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Posted by krazyspatula (Member # 31300) on :
question really for the girls on here and for the guys that have girlfriends/wifes etc.

just been having a look in the picture section and kinda curious why:-

1) girls post pictures of their feet
2) the guys post pictures of their wifes and girlfriends feet?

don't get me wrong thanks for the pictures and everything but me personally don't think its something i could do!

its obvious men from around the globe will be jacking off to your girlfriends/wifes feet? does that not bother you?

same with the girls really who have an account on here and post pictures of their feet.
Posted by Maverick Matrix (Member # 2989) on :
There's nothing wrong with being admired. Regardless of whether it's feet or music (in my case) being admired for something you'd like to share is a positive. Should we NEED to be admired for it? No. If we want to share it however there's nothing wrong with it. Those who do post pictures of their wives/girlfriends feet or the women who do so have to deal with the other things that come with it, although, I don't really think they care. Personally, it's not my place to even think about that. I have more important stuff on my mind and in my life to focus on. Just my humble opnion. Nothing to argue over.
Posted by RPM (Member # 2895) on :
good question again. i do it for sharing purpose. i almost never think about it in terms that someone is jacking off to my pics. if i did, i'd not post. i'm not saying i am so naive to think no one ever does, i just don't bother thinking about it.

the main reason why i do post here is to get the feedback to encourage my wife. she tends to want to show her feet more and wear heels more when folks give her postitive feedback.. as in.. it's not just my man thinking about it but i must have nice assets if the world seems to respond like my man.

on my site, i post to encourage others to share their pics. mainly because it's something to do and enjoy comments.

i don't post often because i don't need any admiration or feedback. i know how my wife looks and how pretty she is. but it's sometimes fun to read comments.


p.s. one last point.. i've gotten some very nice criticism that has helped me improve my photography in general. and that is a tool that was very helpful to me.
Posted by octoberbaseball (Member # 20977) on :
For the girls I say thank you. I say for the guys who post pictures of their girlfriend or wives feet- thank you and you guys are stronger men than I could ever be. If I had a girlfriend or wife there's no way I'd ever be able to post pictures of her on here. Sorry everyone.
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
It's not really all that bad fellas...I mean..RPM says it best..just don't think about it. It's a whole different ball game if I see a dude eye fucking the shit outta my girl in public because I can't deny it but who's to say guy's are jacking off over my girl's peds anyways? I don't come to Wu's to jack off..I know it sounds crazy but I just come here to talk peds and see some hot ones to get me warmed up for some jacking off...but I don't come here to specifically hammer a load out.
Posted by oscarthemonkey (Member # 1692) on :
It's fun, bottom line. If guys are jeking like crazy to my wife's pics- I'm delighted.

Also- years ago my wife was quite apprehensive about posting pics. Now, she asks when we are going to take new pics, usually because we have alot of fun before and after taking them! She only marginally cares about responses, or at least pretends not to care, but is delighted when other men post positive comments about her feet or body.And like RPM says -those sorts of things make women happy when they are admired.

Plus- alot of times you get to see some wonderful sexy pics of other wife's and GF's that are great because of how geniune the nature of the pics are, and how each couple enjoy their own particular aspects of feet enjoyment . I usually find that preferable to professional foot pics, but yet some of our hereos like Patrick and Hal and Footworship studios put out some amazing pics!!
Posted by spen (Member # 2758) on :
your right oscarthemonkey, and besides...its obvious that guys are gonna "beat to the feet" so guys who post here,clearly dont mind or maybe even get thrills about guys all around the world having a "5-knuckle-shuffle" over there wifes or gf's feet! hats off to them...
Posted by Cain (Member # 8492) on :
Hey as my momma always said what you don't know won't hurt you and i love showing my wife's feet off that is why i do it. The comments are what makes it better knowing that i have something everyone else admires or wants.
Posted by Eliza Durden (Member # 22995) on :
Ok my turn to chime in!

I post because I love this forum. I hated my feet and had pretty bad feelings about myself before I met Tyler (my husband). He has helped me get over a lot of self consciousness. He posted my pictures to this forum to prove a point to me. I couldn't believe the response and I have to be honest I love the attention. I love the conversation in the forums. This place is great! I love taking the pictures, making the videos, painting my toes different colors all the time. We do it for the simple reason we enjoy it.

