This is topic Missed a golden opportunity!!! But some what made up for it...(NF) in forum Foot Fetish Talk at Foot Fetish Forum.

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Posted by nineone5 (Member # 13245) on :
Hey everyone. This is a tough board I've noticed to get comments, but and sometimes I am hesitant about sharing my stories with a lack of comments, however this most recent experience of mine I felt should absolutely be shared with you guys. i will try not get too detailed however it was an incredible missed opportunity over the weekend however I somewhat made up for it.

Friday night: I had some friends coming in from out of town, a couple of guys and a couple of girls. good college friends, in mid 20's. the girls are cute and attractive girls but the one girl, madison (made up name for privacy measures) average height, petite body figure and very cute face, blonde hair. its finally warm outside so the girls came in flip flops and she has very nice feet, a size 8 actually, little slender but not too narrow and polished toe nails. but i am a SOLES guy, so i get excited when i see some sole action! anyhow, being of close college age, we still like to party hardy. went out that night, hit it hard, girls are trashed, so was i. prolly too trashed to even comprehend a good opportunity. as i know, nothing happy friday night as far as any foot fetish, sole exposing, etc. HOWEVER! the very next morning, i was told of what happened and right there my stomach dropped! like i said i was pretty trashed, never made it to my own bed but slept on the rug in the tv room where everyone else was sleeping. madison was on the couch right next to me, however she was sleeping at one end of the couch, i was sleeping at the other end on the floor (i have a long sectional couch) and my other guy friend was laying right next to me, if not on top. eventually in the middle of the night, i woke up realizing i was on the floor and went to my bed. SO that morning, the guy friend told me something like this "oh when you got up and left last night, i rolled over to your spot to finally get room to sprawl out and MADISON passed out hardcore puts her leg over the couch and plops here barefoot right on my face! UUUGGHH!!" she was laughing and wiggling her foot and toes at him while he was like grossed out. SO you know exactly what I thought when I first heard that??? THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME!!!! I would have obviously done nothing about her foot plopping on my face, pretending I am still sleeping and get the world's most massive hard on! i would have even gone as far as taking my sock off, placing it on my d""" to have a "mess-free" hand party as i would have smelled her soles, toes, etc prolly warm from going out drinking all day/night, dancing etc...for as long as i could. BUT I got up and left. that left me pissed ALL DAY!, thinking over and over about it! in fact i still went ahead and had a "clean" hand party in the shower basically reimagining that scene.

However, as I mentioned, I somewhat made up for it. i will kee this short since the first half seems wordy already. the following night, same ordeal, drink all day, hit it hard at night, pass out. this time, i got pretty drunk still, but not black out. everyone comes home, crashes hardcore once again. madison is in my bed this time actually (was not going to sleep with her, no intentions) but i thought id play it cool and go in my room, which had the lights off but the tv on so its perfectly lit to keep her sleeping and me seeing. and if she woke up, i was going to say sorry had to look for a tshirt in my bedroom to go to bed out on the couch. so i touched her knees to see if id get any reaction or movement, nothing, lifted the sheet, exposed her bare soles once and for all, buried my nose in her long toes first to see if id get another reaction, nothing, so i went ahead and indulged in what i missed last night and had a "mess-free" hand party in clean socks this time. haha. anyhow, overall a fun weekend! hope you guys enjoyed!
Posted by mmmtoes (Member # 30792) on :
Dude - that was harsh. Some folks may not have your confidence and comments like this don't help.
Posted by mmmtoes (Member # 30792) on :
Your reply.

But I didn't think about it in terms of sexual assault. I don't agree with it but at least he kept things (at least in his sock) to himself. I will leave it at that because I don't think we need another thread about that...
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
Originally posted by mmmtoes:
Your reply.

But I didn't think about it in terms of sexual assault. I don't agree with it but at least he kept things (at least in his sock) to himself. I will leave it at that because I don't think we need another thread about that...

i second this
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
Originally posted by Spotlight:
aaaaaaaw, so because some zero doesnt have what it takes to get what he wants, well just let him release here because he likes feet and you know,were all fucking freaks....... Its probably a bunch of horseshit anyway, and since there was already a thread we should let it slide......GOT IT!

