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Posted by femsolelover (Member # 1584) on :
Hello fellow foot brothers and sisters.

I've just started thinking about this, but I've been wondering what women like as far as when you massage their feet. I'm actually a virgin, both when it comes to sex and feet.

Anyway, I've been waiting for an opportunity to massage/play with my step-sister's feet (she hates it when I call her my step-sister). Problem is that I have no skills whatsoever when it comes to such a thing.

I want to know what women prefer when it comes to that sort of thing. Something that makes you melt, and relax. Do you like a firm massage on the arches? How about a playful tickle on the balls of your feet? Just trying to get an idea, try to be a little descriptive, at the same time, I'm not trying to get hard, here.


BTW, ladies, please respond as well.
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
Okay, as a veteran foot massager (since I was a little kid), I tend to notice that girls do indeed like a firm, hard (but not too hard) massage. If you're going soft, it feels like you're tickling them, and tickling during a foot massage is a big no-no. Use your thumbs on the soles, you can really get deep into the tissue and do some good work. Also, and most importantly, listen to her feedback during the massage. If she tells you to go harder, do so, and likewise if she wants you to go softer. But on the whole, start firm, it makes it feel like you know what you're doing.

I myself naturally go pretty strong and firm to start, and most girls really like that, even if their feet are small and delicate-looking. And if you want to build up your hand and finger strength, video games are the way to go. No, serious, my love of video games has inadvertantly and drastically improved my massage skills. Like Samuel L. Jackson, I am the Foot Fuckin' Mastah!
Posted by Eliza Durden (Member # 22995) on :
Sounds like Salvy_Mic has summed it up all right
Posted by spartanguy (Member # 6990) on :
I agree, firm but listen to the feed back. You'll get the right pressure after some practice. ENJOY!!
Posted by femsolelover (Member # 1584) on :
lol...sounds like it's time to play some Sonic. I just bought the Sonic Collector's edition for the PS2.
Posted by higharchlover (Member # 23372) on :
My second hobby is massaging feet! Second only to my love of mountain biking. I love to message feet, especially right after my girl gets home from work. It's a great stress reliever for both her and I.
I agree with Salvy_Mic about being firm. Whenever I give a message, I always include the ankles & calves as well. And if we are at home, I always use lotion.
I also agree with Salvy_Mic on the tickling.....that's a definite no-no. About as much as biting during oral sex! [Eek!]
Posted by RJ82 (Member # 20037) on :
Originally posted by femsolelover:
Hello fellow foot brothers and sisters.

I've just started thinking about this, but I've been wondering what women like as far as when you massage their feet. I'm actually a virgin, both when it comes to sex and feet.

join the club bro [Cry] . i've been meaning to brush up on massage techniques myself.
Posted by Mulholland Man (Member # 1491) on :
When massaging, avoid the tempation to tickle [Smile]

The last time I gave a female a foot massage was my Year 3 teacher. I didn't tickle her, but she loved it.

She was a bitch sometimes, but there were times she was good.
Posted by russ (Member # 10866) on :
your step sister?
you'll get a chance with feet soon dude, and it'll be worth the wait! good luck bro
Posted by footntoesmassager (Member # 12132) on :
No worries, dude, you'll get it. I learned how to massage a girl's feet from just practicing. I was lucky enough to find a lot of women in high school who loved having their feet massaged, so I had plenty of guinea pigs to try new things.

I've noticed that when I give a girl a massage, as others have said, a key thing is not to tickle. It'll make the girl hate it and she'll pull her feet away. My new girlfriend said I gave her her first ever foot massage. She liked it when I massaged just hard enough so it tickled a little, but was mostly pressure. (Note the feedback you get from her...very important!) Also, the key is to make her feel confident in you. If she says something like, "My feet are gross," say, "No, your feet are cute! Like (insert something about her feet you like here)." (Don't get too crazy, though...)

