This is topic The weirdest pictures on the net... in forum Miscellaneous at Foot Fetish Forum.

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Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
I figured since we all seem to make cutting and pasting links and pics a full time job around here why not put some interesting things here on this thread. Post those weird ass pics that you come across by accident, get forwarded in some goofy chain letter from grandma, or that you shot on your own here. Let's try to avoid photo shopped and staged photos.

I never have known what the story behind this one is, but I thought it would be good to start this out with...

Here's one to remind you that AGENT ORANGE was just a harmless defoliant that was used during the Vietnam War. No evidence of genetic mutations in its aftermath whatsoever! (end sarcasm)


Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
LeDaemon - the first image made me laugh so hard that I am crying as I typing this response!!!
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
I got a few here... you want to see some effed up shit visit
LeDaemon in 20 years! [Laugh]

No need for explanation

Last one for now
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
1st pic = I think that's LeDae next week

2nd pic = I think E.T was a minor around that time
Posted by college_footguy (Member # 13863) on :
and 3rd pic = funniest %$&# I've seen all day (yeah i have a twisted sense of humor)
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Originally posted by bluetoelover:
I got a few here... you want to see some effed up shit visit
LeDaemon in 20 years! [Laugh]

Handsome fellow. Seems to be pretty confident in himself with what he wants. [Laugh] [Laugh] [Laugh]
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
A little fucktardery...



Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
Some peoples kids...
Posted by TheFootGuy2231 (Member # 29264) on :
That guy with piercings is a fucking dumb piece of shit.. Sorry but he is
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
Hmmmmmmm I wonder if there are any other holes on/in his bod other than his face..... Give him a glass of water to drink and we'll find out [Big Grin]
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
Probably better at seeing around corners

Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
Better at the corners no doubt...but his best best is the nightmare factor I think I should e-mail some of these and freak some friends out!
Posted by footspy (Member # 2112) on :
Originally posted by FootLongSub Zero:
Probably better at seeing around corners


That is seriously fucked up. [Laugh] That can't be real. I mean that's got to be photoshopped or something. Where did you find it?
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
^ Yeah, I´m pretty sure the above pic is photoshopped...but it`s cool. I had that as a desktop pic a while back...made everybody look twice [Wink]

Below are two pics that a friend of mine took.


(old woman at a political demonstration against neo-nazis in Germany)

(a German neo-nazi at a different demonstration)
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Holeee sweet bajeeeezas! Uncle Fester a nazi??? Say it ain't so!
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Yin and Yang?

Who said white bread is bad for you?
Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
Poor rat all he had to do was go through one more slice to get to the hidden provologne cheese slice [Laugh]
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
Mmmmmmmm rat sandwich.... My favorite [Mmm]
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
ALRIGHT..... Who's ball is that?

Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
This dude's very smart... I think he's saving his trunk strap to tie down his coffin... ...idiot [Nut Kick]

Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
This will blow your minds. A middle schooler's science fair project. I found this one with a series of pictures from the show. Har har! Too bad there is no closeup of the info on her project.

Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
That is verrry intriguing lol - how in the world did you find that one, LeDaemon and there's a graph too man I wish I could hear this presentation.
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
That is deffo the weirdest pic by far, LeDaemon.
Any chance to get more infos? Would love to know exactly what that was about...

Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
WOW [Eek!] Would definately luv to hear the presentation [Hump] .... Graphs, stats.... etc... Funny thing is, I'd even pay to see it... COOL [Thumbs Up]

Weird science project [Confused] TOP MARKS LaDae [Big Grin]
Posted by shook (Member # 12484) on :
A+ on that project!
Posted by HailyWood (Member # 25294) on :
I am ever so curious as to the "Procedure" part of the Foot Fetish project;)
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
I found the picture on ebaum's world with about 40 other weird science fair projects. There wasn't any details as to the schools they were from or on each project unfortunately.
Posted by Mighty Mike (Member # 1922) on :
that girl looks like she is in middle school

what does she know about the foot fetish? most adult women know next to nothing
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Originally posted by Mighty Mike:
that girl looks like she is in middle school

what does she know about the foot fetish? most adult women know next to nothing

Need to check with her in about 10 years I suppose.
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
Wu...this one is for you bud! HAR HAR!! [Laugh]
Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
One of the feet photos on the girl's middle school science project seems to be an identical picture of girl's toes that appear on an iPod box when buying one.
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Some funny mugshots!







Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
^ Love those mugshots! [Laugh]

This picture is also very sexy
(click at your own risk)

Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
Originally posted by Hal:
^ Love those mugshots! [Laugh]

This picture is also very sexy
(click at your own risk)


WOW! She's hot... I wonder what her peds look like mmmmmmm [Laugh] ..................

