Tonight I contacted BHE via email to inquire about the status of Wu's Feetlinks. I was asked to call them personally to discuss what is known and squash some of the far fetched rumors that have been circulating here.
According to BHE, they have not had any contact with Wu - much like the rest of us. They gave Wu the power to update and maintain his site. This site wasn't run by the BHE staff, nor do they tell him what to put on the site (including the forums). They are perplexed and bummed just as much as we are as they know the value in this site - not only monetarily, but socially to get the word out about different sites they host.
At this time they're trying to contact Wu, but haven't heard from him. He gave them no reason to believe that he would be stopping updates, or that he was unable to maintain the site for an extended period of time.
So what is known at this point is that we have no answers. So lend very little credence to those who claim to know the reasons behind this. Until Wu himself graces us with his presence, then I for one won't be believing the grape vine.
I will continue to contact Wu to see if he reaches out to me in any fashion.
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
Yeah thanks for the update, I mentioned this last weekend in the mega thread...exactly what you said. The rumor mill is going crazy!
Posted by XXX toes (Member # 46190) on :
Thank you Patrick! Hope all is well w Wu, regardless.
Posted by seanesean (Member # 46160) on :
He posted saying he was on vacation and that there had been a death in the family a couple of weeks ago. I don't know how everyone missed it, but give the guy a break. Geez
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
quote:Originally posted by seanesean: He posted saying he was on vacation and that there had been a death in the family a couple of weeks ago. I don't know how everyone missed it, but give the guy a break. Geez
Interesting, can you give us a link or tell us what thread he mentioned that in? If it's true, hope all is well now.
Posted by seanesean (Member # 46160) on :
It was a couple of weeks ago I can't remember the thread, but there should be a way to see all of his posts- can't we search for his recent posts?
Posted by solesurvivordragon (Member # 37330) on :
To be continued..........
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
He did not post here on the forum. Rumors like this are just more of what I was saying about people feeding the grape vine. Wu's last post here was in 2013. It's easy to search and verify.
Posted by Mtndukid (Member # 1030) on :
Thanks for the update!
Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on :
Thanks very much Patrick. I think I can speak for the many other members when I say we appreciate you and everything you do.
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
quote:Originally posted by footboy1: Thanks very much Patrick. I think I can speak for the many other members when I say we appreciate you and everything you do.
I try, but this site is and always will be something that was created by one of the single most important people in the online fetish community - Wu.
Posted by Feet of Philly (Member # 20091) on :
I totally agree, Patrick! Thank you very much for keeping us in the loop. We, together, all of us, are strong and we need to keep this site alive. This all means so much to us.
Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
Can't thank you enough for your efforts in this. This site was the very reason I got a computor and got on line.
I have been an erstwhile participant here for some time; nevertheless, Wu's has been an important refuge for me.
Agree with "Feet of Philly" that this place means a lot to so many of us. (I suspect that there is a whole lot of "Us" that are lurkers, those unsure of themselves, and those who think there is some obligation to membership)
Will keep an eye here while hoping for the best.
Posted by vineofthorns (Member # 1313) on :
thanks for the official update Patrick!
Posted by 426 HEMI (Member # 769) on :
Sorry, but I do not believe seanesean?
Produce the post from Wu, and I will stand corrected. simple as that....
Thanx for your time and effort Patrick.
Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on :
Thanks for doing the leg work.
Did you say this site isn't hosted by bhe? If so, any guess where it is hosted?
If it is a 3rd party we maybe screwed when hosting fees are due. He may have paid multi years...I just reuped for 4 years...but still...if Wu doesn't return...all this could be lost!
Posted by Craigy boy (Member # 3340) on :
Now I'm really depressed!
Posted by LordLucan (Member # 2130) on :
Just to clear up any uncertainty, I can assure you Wu's Feet Links is hosted by B-H-E.
Posted by SpaceCitySoles (Member # 42517) on :
Thanks for the update Pat!
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
quote:Originally posted by 426 HEMI: Sorry, but I do not believe seanesean?
Produce the post from Wu, and I will stand corrected. simple as that....
Thanx for your time and effort Patrick.
All of us can check Wu's post history. Just click on his name in a thread (rules/regulations has a few) and click on the link for "recent posts." His last post was in 2013. He didn't make said statement on here.
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
quote:Originally posted by oneagain: Patrick,
Thanks for doing the leg work.
Did you say this site isn't hosted by bhe? If so, any guess where it is hosted?
