This is topic I'm getting sick of this shit, one of these days I'm going to snap... in forum Foot Fetish Talk at Foot Fetish Forum.

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Posted by yupyup (Member # 21834) on :
Seriously I'm sick of not being able to satisfy my foot worship fantasies, I can't understand wtf women want, the other day I saw a nice chick in flip flops with a pedicure, a toe ring and an anklet and I complimented her: "hey nice feet, you sure take care of them", and she looked at me like I was some freak psycho because I like feet.....WADDA FUCK!?!?!?! [Mad] , admit it you spend money and time getting a pedicure, buying toe rings and all that other stuff so your feet look attractive and then you feel victimized when someone looks at your feet, hey you know what FUCK YOU BITCH GO DIG A HOLE AND DIE. [Blow Job]

I'm a normal guy, I'm in shape, young, if I was ugly or something I would understand women getting grossed out by an ugly guy looking at them.

I can't take it anymore, it's summer now and a lot of chicks are wearing flip flops and stuff and to tell you the truth I really suffer watching those cute nice smelly sweaty feet [Jerkoff] and knowing either I can't worship them or it's going to cost me a lot of money and time to do so (knowing the chick, asking her out, dinner, movie, blah blah blah and in the end if she doesn't want you touching her feet you are basically fucked, all that money and time lost [Mad] ), I'm REALLY horny right this time of the year and everytime I watch women barefoot or wearing sandals I HAVE to look away because it's a pure torture for me knowing I will never be able to worship those pair of feet. [Cry]

I don't know how the photographers of the foot sites do it so all those women let them take pics of their feet, I'm sure they offer them money or some shit.

Sorry for the rant had to vent, having a foot fetish is a bitch sometimes.
Posted by russ (Member # 10866) on :
wah wah
Posted by deeparchlover (Member # 7021) on :
Dude, I'm not in shape and make no claims to be very handsome but one thing I think works for me is a nice smile and the right approach. I have gotten girls to pose for pics by not targeting on her feet directly but complimenting the jewerly, choice of toe polish or shoes she is wearing on her feet.

I once got a woman to pose for pics by simply saying 'You seem to be a woman who has great taste in footwear. Could I take picture 'cause those shoes are so sexy'. Within 2min and a little joking I was snapping pics of her in her 3" heel mules. She thanked me for the compliment and went on her way.

I'm not saying all women are this approachable but you gotta feel out the right moment. Try not to single her out around too many people because she may get embarrased that your remark has caused others to stare at her feet. I don't think any woman wants to be just admired for one body part whether it is their feet, butt or breast. If you focus on just one part too much it can be a turn off.

[ June 22, 2007, 08:21 AM: Message edited by: deeparchlover ]
Posted by FootLongSub Zero (Member # 19380) on :
Originally posted by deeparchlover:
Dude, I'm not in shape and make no claims to be very handsome but one thing I think works for me is a nice smile and the right approach. I have gotten girls to pose for pics by not targeting on her feet directly but complimenting the jewerly, choice of toe polish or shoes she is wearing on her feet.

I once got a woman to pose for pics by simply saying 'You seem to be a woman who has great taste in footwear. Could I take picture 'cause those shoes are so sexy'. Within 2min and a little joking I was snapping pics of her in her 3" heel mules. She thanked me for the compliment and went on her way.

I'm not saying all women are this approachable but you gotta feel out the right moment. Try not to single her out around too many people because she may get embarrased that your remark has caused others to stare at her feet. I don't think any woman wants to be just admired for one body part whether it is their feet, butt or breast. If you focus on just one part too much it can be a turn off.

Very Educational.... Thanks [Thumbs Up]
Posted by feetluvr (Member # 1570) on :
We all can understand your frustration- but it does take a bit of finesse. As we often discuss here, just because she's showing them off doesnt means she's interested in sharing them.
Posted by Nightbird77 (Member # 13561) on :
I agree that approching a woman on the subject of her feet is like walking a tightrope!

