Alright, been pretty quiet lately as the holidays made for busy times outside of the "foot world." Anyway, we usually forward back and forth fan mail and requests whoever gets one in their inbox so if I actually sometimes see when someone sends a strange message that sounds like the person composing it is slightly brain damaged and foaming at the mouth. Lala sent me this one today and I had no choice, but to share it.
I'm thinking this has got to be a friggen joke. Probably another webmaster trying to be a goofball before April 1st, however, you never can tell. I won't share the senders information or the pics they sent along. However they attached several pictures from a foot fetish website claiming the girl to be his girlfriend. Just read this and tell me if you think this is just a joke, or if there is really some sad schmuck that thinks this is what turns a lady on.
Hey lala. Big fan here. Ya so I would like to have your opinion on something because I know you are a foot girl and you have experience. So ive attached a file or 2 of my girlfriend's smelly feet. She is very dominant and the sex is FUCKIN GREAT but she is a real big foot freak and she has a tongue fetish. Her name is T****. Now she is a weirdo cuz she likes to say the most ridiculous shit to turn her on right before she FUCKS my brains out and sticks her tongue deep down my throat resulting in heavy spit swapping and then wraps her stank ass feet nice and tight around my ankles so I cant go anywhere. She picks her toejam and has her own fungis bucket where she keeps all her toejam and foot scraping collection. Now she likes to say stupid shit like "DUBIDUHBIDUH" or "YABADABADOO" or knickknack dogshit. and then suddenly and fiercely hooks her tongue deep down my throat and tongues hard and all around the inside of my mouth until she gets EVERYTHING and EVERY NOOK AND CRANNIE and CREVICE of the inside of my mouth and its hot and all but too much sometimes. OH and she sucks my toes deep for foreplay and then she makes me suck her nasty toes deep and down to the base until I get her toejam and fungis stuck to the roof of the inside of my mouth and then she hooks her tongue into my mouth and tongues it all out for me and swallows it. SHE IS A SICKO AND A CREEPER AND A STALKER. ANYTHING about feet turns her on HARD!! The smell of feet and her feet turn her on HARD.
Posted by catsman (Member # 10269) on :
Man doesn't know that the English language allows for commas? I think he's a freak just from judging his non-use of punctuation.
Posted by peterjohn (Member # 37637) on :
thats hectic.So where are the pics. And catsman u shouldnt talk about punctuation as u dont use it either.
Posted by fj8585 (Member # 5462) on :
I applaud their effort and attention to detail
Posted by Rider Aldebaran (Member # 38525) on :
Whatever turns him on, I guess. The toejam thing is a bit nasty; as if smelly feet weren't bad enough.
Posted by Jiao (Member # 44950) on :
Posted by Jiao (Member # 44950) on :
WTF! I am confused by everything thing in this thread!
Posted by Fair Adam (Member # 13350) on :
That's just nasty. I think this guy has a screw loose.
Posted by Surmene (Member # 43593) on :
quote:Originally posted by catsman: Man doesn't know that the English language allows for commas? I think he's a freak just from judging his non-use of punctuation.
This. I didn't even try reading it.
Posted by Talos (Member # 39913) on :
Damn, except for the toe jam that sounds like fun! I hope he's for real.
Posted by feetluvr (Member # 1570) on :
I agree with Fair Adam. This guys WAY out there- to the extent that it makes me doubt whether its true or not.
Posted by thomasfrend (Member # 35033) on :
This man wins for biggest troll of the new year. Even more so because he got you to post it in a public thread Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
We got a kick out of it. However, that's the price the models pay for having messages sent to an e-mail account.
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on :
Show the pics; at least then we'll know if her feet are worth putting up with all her other bullshit. (This assumes any of it is true. The dude kind of sounds like a 15 year old with a wild imagination.)
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
The pics he sent were pulled from a website so they weren't of a real girlfriend. They even had the site's name on them so I'm not going to post them. Lala and I are positive that it was just someone trying to yank her chain.
Posted by Elvzz (Member # 14178) on :
There is always a douche! Thanks for all the info LeDaemon.
Posted by Fate111 (Member # 2627) on :
It sounds more like a 14-15 year old kid got a hold of a computer and began looking around online and, somehow, ended up at Lala's website. Thinking that foot fetishes are gross, this moron decided to "play a joke" by sending her an email.
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
And this is why I support abortions.
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
quote:Originally posted by Fate111: It sounds more like a 14-15 year old kid got a hold of a computer and began looking around online and, somehow, ended up at Lala's website. Thinking that foot fetishes are gross, this moron decided to "play a joke" by sending her an email.
quote:Originally posted by bluetoelover: And this is why I support abortions.
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
If you can pinpoint the sender's IP as being from California, I'm betting I know who the creep is.
Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on :
California is a big state, TD; maybe just narrow the search to northern California.
Posted by Doneforever (Member # 38637) on :
STRANGE!!!! FO Sur!!!
Posted by FIASCo (Member # 1899) on :
I try to treat always treat the ladies in our community with respect. It's a pity that more people don't do the same.
Posted by Martial Law (Member # 2564) on :
"YABADABADOO!" Posted by Sinnister (Member # 2394) on :
Jail time in his immediate future.
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
quote:Originally posted by aka.footjoyboy: California is a big state, TD; maybe just narrow the search to northern California.
LOL, if it's the same freak I'm thinkin of (who used to terrorize young girls online), then this guy is already on the run LOL... probably running back and forth between Anaheim and Elk Grove again Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on :
Posted by lalafeet (Member # 44644) on :
I was immensely entertained. I'm always up for a good read. Between the mail in my lalafeet email account and the messages in my FetLife inbox my fans know how to keep me "on my toes"! LOL Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
Wouldn't be surprised if the same email was cut and pasted into countless web girls emails. I know some people out there think my email address belongs to every single model on my site and I will get the same email sent to me by the person for each of my models. Word per word. Might have been a blanket email to see what kind of a respone might have been made by someone out there.
Posted by DeuceBigglo (Member # 1326) on :
Seek help dude. Dont send shite to hot lady with hot toes. Compliment her
Posted by NorcalfeetStudios (Member # 732) on :
creepy fan mail from albuquerque perhaps? I heard that's where dead webmasters go to die...but of course, that's:
Imposibru! Posted by Tiny Dave (Member # 30771) on :
The schmuck that wrote that message is 2 cents short of a dallor.
Posted by jamaicanfeet (Member # 16678) on :
I think I just threw up in my mouth.
Posted by JamesyBaby (Member # 1488) on :
I suppose that's what you get for dating Fred Flintstone.
Posted by Kiwisoles (Member # 45140) on :