM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by combine_hunter (Member # 39526) on September 06, 2014 02:08 AM:
Mmm, meaty.
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on September 06, 2014 11:37 AM:
Pussycat Lounge [Thud]

When I clicked the link to see her photos, I wasn't expecting to see some of the shots I saw, not that I'm complaining. This stuff is real fucking good, man!

What in the world happened there? Did you say "open sesame" and voila?

You certainly need to make an exception here about how this is some natural viewing of ordinary women because this is not how women usually sit at the park to kill time to themselves. I wish they did, though. [Big Grin]

Fantastic job, by the way.
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on September 06, 2014 03:36 PM:
We will always be thankful for your generosity and your contributions to this forum. This is something that we don't take for granted because something like this doesn't come along very often and we should cherish every moment that takes place in this thread. This keeps getting better and better.
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on September 07, 2014 10:59 AM:
Pussycat Lounge:

To say that "you were in" is the 2014 Understatement Of The Year.

Very interesting departure with the body shots, I have to say I really liked it. I don't have questions. I just dig that it happened, and I enjoy imagining how it went down that you landed those shots.

I also don't recall seeing a smoker (well, smoking at the time) in your previous shoots, but I'm likely mistaken.

Triple cheers, man. If I'm ever in NYC I expect to buy you lunch, dinner, drinks, whatever. Or maybe a roll of 800 ISO ha ha!

Peace out!
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on September 07, 2014 11:24 AM:
I like her feet, kind of different! So, I'll bite....what was the impetus for the unique (for you) body poses and shots?
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on September 07, 2014 03:03 PM:
Originally posted by Icarus:
I like her feet, kind of different! So, I'll bite....what was the impetus for the unique (for you) body poses and shots?

As I was shooting the photos, I wasn't expecting anything outrageous to happen. I thought that it would wind up being another typical shoot. I knew that she was very attracted to me and really enjoyed the company and the attention she was getting. She asked me many questions about having a foot fetish and talked about many topics relating to sex. It was a very sexually charged conversation, whereas other women would talk about feet and my fetish for women's feet but we would also talk about other things that had more to do with our daily lives.

In the middle of the shoot, from out of nowhere she asked me if she could open her legs. Either that or she just flat out said that she was willing to open her legs for me, no asking necessary. It was probably like, I could open my legs for you if you want. However she said it, I could tell that she said it half-jokingly because right after that she said that she was only kidding, followed by a few giggles.

There was this dead silence that between us afterwards. That sound bite about her legs opening kept repeating itself in my head as I snapped a few more photos. Then out of nowhere, I opened her legs for her without her permission as if I lost control of myself. I knew she wasn't going to say anything or try to fight me off. In fact, right after I did that she had this smile on her face and was giggling some more.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on September 07, 2014 03:14 PM:
*I meant to post these pictures last night, but something came up, leaving me with no time to put this together on the forum. But I'm here now.*


"New York is like a roach motel: once you check in, you never check out."

- Marcus Nispel, film director and producer


Going to the park, doing what I do, meeting new women is always a lot of fun. When I start taking to them, the conversations usually start off on a casual note, with each person getting to know a bit about the other. Sometimes I just never know where the conversation is going to lead to because one person would say something that would steer the momentum of the conversation in a completely different direction, finding ourselves venturing in a new category about just what kind of person that person really is. I like that because now I get to the more important aspects or practical details of a subject or situation, keeping the pulse of our little chemistry alive, animated, provocative even.

I did one photoshoot earlier in the day and I was back at the park in hopes of finding a woman who would fit the description of the kind that I described earlier. I saw her from afar. She was already seated and she had a banjo with her. That really caught my attention and I immediately knew that she was like a book that just sat there unattended. It needed to be read, and I was the one who was going to do the reading and page turning.

She looked out of place, which made her stand out to me more than anyone else. She had a bike with her and whatever she had tied to it made her bike look as if it weighed an extra 70 pounds.

So I just stood there for a few minutes, observing her movements to her immediate surroundings. She sat there, playing her banjo. She would string notes that was not loud enough to attract an audience, but low enough so that only she could hear what she was playing. She played it at a very low tune, all the while looking around the park as if there were no one else around. Her whole demeanor was very peaceful and it never interrupted anyone else who were sitting around her. I was very much at peace with myself just watching her move her hands very slowly across the strings of the instrument. I could tell that the sounds were so relaxing to her that she started to daydream away from real world around, to a place where only she felt it was heaven.

That's when she put her banjo away, got up from her seat and moved over to another seat that was more suitable to her comfort. That's when I kind of snapped out of it and decided to talk to her.

As much as I've done this hobby, it amazes me sometimes by how these women wouldn't mind letting some guy take pictures of their feet as if it was something that happens to them everyday.

She is someone who really lives for the excitement and unknown dangers or consequences that lurk around the corner at the spur of the moment. If there was anyone who I can point to as being so open minded about trying out something new at a moment's notice, even if it might be to her detriment, we could be looking at her right now. And I was going to find out just how true that was at the end of this story.

She's from West Virginia. She worked as a waitress at some restaurant or diner over there. She grew very bored and tiresome with the daily grind of that job. She woke up one morning and decided that she was going to quit her job, without informing her employer. She packed her stuff, took whatever money she saved, and decided to embark on a bike ride that stretched from West Virginia all the way to Rhode Island. She made several stops along the way, sleeping in motel rooms and whatnot, meeting other interesting people along the way.

The day that she was at the park was also her first day in the City. She was going to stay here for two or three days before going on the final stretches of her ride to Rhode Island where she had a lot of friends and some family members there. She just wanted to get away from everything in West Virginia and see everything else that's out there in the states away from her home. In New York, there was a long-time friend she knew who was willing to let her stay for those two or three days. She was killing time at the park before she was to finally meet up with her at some place outside the park when she got out of work.

She was writing in her journal. At some point in the middle of the shoot, she told me that she was writing about me in her diary. She would go into specifics, but she did tell me that she was having fun writing about all positive things about me, including her thoughts about what a great guy I was in her eyes.

At the end of the shoot, I stuck around and we continued talking to each other for about an hour. We learned so much about each other.

You know, talking to someone for that long means that one topic is going to lead to another and you find yourself talking about something that had completely nothing to do with the topic that started the conversation. I forgot what we were talking about that lead to this part, but she told me something that would stay stuck with me for the rest of my life.

She wanted to go to Times Square with me and perform an lewd and very salacious act in front of everyone that would land her and myself in a lot of trouble with the police department. I know this is an adult forum and we can talk about anything, but this is a thrill-seeking fantasy of hers that I'm going to keep a secret between me and herself. When those words came out of her mouth, I thought I hearing one thing while her lips were mouthing the words of something totally different. To make sure I wasn't hallucinating, I had her repeat herself and then explain to me why she wanted to share that moment with me.

From the looks of her pictures, you will look at someone who is innocent of all things that are corrupt. Inside, however, there lies someone who wants to get away with murder, figuratively speaking that is.

When I suggested that we go to another public location and try this thing that would leave our hearts racing in excitement, she didn't want to hear it. She wanted to go to Times Square to do it. We both knew that we were getting very aroused at the thought of it, and talking about it some more fueled our interest in it and each other even more.

So when I told her that we should indeed go to Times Square, that's when she started to have second thoughts. The thought of having the cops handcuff her scared her out of it. She kept laughing about it, too, because wanted to live out a fantasy that she didn't think anyone else would take seriously.

I could tell that she lad a long day and I suggested that we go to a bar where a bottle of beer went for two dollars and five shots of any hard liquor would cost a total of ten dollars. When I said that, her eyes and mouth got wide open because those prices for something that good seemed too good to be true. I wasn't lying to her and I was willing to prove it to her. She had a very long day and she told me that she could really go for a drink. So got herself and her bike ready and we left the park together.

I really needed to go for some drinks as well and she spent most of her stay in New York with either myself and/or the friend she knew. Two two of us had some fantastic moments together before she finally left to finish her trip to Rhode Island.

She was a crazy-fun person, she felt the same way about me and we loved every minute of it.

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Posted by National (Member # 8568) on September 07, 2014 03:23 PM:

There are photoshoots. Then there photoshoots that are National Classics. Then there are photoshoots that will time honored, the ones that reserved in a category that are timeless, never-ending, and everlasting. I feel that this is one of those shoots with a woman who is unique and has a rare and uncommon way in which her mind and thought process engage.

She is stoic. A characteristic trait that can be synonymous with her is that she is cold and dark like a cobra's heart. She is the type of person who celebrates in privacy of her mind the anguish, misery, and distress of other people. It's not as if she would actually inflict that type of punishment on other people (at least not yet or not on a daily basis, I think). Instead, she loves to hear stories about chaos and turmoil. A lot of times she has this fatalistic, sky-is-always-dark psychology that plagues her mentality.

Inside her mind, there lies the black hole. It leads into a different dimension that is more deep and sordid than any red pill can take you. If I'm exaggerating here, then it isn't by much. If she's the type of person who likes to read stories about how people died of poisonous deaths (which she does), perhaps that should give you a clue. I don't think she'll go out of her way to look for those stories, but if there's a story like that that she comes across, she'll definitely read it with affection.

She felt so comfortable around me to the point where she divulged this information to me. She got the sense that I would not perform an exorcism, evicting demons or other spiritual entities from that are believed to have possessed or bedeviled her.

She's from Serbia, but has spent most of her life in New York. In fact, she doesn't live too far from where I do. She always goes back to her native home of Serbia once or twice a year to catch up with friends and family members. Her accent is present throughout her speech and she's very good with her English. She is also fluent in Russian, which explained why her accent sounded more Russian than anything else. In fact during the shoot, she was reading some short stories in Russian. Judging from her general survey of those stories, the genres of the stories were violent, murderous and crime-ridden. They were suspenseful, had themes from psychoanalysis and featured strong sexual overtones. Those stories are what keeps her going and stimulated. If you look at some of her pictures in this gallery, you can tell that the stories were pushing her right buttons.

You will never see her watching chick flicks where the running concept is a woman who finds a man who's just like the Ken doll from Barbie. You know: someone who looks perfect with a fantastic wardrobe. Clearly, he has a lot of money 'cause he's driving the most expensive cars, lavishes her anything and everything that's expensive, and yet he never asks or expects anything in return. That explains why Barbie is always happy and why the Ken doll has no genitalia.

You will never catch her listening to pop artists like a Jessica Simpson or Taylor Swift or a Justin Bieber. Maybe Katy Perry or Pink, but that's as far as she's willing to go with those people. She likes her music that sounds enchanting and fanciful but quite eerie all at the same time, a bit Gothic or grotesque.


Perhaps the most beautiful thing about this whole story is that if you get to know her long enough, you will find a more gentle, warm hearted side to her that lies beneath the chaos that makes up her personality. There are things that make her cry, things that make her scared, things and people who she cares deeply for. She will let you in that part of her life if she likes you a lot. She did so with me.


This photoshoot happened on a Friday morning and I saw her sitting there within the first 60 seconds of entering the park. It was just what the doctor ordered in order to give me a great jump start to the weekend ahead.

Towards the end, when I asked her what made say yes to having me photograph her feet so fast, she said with her accent that it was because I introduced myself to her. I was very polite to her and I seemed like a great guy. She said that her instincts about me proved to be right on.


This is the lady who is somewhat of an antithesis to Cosmic Girl (page 44). Cosmic loves to make new friends all the time, someone who gets along with a lot more people than this next girl does. Cosmic care more about what people think of her than this next girl does. Cosmic's personality will be the water to the other girl's oil because they won't mix. Cosmic has a more upbeat attitude and ... you know all the rest.

For her lurid way of thinking and explaining things, this next girl is someone who has more than five senses. In fact, she has ...


SIZE 9 1/2 --


And this will conclude the updates I have for this week. It has been so much fun and will shall meet up at the park again for more of the same.

Take care.

"You know, the more they knock New York, the bigger it gets."

-Will Rogers, actor and comedian
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on September 07, 2014 04:07 PM:

Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on September 07, 2014 09:19 PM:
Amazing stories with these last two women. When it comes to the last one (Sick Senses), however, I must give you a standing ovation and give you a round of applause because everything about her presentation was done perfectly. Outstanding job!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on September 08, 2014 02:50 AM:
Thanks, Hyperion. Of the women I've shown up to this point, she's perhaps the only one who smoked during the shoot, although I'm pretty sure there was another one in who did smoke during the shoot. However, I know for a fact that she won't be the last one who you'll see holding a cigarette in between her fingers.

And I do thank you for your generous offer. Just shaking my hand for a job well done with the ladies would suffice. You, sir, are a good man. It would be nice to meet you one day.
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on September 08, 2014 06:49 AM:
Man, I loved the story of Sunflower. Thanks for sharing what you did and leaving what you did to the imagination. That was terrific. Shit, she must have been fun fun fun. Boffo. I really like your use of light in her pics.

Sick senses: Such festive pants for such a dark soul! Hahahahaha! Nice nails on her.

[ September 08, 2014, 06:56 AM: Message edited by: hyperion ]
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on September 08, 2014 08:00 PM:
This is turning into the greatest collection of photos ever put together. I'm truly speechless with what you've done here and how you presented these last two women. It's like the very old days of when men would actually read the articles that appeared in Playboy magazine while they looked at the women as well. In this case, we are reading "articles" that are just as well written, articles that covered all sides of the story and we get to look at the women towards the end.

It's becoming more evident that the park is the preferred place to go to meet women and have feet play a big role as to why we're there.

I agree with Hyperion. I also enjoyed how the lights were used in her photos, especially the final three pictures in her set.


