Haha so yeah I've got a foot fetish. Anyway there was this chick I was hanging out with for a little while. She was fat but I'm not shallow. Her face was probably a 4/10 and she was annoying as fuck but I wanted to check her feet out anyway. So this one night I was hanging out with her at her friend's apartment. I told her I'd give her a foot massage. So she peels her uggs off and puts her feet in my lap. Imediately I was punched in the face by this NASTY fucking stink. Now don't get me wrong, I like the way girls feet smell. Most I've been with its been a sweaty, musty, footie smell but THIS, this was just a piercing stink. It felt like I was being stabbed in the nostrils with a freakin bayonet it was SO terrible. Anyway I pull her socks off and go to work. They were soft and felt good in hand but man, I couldn't get past that fucking smell. The foot massage probably lasted a total of 3 minutes tops but I wasn't counting because I had to get the fuck outta there. Needless to say I dropped that stinkin bitch like a wet turd and haven't talked to her since. Point being, it was a TERRIBLE experience. I've loved feet my whole life and have had a lot of fun with it but I never thought I'd have an experience like that. Has anyone here had a similar experience of something that flat out turned you off?
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
quote: I was punched in the face by this NASTY fucking stink
quote: It felt like I was being stabbed in the nostrils with a freakin bayonet it was SO terrible.
ROFLMAO! Dude, this has to be the best post on Wu's ever. Right on man..sorry to disappoint but can't say I'd ever go with a large girl in the first place and never had bad feet like that before, damn! Posted by VTX-1800 (Member # 45282) on :
Haha yeah man I think I need to tighten my standards on the large ones from here on out
Posted by VTX-1800 (Member # 45282) on :
Haha yeah man I think I need to tighten my standards on the large ones from here on out
Posted by mjl1717 (Member # 2939) on :
[Friday night] -- Yes, this is a great post..Well articulated and to the point..Buddy, you should be a writer or author if you are not one already!
But to the point... One lady I knew who was not fat, had a rank smell emanating from her feet, even in open sandals.. But the pungency and potency of it turned me on! But I think she may have had hyperhydrosis (overactive sweat glands on the feet) I dont think there is a cure for that..
Posted by smell_fetishist (Member # 45419) on :
Sorry mate, but what you describe is whatI am looking for! Everytime something like that happens to me I am in heaven! I guess I am a bit hardcore on the smell thing haha!
Posted by Huey (Member # 35114) on :
I hate that happen too you sir. I hope she's not expecting you to call her back LMAO. but its kool tho I think there's always that one time for all of us who had an bad experience with feet.
Posted by 5thgear (Member # 46148) on :
I've had this experience, but not with an overweight chic. This chic was actually pretty hot and weighed probably around 130. She had been wearing mules all day without socks. When she took them off she had real sexy feet. I told her that her feet are gorgeous and I want them. She told me that they stink. I was like oh well that won't be much of a problem, but when I went down to them I was like oh fuck. It wasn't a musky or cheesy smell. It was a strong smell that I can't really put an analogy to. She washed them off with soap and shampoo and they still had a light smell to them of that aroma. If she wouldn't of been hot and have sexy feet then I'm sure I'd of vomited. The smell did stick with me for a while.
Posted by Rider Aldebaran (Member # 38525) on :
And this is why I'm not into the smell/stink/odor part of this fetish at all.
Posted by Peter, Peter (Member # 40235) on :
The things we do for feet and by the way I have never laughed so much while reading something. Well done, sorry it didn't work out but recon work is always fun. Maybe next time you will have a better hunting experience.
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
I actually love stinky/smelly feet, to the point that finding a girl that has feet that have odor that would make your hair stand on end is a goldmine for me. At any rate, I was at a foot party once and the first session of the night was with this tiny, very drunk model who had legitimately size 1.5 feet. Now, the feet themselves were cute, but the smell....they smelled vaguely of vomit. Needless to say, it was a major turnoff for me. However, I'd already paid my money for the session, so I wasn't about to cut and run lest I feel like I wasted my money. So I rubbed them and politely excused myself from her when my time was up and did my best to avoid her the rest of the night. The truly ironic thing is that they didn't even smell that strong, it was just the type of smell that really killed it for me.