What is wrong knowing that your wife or gf has such hot feet that a bunch of guys would love to be in their shoes?

Posting pictures in the forum is just the tip if the iceberg for most of us girls. A lot of us have our own websites or are models on sites with multiple models.
Posted by luv p3rf3ct to3s (Member # 22036) on :
ok my turn....i love feet, just like everyone else here. i dont post pics of any of the women here cos i care what anyone does with them. i post them cos if you said i could line up every woman on this planet and look at their feet just to see them, i would be thrilled at the prospect.
i dont get to see the feet most anyone else here gets to see, and i dont think any of you get to see the ones i see. therefore, i am going to share mine with you and i'm glad those that do, share theirs with me. why? just because that is what i LOVE to see!
i dont care what you do with the pics i post, i just want youto see them. cos they are feet you havent seen and hell you may be just as if not more excited to see them as me.....just like there are feet here that i am all to thrilled to see.
hell, perfect example...Eliza Durden is for good reason a hall of famer here and has been here quite a while but from what it seems she has been here for some time and was gone for sometime. in that time i started coming here and i had never seen her feet before but i assure you when she came back a few weeks ago i was all to happy to see that she was. why? it had nothing to do with the why! she has GORGEOUS feet and i had never seem them. this sounds silly but my life is a little better knowing i didnt miss out on her lovely feet and im glad she posts along with anyone else that posts pics, even if I dont like them, there are some im sure here that will.
so that is my take on why i post pics and why i am happy to see all those others that post here too.
Posted by justdaone (Member # 16096) on :
Thanks Eliza!
Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
I must also thank all those who post your pictures here; I assure you that I, for one, deeply appreciate it.

As for motivations for posting, well, I can imagine that there may a little "bragging" that underlies some, and that's OK by me. I truly envy many. There's also the "Wow, look at this!" or "See what I found", I suppose, too.

I promise that I will post a bunch of pics when the next gal comes along for all of the above reasons as well as just plain sharing and a hope that the membership might get some enjoyment from mine as I have derived from theirs.

Lastly, it reminds me of some past relationships. A few of the gals I have dated would dress way down (and used almost no make-up) when we would go out; they looked more like Amish spinsters than the genuine knock-outs they were. With some careful questions and gentle discussions, I was able to figure out that many of these women had previous relationships with guys that were profoundly jealous and hated to have other men looking at them or talking to them. A complete mystery to me. With some encouragement ("Yes! Show some cleavage"; "Yes! I love to see your belly-button"; "By all means, wear the mules with the 5 inch heels!" - thank you Lesley Shoe Co.) and gifts of more provocative attire, they became the red-hot flame they truly were - visible to everyone in the room. I think, among other things, it did a world of good for their self-confidence (which may be the reason so many dumped me).

When asked why I did this, I could come up with two reasons: 1) I wanted to see them at their beautiful best and 2) for lack of a better way to phrase it, if other men don't find her desirable, why should I?

Boy! That was a long way for very little; sorry about that.
Posted by Mommie Dearest (Member # 18340) on :
I also love this forum and the people I have met on here. I was asked to post my pictures here by another board member and found a lot of like-minded people. I fell head over heels [Wink]

I now post pictures because like Eliza mentioned, I am a (fairly new) webmaster and yes I tend to show pictures that would promote my updates. I have site members who are on this board and frequent my threads to see what is coming next [Smile]

I am not naive as to what happens with my pictures, my question to you is: What is wrong with providing good quality photos for a mutually shared pleasurable purpose/fetish?
Posted by Footman9 (Member # 1100) on :
Originally posted by Mommie Dearest:
I also love this forum and the people I have met on here. I was asked to post my pictures here by another board member and found a lot of like-minded people. I fell head over heels [Wink]

I now post pictures because like Eliza mentioned, I am a (fairly new) webmaster and yes I tend to show pictures that would promote my updates. I have site members who are on this board and frequent my threads to see what is coming next [Smile]

I am not naive as to what happens with my pictures, my question to you is: What is wrong with providing good quality photos for a mutually shared pleasurable purpose/fetish?

