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Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Anybody hear about this controversial movie and/or plan on seeing it? From what I've heard, Disney's Miramax branch originally passed on distributing it because of the subject-matter, but after the film picked up some popularity at the Cannes Film Festival, they're climbing over themselves to release it now.

In case you haven't heard about it, it's a sort of "theory movie" by Michael Moore that implies through-out it that the Bush family had financial ties to Osama Bin Laden. Supposedly, fatboy Michael got his hands on footage that has eluded the mainstream news that backs up this claim he makes.

Now, for the record, I think more highly of a pile of dried up dog-shit than I do Michael Moore, but I have to admit that I'll probably be buying a ticket on opening night to see this flick. My own curiosity over this claim is peaked, and I want to see it before it might get yanked out of the theatres. Anybody else plan to see it?
Posted by fanatic66 (Member # 991) on :
Michael Moore is a bastard. I have no desire to see any of his worthless films. [Mad]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
That's the thing fanatic, I totally agree with you that Michael Moore is a basturd. He's a troublemaker, a sensationalist, a race traitor, etc, etc, and so on and so forth. Maybe I'll be skipping out on buying a ticket for that movie afterall. I'll just wait until somebody I know get's it on tape and borrow it from them.

I do the same thing with Disney movies, have my own personal boycott going on that is. My conscience would kill me if I spent money supporting any of Michael's efforts. But I have to admit, with some of the hype this flick's gotten, my curiosity is brimming over. I sure hope somebody get's this tape bootlegged or something real soon... [Big Grin]
Posted by DJ (Member # 1698) on :
Okay, I have some extra time on my hands and have downed a few cups of coffee. Let's get me started -

Let me start by saying that I am a Republican, voted for Bush and will again in November. More about that later.

Michael Moore feeds off controversy, otherwise he knows people would not go see his films to the extent of him breaking even.

Just like Eminem does and years ago, Ice-T with his Body Count album. Moore has seen what stirring up shit and negative publicity has done to boost the careers of others.

This is just an attempt to try and capitalize on what would probably be a very low grossing film for him.

Mel Gibson, for example, did not intentionally create the media hype for his film (although he probably knew it would ruffle plenty of feathers).

I am sure Michael Moore has seen those box-office numbers though and he NEEDS some type of controversy just so people will even talk about him (like we are doing right now!)

Now on to Bush, terrorism, and Iraq.

NOTE: Liberal tree hugging types stop reading now or you will be offended!

We were FUCKING ATTACKED!!!!!!!!!!! Remember Pearl Harbor? Remember the outrage when we thought that Oklahoma City was originally the work of middle eastern terrorists? Remember Timothy McVeigh's sorry ass being put to death painlessly?

We have not responded nearly hard enough to prevent another 9/11! Overwhelming, extreme, and vicious use the military was and is still needed.

Relentless pursuit of Bin Laden and the total destruction of terrorist cells AND THE FUCKING COUNTRIES FINANCING AND HIDING THEM! That is what I would like to see.

Clinton treated the 93 WTC bombings as a criminal act. This is war and it is not pretty, politically correct, or even civil.

Civilian casualties will occur. Our soldiers, and those of the countries that had the spine to join us, will die also. Some of my friends have already died in Iraq and I know others that are still there.

Bush responded well to Afghanistan, but needs to step it up in Iraq, get those fucking radicals squashed, help rebuild and then get the fuck out.

Cut off all ties to the lying fucking Saudi Royal Family. Let Iran and Syria know that we mean business and that they WILL be next if they don't stop their own bullshit. Build a democratic society in the middle east. Stop all trade with any country that is even suspected of harboring terrorists and treat them like we treat Cuba.

Maybe then we will see some results. I don't give a flying fuck if people around the world don't like America.

We were attacked, we are at war, and we need to do whatever it takes to win.

That is all.
Posted by DJ (Member # 1698) on :
Oh and to answer the original question, I probably won't go see the movie.
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
I can't say as I agree with your thoughts on this situation in Iraq DJ, and no I'm a far cry from a liberal tree hugger type, but I certainly agree with you on your assessment of Michael Moore.

The only film of his I've ever seen is Roger and Me, and that was easily over 10 years ago. I got a few chuckles out of it, then sort of forgot about the film and Michael himself until a few months ago when a friend of mine brought to my attention a book Moore had written called "Dumb White Guys", or something like that. My friend quoted a few saucy lines of this book saying (and I'm paraphrasing here) how white men are the biggest purveyors of evil on society, how he's never going to employ white people again, how frightened he is when a white person approaches him, etc. In other words, like you said, the fat prick was stirring up controversy. My friend was furious at his findings in this book, and he's doing something about it. More on that later if you guys are interested in hearing about it...

