This is topic I need faces in my foot pics. in forum Foot Fetish Talk at Foot Fetish Forum.

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Posted by Girlgotsole (Member # 14405) on :
(Sorry it's been a while since I've last posted. Been busy.)

Anyway. When it comes to seeing foot pics, I need to see the girls face. It adds so much more. Just seeing feet, and this may just me being paranoid that the girl's feet on screen may not belong to. . . a girl. But more so it's that the feet aren't hot if they don't have a face/personality to them. But, man, have the face there with the feet in the camera, long toes, nice soles, and I'm in.

Anyone else feel this way?
Posted by higharchlover (Member # 23372) on :
I also prefer to see the whole least in some of the pics. I also have a long hair fetish so when I get to see both, [Drool]

However, one of my favorite sites is "". It only has 3 picture sets, and the girl never shows her face. Her feet are almost too much by themselves!! Its also the same site from which my avatar came from.
Posted by Mighty Mike (Member # 1922) on :
Originally posted by Girlgotsole:
(Sorry it's been a while since I've last posted. Been busy.)

Anyway. When it comes to seeing foot pics, I need to see the girls face. It adds so much more. Just seeing feet, and this may just me being paranoid that the girl's feet on screen may not belong to. . . a girl. But more so it's that the feet aren't hot if they don't have a face/personality to them. But, man, have the face there with the feet in the camera, long toes, nice soles, and I'm in.

Anyone else feel this way?

I totally agree

I don't understand how threads in the pic section turn into multiple pages of "wow that's hot" when all that is shown are a view sole pics, which easily could be a guy [Puke]

that is one of the reasons foot guys are thought of as weird because many of them seem to not care at all about the rest of the girl

it's like they wouldn't care if their girlfriend walked around with a paper bag over her head

if her face and body are bad I won't care about her feet

if all I see is feet I won't give the pics a second look unless I view them as flawless, then i'll look twice and that's it [Smile]
Posted by Hal (Member # 3484) on :
I also agree. I like seeing a few full body shots (with face) at the beginning of a photo set and then some nice close ups of her feet.

Posted by 2nd. To God In Power (Member # 23391) on :
Seeing sexy feet with NO face is just frustrating, I HATE that. But, I still give the pic itself the benefit of the doubt. LOL
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
I'm about 95% agreed with the sentiment so far. I think that's why I can't really say I have a "foot fetish" and think it truthful because I'm more interested in the total package of the girl to which the pretty feet are attached.

Don't get me wrong...those tantalizing close-ups of the girl's feet are always welcome, but it helps to get an overall "feel" for the girl herself before indulging in the gratuitous close-ups. Nothing but close-ups make me feel like I'm looking at some artsy book on anatomical study, and not admiring the beauty of the actual girl.

Now, about that missing 5%...three models instantly come to mind that have never shown their faces, but I still dig their pics. They are Mrs. Infatuated, Nina Collins, and Sultry face shots, but they show enough of the rest of their body to keep the fantasy coming along. Granted I wish they showed the world their pretty faces, but everybody has has their own personal limits, and we have to respect those limits whether we like them or not.

But anyway, yeah, I prefer seeing faces in my foot pics. There's been a trend with some sites (Russian ones at least, being as that's all I tend to regularly keep up with anymore) where they do portrait shots within the sets...that is, they'll dedicate one or two pics to nothing but the girl's face within the set. I hope other sites and photographers are continuing this trend, because I love it. It really helps along the fantasy when you can stop and admire the innocent beauty of girl's pretty face. [Smile]
Posted by feetluvr (Member # 1570) on :
I remember my high school girlfriend and I getting into a huge argument over a "Guess" jeans add showing only someone's lower abs and their jeans partially opened. I told her that I could tell that it was a girl's stomach and not a guys. Hard to describe how, but I really felt I could.

Though I feel pretty much the same way about being able to identify a girl's (or guy's) feet, I realize that there have been some dubious photos of guy's feet claiming to be girl's feet that have duped a lot of people.