[Roll Eyes]
Posted by The_FJCruiser (Member # 6007) on :
So I seem to recall a thread not that long ago. Very similiar situation and everyone jumped the guys shit because he jerked off while sucking some passed out chicks toes. Whats the difference here? The member that posted that other thread got banned. Am I missing something?
Posted by The_FJCruiser (Member # 6007) on :
Posted by nineone5 (Member # 13245) on :
ha! wow. i did not anticipate these kind of responses. spotlight, i have no idea what you have against me. you seem to be putting forth a lot of effort on this thread to throw negative remarks at me. but hey whatever, im not going to let it get to me. thats your call/opinion. But if makes you feel good about yourself, then go right ahead, i do not feel the need to really care about it.

the idea of this experience was obviously not to get caught. i am not not confident in myself, all my previous girlfriends knew about my needs and engaged fully. this was an experience involving a friend who really had no need to know about my fetish. we are too good of friends, nothing sexual, just a drunken moment unnecessary of making a bigger deal out of it. and id rather not have cum every where, on the bed, or her, or whatever to make more of a mess out of it. so i guess the answer to your question to what rock did i crawl under from im going to have to go with Fraggle Rock.

Posted by mmmtoes (Member # 30792) on :
Spotlight - I agree. If it ain't legal, why should it be here?

I misread some of your post and didn't realize that your tone was related to the act itself. I thought you were just being mean and busting on the guy because he didn't exhibit enough confidence to try to have a legitimate mutual encounter before she passed out.
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
Spotlight chill.
Posted by JustJoe (Member # 9641) on :
I'm neutral here but, I can see what's going to happen eventually, most people are just going to stop talking about whatever and just keep things to themselves, whether legal or not.

If I don't like a picture or a comment someone made, I just move on. I have other more important things to attend to.
Posted by Drunk_24-7 (Member # 21781) on :
Definatly a bad break that the dude happened to wake up, leave and miss out on a free foot to the face for hours. That wouldda been a totally cool and randomly unexpected experience that would just rock so much for a guy with a foot fetish. In some ways it'd be even cooler than asking her out and getting foot action with her concentually because it'd just be such a lucky break. The odds of that happening are astronomical and to just miss out on it would have to piss ya off big time. Maybe for this guy to the point he just had to get a whiff of what he'd missed out on.

That's where it got a bit weird. Even if he's just friends with the chick and doesn't want to be anything more, he's obviously attracted to her feet enough to want some action on that front so the best way to go about it is to be straight up. He didn't have to come right out and say he wanted to smell her feet. He could when she was teasing the friend the next day and wiggling her toes along the lines of "lucky bastard, lemme get some of that" or "how intense was that...lemme smell" or whatever degree of comfortable he felt and they seemed with the deal.

Even if he wanted to beat around the bush he couldda just said to her "they can't smell that bad" or to his buddy "how bad were they?" and the wiggler who by the sounds of the story, I'm sure would have been more than willing to give him a sample while concious and coherant. Then they all could have had a laugh over the whole deal and he would have gotten to experience her feet without getting shady.

It's not nearly as bad as the other thread though because for the girl to be drunk and sleeping in his bed there's gotta be a bit of a comfort zone there. He kept his giz to himself and only grabbed a wiff while she was passed out drunk in his bed after drinking with him so I don't think any laws were broken here but the weird thing for me is that if you're at the level where you can get piss loaded with a chick and let her crash in your bed, there's no reason you should have to sneak or hide the fact you think her feet are hot or that you feel like taking a wiff of them. Foot fetish is not a big deal, especially for Drunk collage age people. It's just an experience, sometimes a new one for some people. Nothing more unless you make it more by denying them the oppertunity to take part in the experience by doing something creepy like jerking off into a sock over some who's sound asleep while smelling their feet.

Tough break on missing out on the lucky freebie on night one. Definatly had a right to be pissed, frustrated and to want to get at those feet for redemption sake if nothing else. It could have definatly been handled better, but whatever, they're drunken college kids and stupid shit happens all the time. Even if it was a poor decision, at least he got a taste of the feet he'd missed out on and nobody really got hurt, violated or embarassed in the process.
Posted by John Matrix (Member # 20166) on :
nineone5 - if you haven't noticed, you should probably keep stories like this to yourself

Spotlight - try not to sound so arrogant, it only degrades the reasonable argument you made

im with JustJoe, lets move on people
Posted by High_Arch_Analyst (Member # 28756) on :
Originally posted by JustJoe:
I'm neutral here but, I can see what's going to happen eventually, most people are just going to stop talking about whatever and just keep things to themselves, whether legal or not.

