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Posted by Gameon (Member # 20877) on :

Just a random thread to share any misery you've experienced with any form of injury. I certainly need cheering up and a good laugh at the moment from hearing about other folks calamities.

I've snapped my Anterior cruciate ligament in two and torn my medial meniscus which have both been repaired and i've just got home a few days ago.

I just slipped trying to wash my hair and my knee is swollen up nicely again.

Come on share [Big Grin]
Posted by Panic (Member # 21074) on :
I was lucky to experience a compound dislocation of my right ankle. My foot was at a 90 degree angle. Not fun.
Posted by matukai20 (Member # 12710) on :
last November (2007), I was walking down an alley and texting my wife, and stepped into a sunken storm drain, breaking my foot and ankle. That was an adventure! I'm glad I had my phone with me [Smile] I still get crap about what a clutz I am!
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Originally posted by matukai20:
last November (2007), I was walking down an alley and texting my wife, and stepped into a sunken storm drain, breaking my foot and ankle. That was an adventure! I'm glad I had my phone with me [Smile] I still get crap about what a clutz I am!

Funny, if you weren't engrossed in texting on the phone you would've probably seen the hole and avoided it!

Personally never had any major injuries. Perhaps a broken heart or hurt pride... [Big Grin]
Posted by Athena K (Member # 33809) on :
i started tutoring high school kids last year, and i was walking to my very first one, and i fell down in the dark. my pinky finger was in agony and my wrist/palm was gushing blood, but i didnt want to miss my first appointment so i went anyway. i almost fainted when he shook my hand from the pain, and had to spend the whole hour with tissues pressed to my haand to stop the blood.

when the hour was up i rang my parents to pick me up because i knew i couldnt drive, and we went to the 24 hour doctor surgery. the x-ray machine was off for the night and because they didnt know what was wrong with me they couldnt prescribe me anything, so i spent a slleepless night with my hand plunged in a bucket of ice.

first thing the next morning we head down there, the nurse yanks my finger straight (which was now the size of a cocktail weinie) and it turns out the bones were absolutely shattered. the doctor was impressed i hadnt passed out from the pain [Tongue]
Posted by RPM (Member # 2895) on :
Athena, ouch!!!!!!!!!! she, the nurse, should know never to yank anything that might be broken!!!!!!

i broke my tailbone on the edge of a jagged rock when i slipped on wet grass and fell. but that was 100% my fault. i was practicing cartwheels.. something i had just learned how to do.

i fell on the only rock in the entire 4 acre plot of land we were practicing on (we checked pretty throroughly because we had nothing better todo).


p.s. by the way, turned out to be the only patch of wet crass in the entire place too!!! it was a dry day after a dry several days. wonder how that spot got wet.. hum....
Posted by Cain (Member # 8492) on :
Broke my arm when i was twelve and it looked like a cartoon. Aout 3-4 four inches of my wrist was about three inches below the rest of my arm...

\\\___\\\ Kind of like that sorry can't draw it. and then in 1995 I broke my hand on my front door after finding out my wife now my ex wife cheated on me...
Posted by brianhbgt (Member # 21622) on :
all happened before i was 18:
broke my ankle when i slipped on a football
broke my finger playing football
needed stiches in my knee when playing baseball
Posted by bison4me (Member # 21530) on :
When I was three, I jumped off the top of the staircase and missed the bean bag at the bottom by a couple of inches and broke my ankle. But, the ass whipping and tongue lashing my parents gave me was worse. :-)
Posted by Athena K (Member # 33809) on :
Originally posted by Gameon:

Just a random thread to share any misery you've experienced with any form of injury. I certainly need cheering up and a good laugh at the moment from hearing about other folks calamities.

I've snapped my Anterior cruciate ligament in two and torn my medial meniscus which have both been repaired and i've just got home a few days ago.

I just slipped trying to wash my hair and my knee is swollen up nicely again.