I just love that picture. You're mesmerized by her legs, face and sun all at the same time. The sun has a way of taking your attention away from the other features of this lady. It's just a great photo that plays a game of tug of war with your eyes. Excellent photography.

Another example of what I'm talking about:

First off, I love the quality of that picture. Secondly, the sun fucks with your eyes again because when you look towards the top of the picture, your eyes are on her feet and then they go to the sun.

Masterful job, I must say. Truly wonderful.
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on September 08, 2014 11:14 PM:
I'm still fascinated by the whole story behind Sunflower. It have so much fun reading it because the details make us feel that we were right there to witness the whole thing in front of our eyes. You are living our dream.

But as I've said before, the shoot of the year goes to Sick Sense. The most amazing thing I've ever seen.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on September 09, 2014 11:25 AM:
Great stories, great feet, great photography! You the man! Thanks.
Posted by Polar (Member # 47954) on September 09, 2014 01:39 PM:
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on September 10, 2014 11:02 PM:
After reading the story behind Sick Senses, it's becoming apparent that you are becoming a much better story teller with your style of photography. I think there's no comparison between her and Cosmic Girl because Sick Senses' pictures outclasses that of practically any other photoshoot you showed us up to this point.

The story behind her character is simply riveting. The photoshoot itself was truly amazing. If there was ever a time to root for a villain, this would be it.

I also loved how you styled her name instead of showing preview samples of what's to be expected once you click on her link like you do with everybody else. It heightened the hype even more and it made it feel like this was about to be something very special.

You have a unique eye for photography and it's pretty awesome by the way you see things in a different way.

That Sick Senses photoset is going to be a tough act to follow.
Posted by toesuck258 (Member # 11481) on September 17, 2014 12:24 AM:
Let me start by saying, that you sir, are an inspiration. I've always loved your work. What a concept. See cutie, approach, and the rest is history. I've started doing this with my 1080p camcorder. Suffice it to say, I've compiled about 3 really solid hours of footage, girls I meet in the city. I'm wondering what to do with the material. I'd love to post it here, perhaps in smaller-ish doses in hopes of opening up a clip store perhaps. I love the way your posts are set-up up, I'd really enjoy telling the stories of the women I meet filming. Anyway, I'd appreciate any feedback man!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on September 18, 2014 08:34 PM:
toesuck258 ...
First off, thanks a lot for your support for what I do. I wish I can stay here and write a longer message, but I have to do something in a little bit, depriving me the time I need to make the appropriate response here. So I must keep this short and sweet.

I don't know how to answer the question you have for me. I've never opened up a clip store and I don't have the intentions of ever doing that. I'm the wrong person who should be giving any feedback on how to open up a clip store or how to present the clips in smaller doses.

Perhaps another member of this forum, like jediofthefeet, might be very helpful in your efforts to post your video materials in here and, hopefully, in the future when you have your own clip store.

Once again, thank you very much for enjoying my posts so much. Reading something like that means a lot to me.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 15, 2014 12:47 AM:
One thing that makes this pastime so enjoyable for me is the fact that I wake up in the morning not knowing who will be open to the idea of letting me photograph their feet at the spur of the moment, so kindly and willingly. It's an amazing thing to know that some girl, somewhere is going to go with the flow and let me enjoy some quality time with her, while at the same time she's giving me the go-ahead to have her feet be the center of the focus.

I don't know what it was exactly that drew my attention to this woman. I found myself becoming attached to her because she seemed out of place, kind of like a modern day version of someone who truly belonged in a different place in time altogether.

Everything around her became a blur to my vision and I knew that this was my calling.

She's an interesting person. She has a taste (or weakness) of second-hand stores as she usually finds herself in thrift stores and flea markets or yard sales. She was telling me how she puts more thought and consideration when considering what to buy in there and how she likes the fact that the items are so cheap. She has fun experimenting with styles or colors that she might not usually buy. She loves the fact that the items in those stores are usually higher in quality simply by virtue of being there. Those places gives you the feeling that you're going treasure hunting, she said.

In fact, if you put that dress she had on to the side, everything she wore that day came from a thrift store, including her backpack and shoes. Perhaps the origin of where her outfits came from was part of what compelled me to get to know who she was. She is someone who takes the world at large and tries to slow everything down to appreciate some of the more intricate or intrinsic things in life that others might take for granted.

She's a very soft spoken person and can be a bit of a risky freak at times like any good girl would be who wants to tap into her wider side.

In case anyone finds himself asking questions about the book she was reading, here's a profile of that novel.

She did a wonderful job in explaining what the book was about.


Like a few other girls I've met, she spends more time reading books than watching television because the stories in what you read in novels are more captivating than a lot of things that are presented in television, she told me.

She is also a very talented calligrapher. Whenever I think of someone using that art form of writing, I always imagine hearing middle age music playing in the backround somewhere.

 -  -


SIZE 8 --



Something a little different this time as she is not one of the young ladies who I typically photograph. But having a fun experience with someone a little different than what you're used to every once in a while doesn't hurt anyone. I don't mind the change in scenery every now and again, and I think some people in here can appreciate that as well.

This lady was visiting the City on business. She's from the state of Georgia and was killing some time on her day off to sight see.

One thing she mentioned that gives her high marks about her character was about a time not too long ago in where she met Major League Baseball hall of famer Hank Aaron. She spoke about just how much of a professional he around her and her colleagues and spoke about the hardship through the form of racism he had to endure during his time playing the game of baseball while she was growing up as he was getting closer and closer to breaking Babe Ruth's record for most career home runs hit. She admired how he persevered through all of that.

When the topic of Ty Cobb came up, she kept her comments short and sweet. In short, he disgusts her. For anyone familiar with the history of baseball would understand why she would feel the way she did about him in contrast to Hank Aaron.


She was flattered by the request when I approached her about taking pictures of her feet and didn't have any qualms about it whatsoever.

She's a very nice person.

 -  -  -



This girl had, quite possibly, the smelliest feet I have ever come across in all my time doing this.

Let me tell you how I met this one. I was a Saturday morning and I was getting done with a photoshoot I had with some other woman. It then started to rain very hard, torrential downpours. I decided to visit a Barnes & Noble that was just a few blocks up from the park on Fifth Avenue to get away from the rain with the hope of returning to the park soon after the rain passes had stopped falling through the area.

I had to wait quite a while for the rain to stop and I was beginning to contemplate calling it a day.

I'm on the second floor of the store, sitting by a window, reading a few books I had picked from the shelves, killing some time. Then I saw her.

She was walking up one aisle and down the other. It looked as if she didn't know what she was looking for exactly. Perhaps she was just curious to see what books they had for sale.

She picks out a book from the Mysteries section and then walks over to sit on the floor just five feet from where I sat. I was losing concentration to what I was reading because I was focused on her and her footwear, having images in my mind as to what her feet might look like.

This was going on for several minutes and the only thing that separated the girl and myself was some guy reading a book to himself. He sat right next to me and the lady I wanted to talk to was sitting right next to him. There was almost no space between each of us.

By this time the rain had stopped and I thought of how awesome it would've been if I could be able to talk her into leaving the store with a complete stranger and walk to the park together to take foot fetish pictures.

The place was too quiet and there was an employee of the store organizing books on the aisle in front of us. I overheard the conversation the guy next to me was having as he told someone that he was going to meet up with him (the guy on the other end of the phone conversation) in five minutes. I was happy to hear that because I knew that once he left, I would make my move on the girl.

A minute later the guy got up and left. But as soon as he did that, another guy with his little daughter takes that spot. Now I had enough of that nonsense and decided to wait for the lady to move from her spot so that I can follow her. I didn't have to wait more than 45 seconds before that happened.

When we arrived on another aisle, I finally introduced myself to her. It was quite possible that a couple of women not too far from us overheard our conversation about having pictures of her feet taken because they kept looking over at us.

She (the original girl in this story) listened with great interest and she was all for it. And just like that we left the store together. I wish I was able to get access to the surveillance cameras of the store just to see how smooth I looked with the volume on mute.

By the way, she's from Venice, Italy. Her English is excellent. I thought she was from London or something from the way she spoke, but no.

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There will be more pictures to come throughout the course of the week.
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on October 15, 2014 06:13 AM:
Middle-aged baseball woman is my favorite. Love her nice long toes and bright white skin. Great job on these and great moves with the ladies, mi hermano!
Also, thanks for all the top shots with faces. Great.
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on October 15, 2014 06:21 AM:
Wow National, so you're giving the smelly feet crown to Elisabetta?

Could you describe your interaction with her once you two got to the park? How quickly did you notice the smell? How would you describe it? And did she seem at all aware of it?

Thank you for another incredible update!
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on October 15, 2014 06:58 AM:
It's good for me checking your updates, thanks for sharing your adventures [Thumbs Up]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 15, 2014 07:28 PM:
hyperion ...
I also loved the shape and look of her feet. Loved how her soles looked and I really enjoyed looking at her long toes. I would have never guessed that they were a size 6 because longer toes are usually go hand in hand with women who have bigger feet.

Thanks, once again, for stopping by.

Sol ...
Am I giving that crown to Elisabetta? Probably. I'll tell you what: if she's not in my top five in that department (this also includes women who I have yet to post), then I'm going to struggle off the top of my head to think of five others whose feet were smellier. So if you're looking for someone to remove that crown from her, then I suggest you not to hold your breath. Your search for the jackpot is most likely done here.

How would I describe the smell and how quickly did I notice it? I noticed it within a nanosecond. It hit me real hard and the smell never went away. I don't think I've ever met any other girl whose level of foot smell stayed that strong, that consistently. I think that if you were there, you would've lost all composure of yourself and dive into her feet as if it were a swimming pool.

If she told everyone that she wore the same socks for twelve days straight, then only a fool would not believe her. It was way too cheesy.

My guess was that she had to have been aware of it, considering how they smelled, and just assumed that I was going to go along for the ride. Besides, when I brought it up, she shrugged her shoulders and said, "Well, I guess to each his own, right?"

FootLongSub Zero ...
It's good for me posting my updates so that other people can enjoy them. Thanks for enjoying them. [Thumbs Up]
Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on October 16, 2014 01:36 AM:
This stuff is amazing! And to think that there's more to come in the upcoming days. [Mmm] [Hop]
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on October 16, 2014 02:52 AM:
You have just dropped my jaw with Elisabetta, but since you already know my tastes in what matters to feet, I guess this is not any kind of fresh news right?

Every single detail - the soles, high arches, toe flexibility and overall shape - is what I consider to be the perfect pair of feet.

Besides that, she's gorgeous. I guess it would be very hard not to try to know her better or maybe ask her for a date after this photo shooting.

Thanks for sharing not only this flawless experience but also all the others.
Posted by foot fetishism King (Member # 9930) on October 16, 2014 06:11 AM:

Wow! Simply stunning photoshoot with Elisabetta!!!!!!!
Amazing feet this gorgeous woman has. High arches are gifts from God above. She is the total package foot mans dream. High arches, perfect bare soles, perfect toes. Simply perfect feet. I wonder how many other photo sets you still have yet to post, will feature girls with insane high arches.

Great job!
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on October 16, 2014 07:48 AM:
Originally posted by National:
If she told everyone that she wore the same socks for twelve days straight, then only a fool would not believe her. It was way too cheesy.

My head just about exploded. That's incredible man, she's definitely ranking as one of my favourite models of all time from this thread. Did you offer to massage her feet?

Here's hoping you still have a few smelly surprises up your sleeve for future updates [Wink]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 16, 2014 07:09 PM:
Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
You have just dropped my jaw with Elisabetta, but since you already know my tastes in what matters to feet, I guess this is not any kind of fresh news right?

I suppose not. However, the news never gets old. If it's good news, then it's never tiresome. [Smile]

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
I guess it would be very hard not to try to know her better or maybe ask her for a date after this photo shooting.

I know what you mean, which is why I've gotten to know a number these ladies a lot better after the shoot was over, going out, having fun, whatever. [Big Grin]

foot fetishism King ...
I think you summed up perfectly what every guy thinks of Elisabetta. You can be certain that more women with high arches will be featured in the times to come.

Sol ...
I don't offer massages to every girl I meet, although I have given massages before. She wasn't one of them.

Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
Thanks for sharing not only this flawless experience but also all the others.

Thank you very much.
Posted by CaliFootExchange (Member # 43783) on October 17, 2014 06:13 PM:
Got a cocktail recipe for you all called a Dickhurts. Here's how to make a Dickhurts.

For this recipe you will need:

1 foot fetish
1 internet connection
1 Access to Wu's Foot Forum
1 hand (or 2 if that's your style)


Log onto Wu's Foot Forum
Find National Park thread
Browse through multiple Imagebam photo sets
Shake junk vigorously for at least 1 hour

Ta da! Dickhurts. [Jerkoff]

Thanks National Park!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 17, 2014 11:23 PM:
Originally posted by CaliFootExchange:
Got a cocktail recipe for you all called a Dickhurts. Here's how to make a Dickhurts.

For this recipe you will need:

1 foot fetish
1 internet connection
1 Access to Wu's Foot Forum
1 hand (or 2 if that's your style)


Log onto Wu's Foot Forum
Find National Park thread
Browse through multiple Imagebam photo sets
Shake junk vigorously for at least 1 hour

Ta da! Dickhurts. [Jerkoff]

Thanks National Park!

... See a doctor if you have an erection lasting more than four hours.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 17, 2014 11:25 PM:
This next shoot was a first for me. This lady was the first pregnant woman I ever shot. It had never crossed my mind to ever ask a mother-to-be to pose her feet for a photoshoot. That all changed when I first saw her. I was contemplating asking her to do such a favor for me, but then something told me that this should be easy and that everything was going to be just fine.

