Anita (Bellecita) Genie Brittney Sweetstink Lexi
Posted by Kokaith (Member # 22763) on :
-Not really retired officially, but wish Terri from Sweet Southern Feet would get back into it more. -a girl from the Barefootsies site that went by Onika -Geekfeet -Celeste and Janne from Toes in Action -Amaya Solace
Probably a bunch of others I can't remember right now...
Posted by sayonara (Member # 5497) on :
Monique Feetmania Tori , in praise of Tori Britney sweetstink Anika feetheat
Posted by footluvrguy (Member # 23285) on :
.... Rose from Toe Wigglers.... Miss her!
Posted by Talos (Member # 39913) on :
The Arch Angel
Posted by Fair Adam (Member # 13350) on :
Can I name my own models? I really miss Jenisa. I also miss Maureen, of course. And Zinaida too.
Posted by ucflyeah (Member # 32674) on :
Daisy - friend of Stevephh and Randy
Posted by redd (Member # 7848) on :
Leggy Pauline and Nicole from Feetweek
Posted by Lordsoysauce (Member # 2193) on :
- Nicole from Feetweek. - Carol from Gazelle's Paw Brotherhood - Sultry Sasha - Princess Mackayla (Still active, but mostly does FinDom now) - Footsietootsies as a whole - TwistedToes (Was going to return, but never did)
Posted by Tadpole in a Jar (Member # 4402) on :
Michelle (
Posted by LatinaNExoticFemFeet (Member # 32686) on :
So many,i've come across models at sites many times that i've taken interest in only to find they were old(previous)models from years before that no longer model.
[ January 19, 2015, 06:10 PM: Message edited by: LatinaNExoticFemFeet ]
Posted by catsman (Member # 10269) on :
Genie Tina Marie
Posted by sonoma1 (Member # 46602) on :
Britney Sweetstink #1.
After that, would love to see more of Steph/Maxine from Virgin Pink Soles and their old websites...
Posted by octoberbaseball (Member # 20977) on :
Jennysfeet from back in the day!
Posted by sicbstrd (Member # 2839) on :
I miss them all but ... Kims kastle Natalie's jungle
There are lots of others but these are the first to pop into my head.
Posted by TruthBeTold (Member # 47114) on :
Syn Paige and Sophia Scallicci
Posted by J.S (Member # 19854) on :
Soccer mom feet
Posted by sftfan (Member # 1959) on :
Oh god. Where do I start:
* Lexi * Mocha * Claudia from Scandinavian Feet * Amber from Feetjeans/Noemisworld * Leggy Pauline (was briefly active at Lynx Sexy Feet but seems to have disappeared again) * Lady Muse * Dandelion Toes * Princess Mackayla * The entire cast of Footsie Tootsies * Marilyn from Feetoverforty * Priya from The Sole Experience * Kat from Toejac/SSF * Nicole from Hot Texas Feet
That's enough for now Posted by Kelfee (Member # 37494) on :
Anyone remember some chick like "barefoot si" ? Foreign woman with outstanding feet and especially her toes, as I recall, very prominant nails. Also Kellie from SoS (Patrick are you seeing this?)
Posted by Lordsoysauce (Member # 2193) on :
quote:Originally posted by Michael Pitt: a lot of names here from more than a decade ago,does this mean that foot modeling on the net isn't what it used to be?
seems to me that the days of one girl running their own site are basically dead, and the ones that exist are typically faceless
today it seems like clip stores are in and maybe it's just me but finding the good ones feels like finding a needle in a hay sack, plus i don't really like paying 10 bucks or so for just 1 clip
It's a very different environment now. The most you'll usually see in the self-run sector is a college girl on tumblr posting some pics, noticing that people are enjoying the ones of her feet and starts focusing on that, and eventually taking off 2 or 3 months down the road when the anon hate and creepy questions become too much for them to bear.
This doesn't account for everyone, but it's a vicious cycle nonetheless. Dedicated foot models who get involved in the community are much less common than they were a decade ago. And when it's so much easier to be subject to abuse... I can't say I blame them.
