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Author Topic: Official Bitch Thread

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Well I decided to start the Bitch thread. Rules are pretty simple...DONT BITCH ABOUT SOMEONE ON THIS FORUM OR THE PICS INVOLVED ON THIS FORUM.
I'll start the bitching! [Big Grin]
To the fucking bums/hobos whatever the fuck they call themselves today that sit out in front of my apt. complex and say "spare change?" or "I need change for the bus/cheeseburger"! Like fuck buddy you need change for a bus..where the fuck do bums need to be??And interview right? fuck...I finally broke down one night when leaving a was rather cold out and there was a guy sitting there asking for change and nobody was giving him any so I said fuck it i gave him about 2 bucks. Me and the wife went into the McDonalds right beside where he was sitting and lo and behold who walks in but fuck face and buys a mcflurry!!!

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Pete the Canuck
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Oh I hear ya man, I've got one guy whos on the road right by my apartment everytime I goto work in the morning. He walks around wearing a sign that says "Homeless; I need $2." FIRST of all, what the hell kind of homeless person walks around demanding no less then a toonie?

Secondly, I've seen him outside his house mowing the lawn! He's kind of a joke around here as the only people that seem to give him money are out of towners. I feel bad for the actual homeless people who really DO need money, and you have jack-asses like this walking around who are just too lazy to get a real job.. arrghh!

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The King Of Feet
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Well vagrancy is against the law here in Texas. Whenever a bum decides to park his ass in front of the business I just make a call to the friendly law enforcement officers and they get him to move on and quick!

In the west end of Dallas years ago these fuckers were really bold and would actually pretend to be parking lot attendants and collect money from people parking in lots that were actually free in the evenings. An owner of one of the lots we parked in for concerts made it a point to start working on evenings too and he packed a "Saturday Night Special" in his waist band in case one of the bums decided to play attendant again. I remember him talking about chasing one off with a baseball bat before he got the gun. Dallas was a dangerous place to hang out when I was younger. I'm guessing it probably hasn't changed much now.

LeDaemon's Clips

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I have absolutely nothing against homeless fact I hung out with some of them in my very early days when I was still a squatter and a punk.
Like in every social group, there are cool guys and assholes.
Don`t forget that homelessness could happen to almost anyone.


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Iohannes Volk
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Here's my general rule of thumb regarding the homeless and the fact that they demand money: I don't give money to bums, ever, unless they're missing limbs. The more limbs they're missing, the more money I might give them. I remember one time when I was young, my parents and I were in downtown L.A. driving around when my mom saw a homeless guy, who was legless above the knees, dragging himself across the sidewalk by his arms and elbows. I think even my dad felt sorry for him, because he never gives anyone money, so they gave him like 10 bucks.

The only other type of person my mother has given money to was this one ragged looking Mexican guy who seriously only looked like he had arrived in this country the night before. We were walking out of a Pollo Loco when he politely asked my mom (who's from El Salvador) if she knew anyone or anywhere that he could find work with no problem. My mom knew right away he was a recent arrival. She told him she didn't really know herself, but asked him how long ago he arrived. He said the day before. There was a lot of compassion on my mom's part, since she knew exactly how this guy felt, having done the exact same thing as him years ago. She asked him if he had eaten anything, and he told her that's why he was looking for work, so he could eat as he hadn't eaten in a few days. My mom bought him a meal, and man, when she brought the food out to him, I had never seen anyone look happier that he had a meal in front of him. He ate that as quickly as I had ever seen anyone eat.

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The King Of Feet
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"Will code HTML for food!" is awesome. [Laugh]


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Tyler D.
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bums are like always buggin me for change in a lot of the place i been pickin up women lately. freakin sux too cuz i had a huge change bin in my car and now it has dwindle to almost nothing and I have gotten very little valuable scoop from some of these change beggars in exchnage for the help i gave them [Cry]

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Michael P
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you people are heartless

posted by Andy - Laa:
my posts in this thread are not as good as Michael P's

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FootLongSub Zero
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I was homeless once... around Jan-Feb...

Didn't have enough time to find a new place to rent from the old one, so lived in the car for 2 weeks... Still went to work as usual and used the Local laundrymat for my washing and my furniture was put into a storage facility... Showered at work and at family and friend houses but didn't let them know about my homeless situation.... Acted normal as possible & no-one suspected... I let them all in on it as soon as I settled into my new pad..... They felt bad about it but I'm the type that don't like to rely on anyone to survive....

....... lol [Laugh] That wasn't me bitchin' yet...

FUCK ALL THE DRIVE-THRU ATTENDANTS AT MC'DONALDS who overcharge you on purpose just to make a lil' extra for themselves and act all stupid puttin on the DUMB/CONFUSED face sayin' "sorry, I made a mistake".... MAKE SURE YOU CHECK YOUR ORDER, PRICE AND CHANGE....

[ July 23, 2007, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: FootLongSub Zero ]

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Lou Gojira
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Originally posted by Hal:
Don`t forget that homelessness could happen to almost anyone.