Come on share [Big Grin]

hope your knee has gone down, poor thing
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
When I was 14 it was the day before the playoffs started for my hockey league and me and my much larger cousin were wrestling for some reason and I thought it was over and I was getting back up and he jumped on my back and all the pressure instantly snapped my wrist, hairline fracture, the doctor says it's worse to have a fracture because you feel every little thing whereas a break you can slap a cast on it [Big Grin] I ended up playing all 4 games of the playoffs the next two days with just a wrap on it and scored the winning goal in the championship game [Big Grin]

While working out west(Alberta) in the oil patch I was doing seismic exploration and carrying the gear(about 90lbs worth) on my back going through a field and the way the field was plowed the rows went horizontally but I was walking vertically(if that makes sense [Tongue] ) and I missed a row and ripped my hamstring! I worked two days on it before I finally said fuck this, went to the doctor and she said I would need surgery to repair the damage if it hadn't healed by the following Tuesday(this was on a Thursday!) I got sent back to Calgary and got a second opinion thank god! I got the Calgary doctor to see it on Monday and just those 3 days of rest off it and pain relaxers and anti-inflammatory's healed it up [Smile]

My second injury came from out west when I was driving a snowmobile for work and had to get to the other end of the prospect quick as possible to fix a problem with the gear and a god damn bird walked out onto the trail and just a knee jerk reaction was to swerve and I snagged a tree root with the ski and the snow mobile stopped and I flew for about a good 15 feet and cleared out 4 trees with my shoulder( tree's were about two inches thick) and landed half buried under the snow. Broke my iPOD I had on that was in my safety vest that flew up out of it and got between my shoulder and the trees. My shoulder was bruised to hell and got to miss a week of work and fill out a butt fuck load of papers(got picked up by a hot medic though [Big Grin] )

My last and final injury to date was in British Columbia this time for the same company and we were working in the mountains and I was working on the line going down the mountain and and I had about 100lbs of gear hanging off me and the mountain was just a slick of ice and mud(first of April) and I slipped and started falling/bouncing down the mountain and got my leg hooked on a tree and it tore the shit outta my other hamstring! This one took two weeks to clear up this time, still acts up on me if I run too much. Thank god for that tree, or I was in for one helluva ride down to the botttom!
Posted by Andy-Laa (Member # 31511) on :
I recently cut my finger on a rock.
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
Well, the most grievous injuries I've ever suffered all happened when I was about 3 years old. First, I dislocated my right arm at the elbow and was in a real awkward cast that kept my arm elevated. My mom tells me that about a week after I got that cast on, I got away from her somewhere, and when she caught up with me, my arm was now unelevated within the cast. Turns out I somehow really broke my arm, a compound fracture to be exact. I have vague memories as to being in cast and sling.

Other than that, I badly sprained my elbow in high school during football practice (and I'd just made it onto starting special teams, when before I never got to play but once), so that had me in a sling for about 3-4 weeks, and I had to miss practically the entire season.

After that, I badly sprained my ankle when I was 19 at a park festival after I stepped awkwardly onto a piece of uneven ground. At first, I could sort of walk and drive, so I drove to my friend's house (his mom was a nurse and I had to work the next morning) to see if there was anything I could do. When I wake up the next morning, my ankle was swollen like a balloon and I couldn't walk at all. So that put me on crutches for the next two weeks, which was pretty interesting. I couldn't drive though, so that sucked. Stairs were a bitch too. It was my first time on crutches.

Other than those three, I've also had two broken fingers, the middle fingers on each hand. Thankfully, I wasn't driving then.
Posted by DennisIsEvil (Member # 11755) on :
-sliced my head open on a radiator at two years old

-when I was about 5 I broke my collar bone wrestling in the park I hit it on a tree stump

-When I was 6 I got a broomstick rammed into my eye attempting to pole vault in the backyard

-road rash on my right arm when I was 14 attempting street luge by putting a skateboard under a sled and riding down my street I wiped out and went into a ditch toward the end.