Excuse me, I gotta go to the bathroom [Puke]
Posted by footspy (Member # 2112) on :
Those mug shots are hilarious. I've never seen a baseball cap tan before. [Laugh] And that guy with the green hair looks familiar. Is he an actor?

And thanks for the warning Hal but I still had to risk it. Damn! That's one ugly woman. She almost looks dead.
Posted by Lars (Member # 1461) on :





Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
LOL Hal that picture looks like Bilbo Baggins'from the Rings mom!
Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
The pic of the guy with the green hair and orange attire reminds me of a Joker figure I always wanted as a kid and could never get my hands on.
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :





Posted by J.J. (Member # 24686) on :
Originally posted by LeDaemon:
Holeee sweet bajeeeezas! Uncle Fester a nazi??? Say it ain't so!

Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
The first one is amazing (S-E-X), LeDaemon. [Laugh]


[ March 31, 2008, 03:52 AM: Message edited by: Hal ]
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Kitty nom  -

Nom nom nom

Happy boy  -
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
DOWN THE FOOD CHAIN: Pelican eats Cat --> Cat ate Gull --> Gull ate starfish --> Starfish ate Toad --> Toad ate LaDaemon [Nana] ... kidding [Big Grin]

Weird pics alright, and I thought I had a large appitite [Eek!] [Thud]
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :

Ebonics educational toy
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
Awwwww how come these weren't around when I was a kid [Tongue]
Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :

That'll slow the game
Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :
I just found one of my baby pictures.

Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
More fucktards with facial tattoos...





Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
I´ve seen a lot of tattoos in my life, and one of my neighbours even has a few facial tattoos, but the first one (skull) really made me look twice.

Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :
 -  -  -  -
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
Wowzerz [Eek!] Now all these are effin' weird alright [Eek!]
Posted by HailyWood (Member # 25294) on :
This one is not really weird - it is more funny. But it cracks me up every time I see it!

Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :

Yet another tattoo picture...
Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :
A few more escapee's from reality:





And for fun:


And my favorite. (they're so cute before they turn into teenagers and know everything.)

"Friggin' invisible forcefield!!"


Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
Was he comming or going



Needing no introduction

Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Weird Al is "THE MAN!" I actually saw him in concert back in '92 when he had recorded the Nirvana song parody. It was good fun as he did costume changes to look like he did in his videos. He even came out in the Michael Jackson "FAT" costume.
Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :
I'm not sure if "He was coming or going" but, I'm sure that when he saw where he was he "went". Damn, I know I'd have left a lump on the seat.
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :

Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :
Damn, musta got his prostate, huh?

Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Merry Xmas faggot!

Posted by ozkar (Member # 13264) on :
That last one must have been taken in LA...
Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :
Yeah, Yeah, I'll quit tomorrow.


Naked Twister




Do these pants make my ass look big?

Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
Originally posted by sofatater:

Do these pants make my ass look big?


"No not at all"... [Thud]
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Here you go boys and girls... The Adolf Hitler doll, no shittin', on sale in the Ukraine! This is just to freaking weird for me to make up even though this was in the "Daily Mail."



The Adolf Hitler doll which comes with a change of clothes - and a spare head with a kind face
Last updated at 21:06pm on 23rd April 2008

An action-man style doll of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler has gone on sale in the Ukraine, with saleswomen comparing the doll to Barbie.

Supermarkets in the capital Kiev are stocking the 40 centimetre high figure of the fuhrer, complete with jackboots, leather trench-coat and swastika armband.

The £100 figure has a spare head "with a kind expression on it," glasses and several changes of clothes.

It comes in a presentation box with the dates of Hitler's birth and death on it.

The decision to market the figure comes at a time of growing extreme right political sentiment in Ukraine.

There are also reports of increasing xenophobia and racism, and of some extremists supporting racism similar to that of Nazi Germany under Hitler.

Critics believe a cult of Hitler could spring up among disaffected youths, too young to remember the ravages Nazism wreaked on the country.

Around three million people died as a result of the Nazi occupation of the Ukraine, including 1.5 million Jews.

Hitler wanted to turn the country into a buffer zone with Russia peopled by slave workers working for the Third Reich.

Although Ukranian laws prohibit any form of fascism or propaganda, the dolls are already on sale and will be mass marketed this summer.

One saleswoman said: "It is like Barbie. Kids can undress fuhrer, pin on medals and there's a spare head in the kit to give him a kinder expression on his face.

"He has glasses that are round, in the manner of pacifist Jon Lennon".

The doll will also come with accessories like a miniature Blondi, Hitler's faithful Alsatian who died alongside the Nazi in his bunker in Berlin in 1945.