I hear you, MommieD. And "Amen" to that last comment...we are adults around here and this is a safe place to be an adult.
Posted by Cain (Member # 8492) on :
Very true, very true. And i also agree its a nice place to talk to others with a fetish which is generally not accepted by most others but we all wish it was.
Posted by luv p3rf3ct to3s (Member # 22036) on :
Originally posted by Mommie Dearest:
I also love this forum and the people I have met on here. I was asked to post my pictures here by another board member and found a lot of like-minded people. I fell head over heels [Wink]

I now post pictures because like Eliza mentioned, I am a (fairly new) webmaster and yes I tend to show pictures that would promote my updates. I have site members who are on this board and frequent my threads to see what is coming next [Smile]

I am not naive as to what happens with my pictures, my question to you is: What is wrong with providing good quality photos for a mutually shared pleasurable purpose/fetish?

right to my point, me and mommie live only a few miles away from each other and if she didn't post i would maybe have never seen those PERFECT feet of hers.
and that is not a happy thought....
Posted by krazyspatula (Member # 31300) on :
cheers for the replys people, great to hear different povs about it.
Posted by Ophillia (Member # 29787) on :
my turn!

i post for many of the same reasons that the others do. first and foremost being...hubby is not a footman! i was introduced to wu's and i have found it to be a wonderful and positive playgound to safely indulge in my fetish. 99% of the people on here are kind, encouraging and just down right awesome.

we are all adults here and know what goes on behind closed doors. it's all in good fun and pleasure. i personally think it's hot that others find my pics....arousing. that knowledge feeds and satisfies a part of me that i don't readily get here. my husband totally knows what goes on here. he is a member and he lurks. he is supportive of my fetish and my new found outlet here. it makes me happy. gives us both some insight reading the posts and talking to other foot fetishists. sometimes he does get a lil...annoyed but at the end of the day he and i both know it's only HIM i want to indugle with in realilty. [Smile]
Posted by silke (Member # 8419) on :
You won't recongnize someone by the pics of feet. So it is a way to excite and attract unknow men from the anonymity. Everybody likes to be admired (or have a girl who is admired)
Posted by footgirl0226 (Member # 29201) on :
Here is my reason:

Part of my parole. Apparently, my P.O. has a foot fetish...

Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
Originally posted by silke:
You won't recongnize someone by the pics of feet. So it is a way to excite and attract unknow men from the anonymity. Everybody likes to be admired (or have a girl who is admired)

I agree.

Thank you Mommie Dearest for mentioning it, too:

I suspect that there are more than a few who post pictures who derive some satisfaction from the knowledge of what kind of "applause" the pictures might garner.

Everybody is happy!
Posted by Mikey P (Member # 1922) on :
they like the male attention, nothing is more important to a chick than looking attractive to men

they use the forum for reassurance and foot guys aren't that picky in general
Posted by Eliza Durden (Member # 22995) on :
Originally posted by Mikey P:
they like the male attention, nothing is more important to a chick than looking attractive to men

they use the forum for reassurance and foot guys aren't that picky in general

Since you seem to be wanting to talk for us ladies....let me correct you in my case........

First.....I like the attention no matter male or female [Laugh]

Second.....There are plenty of things that are more important than what men think of me, particularly since I am married and don't need to find myself a husband.

Third....Foot guys are very particular, nearly none of them like the same thing, and they are VERY picky

But I thought that this question was for the laides who post and the guys who post their wives and gf's. Do you post pics of either?
Posted by footgirl0226 (Member # 29201) on :
Originally posted by Mikey P:
they like the male attention, nothing is more important to a chick than looking attractive to men

they use the forum for reassurance and foot guys aren't that picky in general

LOL Oh Mike... you have a lot to learn but I love that you say what you believe... regardless... It's refreshing and entertaining to say the least...
Posted by Ophillia (Member # 29787) on :
well mike you are totally entitled to your own opinion. i have THOUSANDS of other things that are way more important to me then what other men think of how i look. i am married and it is my husbands opinion of me that really matters however that being said i DO like the attention.
Posted by Tiny Dave (Member # 30771) on :
If nobody posted any pics here this would not be a very fun place to come to after work.
Posted by Mikey P (Member # 1922) on :
Since you seem to be wanting to talk for us ladies....let me correct you in my case........
First.....I like the attention no matter male or female [Laugh]


