Last night on the NYC subway from Manhattan to Queens.
It was about 6-630 pm,. so the subway was .. crowded, but not wall to wall people as it might be in the middle of rush hour.
Two women not far away from me, a bit on the chubby/BBW side, but not overly,
In sandals, with the bare feet showing. I could not see toenail polish color because it was obscured.
Unfortunately, I could not see the "real one" who I wanted to see.
A woman who was very tall, and apparently, a mother, long dark hair with a "body that would not quit" so to say. Unfortunately, said woman was wearing boots.
Hopefully the start of a nice 2023 of female foot sightings to post.
Happy North American Spring!
Posted by Jota Milagros (Member # 52780) on :
I am lucky in that, even in the dead of winter, some women come to the laundry room in my building wearing flip-flops. Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
I've seen women in the lobby of my building, maybe getting the mail or what not, in flip flops. During this past Winter, I distinctly remember seeing a cute, Asian girl who was very tall that way.
[ April 08, 2023, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: MitchC ]
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Today I saw a suntanned young woman in flip flops on the way home from a Doctor's appt. She was probably in her 20s, thin,. Sighting number 2. It is 70 degrees today, so foot sightings are not surprising.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Two sightings on Queens Blvd, the main Blvd in my town.
One. near the market, a tall woman dressed in all orange, with orange high heels, that were about 50% open toe shoes.
Obscured, but on my way home, a woman wheeling a baby stroller, with the baby stroller, unfortunately obscuring her flip flops.
Its only in the 50s in NYC today, but it is supposed to rise gradually to near 80 F this week, so I suspect that there should be more sightings at the week goes along lol
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Two noteworthy sightings today. One clear, one obscured.
A tall, gorgeous blonde in my building with either flip flops or open toe shoes. Could not see toenail polish because she was only there for a minute, and of course I could not stare.
A young woman wheeling a baby stroller on the main street in my town. The stroller obscured a really good view, but I could see that she was definitely wearing sandals.
It was unseasonably warm for April, in the 80s F in NYC today, and will be again tomorrow, after which the weather is supposed to cool down to more April like weather
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
A very nice sighting today.
As I was walking to the main street in my town, a young mother (With her kids, which of course does not matter in this case)
Anyhow, a young mother with tied up dark hair, wearing very open flip flops, flipping along where I could see the whole open foot, and the soles.
The best sighting of 2023 so far.
Thw weather has been unseasonably warm the last few days, in the 80s F for highs. It is supposed to back off into the 60s next week.
I would say, that starting in another month, probably the second week of May, there will be sightings of women's feet every day.
I look forward to that!
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
On the main street in my town today.
A girl dressed in all green, with what I think were green very open toe medium heels. I believe her toenails were polished red. Very pretty dark haired girl
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
This was not much, but.
A fairly good looking woman in clogs in my town today, with the back of her foot showing from the clog
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
A woman with short blond hair today, on one of the main streets in town.
This woman looked like she turned her foot out of her shoe, and showed her sole.
Not as good of a view, but another woman with what looked like brunette hair, in sandals, could not see nail polish.
Its warm here today, 72 F now, but those are the two I saw
Posted by Foot Toons (Member # 1962) on :
I work at one of those paint party establishments in Florida and I have to tell you some nights it can be dull but other nights it can be HEAVEN! Its Florida so its REALLY hot now so there's no shortage of pretty feet in flip flops or sandals. Every once in a blue moon someone will just walk around barefoot.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Very nice, Foot Toons
I live in NYC, so the feet are usually out here from April to about Sept or Oct. The temp now is in the 70s, which is probably average for Memorial Day here
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
I saw quite a few feet today.
Usually I like to "give details" in these posts, yet, many of these happened so fast, that I did not have time for much more than a glance. It was on the crowded main street in my town in Queens, NY, and I distinctly remember that one woman's feet was obscured by a baby carriage.
Hopefully more to come as the late spring/summer goes along
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
The standout feet I saw today.
A woman with very open shoes, looking like her feet were bare in an opening. I dont remember what color polish she had on. I know I saw others, but I dont remember specifically as other things are going on today
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
I had a bit of a crazy day today, and very little sleep, but.
The standout feet today were.
A woman dressed in all black, wheeling a baby carriage which obscured her feet, but something was seen.
While in an eating place, a young mother, in the distance, in flip flops.