The doll is dressed in long light-brown cloak, military uniform and jackboots.

According to the saleswoman, should the demand be high, manufacturers will go further and launch a series of themed Third Reich toys, including interiors of Hitler's chancellery, toy concentration camps with barbed wire, barracks and operating models of gas chambers and crematoriums.
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
^ Yeah, national-socialism and extreme-rightwing assholes are really "hip" in the Eastern European countries...there`s loads of neo-Nazi dickheads running around there and beating up & even killing innocent people on the street.

Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
We just need a Stalin and Mao doll to add to this fine fine collection! [Laugh]
Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :

Yeah, "Heroes of the AXIS " Collection.

As a species, we're in deep shit!
Posted by footspy (Member # 2112) on :

That dog sure doesn't look happy. [Laugh]

This is Sparta!

I didn't know you could smoke it. [Laugh]
Posted by footspy (Member # 2112) on :
This one's pretty cool.


And I thought we got a lot of snow this winter.
Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :
Make good use of that snow...


Educational toys?


Did it get cold where you live?


Nice neighborhood

Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
"My.... What a large penis"

The real definition of heartburn....
"Excuse me, gotta light?"


So much determination....
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Look out below.... [Puke] One more thing you can add to the list about protesting anything Chinese...








Baby-eating photos are part of Chinese artist's performance

Friday, Mar 23, 2001, Page 2

Following the publication of an article in a Malaysian weekly tabloid that alleged a Taiwanese restaurant served the meat of human infants, the Taiwan government has taken steps to ensure the publisher prints a retraction.

Yuan Kai-sheng (袁凱聲), a Government Information Office (GIO) official, said the government had filed a complaint with the Perdana newspaper and requested that a correction be published. He said the tabloid had apologized to the GIO for publishing the story.

The offending article was first made public on Wednesday by People First Party Legislator Chin Huei-chu (秦慧珠).

The pictures were in fact part of a performance by Shanghai-based artist Zhu Yu (朱昱), entitled Man-eater (食人).

However, Perdana's news story claimed that the photos were of a Taiwanese restaurant in which human fetuses are served to customers.

Zhu has created a series of art performances entitled Infatuation on Injures (對傷害的迷戀) -- among them are the works he named Man-eater and Canned human brains (罐裝腦漿).

The Chinese-language press quoted Zhu as saying during an interview on Wednesday that he intended to discuss life and death through his works.

By eating six-month-old human fetuses obtained from abortions, he posed a challenge to traditional ethics, he maintained to the press.

Born in 1970, Zhu said that he wanted to know if we could change our human culture in which we fear death and pursue eternal life.

To create Man-eater, he said he cooked the corpses of babies that had been stolen from a medical school.

Zhu admitted that the meat obtained from the bodies tasted bad, and said he had vomited several times while eating it. However, he said, he had to do so "for art's sake."

Though his works have sparked criticism, Zhu has achieved fame within China's avant-garde art circles.

In another work, Canned human brains, Zhu immersed human brains in glass jars, which also caused a stir.
This story has been viewed 126431 times.

[ April 30, 2008, 12:35 PM: Message edited by: LeDaemon ]
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
And I thought I saw everyting the web had to offer... [Eek!]

DAYYYEEEMMMMM!!!! it's 6:00am and I was a little half-eyed as I just got outta bed.. THANKS FOR THE WAKE UP CALL!!! [Nut Kick] ..... I think it'll take me a few hours or a day to stomach this before I can read the txt underneath the pics....

Quite disturbing....... I'll come back to the thread later and have a read....
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
That`s sick. I´m glad I´m a vegan.

Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
this is the Norcalfeet street team as we scout for hot college girls to model their feet! LOL

Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
Them Chinee are stewing them now? No Wok, no grilling? Absolutely barbaric! Tol' ya them Commies are gonna bring down the human race to a bunch of animals!
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
^ @ Toetapper: Obviously it`s sick but it`s not "them Chinese" but only one weird artist who coincidentally happens to be Chinese.
I´ll bet 99,9999% of the Chinese population don`t approve of his actions either.

Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
By the population 0.0001% is still a hell of a lot [Tongue]

P.S kidding, no offence to Chinese or any other nationalities [Smile]
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
^ Yeah, after I had finished typing I thought the same thing. [Laugh]

Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
The baby eating pics keep getting deleted from servers as quickly as I repost them.
Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :
I can't believe that guy's not in jail. Just because he calls it "performance art"??? He's sick and twisted. Without starting an argument of whether or not abortion is murder, according to his way of thinking, Jeffery Dahmer was a "performance artist" right? None of his "participants" were volunteers either. The guy needs to be taken to the beach and clubbed like a seal pup!! (I realize that's a sick picture also, but it used to happen.)

