This is topic VERY Embarrassing Moment! in forum Foot Fetish Talk at Foot Fetish Forum.

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Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
I hope it's okay to post about this. It happened today, but was about an incident with feet that happened when I was younger.

I'm into bondage as well as feet. I belong to bondage chatrooms as well as this one. I work with my mom. We sell antiques now, but are looking to get into other businesses.

I went to a meeting today with a guy from one of the bondage chatrooms I belong to. My mom knows about the chatrooms, because I told her a bit back. We sat at the meeting today, discussing the potential business etc, as she knows where I know the guy who I went to the meeting with from. Then my mom blurted out something that was extremely embarrassing.

My mom used to have a very hot airline stewardess friend, Donna. My parents met her when I was about three, when we all lived in the same apt building in NJ. They were friends for 10-11 years.

The first summer that we bought our house in CT, I was 8. We had a swimming pool. One day, my father and her husband went to play tennis, and my mom was in the house fixing lunch. Donna, who was a hot girl, who was at that time in her late 20s or early 30s, was lying by the pool, her soles dangling off the lounge chair. I had seen her feet before, but never had the opportunity to do anything to them. I dont remember if I asked to smell her feet first, or inched my nose toward them, she noticed, and then I asked to smell them, and she said okay. Later that night, she told my parents. I didnt get in trouble, because they thought I was a silly kid.

Anyhow, so.. we go to the meeting today, and somehow the convo turned to where this guy and I met, and he's into feet too. We started talking about bondage/feet, etc, which is uncomfortable enough in front of one's mom! (His parents know hes into bondage and feet too, as hes in his early 40s, like me, and he told them). Then, my mom blurted something I couldnt believe. She said. "I remember the time you asked Donna to smell her feet, and she got uncomfortable". I had NOT discussed that incident with my mom, since Donna told her and my father, on the night it happened! I dont know how the hell my mom remembered it! Then, the guy I was meeting with, Andy, told me how he would not be married to someone whose feet he couldnt play with, and I confidently said the same. I blatantly told my mom: "If I meet someone who would refuse to let me play with her feet ever, she would be history". My mom replied with something like "Your father wasn't into that". (They are divorced for like 20 years). I dont care what he was into. I just know what I could not live with.

The point of my post is that I could not believe that my mom remembered that I smelled her friend's feet, like 33 years ago! That friend was particularly hot, as my mom had plenty of other friends who I never even tried with when I was younger. That woman was the first woman I ever recall feeling excited to see, even if at 8 or 9 years old, it wasn't in a sexual way as yet.

Is this a weird moment, or what! I am SO mortified that my mom remembered the incident about her friend's feet, so long ago!

Posted by Scotty7493 (Member # 13127) on :
Sorry dude. You lost me at "mom knows about the chatrooms" lol......

Don't care to read the rest.
Posted by boii170 (Member # 41910) on :
If your mom knows about your foot fetish and your friend knows about your foot fetish, I don't see whats so embaressing, especially since he continued the convo.

Scotty is right, either made up or looking for some attention.
Posted by Scotty7493 (Member # 13127) on :
Originally posted by boii170:
If your mom knows about your foot fetish and your friend knows about your foot fetish, I don't see whats so embaressing, especially since he continued the convo.

Scotty is right, either made up or looking for some attention. bothered to read the rest of it?

Thanks for the synopsis.
Posted by combine_hunter (Member # 39526) on :
If you didn't care to read the post, why comment on it twice?

Never mind, stupid question. Plus, I already know the answer.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Okay, maybe I didnt clarify. There is only one reason she knows about the chatroom, and it is this:

I've belonged to the bondage chatroom since 2002. Back then, it was an insecure non password room, where anyone could come in and out, and make up any name.

At first, of course I didnt tell my mom about it. One day, I was talking to a girl, and forgot to ask her age. Suddenly, I see a "17". flash on the screen, and it said I was in trouble with the NJ dept of sex crimes, for discussing sexual things with minors. It told me the cops had my ISP number, and would call me, and that I needed to get a lawyer. The thing looked real.