True enough Bro. We've got our fair share of homeless folks here in Kentucky...and yeah there's some scammers and drunks that only ask for money because they're either too lazy or too much of a lush to work...but then there are some that are truly at a loss for finances and down on their luck. If a guy approaches me for money, I'll usually give them whatever I have tucked in my front pocket, which admittedly is usually only change, but can sometimes add up to be a couple of dollars. It's not much, true, but a little is better than nothing, and I'm not exactly made of money myself (just ask me about my diet of ramen when things get tight around here). I've been in a position more times than I care to remember in my life when I didn't know if I'd be able to afford to eat, and it never feels too good, so I can sympathize to a small degree with some of these people.

But anyway, since this is a bitching thread, here's something I personally want to bitch about:
People who want to cram their beliefs down your throat. We already know how annoying religious zealots can be, but has anybody been approached by any (what I like to call) anti-theists? Jeez-louise, these guys make the Bible-thumpers look tame! These are people who think of themselves as atheists, but they spend what seems like every waking moment either bashing religion, arguing about religion, or going out of their way to turn every conversation they get into about the "evils of religion". For some folks who supposedly don't buy into religion, they sure spend a lot of time on it!

That to me makes about as much sense as, say, hating a particular band, but then spending inordinate amounts of time learning every single line in every single song, and talking about this band that supposedly sucks ass every single opportunity that comes along...and even creating opportunities to talk about them!

They say with conviction that this life is all we have and we need to enjoy it, and yet they pore obsessively over a belief system that they think is nothing but a waste of time to begin with. about irony!

As long as there's religion, theres going to be folks that don't buy into it...and that's no reason to start drawing lines in the sand. Why can't more people just agree to disagree, and then leave it at that? Religious folks need to realize that they aren't going to convince or convert everybody they talk to, and non-religious folks need to realize the same damn thing.

I can't figure out if it's amusing or sad that this whole "conversion" thing when it comes to theology has come full-circle. I just know that nobody knows all the things they claim to know, and a whole hell of a lot of people, and I mean a WHOLE HELL OF A LOT of people just need to shut the fuck up already...

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The King Of Feet
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My shop happens to be a really popular hangout for college students from a private Baptist college and a lot of preachers spend time there also doing research and even writing sermons. I have no problem with them even though I believe in freedom from religion. However, one time a few years ago a student with a video camera came up to me one time and started asking questions whether I was a Christian or not. I told her to turn the camera off and take it out of the store because I really didn't want to have to hurt her feelings and it wasn't the place to do it in a private business.

I don't push my way of thinking on anyone (even though I'm right) and I really don't care to have it returned in my face. Hey, my wife was raised in a fundamental Baptist household. I'm pretty damned tolerant if I should say so for myself! [Laugh]

LeDaemon's Clips

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Lou Gojira
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Originally posted by LeDaemon:
I don't push my way of thinking on anyone (even though I'm right) and I really don't care to have it returned in my face.

Exactly! People are perfectly entitled to disagree with my ways of thinking as well, I'll still treat them with a decent amount of respect...I can't go hating on anybody just because they're wrong. [Wink] [Laugh]

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The King Of Feet
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Have to bring this back up to the top. I have a new bitch I have to harp on a moment.

I hate internet slang!!! Its getting worse with everyone texting on their phones these days too. Whenever I read a post someone makes I think their Intelligence Quotient drops a few points when I see abreviations like "plz" "LOL" "cuz." Poor grammar, excessive misspelled words, and total lack of punctuation in general really makes me want to retch too. For example whenever I read a post and he mentions that he is college bound and I read:

"yo wazup peeples. im nto feets. LOL i gess u no dat tho cuz u r hear."

I immediately make a mental note to skip any posts by a true mental midgit. I'm not saying I'm a genius when it comes to the English language, but I like to read posts by people that seem to have some kind of cohesive thought. The ability to put thoughts into words is something I appreciate. Thank goodness that most of the folks here don't follow the above example.

For a quick reply to someone's picture posts a couple of (hopefully) kind words and a smiling graemlin is appropriate. However in the talk section of a forum there has to be something more.

Bitch ending.... [Mad]

LeDaemon's Clips

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Iohannes Volk
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LeDaemon, I totally hear you about internet grammar and slang. I suppose it's even more galling to me because I'm a writer, and I can't help but notice most spelling and grammatical errors in a given written piece. I can't even bring myself to use Net Slang even when I'm chatting, using AIM, or texting someone, it just doesn't feel right.

Anyway, here's something I'll gripe about, and its something a lot of you won't understand: I'm getting sick of ultra-ethnic, ultra-nationalist boxing fans on the internet who in addition to trashing fighters from a country that's not their own, they end up trashing a whole group of people who support that boxer. I can't go anywhere on youtube to enjoy anything about boxing anymore before I see Mexican, Filipino, European, Puerto Rican, African American, or any group of people completely resorting to baseless and cowardly racial taunts on the internet. Fucking 'net warriors, I guarantee you none of those pussies would say shit in front of another group in person, but when they're behind their little keyboards, they feel like f'in Godzilla. Fuckin' cowards.... [Mad] [Violent]

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