Second.....There are plenty of things that are more important than what men think of me, particularly since I am married and don't need to find myself a husband.
right [Wink]

Third....Foot guys are very particular, nearly none of them like the same thing, and they are VERY picky
completely disagree, most seem to like any girl that shows their feet

But I thought that this question was for the laides who post and the guys who post their wives and gf's. Do you post pics of either?
is it for the ladies or is it for you and the guys that say only what you want to hear?

and no i don't post pics, a guy on a forum telling me that my girl is hot would mean nothing to me
Posted by Mikey P (Member # 1922) on :
Originally posted by footgirl0226:
Originally posted by Mikey P:
they like the male attention, nothing is more important to a chick than looking attractive to men

they use the forum for reassurance and foot guys aren't that picky in general

LOL Oh Mike... you have a lot to learn but I love that you say what you believe... regardless... It's refreshing and entertaining to say the least...
i don't need to learn anything, toots? [Nana]
Posted by Eliza Durden (Member # 22995) on :
Originally posted by Mikey P:
Since you seem to be wanting to talk for us ladies....let me correct you in my case........
First.....I like the attention no matter male or female [Laugh]

Second.....There are plenty of things that are more important than what men think of me, particularly since I am married and don't need to find myself a husband.
right [Wink]
Third....Foot guys are very particular, nearly none of them like the same thing, and they are VERY picky
completely disagree, most seem to like any girl that shows their feet
But I thought that this question was for the laides who post and the guys who post their wives and gf's. Do you post pics of either?
is it for the ladies or is it for you and the guys that say only what you want to hear?
and no i don't post pics, a guy on a forum telling me that my girl is hot would mean nothing to me

I just don't accept people telling me what my intentions are if they are wrong. And since most of your statement was wrong in my case, I thought it better that I correct your statement.

And that is great that you pretty much will look at any girl's feet. I'm sure you talk to more men about feet than I do and you know that everyone is the same. And since you like everyone's feet, I'm sure that means all men are the same right?
Posted by Mikey P (Member # 1922) on :
Originally posted by Eliza Durden:
Originally posted by Mikey P:
Since you seem to be wanting to talk for us ladies....let me correct you in my case........
First.....I like the attention no matter male or female [Laugh]

Second.....There are plenty of things that are more important than what men think of me, particularly since I am married and don't need to find myself a husband.
right [Wink]
Third....Foot guys are very particular, nearly none of them like the same thing, and they are VERY picky
completely disagree, most seem to like any girl that shows their feet
But I thought that this question was for the laides who post and the guys who post their wives and gf's. Do you post pics of either?
is it for the ladies or is it for you and the guys that say only what you want to hear?
and no i don't post pics, a guy on a forum telling me that my girl is hot would mean nothing to me

I just don't accept people telling me what my intentions are if they are wrong. And since most of your statement was wrong in my case, I thought it better that I correct your statement.

And that is great that you pretty much will look at any girl's feet. I'm sure you talk to more men about feet than I do and you know that everyone is the same. And since you like everyone's feet, I'm sure that means all men are the same right?

the main reason you are here is for male attention, don't deny the obvious

if your pics got zero responses you would've been gone

and no i don't like all feet, i like maybe 2 - 5% of what i see, i accept nothing less than the genetic elite

based on the nice comments faceless and completely anonymous foot "models" get i think it's safe to say that most foot guys like basically any female foot that is living

there is no doubt in my mind some sick douchebag has posted sole pics of his own feet only to laugh at the low standard foot guys post "i want to cum on those feet" [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
Mikey P is certainly living up to his avatar's persona!

Not that I subscribe to all that he asserts but he does it succinctly and with conviction.

For what it's worth, I am one of those "particular" types and, though I won't say it hasn't happened, I doubt very much that some guy has slipped his foot photo past me (that may be why I like a feet & face shot so much). If such a trick was pulled, I'm sure the guy paid the price by getting beaten-up in the 'Burgh somewhere around Primanti's original location.
Posted by Mikey P (Member # 1922) on :
haha you're in the burgh too?

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