This is topic i'm finally here!!! in forum Soles of Silk at Foot Fetish Forum.

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Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
hello guys and gals!!! i see most of ya at work so i dont really have much to say right now, except that...When's my next shoot pat!!! [Mad] just kidding, i know you are just as busy as i am. make sure you make time for me real soon. and to all my fans...thank you, thank you!!! [Blush]
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
Hey Abby,

We'll have to set something up soon. I might be taking off a few days in the next couple of weeks, so perhaps we can figure something out. Either that or we'll look for another Monday. [Smile]

- Patrick
Posted by Ramsfan (Member # 1996) on :
Now I can chat with the gorgeous Abby! [Kiss] [Love]

Hello Abby. [Wink]
Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
hi ramsfan, nice to meet you. so im gorgeus huh? thank you...
Posted by Ramsfan (Member # 1996) on :
Very gorgeous! [Kiss] [Love] [Secret]
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

Wait until you see those wrinkly satin soles of hers all oiled up! I'll be sure to have her rub them together [Smile]

- Patrick
Posted by chuchowens (Member # 1882) on :
hey Abby, you have a cute soles!! żdo you like haivng them tickled?
Posted by SOS Fan (Member # 1608) on :
To see Abby's feet oiled up will probably be the coolest thing ever!! Her soles already look amazingly soft, and Im sure the oil will take that look to a level never seen before!
Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
about having my feet tickled...sorry, but to be honest i hate it [Confused] . im so ticklish all over my body that if somebody tries to tickle me i get mad. patrick is the only one so far that can rub my feet right. they tickle at first but then he does it so that it doesnt bother me. very gentle but not too gentle that it tickles anyway. about the goodness my feet are going to be even silkier after that shoot gets done. i hope i dont slip and fall [Big Grin] . and one more thing about smoothness...i have fallen down the stairs a few times in my life, because i love being barefoot in the house and my feet are so smoothilicious. [Laugh]
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
Looking up "smoothilicious" in the dictonary... Wait here's the picture that goes with the definition:


- Patrick [Wink]
Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
you like that word huh? thought of it myself [Big Grin] so smart!!!
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

Yeah, it's a neat little word. But I think I'm going to have to determine myself if they are indeed smoothilicious later this evening when we meet for a photo shoot. [Smile]

- Patrick
Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
yeah well...they arent really blue, its like purple, blue and green. cool color. see ya later butthole!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by SOS Fan (Member # 1608) on :
I know it doesnt need to be said, but I cannot wait to see this set. That color sounds super hot!!
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
SOS Fan,

A bunch of photos, one video clip (oops, teasing something here for the future), and a little foot massage later, the verdict is in... smoothilicious indeed!

- Patrick
Posted by SOS Fan (Member # 1608) on :
You know that's what i like to hear! Hopefully it won't be too long till we see more of the beautiful Abby
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
SOS Fan,

Well, all I am going to say is make sure you stop by on March 16 then. None of tonight's photos will be there, but all I am saying is Abby has something to do with this week's update.

- Patrick
Posted by SOS Fan (Member # 1608) on :
Patrick, just like each and every Wednesday for the last 2+ months, I'll be there!!
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
SOS Fan,

Awesome. I've had the update ready to go all week long. I knew with the photo shoots (Abby's on Monday and Cierra's on Tuesday) I'd be backed up a little bit. Not that I am complaining getting to see those two girl's bare feet! [Smile]

- Patrick
Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
im glad you all cant wait...i need to go paint my toes again...glittery light blue see ya [Evil Grin]
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

Nice to see you're not neglecting to keep those feet all pretty even though you're not dating me or a foot guy now. I mean, I was scared you'd stop painting them all cute like you always used to. [Smile]

- Patrick
Posted by CrazyEgg (Member # 6074) on :

Your feet are awsome now as they were a few years ago...I can loose myself in those wrinkles.
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