She was already seated on her chair and talking to someone on the phone when I spotted her. I was getting excited by the thought of talking someone like her to bare her feet for me.

When she finished talking on her phone, I could tell from her body language that she was a bit exhausted from something and was in no need to get anywhere soon. She really needed to take a break. She was welcome to stay at the park and just relax for as long as she wanted.

She was (I believe) eight months pregnant at the time of the shoot and was expecting to give birth to a boy, her first child.

She lives in the City after having moved from Russia a few years ago. If I remember correctly, she was studying to become a teacher. My memories of what she told me in regards to career aspirations are escaping me at this moment so I really can't say much more about it.

I enjoyed the fact that her feet were a little smelly upon removing her sandals. The smell hit me right away but disappeared into the air after about a minute or two.

I hope you guys enjoy them, as she told me that as long as I'm not hurting children or animals, she doesn't care what site her pictures are posted on.

 -  -  -




That's it for tonight, but that's not all that I have in store for this week. I do have some more women to show everyone, and their pictures will posted tomorrow night.

Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on October 18, 2014 10:47 AM:
Once again, real amazing stuff! Thanks so much for everything you do.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 19, 2014 12:28 AM:
The final updates of the week.



I name I've given this lady comes from the fact that she's Colombian (or Colombiana, as I prefer to say it) and the fact that her same is Sofia.

She has lived in Queens for years now, which makes perfect sense because of the five boroughs of New York City the highest percentage of people claiming Colombian heritage live in Queens, spread out through the Jackson Heights, Woodside, Elmhurst, and the Corona sections of that borough.

She doesn't know how to speak any English, which is perfectly fine by me because I know how to speak all of Spanish. Besides, a lady from a place like Colombia, I prefer that she say nothing to me in English because it accentuates the ambiance of Colombian culture and makes me feel as if I've been transported to that place. It makes me want to eat their food, listen to their music and celebrate their independence with them.

She was going to shop for clothes on 34th Street but had decided to stop by the park to have some time to herself before going though all the hassles that entail browsing though the clothing department of Macy's or whatever else is on that street.

That was the firs time she's ever stopped by the park in her life in all her time living in New York. And it was a good thing I got to take pictures of her while she was available for the taking.

 -  -





I really love the story behind this shoot.

One can tell from how this girl looks that she is very nerdy, quite geeky. Brainy and well-informed. I was very curious and somewhat suspicious about her. The funny thing was that throughout that particular day, I would by her several times because she wasn't someone who stood out to me immediately as someone who would make a great subject for an interaction. I had one or two shoot earlier that day before my senses told me that I should pay her a visit. I think what drove me to pursue her, other than the fact that she looked like someone who would fit in quite nicely with the cast of the show Big Bang Theory, was the fact that her feet were propped up on a neighboring chair, with her shoes still intact. The other times I walked by her, her feet were on the ground.

I wanted to give myself a little tease preview of what it would be like to spend time with her as I was watching her feet rest on the other chair.

When I finally couldn't take it any more, that's when I walked up to her and said hello.

I could tell from the look on her face that she had a difficult time understanding what I was telling her. She said yes, although she wasn't too sure what she was saying yes to. All she knew was that it had something to do with her feet.

I thought about leaving her because I wasn't going to feel comfortable taking pictures of her if she couldn't understand or comprehend what was going on, what was the purpose of my being in her presence. So I asked her where she was from.



I told her that she just made a brand new friend because I could speak Spanish just as much as she could. I told her that in Spanish, just so you know. She breathed a sigh of relief because know I was able to translate what I said before into something she was convenient and more at ease to her.

When it comes to the Spanish language, I just love how women from countries like Spain and Argentina make the use of the language. Their dialect is very different from those who are Dominicans or Cubans, for example. Just like any language, Spanish has its own slang. Perhaps the most common slang in Spain is Vale. This is used in the same way as we use "OK" or any of its equivalents such as sure, I understand, I agree, etc. When the Spanish say it, it kind of sounds like "ballet." I mean that word has more than one meaning in Spanish, but when the Spaniards use it, it's usually under the terms that I described. They use that word way too often. One cannot speak to them without hearing that word at least 20,000 times in 30 minutes. That's an exaggeration, but you get the idea.

Anyhow, the reason I bring that up is because she kept saying it throughout the time we spent together. For some reason I get very turned on when I hear a Spanish-speaking woman use that word in that context.

She studies art and she very fascinated with art history, hence the book she was reading. Perhaps she wants to become an arts historian. She knows so much about the subject that it's literally astonishing. She even went as far as to read to me a few passages from the book out loud and then proceeded to add a few more words by herself that wasn't typed in the text, showing just how knowledgeable she was in the subject. Something about her demeanor reminded me of Icosahedra. She knew just as much about her mathematics/science as this one did about art.


About the Tattoo on Her Foot

What until you get a hold of this story. I asked her what the tattoo said. She told me that it was the name of her father. She talked about how she loved him so much and how much he has been, and continues to be, the greatest influence in her life. He is the Number 1 person in her life. She loves him that much.

Okay, I thought to myself. After hearing that explanation, I really didn't think too much of it. But wait, there's a punchline to this tattoo story. When I asked her why the tattoo was inked in Arabic, she said that even though she doesn't know how to speak or read in Arabic, she thinks that that language is perhaps the most beautiful language in the world. She loves everything about it and is determined to learn and master that language so that she can adopt it as her new language. She loves how Arabic words look, she loves how Muslims speak the language, etc.

So what's the punchline to this tattoo story? Well, after the shoot was over, I asked what her name was. She told me. When she asked me what my name was, I told her. When I gave her my name, you should've seen how her eyes lit up! She knew I was telling the truth, but at the same time she thought was kidding. Guess what? Her father shares the same first name as I do. That tattoo on her foot is my real name!

I showed her my identification card just so that she could see that my first name is also that of her father's. She removed her shoes again to give me another look at it.

We kind of sat back and looked at each other in disbelief. It took us a few seconds to come to terms with the idea that what just happened was true and real.


Soon after I got up from my chair to make a phone call to a friend who I was going to see that night. I told her that the call would take a few minutes before I got returned to my seat to continue the conversation.

My friend called before and I had missed his call while I was in the middle of the photoshoot. Right before I went to place that call, a guy comes up to me. He looked to be in his late-40s/early-50s and he had seven teeth left attached to his gums.

We were standing just a few feet from the girl and I had my back turned towards her at the time he went up to me. He said, "I'm part of the same club as you are."


"I have a foot fetish as well. I don't know what you told her to make her do it, but that was a great job you did."

I gave him my thanks and he left. Right after that happened, I noticed that there was another guy wanted a piece of the action with her. I had never seen the guy before (or since) but I could tell he had a foot fetish because he had his phone camera in the ready position to start taking photos of her feet.

I pretended not to have noticed him so I acted as if I was going to leave just to see what he was going to do. He was going to use the chair that I got up from to have his turn with her. When I came back, that's when he got up and left. I walked away again just to see if he would return. He did. When I returned, that's when he left again. And that time he left for good. It was one those instances where you saw what was going to happen before it actually happened. I just felt that whatever pictures wanted to take of her feet, that her reaction wasn't going to be good.


In any event, I made my phone call. The battery to my camera had died (or was on the verge of dying). I got back to my chair, sat next to her and we stayed talking to each other for another half hour, getting to know one another on a more personal level.


Crazy story! How many guys in here can say that he took pictures of some girl's feet with his name tattooed on it? Has anyone even seen such a tattoo on a woman's foot before as she walked by you in the streets or something?

When I got back home, I typed my first name oh Google translate just to see if what she said was true. Sure enough, my name matched that translation in Arabic.

That was something special.

 -  -  -




And that concludes the show for the week. Hope everyone has enjoyed his stay and I will see you all again very soon.


[ October 19, 2014, 07:16 PM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by 18th Floor (Member # 35007) on October 19, 2014 03:38 PM:
National, I have got to say that what you're doing is simply God's work. I always look forward to new pics being posted and the girls you showed this week are amazing. I agree with CaliFootExchange and his very funny way of saying things. He must be a licensed bartender.

I love the Colombian girl, and I love the name you gave her. She has great soles. They're practically perfect to me. The same thing goes with the older lady that you showed earlier in the week. She has some REAL fantastic soles and her toes are wonderful.

These pictures are fantastic and I can't get enough of them.
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on October 19, 2014 04:55 PM:
Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on October 19, 2014 07:07 PM:
Wow I am soooo hard after looking at Lil' Colom'fia. Think I just might have to take care of that. I would LOVE to bury my face in those sandals and her soles and toes. I bet they smelled AMAZING!

[Jerkoff] [Jerkoff]

Posted by caseman (Member # 33975) on October 19, 2014 08:13 PM:
That last girl made for great story. Not only were her pictures great, but the story behind the shoot was very interesting. Like the part about the other guy who wanted to take pictures of her feet after you did and the part about her tattoo that has the same name as yourself. That's pretty fucking awesome and I would be STOKED if I saw a girl who I never met before have a tattoo on her foot that had my name on it as well. I've never had anything like that happen to me.

I love what you did with her by the way you posed her feet. This is now one of my favorite shoots you've ever posted, National. It's definitely a classic to me.

Thanks a million. [Thumbs Up]
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on October 20, 2014 10:17 AM:
All of these girls and stories are great. You are a great man.
Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on October 20, 2014 11:12 AM:
Man! Those Colombian 10 are fantastic!!!

Would love to sniff and suck on those soles...great catch:)

...I gotta work on my Spanish;)
Posted by DaSniper 75 (Member # 47111) on October 20, 2014 11:58 AM:
Your work never ceases to amaze me!! My hard penis and I thank you!! LOL!! [Jerkoff] [Jerkoff] [Hop] [Wu]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on October 20, 2014 07:28 PM:
Originally posted by footboy1:
Wow I am soooo hard after looking at Lil' Colom'fia.

When I was there in person and up close, being so hard doesn't begin to describe how I felt. [Big Grin]

footjoyboy ...
I completely understand how you feel. Sometimes I wish I had a bib around my neck just to make sure that whenever I start to [Drool] the saliva doesn't drool down past my neck and onto my shirt.

Originally posted by caseman:
I love what you did with her by the way you posed her feet. This is now one of my favorite shoots you've ever posted, National. It's definitely a classic to me.

I'm glad you feel that way. It was so much fun shooting her feet. It was a great way to cool off on what was such a nice day to be outside. I loved everything about that shoot.

18th Floor ...
You've always been a huge supporter of my work. You're welcome to leave a comment at anytime, my friend. Thanks for showing your appreciation.

hyperion ...

oneagain ...
I agree. Her soles looked a lot better than I thought they would. When I come across a pair of soles that look like those, I know that I'm in for a very special shoot.

DaSniper ...
You're welcome.
Posted by foot fetishism King (Member # 9930) on October 21, 2014 03:14 AM:

Another stellar high arch goddess in Nuture Expecting. Wow, her high arches scream foot worship over and over. A high arch is a true work from God.. Not every girl is blessed to have them. And the fact that she is pregnant and has high arches, fantastic photo shoot. More, more, more high arch goddess ladies to come.
Posted by Solelvr 20,020 (Member # 20632) on October 29, 2014 08:13 PM:
I just couldn't hold it when I saw these mature wrinkled soles [Drool]

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 25, 2014 11:36 PM:
More viewings from the Park just in time for the holidays this week. I'm going to show more women this week than than I've had in any other week in which I've posted new original content.

Hope everyone enjoys!


I was at the park on a Saturday morning. I don't think was 11:00 yet when I made my way up to her and started to have a conversation with her.

What caught my attention about her wasn't just the fact that she was basically in all black, but the way it stood out to me on what was to be a very peaceful day weather-wise. Her sunglasses really added to her character, her attitude, her spirits and beliefs, giving her this demeanor that made her look shadowy, and trying to get know a person like her (at least at first) will leave you feeling that there's something about her that's sunless due to a thick mist. As she grew more accustomed to having me in her company, she was letting down her guard in bits by bit and became more talkative and demonstrated other parts to her individuality that was more rad, super awesome.

Getting her to pose for me was the relatively easy part. Getting to know her at first took some time because she seemed more reserved and to herself than the other ladies who I have photographed. But time heals all wounds, as they say, and with time she became less restrictive and more open and forthcoming with me. In knowing some more about her, she has practical wisdom in philosophical or spiritual topics. I won't go anywhere close to saying that she's religious or give anyone that impression. However, she is everything else that I said about her nonetheless. The conversation was a bit different that what I had anticipated going into the shoot, but the time we had with each other was well worth the time spent.

 -  -


SIZE 7.5


Just like Rhythmic Notice before her, this next lady is also someone who is quite nerdy. She's very nerdy, in fact.

She was a tourist from Sweden, if I remember correctly. She already had her feet propped up on the chair, soles exposed and all. I was walking pretty fast across the terrace to the point where I almost walked by her, not noticing her existence at all. I saw her feet out of the corner of my eye and I had to stop moving towards where ever it was I thought I was going to go as if a driver wanted to put on the brakes all of a sudden after traveling pretty fast.

Sometimes when you see something you like that's right there for the taken, your heart jumps through your chest. That's what happened to me here.

I simply flat out told her, "I'm going to take pictures of your feet, so don't move and hold it right there." She smiled back while not knowing what to make of what just happened all at the same time. When asked why feet (or why her feet), "Simple. 'Cause I really like how they look." No need to make things complex; just simple, clean and transparent.

Being that she was a tourist in the United States for the first time in her life, this was something that she wanted to take part on at the spur of the moment and because this was going to be an experience that was going to make her day and her visit to New York, something she was definitely going to discuss with anyone she wants back in her native country.