And it is a bit of a catch-22 when these women spend a great deal of time and money doctoring up their feet to look good and when someone compliments them they give you that look. [Eek!]

I agree with the advice that's already been shared. That you have to basically "tip-toe" around the subject of her feet to find out how she would respond (good/bad) then make your move.

"Freud would later say that women were largely "a dark continent." "What does a woman want?" he asked. He never found a satisfactory answer."
Posted by nusuth (Member # 7372) on :
i think you are expecting too much. would you expect a woman to react positively to you looking at her chest and says, nice breasts... and its not all THAT different.

as for getting frustrated by not getting any action, there are millions.. billions maybe.. of guys frustrated by not getting any action of some kind and its all right there in their faces too.. just like you.

my advice.. chill.. jerk off more.. get some better game.
Posted by Footman9 (Member # 1100) on :
We all have been there, but you got to feel the situation out first. You MUST have finesse when dealing with women. It's that simple. THey must feel you are not a threat to them (not saying that you were). Each woman is different. Gage it and strike with care. Again, women are different (than men). For example, men laugh at most jokes regardless, but mature women will not laugh right away if they feel it is not a well thought out good joke to laugh at. Hang in there and and (always) use finesse with your approach.
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
Women are usually more receptive to guys who'll approach them like regular people and strike up conversation about normal, non-sex related things. Being told by a total stranger that a certain part of them looks nice probably makes them feel like the guy only sees them as an object, not as a person. Keep that in mind. As I tend to like to read and hang out at a lot of bookstores and libraries, I might try to start a conversation based on something the girl's reading, especially if she's looking at something I share an interest in. Just remember, even something as innocent as complimenting her on a nice smile probably makes her think you're trying to sell her something.

Just remember, if you go and talk to a random girl, she's probably thinking that you find her attractive in some way, thus eliminating the need to tell her she (or some part of her) is attractive. So try and find something deeper with which to talk about.
Posted by yupyup (Member # 21834) on :
I'm sure I'm one of the youngest here, and therefore have less experience than most of you, I don't have the patience you guys have and don't like playing around when it comes to girls, all that bullshit stayed in high school.

I don't remember the name of the pornstar but I saw one of her videos on youtube, it was an interview, and she took her sandals off all of a sudden and put her foot in front of the camera and said "you wanna worship my feet and then fuck me in the ass don't you?", wow I want a girl open minded like that, in most of her galleries she appears sucking people toes and stuff even tho her work is just porn, not exactly foot fetish oriented.

I remind you people this piece of shit we call life can end at any second, you wake up today thinking about going to Walmart then you step a foot in the road to cross the street and you get run over by a car, just like that. Women seem to get this idea too late, they love messing around and waste time and then when you make a move they call it rape. fuck it, I will keep looking until I find a chick that loves getting her feet sucked til' the last drop of sweat goes in my mouth. [Thumbs Up] , and then I will keep looking some more.
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
If you're just out of high school, then you're not that much younger than me (I'm 22). I dunno why its all the guys who can't drink yet who have these sorts of issues and are the ones so impatient about everything. Just relax and take your time. What did you think, that just out of high school, girls are suddenly going to be totally open about everything. That bullshit you think stayed in high school is more or less the name of the game, except with older, more mature people who tend to be seasoned pros at "The Game".

I'm not exactly Casanova here, but I just don't sweat this sort of thing. I tend to go with the flow, and you find that things tend to happen more often and more quickly when you don't try so hard. I hope you find what you're looking for, but if I can give you a small piece of advice...the thing you're looking for often times is found in the person or place you wouldn't normally expect, nor is it that easily found when that's the only thing you're looking for.
Posted by DaBootman (Member # 1280) on :
Originally posted by Salvy_Mic:
If you're just out of high school, then you're not that much younger than me (I'm 22). I dunno why its all the guys who can't drink yet who have these sorts of issues and are the ones so impatient about everything. Just relax and take your time. What did you think, that just out of high school, girls are suddenly going to be totally open about everything. That bullshit you think stayed in high school is more or less the name of the game, except with older, more mature people who tend to be seasoned pros at "The Game".

