....You smelled a girl's/woman's feet/shoes/socks and you regretted smelling them because you didn't expect them to smell the way they did(depending on how you like them) to the point where you got turned off completely by her afterwards and even female feet in general(for a while,to some extent)?Any accounts and stories are welcome.
Thanks in advance for sharing!
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
It happened to at a foot party of all places. I decided to session with this tiny, and extremely drunk, model who had size 1.5 feet. Somehow, someway, when I sniffed her feet, they vaguely smelled of vomit, so needless to say, I didn't put those feet anywhere near my face for the rest of the 10 minutes of my session, rubbing them instead. Major turn off, as you could imagine.
Posted by catsman (Member # 10269) on :
I have never been to a 'foot party' but I have had many women's feet in my face over the years and have yet to have one be offensive to me in any manner whatsoever. Like sex, the worst feet I've ever had was fantastic.
Posted by tulsafootlover (Member # 2118) on :
I was with a girl once who warned me her feet don't stink and sure enough after she came home from bar I unzipped her boots and feet were nice and warm but no smell. Big let down. Lol
Posted by Talos (Member # 39913) on :
I like a strong foot smell. You know, typical foot smells. Cheesy, corn chip, popcorn, vinegar, ect. But some women's feet have a strong smell that isn't a typical foot smell. This one chick I know has feet that don't really stink, but after being in shoes all day they kind of smell like wet shoes. Not a turn on for me, but not really a turn off either. The one time I got turned off was from this one chick who's feet smelled like a wet dog who had pissed on itself. I had to lather them up in a fruity lotion to somewhat enjoy myself. On the other hand, an untypical foot smell that I enjoyed that wouldn't be considered stinky was from this chick who's feet smelled like peppermint. It could have been from lotion, but she said she didn't put anything on.
Posted by ucflyeah (Member # 32674) on :
Met up with a gal in the Home Depot parking lot one summer. Her feet were pretty and she was very cute, kind of a hippy chick. I jumped in her car, paid her and she put her lovely feet up to my face. THEY SMELLED LIKE A HUGE GERMAN SHEPERD. It was the worst smell, it smelled like an unwashed dog that had gotten wet.
I faked an orgasm and got the fuck out of there. Terrible.
I've had a couple of girls feet smell like cleaning solution over the years also. That's pretty bad as well.
What have I learned from all this? Tell the girl up front how you want her feet to smell, make sure she's worn shoes for at least a little while. That's what I do. I'm also real careful about smelling new feet.
Posted by Talos (Member # 39913) on :
quote:Originally posted by ucflyeah: Met up with a gal in the Home Depot parking lot one summer. Her feet were pretty and she was very cute, kind of a hippy chick. I jumped in her car, paid her and she put her lovely feet up to my face. THEY SMELLED LIKE A HUGE GERMAN SHEPERD. It was the worst smell, it smelled like an unwashed dog that had gotten wet.
I faked an orgasm and got the fuck out of there. Terrible.
Did we meet up with the same chick? Surely to goodness there isn't that many girls who's feet smell like wet dog, lol.
Posted by bison4me (Member # 21530) on :
To Talos and ucflyeah, all I can say is damn. That's some hellified feet right there.
Posted by ucflyeah (Member # 32674) on :
quote:Originally posted by Talos:
quote:Originally posted by ucflyeah: Met up with a gal in the Home Depot parking lot one summer. Her feet were pretty and she was very cute, kind of a hippy chick. I jumped in her car, paid her and she put her lovely feet up to my face. THEY SMELLED LIKE A HUGE GERMAN SHEPERD. It was the worst smell, it smelled like an unwashed dog that had gotten wet.
I faked an orgasm and got the fuck out of there. Terrible.
Did we meet up with the same chick? Surely to goodness there isn't that many girls who's feet smell like wet dog, lol.
Wow Talos, I have to confess that I didn't read your post before I posted. Otherwise I probably wouldn't have written the same exact thing, looks like I copied you, lol. But man, I swear I've never smelled anything like that before. I just pictured the girl having two huge dogs and her house being a mess. It was awful.
Posted by canIsmellYourFeet (Member # 11183) on :
Yeah, the organizer of a foot party (well it was a foot party *to me*, for other guys who showed up, a f**k party). I got to play with her feet and they were nice and big, but they smelled like she hadn't washed them in months.
The most extreme I like feet to smell is like the woman JUST played some sport (soccer, tennis, etc) or JUST came from the gym. Anything beyond that is a turn of.