Anyway, I like to read "counter-cultural" literature, books and things that aren't always politically correct, and among some of these readings, I've bought myself a few newspapers entitled "The Final Call" and "Muhammed Speaks", published by the church of the Nation of Islam. Inside you can read articles by none other than the likes of Louis Farrakhan and Fard Muhammed, among others. Now here are two newspapers that are written with a pro-black goal in mind, papers you'd actually expect to read slamming European Americans, and not ONE TIME have I ever read anything in those papers as inflamatory to white people as what Michael Moore is guilty of. That kinda' proves to me that Moore's dumbass will go to any length to stir up shit.

As much as I hate the lard-ass trouble-making Moore, I regret to admit that I'm curious about his latest film. But like you guys, I won't spend any money on it if I ever see it. I'd like to buy a movie ticket to see it, but I know my conscience wouldn't let me. Therefore, I trust that the bootleg market will pull through sooner or later. [Big Grin]
Posted by DJ (Member # 1698) on :
I try to stay away from making any type of political posts at all.

I think today's coffee was a little too strong and I was watching the news while I was working on the site.

I can get a little worked up sometimes when it comes to certain issues.

Most artist's who need to, or intentionally, stir up controversy to sell their product are not usually talented enough to make it without doing so.

Lou, you know I like metal music but I have never purchased a Marilyn Manson album. I like Ice-T as an actor, but I didn't buy the Body Count album. I do think that Eminem is talented, but I don't prefer that type of music.

Moore has (or had) the potential to be a good, if not great, film/documentary maker. However, outside of the political circle that follows him he has lost too much credibility because of his antics.

If you have talent, or a good product, you don't need to stir up shit for people to enjoy it.

Oh, and I never thought you were a tree hugger [Cheers]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Oh, and I never thought you were a tree hugger
I know you know me better than that Bro. I was just stating that in case any other person were reading. [Cool]

I think today's coffee was a little too strong and I was watching the news while I was working on the site.

I can get a little worked up sometimes when it comes to certain issues.

Nothing in the world wrong in getting worked up sometimes. I get worked up sometimes, actually most of the time myself. I think it just shows how strongly you feel about certain things, and I personally think it's better to pick a side when it's obvious to you than ride the fence over things in life. [Cool]

Moore has (or had) the potential to be a good, if not great, film/documentary maker. However, outside of the political circle that follows him he has lost too much credibility because of his antics.

If you have talent, or a good product, you don't need to stir up shit for people to enjoy it.

Ain't that the truth! I think a lot of shit-stirrers unknowingly slit their own throats in whatever field they're in before it's all said and done. They wind up losing credibility to the point of running off potential fans, and then get saddled with shock-effects with the fans they manage to keep around. In other words, their fans stop looking for quality in anything they do, and instead focus on what the next shock-effect will be. When things get less shocking, the fan jets. [Bump]

Looks like our opinions are pretty much the same so far pertaining to Michael Moore. Anybody else have an opinion on Moore or this film?
Posted by fanatic66 (Member # 991) on :
Originally posted by Lou Gojira:
My friend was furious at his findings in this book, and he's doing something about it. More on that later if you guys are interested in hearing about it...

Hey Lou, what's your friend doing about this? I'd like to hear the story.
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
I personally think it's better to pick a side when it's obvious to you than ride the fence over things in life.

The ability to express our opinions and "pick sides" is what I believe makes this a great COUNTRY.

I think this place would suck without the balance of Left Wing,Right Wing, TREE HUGGERS, FREE TRADE CAPITALIST, FENCE PEOPLE, PEROT WITH HIS PIE CHARTS etc... . I'm Not coming from the fence here LOU. I believe We cant always have just one flavor running the office of the most powerful COUNTRY in the world.The ability we have as a DEMOCRATIC society to change every four years(even though it's always going to be a DEMOCRAT or REPUBLICAN) is AWESOME.....ABSOLUTE POWER BREEDS ABSOLUTE CORRUPTION.DEMOCRACY prevents that [Thumbs Up] [Thumbs Up]

Just miss foot models humble opinion [Wink]
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
Oh ......I 'm not a big Moore fan.. I might see this film..I think he does what he does well...That ='s $$$$$
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
OH YEA!!!! All you political foot fetisist get on your knees and lick the dirt off my feet..
No bias on my side there.......ALL ARE WELCOME [Mmm] [Mmm] [Cheers]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by fanatic66:
Originally posted by Lou Gojira:
My friend was furious at his findings in this book, and he's doing something about it. More on that later if you guys are interested in hearing about it...