If I don't like a picture or a comment someone made, I just move on. I have other more important things to attend to.

I call fallacy with the above -- slippery slope.

Suggesting that because people can't boast about immoral and/or illegal behavior, they won't share moral and/or illeagal behavior is a stretch.

I think what people will more than likely do is think before they speak (or write in this case).

We all like hearing stories of triumph and conquest whether it be foot related or a sporting event. However the tales are cheapened and despicable when you find out the guy cheated (hence being a sneaky sexually assaulting prick etc.)

I'm with Spotlight, the guy is a zero.
People should keep stories like the OP's to themselves. They should be banned. They should feel stupid for pulling stunts like that, not get props. They should probably be seeking help. I mean c'mon people act like because he only violated her feet, it's no big deal. If the guy was talking about her tits or her vagina he'd be a sicko but because it's feet some people are neutral, don't care -- I don't get it.

FYI, if I don't like a comment or picture here, I move on too normally, but, I draw the line when it comes to violating other people physically. It's just fucking gross and wrong to the point you have to say something (at least I do).
Posted by High_Arch_Analyst (Member # 28756) on :
Oh yeah and Drunk 24 brings up a good point. Clearly this is not as bad as that other a-hole but, nevertheless, if it could probably get you a felony it really should not shared. Unless this is a place where people who get away with that kind of shit are accepted.
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
i'll say it right now, i would somewhat boast about it if something like this happened to me. i don't get females in my bed at all, but i wouldn't jack off in a sock tho. idk, i'm calling BS.
Posted by High_Arch_Analyst (Member # 28756) on :
Originally posted by blackHxC88:
i'll say it right now, i would somewhat boast about it if something like this happened to me. i don't get females in my bed at all, but i wouldn't jack off in a sock tho. idk, i'm calling BS.

Yeah dude, if by chance some chick puts her feet in my face, great I have a funny story. But I would never just start fondling some passed out broad, except for my girlfriend or some girl I was screwing.

If someone is that desperate, just get a working girl.

If by some lapse of judgment I were to do something that stupid. I'd feel like a complete d-bag and take the secret to my grave.
Posted by Sinnister (Member # 2394) on :
A girl in your bed after partying hard and drinking....what do you want the red carpet rolled out?

"no intentions" of sleeping with her? Why not?

What the F is wrong with you youngsters?

You should have woken her up and banged her drunken brains out. She wouldnt have been in your bed if she didnt want to be.
Posted by High_Arch_Analyst (Member # 28756) on :
Originally posted by Sinnister:
A girl in your bed after partying hard and drinking....what do you want the red carpet rolled out?

"no intentions" of sleeping with her? Why not?

What the F is wrong with you youngsters?

You should have woken her up and banged her drunken brains out. She wouldnt have been in your bed if she didnt want to be.

Most men in America, especially the younger ones have their balls clipped at birth male nurses who take orders from feminist doctors who are getting bought off by a left wing media that recognizes if they can create the illusion of the empowered woman, sales of overpriced items that add no value to society will go through the roof at their boutiques.

The men are typically raised female since their mothers usually surpass the 180 by about 40 pounds and run off their fathers after pillaging his coffers.

The fathers are too broken financially and mentally beaten down by their babies mama (remember, like their sons they had their balls clipped too) to show the kid how to be a man.

The end results are the likes of Ryan Seacrest and Adam Lambert -- they are either a wimps or gay.

The few of us who escaped have to be very careful. All we have is our word and our balls, literally.
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
Originally posted by Sinnister:
You should have woken her up and banged her drunken brains out. She wouldnt have been in your bed if she didnt want to be.

reading it again, i feel he was in a lose lose situation. at least she didn't freak when he chose one "shit" option compared to the other "shit" option, which would've been worse IMHO
Posted by JustJoe (Member # 9641) on :
Originally posted by High_Arch_Analyst:
Originally posted by JustJoe:
I'm neutral here but, I can see what's going to happen eventually, most people are just going to stop talking about whatever and just keep things to themselves, whether legal or not.