She's a pediatrician who was on vacation when we had this photoshoot.

What's fun about doing this is that there are times when I get to spend an extended amount of time with the ladies after the shoot is over and just talk and get each other a bit, and just see what comes of it afterwards. With this one, I thought it would be nice to make her feel nice by spending more time with her after the shoot. It was easy to tell that she enjoyed my company very much.

Before we knew it, it got dark and I took her to the other side of the park where the lawn was where it was brightly lit and it was more full of life there than it was from where we came from. She sat closer to me this time and she kept telling me how she fascinated by the fact that I would be so attracted to her feet. She knew that there were guys with foot fetishes, but she thought there were so few of them. This was something new for her.

 -  -  -

PediaNurse --

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 25, 2014 11:59 PM:
Here we have another woman who was nice enough to let me take pictures of her feet. She thought my request was pretty unusual, but for the sake of doing something different for a few minutes she thought Why not?

 -  -  -




The women I've approached in all my times doing this were those who I've seen for the very first time. I can remember only three women that I have approached after having seen them at the park at once before. This lady was one of them (Vitamin V and Dog Lady were the other two). I saw her twice before in the two or three days before this shoot took place. For some reason she just never stood out to me as someone who I needed to have right at that moment. Perhaps it was because in the times we walked by each other, she always looked as if she was waiting for someone while at the same time looking like she was lost and in a hurry to get somewhere, kind of frantic. It seemed like all those things were going on with her at once. She would carry her textbooks for class, holding them to her chest as she scurried around the place. I started to think that I would see her at the park everyday and follow on the same routine. Other than that, I never thought too much about her.

A day or two after that, I saw her again for the third time. This time she was putting her textbooks to good use by finding the time and solitude to study without having to zig-zag all over the place.

She is unable to communicate effectively in English because her primary language is Chinese. Even though she has difficulty speaking or reading English, she is trying very hard to study, to understand and be able to express her thoughts more freely and openly as she develops and improves on her fluency in English.

I wasn't able to learn much of anything about her. However, she was kind enough to let me take pictures of her feet as she continued to hit the books and continue with her studies.

 -  -  -


SIZE 6.5


That will be it for now. At the end of the week, I will present a young woman who modeled for me that I feel will be one of those girls that people will remember for a long time to come. This lady bares a striking resemblance to Selena Gomez (only this one has hair that's not as long as the actual Selena). I've never seen anything like this before and you would have to go out of your way to make an argument that she does not look like her.

I hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving in the meantime.

Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on November 26, 2014 05:47 AM:
Originally posted by National:


Wow wee, why on Earth couldn't I have had a doctor like this when I was a kid?? [Drool] [Bow Down] [Bow Down]

Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on November 26, 2014 06:14 AM:
Apologies in advance for the multiple posts that I'm going to make in response to 25 NOV. However, time constraints force me to choose between inappropriate brevity and this. Nat'l is not one to be shortchanged. Also, I'm not sorry that I'll be bumping this thread.

Jet Ethos: That milky skin, her full lips, long toes and silver nails are just delicious. You shot her in such a way as to capture the curves of her feet, the topology of her tops, the sleek look of her in those sandals--your photography forces the eye to slip and slide along her surfaces.

Nice, man!

She also strikes me as someone who, if you make her smile, you feel like you scored a little victory. Not an unpleasant person, but judicious in mirth, dispensing it rarely.

I salute your ability to create photographic poetry. One of my favorite girls you've shared.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 26, 2014 09:29 AM:
hyp ...
It's funny 'cause I'm kind of in the same predicament now in terms of keeping my posts too short and sweet for my own tastes because I have got to leave in a minute. I just wanted to say thanks a lot, and I also plan on bumping this thread. Believe that. [Big Grin]
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on November 26, 2014 03:55 PM:
Spur of the moment feet are always my favorite, and National does it as good or better than anyone.

Here is to National... [Cheers]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 26, 2014 09:57 PM:
Originally posted by footboy1:
Wow wee, why on Earth couldn't I have had a doctor like this when I was a kid?? [Drool] [Bow Down] [Bow Down]

Good question. You'd probably be the healthiest kid on the block if someone like her was your doctor.

hyperion ...
You have done an excellent job of paying attention to my style of foot photography. And thank you for gaining much appreciation for it.

Originally posted by hyperion:
She also strikes me as someone who, if you make her smile, you feel like you scored a little victory. Not an unpleasant person, but judicious in mirth, dispensing it rarely.

After giving that toast, she would smile at you then clink her wine glass with yours.

Thank you. That really means a lot.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 26, 2014 11:34 PM:

I'm going to take this time to announce that this thread will be going on a three-month hiatus starting on January, 2015. December will be the final time in where I will post pictures before having this National Park concept go on its pause.

December will also mark the final moments in where I will post pictures that I have taken from Bryant Park. I came to the realization a long time ago that this needs a change of venue, a change of scenery, a new landscape, a new setting. When this thread returns from its hiatus in Spring 2015, things will look very different around here because I will show everyone what my newest and greatest adventures have been like when I show you ...

... the Women of Central Park.

I stopped shooting at Bryant Park a very long time ago. I've had a few people tell me that they were at Bryant Park hoping to see me direct a shoot or they would ask if I would be at the park during the Spring and Summer months. Yes, I was at the park. No, it wasn't at Bryant Park. I left out the part of telling them that my newest and permanent home for foot hunting was at Central Park.

Central Park is the most visited urban park in the United States and it is the park that really makes New York the Big Apple.

The National Park will move into a new era next year. While some elements to my photography style will remain the same, there will be several other aspects to it that will look very, very different and it will take on a brand new persona of its own. Central Park opened up my eyes and my perspective to how my photography style can mature and become a signature that makes this all unique and synonymous to my work.

Originally posted by hyperion:

I salute your ability to create photographic poetry.

As much as I thank you for your appreciation, you will enjoy things even more when you see what I can do when my creativity really expands and ventures into new endeavors.


I've had one or two people suggest that I try Central Park and give it a try. At first I was stubborn by not taking that advice into consideration much. I didn't like the idea of taking pictures on grass or on benches, unable to move the seats around the way one would in Bryant Park. But one day, after ignoring Central Park for the longest time, I finally decided to see what the place had to offer. Within the first seven minutes I found someone who was willing to pose for me, and that photoshoot became my wake-up call to quit what I was doing at Bryant Park and move over to Central Park. At the time I went back and forth between the two parks before finally settling in for Central park for good.

Next month, I will show the last group of pictures I've taken in Bryant Park before we close out on this era. The new season, Natural Park era will be open to the public in Spring 2015.

I already have hundreds of women from Central Park stored up and waiting to be unveiled starting next Spring.


[ November 26, 2014, 11:42 PM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on November 27, 2014 06:22 AM:
Wow National, that's quite the headline news!

Bryant Park has already offered us so much, I can only imagine what will come out of the migration to Central Park.

I'm excited to see how you close out the final chapter of this season over the coming weeks!
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on November 27, 2014 08:39 AM:
OMG PediaNurse... I can picture you slingshotted off your path by those exquisite nailbeds and loooooong pretty toes. Great call and great shots of her, especially in those sandals.

I really like the way you have them point their toes together when you shoot the tops, like with the random size 6 blonde milf you shot. Keep doing that.

More later. You rock!!!!
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on November 27, 2014 08:47 AM:
Aaaaand scroll down to read the breaking news from Planet National Park... Wowie..!

OK Brother, enjoy your hiatus/staycation/break and we will indeed look forward to the new digs. In the meantime I personally am looking fwd to what you will be posting in DEC.

Whew! I'm all caught up on my Nat'l thread postings.

Happy Tee Day to all...
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 27, 2014 03:03 PM:
Originally posted by Sol:
Wow National, that's quite the headline news!

Bryant Park has already offered us so much, I can only imagine what will come out of the migration to Central Park.

Central Park has allowed me to become a much better and a more mature photographer. That place and the women I've met there have made my time much more enjoyable. So much so that I have no desire to do another photoshoot at Bryant Park.

The Natural Park era will be nothing short of phenomenal.

Originally posted by hyperion:
Aaaaand scroll down to read the breaking news from Planet National Park... Wowie..!

OK Brother, enjoy your hiatus/staycation/break and we will indeed look forward to the new digs. In the meantime I personally am looking fwd to what you will be posting in DEC.

Whew! I'm all caught up on my Nat'l thread postings.

Happy Tee Day to all...

I feel like a baseball player who's the hottest free agent in a long time holding a press conference after signing a very lucrative contract to play for another team. That player then goes on to not only live up to his contract, but to also goes on to become (arguably) the greatest player to ever swing a bat.

While I thank Bryant Park for the times I've there and the women I've come to know, there comes a time when a change of venue is needed for a fresh new start.

As much as I had fun at Bryant Park, my time at Central Park is going to be the one that I will become synonymously known for, just like Barry Bonds was with his time with the Giants and not the Pirates, Babe Ruth for his time with the Yankees and not the Red Sox, pitchers like Pedro Martinez with his time with the Red Sox as opposed to any other team he played for, and Greg Maddux with his time with the Braves and not some other team he played for, etc.

Central Park has been my calling for quite some time now, and will continue to be for years to come.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 27, 2014 03:15 PM:
Originally posted by hyperion:
OMG PediaNurse... I can picture you slingshotted off your path by those exquisite nailbeds and loooooong pretty toes. Great call and great shots of her, especially in those sandals.

I really like the way you have them point their toes together when you shoot the tops, like with the random size 6 blonde milf you shot. Keep doing that.

More later. You rock!!!!


In other news, let's not forget that I have more women to show this week, including the Selena Gomez look-a-like that will have many people talking. I can't wait to show her!

Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on November 27, 2014 08:56 PM:
Originally posted by National:
let's not forget that I have more women to show this week, including the Selena Gomez look-a-like that will have many people talking. I can't wait to show her!



I can't wait for that !!!! [Cheers]

Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on November 27, 2014 08:59 PM:
Originally posted by National:
I feel like a baseball player who's the hottest free agent in a long time holding a press conference after signing a very lucrative contract to play for another team. That player then goes on to not only live up to his contract, but to also goes on to become (arguably) the greatest player to ever swing a bat.

While I thank Bryant Park for the times I've there and the women I've come to know, there comes a time when a change of venue is needed for a fresh new start.

As much as I had fun at Bryant Park, my time at Central Park is going to be the one that I will become synonymously known for, just like Barry Bonds was with his time with the Giants and not the Pirates, Babe Ruth for his time with the Yankees and not the Red Sox, pitchers like Pedro Martinez with his time with the Red Sox as opposed to any other team he played for, and Greg Maddux with his time with the Braves and not some other team he played for, etc.

Central Park has been my calling for quite some time now, and will continue to be for years to come.


AWESOME post. I enjoyed reading that almost as much as looking at the pictures... almost. [Wink]


P.S. -> Did you say.... HUNDREDS.... of women? [Thud]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 28, 2014 02:43 AM:
Originally posted by footboy1:
AWESOME post. I enjoyed reading that almost as much as looking at the pictures... almost. [Wink]


Originally posted by footboy1:

P.S. -> Did you say.... HUNDREDS.... of women? [Thud]

Life is good. [Cool]
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on November 28, 2014 02:02 PM:
Glad to see you back with another great post. I was kind of missing your endeavors in the National park! The blonde mature "girl"'s feet are to die for! Nice catch ;-)

About the new sets in Central Park: I can't wait to see the new sets. I agree with you in what matters to the overall scene. At a first glance it looks like the chairs play a major part in your own photography and girls poses, and I don't think you will be able to match it in the lawn... BUT, if you had the same doubts and they have dissipated, then I will keep it up with you and wait to see the final result!

About your hiatus: Hope you will not be serving time meanwhile for something you did lol joking.

All the best!
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on November 28, 2014 09:33 PM:
Some great additions there. Always nice seeing the mature feet along with those of the 20-something age range too. So cool!

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 28, 2014 11:23 PM:
HighArchesPT ...
After my first-ever shoot at Central Park, that was when I realized I had nothing left to prove at Bryant Park, that's when I realized that I'd done everything I needed to do there. I felt a lot more comfortable at Central Park than I ever did at my original.

Yes, the chairs played the biggest part to it all. Now, I can do without them.

These photo sets are going to be nothing short of special, and they will be forever memorable.

... And I'm happy to learn that you liked the blond mature. [Smile]

I thank you for liking some of these. I agree with you. Although I prefer younger women, it is very nice to visit- and spend some time with older women every once in a while as well.

Again, thanks!

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 29, 2014 12:06 AM:
A quick shoot with this next girl.

I saw her eating chips and without thinking about it I stopped by to say hi. Other than high heels, I think I find myself wondering what a woman's feet look like when she's wearing Converse sneakers and flats more than any other type of footwear. With flats, however, I always feel that women who wear them all have better looking feet (usually with longer toes) than the other woman who's closest by who's wearing anything but flats on her feet. I know that can't be proven, but I guess my mind likes to sensationalize my imagination whenever I picture a woman removing her flats from her feet just so that the stereotype that exists in my mind can be kept alive.

I was excited as I approached her, and she turned out to have very nice feet with long toes.

Since the shoot was very short, there's really nothing I can tell you about her other than she came off as a pretty cool person. Anyone who doesn't mind posing her feet and finds nothing weird about people with foot fetishes is pretty cool to me.

 -  -



On this day, summer felt like autumn in the City. I guess the only thing I was sure of was that there were going to be clear skies that day. I guess what I didn't know was how chilly it was going to feel because it was hot just the day before.