I'm not exactly Casanova here, but I just don't sweat this sort of thing. I tend to go with the flow, and you find that things tend to happen more often and more quickly when you don't try so hard. I hope you find what you're looking for, but if I can give you a small piece of advice...the thing you're looking for often times is found in the person or place you wouldn't normally expect, nor is it that easily found when that's the only thing you're looking for.

Salvy mic, that is something of the most value i've heard in a very long time. Me being just 20, i have to say that it's really not as hard up as all these impatient guys make it... And if you can step into the road and just get hit by an oncoming car, you probably should have been holding your mother's hand, you're too young to cross it alone.

Being impatient gets more people killed than just goin with the flow as salvy mic says here. All that "highschool bullshit" definitely is the name of the game, and it gets just a little more complicated as it goes. And just approach a woman once and tell them that ANY body part of sexual interest looks good, especially one they don't quite understand to be so and they will give ya a quick funny look. Just like sayin hey nice tits!

But i still can't top it, salvy you are the man!
Posted by toelicker91 (Member # 7658) on :
Maybe when you grow up and realize that a pornstars job is to talk dirty to get guys off. You want to find a girl like that? Find a hooker or a dominatrix. Most women wont act like that. Like the other guys said get some patients and you will be alot better off.
Posted by Nightbird77 (Member # 13561) on :
Salvy_Mic hit the nail right on the head!

Like I've often told guys who are really trying hard to find a girlfriend. If they stop looking so hard and just go with the flow, they are better off. [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
Give Mystery Method a shot man. It's a hell of a lot better than David D. stuff and will get chics responding positively to you in no time. It does wonders for ugly wimpy guys, so imagine what it will do for a nice looking in shape guy [Big Grin]
Posted by xm1 (Member # 19377) on :
i think most women are definitely not spending money on their clothing or appearance for you to look at them or be attracted to them. i think thats what it was about maybe 30 years ago but its all different now. they do it because of what they see on tv, in women's magazines, and because if they dont, other women will disclude them. which starts out somewhere in early high school and just gets worse as they make their way into corporate. women do high heels, jewelry, micro bikinis, and pedicures at each other the same way men try to outdo each other with fast cars, big trucks, lawnmowers, and entertainment centers. most of the women do this without even a thought to whether or not it makes them attractive to the opposite sex, its more their social standing to others of the same sex.
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
That is a true working method for some reason Tyler. If you come across as a bit of an ass women for some strange reason think you are instantly more interesting and have something going on. Act like a total gentleman and they will think you are a wuss loser.

As for yupyup you don't sound like a totally "normal" guy according to your first post. You want just immediate gratification for you foot fetish without any kind of relationship with a woman and seem a bit pissy about life in general. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you probably haven't been on a date with a girl yet.

You are going to have to "play the game" if you ever expect to get to the lady's feet unless you just plan on paying for it be it a hooker, dominatrix, or a foot party. Mind you I'm no swinging Romeo as I've been with the same woman for 17 years since I was 22. However, when I was younger than that I can vouch for having a lady I worked with invite me over to her place and pretty much doing all the sexual stuff you mentioned you wanted a girl to do to you on our first date. It was all about playing "the game." And as for the woman I married, I bugged her for about a month before she would go out with me, and then it was a FJ on the first date!

The big thing just being able to talk comfortably with a gal just like you would do with one of your male friends. Don't compliment them too much, don't start buying them little gifts, and all that crap trying to get them to go out with you. Your conversation needs to come across like you are not searching for words to say and especially not like it was scripted. Being able to make them laugh at your wit is a big bonus.

Get over the whiney "life is shit" attitude and work on developing a little self esteem and confidence. You just gotta make a conscious decision that you need to make a little attitude adjustment. When I was in high school I had no fucken clue. When I moved off and went to college I made the change.
Posted by Outback69 (Member # 2217) on :
Slow down...chill...go for a walk...whatever dude...