Thinking I was in deep shit, I told my mom about the chatroom. It turns out sometime later, one of the mods told me such things had happened to other chatroom members, and that the whole "cop" thing was a hoax, put on by trolls. Since then, my mom knows.

Now is it clear? Had the whole "Cop" thing never happened, I would not have told my mom anything.

BTW, I dont make stuff up. I am a very honest person. My profile is real, and who I am is real. I'm sorry if people think I made this up, because all I'm posting here is the 100% truth!

Posted by feetluvr (Member # 1570) on :
Women do have incredible memories (for some things) don't they! I feel your pain man. I would have been mortified as well.
Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on :
hmm...not to poke fun...but you are in your 30's or 40's and you went and told your mother immediatly after you got some bogus underage bust message in a chat room??

In a more serious note...not surprising a parent, 'specially a mother would remember something 'different' about their child...

I guess I am a masochist...but why are you discussing your bondage chat room conversations with your mother and getting into various sexual items?

It is almost akin to telling your mother you were on a chat room with a guy that love anal sex and women with big puffy nipples.

Would seem if you guys were that close to talk about guys you talk with on bondo chat...just seems not much else could embarass you in front of her!
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Thanks, feetluvr.

One, I do feel you're poking fun, for this reason. As I said, I thought I had a legal problem, etc. I guess in my moment of upset, I came clean. It wasnt a big deal.

We are close, but.. I didn't like how she remembered that I asked to smell her friend's feet that long ago. I'm single now, but obviously, when I'm, with a girl again, I'm not going to call up my mother saying "I kissed Jane Smith's feet during sex". Besides, my mom wouldn't be surprised that I have a foot fetish. I've had it since I was five years old, and asked babysitters, as well as her friend, to smell their feet. Most of the sitters told her, and she chalked it off to the "silly kid" thing.

It was just how it was presented, and the fact that she remembered something from so long ago, that made me uncomfortable.

I dont know. From the replies, it seems most people here can't understand.

Posted by combine_hunter (Member # 39526) on :
I understand the source of your embarrassment. What I don't quite get is why you revealed certain details that are ancillary to the moment in question.

I would take oneagain at his word; as far as I know, he's a solid dude. [Thumbs Up]
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Combine, you may think one is a "solid dude", and that is your peroggative. I dont share your opinion.

I dont understand what you mean by "Revealing certain details that are Ancilary to the moment in question". I already explained the situation. I thought the "Cop" was real, and made, probably an unwise judgement in the moment.

I'm honestly sorry I started this thread. It turned into a much bigger deal than I intended. Hopefully, it will just die a natural death.

Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
Fortunately, I managed to avoid a lot of embarrassing moments in my early years. I think that I knew at a young age that parents remember EVERYTHING. If they don't, they surely remember the things you don't want them to.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Thats good, Toetapper.

So far as I know, unless they weren't telling me the truth, the women I've dated, and been with physically/sexually, hadn't/ haven't told their families about my foot fetish. The subject did come up. One girlfriend I had several years back said something to me like "I only told my one best friend (A girl), and she thought it was cute, but no, I haven't told my family what you do to my feet, because it isn't their business".

To me, as uncomfortable as today was, I would find it 100 times worse, if, for example, I had a gf, and she told her parents/friends/siblings/family, etc. "Mitch plays with my feet during sex". or.. "Mitch likes to suck my toes, or kiss my feet". THAT would make me want to crawl under a rock.

So, I guess as bad as today was, it could have been worse.

Posted by wazdaname (Member # 29767) on :
Yo mitch. I came in and read your post. Fine story but one I prolly wldnt even comment on but after reading the comments and seeing u wish u didn't start it I had to post. Who cares man you posted it n it's not a big deal. Forget what people say we are on a foot fetish website and people post weird and dumb and whatever shit all the time. If it was a female saying she loves to worship her sisters feet we wld all be hot and horny prolly even the same ones who said your mom knowing something private about you is crazy or not believable.

So in other words who cares man post what you want. Keep on keepin on man. The thread entertained me and kept my attention and that's all im looking for when I enter the forum.

