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Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
I can't believe I'm even posting about this, but I really need advice from my fellow foot friends.

A long time ago, in the early 1990s, I had the hots for my co best friend's sister, a blonde beauty who went to Harvard. I've only met her a few times. For some reason, even though I've never seen them, I've always wondered about her feet. I've never seen them, because I always saw her in the fall and winter. I dont feel the same way about her now as I did, say, 10 or more years ago, because I know she and I are radically different people.

Now, she is a first time author, and asked my friend if I would buy her book, and told him she would give me a "discount". Its going to cost me like 20 bucks. Whatever. I said I'd do it, more so because he's my bud, then for her.

Anyhow, to bring me to my point: He knows I have a foot fetish, because he's told me a couple of times about having seen her feet.

So, my thought is this: I was thinking of asking him that maybe if I include a bit more in the price of the book, whether he can ask her if I can ask her questions about her feet, and maybe if I can get a picture of them. This is something that has crossed my mind several times over the years, but that I've surpressed, due to fear he or she will get ticked off at me.

So, what do people think? Can and should I ask him this, or should I let it pass?

Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.

Posted by Keyfeet (Member # 27313) on :
dude, how close are you as friends?
Posted by Tom Uz (Member # 12166) on :
Sounds like dangerous territory. I don't know about you but my attraction to women's feet is sexual, so I remind myself to think of it in those terms. As in - what if it were her breasts you were fascinated with - would you ask your friend to help you? If he knows about your fetish how has he reacted to that? If he's a good friend, maybe he can judge better than you whether this is a good idea. It's maybe like asking a bud to help you in asking a girl out - but then again maybe that's what you should be doing. It's one thing for your friend or people in general to think that WHEN you're dating a girl you kiss her feet. It's different to think that you want pictures and info on the feet of a woman you're NOT asking out. That's where some people draw the line. And your friend could be one of them. So could the woman.
When in doubt, see Keyfeet's post above.
Posted by justdaone (Member # 16096) on :
Yeah, I agree with the other guys. Unless you're really good friends with this guy and he has helped you before, like with talking to girls, it's probably not a good idea. I don't know your situation, but it's not likely he'll ask his sister if it's ok for you to ask about her feet. My opinion is, try talking to her yourself and see if you can squeeze a few foot questions now and then in conversations with her.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Thanks for the feedback. To answer the question, this guy is my co best friend. I know him very well, and talk to him every week. We've known each other for 17 years.

Back in the 1980s, my other best friend, who has an older sister, four years older than both of us, tried to help me out by seeing if I could make inroads with her feet. At one point, I had him ask her if I could give her a foot massage, and smell her feet, to which she supposedly said no. Another time, I tried to modify it, to see if she would let me take pics of her soles. She supposedly said no to that too.

Also, I dont see this girl whose feet I want to ask about now. She lives in NY, and I live in PA. When my friend comes to PA to see me, she doesnt come, and when I go to NY, I havent visited her.

Thanks for the viewpoints. It's probably a crazy idea. I also found out that she left this past Wednesday, to go spend the winter in Hawaii, and wont be back in NY until April. Such gives me a good long time to ponder on this. Chances are I wont do it. As everyone said, it would seem too risky.

Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
oh yes, i would be asking for those feet pictures for sure! pay a little extra like $10 bux and she can earn some extra pay. it is win win.

do not tell him though what the pics will be used for. let her use her own imagination as a worse case. him too.

just say you want the feet pix and ur willing to pay a little extra. i mean it's not like your licking or sniffin her toes or anything. it is just feet pix.

hopefully they will both understand.

okay, now to the next part about not coming off as a freak. you will have to use your history of knowing this friend into making sure he does not know about this, or even think it. that should be alittle easier since he is a long time friend.

the harder part might be with her. but as long as you are letting him do the asking and you make sure you are nowhere around when he asks, you should be alright. basically, let him do the explaining to her. if you're not around, she can't catch you off guard with questions like "WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

he will have to answer questions like that and basically, he can use his rapport and all the years he's known her to get away with saying answers like "I don't know".

