I was just thinking about it and it would really be awesome to be famously known as the "feet man" the man who made foot fetish mainstream., the man who made it okay to like feet..
but waking up for a second lol... I do think someone is going to do it with maybe some new technology or innovation.....someone is going to do it...
I think we are seeing the early stages of it with Twitter and YouTube, but I think with newer and quicker ways of communicating. someone is going to be known for taking away the fetish stigma and add acceptability...
Posted by The Lum (Member # 34830) on :
Your crazy haha you did say to call you it.
I see where your coming from. Though part of me thinks that really with foot fetishism having been around for centuries and always being just under the radar of normal I don't see it jumping into it yet. Look at all the famous people with a fetish and it's still not there. Think of themillions of foot fetishist out there and it's still not there. I actually like that it's not mainstream as I think it sets us apart from others.
If it does go mainstream do u not worry that girls might then feel embarrased to show their feet a bit like showing their boobs now? What if they don't want us perving at their feet and it makes them self concious of their feet. That's not much good to us.
Posted by RPM (Member # 2895) on :
i saw moviw last night (not worth mentioning the name, it sucked in my opinion).. but there was a long scene where the guy is talking to his wife. you see barely him taking her sock of and starts to massage her foot. you know that is what he's doing but it's right cut off the bottom of the screne.
the whole entire scene, you see multiple camera angle, but yet her foot is not visible until the one shot that is from across the room, and at that point she moves her other socked foot to block the view.
yet, the massage was essential in showing the nature of their relationship and was rather key.. but it was clipped out!
so much for mainstream. it wasn't sexual or anything.. just not "cool" enough to get full view. and it was a long scene at that.. and later in the movie, you get a glimpse of her peds... real nice peds too!
so, it's not yet mainstream, but the idea is creeping up more and more!
Posted by secksrocks (Member # 30999) on :
Personally, I think the way to do it is to realize the importance of high heels and pedicured feet in fashion. Seriously, when I go out to nightclubs, I look at all these beautiful women who dress sexy as hell, and they always got the shoes to match. To me, that just completes the outfit. When a girl doesn't take notice to their feet, it's always a disappointment to me! If only more photographers were like this guy, http://deelite.deviantart.com/art/Fashion-high-heels-liz-34195108 , more people would look at feet as a beautiful thing! But right now, too many people just think of fungus and nasty shit because they don't realize how nice well taken care of feet can be!
edit: RPM, that was one of the things I wanted to mention but didn't really know how to bring up. A lot of times, they just ignore the feet in a picture or a scene, so no one equates it to sexy.
In that scene, it does depict a level of intimacy between a couple, and actually, I think it was in good taste not to show the feet. I mean, they weren't trying to turn anyone on or anything, so it's fine like that.
But as far as looking at feet in a seductive light, it sucks seeing the legs and have it cut off before the feet shows, or having it start from the legs with the feet cut off. But I do love the fact that they often show a beautiful women walking, and all you see are her feet or a pair of high heels.
Women know their legs are sexy, and they use it to their advantage by showing us some leg. If only they thought of their feet as sexy and used it to their advantage. Playing footsies and giving us come hither motions and having our eyes (or lips) follow the trail that begins at her feet and ends at her eyes (or lips)
[ July 03, 2009, 05:56 AM: Message edited by: secksrocks ]
Posted by Sinnister (Member # 2394) on :
People who say any press is good press are delusional. The weirdo's on Twitter are driving our fetish further into the land of fringe not mainstream. What was making it mainstream was subtle references to feet activities in songs and movies.
Perverts trying to rape feet on Twitter is only hurting.
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
The only way a guy is gonna make it "cool" mainstream wise anyways is if he is not a douche about it. Just casually mention it in interviews that he likes a girl to have pretty well maintained feet, if he is a director by chance just give glances of the camera to the peds, not overly long shots because lets face it, does a director give a 20 -30 second shot to a chicks ass over and over in a film? NO! That would be viewed as fucked even though its a chicks ass(viewed by mainstream as normal).