Hey Lou, what's your friend doing about this? I'd like to hear the story.
Let me drop my friend an e-mail to see if he'll grant me permission to post his doings. It may not be much, but this guy is at least doing something when a fatboy sensationalist exploits this politically correct double-standard that supposedly excuses any sort of open shit-talking about white people. He's inspired me to do some things myself, in particular against a certain editor of the local paper, who, to sort of give you a hint, is a black woman that enjoys and exploits her obvious position as "pissed off token black female" of the paper here in town. I'll let you know something as soon as I hear something. Thanks for your interest. [Smile] [Cool]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by Sasha:
I personally think it's better to pick a side when it's obvious to you than ride the fence over things in life.

The ability to express our opinions and "pick sides" is what I believe makes this a great COUNTRY.

I think this place would suck without the balance of Left Wing,Right Wing, TREE HUGGERS, FREE TRADE CAPITALIST, FENCE PEOPLE, PEROT WITH HIS PIE CHARTS etc... . I'm Not coming from the fence here LOU. I believe We cant always have just one flavor running the office of the most powerful COUNTRY in the world.The ability we have as a DEMOCRATIC society to change every four years(even though it's always going to be a DEMOCRAT or REPUBLICAN) is AWESOME.....ABSOLUTE POWER BREEDS ABSOLUTE CORRUPTION.DEMOCRACY prevents that [Thumbs Up] [Thumbs Up]

Just miss foot models humble opinion [Wink]

Very interesting take on things Miss Humble Foot-Model. [kiss]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
I tried a few times to post the initial letter to Michael Moore that my friend wrote up last night, but was unsuccessful. I think the letter was way too massive to fit it all in the text box, being as there were bullet points on some of the lists he'd made, italics lettering, bold lettering, etc. So, if anybody wants to see where my young friend tore Moore a new proverbial asshole and clowned the fat son of a bitch, using his own words against him, and done very eloquently I might add, just say you want to see the letter and I'll forward you a copy to your e-mail.

This was just the start of my friend's project to hold Michael Moore accountable for the blatant hate and racism the fat prick felt the need to spread against white people. It's a pretty long read, but very rewarding. It's also guaranteed to fan the flames of hate you may already have for Michael Moore, and exposes him for the sensationalist and trouble-maker that he is.

So just give me the word, either by replying to this thread saying so, or by sending me a PM or e-mail, and I'll be more than happy to forward you a copy of my friend's e-mail, and the open challenge it presents to Michael Moore. [Cool]
Posted by Midnite (Member # 1797) on :
well let me start by saying that NOTHING really so singularly-embodies, everything i hate about polotics more than Micheal Moore, however hes gunna make money off the film wether i throw down my 7 dollars or not, so i might as well not deny myself the oppurtunity so soak up some unpatriotic propaganda. Atleast itll make me a little more well-rounded.

and P.S. hell yeah sasha, nice to see one of the foot goddesses(if i may:D) getting in on the action. Oh, and id gladly get down on the ground for you:P
Posted by Sasha (Member # 1842) on :
I know the last thing some of you want to do is line Michael Moores pockets .
However......This movie is good!..I'm not a poster child for the Democratic party or anything like that...This movie really makes you think about a few things...
I felt I owed it to myself as a person that votes to see this movie..
1.The idea I think for this movie is to sway the vote to left...100%
2.This movie is very onesided....
3.If you see this movie .see it for what it is then make your assessment..
4.I think this movie quite possibly will make people go out and vote....(Mostly the younger crowd)
5.Will this movie change the outcome of the election...??????

Its pretty bad that a parties fate could hing
on a movie...(Democratic party)
I still belive even after this movie could'nt market their way out of paper bag. Just MY OPINION

What an intresting election year this will be..

Anyhoooo.. I'm not preaching here.Just telling people the movie is intresting......
If your a person who's passionate about your politics DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN..see this flick....(its a wild ride)

[ June 27, 2004, 12:58 PM: Message edited by: Sasha ]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Well, I wasn't going to say anything, but I wound up seeing it late last night myself. My buddy coaxed me into seeing it with him, and granted he didn't have to try that hard, because my curiosity was brimming over.

I'll say this about it: I stand behind my assessment of Moore, that he's a sensationalist and a race-traitor that deserves a serious smack in the mouth (among other acts of bodily harm one could inflict on him), but the movie, in my opinion, is definitely worth seeing, no matter where you stand politically. At the same time it frightens the hell out of me to picture the lemming-like-band-wagon types that have no real opinion of their own, because if they see it, they'll view this movie as a gospel truth, and if they find their way to an election booth Kerry will clean house. In fact, my friend and I were pretty much greeted in the parking lot by some Kerry supporters passing around fliers and a couple of petitions. We passed on signing anything, and if it wasn't for wanting to get in and see the movie on time, we would've grilled these "activists" with some third degree questions.

