Sometimes some national #1's in any country (in my case Australia) think how the hell did that song become #1. Especially if they play it so much on the radio and it gets stuck in your head. Grrrr I know it depends maybe on the majority of peoples tastes, plus the added of me getting old, or it being whatever the case may be. One song "Shake it off - Taylor Swift" is the current here at the mo' (today being 01/09/14) "humbug"
Over the time from when you were born til now, what are some of the songs that have become #1 that you've thought were totally sh*t in your opinion?
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
Mambo #5. What in the actual fuck...those were the days lol
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
I will always hate MmmmBop by Hanson with a seething passion. The late 90s were absolutely lousy with maudlin, teenybopper, bullshit pop. The worst part about it was that I was the exact age that type of music was marketed to. I get mad thinking about it.
Posted by solesurvivordragon (Member # 37330) on :
Daniel Powter - "Bad Day". 'Nuff said.
Posted by Footguy87 (Member # 20261) on :
I'm tired of hearing Iggy Azalea's "Fancy". You Aussies can have her back, we don't want her.
Posted by Keyfeet (Member # 27313) on :
Pretty much every song that hits #1 is pure shit. It doesn't even phase me anymore, bc all these people who become #1 are all sell-outs.
Posted by Cain (Member # 8492) on :
That song Mmm ,mmm,mmm by the Crash Test Dummies may be one of the worst hits in history.... Not sure how many people would remember that in here.
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
^^Yeah I remember that one ..... having read that, now it's playing in my head lol Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
quote:Originally posted by Cain: That song Mmm ,mmm,mmm by the Crash Test Dummies may be one of the worst hits in history.... Not sure how many people would remember that in here.
Oh, yes, I remember it but I could always turn it off - which I did every damn time.
There have been vile #1 hits since before Stephan Foster was a twinkle in his father's eye. To demonstrate this to me, my father managed to find a single (45, if you know what I mean) of "Barney Google (With the Goo-Goo-Googley Eyes)". Dad found the group "Three Dog Night" equally awful due the relentless repetition of the "chorus".
You aren't alone. Hideous hits go back for centuries.
Why this persists today, is another discussion when I am less in my cups.
Posted by Cain (Member # 8492) on :
Anything by that guy Shaggy! That voice is so annoying!