This next girl was better prepared for the weather that day than I was. I think she was more comfortable posing for me than I was taking those pictures. She felt all nice and warm while I felt like I was stuff in a refrigerator. In fact, sometime during the shoot, some homeless woman walked up to us and asked for some money. She was wearing one of those heavy coats with a scarf 'n all.

But back to this lady. She's a fashion design major at the university she attends. Other than how cold it felt that day, what really stood out to me about her more than anything else was the fact that she smelled like laundry detergent. Lavender to be more specific. It was as if she just stepped out of the washing machine after being treated to large quantities of laundry detergent. I think she clearly used way, waaay too much of that stuff and it kind of disrupted my concentration. Not that I'm complaining, by the way; I'm glad she smelled great!

And, yes, her feet smelled like laundry detergent as well. It seemed as if the flowery scent from her clothes transferred to her feet. And her shoes smelled as if she had just bought them from the store. I know that because she allowed me to smell them.

She's Hispanic, in case anyone was wondering. Her father is from one country and her mother is from another ... however, I forgot which two countries they were. Besides, she can't speak any Spanish anyhow.

 -  -  -


Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 29, 2014 12:18 AM:
I think it was the way she had her hair that made me interesting in getting to know how her feet looked in those boots. I had no reason to believe that she wouldn't allow me to take pictures of her, and she proved me right.

She can speak French, although she's not from France. She speaks French because she learned how to speak it because the language really interested her when she was a young girl. And because her husband is French.

She's a tattoo artist in the City and she has many tattoos inked in many areas of her body. Not as many tattoos as someone like Sleeveskin, but she does have her share of inks of her own nonetheless.

I was glad to have had her remove her boots because when she did, her feet were quite smelly. It wasn't even lunch time yet, and already her boots were able to work up a smell within her toes and I was richly rewarded with its rich scent. This always reminds me why I should always thank my lucky stars in giving me a foot fetish.

She thought the whole session was "different" but perfectly cool by her standards. It was something that she couldn't wait to tell her husband about.

 -  -


SIZE - 8


For those of you who wished that PediaNurse was your nurse, your childhood would've been a whole lot sweeter if you had this girl to take care of you as well.

With this one, I met her while she was having a smoke break right outside the park. I took one look at her and knew I had to get something going with her. I told her who I was and about how I go around the park taking pictures of different women's feet. When asked if I liked her feet, I told her that I wouldn't have asked her to pose for me if I felt otherwise. She made a look on her face as if to say, Good point, and she decided to go for it.

I love it how these ladies just let me go for it without a care in the world about what others might think of us. Even though this was her first time modeling her feet for anything, she seemed so blasé about the whole thing, that doing something like this was really no big deal and something that was harmless fun.

She's a babysitter and really loves what she does.

What I didn't know during the shoot was that she was scheduled to meet up with the mother of the baby she was sitting. She just sat there and let me take the time that I needed to complete the shoot. It was amazing that she never shortchanged me by cutting my time short to meet up with her employer. It seemed like everything worked out perfectly because not too long after the shoot was finished, she met up with the baby and its mother by the lawn. I smiled as she made silly faces in to the baby in an effort to entertain it (I didn't get close enough to see if the baby was a boy or a girl).

 -  -  -




That will be all for tonight. However, I'm not done for this week because I do have even more pictures to show everyone within the next 24 hours. All of them are fantastic shoots, and are great choices to close out the week.

One of those women will be Selena Gomez's "long lost twin".

I hope everyone here enjoys the rest of the day and night. I'll see you later.

Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on November 29, 2014 05:24 AM:
Originally posted by National:
[QB] And her shoes smelled as if she had just bought them from the store. I know that because she allowed me to smell them.

OMFG!!!! [Jerkoff] [Jerkoff] That is so hot. Too bad you weren't able to catch her near the end of her day, after she had been in them for 8-10 hours. [Thud]

Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on November 29, 2014 05:37 AM:

Wow, can't you just imagine getting a nice, long deep whiff of those boats? [Bow Down]


P.S. -> So looking forward to seeing Selena's twin!! [Big Grin] RESPECT [Joint]
Posted by solestonose (Member # 2827) on November 29, 2014 07:35 AM:
he boot queen has made it impossible to keep my hand out of my pants!! [Jerkoff]
Awesome posts and my eternal gratitude!! [Bow Down]
Posted by gooolah (Member # 39684) on November 29, 2014 08:55 AM:

I was just curious. Can you provide some verbatim dialogue that you use to introduce yourself to these women before you do a photo shoot? Explain your approach as far as scoping out the women and what you do to start the initial conversation. Please be as detailed as possible. I am just asking because I know a lot of women would probably react in a negative way if they were approached by an inexperienced individual. Thanks

Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on November 29, 2014 09:31 AM:
Size 10 flats: Yes, nice long toes indeed. Well posed to show them off, too.

Solvent Panther: In one of the thumbnails it looks like you framed it so that it looks like she's sitting in her shoe. Love the french pedi on her, nice bonus with the chucks. Very cute girl!

And I like Babysitter's poses, specifically the way she props her feet up. Nice emphasis on tops, thanks!

I also noticed all the girls using their phones while you shoot them. Made me wonder how many times you get (candidly) photographed while taking pics. I wonder how many facebook/etc. pages you end up on.

Well done brother!
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on November 29, 2014 03:07 PM:
"I also noticed all the girls using their phones while you shoot them. Made me wonder how many times you get (candidly) photographed while taking pics."
Comment by hyperion

I'd bet every time. [Laugh]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 29, 2014 03:46 PM:
Originally posted by footboy1:
Originally posted by National:
[QB] And her shoes smelled as if she had just bought them from the store. I know that because she allowed me to smell them.

OMFG!!!! [Jerkoff] [Jerkoff] That is so hot. Too bad you weren't able to catch her near the end of her day, after she had been in them for 8-10 hours. [Thud]


Originally posted by footboy1:

P.S. -> So looking forward to seeing Selena's twin!!

Anyone who says that she doesn't look like Selena, I will then automatically assume that he's just joking around. Perhaps she might look like someone else in planet Jupiter, but not on planet Earth ... 'cause that's where I live!

solestonose ...
Thank you very much. It means so much to me that you this gratifying. Comments like yours make me appreciate what I do even more.

I can only imagine what it would've been like if you were there in person. Would you be able to keep your hand out of your pants then? [Big Grin]

Originally posted by hyperion:
Solvent Panther: In one of the thumbnails it looks like you framed it so that it looks like she's sitting in her shoe.

I never saw it that way until you just pointed it out. Making her look as if she's sitting inside her shoes wasn't my intention, but I'm glad to see that you're very observant to how the photos are structured.

Originally posted by hyperion:
I also noticed all the girls using their phones while you shoot them. Made me wonder how many times you get (candidly) photographed while taking pics. I wonder how many facebook/etc. pages you end up on.

Well done brother!


That doesn't happen all the time, but it has happened numerous times nevertheless. I notice when they candidly take pictures of me taking pictures of their feet (in some cases, they video recorded it). Other times, they ask me if they can take pictures of what's going on. I give them the green light. If I don't like how the picture came out, I tell them to take another shot so that I look better in the photos.

They take the pictures so that they can show their friends what happened to them. They know none of their friends will believe them that some handsome stranger took pictures of their feet. [Big Grin]

We joke about it during the shoot. "He wanted to take pictures of your feet and you LET HIM???!!!" It's all good and everyone laughs it off.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 29, 2014 03:54 PM:
goolah ...
A lot of women would probably react in a negative way if they were approached by an inexperienced individual, you say.

Anyone who has ever done this has all been inexperienced when they first started out. When I first started doing this, I had no idea what words to use and in what order I should use them. But the more you worry about that, the more you'll do yourself in. All I do is ask politely while at the same time using a tone of voice that gives her the impression that you know what to expect from her and that you know what you're talking about. There have a few times when someone said that all I'm doing is freaking them out by asking them to pose their feet for me...

You might be bothering her, however there's no reason to assume that, especially since it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you give off the impression that you think you're bothering her, she won't disagree with you. And, just like that, you're done.

Especially at social gatherings such as a bar, club, or party - it's normal to meet people. It's weird, however, to act like someone is bothering you. Just because some women get a power trip out of shooting guys down doesn't mean that all women are like this (or that the women who like shooting guys down can't be talked into doing this).

During the day, most people do have something they need to be doing during that time. But this is a bit different because at the park, a lot of them are just killing time and taking in the sun and quietness.

If you act like this is all normal (or at the very least at little different, but not all that unusual), a lot of women, regardless of what they are doing, will welcome the advance. You can't expect any darts to stick to the wall if you don't throw anything there to begin with.

Explain my approach as far as scoping out the women and what you do to start the initial conversation. It's not as complicated as you think. If you intend to get a lot of women to agree to do this, then expect to walk around the park a lot.

Whether it takes a while or if it takes two minutes, I will eventually run into- or walk by- or see someone from a distance who looks like she wouldn't mind doing this. "You'll know it when you see it," is the best way I can describe that feeling.

What I do to start the initial conversation? I walk up to them and start talking. No need to do jumping jacks or back flips just to ease her in. You ease her in by introducing yourself and talking.

Can I provide some verbatim dialogue that I use to introduce myself to these women before I do a photo shoot?

I've provided some dialogue before with some of the ladies I posted just so that people have some idea as to what approaching them is like. I guess what I try to show with those quotes is that there is no one sure-fire way to go with what you want to say, just as long as honesty with them is the best policy. If I want pictures of their feet, all I do is ask for their permission without fidgeting or tripping over my speech because there's nothing to be scared of. The more you do this, the sooner it will become second nature to you.

Posted by BareSoles84 (Member # 45910) on November 29, 2014 08:28 PM:
Very nice update National!

Out of all the the latest updates, I think I enjoy "Solvent Panther" the most, as that's an interesting combination for feet to smell like: Feet and laundry detergent. Was she wearing her Converse without socks? I also noticed that you mention her feet are a size 7, and I'm wondering is this because the size on the sole of her Converse specifically says 7, or did she tell you directly? If it's the former, I do believe Converse sizes tend to run a little smaller (I could be wrong on this), so her actual foot size may be a bit bigger than a 7. For instance, a lot of girls that are a 7 or 7 1/2, I notice the size on their Converse is a 4 1/2. By the way, like you, I also enjoy females in Converse. Perhaps that's why I like her the most.

You also mentioned that she smelled strongly of laundry detergent, and that she allowed you to sniff her sneakers. Out of curiosity, what was the lead up to smelling her shoes? Did you "sneak" a sniff of them, and by that, I mean did you use some sort of joking, playful line such as, "Hold on, is that your shoes that smell like laundry detergent? I've never known shoes to smell like laundry detergent before, that is so funny. Here let me see.",and then playfully sniffed them to confirm? Or was she fully aware that you liked feet and allowed you to sniff her sneakers because of that fact to basically entertain your fetish? Was she embarrassed at all when you smelled them, or asked you if her shoes smelled?

I'm not sure if you also recall this detail, but one detail I like to notice and pay attention to when girls take off sneakers, is if they use their hands, or use their feet to push them off. I noticed that the laces on Solvent Panther's Converse were still tied, so I'm wondering if she simply pushed them off using her feet.

Nice job on explaining on how you do this as well. Even though photography isn't one of my hobbies, I've never felt that asking a female for pictures of her feet would be any different than if you were going to try and obtain her phone number for instance. There's not a separate, special formula that you would use for asking to take pictures of her feet, and then a separate one you'd use for just trying to pick her up in general. I've noticed many guys seem to have the notion that there's some sort of special formula or format you follow for getting a female to take her shoes off for you. The foundation and methods are essentially the same as they would be if you were just trying to pick her up in general. In fact, I've always thought that asking her to take her shoes off so you could take pictures of her feet to be a form of a compliance test.

I also like how you described not indoctrinating the girl into feeling like that you feel like you are bothering her or taking up her time (often started by saying, "Sorry to bother you..."), which is key. I place that along the same lines of asking for permission to ask a question, or indoctrinating her into thinking something is weird before she has even made her own decision. A lot of guys usually start off by telling females regarding their fetish, "I know this sounds weird, but...". As you said, often times, they won't disagree with you.

I often like to think and tell others that others, females in particular, won't be comfortable around you if you're not even comfortable with yourself or your own likes and interests. You won't be respected if you don't even respect yourself, or others won't be happy with you if you're not happy with yourself first. However you prefer to word it.

Looking forward to seeing this Selena Gomez clone.

[ November 29, 2014, 09:36 PM: Message edited by: BareSoles84 ]
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on November 29, 2014 11:46 PM:
Originally posted by National:
You can't expect any darts to stick to the wall if you don't throw anything there to begin with.


I have a repertoire of quotes which I keep with me either in my mind or on a notepad which I carry. I'm gonna add this one to it. Where'd you get it? [Thumbs Up]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 30, 2014 01:34 AM:
BareSoles84 ...

Before I get started, let me just say that her feet smelled like laundry detergent, as in laundry detergent **only**. Not feet. I mean the feet were there, it's just that it smelled only of laundry detergent.

In this case, I went with what her Converse said. I don't know how Converse measures feet. Besides, I had no reason to believe that they were anything smaller or bigger than a 7.

With Solvent Panther, she wasn't embarrassed at all when I smelled her shoes. To anyone who walked by and happened to see that, it would look as if we were just talking about some nonsense and I was just sniffing her shoes just to make conversation and joking around. That's how she treated the situation as well.

As I was figuring out how to pose her sneakers for my next series of shots, I smelled them. It's kind of like how magicians use the slight of hand to help assist in their illusions. She didn't mind it probably because she knew how her feet and shoes smelled like and wasn't worried that I would say anything "negative" about them.