Anyway, the movie is, for what it's worth, enlightening and entertaining at the same time. I noticed a lot of propagandist techniques in the direction of it (would you expect anything less in such a left of liberal view such as Moore's?), but to Moore's credit he brings up some questions that our supposed free press should've been asking months ago. There is one glairing aspect Moore never covers, actually two, that I would've felt better seeing in the movie. However, there are scenes in the movie that, in my opinion, if you can sit and watch and not get any emotion evoked, you'd better check your breath on a mirror to see if you're still among the living.

So the movie is a double-edged sword. Dyed in the wool democrats, leftists, and flaming liberals will come away thinking Moore is the second-coming of Jesus Christ in the movie industry. The lemmings who actually swallowed the lines about Saddam "being jealous and hating our freedom" and originally supported Bush's decisions (mainly by hanging little flags and things on their cars)will come away thinking Bush is a human embodiment of Satan. Dyed in the wool republicans, and every other kind of conservative won't be able to ingest the movie because they'll be busy mentally picking at every scene in it without giving it a chance to listen to it. I personally see this movie not so much as a political sway towards Kerry (even though that'll be the final result with too many people in this country, sad to say) but as a sort of wake up call to everybody in America to stop "thinking inside the box".

I won't get on a soap box here about what I'd like to see take place among the American people, because ultimately this movie won't provoke it. I think a handful of people may come away thinking some of the things I know me and my friend did, which is good, IMO. On the flip-side, in reality, I know the majority of people who go to see it will have their mind made up in advance.

So bottom-line: I say see the movie. Moore's going to get even more rich than he is already from it, us Moore-haters with-holding admission price isn't going to dent his ways of living at all.
Posted by comte (Member # 1354) on :
I saw the film today and thought it was absoultely worth seeing - but not really so much for the political insight.

I follow politics to a great extent and with passionate interest, but I definitely spend more time and energy with my own creative writing; and it is because of this that I was compelled MUCH more by the human interest angle of the film, rather than the political angle.

I think the Bush Administration to an obsessive extent, and the media to a lesser but still great extent, has done an effective job of sanitizing the carnage and brutality of the Iraq war. Farenheit 9/11 has been the only place where I've seen the Iraq war portrayed in a brutally stark way - all the media outlets go to great lengths to edit out the gory reality.

I think that a lot of us in the states have a hard time comprehending why the Iraqis would be so upset and impatient with us, since, after all, we did remove the oppressive regime of Saddam for them. But I think if the media would show more of the "collateral damage" of this war, and showed the dead and maimed children and their wailing mothers, we might find it a little easier to empathize. And that's where the success of this movie lies - it adds a compelling personal dimension to the cold machinery of the "war on terror" - which is a war that has already taken the lives of thousands more innocent human beings than we lost during the horror of 9/11.
Posted by Lars (Member # 1461) on :
I do not like Bush or Moore.

I'm an Independent. So I gave the film a fair shake. After I saw it, I decided to see if Michael Moore's claims were true. So I started researching them on the Internet. Guess what I found out? They were pretty much false and mis construed! I didn't find anything true!

The claim the Saudis flew out of the United States before any Americans could start flying again right after 9/11. FALSE. The Saudis only flew out AFTER the ban was lifted and AFTER they have a VERY deep background check by the FBI. Just like we Americans. Where'd I find this? The AP.
Third. The Carlisle thing. Bush was not involved with the Carlisle group at ALL when he became President. The Bush's broke off all ties with the group two years before the candidacy began. Where'd I find this? The Wall Street Journal.
Michael Moore even bragged that he's never been sued because "What I say is the truth." Well, get this, Michael Moore is currently being sued by an Illinois newspaper for changing one of their headlines and plastering it for all to see in his little film. I hope they win.
These are just a few of the things of what I found out. If you just want to be fed a bunch of blowhard storyline by a pretentious director, that's fine by me, but I prefer to think for myself. The entire film is just propaganda by a mean-spirited individual who wants to make a bunch of money on the side. I have no respect for Michael Moore as a filmmaker, and even less as a person. My rating for this film? NO STARS
Posted by gs3647 (Member # 2418) on :
Moore is an obnoxious asshole. Sure, Bush maybe a terrible president, but it really gets annoying how that's all he talks about. I wish he'd give it a rest, knowing Bush will most likely win in November.
Posted by DJ (Member # 1698) on :
Originally posted by gs3647:
Moore is an obnoxious asshole. Sure, Bush maybe a terrible president, but it really gets annoying how that's all he talks about. I wish he'd give it a rest, knowing Bush will most likely win in November.

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