Posted by tootsylover (Member # 4584) on :
quote:Originally posted by Talos: The Arch Angel
^^^ +1 ... her and her older sister had some awesome pics back in the day. Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
Haven't seen Mommie in a while Posted by Fair Adam (Member # 13350) on :
quote:Originally posted by Lordsoysauce:
quote:Originally posted by Michael Pitt: a lot of names here from more than a decade ago,does this mean that foot modeling on the net isn't what it used to be?
seems to me that the days of one girl running their own site are basically dead, and the ones that exist are typically faceless
today it seems like clip stores are in and maybe it's just me but finding the good ones feels like finding a needle in a hay sack, plus i don't really like paying 10 bucks or so for just 1 clip
It's a very different environment now. The most you'll usually see in the self-run sector is a college girl on tumblr posting some pics, noticing that people are enjoying the ones of her feet and starts focusing on that, and eventually taking off 2 or 3 months down the road when the anon hate and creepy questions become too much for them to bear.
This doesn't account for everyone, but it's a vicious cycle nonetheless. Dedicated foot models who get involved in the community are much less common than they were a decade ago. And when it's so much easier to be subject to abuse... I can't say I blame them.
I'm not sure if it's easier or not for foot models to get abused, but I will tell you that the burnout rate in this business is high, in my opinion.
I also think that a lot of one model sites tend to fall victim to the sheer number of other sites out there, and find it increasingly difficult to make any profits, so they fold.
And, I personally think that we're all "victims" of the triumph of the Internet. When I started my site, finding good feet shots on the net was still relatively rare, and now, there are so many sites to chose from, that it's increasingly hard for producers to make any money.
In my case, when I started, I made a conscious decision to keep penises and vaginas out of my site, and I'm OK with that, no regrets, but I know that a lot of guys will always chose some of the "pornier" content that other sites offer. I suppose the consumer will almost always want to get "more bang" for their buck.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a prude, and I don't resent other producers that offer harder content than I do, but to ignore that aspect of the biz is just naive.
Posted by Fair Adam (Member # 13350) on :
quote:Originally posted by Michael Pitt: the amateur one girl sites that lasted had porn/footjobs, amateur foot jobs where the girl shows her face have never been common so when they pop up they seem to stick around longer
i like foot jobs at all, i never had any interest in joining sites to see just foot modeling pics
you say that the models burn out, from what exactly? abuse? i remember seeing somebody complain about getting weird emails of guys posting pics of their cock or saying they want to cum all over their feet
if you're running a site that is designed to turn men on, shouldn't that be a flattering response? not that i would ever do that myself
Running a site that is reliable, with consistent material is just plain hard work, and I know some girls start sites to have fun and make a bit of money on the side, but then their sites become more of a job, and that can wear anyone down; I speak from personal experience.
As for models getting mistreated; it's relatively rare, but all it takes is one crazy knucklehead with an ax to grind, to make a model crazy. There is an individual who for some reason, likes to send me really abusive notes about Dee
I'm not sure what his beef is, but maybe he has no other way to communicate with her 'cause I get the most hostile emails from him, calling her every name in the book. Dee happens to be a good friend of mine, so it's hard not to take it personally. I can't imagine that she's the only Internet model that is the subject of such vile abuse.
Posted by sprtan (Member # 3903) on :
Myndi Fox Diana Van Laar Nicole Vetri Staggering Stella (probably went by another name as well) Andrea Neal
Posted by Robotron2084 (Member # 33263) on :
Mary: All You Can Feet Simona: Barefoot Si Heather and Julia: Sweet Southern Feet Nicole: Feetweek Daemoness
Posted by GORMEE (Member # 45672) on :
Mimi Miyagi, Barbie gurl, Maureen, Lynn from Hottexasfeet, and Oscarthemonkeys wife
Posted by terraplaneblues (Member # 37822) on :
Tonya coedfeet smokie flame from elite footjobs
Posted by footntoesmassager (Member # 12132) on :
Priya from Tickle Abuse Nia from Must See Feet Maxine from Chloe Creations
Posted by footntoesmassager (Member # 12132) on :
quote:Originally posted by sftfan: * Priya from The Sole Experience
YES. It's sad that she stopped modeling. I read on The Mouse Pad that she stopped doing foot vids in 2012 because of all the pirating. She was pretty conservative and didn't know how popular she became so she got out of the biz. I was lucky enough to get a request clip from her before she stopped; it's the clip called "Priya: Socks to Bare".