It is going to take a patient man to take it to the mainstream as being normal, not cool not kinky but NORMAL and that is all we can hope for as a community.
Posted by secksrocks (Member # 30999) on :
I agree with Sinnister.. I've never been on twitter, but the comments on youtube are embarrassing
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
quote:Originally posted by Sinnister: The weirdo's on Twitter are driving our fetish further into the land of fringe not mainstream.
this is most definitely true! i have seen more & more freaks on twitter it seems as of late.
why can't they just put a goddamn lid on for the like 3 seconds until the girl is gone? then go home & masterbate or something! noooooo, those freaks just have to tell the girl somehow that they obsess over feet and this freaks women out boiz!
this is unacceptable. keep it bottled up around these normal women unless you get to know them better and save it for later.
Posted by GQguy (Member # 16534) on :
Pervs like tits and so does the coolest guy ever. How are they linked. They're not. I've never told a woman about my thing for feet and she linked me to a creep. Why would she? I'm a decent looking standup cool guy. I look her in the eye, tease her a little, a bit aloof till she says something I like....opposite of the creepy guy. Who....says socially awkward things like complimenting her on her body before he even introduces himself(really guys...is telling her she has pretty feet more important than exchanging names or casual banter).
There are alot of cool guys with foot fetishes. Tommy Lee, Enrique Iglesias P Diddy and a slew of other famous cool guys. It doesn't have to be mainstream in everyone world. Just mainstream in your world. And a cool guy invites women/people into their own world. Ever see that ladies man act totally inappropriately but get the girl? WTF right? He's in his own reality and has invited you and the girl to it.
Twitter has nothing to do with my sex life. My sex life is not mainstream.
Posted by Michael P (Member # 1922) on :
i think you guys really need to stop reading this twitter crap, it's making you too insecure
the people that use that site are losers that desperately want to feel important, their ignorant views and opinions shouldn't matter
if a chick actually likes you, she won't mind your foot fetish
end of story
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on :
quote:Originally posted by Michael P: i think you guys really need to stop reading this twitter crap, it's making you too insecure
the people that use that site are losers that desperately want to feel important, their ignorant views and opinions shouldn't matter
if a chick actually likes you, she won't mind your foot fetish
end of story
Absolutely right, especially with the first and last sentences!
[ July 06, 2009, 09:15 AM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by nusuth (Member # 7372) on :
quote:the people that use that site are losers
thanks for clearing that up Mikey. we needed an authority to give us a final judgement on that.
i dont FF will ever be mainstream and i dont know why some guys are so obsessed over it. if arent a fetishist, you're never gonna understand it. try and step back and think about if some guy told you that if he was a girls foot, he could get sexually aroused? or that he could cum from rubbing his cock on her feet. does it really make any sense? omg no! so why try and expect that other people are going to accept it as 'normal' and make it 'mainstream' whatever that really is.
be happy that you feel normal yourself for being a fetishist and have a community like wu's to share your feeling and experiences with other guys.
Posted by Patrick (Member # 1169) on :
I'd rather it not be mainstream. Something special about getting a girl to let you be the first to pamper her feet and get a footjob from her.
Posted by Michael P (Member # 1922) on :
quote:Originally posted by nusuth:
quote:the people that use that site are losers
thanks for clearing that up Mikey. we needed an authority to give us a final judgement on that.
give me one good reason why a person should share every random thought and meaningless experience they have on the net
give me one good reason why anybody would care to hear some joe blow's random thoughts and meaningless experiences
twitter is pure insanity
the person that created it is a genius, who would've thought that something so simple could be so popular?