Another woman, who was a bit.. of a BBW, in pink flip flops.
Decent sightings today on a 70 something plus degree day in NYC
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Great up close sighting in Target today.
A suntanned woman, dressed in all black, with black flip flops, and gorgeous suntanned feet. I forget exactly what color her toenails were, but it wwas one of my best up close sightings of the warm weather season thus far
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
A rather close up sighting on the main street in town today.
I remember the woman was wearing jeans, and very open shoes, that really exposed her feet. I dont remember what color her toenails were, as I was wheeling a shopping cart, and had to pay attention to that. I believe she was wearing a green shirt with print.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Two feet "of note " today.
A girl in a place I was eating. Long dark hair, wwaring, sandals, I think.
Even better, but from a distance.
A girl with very long blonde hair, in flip flops, where I could see the soles well, even from a distance.
Then, while I did not see this woman's feet. but still.
There is a woman who lives in my buidling, who is a carbon copy for how the actress Elke Somer looked when she was young.
I'm sure there will be far more to come,. with it being early June in NYC
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Two more of note today.
A girl in a long, black dress near the school on the street near my apartment. The dress blew me away more than the feet honestly, but she was wearing tan sandals.
A better foot sighting. A girl with tie sandals near a produce fruit stand they have here outside in town on Sunday. Suntanned and gorgeous from head to toes. Dont remember her toenails
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Two more of note today.
A bit further away, but.
A beautiful dark haired girl in a long black dress, who had strapped back shoes on, so I could see her heels clearly. The shoes may have been open toe as well, but since it was not that close, I dont recall,.
At a much closer angle.
A girl wearing light blue, with light blue sandals, which showed her whole foot clearly. I dont recall what color toenail polish she had on, but it was nice
Posted by Roshni Khanna (Member # 53540) on :
The standout feet I saw today.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Today's sightings.
Most of note.
A woman who looked like she was Hispanic, or Mixed Race, in flip flops, with her feet flipping out of the shoes, and a good view of her soles.
A young mother, walking with her kids, in open sandals.
Its warm today, but not overly hot.
Two good/decent sightings
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Two nice sightings today.
Walking down the block where I live. A woman with a long red dress, and open white flip flops.
In the place I was eating lunch, a woman dressed in all black, with flip flops/shoes with several straps.
I believe I saw others, but they were obscured by things like shopping carts, baby strollers, and I did not get a good view of any of them, so it is not enough information to really post
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Quite a few "sightings"today on the long walk from my apartment to the market where I do food shopping.
I may not remember "All of them" but of the ones I do remember.
A girl walking very close to me, with black flip flops
Another girl, who looked like she was Asian, on a next "waiting area" in a bank of pedestrian stop and walk signals. This girl showed off her soles, foot on the toes, out of what looked like flip flops.
As I was exiting my apartment, a girl, also off in the distance, dressed in either light blue or green, wearing flip flops with her feet flipping in and out
A woman, maybe.,. 50s, around my age, with long, blond, rather wavy/frizzy hair, in tan sandals.
A very hot girl in a long white dress, walked right by me. She looked like she was wearing either tan or white sandals.
When you take a long walk to do an "essential need" such as buying food, your mind tends to be focused on the things you have to do. Especially if one sees as many feet as I saw on this "journey" Yet, many feet stand out.
This thread is essentially becoming like "Mitch's journal of the feet he saw on his travels"
Glad the mods are okay with this.
Happy Father's Day to the fathers on the forum, and to us people with the foot interest, may we all see many wonderful women's feet, both today, and every day!
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Today's "Featured Feet LOL
A woman who looked like actress Isla Fisher, from the side, with long red hair, and sandals/flip flops.
A hot blond walking with other people, with sandals.
From the back, flipping and flopping out of the flip flops, a red head, where I could see some of her soles while she was walking.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
In a Japanese eating place.
A girl wearing flip flops.
She kept taking her flip flops on and off.
At one point, she put her foot cross legged in her lap, and I got a good view of her whole bare sole
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Very nice sighting.
Walking in front of me today.
A blond girl , with tied up hair,
Shoes, flipping and flopping off of her feet.
She must live in my building.
I glanced at her toenails , light pink.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
More sightings today.
A dark haired girl, in what I believe were, black sandals.