in the end, hopefully she will agree to the extra money and you get to have those photos of her feet. it is really win win IMO. & in a way, many of us have the same craving exactly like you.

nobody here hasn't had a liking for a female long ago in the past. and if any of us were so lucky as to have a way to get feet pics of those girls even today, many of us would want those pics in a heartbeat. you just came up with a great idea on how to get them for a few extra bux.

this is one hell of a deal IMO [Big Grin] GO FOR IT and let us know what she thinks!!!!
Posted by GQguy (Member # 16534) on :
Wierd dude. Ask her out on a date, coffee..whatever. Don't be that creepy foot fetish guy that asks aquaintences for feet picks and asks "do your feet smell like old cheese".

Be normal. Cool. Buy her book. Read it. Ask her out for coffee. Createsome good debate. Ask her for a drink later and discuss lighter more fun topics. After cocktail #3 or 4 or 10 ask her about her feet. Say something like this " I've always had a mild crush on you, but I was scared to ask you out b/c I was afraid you had ugly *pause while smirking* feet!". Or if her book is on psychology ask her for her thoughts on foot fetish.
It can't be all about the feet. It has to be about the person. She'll see through it.

ps I'm a lil drunk. Excuse the misspellings
Posted by Keyfeet (Member # 27313) on :
If she is going to hawaii, she should be taking plenty of pictures. And who doesn't go barefoot in hawaii? You should be able to see some pics with her feet.
Posted by Andy-Laa (Member # 31511) on :
Paying is what perverts do...maybe ask him to ask her to go on a date or something...?

Maybe ask if you can talk about her book one-on-one with her sometime and subtly move into that direction...paying her is a bit out there...
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
Well thank god you used some common sense before you went and shit on your friendship. I mean who in their "sane" mind asks their best friend to ask THEIR sister to see/sniff/enjoy their feet??

Step back and look at it through your friends viewpoint, my best friend wants my wait...he wants my sister's feet but yet can't ask her himself so he use's me to do it for him. Hmm... so is he just using me to get to my sister?

I can guarantee you some of those and other questions popped into your friends head. Oh yeah he more then likely didn't ask his sister for you, and understandably so.

Do as GQ smartly advised you to, buy and read the book then sit down and have either coffee or drinks. Let it build into something more then just friendship and hey maybe get into a relationship.
Posted by Fate111 (Member # 2627) on :
GQ has the right approach. Enough said.
Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
My agreement here, as well. If you start asking questions about her feet you are forever condemning yourself to having her think of you as "that perv who bought my book".
Posted by cliveman (Member # 19258) on :
I wouldn't do it, if I were you, but then again I haven't got any friends that are even remotely close enough to do that. If the odds are tipped in your favour then you may want to consider it, but would the risk be worth the benefit?
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
GQ Guy, I cant date her. She lives in NY, and I live in Lancaster, PA.

To the others: This guy knows I like feet. He's been my friend for 17 years. He has fetishes too, that I know about. I have asked him if he's seen her feet in the past, once or twice.

The part I'm really questioning would be the pics and the questions. He knows about everything else. He has fetishes too, so it's not like my foot fetish freaks him out or anything.

Thanks. I'm going to seriously think about this some more. I have a while before she returns anyway.

Posted by Michael P (Member # 1922) on :
so you are buying a book you won't read for 20 bucks?
Posted by Lyrical (Member # 6603) on :
Let it pass MitchC. If you want to see her feet then you have to somehow get to know her ansd ask. It will definitely come off as different if you have him ask in order for you to buy her book. but the choice ultimately is yours. Be cautious
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
I didnt say I'm not going to read it. I'll read it. I'm just saying that if she wasnt my friend's sister, I likely wouldnt buy it, because the subject matter doesnt interest me.