i thought we already had facebook for the oh so important status updates, we all have to know when the bobby and susie's are heading out to target and thought the cashier was too slow
people reading about their boring life makes them feel important
i agree with the rest of what you said
Posted by nusuth (Member # 7372) on :
quote:give me one good reason why a person should share every random thought and meaningless experience they have on the net
give me one good reason why anybody would care to hear some joe blow's random thoughts and meaningless experiences
using your logic, why do you bother to post anything anywhere. using your words, why would we care about MichealP's random and meaningless experiences. in our age of 'more, quicker, faster, but stripped down', twitter is the equivalent of a personal forum. if you found someone or something of interest that twitters, then you join and follow that person/thing.. just like this board.
i personally dont have a problem with someone using twitter, facebook, wu's board, msn/yahoo/aim, etc. and i dont have a problem with someone else who doesnt use it. my quote and comment after was meant in relation to your signature.
quote:message board "terrorist" for having an opinion
you dont express opinions. you choke people to death with 'facts'. i remember when i first started reading your posts and i agreed with quite a few of your opinions, but i've come to see you state your 'opinion' and will argue with anyone who disagrees til they agree or they lose interest and give up. FACT: twitter is for losers FACT: reading twitter comments about FF losers makes everyone else insecure. FACT: if only we were all like Mikey, we, too, could be cool and popular and have all the women.
ok, you never said that last one, but thats my personal opinion.
Posted by Michael P (Member # 1922) on :
quote:using your logic, why do you bother to post anything anywhere. using your words, why would we care about MichealP's random and meaningless experiences. in our age of 'more, quicker, faster, but stripped down', twitter is the equivalent of a personal forum. if you found someone or something of interest that twitters, then you join and follow that person/thing.. just like this board.
i personally dont have a problem with someone using twitter, facebook, wu's board, msn/yahoo/aim, etc. and i dont have a problem with someone else who doesnt use it. my quote and comment after was meant in relation to your signature.
forums are places for discussion, people seek input and opinions which normally have a main topic, female feet in this forums case
twitter is just posting random thoughts that have absolutely nothing to do with anything that is relevant, just a way for people to make themselves feel important
tell me a girl posting about some guy commenting on her feet isn't trying to validate her appearance to her "followers"
it's seems kinda pathetic but that's just my opinion
quote:]you dont express opinions. you choke people to death with 'facts'. i remember when i first started reading your posts and i agreed with quite a few of your opinions, but i've come to see you state your 'opinion' and will argue with anyone who disagrees til they agree or they lose interest and give up. FACT: twitter is for losers FACT: reading twitter comments about FF losers makes everyone else insecure. FACT: if only we were all like Mikey, we, too, could be cool and popular and have all the women.
ok, you never said that last one, but thats my personal opinion.
every day there is a new thread about some random every day girl posting negative opinions of the foot fetish
why look for this stuff when it is clearly making them feel bad and insecure about their fetish? you really don't think it's making them feel bad about themselves?
like i always say, if a woman likes you she will let you indulge your fetish, unless she has some extreme foot hangup
the more they read these negative comments from random attention whores, the less they will believe that, heck i remember years ago reading comments from guys that couldn't even tell their own wife they had a foot fetish, that's pretty sad in my opinion
do you twitter? if so, why?
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on :
Can anyone tell me what is so special about the twitter lifestyle? Are we that far up in our own asses that we really think people actually give a damn about what we’re doing *every* minute of the day?
-- 7:00pm: Just joined twitter. Sweet. Now I can keep a log of every worthless thing that happens to me. -- 7:01pm: I just realized that no one really cares about what I do, and if they do, they should really get a life. -- 7:02pm: My last post on twitter. Now I can get back to actually living my life.
If you are one of these people who love updating your social circle on every petty thing that happens in your life, then perhaps you can share some insight as to why you think people actually care.
Don’t get me wrong, I try and embrace all I can with new technological trends and whatnot, and I understand that twitter has been around for some time, but come on, why do you feel the need to jot every little meaningless detail of your life? I mean, who really cares about what you just finished eating, or what you just finished watching, or that your cat just took a piss on your favorite pair of jeans?!