I've done this with many different girls, so it's kind of a case by case thing as to how they react to it and what they say about the situation. Some react one way, others react another way. But none of them ever ran for the hills whenever I've done this. For something as trivial as this, there was nothing about it that she found off-putting. She figured it was just par of the course.

I don't remember ever being a time when a girl used her foot to push off the shoes from the other foot. They used their hands to do it. In other cases, I've used my hands to help remove those for them.

I'll respond to your other comments at a later time because I'm ready to show the new pictures right now and I don't want to make anyone wait any longer.

FootLongSub Zero ...
I have a very long list of quotes and sayings that are stored in my head. This particular quote is an extension of the saying, "If you throw enough darts at the wall, eventually one of them will stick." If you ask enough women, one of them will take the bait.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 30, 2014 01:39 AM:

I really love this shoot.

She is an intellective woman, someone who might be more acquainted with books than with real life. She is well-informed and possess reliable information on a variety of subjects, especially in the biological and environmental sciences. However, I do not remember what business she had studying from the book she had at the time of the shoot because that had something to do with music. I think the book was about the author's journey in another country, studying the music culture there. The book was probably more biographical than anything else.

Anyhow, she brought up the subject of science and she seemed to have an answer for everything I said and asked. There was a time in the middle of the where we stopped what we were doing because our conversation got more interesting and she is the type of lady who loves to hang on to a conversation that seems intellectually stimulating to her. It felt good to her that there was this stranger she can talk to who understood her as a person and understood her point of views on a few talking points. Speaking of stimulating, she became very curious to know why I was interested in women's feet or what makes a guy like myself really enjoy and appreciate feet. I love it when women ask me this question as I photograph them. She was no different. My answers to those questions are such that I speak in riddles. She would ask more questions about my attraction to feet to see if I can elaborate on what I told her before. Again, I used metaphors or other indirect language in a way that forced her to decode the message or figure out how the statement applied to the situation. That somehow makes me look more interesting to them and they accept those answers as if they were spoken by a poet. "Wow, that's so fascinating!" She paused and thought to herself a bit before saying, "You know, I think you're right." Of course I'm right!

She really appreciated the time we spent talking.

We went back to what we were doing: her studying, me taking pictures.

What I liked about her was that she looked so innocent and gentle just sitting there, studying all by herself. She was someone who was in need of someone else talking to her just to make her time easy going and stress-free.

I was very delighted to have found out that her feet were a bit smelly. She let me play with her shoes by removing them from her feet, moving them around, just trying to see how I wanted them to pose for the pictures. It was while I was doing that that I noticed the slight smell emerging from those boat shoes. I'm not quite sure how to describe it, but it was a mix of foot stink and lotion. Without a care in the world, she would let me play with them and move them around while she just continued to study her material. At one time she caught me smelling them. "They smell like cheesecake," I said. "I'm quite impressed!"

"Oh, you're just being nice. They probably don't smell that good."

"I don't know ... let me smell them again."


"Yup, cheesecake."

"Are you a cheese connoisseur or something?", she asked all playfully with a smile.

"Umm, you can say that ..."

What was cute about that was that this was all innocent talk for her and there was no attempt to talk dirty to me. She turned me on in that exchange without even trying or realizing it.

You know, come to think of it, I think the smell from her feet was more like chessecake with a hint of foot smell. I don't think I have come across something like that and it smelled veeery nice. I wasn't lying when I told her that I was quite impressed. The bottom line was she simply didn't care what I did with her shoes.

I saw her at the park the following day. I say "saw her", I don't mean that in the sense that I spoke to her ... but rather I saw her from a distance. She was back to her books, studying. This time she feet on the chair, away from her boat shoes.

The name I've given her describes something that she has a LOT of ...

 -  -  -




Our next guest is an older woman who is of a "certain age".

I saw her walking on the gravel alongside the lawn. You can tell she had just walked into the park and looking for a place to sit. I was walking along as well, not too far from where she was. I knew immediately just by looking at her that she was someone who would go with the flow.

Just as she was getting herself settled in after finding a place to sit, that's when I made my move. I was expecting her to say something in Engligh, but I knew from her accent that she wasn't from around here.

"I'm fom Frounce", she said with a little flair.

"Oh, from France?"

Her English was okay, I suppose. However, I still felt the need to explain to her what was going on and the purpose of my wanting her to do this. She thought the request was reasonable enough, saying something along the lines of how feet pictures on the internet doesn't hurt anyone.

There were times throughout the shoot in where she would tell me that people were staring at us. It wasn't as if she cared because she enjoyed being the focus of attention from many different people.

It was very nice. She enjoyed the reassurance that someone her age has still "got it" to be able to attract the interests of a young man she met once upon a time.

 -  -  -

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 30, 2014 01:46 AM:

I really, really enjoyed the time I shared with the lady you're about to meet. This was one of the many shoots that I will never forget.

I was walking along, and out of the corner of my eye I saw her sitting way up on the stairs that led to the entrance of the Public Library. I walked up the stairs to get close to her. As I did so, I noticed just how big the frames to her glasses were. Someone that "artsy" had to have been open-minded enough to have some fun with me.

She was sipping on her iced coffee as she was listening to my pitch. After she took her long sips, she said, "Okay, why not? I never met anyone with a foot fetish before and you seem like a pretty decent guy. So why not?"

We find a spot to have this shoot. It was until the time we were about to get started that I realized that she looked like Selena Gomez. I mean, the thought crossed my mind before, but now that she was right in front of my and not going anywhere, that's when I really started to pay attention to the similarities between the two.

She's from the City, not from Colorado as her sweater suggests. Her borrowed it from her cousin who came to visit from that state.

I asked what the deal was with her glasses. She smiled and said that she choose it because it best describes the type of person she thinks she is and because the size of the frame makes glasses more fashionable. She handed it to me to try them on, but as I was able to put them on, I could sense that my eyes were about to scream in pain because the formula of the lenses would not agree with the way my eyes were made out. I gave them back to her instead.

The name I've given her comes from the fact that she looks like Selena Gomez and the fact that that was the name of the show she was on that became the reason why she rose to fame. Now I've never seen an episode of that show, but I can only assume that the characters from that show can also be described as to how her personality is like. She is someone who does not take a lot of things seriously, unlike Specs Appeal, for example. Specs lives to study while this Selena girl would just rather sleep and drool on top of the text books she's supposed to be taking notes from. She is carefree, breezy, happy-go-lucky, and endowed with a joyous humor and a spirit of good-fellowship. Now think about that for a second. That's exactly what I told her when she asked me what what kind of person I thought was after she described herself to me, explaining away why she wore glasses like the one she had on. She's also kooky, odd, or unconventional in her way of thinking and rationale to life. She's very whacked out.

I swear, she thought I was the coolest guy on the planet for describing her the way I did and she was convinced I was a clairvoyant, even though I assured her that I wasn't. She's full of zip, and she loves to josh around with others.

I had to ask her if anyone has ever told her that looked like someone famous. "Selena Gomez," was her answer. "I get it everywhere I go it seems." She doesn't seem to get tired of that ... she's become numb to it. She takes it as a compliment and doesn't think too much of it afterwards.

The best part came when I had her to put her feet on the table. After a while I started to touch her feet and smooth out her soles by slowly moving the palm of my hands up and down them. She closed her her eyes and tilted her head back a bit because that felt so good to her. "That feels sooo goood," she murmured.

And she had zero qualms about letting me smell her feet right where she had them on the table and she let me kiss them a few times as well. I was beginning to think that the words I used to described her didn't even begin to describe just how cool this chick is!

She let me smell her feet and and massage them for as long as I wanted. And if I kept smelling her feet, then it had to have been because they were pretty smelly. Well, they weren't that smelly, but there was enough there to keep me satisfied for hours on end. Your classic cheese smell that wasn't too strong or weak. It was juuust right, just like the baby bear would say.

The smell was so lovely and it was awesome that "Selena Gomez" let me have my way with them basically for as long as I wanted.

Needless to say, we exchanged phone numbers. To this very day, the two of us still keep in touch and see each other whenever we're not too busy.

 -  -  -

Posted by dirtybarefeet (Member # 15838) on November 30, 2014 07:45 AM:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by National:
[QB] Here we have another woman who was nice enough to let me take pictures of her feet. She thought my request was pretty unusual, but for the sake of doing something different for a few minutes she thought Why not?

 -  -  -



OMG! What a SPECTACULAR WIDER SOLES!!! Wow!!! AMAZING HIGH ARCHES!!! A magnificent discovery!
Please let us know more information about this mature blonde with sexy soles. What is her name? What is your age? Do you think you can still find her for new photos?
Thanks friend.
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on November 30, 2014 08:45 AM:
Specs Appeal is absolutely wonderful. Those glasses, full lips, perfectly symmetrical face... WOW! So my phenotype. So yummy with her lovely feet too. Seems like the cross-legged pose is new, and I have to say I really love that pose. Keep doing that!

Michelle: Sure, young fresh girls are nice, but I do carry a torch for my own age bracket. She's quite nice.

And what on Earth can I say about Waverly Gomez? Wow. Cute face, great legs--love those poses where you can see her legs and bottom at the table--great! Cute toes. Next time you see her, bring a bottle of polish and paint her toes. I bet she'd have fun with that. It's great that you keep in touch with her. She's terrific.

You win the prize. Again.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 30, 2014 02:26 PM:
Originally posted by dirtybarefeet:
OMG! What a SPECTACULAR WIDER SOLES!!! Wow!!! AMAZING HIGH ARCHES!!! A magnificent discovery!
Please let us know more information about this mature blonde with sexy soles. What is her name? What is your age? Do you think you can still find her for new photos?
Thanks friend.

I'm very glad to know that there's something about her that you really, really like. You're quite enthusiastic about her. I thank you so much for appreciating the kind of stuff I put out.


hyperion ...
Specs appeal is the type of lady that any father can be very proud of. Glad to know you like her. I knew you would. [Smile]

Waverly Place is simply amazing. She's very easy to have fun with and that her up-beat persona can make any guy want to spend some time with her. I'm exhibit A. [Big Grin]


[ November 30, 2014, 02:38 PM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on November 30, 2014 02:41 PM:
Originally posted by HighArchesPT:
About your hiatus: Hope you will not be serving time meanwhile for something you did lol joking.

Hahaha, I bet National would make a lousy criminal:

BANK ROBBER: He goes in with a mask and a note to empty the till, but changes his mind and gets the teller to pose her feet instead. Oh, National, you lost out on a cool million!

INSIDER TRADER: Grabs a bunch of Apple, Samsung and Microsoft stock and invests them in TOMS and Candies and Converse for women. Oh, National, you crashed the economy!

GETAWAY DRIVER: All set with the vehicle, but when the robbers come out, he's down the street with some gorgeous girl snapping pics of her feet. Oh, National, you're supposed to drive us to Mexico!

HIJACKER: Well, we were gonna take this plane to Havana, but instead we'll give the flight crew footrubs. Oh, National, we'll never stick it to Uncle Sam now!

INTERNET SCAMMER: Starts out pretending to be a Nigerian prince who needs your bank account to transfer the treasury, but instead just wants to see your pretty toes. Oh, National, those bank accounts won't empty themselves!

COUNTERFEITER: Wait a minute, there aren't supposed to be pretty long toes and soles on twenty dollar bills! Oh, National, you ruined our money laundering operation!

See? Stick to what you know.
Posted by dirtybarefeet (Member # 15838) on November 30, 2014 04:39 PM:
Hey National,
Did you see my message in your PM box?
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on November 30, 2014 04:55 PM:
I have to give you a round of applause for the latest group of women you posted. I am in awe and I'm mesmerized by everything I see.

These women and these stories got me so hot. The stories brought these women to life through their photos. I love the Specs Appeal name. I love her look and I love her feet. Incredible that she was all willing to let you smell her shoes. And I really love that description of foot smell. I'm not much of a smell guy, but I don't mind it from time to time. In this case, I definitely wouldn't mind it.

She looks very pretty and I thank you for coming across this wonderful find. The way you describe people really puts into better perspective as to who this person is instead of just relying on pictures.

I love how Michelle's photos came out. Enjoying her time in New York. What's not to like about these women? And what's not to like about Selena Gomez's double "Waverly Place?" I have so much to say about her, that I'm gonna need to make another post and do this girl the justice she deserves because National has gone out of his way to hype her up as one of those truly memorable moments and I will try to return the favor.

For now, all I have to say is Thank you again for everything you provide for us.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on November 30, 2014 07:40 PM:
BareSoles84 ...

In reference to the paragraph that started out as ...
Nice job on explaining on how you do this as well. Even though photography isn't one of my hobbies, I've never felt that asking a female for pictures of her feet would be any different than if you were going to try and obtain her phone number for instance.
Yes, the principles and philosophies are pretty much one in the same when it comes to getting her to pose her feet for you and getting her number. One can also extend that analogy to include the scenario in where the guy is hoping to get lucky when he's out on a date with someone. There are guys that try to get to the promise land one way while other guys go about it another way. Even though they all try various methods, the goal is the same: trying to get her naked at his place or her place and putting her up against a wall somewhere.

When it comes to this, there's no need to look for ways in defying logic because this is all about a someone who's just having fun, asking women to pose their feet. Yes, it's a pretty frivolous activity, and if you approach them and act as if there's nothing wrong with what you're doing, then they too will follow your lead with the mindset that this is all very trivial, not to be taken seriously, and something that is carefree.