Posted by imation_pc (Member # 1480) on :
I say stay away from that idea. Too weird.
Posted by Michael P (Member # 1922) on :
Originally posted by MitchC:
I didnt say I'm not going to read it. I'll read it. I'm just saying that if she wasnt my friend's sister, I likely wouldnt buy it, because the subject matter doesnt interest me.


maybe it's just me but i think she's out of line for asking you to buy her book, just because she is your friends sister doesn't mean you owe her something

20 bucks doesn't sound like much of a discount for a book you normally wouldn't buy, especially in today's economy [Smile]

instead of asking for feet pics, say i will buy it if we can hang out
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Sorry to bump this week old thread. I just wanted to post an update. The situation with this is resolved, and the answer is no. I e-mailed my friend last night, and brought up the idea. He told me that while he doesn't mind telling me if he sees his sister barefoot, he does not feel comfortable saying to her "Mitch wants to e-mail you questions about your feet". He claims she would likely get very angry, wanting to know why one of his friends, who she doesn't know well, wants to know things about her feet. I immediately let it drop, and told him I understand. My friend did tell me that he will continue to let me know if he sees his sister barefoot, which is more than some people would do.

Anyhow, just wanted to post the outcome to this situation.

Posted by peterindc (Member # 33778) on :
I love feet, but your thread game me the creeps man.

[ February 08, 2009, 08:01 AM: Message edited by: peterindc ]
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Dude, why did it "Give you the creeps"? What about all the other people here who post threads about forbidden family members feet, and such? I didnt do anything. I didnt email this girl, or call her, and say "Give me your feet". I posted my thoughts on a forum where feet is the topic, and asked for advice, and feedback. Once I talked to my friend, and he said no, subject done. His 17 year friendship, is far more important to me, then any contact with, questions about, or pictures of, his sister's feet. There are plenty of people here who want forbidden co workers feet, or family members feet, in laws feet, friends spouses feet, etc. This was merely another variation. Its a done issue, and will never again be brought up to him, or discussed on here.

Posted by peterindc (Member # 33778) on :
Originally posted by MitchC:
Dude, why did it "Give you the creeps"? What about all the other people here who post threads about forbidden family members feet, and such? I didnt do anything.

Back in the 80s, you say, you wanted to make inroads with a girl's feet, not the girl but her feet, so you asked her brother to ask if you could massage and smell her feet? Then you asked if you could take pics of her feet? Why did you not ask her directly? Maybe it's me, but I think the only thing you should ask friends to do is set you up on dates with their sisters, after that you are own your own. Just my opinion.

Originally posted by MitchC:
Back in the 1980s, my other best friend, who has an older sister, four years older than both of us, tried to help me out by seeing if I could make inroads with her feet. At one point, I had him ask her if I could give her a foot massage, and smell her feet, to which she supposedly said no. Another time, I tried to modify it, to see if she would let me take pics of her soles. She supposedly said no to that too.

Posted by peterindc (Member # 33778) on :
double post
Posted by Toesucker85 (Member # 16795) on :
paying seems kinda desperate. dont pay try to hang out with her get her to your house or her house and offer a foot massage and pray to god that she wants one. if i got her home or someplace id make the first move once i noticed she is comfortable and ill begin to take her shoes off and if she doesnt stop me in the process she must be cool with it and comfy with me. just and idea.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Peter, at the time I had my friend ask his sister about her feet in the 1980s, the sister was four years older than me, and had graduated from college, and was making like 40 K a year on Wall Street, as I was still a college student. There's no way she would have gone out with me.

Toesucker, I would have loved to have done what you suggested, but, unfortunately, she lives in NYC, and I live here. It isnt going to happen where we just randomly hang out.

As I said, it's a dead issue. My friend said no, and I completely respect that. It was probably a crazy idea anyway. It isnt even an issue for me anymore, because I know its never going to happen.

Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
footgirl, I have her phone number. My friend gave it to me once, for emergency purposes. If I called her out of the clear blue, she would think it more creepy.