Definitely one of the most gorgeous feet out there from an Indian beauty.
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
quote:Originally posted by GORMEE: Mimi Miyagi, Barbie gurl, Maureen, Lynn from Hottexasfeet, and Oscarthemonkeys wife
Barbie Gurl? She's not retired.
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
quote:Originally posted by Michael Pitt: a lot of names here from more than a decade ago,does this mean that foot modeling on the net isn't what it used to be?
seems to me that the days of one girl running their own site are basically dead, and the ones that exist are typically faceless
today it seems like clip stores are in and maybe it's just me but finding the good ones feels like finding a needle in a hay sack, plus i don't really like paying 10 bucks or so for just 1 clip
as for who i miss, devonne for sure but looking at the link above i still don't know what the hell she was thinking with that short bleach blonde hair cut, if that was my first impression i don't think she would stand out as much
another that stands out in my mind was a girl that went by the name total bliss, she had a small free site probably back in like 1999, some of the best feet i ever saw
I think of it like this... Remember how much better Atari & NES games were? How about sports? Movies were always better back in the day too. It's nostalgia. Honestly, we latch onto things when we first start discovering them and after a while the luster wears off.
I'm sure if you ask some 18 year old newbie to this forum what he thinks of the images/models from the early 90s and he won't be impressed. Hell, I look back at the photography I was doing back then and wonder what I was thinking. The models were great, but my photography wasn't up to today's par. But on a regular basis I get compliments about how great some of my old models and photos were by people who remember when they were new.
I don't think people loving yesterday means that today is lacking in any way.
Posted by GORMEE (Member # 45672) on :
quote:Originally posted by Patrick:
quote:Originally posted by GORMEE: Mimi Miyagi, Barbie gurl, Maureen, Lynn from Hottexasfeet, and Oscarthemonkeys wife
Barbie Gurl? She's not retired.
I know, just haven't seen those pretty feet in a while. Hopefully this will spark some posts
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
quote:Originally posted by Michael Pitt: i see what you're saying, i don't completely disagree but i don't think it's quite the same
if a girl that looked hot in pics 15 years ago, i don't see how those same pics can be not hot today, as for picture quality that makes zero difference to me, i have never been more turned on by a video or pic because it was in HD, if the girl is hot she's hot even it it looks like a grainy video shot on a mid 90's home video camera
HD or not, a hot chick is a hot chick
as for everything else you listed, technology changes things sometimes for better or worse
many would argue that new rules have ruined certain sports, or maybe they don't like watching it as much because they think teams or players are cheating which made the game seem more "pure" in the past
when it comes to old video games i think they overrate those old games because the games remind them of a time when they were younger and had less life responsibility which can make the games seem more fun, some people also don't like how games today are more cinematic and less about game play, some also think games today are too easy, gaming is completely different now then it was just 10 years ago
movies? today they are mostly reboots and remakes of movies we all watched 20 - 30 years ago, with the occasional comic book/super hero movie, in other words hollywood has run out of ideas so they have to reuse stuff that we grew up with, the ninja turtles are still big and the power rangers are making a comeback i think that says a lot
do people still laugh at seinfeld because of nostalgia, or is it still funny to this day? i don't think you can force a laugh based on nostalgia, , will any new sitcom today still be relevant 20 years from now?
if guys today are still looking at the foot content of girls from the distant past, i don't think that's based on nostalgia, i think it means no girl or website came along that they felt was good enough to replace her
All very fair points that I don't disagree with. My points were actually leading to the bigger picture that I don't really think that liking something from the past means stuff from today isn't as good, or better. I probably went off on way too big of a tangent. LOL... But I do think people generally romanticize things from the past making them better than they actually may have been.
P.S. And video games were only harder back then because my B button on my Genesis controller kept sticking. LOL!!!
Posted by hyperion (Member # 39397) on :
This conversation was so much better back in the day. Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
quote:Originally posted by hyperion: This conversation was so much better back in the day.
It did feel like more of a statement watching the upload bar take 30 seconds to post text and 5 minutes to post a 480x640 image. LOL! Dial up...