If they like your demeanor and composure after the first few seconds of approaching them, then those are the things that they're going to pay attention to throughout the rest of your introduction (provided that you don't lecture them to death and bore them out with your speech). They will see your lips moving, but all they hear is "blah blah blah blah blah." It's very much the same when a hot woman is showing a lot of cleavage. She's talking to you but your mind is in outer space. All you know is that you will do her no matter what she said to you during the time that you were staring at her breasts.


As far as everything else you said, I agree. This will only bother them if you insist on them posing for you after they made it clear to you that they don't want to do it. If a woman doesn't feel comfortable with the idea that her pictures are going to be posted on a site like this, then so be it. I move on to the next one. Whatever the case is, I always speak to them as if I expect them to comply with me and to playfully give them the impression that this is as normal as a woman brushing her hair in broad daylight.

Posted by LatinaNExoticFemFeet (Member # 32686) on November 30, 2014 08:24 PM:
Originally posted by National:

On this day, summer felt like autumn in the City. I guess the only thing I was sure of was that there were going to be clear skies that day. I guess what I didn't know was how chilly it was going to feel because it was hot just the day before.

This next girl was better prepared for the weather that day than I was. I think she was more comfortable posing for me than I was taking those pictures. She felt all nice and warm while I felt like I was stuff in a refrigerator. In fact, sometime during the shoot, some homeless woman walked up to us and asked for some money. She was wearing one of those heavy coats with a scarf 'n all.

But back to this lady. She's a fashion design major at the university she attends. Other than how cold it felt that day, what really stood out to me about her more than anything else was the fact that she smelled like laundry detergent. Lavender to be more specific. It was as if she just stepped out of the washing machine after being treated to large quantities of laundry detergent. I think she clearly used way, waaay too much of that stuff and it kind of disrupted my concentration. Not that I'm complaining, by the way; I'm glad she smelled great!

And, yes, her feet smelled like laundry detergent as well. It seemed as if the flowery scent from her clothes transferred to her feet. And her shoes smelled as if she had just bought them from the store. I know that because she allowed me to smell them.

She's Hispanic, in case anyone was wondering. Her father is from one country and her mother is from another ... however, I forgot which two countries they were. Besides, she can't speak any Spanish anyhow.

 -  -  -



Nice i always find the one's who appeal to me turn out to be latina/hispanic most likely because i love latinas but as soon as i spot a chick i think is hot i find only after she is latina.Shame there weren't more pics of her,usually you have a lot more,not once did she look into the camera lol.

Funny you mentioned she smelled strongly of laundry detergent as i come across a page of someone asking what the strong smell was that many mexicans have.Maybe they were referring to hispanics in general.Some suggested hair product many said it was most likely a type of laundry detergent they use.
Posted by foot_fashion_industry (Member # 33265) on December 01, 2014 12:35 AM:
You were not kidding when you said that there was going to be a Selena Gomez look a like. At first I wasn't quite sure if you knew what you were talking about, but when I saw her pictures I thought I was looking at the actual singer and actress for a second. This has been a great build up and she has certainly lived up to the hype. This is one your greatest hits of all time without question.

How she just let you play with her feet like that is the kind of stuff that makes me think so highly of you but at the same time makes me kind of jealous because I would love to have been at her beck and call.

You have the best of two worlds at once, National. She looks like the major pop star, but she just an ordinary, everyday girl. I don't think I would ever have a smile wiped off my face if we were to see each other often.

The photos themselves are just a thing of beauty and it is one of your best works yet. Love the angles in which you aimed the camera. Love the way her soles are on display on top of the table. I love her glasses and I love your story about her.

Marvelous is how I can sum this up. She was very well worth the wait and another reason why this place rocks!

[Bow Down]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 01, 2014 12:55 AM:
HighArchesPT ...
I forgot to say something about your line in regards to my upcoming hiatus. Even though you were joking around, I wasn't sure how to respond to that. But hyperion did a masterful job of putting all of the loose ends together.

I think I'll just hire a team of crooks to rob a bank or something while I play someone's feet at the park, pretending I have no idea of the heist that my boys are pulling off at several spots.

I'll let them do the dirty and I'll have women take their shoes off for me during the day and I'll be at home counting the money at night.

Posted by wrf2003 (Member # 47969) on December 01, 2014 10:37 AM:
I really love the pictures with th converse. Thank you very much!

It is hard to imagine that her shoes smell like new ones as the insole looks so sweaty.
Posted by foot fetishism King (Member # 9930) on December 01, 2014 11:32 AM:
Wonderful recent updates as always. Model size 6 with those wide feet and incredible wrinkled high arched soles, is another great find. Wonderful set of photos National. There is nothing sexier than a a pair of high arches. There gifts from God above. National, at some point could you post or tell your fans about the highest pair of arched feet you have photographed to date.
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on December 01, 2014 02:03 PM:

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 01, 2014 11:38 PM:
LatinaFemFeet ...
With the Hispanic woman you're talking about, trust me .... it was laundry detergent. I'm pretty sure she put lotion on her skin and what have you. However, everyone knows the difference between plain 'ol lotion and the Lavender scent from Tide, all, Ajax or something. She probably used Mistolin as well. In fact her feet smelled like Mistolin. That leaves me to this comment ...

Originally posted by wrf2003:
I really love the pictures with th converse. Thank you very much!

It is hard to imagine that her shoes smell like new ones as the insole looks so sweaty.

I had to smell them just to see if reality came back to Earth. Nope. There was nothing about her sneakers that smelled like she had worn them for a long time. It was as if she had just bought them from the store. And thank you for showing great interest in her. I could tell from a distance that she wouldn't find any problems with me taking pictures of her feet.

Originally posted by foot fetishism King:
Wonderful recent updates as always. Model size 6 with those wide feet and incredible wrinkled high arched soles, is another great find. Wonderful set of photos National. There is nothing sexier than a a pair of high arches. There gifts from God above. National, at some point could you post or tell your fans about the highest pair of arched feet you have photographed to date.

I'm not really an arch kind of guy, although I do appreciate the sight of wonderful arches when I see them. With that being said, I don't know who had the highest pair of arches of the women I've photographed. I really can't answer that question. I guess I'll have to leave it up to some of you guys to determine who takes home that crown. For all I know, she could be someone who I haven't posted yet.

Originally posted by aka.footjoyboy:

It's funny you say that, because I find myself saying that to myself more often in the park than when I'm at the dinner table.

Originally posted by foot_fashion_industry:

Marvelous is how I can sum this up. She was very well worth the wait and another reason why this place rocks!

[Bow Down]


Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 24, 2014 09:30 PM:
The name I've given her refers to the name of the gossip section that can be found in the New York Post. I saw her reading that newspaper as I came up to her.

If I remember correctly, she's taking classes in hopes of starting a career in investigative journalism. She was given an assignment to sift through the newspapers and try to come up with a parody version of some of the actual stories she found in the papers. The student who submits the most creative satire gets the top grade.

I liked how she look as she was cooling off in a shaded area, kind of reminding me of the joys that come with going out on a day like that. She looked like a pretty fun and joyful person to take some time off the clock and cool off with.

Her Converse was another reason why I made the choice to pick her out as someone who is all well and willing to pose for me. Usually when I'm out there, I don't pay much attention to what kind of shoes she has on. It's the last thing I notice. If I like the woman, then I usually don't care what her choice of footwear is because I'm going to get along with them just fine. However, when Converse is part of the conversation, there's always a pretty cool or a pretty hip story embedded in its look that has truly lasted through the test of time. It's the one shoe that, even if it's worn off, can make a person not look homeless all at the same time. In this case, I didn't ask how her sneakers wound up in the condition it was in because I thought it would be nice if that was something that was left to my imagination and speculate and wonder more about what kind of a person she was without having her to tell me too many details of it.

And I think that will be the satisfaction that some guys in here will take when they look at her, and then her sneakers. Each guy will have his interpretation as to what trails and tribulations her Converse has gone through to get to where it is today, the test of the shoe's patience and endurance and how it remained steadfast under trial ... and still look incredibly stylish at the end of every day.

 -  -  -




On another nice day, I was able to find to another nice woman who didn't mind removing her shoes for me.

She's involved in the Theater business somehow. She's enjoys getting on a platform and performing in a play in front of many people.

I spotted her from a long distance and knew instantly that she would cater to my request to pose barefoot. She seems like a very quiet type of person, someone who's not likely to misbehave much.

 -  -  -




This week will be my final posts from time I've spent at Bryant Park. After that, I will go on a three-month hiatus before I return for the unveiling of the Natural Park era in Spring 2015.

I will be back in here later this week for more pictures I want to share with everyone.

Thanks to all.

Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on December 25, 2014 10:30 AM:
Holy SH*T!!!! Where do I begin?? They are both HOME RUNS... I'm talking over the wall, off someone's windshield, rolling down the street. What a great Christmas gift! Thank you Mr. National and


[Thumbs Up]

Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on December 25, 2014 04:06 PM:
Damn, I haven't checked back on here in a few weeks and missed out on some freaking awesome things! Man, oh man there have been some cute girls with adorable feet added since then. Awesome stuff!

Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on December 25, 2014 04:23 PM:
Yeah, great stuff!
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on December 26, 2014 08:05 AM:
Page 6 wins a prize for all around hands and feet and legs and toes. She's terrific. Nice captures of her curves and tops.

Stage Piece: Thanks for capturing those cute sneakers, one of my favorite types of shoe. Great job with her.

Enjoy your hiatus and happy 2015 brother!
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on December 26, 2014 09:55 AM:

Curious to know if Page Six had smelly feet? Those Converse look really worn out!

[ December 26, 2014, 04:24 PM: Message edited by: Sol ]
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 27, 2014 12:00 AM:
footboy1 ...
Thank you. I was waiting for you to leave a comment like that for the Selena Gomez look-a-like (Waverly Place) that you were so anxious to see.

That comment also reminds me of this clip you're about to see. Start playing the clip at the 4:00 mark. I'll represent the guy swinging the bat. Imagine yourself at the 4:20 mark of the clip. You will be mouthing the same words when you see my Central Park work. [Smile]

And Merry Christmas to you as well (even though I'm a day late in saying that to you).

Patrick & Icarus...

Hyperion ...
Before I enjoy my hiatus and New Year celebration, just know that you will see more photos from me before the week is over. [Smile]

Thank you very much for giving us your thoughts from the last two women I posted.

Sol ...
To answer your question, no. The last two women I posted who had smelly feet were Waverly Place and Specs Appeal. Strangely enough, you were nowhere to be found at the time their pictures went up.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 28, 2014 12:39 AM:

It was during the daytime and there she was. I could tell that she had just arrived on the scene just before I did because she was getting herself settled in.

My mind got into a tug of war with itself as to whether I should go along and ask her to pose for me probably because I didn't like the way she had her hair tied up in a knot. My deciding factor was to ask her because judging from the sneakers she was wearing, I was hoping that her feet would be somewhat smelly.

After I asked her if she would mind posing barefoot for me, she agreed to do it without giving it a second thought. It's amazing how many women I agreed to take her shoes off for me so quickly because they figure that isn't as if I'm asking her to remove all of their clothes, although for guys like us, women removing their shoes is the equivalent of women taking it all off. They know that anyway, but they still go for it because it's only the shoes that are coming off.

After the first few minutes into the shoot, I was having a hard time getting into a groove and I was starting to feel as if this wasn't going to go anywhere in terms of how well a photoshoot this can turn out to be. I felt that part of it was because she had her hair all wrapped up in some kind of bow in the back of her head. For some women, I don't mind that look. For her, however, that look didn't sit to well with me. I told her to let her hair go because I would like her look better that way.

"Sure thing, whatever you like," she said.

After she did that, I felt more comfortable now in moving on with the shoot.

The name I've given her represents someone who prefers pleasures and activities that center around the home and family.

Throughout the shoot, especially towards the end of it, the conversation we had was surrounded around family love and family values. Yeah, there are many shoot I had in where the topic of what kind of family we have comes up. With this one in particular, I can tell that she really values the love she for her family members, especially her grandmother. She talked about her as if she was her own mother instead of her mother's mother.

Sometimes, if I don't like the direction a conversation is going with some female who I'm shooting, I snip her conversation short and switch topics to something that's somewhere within the universe of sex. With this girl, however, all I wanted to do was let her go and say whatever it was she wanted to talk about because she wanted to emphasize the importance of family values. She would talk about her siblings, cousins, and her grandmother. She would ask me to describe my family to her. She had a real fun time listening to me because some parts of these stories can be real funny and embarrassing.

What's fun about talking to these ladies during the shoot is that they will forget that you're taking pictures of their feet while all of this is going on and they treat it as something that's actually a common practice in social gatherings in where a man meets a woman for the first time.

She's a very nice person, someone who likes to relax a lot and take things very easy. I had a great time with this shoot.

 -  -  -


Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 28, 2014 02:08 AM:

This woman was about to have her breakfast (toasted raisin bagel w/ butter and coffee) when I went up to her and told her that I wanted to take pictures of her feet. Where a lot of women would oblige to my request within a matter of seconds, there are other times when I approach women for this kind of favor and they are left speechless. Their tongues get tied up because they don't know how to react to being ask to do such a favor for a total stranger.

I could tell from the look of her face that she wasn't too comfortable for going along with this photoshoot because of the creepiness stigma that can accompany foot fetish characteristics. She was about to tell me that she was going to have her breakfast as a way of rejecting my advance. I don't remember what I told her exactly afterwards, but whatever it was, I did a great job in getting her to accept the idea that all this was totally harmless. That was able to ease her mind a bit and convert her into someone who is now open to anything that involved foot admiration and appreciation. That conversation took no more than a minute, and she made herself ready to host my company.