Yeah, I can imagine you'd have some trouble keeping the pictures up.
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
^ @ Sofatater: I agree with you that it is absolutely sick but you can`t compare him to Dahmer because that aborted fetus was already dead and would have been disposed of anyway.
In the article it says that they were stolen from a medical school, so I guess they were maybe even going to be used for experiments.

Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Great "Alien" costume!
Posted by footspy (Member # 2112) on :
^ [Laugh] That's pretty cool. And the baby even has that shocked looked on his face as though that chestburster had actually burst through his chest.
Posted by HailyWood (Member # 25294) on :
First off, where the hell did that guy get the fetuses anyway? I thought you could only buy fetuses on South Park episodes.

On a separate topic, I found this while attempting to learn about grass options for my yard and am oddly drawn to it. I want one.

Posted by footspy (Member # 2112) on :

the article mentions that the fetuses were stolen from a medical school. That lawn photo is really cool. I wonder how that was done.
Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :
another topiary for ya,

[Big Grin]
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
Back to the fetuses, should grab the artist, grind him up and shove the remains in an oversized can marked "BABY FOOD" ... Now that'll be art [Tongue]
Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :
Originally posted by FootLongSub Zero:
Back to the fetuses, should grab the artist, grind him up and shove the remains in an oversized can marked "BABY FOOD" ... Now that'll be art [Tongue]

I'm with ya on that one. [Cheers]
Posted by footspy (Member # 2112) on :
I don't know what's sicker about the baby fetus artist - the fact that he considers that art or the fact that he actually ate the fetuses?
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
Originally posted by footspy:
I don't know what's sicker about the baby fetus artist - the fact that he considers that art or the fact that he actually ate the fetuses?

Too close to call [Eek!]
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
I´m sure most of you will know this blog...if you don`t check it out for some really weird pics:

(also make sure to check out the archive!)

Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :
Moo Shoe Pork


Does Darwin have an evolutionary theory for Britney?


He's your kid. Carry him any way you want.

Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
Just to clear things up, my last post on the previous page was intended strictly as humor. My apologies to those who felt that there was anything remotely serious about it.

I have been accused of having a "dry" sense of humor. Time to review my Rodney Dangerfield videos: "I'm OK now but last week I was in rough shape, I tell ya..."
Posted by HailyWood (Member # 25294) on :
Now I know why there is static on the phone line when I call other countries.

Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
^... Wow that's a whole lot... seems as if the whole city of that place passes through this one junction...

[Laugh] reminds me of the back of my computer or t.v. With all video, dvd, t.v stereo cables and speaker wires all tangled up mysteriously...
Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :
Originally posted by HailyWood:
Now I know why there is static on the phone line when I call other countries.


Must be a loose connection in the switch box...

Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
I do believe those above pictures are from India too. You know, the people you call when you need tech support...
Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
Mother nature is winning the battle between humans and nature!
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
This dudes doctor died with a tounge depressor in the his hand.


[ May 19, 2008, 02:30 PM: Message edited by: FootLongSub Zero ]
Posted by sofatater (Member # 4209) on :
Mom took him off the spoon too soon

Posted by Mommie Dearest (Member # 18340) on :
Enjoy ...

I found this while searching Google one day and thought of this thread instatntly!!

Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :

Posted by tootsylover (Member # 4584) on :
A face only a mother could love...


(it's an "Aye-Aye" born in captivity in England...they are usually found only on the island of Madagascar)
Posted by Thundercracker (Member # 7778) on :
Yeah, this is pretty weird...

Posted by Tiny Dave (Member # 30771) on :
Kinda feaky.
Posted by Foot Lover Of London (Member # 2420) on :
Originally posted by tootsylover:
A face only a mother could love...


(it's an "Aye-Aye" born in captivity in England...they are usually found only on the island of Madagascar)

OMG... [Laugh] [Laugh] [Laugh] Thats possibly got to be the ugliest funny looking creature known to man [Laugh]
Posted by Foot Lover Of London (Member # 2420) on :
Inface I swear it`s the offspring of my head teacher at my secondry school....
Posted by Mommie Dearest (Member # 18340) on :
More funny than weird - but I had to share [Big Grin]


Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
Great find M.D, I want one of these.... The towel/wrap, not the dude [Tongue]
Posted by Mommie Dearest (Member # 18340) on :
Thanks hun ... here are a few more I found




This last one made me think - "KICK THE BABY!!"

Posted by Mommie Dearest (Member # 18340) on :
and yet another while looking around tonight!

Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
If you want to see some really weird and stupid tattoos:
(the comments are funny as well)


Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
Posted by Mommie Dearest (Member # 18340) on :

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