If I don't like a picture or a comment someone made, I just move on. I have other more important things to attend to.

I call fallacy with the above -- slippery slope.

Suggesting that because people can't boast about immoral and/or illegal behavior, they won't share moral and/or illeagal behavior is a stretch.

I think what people will more than likely do is think before they speak (or write in this case).

We all like hearing stories of triumph and conquest whether it be foot related or a sporting event. However the tales are cheapened and despicable when you find out the guy cheated (hence being a sneaky sexually assaulting prick etc.)

I'm with Spotlight, the guy is a zero.
People should keep stories like the OP's to themselves. They should be banned. They should feel stupid for pulling stunts like that, not get props. They should probably be seeking help. I mean c'mon people act like because he only violated her feet, it's no big deal. If the guy was talking about her tits or her vagina he'd be a sicko but because it's feet some people are neutral, don't care -- I don't get it.

FYI, if I don't like a comment or picture here, I move on too normally, but, I draw the line when it comes to violating other people physically. It's just fucking gross and wrong to the point you have to say something (at least I do).

You totally missed my point. I wasn't suggesting people won't boast about immoral and/or illegal behavior in this forum. If you noticed I said either legal or not suggesting that this forum could be better served if it wasn't interested in flaming the very guy who claims he was drunk but can still write an elaborate and detailed story about his miss opportunity. Too many contradictions in this one. What I smell here is a made up story to try to get some kind of rise out of us and ended up back firing on him.

What I was suggesting is that this forum will eventually kill most of it's good members off, not because of what is right and wrong but because of the old attitude that they'll feel they'll be attacked on some other grounds. I see this happen on here all too many times.

Maybe message the person next time and tell him to take it down. Just an fyi.
Posted by The_FJCruiser (Member # 6007) on :
I think it comes back to the morality of the situation. What this guy did was wrong. Maybe not illegal because it didn't involve touching of sexual parts or penetration but it is still wrong. Period. And just because you choose to ignore a situation doesn't mean it stops or goes away. For the sake of our reputations I say this kind of behavior be ridiculed and the posts be deleted. These people are the true pervs that give our community a bad name. So our inaction is actually condoning it. If we give these jack offs a safehaven we're just as bad.
Posted by High_Arch_Analyst (Member # 28756) on :
I still disagree Joe. I just don't think the majority of contributors will shy away from contributing because some perv got flamed.

I think you could argue people would post more knowing that certain types of posts are not tolerated by members. I could see this certainly being a plus for the forum. I can see your point too but, like I said, I think it's a stretch.

Now that I think about most people probably don't give a shit if there are pervs running around this forum or not, or if people are getting flamed. I'm sure for many lurkers it's entertainment.

I'm not sending private messages either. If Wu wants to censor me fine but, I'm not censoring myself.

Perve post should be deleted by mods before discussions get this far.
Posted by nineone5 (Member # 13245) on :
HA! This is still going on. Will first and foremost in regards to legality, I definitely did not break any laws. I did not touch any part of her body with my genitals, or touch her sexual part nor has she been in contact with any bodily fluids. Smelling a girl's foot while she is sleeping will definitely not get a person in jail. On the topic of why didn't I just confront her and get the real deal??? Because I do not want to develop an actual relationship with her, I am not attracted to her in that way, not even to be a fuck buddy and throw the foot fetish in there. Yes I am definitely attracted to her feet, which I am sure we all as foot fetishists have seen amazing feet on ugly girls, or hot girls with ugly feet. so definitely I have no intentions of telling her, "oh hey, i do not want to sleep with you, but can we be foot buddies instead?". that just does not happen, because what would she get out of it??? so i saw an opportunity, did the damn thing and be done with it? am i proud? it does not even phase me. sure i rather have a hook up with a girl I like from the bar or whatever, have sex, mess around, see if she'd let me indulge with her feet (8 out of 10 times they do), but I did not have any hook ups that night and was a horny drunk. i think some of you guys have blown this way out of proportion but I am not too worried about what others day on this board, you guys can "flame" all you like, how is that really going to affect me in any way?