16 I got a nail accidentally hammered into my finger in woodshop putting together a shelf

when I was 20 I sprained my back don't laugh... tying a cushion onto a chair.

Those are pretty much the major injuries I got mostly though I get normal stuff like cuts and scratches along with bruises or sore muscles from wrestling training.
Posted by Athena K (Member # 33809) on :
Originally posted by Andy-Laa:
I recently cut my finger on a rock.

*causes you grievous bodiy harm so you have a cooler story*

Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :
In 1980 a buddy and I went out drinking. We were riding our bikes (I had a raked and stretched 1938 Knuckle Head). After about a dozen beers too many we decided to head home. I took a 90 degree turn at high speed (not the thing to do on a chopper)and my buddy later told me that I did three flips before seperating from the bike. Anyway I broke my the top of my fibula (leg bone). I was on active duty in the Navy at the time and smoking pot so, I didn't want to get piss tested so, I skipped a trip to sickbay. Being drunk as skunks, my buddy and I decided the course of action to take was to play doctor. We stuck my foot thru the banister railing of the balcony at my apartment and he pulled me backwards to set the bone. (Brilliant right?) I probably sounded like a werewolf howling at the moon. We then made a splint to keep me from bending my leg and wrapped the whole thing in a ACE bandage.
The next day when I got back to my ship, I explained the whole thing to my chief and he said that as long as it didn't prevent me from doing my job, he would pretend he knew nothing about it. Luckily at that time I was a second class petty officer and my duties we all administrative and I was able to get around well enough.
Our "doctoring" did the job but, I have a lump on the side of my knee (the top of the bone) from where we didn't get it as straight as we thought we did.
So, remember kids, "Don't try this at home!"
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
Originally posted by Andy-Laa:
I recently cut my finger on a rock.

That reminds of one that happened just last year, I got off work and stopped by the beer store and picked up a 12 pack to celebrate it being the weekend and my Habs playing that night on tv. I had everything set up, had all 12 beer stacked away in the fridge,chips and salsa to munch on and the tv set to the pregame. So I was out in the kitchen and I saw a sink full of dishes, I said to myself "I'll get brownie points with the g/f by doing these even though it wasn't my turn" [Big Grin]

So I start ripping through the dishes and I was on my last dish, a plate! My g/f didn't rinse the spaghetti off it completely so it took some elbow grease, I just so happened to put too much elbow into it because it snapped in half(I was holding it with my left hand and scrubbing it with my right causing it to snap perfectly in half) with nice jaggedness to it as well...BAM! sliced the fuck outta the knuckle on my thumb, blood went flying EVERYWHERE!! Soon as I done it I spun around and the blood flew up the stove and wall and my poor cat was walking into the kitchen and got some on him, and I am not good at ALL when blood comes out of I was home alone, no bandaids(def needed stitches!) so quickly grabbed a towel(white?!) and picked up the cordless and dialed(slowly) my g/f's work. She picked up but said right away to please wait a moment as she was with a customer!! I fucking damn near died when I heard that, she just put the phone down and I could hear the sale being rang in and I done the logical thing and started yelling her name!! She finally picked up and I explained to her what happened(sounded like a big baby!) so she started freaking out and we had friends on the 3rd floor of the apartment building(we were on the 9th) that she phoned to come up and check on me.

They brought some bandaids...which stemmed the flow but they came in and saw the kitchen first and thought I cut my finger right off! So I couldn't drink the beer I had, I watched my game and was leery of doing dishes from that point on...well...plates anways! The last dish, not a knife or another sharp dish/utensil but a god damn plate! [Thud]
Posted by Andy-Laa (Member # 31511) on :
Originally posted by Athena K:
Originally posted by Andy-Laa:
I recently cut my finger on a rock.

*causes you grievous bodiy harm so you have a cooler story*


OW! My penis :'(

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