Another thing is to use your fingers to massage her feet like you're kneading dough. Work your fingers in circles up and down the foot. Squeeze her toes and work them from side to side (not too hard, though). Put your fingers in between her toes and on the bottom where the sole meets with the toes.

Massage around her ankles, go up and down the tendons on top of her feet with your thumbs. Conclude with going up and down the sides of her feet with four fingers (two on each hand), then continuing up and down both bottoms and tops of the feet. Repeat as long as you like. If she likes it, she'll let you go on all night. If you did REALLY well, she might even fall asleep.

Make sure you caress her feet at the end, so she knows you're finished.

Hope that helps. Good luck with the foot massage.

In case you need more pointers, there are a lot of books about the art of massage at Barnes & Noble.

[ August 13, 2007, 11:55 AM: Message edited by: footntoesmassager ]
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
Originally posted by footntoesmassager:
Also, the key is to make her feel confident in you. If she says something like, "My feet are gross," say, "No, you're feet are cute! Like (insert something about her feet you like here)." (Don't get too crazy, though...)

That right there is some of the best advice I've heard to get access to a girl's feet who's not exactly enthusiastic about her feet, or just feet in general. It really works if you don't let on too much and don't come on too strong.
Posted by femsolelover (Member # 1584) on :
I just got done with a date with a girl who seems to be growing on me. I joked with her about growing on me like a bad habit, but once again, just joking.

Anyway, she asked about what turns me on, tonight, and I told her about my fetish. She wasn't turned off, but I don't think she really expected it. We should be getting together again soon, I hope. My head is going in circles about what to do about this lady. I'm definately confused, but, if I play it right, I might be able to get some from her. We'll see what happens, and I'll keep you all posted!

Love ya all!
Posted by femsolelover (Member # 1584) on :
Also, footntoesmassager, what do you mean by "caress them to let them know I'm finished"?
Posted by footntoesmassager (Member # 12132) on :
I mean, just run your hands across them palms down with your hands, not like a massage...kind of like when you run your fingers through a woman's hair.
Posted by Fate111 (Member # 2627) on :
Originally posted by Salvy_Mic:
Originally posted by footntoesmassager:
Also, the key is to make her feel confident in you. If she says something like, "My feet are gross," say, "No, you're feet are cute! Like (insert something about her feet you like here)." (Don't get too crazy, though...)

That right there is some of the best advice I've heard to get access to a girl's feet who's not exactly enthusiastic about her feet, or just feet in general. It really works if you don't let on too much and don't come on too strong.
Yeah, I do agree that, in those situations, you can not come on too strong. If you do, it will definitely freak out the girl in question and then she'll suspect something's "wrong" with you for being overly enthusiastic about wanting to massage her feet.

I don't necessarily agree about trying to give a girl a compliment about her feet when she says they are "gross". That's what she may really think about her feet and it can be very difficult to sway her own prefabricated opinion. Giving her a compliment on her feet may also come off as a little "creepy" to some women. What I find more effective when a woman turns down a foot massage is to say something like, "Oh well, that's too bad. I guess it's your loss". More often than not, it will make her think that she is missing out on something. Her saying that her feet are "gross" may be just a nice way for her to tell you "I'm not comfortable with you touching my feet at the moment". Some women have issues with having their feet, or body, touched by someone, especially if the woman doesn't know you all too well. By saying it's her loss, you're issuing a challenge because it shows her you have confidence in your ability to give a good foot massage. That alone may get her interested enough in finding out just how good you are at giving a foot massage.

Another strategy is to actually agree with what she says about her feet being "gross" and do it in an indirect way that's funny but that knocks her down off her pedestal so to speak. When she says, "No, my feet are gross", follow it up by saying, "Ummmm,... well,... I wasn't going to say anything, but, since you said it..." and just kind of leave it hanging. It leaves her thinking that you were just trying to be nice and that you were offering her a foot massage because you felt sorry for her because of her "inferior looking" feet. It's amazing sometimes how suddenly "personal" a woman will take that little jab, as if her ego has just been attacked! Sometimes after a comment like that, a woman will do a 180 degree turn from what she said just a minute ago about her feet being "gross" and, all of a sudden, her feet "aren't that bad" and she'll want you to really look at them!