Let me get this straight, you get on twitter, you get a bunch of your dumbest friends to join, then you can all share what you are doing with an up-to-the-minute relay of your meaningless life? Whatever happened to the telephone, or even a visit to a friend's house, or an old-fashioned blog post?
Do you think people before twitter really cared about what their friends were doing at every given moment?
I know I'm not alone on this. Can anyone understand why they feel the need to let their “social circle” know what is happening? If you are a twitter user, then maybe you can shed some light, because I really don’t get it.
Besides, Micheal P is correct: If the girl really digs you, she'll indulge in your love for feet. I bet it's those guys who lurk around children playgrounds are the ones making us look creepy. I hear about the negative stereotypes about us and it does not phase me one bit. Not one. Why? Because she can't get enough of me. Once she gets to know how cool I am, all those negative stereotypes she's heard about foot fetishists go right down the toilet. Guys with no game are the ones constantly worrying about the negative comment that ONE girl made. Fuck her (metaphorically AND literally speaking) and get back to your life the way it was meant to live.
By the way: Foot Fetishism should not be mainstream. Otherwise we'll look like the weirdos who think that faceless models should be in the Hall of Fame.
[ July 07, 2009, 01:47 AM: Message edited by: National ]
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
quote:Originally posted by Michael P: do you twitter? if so, why?
yep, i use it daily. not as daily as some friends of mine, but i post something everyday. it's just notihing more then keeping up with the social networking trends. twitter is silly by way of the fact that it's 1/4 of what facebook (and now myspace) offers. it's a site entirely of status updates, which is why i find it stupid. but everyone's got one, so why not give it a try.
Posted by nusuth (Member # 7372) on :
again Mikey, you post your opinions as facts. i think we need we need to send you back to school to learn some elementary basics. FACT: something that it real, it exists, its actual and undisputable. i.e. the earth is round, gravity exists, at 32deg F in normal atmosphere water freezes and at 212deg it boils, etc OPINION: a personal conclusion held without proof, a personal belief. i.e. paris hilton is a ugly skag, women's feet are really hot, facebook is for dating.
maybe the problem doesnt lie in the fact that you have differing opinions, but how judgementally you state them. your scorn for others opinions is really distasteful and is no better than the women who scorn us for our preference for pretty feet.
you condemn anyone who uses twitter because you dont agree with how some people use it, but its a tool. no more, no less. yes, i use twitter and i can, for fact, tell you that you are utterly and totally wrong in your opinion that i am "posting random thoughts that have absolutely nothing to do with anything that is relevant". dont believe me? check it out. http://twitter.com/celebrityfet4us not like you being proven wrong will change anything i suppose. i use it to promote my site as do alot of other people, but your blanket statement doesnt allow for that.
quote:you really don't think it's making them feel bad about themselves?
if they do, then they have issues regardless. i read them and they dont make me feel bad about myself. i do get annoyed that there so many creeps out there that make women uncomfortable in general. how appropiate is it to make comments like they do? regardless if its about feet or boobs or ass, it's socially inept. unfortunately, i do feel it reflects on me especially because i do share something in common with a douche like that.
quote: Let me get this straight, you get on twitter, you get a bunch of your dumbest friends to join, then you can all share what you are doing with an up-to-the-minute relay of your meaningless life?
another snap judgement. hmmm.. kinda like how these women on twitter think we're all a bunch of perverted wierdos because of a few guys. i'm disappointed, but then again, the net is full of people who do the same thing.
and i am doubly pissed at you two for making me having to defend twitter. wtf! first i have to defend lady gaga cause someone makes an out-his-ass comment based on song titles alone and now i have to defend mother f'ing twitter. keep it up and i will just give up and let the judgemental bastards shoot their mouths off to their self-inflated egos content.... btw, thats not a fact, it's just my happy little opinion. have a nice day.