As I said, its a dead issue. It was something discussed amongst two friends, and it is now dropped. My friend isnt going to tell her anything, so I have nothing to worry about. Either I'll buy the book because I want to, or I wont.

Next time, I'm not going to post any ideas here. Considering how many "I have an obsession for my forbidden whoever's" feet threads I've seen posted on this forum, this thing was blown wayyyy out or perportion. I'm not obsessed with this girl's feet or anything. We basically have nothing in common, and, I know for a fact, from what her brother told me, that she has put down every one of his friends who she's ever met, for no other reason that she went to Harvard, and she thinks her you know what dont stink. My friend is a CPA, and among his friends are a medical doctor, an investment banker, a psychologist, and me, a marketing rep. All educated people, who are stable individuals, with decent careers.

I would have been better off just discussing this with him privately, and not posting on here. What's weird is: He;s not even into feet, and his reaction wasn;t nearly as dramatic as everyone's on here. We discussed it, he said no, subject dropped. I'm not even thinking about it anymore, because, as I said, his friendship is far more important to me, than anything I could do to her feet, or ask about her feet. It simply doesnt matter.


[ February 08, 2009, 04:16 PM: Message edited by: MitchC ]
Posted by Michael P (Member # 1922) on :
my sister is good friends with two harvard graduates, hell yeah they are arrogant

i hope you didn't buy her book if you know she has put you down in the past

knowing that i would've required a blowjob to go with the feet pics but that's just me [Smile]
Posted by longhitter04 (Member # 2391) on :
Originally posted by MitchC:
If I called her out of the clear blue, she would think it more creepy.

Really? You honestly think calling her would be more creepy than asking her brother to ask her about her feet?
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
Originally posted by MitchC:
Next time, I'm not going to post any ideas here.

this is the place to post ideas and thoughts about feet. ya never know when somebody might have the wrong idea and go forth with. sharing insights with each other helps greatly in the larger scheme of keeping foot fetish image on the up & up.

the thing about advice from people who have foot fetishes is that you can gain from their experience.

if the brother said no, then it is fine to leave her alone. however, i think you should not view yourself as creepy nor should anyone else. you love feet. there is nothing wrong with that.

heck, as you said, even your friend had a lot less freaked out reaction than our own brethren here.

anyway, you know my thoughts. i say go for the chic and hopefully get some sniffing and licking if ya can. only thing i woulda done differently is left the middle man outta the equation.

also, offering her a little more than $20 woulda been less insulting, even in today's economy LOL

keep the dream alive boyz and continue to post your thoughts on girls' feet! I love to read about all of our similarities, Hee Hee [Thumbs Up]
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Tyler, thanks for the supportive post. I wasn't ticked by people who said something like "Mitch, bad idea". It was the few posts that said things like "You're a creep" that ticked me off. Trust me, if I was a "Creep", I would be doing a lot more with feet than just posting on here, and I would have just e-mailed the girl myself. I wouldnt have posted on here for advice, and I wouldnt have asked her brother. I would have just gotten in touch and said something like "Hi, I'll buy your book, and I want to know about your feet". Thats not me, or how I do business.

Case in point: There is a hairstylist who works in the salon where I get my hair cut. I see her, about every four to six weeks when I go for a cut. Last year, she began wearing sandals in Feb. I had just started going to the salon, and didnt know her situation, or whether she was married or single . At first, I tried to drum up friendly convo with her, for the purpose of asking her out, the next time I went there. Subsequently, my mom, who also goes to that salon, but more frequently than I do, told me she found out that the girl I was thinking of asking out was married. Now, if I go to get my hair cut, I just go in, the girl says hello, I say hello. I sit down, get my hair cut, and leave. Of course, I will covertly glance at what kind of shoes she's wearing for a second, and if she's wearing sandals, I will look for an extra second. She has gorgeous feet, and she's gorgeous in general, but I know I'm never going to get her. Such is life.