Though like Hal I prefer to see a face shot then feet closeups for valisity, it's not something I get too worked up about.
Posted by beamont (Member # 21780) on :
I agree. If i'm viewing a photo set, I want to see the girls face. It adds so much more.
Posted by foot_sniffer2281 (Member # 21756) on :
totally agreed with what you guys are saying...feet alone very rarely do it for me...i need to see the girls face and body! its not that i doubt if its girls feet or not...its just that its so much more sexy to see the girls face and body....much more of a turn on.
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
Well when I posted my girl's feet in the pics section I didnt take a pic with her face in it due to her protection. I mean come on...god knows who lurks on this and other foot boards and I post a picture of her peds AND face on here and then someone on here knows who she is or maybe see's her right after looking at them when they go to get some groceries and it just so happens my girlfriend is there too and god knows what he will do..especially knowing that she obvioulsy knows of the "foot world"... I know it could be a slim chance but it is still a chance neither I or her wants to take...just be happy there ARE girls that willingly let someone take pics of there feet for us!
Posted by haydenpanettierefeetslave (Member # 2512) on :
Originally posted by Girlgotsole:
(Sorry it's been a while since I've last posted. Been busy.)

Anyway. When it comes to seeing foot pics, I need to see the girls face. It adds so much more. Just seeing feet, and this may just me being paranoid that the girl's feet on screen may not belong to. . . a girl. But more so it's that the feet aren't hot if they don't have a face/personality to them. But, man, have the face there with the feet in the camera, long toes, nice soles, and I'm in.

I totally agree with you

Anyone else feel this way?

Posted by beamont (Member # 21780) on :
hey bluetoelover, I think most people here are referring to feet pictures in general and not just the sets here.

I completely agree with you though, I would never post a full pic of my girlfriend on the internet on a site like this.
Posted by Zerena (Member # 24272) on :
When I take pictures of myself, I dont take pictures of my face. I feel like it jepordizes my safety in general, as Ive been raised up to always be safe. Thus making why I dont post pictures of my face; Only my feet.

Posted by DancingFool (Member # 3728) on :
Originally posted by feetluvr:
I remember my high school girlfriend and I getting into a huge argument over a "Guess" jeans add showing only someone's lower abs and their jeans partially opened. I told her that I could tell that it was a girl's stomach and not a guys. Hard to describe how, but I really felt I could.

Though I feel pretty much the same way about being able to identify a girl's (or guy's) feet, I realize that there have been some dubious photos of guy's feet claiming to be girl's feet that have duped a lot of people.

Though like Hal I prefer to see a face shot then feet closeups for valisity, it's not something I get too worked up about.

I completely agree--there have been many on here who say guys have such ugly feet--one guy even said on here that he wished that he 'had no feet at all'. There are plenty of effeminate looking guys out there who can have feet that look like a girls, as well as ass, hair, or abs. It doesnt make us gay if we see just a shot of the prospective body part with no face and think it is a girl.

I've seen all the posts on here--I happen to think I have nice feet. Girls have told me this too.

But back to the subject at hand, I too prefer seeing the girls faces in the picture--its just not complete without it--but I am sick of/baffled by the 'men have ugly feet' argument.
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
i'm a need to see the face man myself.

i did however hear a pretty funny thing written in my youtube comments once when i posted a clip of a girl who had awesome calves and feet and that's all it showed.

a commenter was asking to see more cuz he wanted to know for sure it wasn't a dude.

i responded that i had nothing more but i assured him i had seen the girl they belong too and she was hot and he might be able to tell by the dress she was a girl.

he responded back to me that if the proof isn't there he just assumes its a guy.

I was quite amused by his policy, but one things for sure --- he won't ever accidentally masterbate to some dude feet since he was so set in his ways [Big Grin]
Posted by Mighty Mike (Member # 1922) on :
why hide the face?

is it really embarrassing to be a foot model?

if so why even post your pics?

who loses their job for just modeling their feet and how is a girls safety jeapoardized?