Posted by National (Member # 8568) on :
Nusuth, no matter how flat you make a pancake there will always be two sides of it. You can't be disappointed or pissed at me for saying what I said. There has got to be some truth to why people are so down on Twitter. Otherwise these criticisms would not exist. You are the *very, very, very rare exception* of how to use Twitter without making yourself look like a person who is nothing more than meat with eyes after having been melted by the sun. That was the first (and, most likely, the last) time I'll see a twitter page that does not have meaningless garbage expressed all over it. You have your side of why Twitter is useful. Here's the other side of why Twitter is plan stupid:
-- Why would I care if you're walking down the stairs because the elevator's broken?
-- Just another opportunity to interrupt real-world social interactions.
-- Enabling attention-deficit disorder sufferers doesn't seem a like a particularly good idea these days, does it?
-- Gives NPR Weekend Edition host Scott Simon an excuse to let listeners do his job for him by tweeting suggested interview questions.
-- Created to give Starbucks a way to send us all today's list of special coffees.
-- I have enough media to monitor, thank you very much.
-- What part of "trivial" don't you understand?
-- Maybe if we weren't paying so much attention to our iPhones and Blackberries, we'd notice that the planet is going to hell in a handbasket.
-- Patience is a virtue (at times, at least).
-- Chances are, I heard already, because I'm paying attention to original sources, not nth-generation tweets.
-- Why does every new internet tool have to come with a stupid name?
-- On the other hand, "twit" seems like the appropriate term.
-- Moby-Dick.
-- Depending on what's going on in the loop, being left out of it can be a good thing.
-- When was the last time you read a tweet that more than one person needed to see (other than Nusuth's)? Just send a text message, for crying out loud!
-- Civilization managed to survive for 10,000 years without it.
-- As if the signal-to-noise ratio on the web isn't low enough already.
-- Doesn't anyone else realize that we're already too reliant on telecommunications technology?
-- If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you follow suit?
-- Unless my family is under siege in an Indian hotel, it can wait.
-- Really. It can wait. At least until I get back to the peace and quiet of my office.
-- Two words: Pet Rocks.
-- You don't see the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise engaged in anything analogous to tweeting, do you?
-- Makes "25 random things about me" seem like an intelligent use of what precious little free time most of us have left.
I don't see how anyone reading this can say that what I said was fallacious and completely "off the wall."
And to all a good night.
Posted by Michael P (Member # 1922) on :
quote:Originally posted by nusuth: again Mikey, you post your opinions as facts. i think we need we need to send you back to school to learn some elementary basics. FACT: something that it real, it exists, its actual and undisputable. i.e. the earth is round, gravity exists, at 32deg F in normal atmosphere water freezes and at 212deg it boils, etc OPINION: a personal conclusion held without proof, a personal belief. i.e. paris hilton is a ugly skag, women's feet are really hot, facebook is for dating.
maybe the problem doesnt lie in the fact that you have differing opinions, but how judgementally you state them. your scorn for others opinions is really distasteful and is no better than the women who scorn us for our preference for pretty feet.
you condemn anyone who uses twitter because you dont agree with how some people use it, but its a tool. no more, no less. yes, i use twitter and i can, for fact, tell you that you are utterly and totally wrong in your opinion that i am "posting random thoughts that have absolutely nothing to do with anything that is relevant". dont believe me? check it out. http://twitter.com/celebrityfet4us not like you being proven wrong will change anything i suppose. i use it to promote my site as do alot of other people, but your blanket statement doesnt allow for that.
quote:you really don't think it's making them feel bad about themselves?
if they do, then they have issues regardless. i read them and they dont make me feel bad about myself. i do get annoyed that there so many creeps out there that make women uncomfortable in general. how appropiate is it to make comments like they do? regardless if its about feet or boobs or ass, it's socially inept. unfortunately, i do feel it reflects on me especially because i do share something in common with a douche like that.
quote: Let me get this straight, you get on twitter, you get a bunch of your dumbest friends to join, then you can all share what you are doing with an up-to-the-minute relay of your meaningless life?