If anyone is contained about their foot fetish in real life, it is me. I dont have a girlfriend now, but when I do get one, it will be a while before I ask to do things with her feet. I will want to get to know her well first, and then explain the foot thing to her. Hopefully, if she's understanding, the feet thing will just become a part of our foreplay and sex life.

Again, Tyler. I appreciate the support. Thanks.

Posted by Ms.Sweet (Member # 21144) on :
My opnion , You only live once , and that it sometimes is too short,cant hurt to ask politely!
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Footgirl, what bothered me wasnt that people said I shouldnt do it. It was the whole "You're weird", and coming off like a creep, that bothered me.

I'm aware that what I proposed probably wasnt a good idea. It was an off the top of my head suggestion, probably driven a bit by libido. In any case, it's a moot point, because my friend wont help me out. This is the most important thing, so, as I said before, its a dead issue.

Posted by mjl1717 (Member # 2939) on :
Hey guy,

1) Life aint easy...You got to "man up" (especially when you dont feel like it) get to know her first.. Before doing any "foot moves"

2)Its ok to ask foot opinions here-its what the forum is for.

3) As any regular guy-you'd probably be forced to read her book for an opening..

4) You may set a record for one of the longest threads.

5)There is a heck of a lot of humor in this thread!

6)Money may not always do it.. Attempt to esablish a relationship..

7) I think that offereing $$ with out any real rapport =perv who bought my book..

8)You can ask for any thing--(I can ask Trump for $1,000,000, doesnt mean Ill get it..
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
The funniest thing about this whole situation is this: I've known this guy for 17 years. In that time, we have had some real air out arguments, about many things. Let;s just say that we care about each other very much, but that both of us have, shall we say, headstrong personalities.

To be honest, considering our personalities, I would not have been a bit surprised if he had aired me out with this idea, saying to me something like "What the hell do you want me to do that for?? You want me to ask my sister if you can ask her questions about her feet, and take pictures? You're nuts, man, you're F'ed in the head". At that point, I probably would have given him a "Sorry, dude, bad idea, please forgive me". Then, hopefully, after a time, the thing would have blown over.

However, that isnt what he said at all. He was most supportive. All he said was something like: "I really can't do that, bud, sorry. Sarah (His sister) would never go for it, and she would yell, and scream, and want to know why you wanted to ask her questions about her feet, and she would make life hell for both of us. I understand that you like feet, dude, I have my fetishes too, but the best thing for me to do is just to tell you if I see her feet, and not approach her about you asking questions about her feet". It was all so... benign.

Establishing a relationship won't work for a few reasons. One, I dont live near her. Two, we have absolutely nothing in common. The only way I'd get to see her would be one of two ways. A. At my friend's wedding, or one of his occasions, or B. Something that hasnt happened in a long time: If I went up to New York, and had dinner with him, his mother, and his sister, which hasnt happened since 1996. Neither of those scenarios is likely right now, so chances are, it wont happen with her.

I guess we all have those situations where we have girls who we might think about, but can never have. This is one of those situations.

Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
Originally posted by MitchC:
Two, we have absolutely nothing in common.

While all your other reasons for selling yourself short might be valid, I made a mental note of reason number two. I have actually seen this pop up with fetishists so many times when they are somehow talking themselves out of taking a chance on going for a girl.

One of the best things I like about feetsniffing is how quickly a guy and a girl get to know each other. Ya see, the guy gets to know the intricasies of her toe scent and any degrees of self consciousness she may personally exhibit. Additionally, a man can find out the small nuiances with respect to whether her feet smell good or even bad perhaps.

On the flip side, the woman instantly gets to find out some pretty intimate things about you. She gets to know what one of your favorite pasttimes is. She gets to know that you like to engage in things that are a little left of the beaten path and she also gets to find out that you are a creative person who is also very caring of her feet.

I love all these things that a man can do with a woman thru feetsniffing in order to gain some intimacy and also find out a few things about each other that they may have in common (and possibly even like about each other on more of a human level). Never sell yourselves short fellas.