Posted by 5thgear (Member # 46148) on :
I was with a girl once that had been wearing leather shoes without socks all day. When she took them off in the bed her feet were so sexy that I spilled my guts about my fetish to her. She wasn't real familiar with the whole foot fetish thing and told me that they stink. I was like oh I bet they don't and when I went to kiss them they were a very strong disgusting smell. It wasn't musky or cheesy. I gagged and she looked at me like wtf. So then I picked her up and took her to the tub and washed them off for her. That smell was stuck on my hands though and up my nose for a couple of hours. Not a great experience.
Posted by Talos (Member # 39913) on :
It was so hard to imagine a hot chick with hot feet that stink so bad in a way to turn you off, lol.
Posted by mywifesfeet (Member # 2630) on :
My wife and I have a 19 y/o friend. When she gets barefooted her barefeet smell terrible. HUGE turn off for me. My wife's barefeet smell almost like nothing even is she is in shoes and socks all day. I am so addicted to her feet that bad or strong smelling barefeet are always a turn off now. 20= years of marriage to a fantastic woman who loves my foot fetish did that to me I guess. Posted by mywifesfeet (Member # 2630) on :
I meant 20+ years.... <------- Those are my wife's toes. Posted by Rocky TSM (Member # 28971) on :
I had a girl one with very pretty feet. Unfortunately, she was wearing leather boots all day without socks. Her feet smell so bad that I was instantly turned off completely.
Posted by peterjohn (Member # 37637) on :
Just a question.the chicks feet that smell really bad are they pretty or ok or ugly chicks.cause the reaction to the fetish also depends on what she looks like.
My wifes feet smell like they have been in shoes.not to overpowering.she has two stink makers. A pair of flat ballet pumps that has a suede/velvet finish.they smell like old sweaty feet and tiniest hint of cheese.the perfect combination.her second pair are shiny patent leather shoes.inners are also patent.but ive noticed her feet sweat in them and dry and forms a layer of sweat and skin cells. So worn everyday has the perfect scent.will post pics if anyone is interested.
Posted by Talos (Member # 39913) on :
Actually, yeah. The women who feet smelled the most unpleasant were not the most attractive, lol.
Posted by KlassFX (Member # 46337) on :
The woman's overall attractiveness definitely plays a role. Some guys don't care about the face, but most do.
Posted by 5thgear (Member # 46148) on :
The lady I was with was pretty hot with sexy feet. Of course that kept me going but I've seen ugly chics with perfect feet. A lady being hot is a plus, but if she's ugly and has perfect feet to me, then it's still female feet.
Posted by theninja (Member # 38411) on :
The worst for me by far is the smell of feet out of UGG boots. They always smell more like wet mold and very overpowering, almost like a combo of wet dog and clothes that have been left out wet for 2 weeks. Not a turn on at all! i'll take the vingary/cheesy smell anyday of the week!
Posted by 426 HEMI (Member # 769) on :
My experiences are different. I have found that certain ethic girls had different aroma's, not if they were good looking or not, that was irrelevant. I have found that fair skinned or pale skinned English or German girls had the most arousing smell, while darker Italian or Latino girls had a less arousing smell. The best girls were always redheaded Irish or Scottish girls. I dated a hot redhead who's odor was simply put AMAZING!! She had a very light,cheesy aphrodisiac type smell, that was intoxicating. If a girl wears a thin nylon in a clean shoe it will also add to the aroma in a good way. I have had that wet dog, old laundry smell also with some of my past girlfriends which was a total bummer. I also had some chicks that their feet smell just downright horrendous. I really loved all the redheaded or blond chicks smell over the years more than any others. It of course is a matter of opinion,and preference also. To each his own, when it comes to likes,and dislikes.
Posted by babeflover (Member # 2953) on :
Oh yeah. that's how i feel whenever my wife's feet smell clean.
Posted by Sinnister (Member # 2394) on :
Has happened numerous times. Vinegar. I cannot stand the smell of it and when a womans feet smells like that I become physically ill.
Posted by ejc8708 (Member # 31433) on :
Only once to me when I went on a date with this punk girl she took off her flats n wow kind of made me sick
Posted by gramps (Member # 610) on :
I'm sort of with peter john above. But my fetish has to do with the smell of nylons when thrown in the mix. Lether shoes, nylons and a ladies natural scent all rolled into one tantalizing easily held smelly stocking, or sometimes the shoe, but never a bare foot. Oh well each there own..