Posted by Kokaith (Member # 22763) on :
It's not just something constrained to big girls. The girl I'm seeing now has a little extra weight on her, but her feet don't stink. I've got a similar experience though. Early in college, I was hanging out with a cute goth chick that I had a thing for. We watched a movie one night. We'd been running around before that and she had been wearing a pair of huge goth boots. This was mid spring in Georgia. She kicked her boots off and almost immediately, the room was inundated with a hideously pungent stench. I almost couldn't even finish the movie because her feet stunk so bad. I lost most of my attraction for her over that.
Posted by Talos (Member # 39913) on :
I love a strong smell, but the only time I didn't was this one chick I met playing CoD. Her feet smelled like nasty wet dog.
Posted by ashifechi (Member # 16477) on :
I remember a chick, years back, who I hung out with a couple of times.
The first & only time I saw her feet, she kicked off her shoes & put her feet on her coffee table.
Man, her toenails were unpainted, which is no big deal, except, they were freakin' thick, yellow, fungus-filled toenails.
I lost interest in her right then & there. Done, woman! Done!
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
quote:Originally posted by ashifechi: I remember a chick, years back, who I hung out with a couple of times.
The first & only time I saw her feet, she kicked off her shoes & put her feet on her coffee table.
Man, her toenails were unpainted, which is no big deal, except, they were freakin' thick, yellow, fungus-filled toenails.
I lost interest in her right then & there. Done, woman! Done!
Oh man, that is such a major turn off for me. I mean, I understand some toenails will be somewhat discolored if they wear polish a lot, but when they're yellowed and fungus-ridden? No, I can't deal with that, not even with polish afterwards.
Posted by jediofthefeet (Member # 1463) on :
Personally, I've never experienced that.
But during my shoots, yes! The thing was, other than one blonde who had bad body odor as a whole, the rest of the girls were very pretty. And way back when I did location shoots, I met a woman who came after work. It was dark when we shot, and I smelled something terrible. I didn't know it was her feet until I put two and two together. The crazy thing is they all wore open sandals, or heels. So even with their feet exposed to air, they still had an awful odor. Posted by KlassFX (Member # 46337) on :
What you are smelling is a dead sheep.
The material inside the Uggs is sheepskin with attached fleece. It's absolutely foul.
I have a NO UGGS policy in all scenes. They look ugly, and the stink is the wrong kind of stink. You want to smell a girl's feet, not a dead sheep's ass.
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
quote:Originally posted by KlassFX: What you are smelling is a dead sheep.
The material inside the Uggs is sheepskin with attached fleece. It's absolutely foul.
I have a NO UGGS policy in all scenes. They look ugly, and the stink is the wrong kind of stink. You want to smell a girl's feet, not a dead sheep's ass.
Exactly, you want the smell from ballet flats or leather without socks...yum! Posted by VTX-1800 (Member # 45282) on :
The whole "dead sheep" thing makes a lot of sense haha! Might have to make a no ugg rule for myself as well
Posted by Talos (Member # 39913) on :
I don't think it's Uggs that would make a girls feet smell bad. I mean, they do make them smell a certain way and make them smell stronger, but it depends on the girl too. One of my coworkers left her Uggs at work and I buried my face in them. It was a great smell! Just last night I was hanging with a friend and he had a girl over. I could smell her feet from across the room and it was not pleasant.
Posted by KlassFX (Member # 46337) on :
Yeah but based on your stories of prior experiences, Talos, I can imagine that Uggs smell like perfume Posted by Toesucker85 (Member # 16795) on :
quote:Originally posted by smell_fetishist: Sorry mate, but what you describe is whatI am looking for! Everytime something like that happens to me I am in heaven! I guess I am a bit hardcore on the smell thing haha!
Me too homie, I love stinky sweaty feet. Makes me bust quick loads lol.
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
Funny how there's gripe regarding the "dead sheep" of Uggs, but everyone seems to be cool with leather, which is little more than dead cow hide. Truly amusing.
Posted by 5thgear (Member # 46148) on :
Just stick with canvas shoes, such as Tom's, Keds, or canvas flats.