Take care man
Posted by GQguy (Member # 16534) on :
Of course parents would remember an instance like that! When I was 12 my mom found her Victoria's Secret catalogs under my bed and freaked. Bet she still remembers that! Even though in retrospect that was/is pretty normal. Actually there should be more concern if those catalogs didn't do anything for me then...anyway. Smelling feet....pretty weird. Surely she needs to keep an eye on you till you're old enough to be on your own.

To each their own. I couldn't imagine nor would I ever find a reason why I would discuss this sort of thing with my mother. That's part of why you date and make female friends.

Posted by oneagain (Member # 35859) on :
This thread is getting more amuzing the further it goes on.

Mitch, I feel for yah...but you are in your 40''re really worrying too much about your're giving off that Norman Bates vibe.

Great to respect your mother and not feel to disappoint her or anything...but how do you think she might feel hearing you talking about bondage chat and some guy you met on there that was into feet?

Not really sure the reaction you were expecting. To recall a past story that was quite mild would have been the least of your worries...the last bondage notification you gave to her was when you thought you got busted by the cops!
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :
What I want to know is how long he got to smell the stewardess' feet and what they smelled like.

[Big Grin]
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Thanks for asking that more relavant question, footjoyboy. I will be happy to answer it.

Understand that this was a LONG time ago, and my memory is bit fuzzy, but, here is how I recall it.

Donna was lying on the chaise lounge near our pool, and no one was around. Understand that I had seen her feet plenty of times before, but.. my parents.. her husband, etc, were always around, so I never got a chance to do anything to them.

I dont remember whether I started inching my nose toward her feet first, or I asked to smell her feet first, and she just said okay. She was barefoot the whole time, and her feet had been out of her shoes for a while, so they weren't overly sweaty or such. They just smelled like feet that had been bare for a while, which were not clean, as I recall. I dont remember exactly how long I smelled them for. It was more than a second, but not like.. a long time.. or anything.. maybe a couple of minutes at most.

Also, unfortunately, because she was a BEAUTIFUL woman, Donna had a lot of callouses on her feet. At age eight, one doesn't comprehend that feet are made not as good looking by a lot of callouses. I remember asking her about them, and she said something like "My feet are very calloused because I like to walk barefoot often". An eight year old wouldn't think to say something like "Well, you could make your feet more soft, if you went for a pedicure". Now, if I had a female friend, or girlfriend, with very calloused feet, I would say that to her.

Donna's feet were the hottest pair of feet I ever came in contact with. The other babysitters I had, my ex gfs, etc, were not nearly as hot as her. As I recall, not long either before, or after I smelled Donna's feet, I had this one babysitter, Gina, for a while, who was very cute. She walked barefoot often, and her feet were very dirty. She would reluctantly let me smell her feet, but not until after she took a shower.

Anyhow, thanks footjoy. Hope you liked my answer.

Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :
Thanks, Mitch:
I had many memorable childhood sniffs and am always curious to hear of others.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Memorable childhood sniffs. Awesome! I can tell you this: I smelled many babysitters feet, from age 5.. to about.. 12 lol. They were of all shapes, sizes, races, types of feet, etc, and most of them were wonderful. A lot of times I got away with it because of the "You're a silly kid, but okay.. " thing.

The weirdest thing was: The last pair of feet I smelled during that period, was, unfortunately, the most unusual pair of feet I ever came in contact with. She was an 18 year old African American girl, and, for some reason, her feet never smelled. She would wear socks, and take them off, and the feet would have no smell. She claimed not to have what she called "Cheesy feet". She also was not at all ticklish on her feet. I dont recall ever trying to tickle any of the sitters feet who I smelled, but, the summer before I was watched by this girl, I discovered how ticklish female feet were in camp, when my bunkmates and I tickled these two 19 year old girl counslors. So, when I came home, and tried to tickle the last sitter's feet, she had no reaction, saying she was not "afraid" of her feet.

Very interesting stories to remember. Oh, and no,. I have no idea if the airline stewardess' feet were ticklish or not, because, as I said before, I dont recall ever tickling female feet, until what happened with those two girl couneslors at summer camp.

Posted by aka.footjoyboy (Member # 32751) on :
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