[ June 17, 2009, 09:42 AM: Message edited by: nineone5 ]
Posted by nineone5 (Member # 13245) on :
Oh and PS

"the very guy who claims he was drunk but can still write an elaborate and detailed story about his miss opportunity. Too many contradictions in this one"

I was not drunk when I wrote the story. I was definitely not drunk the next day when I heard about the missed opportunity. I was drunk the following experience, but not blacked out drunk. Anyhow, I do not feel the need to prove that it all actually happened, it just an experience I had and decided to share, whether you guys believe it or not, or decide to call me "zero", because in the end, do we really know each other, or even know what we look like or anything for the matter? no, so it doe not bother me if i get negative reactions or whatnot. actually, this whole ordeal became sort of amusing.

Finally, in regards to morality, come on now people, are we all truly moral and righteous? i think not, however i completely see where some of you guys are coming from on the subject that conducting an act of foot fetishism on a sleeping woman is immoral because it is without her consent. correct?? well if we were to say that, then why is candid foot pictures of woman widely accepted, posted, downloaded, etc? those women did not give the consent to have pictures of their feet taken. and why are these pictures taken? definitely not to frame up and put on our walls, but so we can JACKOFF to them later. so in sense, its basically the same as the experience i have partaken in. obviously there are different extents of immoral and moral acts, in this case, i do not personally believe i did such a terrible thing.

[ June 17, 2009, 10:37 AM: Message edited by: nineone5 ]
Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
Instead of coming down so hard on him....we would be better off talking some practical sense into him so he doesn't come off looking like some kind of fool....this doesn't condone what was done, but being so harsh on people doesn't cure the activity being done....but I think we all should be more civil amongst each other or this thread will be locked...some of us have been in a similar position at some time in our lives...and that's what is good about this forum is we learn not to commit such acts but being so disparaging toward someone doesn't help the acts from occuring....seriously we need to watch it or this thread will either be locked or erased.
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :

Thank you for posting your story, any sane foot guy would jump at the opportunity for sleepy feet.
The problem around here are a FEW toe-nail lovers and etiquette freaks that are ruining these stories for all of us and GETTING PEOPLE BANNED.

This is a FOOT FETISH FORUM (with also a heavy duty adult thread); stop worrying about how what other people do makes YOU look.
Posted by Michael P (Member # 1922) on :
Originally posted by High_Arch_Analyst:
Originally posted by Sinnister:
A girl in your bed after partying hard and drinking....what do you want the red carpet rolled out?

"no intentions" of sleeping with her? Why not?

What the F is wrong with you youngsters?

You should have woken her up and banged her drunken brains out. She wouldnt have been in your bed if she didnt want to be.

Most men in America, especially the younger ones have their balls clipped at birth male nurses who take orders from feminist doctors who are getting bought off by a left wing media that recognizes if they can create the illusion of the empowered woman, sales of overpriced items that add no value to society will go through the roof at their boutiques.

The men are typically raised female since their mothers usually surpass the 180 by about 40 pounds and run off their fathers after pillaging his coffers.

The fathers are too broken financially and mentally beaten down by their babies mama (remember, like their sons they had their balls clipped too) to show the kid how to be a man.

The end results are the likes of Ryan Seacrest and Adam Lambert -- they are either a wimps or gay.

The few of us who escaped have to be very careful. All we have is our word and our balls, literally.

the brutal truth
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
How am I part of the problem Footjoyboy? All I said was for Spotlight to chill out...I never ragged on the OP and rarely ever rag on anyone's please enlighten me FJB.
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
Originally posted by bluetoelover:
How am I part of the problem Footjoyboy? All I said was for Spotlight to chill out...I never ragged on the OP and rarely ever rag on anyone's please enlighten me FJB.

he said a few, wasn't talking about you dude.
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
As in me and a couple of others then...ya technical bastard [Tongue]
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
Originally posted by bluetoelover:
As in me and a couple of others then...ya technical bastard [Tongue]

wouldn't make sense getting called out for saying "chill", ya know [Big Grin]
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
a lot of people/things on this board doesn't make sense... [Tongue]
Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
Originally posted by bluetoelover:
a lot of people/things on this board doesn't make sense... [Tongue]
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
oh god, you missed the hand party of the century had you been in your original spot the first night LOL

my god man, i know how you feel, i'd be so pissed at myself too LOL

anyway, i learned this a long time ago. and basically goes like this: anytime you are partying with hot drunk chics and they pass out at your place. always go to sleep near them so that their feet might land near your face.