If it is a 3rd party we maybe screwed when hosting fees are due. He may have paid multi years...I just reuped for 4 years...but still...if Wu doesn't return...all this could be lost!
It is hosted by BHE. It isn't RAN by BHE - meaning Wu was doing it, not the BHE staff.
Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on :
quote:Originally posted by Patrick:
quote:Originally posted by oneagain: Patrick,
Thanks for doing the leg work.
Did you say this site isn't hosted by bhe? If so, any guess where it is hosted?
If it is a 3rd party we maybe screwed when hosting fees are due. He may have paid multi years...I just reuped for 4 years...but still...if Wu doesn't return...all this could be lost!
It is hosted by BHE. It isn't RAN by BHE - meaning Wu was doing it, not the BHE staff.
Good to know bhe is hosting but do we know if hosting was free? If not, can any bhe friendly person find out when paid hosting will need to be renewed?
Anyone knows if bhe also is the registrar for the domain?
Posted by LordLucan (Member # 2130) on :
I think we are all jumping the gun a little here. Sometimes real life takes precedence over our online lives (as it should) and until we hear word from Wu, we really shouldn't speculate.
Also I feel there's no need for Chicken Little type behaviour (the sky is falling etc) as the site is still up and running, safely hosted with our good friends at B-H-E and for those wondering, the domain's expiration date is: 24 March 2015...almost 11 months away.
If Wu has decided to call it a day, I'm certain he would do us all the courtesy of letting us know.
In the meantime, until we know what's happening, it's my intention to keep posting & commenting as I've always done. In fact, I suggest we all do.
Posted by Feetosopher (Member # 45909) on :
quote:Originally posted by LordLucan: I think we are all jumping the gun a little here. Sometimes real life takes precedence over our online lives (as it should) and until we hear word from Wu, we really shouldn't speculate.
Also I feel there's no need for Chicken Little type behaviour (the sky is falling etc) as the site is still up and running, safely hosted with our good friends at B-H-E and for those wondering, the domain's expiration date is: 24 March 2015...almost 11 months away.
If Wu has decided to call it a day, I'm certain he would do us all the courtesy of letting us know.
In the meantime, until we know what's happening, it's my intention to keep posting & commenting as I've always done. In fact, I suggest we all do.
I am with you, Lord.. I think the wisest thing to do is behaving normally until we read from Wu himself. All my appreciation also for Patrick's efforts to give us all reliable information on the matter. Even if I have been in the "industry" since 2007, I am relatively new to the forum, and I have had no personal contacts with Wu.. anyway, I wish him all the best.. and I hope that he will come back soon.. Posted by 426 HEMI (Member # 769) on :
The longer time goes by, the more it is looking like 1 of 2 things has happened:
1- Wu just abandoned his site. I find it hard to believe, but it is quite possible.
2- Something really did happen to Wu, or to cause him to leave his site. Medically, legally, family etc.
I am not joining all the nonsense speculators, but just keeping it real... obviously something out of the ordinary has occurred, due to the fact that he has not missed an update in 12 years.
Posted by mywifesfeet (Member # 2630) on :
Thanks Patrick. I really hope that Wu is okay. Of course that is for selfish reasons. It is possible that he suddenly died I suppose. That can happen to anyone of us. Thanks for keeping us posted.
Posted by StarsHill2 (Member # 23140) on :
This is just a humble opinion of an average user on WUs due to all of this mess about Wu being IDLE for awhile. I have had a great experience being in WU for many years since i was a Kid, it was the first place where i could find friendly, decent people to talk about something i liked and considered abnormal until then, a nice place to SHARE experiences and Pictures ( because we have to admit how much we like to share our ladies feet ). So, gathering the main words i mentioned before: SHARE, PICTURES, TALK and LADIES i ask you guys how possible could it be to create a group in social media for US, "the WUs People" , i mean groups on WHATSAPP, BBM, TELEGRAM, or someone of that kind of social networks where we can Chat and Share pictures, make it more direct, faster, easier and needing less time than running a whole new site... it can even be a parallel activity to WU forums. Lets see what you guys think... im up for it!
Posted by Icarus (Member # 46711) on :
What is B-H-E?
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
quote:Originally posted by Icarus: What is B-H-E?
Big Horn Enterprises located in Georgia, which Hosts over 200 fetish sites including mine and Wu's forums.