A girl with light brown hair, with flip flops, flipping and flopping off her feet
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Today's feet LOL
A girl who had light hair, in grey slacks, and black flat slip on shoes with feet showing.
A girl dressed in pink, with sandals, I forget the color.
Those are the only ones I can remember
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
A very nice sighting, up close in my building, just now.
What might have been a delivery woman, who had dark hair, and glasses, and looked like the 60s and 70s famous actress Ali MaCGraw, who played in the famous 1970 movie Love Story.
Anyway, off track lol sorry.
This girl I saw had very open toe , open gold shoes, but I could not stare so I could not see the toenails.
Very nice view lol
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
I saw many feet today, but the two I remember.
A girl with blue toenail polish walked by me on a main straet in town. I forget what she was wearing.
In the elevator of my building on the way up to my apartment just before.
A woman who was probably in her 40s or 50s, with long, wavy , frizzy hair, got out to the elevator, and her feet were flipping and flopping out of her shoes.
Just recalled this.
On another main street.
A woman I saw had light red toenails. I dont even remember what the woman looked like exactly, but from what I remember she was pretty cute.
Ah, summer for people with foot fetishes is so distracting lol
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
A woman in a print dress in a place I was eating in.
Blonde hair, it looked like she was directing a family party.
I saw her feet through sandals, but could not get a clear enough view to see her toenails or any of that
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Quite a few sightings when I went on just before.
A woman waiting for an elveator in my building, with black flip flops
Another woman walking down the the street with black sandals.
A woman with I think, pink or white sandals, obscured by a baby stroller.
Another woman flipping and fliopping out of flip flops, with some view of her soles, as I was walking along
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
A woman dressed in black,. including black sandals/flip flop type shoes, getting out of the elevator in my building, tan with black hair.
Another woman, in the distance, with her feet flipping and flopping out of her shoes.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Just now.
A woman with long black hair, a long red dress, and I think, flip flops, with pink or light red toenails.
I know that I saw her feet, but the truth is, that this woman was so beautiful, bntween her long black hair, suntan, and long red dress, I more focused on those than I did on her feet
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
A beautiful sighting in the elevator of my building, that I believe I've seen and posted about before.
There is a woman in my building with dark blonde hair, who looks like the actress Elke Somber when Ms Somer was young. She was in the elevator with me, and she was wearing shoes that were not really "flip flops" but rather, they were no back sandals, which were flipping and flopping off her feet, which gave me a view of her soles as she walked. I dont remember what color toenail polish she was wearing, but this was a beautiful sight.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Two other sightings today.
A girl with long dark hair, in Gold toe shoes /sandals walking out of Target.
Another girl near my apartment, with jean shorts, and a tan shirt, flipping and flopping out of flip flops
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
A woman with reddish, long/wavy. curly hair.
Wearing black vinyl sandals.
Could not get a great look at her toenails, maybe red.
Cute woman
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Today I saw a woman with red thin hair, mostly from a distance.
This woman was wearing black strap shoes, like vinyl strap.
I could not get close enough to see her toenails, but she was cute.
Edit. Later on this same day, I went out to dinner, and as I was walking home, I saw a woman who looked like the actress Gyneth Paltrow, in flip flops or sandals, very nice sighting
[ July 12, 2023, 07:38 PM: Message edited by: MitchC ]
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
A woman outside Target in a long black dress today.
Dark hair, feet flipping and flopping out of what looked like open back closed toe shoes.
I was able to see a bit of her soles as she was walking
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
In town today, I forget exactly where, because all I remember are the feet lol.
A girl with long dark blond hair, very long hair in the back.
She was wearing, flower type sandals, and I saw her feet through the sandals.
There was also another girl I remember, on the main street in town, whose feet were flipping and flopping out of the sandals, and I could see the soles of the girl's feet. I dont remember any details about the girl Oh well! lol
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
In the elevator of my building early this morning, as I was going down to get a bagel.
A woman who lives in my building, who was walking her dog. I've seen this woman before.
Light brown hair, sandals, bare feet. Could not see her toenails in depth as I did not want to freak her out by having her think I was staring.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
I saw other feet today, but I was walking around, so I did not recall all of them.
However, the main pair of feet that I recall.