i never thought of the hand parties with my own dirty socks LOL but whatever floats your boat.

me personally, i would love it if a passed out hot chic plopped her sweaty foot in my face. in fact, just like you suggest, i would not try to unplop her feet at all. i would be sitting there and pretending to be asleep, but w/the biggest hardon of all time

and yes indeed boiz, the hand party comes with [Big Grin]

remember fellas, if ya have hot chics passin out at your place, always sleep kinda below them and 69 positioned just in case her foot wanders on ya.

you won't regret it that's fer sure, Hee Hee

might not get much sleep but heck, it's worth the wait if you're lucky & patient boyz!!!

don't go up on her sniffing and licking without prior permission cuz that is very questionable behavior, but thought is this: if she plops her foot on your face by accident, there is no law that says you have to hold your breath or move your face.

know what i mean fellas? that means stay put and sniff for all the nervous dummies out there LOL (you'll thank me later for it)
Posted by JustJoe (Member # 9641) on :
Tyler, you're always a breath of fresh air, or fresh sniff...whichever you prefer. lol
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :

I didn't even have you in mind when I wrote my screed. Maybe I should drop the phrase 'toe nail lovers'; what I meant by that is that I think that there are some here that only like pretty toenails and are 'no smell guys', and get all upset when someone has a fantastic foot experience. (although the girl may be unaware)
No, I totally agree with, and noticed, you telling the dude to chill.

[ June 18, 2009, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: footjoyboy ]
Posted by footjoyboy (Member # 26478) on :

I disagree in one aspect; I think if a sleeping chick's feet (of age) are anywhere in the vicinity, sniffing is fair game. Licking and jacking should be no-go because that's bodily fluid without permission.(but I'm not going to censor or try to have someone banned-like others here did- if they relate such a story)
Also, asking a chick before hand will usually get you laughed out of the room.
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
Originally posted by footjoyboy:
Also, asking a chick before hand will usually get you laughed out of the room.

true, LOL! sometimes best to just keep it bottled up boiz... & maybe save that hand party fer later, Hee Hee

me, i prefer to lick & sniff tho whenever possible (& legal)
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
Ah, no worries then FJB! Thought we were cool, just was blindsided there by what I thought was a call out. See what your saying, everyone is entitled to their opinion though, some just have to learn how to better construct it in a post so that way we at Wu's don't scare new members away and keep the current one's active.
Posted by nineone5 (Member # 13245) on :
Well! I checked to see if this was still going and to my surprise it it! so i thought, in the midst of this ongoing discussion to share my most RECENT experience I just had a little over an hour ago. SO if you all recall I missed an amazing opportunity to be succumbed to a woman's bare soles all night long and decided I needed more than missing out so the following night I did my thing. Anyhow, I did not mention I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND. But first allow me to explain, for me my foot fetish is a weird thing. I love my girl, we've been going out for a long time now, live together etc, she's two years younger than i am. so the weird part about my foot fetish, i would never dare cheat on her, have sex, kiss or anything with another woman. however lately ive been wanting another womans feet, not to have sex, kiss or anything, just feet. would you guys consider that adulterous in a way? hence when i went for that girls foot the other night to fulfill this desire. anyhow back to my girlfriend, i get to indulge into my deepest foot fetish fantasies with her, and she even likes the attention to her feet. so tonight, just a chill movie night and i figured she was going to fall asleep quick on the couch after a long day of work (she's in sales, so she is walking all day, dressed up business formal in heels (barefoot now that its summer). we cuddled, watched some shows and she started to dose. so i said to her, "hey can i lay on the floor and right before you dose off, and then can you move your leg over the couch and basically plop your foot on my face?" she laughed and said sure whatever. next thing you know, i am on the floor, laying at the opposite end, facing up, prolly like 20 seconds in, BAM her bare soles are planted right on my face. i enjoyed it for a good hour until i had myself a hand party, but this time without a sock! now i can rest at night. peace!!

[ June 19, 2009, 01:20 AM: Message edited by: nineone5 ]

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