Hey guys i'm just looking for some advice here for what I should do in this situation.
I've been dating my girlfriend for 2 years now, we met in high school. I am currently a freshman in college and she will be attending college this fall. We are in a very good relationship right now. We see each other weekly, we go out to eat sometimes, have laughs when we're together, don't argue really that much. Overall i am happy in my relationship and leaving is definitely not something on my mind.
The problem is, having a major foot fetish of course i would be paying attention to her feet(she does not know about my fetish). The problem is, I just don't find her feet attractive. Her soles are pretty good I give them like a 7/10. But her toes are what I really don't like. I like toes that are well defined and have a bit of length to them. Her toes are short and stubby. To make things more difficult, she has a small skin condition which causes her skin to be dry. So in the past when i have (discreetly) touched her feet without her realizing i felt they were dry. But this aspect does not bother me as much, it's mostly the toes.
Friends have told me I should find ways to spruce her feet up and have her get a pedicure with my favorite toe nail polish, but i feel that it will not change much, i mean, how can you change the length of someones toes? I feel awful for saying this and shallow. But i'm sure most of you will understand
This is certainly not a deal breaker for me, like I won't break up with her simply because i'm not indulging in my foot fetish. But i feel as time goes on my fetish is growing stronger and stronger and i even have inner urges to go on something like backpage or craigslist and find a women who has feet i really like and pay her to worship her feet. IF i was to really do this, it would be a one time thing just to experience foot worship, just once, but i know that it's cheating and it cannot be tolerated and that it opens the gate for more cheating.
I also never told her about my fetish because near the beginning of our relationship she said twice that she thinks feet are gross so I just never bothered to tell her, even after two years.
What would you guys do in my situation?
Posted by Peter, Peter (Member # 40235) on :
Grow a pair and let her know about your fetish, start slow and go from there. Most women think feet are gross, so what if her toes are not up to par. The fact that this girl makes you happy is really all you need. But first thing, be open about your foot fetish. Start with a compliment, now I know her toes are not what you want. Most guys will never have the perfect girl with perfect feet. So again, open up to her and go from there. what is the worst that can happen?
I speak from experience and know how you feel, I am married in my late 30's. So listen to older guys.
Posted by Ophillia (Member # 29787) on :
Peter Peter speaks the truth. Great advice Posted by nodes (Member # 29542) on :
You are the Captain Kirk of the Enterprise, in other words, you are in charge. If you don't want it to be weird then don't make it weird.
Just last week I was with a gal and I had her in missionary position. I didn't even tell her I like feet, I just shoved my face in her soles. I came while smelling those amazing feet. At the end she told me she was self conscious because her feet might be 'stinky,' because she said she wears those shoes to work a lot. I paused for a moment and there was silence, I then looked at her in her eye-balls and told her in a very serious tone, that I like stinky feet.
There was nothing weird about the situation and she knew I wasn't kidding.
Oh and do the backpage thing also, you have to live life.
Posted by BareSoles84 (Member # 45910) on :
Agree with the advice given thus far. Before even reading the replies, my personal opinion was also that you need to tell this girl about what your interests are and stop beating around the bush. Her feet aren't up to par for your liking, but it's kind of ironic because she doesn't even know that you have a penchant for feet in the first place.
Let her know what your interests are and then go from there. Like nodes said, something is only as "weird" as you want it to be and make it. If there's anything that foot enthusiasts should know, it's that feeling ashamed, embarrassed and insecure about your innocuous interest in feet will get you utterly nowhere.
Posted by 5thgear (Member # 46148) on :
Tell her about your fetish. You're not into her feet so what do you have to lose if she rejects it. Eventually you'll end up cheating on her if you get lucky enough to get feet that turn you on.
Posted by smell_fetishist (Member # 45419) on :
Here's my advice my friend:
Since you're with your partner for two years, this means you both like each other and the relationship is good. There is no point in either cheating on her or breaking up with her to find something you fantasize wile watching foot porn.
I was in the exact same situation with you with an ex gf. The tops/toes of her were unattractive but her soles were a 7/10. I am a soles guy so I concentrated my thoughts on her soles. I was open about my foot fetish right from the start and she happily indulged. Needless to say we had so much fun together, both in terms of a relationship and, of course, foot fetish related. We eventually broke up but it had nothing to do with me wanting a woman with prettier feet.