Posted by Kokaith (Member # 22763) on :
I think one thing I'll throw out is this, there were a lot of models who seemed to stick with it longer back in the early-mid 2000s. A lot of the models and producers these days seem to have very short careers. Why that is who knows. Maybe it's just our society getting more ADD, or maybe some see it as something lucrative and then abandon it quickly when it's not. It's a lot easier for a prospective model to start an instagram or twitter page than a full blown website, and it's easier to abandon when the reward has run its course. Also notice that the girls mentioned weren't ones who popped up for a set or two on a site. They were there for a good minute modeling on their own sites and sometimes others. You have a few that are sticking it out these days (Taylor Raz, Catherine Foxx, etc) but in general people are popping up and disappearing. It's really just like any other area of entertainment. As for looking at old pictures...I guess it is kinda weird to me. Mainly because the people in those pictures are different now. That hot chick I used to look at when she was young and single is probably married and has a kid or some shit now. Kinda weird in that context. Not to mention some more mature models from a decade or more ago might even be dead now. Is this overanalyzing to a fault? Yeah probably...but hey that's just something i do.
Posted by solesurvivordragon (Member # 37330) on :
Here are some models that I miss:
Lexi from Lexi's Foot Fetish Bombshell Mandy from Feet Fair Sabrina from Feet Fair Barefoot Simona Myndi Fox
Posted by Alastor79 (Member # 48395) on :
Hi guys! I'm a newbie and i'm Italian. The models: 1) Natalia of Footlifestyle 2) Jenny of Jennysfeet 3) Lexi Lapetina 4) Sugar of Sugarssexyfeet 5) September Sno
Posted by XXX toes (Member # 46190) on :
quote:Originally posted by hyperion: This conversation was so much better back in the day.
Now thats funny! - hyp
Posted by ARCHMASTER (Member # 46672) on :
Sabrina from Feet Fair
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
Any of Ben Del Amitri's girls...
Posted by Alexabfeet (Member # 48397) on :
Personally I think some girls may disappear just because there is so much content out there. I've posted photos on here that haven't gotten much feedback at all. I'm sure some girls in that situation probably think why even both anymore if no ones looking. Just my thoughts Posted by icebergslm4633 (Member # 39518) on :
1.)Sexy Lexi 2.)Lexi Lapetina 3.)Sabrina queen of the arches 4.)Ms. Pepper-I'm not sure that she retired, but I don't know the last time I've seen her in a clip or pic 5.)Eva from gates of Eva 6.)Cherie Deville from feet fair 7.)Francine from feet fair 8.)lil redhead
Posted by Reinforcedheelstoes (Member # 1099) on :
quote:Originally posted by Lordsoysauce: - Nicole from Feetweek. - Carol from Gazelle's Paw Brotherhood - Sultry Sasha - Princess Mackayla (Still active, but mostly does FinDom now) - Footsietootsies as a whole - TwistedToes (Was going to return, but never did)
Carol was a goddamned Ninja......drained me DRY!!
Posted by Foot_Man_UK (Member # 26650) on :
Monique From Feetmania comes to mind
Posted by canIsmellYourFeet (Member # 11183) on :
Ruby Rayes.
Posted by Mommie (Member # 18340) on :
quote:Originally posted by FootLongSub Zero: Haven't seen Mommie in a while
I am here.... Lurking Posted by valou29 (Member # 10788) on :
bombshell Mandy from feet fair Lexi raven from footmandreams
Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on :
Lacey and Cagney from coedfeet
Francine from FF was a charmer
Wish Eliza from FF had more of a presence!
Posted by TruthBeTold (Member # 47114) on :
Kathy Argento is a very big fav of mine! Miss her alot!! Posted by Fair Adam (Member # 13350) on :
quote:Originally posted by Foot_Man_UK: Monique From Feetmania comes to mind
One of my all-time faves. That girl is fearless, and will take one for the team any day.
Posted by Fair Adam (Member # 13350) on :
quote:Originally posted by Michael Pitt: monique was awesome, amazing body and imo the most underrated amateur model
what do you mean "take one for the team"?
I don't know if she shoots such content anymore, but back in the day, she would throw in some anal among her foot tease and footjob clips.