Like a little maze of wrinkles isn't it? [Smile] I wasn't able to get Abby to pose for the opening of Soles of Silk, but I was soooooo happy she agreed and I could get her in about 2 months afterward. She's been as popular as always. [Smile]

- Patrick
Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
-CrazyEgg- get lost in my wrinkles baby!!! [Joint]
Posted by Wu (Member # 1) on :
Smoothilicious eh? LOL! I like that! Hmmm... that gives me an idea! [Evil Grin]

Posted by ticklee73 (Member # 6177) on :
Pat...where can I get the older stuff of Abby and your other models. I lost all my "10 little piggies" stuff as well as the stuff from your site before that one. Are they for sale or something??
You take the best shots, bro.

Abby, you are like an angel. Love & kisses

Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

I have plans to slowly add the old content in on Soles of Silk as bonus updates. It won't be all of the models, but Abby's photos and a few other models should be featured.

- Patrick
Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
yeah, more of me!!!! i like some of the older stuff. even though i dont remember much of them, all i know is that theres like 100's of em. and i loved doing it.
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

Yeah, we have all kinds of earlier stuff. And then there were the few sets we did a couple of years ago that had pudding and cheesecake. [Smile]

- Patrick
Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
well i guess youll show that old stuff off later on. we'll see soon.
Posted by SOS Fan (Member # 1608) on :
That is something that I would LOVE to se, cheesecake on Abby's soles...oh my!!! Yeah girl...keep it coming!!
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

Yeah, it just takes forever and a day to scan in and correct all those photos! How did I ever hold out so long for a digital camera?

- Patrick
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
SOS Fan,

Strawberry cheesecake at that! [Smile]

- Patrick
Posted by SOS Fan (Member # 1608) on :
Now that's just not fair! What do we have to do to get to see those pics?
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
SOS Fan,

Wait for me to scan them in. [Smile]

- Patrick
Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
hurry pat scan them in...because truthfully, i dont remember how those pics came out. i need a flashback.
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

Let me guess. I scan them in forever and ever and then post them and you get mad cause it was a few years ago and you'll hate your hair or something... I too know you too tell. [Smile]

- Patrick
Posted by SOS Fan (Member # 1608) on :
Well either way, I would sure love to see them!! Abby, what other kinds of food would you like to put your super sexy feet in?
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
SOS Fan,

The same day we did the cheesecake, we had also done chocolate pudding. Sorry Sara, it was years ago and for my other site. But I am sure SOS Fan will agree, the sound of Abby's set sounds hot and Sara's was certainly hot too!

- Patrick
Posted by SOS Fan (Member # 1608) on :
Yeah i agree alright. Hopefully we could see that one too.
Posted by neonlight (Member # 3456) on :
Abby, yoursmoothalicious are gobsmackingly lickable.*sigh* they need to be tickled and teased.often.
Posted by neonlight (Member # 3456) on :
your smoothalicious soles....or is that feet.super.
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
SOS Fan,

I guess I'll have to fire up the scanner soon.

- Patrick
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

Not sure, but I think you came close trying to use as many letters in one word, trying to match the number of wrinkles found on Abby's soles.

- Patrick
Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
that was cute pat, with matching the letters thing...what other food i would like to have? know those little coffee cakes that come like three in a pack with cream in the middle? i could eat those off my toes [Laugh]
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
Hey Abby,

How are you doing sweet stuff? How is your finger? Hope it is doing okay. You know you can step in any kind of food you want for a photo shoot. All of you girls seem to love doing this. Must feet good between your toes or something, huh? Maybe you can shed some light on this for the forum... [Smile]

- Patrick
Posted by neonlight (Member # 3456) on :
ooh! coffee cakes! cream!
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

Hungry are ya? [Smile]

