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Posted by justdaone (Member # 16096) on :
For you, what would be the circumstances where a guy could ask you your shoe size and you tell them? Not counting the shoe salesman. More comfortable for you if a woman asked?
Posted by footgirl0226 (Member # 29201) on :
Who cares. I didnt know it was a big deal dear to tell a shoe size. Dont sweat it! Just ask her.
Posted by A&F_FootDude_05 (Member # 2999) on :
When talking about their feet and perhaps a particular feature, if their feet appear either real large or small be like 'hey youve got some big/small feet what size are they' perhaps make a game out of it with a friend haha be like 'i bet i can guess your shoe size' and bam nail it on the head she'll be like wow youre good - I certainly don't think a shoe size question is going to make a girl think does he have a foot fetish. Just like footgirl0026 says all you gotta do is ask!
Posted by perfectpeds (Member # 29295) on :
I've been asked my shoe size before by men and women and never thought a thing of it. I've also been told by men that they loved the color polish I was wearing and I still never thought anything of it! Except now I might LOL
Now that I'm more edumicated! [Confused]
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
i ask hot tall cashiers in 24hr convenient stores late at night when i am like the only one in there and they usually give me a creepy confused look at first. but then they quickly warm up to me when i explain why i'm asking.

can work positive or negative depending on how you behave. nothing wrong with asking IMO, can lead to some good feetlicking too which you may have otherwise never known if you don't ask [Big Grin]
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
Originally posted by ffeds91:
Maybe you get called a pervert and a slap in the face!

Look on the bright side. Those can be great reality masterbation memories for later! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Mommie Dearest (Member # 18340) on :
Just ask! It is a shoe size!
Posted by Toetapper (Member # 6473) on :
I'm glad to see there is such candor among the wonderful women here. I'm curious, though, where is the line drawn? Would you be as comfortable with a question regarding dress size, waist measurement, inseam, stuff like that?

This is a sincere question that comes from a guy, like many, who have offered a genuine compliment only to have it interpreted as some veiled insult and excoriated for it.
Posted by justdaone (Member # 16096) on :
Most, if not all of the time I've asked women what's their shoes size, it was stated beforehand that it was for informational purposes, i.e. a survey. Other times, I only got a "why?" and then they told me. As for the other stuff, I think more women are self conscious about figures. IMO.
Posted by perfectpeds (Member # 29295) on :
Originally posted by Toetapper:
I'm glad to see there is such candor among the wonderful women here. I'm curious, though, where is the line drawn? Would you be as comfortable with a question regarding dress size, waist measurement, inseam, stuff like that?

This is a sincere question that comes from a guy, like many, who have offered a genuine compliment only to have it interpreted as some veiled insult and excoriated for it.

Honestly, if a stranger just walked up to me and asked me my dress size or waist measurement - I would definitely think he was looking for a little sum'thin....and now that I'm more aware and in tune with the foot fetish world - I might even think that of someone asking my shoe size -- so I guess there is a line but almost any line can be crossed if done right!

Say I'm out shopping and I'm in the clothes section of a store. Some random guy comes up to me and says.. you're about the same size as my sister and it's her birthday - would you mind if I asked you your dress size? I'd probably even go over to what he wanted to buy and help him pick something out as well as tell him my size! hahahaha

Now if he just walks up to me and eyeballs me up and down and says - hey honey what size are you? I'd definitely tell him where to go!
Posted by LuckyTeen (Member # 30822) on :
I've never commented on any girls feet except my GF, and even now after almost 2 years together I still say things to her like "you are so beautiful" or, "your feet are so pretty" but I wouldn't on a stranger because I'd feel like she would think I was being weird about it. She would probably pick up that it was a sexual thing and take offence.