A woman with blond hair, in a blue and white print dress, wearing flip flops, with her feet flipping and flopping out of the shoes. I did not see her toenail polish
Edit There were others of course, but the main pair of feet I saw on my "second walk outside" were
A woman with blondish/grey hair in sandals, black I believe. Again, could not recall toenail polish
[ July 15, 2023, 02:20 PM: Message edited by: MitchC ]
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
I could not get a good sighting of the woman's face, because it was pouring in NYC today, and everyone was using umbrellas.
I walked past a woman who had the most beautiful red polished toenails.
I think she might have had dark hair, but again, the view was obscured by her huge umbrella.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
In the pharmacy just before.
A woman dressed in an all purple outfit.
Blonde hair I think. Her outfit caught my attention more than her hair.
What I did notice, this woman was wearing very open sandals, where one could see all of her bare feet, and the sandals barely covered anything. I believe her toenails were red.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Another nice foot sighting on the main street in town.
I believe the woman was a light skinned African American woman.
Wearing sandals with a heel, and her toes, which were turned away from me, were silver color.
Very nice view
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
This is an "If I remember correctly post"
On a side street on the way to a place I eat in regularly a woman wearing tan pants, and I believe black flip flops, with red polished toenails. (I believe her hair was auburn)
Another sighting early this morning was a woman with blondish /grey hair walking her dog, in flip flops, but I could not see details of her feet
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Today's best view.
Walking right past me.
Was a light skinned African American woman, with sea blue polished toenails, and sandals with several black straps on them.
Another decent view.
A woman with brown hair, and more conventional sandals, and red polished toenails.
The first girl was the best view today
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
From what I remember, and from a distance.
A woman with long dark hair, in a long red dress, wearing what I think were either black flip flops or sandals. I could not see her toenails, but the other part is what I saw
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Another fuzzy memory one, but.
A girl in a white and blue print dress.
Reddish brown hair as I recall.
White sandals, I forget what color toenail polish
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Sightings today.
First girl in black shorts, black flip flops, and what looked like an army green type shirt, with blond tied up hair.
Another girl with long tied up hair, light brown I believe, with "Croc" type open toe sandals, and a long dress, red I believe.
I could not see the toenail polish on either woman, but they were both beautiful
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
The main person I saw today was a tall woman with her hair up, curly/frizzy, very tall, with dark hair, wearing sandals
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Also, just before on the way home.
A girl in what looked like jean shorts, and white sandals. Could not tell the foot details, but she had also wavy hair tied up, and looked very cute
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
A girl with long blonde hair, up, I believe, unfortunately with a guy's arm around her wearing, what looked like fleece beige slippers, could not tell toenail polish
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
A girl with blonde hair, and gold open toe shoes, with pink toenails.
Fuzzier, because I have other things on my mind, but , two dark haired girls in sandals.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
The best sighting today.
I have a neighbor with long blonde hair, who I think looks like the actress Elke Somer, or at least that is who I think this woman looks like.
Anyhow. She is tall, and long blonde hair.
Today she was wearing flip flops, and I saw her feet of course. I could not get a close stare, so I could not see what color her toenail polish was.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Two notable sighings today.
A dark haired girl, with jeans, and flip flops. Could not see toenail polish.
From the back, so could not see foot details, but.
A girl, blonde I think. wearing what looked like strap sandals, with red pants or dress, and black shirt., Tied up hair
Another sighting near the market.
Asian or mixed race girl.
Dark hair, long red dress, black heeled open toe shoes. Could not see toenail polish clearly
[ August 06, 2023, 02:21 PM: Message edited by: MitchC ]
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Walking down a main street in my town.
Blond hair, long green dress, black very open sandals, could not see face, so could not tell how young or old. My guess, not very young, not very old
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Very nice view this time.
A woman with dark blond bair, and a print dress.
Feet in flip flops, flipping and flopping out, so I could get a good view of the soles.
Do not recall toenail polish
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
The nicest view today.
A woman, tied up dark hair, white shirt, peach shorts, black velcro saldals. Could not see toenail polish
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
The person who sticks out in my mind today.
A girl with dark hair, tied up , wearing jeans, and brown open toe shoes. Toenails were red.
I think there were one or two other women who I saw, but the details of those women's feet do not stick out
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Very nice sighting today.
Woman with long black hair, black dress, and black open flip flops, standing in front of a building
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
The main sighting I saw today was long dark hair, print dress, and black flip flops
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
One main sighting today. I saw another, but dont remember the details.