- Patrick
Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
i guess it feels good to step in gooey stuff. the weird feeling between your toes is like eww but then it kinda feels good. its different than the hard, hot shoe you have your foot in all day. i wouldnt mind stepping in mud either because its that same texture, like pudding, or cheesecake and things like that. but coffe cakes with cream...they sound like the next idea for my next shoot. [Big Grin]
Posted by SOS Fan (Member # 1608) on :
Oh Abby, to see that would be AWSOME! To see any food stuck to your sexy soles might put me over the edge!! Tell Patrick that we need to make this happen...Thanks Baby!!
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

Nice description. You probably made every forum member go and [Jerkoff] . Heehee... Anyhow, we'll have to figure out your new schedule because it looks like mine might be changing here too.

- Patrick
Posted by Ramsfan (Member # 1996) on :
[Mmm] [Mmm]
Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
well im glad that a lot of ya liked that idea. well its up to patrick to schedule things. by the way pat, i left that job i back to being off on mondays. there was more bullshit there than over here, hard to believe isnt it??? [Big Grin]
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

You bring over the coffee cakes and I'll take photo after photo of you stepping those toes and wrinkly soles into them. Get a bunch of them and make a real mess! And let's do it outside somewhere too. [Smile]

- Patrick
Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
fine by is beautiful the last few days...not a problem, and getting darker later too, even better for time's sake
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

Outdoor foot smushing... Now let's find a public place so people can walk by and see. [Smile]

- Patrick
Posted by SOS Fan (Member # 1608) on :
Those people will be in for quite a treat. I hope this is something that we will get to see in the future.
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
SOS Fan,

I wouldn't see why it doesn't happen.

- Patrick
Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
i want to go somewhere cool, not like a sidewalk or anything like that. think of a place pat.
Posted by SOS Fan (Member # 1608) on :
The park is always a good place
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

How about the middle of Camden Yards during a baseball game? Heehee... That might be a little too crowded. A park might be neat. Or even a place in the city somewhere that has a neat setting.

- Patrick
Posted by SOS Fan (Member # 1608) on :
yeah either way, but i think it would be great if some people were walking by during the shoot, i would love to see people's reactions to those amazing soles covered in food
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
SOS Fan,

That would be neat. Not sure how I would go about showing them being I'm not paying spectators to be in a photo shoot. [Smile]

- Patrick
Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
you dont have to show em, maybe if im on a bench and they are walking by, their faces are going to be a little out of focus i think. so they wont even know they might be in the pic depending on what angle you are in.
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

True. Well, except for that one guy in my avatar that will want to be as close to those feet during that shoot as possible. Oh wait, he's behind the camera anyhow! [Smile]

- Patrick
Posted by Carmen Tip Toes (Member # 3435) on :
hmmm... abby's feet look really soft...
Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
thank you dear...they really are
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

They indeed are, as you already read from Abby. I am not sure "how" they got so soft, but I know when we dated I "assisted" in keeping them as soft as possible. [Evil Grin] Quote marks sure can make you think differently, huh? [Smile]

- Patrick
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

I still think many people would love to see you and Carmen posing together. What do you say?

- Patrick
Posted by SOS Fan (Member # 1608) on :
Abby, that idea is definatly supported by me! To see you and Carmen together...WOW!!!
Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
pat i dont mind at all, you know that. i never did, so just let her know and whatever happens happens. i dont even know why you ask. you should be like "ok abby, today you are posing with carmen and you all are doing this and that" and id be like ok. ok? [Thumbs Up]
Posted by SOS Fan (Member # 1608) on :
Abby, do you have any idea what a set with you and Carmen would do to me?????
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

Then I will be sure to set that up with her. I have to get with both of you to do some sets by yourselves too. Sure would be nice to get you together as well!

- Patrick
Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
bring it on baby!!! and SOS Fan...i know what it would do to you [Evil Grin]
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :

It would make him... [Drool] and then [Jerkoff]

Posted by Abby (Member # 4945) on :
youre damn right pat [Laugh] and you too i hope
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :


- Patrick

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