This is topic George W. Bush's Job Approval in forum Politics at Foot Fetish Forum.

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Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
Very simple poll - do you approve or disapprove of many factors regarding President Bush including his handling of the economy, situation in Iraq, relations with other countries, and other things regarding his job as President. Everyone is encouraged to vote regardless of you being an American or not!
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
If you had a category for strongly disapprove, that'd be where my vote landed. Bush fucked us over.
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :
I don't think that I could despise anyone more. :nutkick

Posted by TheFootGuy2231 (Member # 29264) on :
Once all the liberals are gone we might get somewhere in the United States
Posted by shook (Member # 12484) on :
I don't really agree with that statement above...Bush is the farthest thing from a liberal and what has he done for you?
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :
Gosh, I can't even guess who the one approval vote is. [Confused]

Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
Look how far the country has gotten with conservative Bush at the helm since January 2001.
Posted by TheFootGuy2231 (Member # 29264) on :
shook - the liberals keep holding us back / they are no help what so ever (I didnt say Bush was a liberal)
Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
That's exactly the point - Bush is NOT a liberal and look where he has taken the country into a crappy direction - the GOP nominee has taken a lot of criticism for not being a true conservative - the conservatives are holding the people back as inflation is getting out of control with food prices in 2006 rising at their highest rates since 1990, and this year food costs are expected to increase an additional 3 to 4 percent. If anything the CONSERVATIVES are the ones holding everybody back! Bush was handed a suprlus when he took office and took a dump on it spending billions and billions on a war that wasn't justfied. Like Bill Clinton said when he tasked was there anything that Hilary was more conservative than the President and he said YES: the BUDGET that's right George Bush however is a LIBERAL when it comes to the budget [Nana] [Nana] [Nana] [Nana]
Posted by TheFootGuy2231 (Member # 29264) on :
Lmao / Stop bitchin about Bush, he is almost out of office / The war is a necessary expense
Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
Bush is the worst president since Andrew Johnson
Posted by TheFootGuy2231 (Member # 29264) on :
Think what ever makes you feel better
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
There is no way in hell that the war was ever a necessary expense, let alone necessary in the first place. We had no business going into Iraq when we weren't even finished taking care of things in Afghanistan. What the hell was Iraq doing to us at the time? Nothing! They were like that annoying little stain on the side of your couch that no one ever sees unless they happen to pass out near it. It's unsightly, but even with it there, you'd be able to live with it. And now that we are there, we're basically stuck between a rock and a hard place. On top of that, we acheived something that the Iraqis were never able to do, which is make the country a haven for insurgents and guerillas. It's a massive blunder, even Bush Sr. advised against going into Iraq unless we absolutely had to, and its all so Lil' Bush could try and create a legacy for himself. Well, he sure succeeded, and it cost us thousands of American soldiers' lives. Good job Dubya.

At the very least, come November, we'll have a choice of either scaling back tremendously from Iraq should Clinton or Obama be elected, or have a competent commander in chief handling things should McCain be elected. Bush Jr. did this country absolutely no favors, and it'll take at least another 8 years to undo the mess that jackass created.
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
Well the Canadian government FINALLY smartened a degree. They announced yesterday were pulling out of Afghanistan in 2001. I have 3 friends there now and 2 more being deployed coming up in September. GET US THE FUCK OUT OF THERE NOW!!!!

I compare the Middle East to that of Helm's Deep( I know I know, corny analogy) no army has ever invaded/took over Afghanistan. Look what happened to the Russians...if the Russians couldnt take over Afghanistan in the 80's what the fuck were we thinking when we invaded? It's not like the Afghans suddenly became a peaceful group after the Soviet "war".

I will say this about Bush and his time in office...he single handedly fucked the American economy and almost took the Canadian one with it! The Bank of Canada had to cut the prime lending rate down over the past month and another one is expected within the next 2-3 weeks...although it makes my job easier to get people to secure their lending products(I work for a bank) I have a hard time trying to get people to invest into their retirement(RRSP's or even GIC's!) because ever since the fast decline of the American economy it has brought down the investment rates straight across the board. Dont even get me started on Stocks!

But I digress, Bush is a douche but I am somehow led to believe that it isn't just Bush behind all those fucked up moves "he" made...
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
They announced yesterday were pulling out of Afghanistan in 2001
I guess you mean 2010... [Wink]

Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
Woops..Thanks Hal..nope...2011! Forgot the extra 1! [Smile] Good eyes Hal!
Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
Originally posted by TheFootGuy2231:
Think what ever makes you feel better

I actually got that from Keith Olbermann! Yeah, he doesn't like your beloved "king" either.
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
Originally posted by bluetoelover:
Woops..Thanks Hal..nope...2011! Forgot the extra 1! [Smile] Good eyes Hal!

2011? That`s a long time. Who knows if things will be any better by then...

Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
Fingers are crossed that McCain isn't the Commander in Chief during the year 2011.
Posted by little5 (Member # 26188) on :
W is the worst president in my lifetime, and I'm old.
Posted by Elvzz (Member # 14178) on :
Bush did what he did with 9/11 but went after the wrong guys due to their power and affiliation and his ego!

They had better get the dollar under control - cuz I wanna go see Gabby and I need Euros.

Defensive stocks aren't even safe anymore - don't listen to Cramer he recommends stocks and then they tank - Altria, Healtcare are no safe haven - capital preservation is all we have and due to all the jaggoffs who bought huge houses to keep up with their office buddies - interest rate cuts punish savers and interest earnings won't keep up with inflation - so it is a lose lose. The only way to get in front of this is to go FHA now that the levels have been increased and let someone's loss be ur gain.

"the only thing worse than inflation is anticipated inflation." - Me and others I am sure.

Altho. now that everyone is screaming the sky is falling we are probably close to the end. Herd mentality.

The times make the president - we'll see who is next. They all can be bought and they all come from Ivy School (ex Ford)...only the names have changed.

[ March 13, 2008, 08:24 PM: Message edited by: Elvzz ]
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :
" is the worst president in my lifetime, and I'm old."
Comment by little5

The worst President EVER; and he 'ain't even done yet.

Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
I think Bush would throw a party if he could somehow exit the presidency with at least a 50 percent approval rating
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :
"I think Bush would throw a party if he could somehow exit the presidency with at least a 50 percent approval rating"
Comment by A&F

I'd think more like 35%.

Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
Originally posted by footjoyboy:
"I think Bush would throw a party if he could somehow exit the presidency with at least a 50 percent approval rating"
Comment by A&F

I'd think more like 35%.


Posted by chaz36 (Member # 21412) on :
How about the current congressional approval rating, which by the way is lower than the Presidents (like 14 or so)! Remember that the economy didn't start a downturn until the democrats regained the house and senate. Although the Republicans did not control spending like they ordinarily would, the economy was not in bad shape at all. Realize that congress runs the country, not the President.
Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
^ absolutely, Chaz.

I will say that the republicans didn't juggle things properly over the last eight years. But I think the roots for getting us into this mess go beyond politics, Enron and global terror - and many presidents of the past - both democrats and republicans - didn't take the signs of terror abroad as carefully as they should.
Posted by Elvzz (Member # 14178) on :
Not down with Bush - but we already tried the redist of wealth with peeps making 60K buying 1M homes...It don't work.

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