another snap judgement. hmmm.. kinda like how these women on twitter think we're all a bunch of perverted wierdos because of a few guys. i'm disappointed, but then again, the net is full of people who do the same thing.
and i am doubly pissed at you two for making me having to defend twitter. wtf! first i have to defend lady gaga cause someone makes an out-his-ass comment based on song titles alone and now i have to defend mother f'ing twitter. keep it up and i will just give up and let the judgemental bastards shoot their mouths off to their self-inflated egos content.... btw, thats not a fact, it's just my happy little opinion. have a nice day.
yes i am well aware that people (like you) use twitter to promote things, espn for example is on twitter but i don't understand why they would need it
we weren't talking about them, we're talking about the every day nobody attention whores that post random thoughts about nothing, although maybe they are using it to promote their myspace page to get dates
take a deep breath and relax, it ain't that serious Posted by Michael P (Member # 1922) on :
quote:Originally posted by National:
By the way: Foot Fetishism should not be mainstream. Otherwise we'll look like the weirdos who think that faceless models should be in the Hall of Fame.
LOL Posted by National (Member # 8568) on :
quote:Originally posted by Michael P:
quote:Originally posted by National:
By the way: Foot Fetishism should not be mainstream. Otherwise we'll look like the weirdos who think that faceless models should be in the Hall of Fame.
I knew you'd get a kick out of that.
Posted by nusuth (Member # 7372) on :
of course its not that serious. the subject is fairly irrelevant compared to the underlying message, but i can see that it's falling on deaf ears so i'll not waste any more time trying to open eyes and minds.
Posted by Andy-Laa (Member # 31511) on :
quote:Originally posted by nusuth: of course its not that serious. the subject is fairly irrelevant compared to the underlying message, but i can see that it's falling on deaf ears so i'll not waste any more time trying to open eyes and minds.
Hey - you cannot correct the Gods of the board; National and Mike P...they know no wrong man...haven't you learned yet? Posted by National (Member # 8568) on :
So let me get this straight:
Are you trying to say that every letter of every word I've said about why Twitter sucks is based on 100% pure speculation and that my take on it is all absolutely, 100%, Grade-A false? Nothing I said about this is anywhere within the realms of the truth? Twitter is absolutely, positively, nothing like the negative views I bring forth to the debate?
If the answer to any of these questions is no or "well, that depends on...", then I've made some sense in where I stand on Twitter.
Like I said before: No matter how flat you make a pancake, there's always two sides to it. That means that there HAS to be something that's good about Twitter. I already gave credit to Nusuth. But I don't think that was enough for him when he said that Michael and I are completely close-minded on the issue *after* we said that he uses Twitter in a way that was beneficial. See, there is some good to Twitter. Not much good, but some good, nonetheless.
But my overall take remains the same: Twitter sucks!
Posted by vanderfeet (Member # 8733) on :
I don't have a Twitter account, but I did for a while. My account broke, and I didn't love the Twitter experience enough to go through the hassle of creating a new one and re-"following" all of my friends/acquaintances. It was kind of fun while it lasted, though.
I can understand why someone would hate Twitter, and I can understand why someone would love it.
However, like it or not, this is the 21st century. Many of us have probably been surfing the 'net since the mid-to-late 90s. Since entering the digital age, we have been experiencing an unprecedented evolution in human communication. As humans spend an increasing proportion of their time online, it is only natural that we will seek out novel ways to share our thoughts online and thus nurture our need to feel connected to the world and those around us. Hence, the diversification of online communication should come as no surprise to anyone (from pre-internet BBSes, to internet message boards and guestbooks, to MySpace/Facebook social networks and Twitter). It is an age of accelerated communications experimentation, the likes of which we have never seen, as this time around it is fueled in part by corporate and advertising interests.
There will inevitably be a plethora of styles, communication 'niches', to suit everyone's tastes, moods, or present station in life. It only makes sense.