Since you two are doing well and you like her soles, you should start fantasizing her feet. And from what I read you have little to zero experience when it comes to feet. Just think about her rubbing her fragrant soles on your face while having sex and tell me you wouldn't be pleased with that... Plus, since you said on another thread you want to smell feet, some dry skin and shorter toes can get smelly easily... that's always a bonus!
If you want an advice on the selfish side of your feelings, here’s one that’s good for you and will help your relationship rather than complicate/end it: You are young, in your early 20s and you are on a 2 year old relationship. This means: 1) You have time for so many female feet in the future 2) and most important – You should start gaining experience on how to smartly introduce your fetish on a partner. Being on a good relationship with a partner that already knows you gives you a privilege. You should really start preparing yourself with that and act/talk smart. This will help you SO MUCH in your sexual life in the future, take my word on that. How you do that is another conversation but you already know her and know how to approach her better. My move is always “act first in a sexy way-explain later in a smart way”. But trust me, it’s easier than you think.
Bottom line for me is, a woman who hates your fetish and is closed minded gives you a reason to break up with her. But a loving partner whose feet aren’t your all time favorite and has absolutely no idea about your special likes, needs/deserves at least a chance to prove she can be perfect in your relationship.
P.S. Her saying that feet are gross is irrelevant. It’s your duty (and will be with every future partner so GAIN EXPERIENCE) to make her feel comfortable and sexy with hers. It’s not that you want your feet worshiped!
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on :
Problem with asking this question is that everyone is different. Particularly when it comes to something as emotionally evocative (to this group) as feet, and how they would handle things.
My feelings: If you don't like her feet and you think it will lead you to others feet...well, that's not really fair to her in the long run. If you really think she is the one, and you think you could grow to love her feet, than sit down and discuss it with her. If she doesn't understand the foot thing, or she doesn't want to try and make them more attractive, move on. There really are many cute feet and emotionally open women out there. If a woman loves you, she will try and make you happy. Most I think come to realize that it's pretty easy to please you with their feet and may even really come to enjoy it.
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on :
"Plus, since you said on another thread you want to smell feet, some dry skin and shorter toes can get smelly easily... that's always a bonus!" Comment by smell_fetishist
Sounds like dream feet to me. Posted by GreenManalishi (Member # 48991) on :
You should try communicating with her first. Work up the courage and talk to her. You can't live the rest of your life wondering what it's like to worship some feet.
Posted by ILoveFeet122 (Member # 49107) on :
Thank you everyone for your replies i really do appreciate the advice. I plan to tell my girlfriend at the end of the semester and hopefully everything works out. I will probably post more on here when that time comes
Posted by Peter, Peter (Member # 40235) on :
No time like the present my friend, start with a foot rub and some how work that into it. Maybe drop her foot into your lap and she will feel you semi. Or like NODES did it, when your having sex grab her foot and go to town. either way, good luck Posted by GreenManalishi (Member # 48991) on :
Yup no time like the present but good luck man.
Posted by blackmagict34 (Member # 41319) on :
4 yrs ago i was in the same boat. Her feet nice soft plump soles..but not my favorite Never really came out about my fetish..She actually found out from finding pics on my phone of her n her friends feet while they was napping( lol another story for another time). She never liked the idea of me touching her feet besides massaging them..until 1 day i just said it straight" i like your feet and want you to jerk me off while ur feet are rubbing against my face"....
she seemed very turned off and hated the idea at first..but after being together so long n being so comfortable with eachother u do and try new things for ur partner
She saw how overwhelmed i was with this..moaning and body twitching( literally) bcause of the excitement/ adrenaline recieved from the feeling of getting jerked with a pair of soft great smelling feet in my face for the first time.. i came like a rocket. Ahe loved to see me get so turned on by her.. we did that everytime i finished after sex or anything and it opened up a new door for us sex wise
So my advice is to tell her what you want. Who knows...down the line she may understand u enough to let you play w othwr girls feet!
Posted by ababyboy (Member # 2712) on :
How did it go? Short stubby toes? I think you found the gold mine!