As you can see through these photos, she was able to get comfortable with my presence and she was able to easily adapt to the existing environment and conditions surrounding what the natural chemistry that grew between us. "This wasn't bad after all," was her overall sentiment after the shoot was over and after she shared our final goodbyes to each other.

I will have to say, though, that her feet are pretty dry. I point this out only because there are guys in here who might not or do not like to see that when looking at women's feet. If you're one of those guys, perhaps this is not a shoot for you. For those who don't mind it as much, then you can enjoy these photos.

I don't know too many things about her on a personal level, but I've gathered enough "feel of her personality" for this lady to the point where can assure you that for anyone who does know her, that person will say nothing but great things about her. She is extremely easy to talk to, making the conversation a pleasure at ease to cruise through.

I really forgot what the the topics that the two of us spent most of our times talking about, but the photos will tell you that whatever we talked about, it was very pleasant and quite easy-going.

You guys will enjoy this photoshoot. It was a pleasure spending time with her. Just think: what started off as a woman who was a bit apprehensive about doing this with me turned out to be one of the more understanding individuals who I had the pleasure of spending the morning with.

 -  -  -





This chance encounter happened early on a Sunday morning. She came to the park from Bible study class. She was reading the Bible (or some other religious scripture) at the time I saw her and made my way up to her.

By the way, she was not the first (nor the last) girl I met in all of my foot hunting adventures who went into a rhetoric about how Jesus Christ was her Lord and Savior.

I'm one of those guys who denies the existence of a deity or a supreme being. So when I hear something like this, I start to roll my eyes because this is probably the last thing I want to talk about during a photoshoot with someone. But I feel that if that's something she's comfortable talking about, then I'll let her speak her peace. When asked if I believe in God, I told her I didn't. That's when a conversation like this gets to be a bit more interesting. Now I had her full, undivided attention because whatever I said after that point was something that she was going to pay extra attention to. That was great for me because with her listening to my story with more interest, she was going to be a very comfortable, more accommodating model as far as how long I wanted this shoot to go.

Actually, I don't think she classified herself as a Catholic. Instead, she told me that she was practicing something called "Unification" (whatever that is), which explains the first name I've given her because that is another word for "unify" and it sounds feminine. The last name I've given her tells us that she has faith because when one talks about religion, the word faith is not far behind.

At no time did we argue about our differences because she was too sweet of a person to engage in an argument with. She is very, very polite, soft spoken, and very respectful. When one hears her talk, it's very hard to find a reason to raise your voice at her in anger over a huge disagreement about things that have nothing to do with God. Instead, I just simply challenged her point of views.

Just like "Daylight Specialty", she was another woman who seemed unsure if this was a good idea to begin with, doing this photoshoot with me, posing her feet for me. Just like Daylight Specialty, I managed to sweet talk her into this.

She grew incredibly comfortable with me as time went on during the shoot. She became more laid back, unbothered, in a very feel-good mood and was not in a hurry to get anywhere else anytime soon. She wanted me to take as much time as I needed during the shoot.

Another thing I liked very much about her was her overzealous inquiry to learning some unassuming, subliminal ways women can attract guys (even those who don't have a foot fetish) just by using their feet. I remember telling her about how men feel more comfortable around women who take their shoes off at a park so that she could rest of feet on the other chair. She wanted to know why that was. I told her that it was because men know that when you have your feet in that position, they know that she is not going anywhere, that she is going to stay put, enjoying the weather, enjoying the conversation, enjoying the drinks. I told her that that kind of message tells men that the woman is quite comfortable and relaxed where she is.

She opened her eyes in amazement because she never saw things quite that way before. Then she said something that told me that she truly understood what I was talking about. She said, "So men like to see me with my feet up on the chair because it lets them know that I have let my guard down, making me more approachable?"

"YES!!!," I said, "In a nutshell." You have no idea how excited I was to hear that. So precious and innocent, yet so eager to learn something new.


One part during the shoot that I won't forget is the time when her neighbor just happened to walk by the photoshoot. She doesn't live anywhere near the park, yet it was one of those reminders as to how small the world can be when you run into someone you never expected to see in a certain location. Her neighbor was a guy who was pushing his baby stroller.

He wanted to know what was going on. She told him that I was simply taking pictures of her feet and that there was really nothing to it. He had that look on his face as if to say, "Umm ... okay?" He then walked away with his baby. The whole thing was pretty funny. He seemed like a nice guy, someone who's dedicated on being the best father he can possibly be for his child.


For the record, for those who are interested, her feet were a bit smelly. When I first approached her, her feet were already out of her shoes. When I started shooting away, I was able to detect a smell that came from her feet that was not strong, but enough to pick up its scent if you're standing close enough to her. I loved it!


If I made a list of words I can use to describe her, they will be ...


 -  -  -  -


Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 28, 2014 02:10 AM:
And that concludes my adventures at Bryant Park.

It has been so much fun meeting all of the ladies, it has been so much fun getting to know them, it's been so much fun having so much with them.

I remember my first-ever photoshoot at the place (which is someone who I never posted). I remembered thinking to myself that she was going to flat out reject me. But when she (and the next three girls I asked) didn't mind it, that's when I knew that I was going to develop a niche for this.

When I first started posted pictures on this forum, I really did not think that I was going to become as popular and beloved as I have become and I never thought that I would be doing something like this for years to follow. I really thought that I was going to show a few dozen pictures and that would be it.

But when I saw the amount of support I received, that's when I realized that I had something here that I could turn into something more meaningful and special.

I leave Bryant Park, a place that will always a place stored in my memory. Now it's time to do something different, go to a different place and meet a vastly different group of women. I've moved on to a place where I became a very, very different photographer. My style is still unique, but also very different. Central Park is my calling, and that is the place that my work will become most synonymous for.

That place has done wonders for me. It is a place that will become everyone's new home, everyone's new landmark as a place where women's feet can be seen in an entirely new light.


I thank everyone for their support through all this time. You have been wonderful to me and I promise that I will pay you back in spades when I return.

The End.
Posted by sftfan (Member # 1959) on December 28, 2014 07:32 AM:
My word you've done yeoman's work helping out footguys, National. Thanks for everything and here's to your return [Cheers]

(Are Marry Faith's feet smoking hot or what? Her soles remind me of Colored Leash's [Drool] )
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on December 28, 2014 08:51 AM:
Lauren: That girl is so adorable, I want to give her a hug! You definitely made the right call on her hair. I just want to press my face into her tender soles.

Daylight: I appreciate the shots you took of her hands. She has very pretty, long, delicate fingers and lovely nails. Her toes are long and pretty too. She has a bright smile, I can see why you wanted to capture her!

Marry: Again with the pretty hands... Keep doing that, I enjoy hand shots. She looks about as comfortable as a girl can get. She also has pretty toes.

I have had a similar experience to yours with religious girls. One time I chatted up a girl with pretty feet, ended up giving her a 90-minute footrub while talking religion and life. I used my water bottle and bandana to wash her feet--I wasn't thinking that this would be profoundly significant for her religiously, but her reaction was really something. At the end of our time together, she wanted to pray with me, an atheist.

She thanked God for sending me along to rub her feet and also for having provided her with clarity regarding a major life issue she was working out--something that was part of our conversation. I really dug that experience--she had gorgeous feet, and she wasn't a fire-and-brimstone bible-thumper. If I have to believe in an evangelical god, I'll take one that uses footpervs as tools for His work.

You indeed are doing the/some/a lord's work. Best wishes on your spring retreat and we'll see you sometime around the Vernal Equinox. We will make a circle of stones and when pretty feet appear in the circle at sunrise we will know you have returned!
Posted by Sol (Member # 2476) on December 28, 2014 11:43 AM:
Amazing contributions National. I have a thing for larger feet so it was great to see Daylight and her big size 11s. And Marry Faith is adorable - the fact she was religious made me find her even cuter for some reason.

It will be sad to see you go, but I very much look forward to the new chapter into this saga.

Thank you once again and see you on the other side!
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 28, 2014 11:34 PM:
stffan ...
As you know, I do this as a public service. I really enjoy doing this, and I'm always in a giving mood when I give away all these pictures for everyone to enjoy. As for Marry Faith, no one can ever disagree with what you said about her. She is a true class act and I will always be thankful for the time she and I enjoyed together during the shoot.

Originally posted by hyperion:
Lauren: That girl is so adorable, I want to give her a hug! You definitely made the right call on her hair.

 -  -  -  -

I think I made the right call on her hair as well. I'm not saying she looks horrendous in those pictures - I'm saying she looks better with her hair let go as opposed to when it's all bunched up in a knot back there.

Originally posted by hyperion:
Daylight: I appreciate the shots you took of her hands. She has very pretty, long, delicate fingers and lovely nails ... Marry: Again with the pretty hands... Keep doing that, I enjoy hand shots.

 -  -

Those were some of the hand shots I took of our "Selena" friend, Waverly Place. But going back to what you said about Daylight, I also thought her hands were quite spectacular to look at and to hold. When I decide to take pictures of some lady's hand while I'm out at the park, they will let me hold on to them for an indefinite amount of time, letting me look at them from different angles and making small chats about them. It was something different for me, taking pictures of Daylight's hand and I knew that this would be something that would make people like these ladies even more. I couldn't get enough of her hands. I truly loved them!

I wish I had more time with Marry's hands. The problem was that the battery to my camera was just about to die.


About your story with the religious girl, that was an excellent piece to read. Marry Faith came across as someone who was beginning to learn the lessons of what it's like to believe in the fables that are told in those books. She enjoys the values the time she has and she wants to use that book (and others like it) as guide to navigate through life.

The religious women I've had encounters with were one of the more helpful foot models I've had. Those women usually have a lot to talk about.

A 90-minute foot rub?! I bet that for you something was definitely rising, and it wasn't Jesus! [Wink] I also smiled when reading the part about how you prayed with her. I bet that part was a little more than what you had bargained for, right?

Originally posted by hyperion:
If I have to believe in an evangelical god, I'll take one that uses footpervs as tools for His work.

You mean guys like Him?: [Evil Grin]
... I'm only kid'n around, of course!

Thank you very much. You're comments have made this place a great place to visit because they compliment the ladies quite nicely.

Sol ...
Yeah, I suppose one would not expect to find someone who has given herself to the Lord would do something like this? Perhaps that's why you find her more fascinating than if she wasn't a believer.


A change in scenery is just what the doctor ordered, and it will be a great new start to what will turn out to be the most wonderful journey on Earth.
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on December 29, 2014 08:43 AM:
Nat'l: If you ever want to see pics of the religious girl from the story, I'll email some to you if you want. Unlike you, I'm not willing to post pics to the forum. I forgot to mention she also let me paint her toes, as I had a bottle of polish on me at the time.

I don't know how she resolved her issue--she either went off to do mission work or she didn't. She profusely thanked me and God for the answer that came to her but she kept it to herself. I kissed her foot goodbye underneath her 2nd and 3rd toes.
Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on December 29, 2014 11:02 AM:
Originally posted by National:
[QB] footboy1 ...
Thank you. I was waiting for you to leave a comment like that for the Selena Gomez look-a-like (Waverly Place) that you were so anxious to see.

That comment also reminds me of this clip you're about to see. Start playing the clip at the 4:00 mark. I'll represent the guy swinging the bat. Imagine yourself at the 4:20 mark of the clip. You will be mouthing the same words when you see my Central Park work. [Smile]

[Big Grin]

Ah, but the only difference between you and him is your God-given ability comes naturally, juice-free [Joint]

Apologies to not replying on Waverly Place... I don't get to log in as often as I would like, and I always make the critical mistake of not going back far enough in threads I have been following. You sure are right ---- she is HOT, and you got to inhale those succulent soles, YOU LUCKY DOG YOU. [Bow Down] I will say this--- if my nose came anywhere close to that hottie's soles, I probably would have jizzed in my pants within seconds. [Jerkoff] I know EXACTLY what you mean about the scent being "just right". Something that you need to search for and zero-in on, but once you're locked in on it, it is AWESOME.

At any rate, I promise I will try to do a better job with replying in the future. [Bow Down] Just please don't stop posting!

I can't WAIT to see what CENTRAL PARK BEAUTIES you have in store for us. I can't WAIT!

Keep up the good work, enjoy your well-deserved break, and happy new year! [Cheers] [Thumbs Up]

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on December 29, 2014 11:58 PM:
hyperion ...
Yeah, why not? Now that you mentioned it, I'm curious to know how she looks (or looked) like. You can send me a private message with her photos. You made a real lasting impression on her.

footboy1 ...
Glad you liked the clip.

I know exactly what you feel when you talked about what would happen to you if you got anywhere close to Waverly's soles. As soon as I buried my face in there, as soon as my nose dug in between her toes, there was no turning back! It was ecstasy and serenity all at one time.

Happy New Year to you as well.

Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on January 01, 2015 01:37 PM:
Marry Faith... Asian women are my thing and I would have loved to have been able to smell her feet. Flats have been, from my experiences, the grand slam, hat trick, triple crown, or whatever other term you want to use, at making feet smell.

Posted by National (Member # 8568) on January 01, 2015 05:20 PM:
Originally posted by Patrick:
Flats have been, from my experiences, the grand slam, hat trick, triple crown, or whatever other term you want to use, at making feet smell.

Let's not forget the slam dunks and the hole in ones. Speaking of which, after doing a photoshoot like that with a lady like her, I couldn't help but feel as if I had dunked the ball LeBron James style.

Thanks you, Patrick, for liking her a lot. She was a real sweetheart.

Posted by rush440 (Member # 31001) on February 18, 2017 01:43 PM:
BUMP for one of the best threads in Wu's history!!! Newcomers should check this out as well.

Btw, I would love to perform some "Unification" on Marry Faith's soles [Jerkoff]

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