That is why I think this knee-jerk, outright condemnation of one online social network over another is missing the point. From the standard "Uses and Gratifications" model of Media Theory, all of these online tools are fulfilling the same needs and providing the same gratifications for the user. The only difference is the means and the style by which these needs are fulfilled. We are all in the same boat, looking for a sense of connection and validation, regardless of which tool we choose to employ.
Twitter may seem inherently more vacuous, but it's simply a tool like any other. Sure, a lot of fools seem to use it, but that can be said about the internet in general. And if one chooses to "follow" only friends, and one's friends happen to be intelligent, who cares about random Joe Idiot and why he uses it, and what he thinks is worth sharing with the world? You are safely sequestered away from his and anyone else's bullshit, and have thus successfully utilized the tool to a positive end.
I also think there's a misconception in this thread about the limits of Twitter. It's not as though one is obligated by law to only post updates about one's banal activities. My "Twitter feed" -- the "tweets" from those I chose to follow at the time -- was an entertaining melange of updates on friends' lives (of course); random, often funny thoughts; and informative links to things of interest, among other things. Oh, the evil!
Posted by GQguy (Member # 16534) on :
quote:Originally posted by vanderfeet: I don't have a Twitter account, but I did for a while. My account broke, and I didn't love the Twitter experience enough to go through the hassle of creating a new one and re-"following" all of my friends/acquaintances. It was kind of fun while it lasted, though.
I can understand why someone would hate Twitter, and I can understand why someone would love it.
However, like it or not, this is the 21st century. Many of us have probably been surfing the 'net since the mid-to-late 90s. Since entering the digital age, we have been experiencing an unprecedented evolution in human communication. As humans spend an increasing proportion of their time online, it is only natural that we will seek out novel ways to share our thoughts online and thus nurture our need to feel connected to the world and those around us. Hence, the diversification of online communication should come as no surprise to anyone (from pre-internet BBSes, to internet message boards and guestbooks, to MySpace/Facebook social networks and Twitter). It is an age of accelerated communications experimentation, the likes of which we have never seen, as this time around it is fueled in part by corporate and advertising interests.
There will inevitably be a plethora of styles, communication 'niches', to suit everyone's tastes, moods, or present station in life. It only makes sense.
That is why I think this knee-jerk, outright condemnation of one online social network over another is missing the point. From the standard "Uses and Gratifications" model of Media Theory, all of these online tools are fulfilling the same needs and providing the same gratifications for the user. The only difference is the means and the style by which these needs are fulfilled. We are all in the same boat, looking for a sense of connection and validation, regardless of which tool we choose to employ.
Twitter may seem inherently more vacuous, but it's simply a tool like any other. Sure, a lot of fools seem to use it, but that can be said about the internet in general. And if one chooses to "follow" only friends, and one's friends happen to be intelligent, who cares about random Joe Idiot and why he uses it, and what he thinks is worth sharing with the world? You are safely sequestered away from his and anyone else's bullshit, and have thus successfully utilized the tool to a positive end.
I also think there's a misconception in this thread about the limits of Twitter. It's not as though one is obligated by law to only post updates about one's banal activities. My "Twitter feed" -- the "tweets" from those I chose to follow at the time -- was an entertaining melange of updates on friends' lives (of course); random, often funny thoughts; and informative links to things of interest, among other things. Oh, the evil!
Excellent!!!! Bravo. Well said Vander.
Posted by jono86 (Member # 9142) on :
Why is everyone obssessed about making foot fetishism "mainstream"? Is it because you want to feel "normal"? A foot fetish will never be considered "mainstream" no matter how famous they are. Women won't start jerking you off with their feet instead of hands because celebs like it. lol
Posted by Andy-Laa (Member # 31511) on :
quote:Originally posted by jono86: Why is everyone obssessed about making foot fetishism "mainstream"? Is it because you want to feel "normal"? A foot fetish will never be considered "mainstream" no matter how famous they are. Women won't start jerking you off with their feet instead of hands because celebs like it. lol
Hahahahaha Agreed man! I mean...one thing I can say - I'm sure many men like the "underground" feeling of foot fetishism; for example - even the layout to Wu's is appealing...the black and white...makes it all seem wrong and exciting...lol
Posted by nusuth (Member # 7372) on :
National, you simply chose to ignore my actual statement which wasnt that you think twitter sucks, but the fact that you choose to condemn things based upon a cursory look. there are a great many twitter users who arent twits, just as there are a great deal of foot fetishists who arent uncouth, immature, creepy pervs. as Vander stated so damn intelligently and eloquently, twitter is a tool. might as well condemn the internet for all the pedophiles on it that use it as a stalking ground... thankfully many ppl dont judge as ignorantly as you and Mikey.