it's not exactly a small world so unless your address is posted what would you have to worry about?
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
its not so much the fact that its "embarassing" to be a foot model moreso the fact that if someone on here just happens to see the face of the girl and says to himself "Holy shit I know her/just saw her today!" then he might try and pursue or god knows what to her since he knows that she is aware of us footguys and indulges us. Same as if I saw a porn star in the grocery just after I jerked off to her the night before...I know that she is obviously a sex kitten so to speak...I know its not a fair argument per say to compare modeling your peds to being a pornstar but the fact that we as a society have both(foot models and pornstars) means we are lucky as hell and should not piss and moan about why someone wouldnt show their faces when modeling their feet.
Put yourselves in their shoes...would you want your face in the pic if you were modeling say for gay porn or some other kind of pornographic material?
Posted by femsolelover (Member # 1584) on :
You can show the body without showing the face. I've seen it done before, and there are programs out there that allow for photo editing, so the guy is in the wrong anyway. You can make some guy look like a girl in pretty much anything you want. This is by no means an attack on you, bluetoe; just stating the facts.

Also, Mike, I really don't think that it would take much to track somebody down if you really wanted to. There are enough ways to find just enough information for some stalker/murderer/rapist to track down pretty much anybody that you wanted. I'm not sayin' that I know from experience (I have none from this department), but intellegence tells me it could happen.

Food for thought.
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
Originally posted by Mighty Mike:

who loses their job for just modeling their feet and how is a girls safety jeapoardized?

it's not exactly a small world so unless your address is posted what would you have to worry about?

Well, yeah it does happen. Remember Michelle from "Ohmyhose?" Her husband who worked in law enforcement lost his job when she was recognized by those "upstanding" members of their community. Was all over their local papers.

We prefer to remain anonymous too for privacey. You can catch glimpses of my wifes face in the pics sometimes, but 99% of the time I won't post that. I don't hold a high profile job or anything like that, but I wouldn't want the embarassment of being called out on what I do for my side hobby.

And one time on clips4sale when good old 2257 was being stressed recently in the media they did post the addresses of where everyone kept their model release information on everyone's web page. That happened to be our home address. I just about threw in the towel, but that same day they removed that information from the site. Obviously it would've closed 'em down when every mom and pop pornographer would've closed shop.

To bring this to a close and of course to be this forums biggest hippocrit...

I too prefer to see feet and faces together on the models! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by climax (Member # 6641) on :
I prefer to see the face also, because during self pleasure, my feet related fantasies involve that particular lady and her pleasuring me with her feet
Posted by Mighty Mike (Member # 1922) on :
Originally posted by bluetoelover:
its not so much the fact that its "embarassing" to be a foot model moreso the fact that if someone on here just happens to see the face of the girl and says to himself "Holy shit I know her/just saw her today!" then he might try and pursue or god knows what to her since he knows that she is aware of us footguys and indulges us. Same as if I saw a porn star in the grocery just after I jerked off to her the night before...I know that she is obviously a sex kitten so to speak...I know its not a fair argument per say to compare modeling your peds to being a pornstar but the fact that we as a society have both(foot models and pornstars) means we are lucky as hell and should not piss and moan about why someone wouldnt show their faces when modeling their feet.
Put yourselves in their shoes...would you want your face in the pic if you were modeling say for gay porn or some other kind of pornographic material?

dude the world is a very large place and there are millions of jerkoff websites

the chances of somebody you know seeing you are minimal and if you're the type that would be ashamed or embarrassed you shouldn't be doing it in the first place

just seeing feet pics doesn't make me feel "lucky as hell" but i'm not gonna piss and moan about them not showing their face, I just won't give them a second look and if I consider joining a site their site won't get consideration

I laugh when these girls wonder why their site doesn't have as many members as they would like, why would anybody join a site when they don't know what the girls look like? there are thousands of sites where the girls show their face

there is far more to a girl than just feet
Posted by Mighty Mike (Member # 1922) on :
Originally posted by femsolelover:

Also, Mike, I really don't think that it would take much to track somebody down if you really wanted to. There are enough ways to find just enough information for some stalker/murderer/rapist to track down pretty much anybody that you wanted. I'm not sayin' that I know from experience (I have none from this department), but intellegence tells me it could happen.

Food for thought.

and how would not showing the face prevent this if it is so easy to track somebody down by just having a webiste?