All of what was said before about giving a girl a foot massage is true. You'll want to be firm with your touch and not tickle. I think it's also important to have the right mindset when it comes to giving her the foot massage. Although I have a foot fetish, I always approach giving any woman a foot massage from the standpoint of making sure that she completely enjoys it, and not from the standpoint of me getting some thrill over giving her the foot massage because I like women's feet. I always have in my mind that I'm going to give a woman the greatest foot massage she has ever had. Carrying this mindset into the foot massage gets you more in tune to what she may like, the amount of pressure you're using, her reactions, etc.. When your mind is at that point, you'll know what feels good to her as you massage her feet and it's more natural. You won't be hesitant with your massaging and you won't be worrying about being "found out" that you have a foot fetish by her because you'll be concentrating on pleasing her. As an added perk, having this mindset allows for many happy women who won't hesitate to offer their feet to you when you're around them again because they'll find your foot massages so enjoyable.

I guess my point is that a foot massage can be as much mental as it is physical - right from getting her feet into your lap in the first place on through the foot massage itself. It all has to do with how comfortable a woman feels when she is around you and how confident you are with your ability to give a foot massage. If the situation feels natural and you don't come off as weird or creepy with your approach, the more likely you'll be able to give a woman a very enjoyable foot massage.
Posted by femsolelover (Member # 1584) on :
Originally posted by Fate111:
Originally posted by Salvy_Mic:
Originally posted by footntoesmassager:
Also, the key is to make her feel confident in you. If she says something like, "My feet are gross," say, "No, you're feet are cute! Like (insert something about her feet you like here)." (Don't get too crazy, though...)

That right there is some of the best advice I've heard to get access to a girl's feet who's not exactly enthusiastic about her feet, or just feet in general. It really works if you don't let on too much and don't come on too strong.
Yeah, I do agree that, in those situations, you can not come on too strong. If you do, it will definitely freak out the girl in question and then she'll suspect something's "wrong" with you for being overly enthusiastic about wanting to massage her feet.

I don't necessarily agree about trying to give a girl a compliment about her feet when she says they are "gross". That's what she may really think about her feet and it can be very difficult to sway her own prefabricated opinion. Giving her a compliment on her feet may also come off as a little "creepy" to some women. What I find more effective when a woman turns down a foot massage is to say something like, "Oh well, that's too bad. I guess it's your loss". More often than not, it will make her think that she is missing out on something. Her saying that her feet are "gross" may be just a nice way for her to tell you "I'm not comfortable with you touching my feet at the moment". Some women have issues with having their feet, or body, touched by someone, especially if the woman doesn't know you all too well. By saying it's her loss, you're issuing a challenge because it shows her you have confidence in your ability to give a good foot massage. That alone may get her interested enough in finding out just how good you are at giving a foot massage.

Another strategy is to actually agree with what she says about her feet being "gross" and do it in an indirect way that's funny but that knocks her down off her pedestal so to speak. When she says, "No, my feet are gross", follow it up by saying, "Ummmm,... well,... I wasn't going to say anything, but, since you said it..." and just kind of leave it hanging. It leaves her thinking that you were just trying to be nice and that you were offering her a foot massage because you felt sorry for her because of her "inferior looking" feet. It's amazing sometimes how suddenly "personal" a woman will take that little jab, as if her ego has just been attacked! Sometimes after a comment like that, a woman will do a 180 degree turn from what she said just a minute ago about her feet being "gross" and, all of a sudden, her feet "aren't that bad" and she'll want you to really look at them!