Women can be very open to learning about you as well as opening up themselves if ya just give it a genuine shot. Confidence is always key and also being genuine. If you can exhibit these traits to some of the women who you believe you have nothing in common with, I'd be willing to be that over time, you can find at least a few things that you both share with each other.

My personal favorite is to have her share her toe stink with me and in return I share my love and affection for her feet. That alone is usually a win-win for the woman [Big Grin]

Each of you is special in your own way and could easily offer women some element of intrigue or satisfaction. Sometimes it may not be apparent when you judge her from the outside. Ya just gotta dig in there and get to know her. And by that, I don't just mean burying yer nose in her toes fellas [Love]

[ February 13, 2009, 09:39 AM: Message edited by: Tyler D. ]
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Thanks fot the analysis, Tyler. As far as feet is concerned, in real life, for me, when it happens, here is how I see it.

I see it happening with either a close friend, girlfriend, or girl I'm getting to know well, and have been somewhat intimate with, as has happened in the past. After a close friendship, or some physical intimacy has been established, my plan would be to say something to her like "I have had a strong interest in female feet for a long time, and I would very much like if, during other physical intimacy, sexual contact/sex, whatever, I could start, by, maybe giving you a foot massage, or, could kiss your feet briefly, to see how you would like that. Hopefully, in time, it will be something you would grow to enjoy, so that, we could make it a regular aspect of our other intimacy." Hopefully, if I explain to her gently how important female feet are to me, she would be open minded, and understand.

One detrimental thing I've heard from some people I've talked to about feet, is when they say their female partner refuses to let them touch her feet, because she either hates her feet, hates feet in general, or is too ticklish, even if the partner touching her feet isnt trying to tickle her.

Case in point: I had at one time been interested in this other girl (Not Sarah, but someone else), who became involved with, and got married to another guy, before I could even try asking her out. Her mother is a hairstylist, and when she trims people's necks with the hair clippers, it tickles like mad! Last year, when I was getting my hair cut by this girl's mother, the mother knew that those hair clippers tickled my neck, and somehow the conversation started about her hot 27 year old daughter's ticklishness, and the mother said to me "Cindy, (Her daughter) absolutely refuses to let anyone, including her husband, even touch her feet, or give her a foot massage, because Cindy is so darn ticklish on her feet, that she kicks anytime someone goes near her feet". After hearing this, I said to myself: Thank GOD I did not get involved with, or marry, this girl.

Hopefully, none of these things will happen to me, and I will find a partner who is at least tolerant of her having things done to her feet, and, even if she is ticklish, wont be so ticklish, where her feet cant be touched. That will be a huge problem.

Posted by Robotron2084 (Member # 33263) on :
Sounds like you already know what you want. Tread carefully whichever route you take.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Thanks, Robo. I plan to tread very carefully.

Posted by speedlll (Member # 23555) on :
Awful idea, the stigma of having a foot fetish gets just a bit worse.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
This matter has been long since resolved. I'm not going to do it, and decided that a while ago, after I talked to my friend, so its a dead issue.

Posted by Eliza Durden (Member # 22995) on :
Probably best to sit this one out.
Posted by Eliza Durden (Member # 22995) on :
Originally posted by MitchC:
Tyler, thanks for the supportive post. I wasn't ticked by people who said something like "Mitch, bad idea". It was the few posts that said things like "You're a creep" that ticked me off. Trust me, if I was a "Creep", I would be doing a lot more with feet than just posting on here, and I would have just e-mailed the girl myself. I wouldnt have posted on here for advice, and I wouldnt have asked her brother. I would have just gotten in touch and said something like "Hi, I'll buy your book, and I want to know about your feet". Thats not me, or how I do business.

You are NOT a creep! Don't ever let these guys tell you that you are.
Posted by MitchC (Member # 20084) on :
Thanks, Eliza. The support is appreciated. I try my best not to be a creep.


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