Posted by Nylon Toe Sucker (Member # 21491) on :
Can any of you Webmasters, Patrick, etc, pick up the torch for WU and keep this thing going, i.e.: updates of all the normal sites that we would normally see on here other than just this board being updated ? Does it require a licensing deal that WU had? Thanks for an answer...
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
quote:Originally posted by Nylon Toe Sucker: Can any of you Webmasters, Patrick, etc, pick up the torch for WU and keep this thing going, i.e.: updates of all the normal sites that we would normally see on here other than just this board being updated ? Does it require a licensing deal that WU had? Thanks for an answer...
Patrick already expressed his disinterest in this site in that manner. I offered to do it back last year to Wu but like usual the request fell upon deaf ears. TBH, Wu has let this site slowly fade out under his wing for some time now it's only when he finally stopped updating the pages did you all really notice. If anyone wants to know, they can PM me...
Posted by Nylon Toe Sucker (Member # 21491) on :
NCF, Thanks For Your Reply..
Posted by Weekend_Warrior (Member # 2662) on :
That's reassuring. Thanks for the UPDATE!
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
Okay, I just saw the message on the main board, and I'm completely stunned. I'll leave it up to a more respected and tenured member of this forum to create a thread for it, but for right now, I just want to send out my condolences to the friends and loved ones of Alex F., aka Wu. What he created here is something that has always had a big impact in my life and because of him I've been able to interact and befriend many of the other members of our community.
Go easy Wu. Know that the rest of us will do our damnedest to keep your legacy going, and someday, I hope you and me will get to catch up and look down (at those toes).
Raising a beer to you soon, John
Posted by HighArchesPT (Member # 45164) on :
Also noticed the banner. Quite disturbing. Since the registration section of the forum was closed - like someone said, never checked it myself - it should have been something that was expected (or known by someone in a while)
Posted by Gezlock (Member # 25394) on :
RIP Wu for all you done
Posted by PublicName (Member # 12270) on :
Holy smokes..that was an unexpected thing to read. Not sure where else to post this, so we'll put it here. I've been here for many years, though I'm not a huge contributor, I'm often here at the end or beginning of my day 3-4 days out of the here's to Alex/Wu and all he's done to keep this community up and running.
Take care brother, while we may not have known each other personally, we definitely had at least one common interest. In your creating this site and these forums, I've been able to explore an inner passion of mine, which I may never have bothered with if not for you. Thanks for all that you've done in keeping this site up and running for so many years, you will be dearly missed by many.
Rest in Peace and deepest condolences to your family and loved ones
- Mark
Posted by ladiesfootslut (Member # 26591) on :
shout out to Wu thank you for representing Posted by theninja (Member # 38411) on :
Very very sad news indeed. RIP wu! will miss ya buddy.
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
Where are you guys seeing the appears to be gone for me?
Posted by theninja (Member # 38411) on :
Still on the front page, not so much a banner just some text in the middle of the screen.
Posted by SoleSearching (Member # 20157) on :
Oh no... Wu's was/is, to me, the home of foot fetishists and female feetlovers on all of the web. It's the Grand Central Station for all of us... Such a bummer. So sorry for family & close friends. What a loss. This site has been such a part of my life for more than the last 15 years...
Posted by 6Inch4Ever (Member # 5457) on :
@Patrick: We are very sad! At least to remember Alex, his site should not be closed. You are already doing a great job as moderator. Please continue doing this! Additionally there should be a discussion about how to pay the provider. I think a solution has to be found quickly.
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
Right now it looks like BHE is going to figure things out. This site is too valuable to let dwindle away - and not just financially to them either. This place is a community and always has been. I'm sure they'll be taking a look at things, but it's way too soon to up and change what is/was. Now that we all know what has happened, whatever moves are to be made should be made with the interest in keeping it as Wu would have done it in mind. It sure worked for a long time, so no need to fix that. I'm sure BHE will do what's right by Wu's memory.
Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on :
It is encouraging that bhe put up notification message so we have an answer to the mystery and it seems they are staying commited to keeping the lets hope we go on full steam ahead!
Posted by oscarthemonkey (Member # 1692) on :
When all this speculation began, I just assumed that Wu was on vacation. The first thing I thought about in terms of long term disappearances was "Where's Lucky Andre"?
Posted by canIsmellYourFeet (Member # 11183) on :
Wu passed away??? Whoa. Wow. I'm not sure I ever spoke with him, but he'll always have my thanks for creating this place. I've been here for quite some time, and there's no other place like it. Rest in peace, Wu.