Posted by Wistful_Velociraptor (Member # 4242) on :
Oooo. Haven't thought about her in ages. So I went to Bing images and entered Viv Thomas Diana Van Laar, and saw so many good pics, including a few I remember from Leg Show. She is ultra hot -- or was, when she was working.
Posted by soncee (Member # 47925) on :
Koto from The best footjob ever when it comes to different positions and styles. Miss Koto!
Posted by tyvianc (Member # 40624) on :
I miss Genie from Since long gone. Her size 2 soles were the hottest thing ever and I miss her so much!!!!
Posted by FIASCo (Member # 1899) on :
I miss Belle, Dee, Fancy, Francine, and Jenisa, all of Feet Fair. (I miss Belle more for her coolness than her feet, though I do dig her soles. I still exchange occasional, brief text messages with her - usually around the holidays - but she doesn't shoot feet-themed photos any more.)
I miss Kelley Maren. I know there's a ton of DragonLily content out there, but I miss the Monster I used to know before she blew up.
I miss Raven Kay Lee who wasn't a foot fetish model, but used to share barefoot photos with me.
Posted by GORMEE (Member # 45672) on :
Cains wife...Oscars wife...Barbie...Maureen easy!
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
Any content from FM Concepts in the 90's. Damn those girls were hot! (Gigi Varga aka Nina Neon) who went to Anton videos after she quit FM.
Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on :
Molly Mathews was hot...and Wus favorite Tawney LaShelle from fm concepts
Posted by Alastor79 (Member # 48395) on :
Oneagain, Molly Matthews is still active: search her under name of Emily Marilyn ! Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on :
quote:Originally posted by Alastor79: Oneagain, Molly Matthews is still active: search her under name of Emily Marilyn !
Thanks...I had seen her post fm work and while there is better picture quality...I still gotta say o like her fm concept work more...her current stuff is a bit too moody!
Posted by Adam X (Member # 2872) on :
Not sure if she got a mention but worth breaking my posting silence to give props to ShortLivedTyranny.
Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on :
Oh yeah...I did dig one point she said she was coming back but that never happened:(
Posted by solesurvivordragon (Member # 37330) on :
Mikayla Miles Kathy Argento Cory Lane
EDIT: I forgot that I already reply to this but these are a few more that I miss.
Posted by FMUK (Member # 48775) on :
Cory Lane!!!!! She was amazing!!! Posted by Moxey75 (Member # 49253) on :
I'm 40 so got onto the web in the "good ol' days", so I miss, just to name a few:
Sultry Sasha Lexi Nicole Vetri and others from DOC's videos (Vidgames Video) Kathryn from Toewigglers Many 90's FM Concepts girls Steph from Girls Cute Feet (though old content is posted on Virgin Pink Soles)
Posted by smell_fetishist (Member # 45419) on :
Does ANYONE remember Valena from the site footjoycove? She was a blonde beautiful woman in her late 30’s with beautiful eyes and extremely sexy, large meaty wrinkled soles. Over the years I have tried very hard to find more of her pics and clips. I have managed to collect 30 pics of her but there is not much more I can find and absolutely no videos.
The site is down for many many years now and there is no way I can buy any of their/her work, yet the quality of the material and the passion of her while smelling her own feet is out of this world and I would really love to see more pics of her, let alone videos.
The pictures have yellow letters on them and they mark the title of the video the pictures come from, the name of the model and the year, so I know there are some clips like “Sole Fun”, “Paasion Scent” and “Puts her Feet Up” between 1999 and 2000.
Since the site is closed many years now and there is no way I can buy them, is there anyone who has any of Valena’s stuff, pics or (even better) clips from back in the day and wants to share? I’d be forever grateful!
Posted by smell_fetishist (Member # 45419) on :
Some women, and especially some soles get better with age in my opinion! I'd love to see some Valena these days or some clips of her back in the day
Posted by nicetoesplease (Member # 49513) on :
Wow, I didn't even see this and just started a similar thread hahaha. Definitely my same 5: Mia Hollywood, Misslovelytoes, Toesation, Moncan03, Ammelee
Posted by Foot_Man_UK (Member # 26650) on :
Monique from Feetmania
Posted by wman56 (Member # 52132) on :