All of what was said before about giving a girl a foot massage is true. You'll want to be firm with your touch and not tickle. I think it's also important to have the right mindset when it comes to giving her the foot massage. Although I have a foot fetish, I always approach giving any woman a foot massage from the standpoint of making sure that she completely enjoys it, and not from the standpoint of me getting some thrill over giving her the foot massage because I like women's feet. I always have in my mind that I'm going to give a woman the greatest foot massage she has ever had. Carrying this mindset into the foot massage gets you more in tune to what she may like, the amount of pressure you're using, her reactions, etc.. When your mind is at that point, you'll know what feels good to her as you massage her feet and it's more natural. You won't be hesitant with your massaging and you won't be worrying about being "found out" that you have a foot fetish by her because you'll be concentrating on pleasing her. As an added perk, having this mindset allows for many happy women who won't hesitate to offer their feet to you when you're around them again because they'll find your foot massages so enjoyable.

I guess my point is that a foot massage can be as much mental as it is physical - right from getting her feet into your lap in the first place on through the foot massage itself. It all has to do with how comfortable a woman feels when she is around you and how confident you are with your ability to give a foot massage. If the situation feels natural and you don't come off as weird or creepy with your approach, the more likely you'll be able to give a woman a very enjoyable foot massage.

Sounds like manipulation to me. No thanks.
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
Originally posted by femsolelover:
Sounds like manipulation to me. No thanks.

Bro, that's how you play the game, and it isn't just with massaging a woman's feet either. Girls, for the most part, tend to like to be teased mildly and indirectly. Anyway, just go with the flow and see what works for you, but what Fate was sayin' actually holds a lot of water.
Posted by Sabbath (Member # 4844) on :
Manipulation? That's some piece of good advice!

I also beleive that you should concentrate more in the atmosphere of the situation than the massage itself.
the majority of men give bad foot massages , simply because they don't really like feet.
If you do, chances are that you will be a natural.. I've never read anything about foot massages and I've been told I'm really good.
So, you should focus on making the girl feel comfortable and the situation being natural..
Also, you should try to take some adavantage in cases when she says things such as " I feel very tired " or " My feet are killing me in these shoes"

Finally, make sure your hands feel good, beleive me , if your hands are really cold , the girl will not agree to have her feet massaged
Posted by Dr. Panglos (Member # 20530) on :
These are all excellent tips on techniques for giving a great foot massage. One other technique I've picked up is, with her soles facing you, start kneading your thumbs from the heel all the way up to the toe starting with the pinky toe, then repeat for each toe.

And, yes, as previously posted, gently grabbing each toe and pulling on it while moving in a circular motion is also a favorite.

Another good method is to basically “sandwich” her foot between your hands (one hand on top, the other on her sole) and just move whichever hand is on her sole around in a circular motion. That’s usually good for a warm up.

I learned these methods from a nurse I used to shack up with. She worked in the ER for 12 hours, on her feet most of the time. When she came home, her shoes were off and her feet were in my lap within minutes. She had no problem telling me how she wanted it done! Since she had sexy, high arched and incredibly veiny feet this usually resulted in her getting plowed every single time after her foot massage! Quite the win-win for both of us!

I also used these techniques on a lady I used to work with at a work-related party one night. Right in the middle of massaging her, she let out a small, fairly loud moan and then confessed to all of us that she just had a bit of an orgasm from it!! Yes, I had quite the reputation after that! All the women at work suddenly wanted foot massages from me! Thankfully most of them had pretty feet. [Mmm]
Posted by Sabbath (Member # 4844) on :
Way to go man! [Smile]
Sadly , I had to learn how to apply more pressure the hard way...the first time I gave a girl a foot massage I blew it because she was very ticklish. Nevertheless I have improved my technique and some girls ask me regularly for a foot massage
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
Funny, girls who say they're ticklish never seem to be whenever I massage them. I must be that damn good.... [Cool]

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