I mean if you are so obsessed with the faceless girls feet to the point you want to track her down I would think the look of her feet would be ingrained in your head and you could find her if it's as easy as you claim

also i've yet to hear in the news "internet foot model is tracked down raped, killed etc"

that is press that us foot perverts haven't gotten yet:D
Posted by Mighty Mike (Member # 1922) on :
Originally posted by LeDaemon:
Originally posted by Mighty Mike:

who loses their job for just modeling their feet and how is a girls safety jeapoardized?

it's not exactly a small world so unless your address is posted what would you have to worry about?

Well, yeah it does happen. Remember Michelle from "Ohmyhose?" Her husband who worked in law enforcement lost his job when she was recognized by those "upstanding" members of their community. Was all over their local papers.

there site was a porno site that contained footjobs, blowjobs, and intercourse and he was working in a juvenile detention center, I can understand how he would be fired because they don't want a porno star working with kids

i'm talking just regular foot medeling, how can just modeling your feet get you in trouble?

the majority of the faceless foot models just show their feet and don't do anything sexual
Posted by Footman9 (Member # 1100) on :
Pretty faces are always a welcome enhancement to any foot shot, but at the expense of losing a job, etc. is not what I want to see anyone go through on the count of seeing their pretty face. Believe me, I love looking at a pretty gorgeous face like anyone, but people have to eat and pay bills, too. Creativity is the key; A pretty face (and feet) with no creativity is boring. What is the difference between two photographed naked bodies? A lot. The posing, lighting, facial expression, make up, etc. are the major points that separate a plain naked body from a lustful (double take) body. Again, creativity sells and is key to what you want to project in any shot with or without a face. Just my $0.02.
Posted by toesuckerryan (Member # 23296) on :
Yes, I much much much prefer to see the face... without it, there's something missing, no matter how sexy the feet.
Posted by Elzbennet (Member # 1234) on :
Originally posted by Mighty Mike:
why hide the face?

is it really embarrassing to be a foot model?

if so why even post your pics?

who loses their job for just modeling their feet and how is a girls safety jeapoardized?

it's not exactly a small world so unless your address is posted what would you have to worry about?

Thereīs always the risk of being discovered by the wrong person whose limited brain capacity and lack of hability to understand a common thing like a foot fetish, may be the starting point to less honorable actions toward the foot model. Like a [Evil Grin] wicked [Evil Grin] work colleague, for example. Not all foot models are willing to take the risk.
Why post feet only pics? Because a pretty foot is still a pretty foot and can be admired for itself.
Nonetheless, I also agree itīs more interesting to see the whole, after all, the female body can be so pretty.
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
To run a foot site full body pics..but I was defending posting a few pics up on Wu's... I personally will not and never will post a face pic of my girlfriend..only pics of her peds but if I was to run a foot site that I wanted to be competitive in the web world then I would include her full body pics INCLUDING the face...double standard I know but I can say it confidently because I know I will never run a site dedicated to her and her feet. But to the people that DO run a FF site I think it defintely helps the business if you include full body pics with face. Just my two cents.
Posted by Mighty Mike (Member # 1922) on :
alot of real models have real jobs too abd don't get in trouble

how does modeling your feet cause you to lose your job? just taking pics of your feet?
Posted by TopHat (Member # 20810) on :
Originally posted by bluetoelover:
Well when I posted my girl's feet in the pics section I didnt take a pic with her face in it due to her protection. I mean come on...god knows who lurks on this and other foot boards and I post a picture of her peds AND face on here and then someone on here knows who she is or maybe see's her right after looking at them when they go to get some groceries and it just so happens my girlfriend is there too and god knows what he will do..especially knowing that she obvioulsy knows of the "foot world"... I know it could be a slim chance but it is still a chance neither I or her wants to take...just be happy there ARE girls that willingly let someone take pics of there feet for us!

Agreed, I hate pictures without the face but what happens if a person posting is your Co-worker.
Posted by TopHat (Member # 20810) on :
Originally posted by Mighty Mike:
why hide the face?

is it really embarrassing to be a foot model?

if so why even post your pics?

who loses their job for just modeling their feet and how is a girls safety jeapoardized?

it's not exactly a small world so unless your address is posted what would you have to worry about?

Not posting a face is the womans choice but what's the chance of reconizing the person, you would have to have the picture with you in order to really identify the person, unless you were a co worker or a friend you would not notice.

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