Posted by ILoveFeet122 (Member # 49107) on :
quote:Originally posted by ababyboy: How did it go? Short stubby toes? I think you found the gold mine!
I haven't told her yet :/. Yes, short stubby toes but I prefer longer toes with bigger nail beds. Her feet are also very dry because of a skin condition she has.
Posted by ILoveFeet122 (Member # 49107) on :
quote:Originally posted by GQguy: She's doesn't know about your foot fetish...this lends me to believe that you e never even engaged in any foot play with her either.
You lack experience....and that's ok. It's also ok to have a preference. But I'll tell you this...you're not truly informed as to what you like till you actually get a taste/feel for it. Example, I thought I liked skinny women when I was a virgin. Boobs weren't important to me then. It was all about pretty feet. As I got more sexual experience though I realized that skinny women didn't do it for me as much as women with thighs and skinny waists and boobs did. Now I prefer that over anything to include pretty feet. I'll even turn down a footjob to have sex with a woman with said body. I'll even say I prefer a woman who is a little overweight than a woman that is a little on the skinny side....a complete 180.
So I say "have your way with her feet". Enjoy them. And see if you ACTUALLY enjoy her feet. Aesthetics can be different than how they actually feel.
Thanks a lot man you're probably right I do need to at least give it a try to see what I like.
Posted by peterjohn (Member # 37637) on :
We have the similar taste in feet.....love them sexy long toes. And my luck i end up with a wife with short toes but also sexy So maybe ask her to grow her toe nails to make her toes look a bit longer. Do some pedis. I also developed a sniffing fetish from this. Peep toe shoes also work.
Posted by peterjohn (Member # 37637) on :
Would love to see her toes btw
Posted by ILoveFeet122 (Member # 49107) on :
quote:Originally posted by peterjohn: Would love to see her toes btw
Haha if i can sneak a pic of them man i will send them to you.
Posted by 5thgear (Member # 46148) on :
Or how about a woman without much of a face, but with feet that define your temptation as perfect?
Posted by DrenMan (Member # 49730) on :
quote:Originally posted by nodes: You are the Captain Kirk of the Enterprise, in other words, you are in charge. If you don't want it to be weird then don't make it weird.
Just last week I was with a gal and I had her in missionary position. I didn't even tell her I like feet, I just shoved my face in her soles. I came while smelling those amazing feet. At the end she told me she was self conscious because her feet might be 'stinky,' because she said she wears those shoes to work a lot. I paused for a moment and there was silence, I then looked at her in her eye-balls and told her in a very serious tone, that I like stinky feet.
There was nothing weird about the situation and she knew I wasn't kidding.
Oh and do the backpage thing also, you have to live life.
You legend LOL
Posted by Firefighter86 (Member # 34943) on :
Its not going to work between you two, I think you need to just accept that and move on. I dont think you should bring up the foot thing at this point, no good can come of it.
Say you stay with her and tell her you love feet, knowing you dont love HER feet, and she says ok sure lets experiment. You do that you have fun but in the back of your mind you wont be satisfied. When your out with your girl you will see other woman with your "dream" feet and you will dream about having them. Eventually you will break and go actively looking for a girl with the perfect feet for you, thats IF your relationship even makes it that far. She will be able to tell when your no longer as excited with being with her. Eventually you will still break up with her, you would have just prolonged her pain over it, when she could have been getting over it already.
THIS IS WORST CASE SCENARIO: You tell her and she says fuck no thats gross, then you break up with her. Now she goes shouting to the world why she got dumped by her weird perve boyfriend, posting shit on facebook and IG so her friends can feel sorry for her. If you tell her and she says no and you break up with her she will take that very badly and be prepared to possibly be "outted" over social media, it can happen.
You need to keep it to yourself and just breakup with the girl and let her go find somebody that likes her and her feet. Its clearly not you, unless you feel like you can be with her and marry this girl and her short stubby toes and be cool with that then stay with her and tell her your desires. If you CANNOT get past her toes then just break up with her and go find a girl that has that. And don't feel bad about doing it, well feel bad, but know its the right thing for both of you, its a learning experience. Just know in the future not to even waste anybody's time if you see her feet and know you dont like them.