Posted by Michael P (Member # 1922) on :
quote:Originally posted by Andy-Laa:
quote:Originally posted by nusuth: of course its not that serious. the subject is fairly irrelevant compared to the underlying message, but i can see that it's falling on deaf ears so i'll not waste any more time trying to open eyes and minds.
Hey - you cannot correct the Gods of the board; National and Mike P...they know no wrong man...haven't you learned yet?
if it's wrong to think you can't call a girl you've never met in person your girlfriend, then i don't want to be right Posted by vanderfeet (Member # 8733) on :
+ = Posted by Andy-Laa (Member # 31511) on :
quote:Originally posted by Michael P: if it's wrong to think you can't call a girl you've never met in person your girlfriend, then i don't want to be right [/QB]
Single Mike? Yeah. Cool. Wonder why...
Posted by vanderfeet (Member # 8733) on :
That avatar of yours is such an insanely awesome pose.
Posted by Andy-Laa (Member # 31511) on :
quote:Originally posted by vanderfeet: That avatar of yours is such an insanely awesome pose.
Thanks man - I got a whole load of these I'll post some time soon. Oh - they're of my girlfriend btw (assuming you ask anyone but Michael P )
Posted by Athena K (Member # 33809) on :
quote:Originally posted by vanderfeet: That avatar of yours is such an insanely awesome pose.
haha thanks i like that one too
Posted by Michael P (Member # 1922) on :
quote:Originally posted by Andy-Laa:
quote:Originally posted by Michael P: if it's wrong to think you can't call a girl you've never met in person your girlfriend, then i don't want to be right
Single Mike? Yeah. Cool. Wonder why... [/QB]
i don't use myspace or facebook so i am single when it comes to e-friends Posted by Andy-Laa (Member # 31511) on :
quote:Originally posted by Michael P: i don't use myspace or facebook so i am single when it comes to e-friends
So to answer the question, "Yes, very much so" Btw - odd words from someone who claims there's "nothing wrong with internet dating"...hmm...oh wait, you're not pessimistic or looking to bait someone...you just use two completely opposite opinions with no explanation and hope people don't catch you out on it.
[ July 10, 2009, 05:30 PM: Message edited by: Andy-Laa ]
Posted by Michael P (Member # 1922) on :
quote:Originally posted by Andy-Laa:
quote:Originally posted by Michael P: i don't use myspace or facebook so i am single when it comes to e-friends
So to answer the question, "Yes, very much so" Btw - odd words from someone who claims there's "nothing wrong with internet dating"...hmm...oh wait, you're not pessimistic or looking to bait someone...you just use two completely opposite opinions with no explanation and hope people don't catch you out on it.
if i am going by your fantasy world where we call girls we've never met our ""girlfriend" than yes i am single
i said there is nothing wrong with meeting people from the net that live close by, i was "pessimistic" when it came to girls from different continents
hope this helps
Posted by Robotron2084 (Member # 33263) on :
quote:Originally posted by Patrick: I'd rather it not be mainstream.
I'm with you Patrick...it needs to stay a bit in the dark.
Posted by Robotron2084 (Member # 33263) on :
quote:Originally posted by Michael P: [ take a deep breath and relax, it ain't that serious
Nuff said there Mike P!
Posted by FIASCo (Member # 1899) on :