But if I was complimenting a woman if I did actually like her I wouldn't hold back on her feet just because it's feet. If she thought it was weird I'd just say, well you are absolutely gorgeous head to toe, just wanted to let you know your feet are beautiful, just like your face. [Wink]
Posted by justdaone (Member # 16096) on :
Hey PerfectPeds, on a small side note, you should be careful about guys coming up an asking stuff. A while back, my wife works retail, and some guy went up to her and asked for that kind of help. Next thing he asked was what size of bra she wore. It turns out this guy had been coming in the store and trying this approach to other women in the store. Ok, I'm not trying to be a hypocrit, or even saying he was hurting anyone, but there are wierdos out there.
Posted by perfectpeds (Member # 29295) on :
Thanks justdaone for the information. I appreciate that you're looking out for me and by posting that comment you're looking out for all the lovely ladies on the forum. Chivalry is not dead! [Smile]

You're right -- if anyone asked me my bra size though - I'd definitely get away from him quick and tell someone.

You just never do really know what someone is like at the first -- I trust my gut though -- it's usually dead on.

Always like getting more information though - so thanks again. [Kiss]
Posted by Ophillia (Member # 29787) on :
confidance is really the key guys. it IS possible to be nervous AND confident. if one yall walked up and said hey i just wanted to say i really like your sandals my wife/girlfriend would really love them where did you get them she looks to be about your shoe size may i ask what size--- totally cool will have a great convo with you. now if you slobber all over my feet and glare at them and say ohh feet what size----im running for the nearest exit.
Posted by perfectpeds (Member # 29295) on :
just be careful you don't slip on the slobber Ophillia! LOL Back away slowly and then run for the hills! [Smile]
Posted by Ophillia (Member # 29787) on :
[Laugh] good advice pp! i have to say though the few public random encounters that i have expierenced none of the gentlemen involved were wierd or pervy in anyway.
Posted by HailyWood (Member # 25294) on :
If a guy asks me my shoe size, no big deal I am happy to tell him. I feel the same about my clothes size, though I would probably wonder why he wanted to know.

Perfectpeds is totally on the right track though; if a guy said he was trying to shop for a lady friend and she was about my size I would offer up any sort of size info without a second thought. Who cares anyway, it is just a number.

Oh, and guys compement me on my shoes all the time. I think it is nice when guys notice stuff like that.
Posted by justdaone (Member # 16096) on :
Think I might be able to ask more often from all the god advice.
Posted by Fate111 (Member # 2627) on :
I've found that another decent way to bring up a woman's shoe size is to simply compliment her on her shoes and then ask what size they are. As long as you're not drooling over her shoes/feet, she'll usually answer the question and not think it's weird.
Posted by justdaone (Member # 16096) on :
True True
Posted by RPM (Member # 2895) on :
it's all in the approach.. and confidence.

i was once in a store, buying stuff for my wife. and i was totally lost.. women have so much to choose from!!! gosh!!!

anyway.. i was holding up a bra with a confused look.. a woman walked up to me and asked why i looked so confused. and i just rattled off what i was thinking, without looking at her.

when i was done.. she volunteered her bra size.. her dress size.. and fav undies. i looked then at her with a puzzled look. (not the up and down type.. just dead in the eye).. and said.. why are all these measurements weird?

she laughed.. and then.. explained to me how the stuff works.. and i eventually found the bras i needed for the surprise i planned for my wife. she loves them by the way.. i got the right size and fit.

it was interesting chat. but the point of the story. when i was thanking her.. she said she's glad she helped me.. and i said why.. she told me she had the creepiest experience with a guy asking her all these weird questions about her feet while she was trying shoes and wanted to ask me to call security.. but instead got to chatting with me and she felt that not all men were dogs. (i don't get that last transition of conversation... but glad i reassured her men aren't all dogs)

but.. i shared this long story mainly to illustrate one thing.. if your head is in the right 'place' and you're a gentleman about the whole thing, you can get more info than you bargain for!!!


p.s. side note. i find that being married has helped women open up more about info like size and stuff they wear.. however.. they're more reluctant to let you get close to their feet (or i may be reading more into it than anything).. although i've not tried to touch a woman's feet other than my wife now that i'm married. so i may have been reading more into it. <example.. as a single guy.. i could ask for a shoe size.. and the gal would simple take her shoe off.. hand it to me so i can read the size for myself.. but now married.. i just get the answer.. or if she removes them at all.. she doesn't hand them over.. just reads the label and put them back on. just a subtle difference i notices when the gal knows i'm married>

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