The sighting I had which I did remember.
A girl with tied up blonde hair.
Black shirt, black shorts, black flip flops. Could not remember toenail polish
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Two main people I clearly remember today, plus some others who I saw which I dont remember clearly.
1. A dark haired girl with tied up hair in a ponytail I think, with dark flip flops. I was behind this woman, and her feet were flipping and flopping where I could see the soles from the back.
2. A woman with short/medium blond hair, wearing pink flip flops.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Several sightings today
In the distance, a woman with long blond hair, and what looked like a black dress, with black flip flips, and her feet flipping and flopping out.
A woman in a light green dress, and gold shoes, with her feet flipping and flopping pretty close up, where I could get a good view of her soles.
A woman with tied up blond haor, in sandals.
There might have been one or two others, but those are the three main people
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
On the way home from shopping.
Blond tied up hair, black shoes, flipping and flopping to see the soles. Red toenails from what I remember
At the front desk of my building.
Tied up dark hair, pink flip flops, with a dog. The girl smiled at me, and we mouthed "Hi" to each other. She seemed very nice
[ August 25, 2023, 01:24 PM: Message edited by: MitchC ]
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
As I was walking out of an eating place.
Long blonde hair, red shirt, jeans, feet flipping and flopping out of flip flops, where I got a good view of the woman's soles.
Nice sighting
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
I think this was today. I was out of town for a couple of days, just got back last night, so its a bit of a blur.
Tied up blonde hair, sparkly shoes, red polished toenails, looked very cute.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Walking on my building's road today.
Long brown hair, long tan dress, tan shoes with red polished toenails.
Very beautiful woman
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Black dress, tied up blonde hair, sandals, and either french pedicure or no polish on toes
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Going out late today.
Pim shirt, black shorts, feet flipping and flopping out for the good soles view
In the elevator of my building.
Blond hair a bit older, 50s, 60, with a dog, flip flops with pink toenail polish
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Dark tied up hair Flip flops, got a good soles view as her feet flopped out of her flip flops
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Main person I remember, because I talked to her/
In the elevator of my building with me.
Dark tied up, frizzy hair, green shirt, jean shorts, sandals, but velcro. No toenail polish.
Very nice girl. Hope to see her again soon.
I saw others, but they were just "Fleeting moments"
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Walking down the main street in town.
A beautiful long haired blond woman, in a long pink dress. The woman was wearing flip fops, but I dont remember what color her toenails were
Another woman, details are sketchy of her looks because I only saw her for a second, I saw her soles with her feet flipping and flopping out of her flip flops
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Blonde girl, black dress with polkadots. Flip flops with feet flipping and flopping out, where I could see the soles. Dont recall toenail polish
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Walking up the main road in my town near stores.
Long red hair,. dressed in black.
Very open sandals , could see a lot of the foot.
Red toenails.
I also saw a bit of an older woman, with her feet flipping and flopping from the shoes, where the bare soles could be seen
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
A bit fuzzy, because I've been on the phone literally all day since I saw these earlier today, but as I remember.
Long dark brown hair, dress, with soles flipping and flopping out of flip flops.
Thats the main one.
If I think of others, I will post
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Second outing, second sighting of the day.
Simple blond hair, jeans., jean jacket, pale white feet, no toenail polish, inside simple light brown sandals
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Asian woman, medium blue color dress.
feet flipping and flopping out of open backed shoes.
Could not see toenail polish.
Very cute woman
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Another very nice sighting.
Long dark hair, jeans, white shirt, very open shoes, no polish
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
On the way home from the market.
An Asian Woman.
The backs of her soles/feet were flipping and flopping out of open back shoes,.
I could see a bit of her soles as this was happening
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Very pretty woman in the elevator.
Long dark hair
Maybe slightly on the BBW side.
Flip flops, and dark red polished toenails
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
I saw a few feet today.
The details were fuzzy because I was walking by the women fast, but, it was 70 degrees today here in NYC.
I believe that one of the women had green pants on, and reddish brown hair. Her sandals/open shoes showed her feet. I could not see her toenail polish because the viewing was too quick.
There were, I believe, one or two other women who I came in contact with, but again, quick view.
The temps this weekend are expected to be in the high 70s and low 80s, very warm for late October.
After that, temps will drop dramatically, and I would not be surprised if the women's feet were then covered, and not in good view anymore