Just don't sit there and think just because you've had a few bad experiences with a few women that life is always going to be like that.

Your responses in this thread so far have got me thinking you're a prime candidate for another thread here titled:

"Another Foot Guy Arrested!!"

Only you can change how people percieve you.
Posted by femsolelover (Member # 1584) on :
I think it all depends upon what you are looking for. Start there, figure out what it is you really want.

If you want to just play around, then I think you're better off with a hooker or dom. If you want short-term relationships, then you're better off getting to know them first. I agree that you shouldn't buy them piddly gifts, but really aim for sitting down and getting to know the woman. It's a much better tactic. Most people would rather have a deep conversation, than to jump right in. Just keep in mind that you can be open about who you are in the right way. You want to talk about your foot fetish to her, get to know her first.

Besides, if you single out any part of what they look like right off the bat, think of how you feel if some guy were to look you up in the same way. I can pretty much guarantee that you'll feel the same way as she.

The most important thing is to keep focus on her, but not so much that you overwhelm her. And, get some people skills. I agree that most of the women out there today have gotten clothing styles from that of TV, just like the divorce rate going up because people seeing it happen with actor/actresses/famous people.
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
Originally posted by LeDaemon:
That is a true working method for some reason Tyler. If you come across as a bit of an ass women for some strange reason think you are instantly more interesting and have something going on. Act like a total gentleman and they will think you are a wuss loser.

They get into these kind of concepts really deep in some of the various seduction subcultures, but that point in particular (about acting an ass) kinda follows the train of thought you mentioned, but not so much from the acting like an ass specifically.

There is a fine balance in creating the perception of value in yourself to a potential mate and sometimes that means giving the impression that you aren't concerned about her impression of you (for better or worse) in order to simulate a status differential (w/yourself being the worthy catch).

Dishing out negs (as an example) just happens to be one (of several) highly effective way of playing that very minutia part of the overall game. Negs do not necessarily have to come off as being an ass although that is often the associations they get (cuz many times they kinda are, LOL).

Very broadly speaking, I think if the dude just learns to come off as a confident and more interesting version of himself, he can forget his worries with women. There are highly effective ways to groom this behavior (fast or slow) and a lot of it is counter-intuitive or elusively obvious to someone who has not been intrinsicly convinced of these realities.

It's a ton of small patterns combined (often nuiances) that make the difference in his potential success. Those little nuiances have huge psychological impact though on his female target who is most likely gonna be highly-analytical of their encounter (on all levels both conscious and subsconscious). What he needs to do is learn to trigger the various forms of attraction (on all levels) if he wants to change his status quo.

Even the most seasoned women have a hard time dismissing the effectiveness of these methods cuz all the man really has to do (simply put) is make himself appear more interesting and that essentially fulfills a lot of what women initially seek.

In short, the idea is simple: "be confident and be yourself". In specific: the way to translate that idea to someone who does not really "get it" (and make it mean something) can equate to a lot of dissecting of human sociology and attraction on many levels (biological and evolutionary included). Those learning processes are not short but are readily available to those who want to commit to better success with women.

I vouch for this type of detailed higher learning (about the intricacies of human and animal attraction) as the single most important set of revolations in my life that entirely turned it upside down (since fall of 2003). And I have applied some of that learning to get unlikely women to do some of the freakiest stuff w/o them having any perceptions of me as a sick perverted bastard (which I am BTW, by using some of you as my rationale for it, LOL).

[ June 22, 2007, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: Tyler D. ]
Posted by higharchlover (Member # 23372) on :
My method is simple....The quickest way to get something is to act like you don't want it. Just use this as an example: Have you ever been to a car dealership when a salesman wouldn't leave you alone to look at the cars/trucks? They would always be up your ass, following you around, trying to get you to buy ANYTHING! All so they could make a commission. Its called high-pressure sales and I hate it! You cannot use high-pressure with women either. If a hot woman is getting bombarded by guys only wanting to dump their load and leave, they will say forget it!
And for the pornstars you commented on. Everytime these women are on camera, they are going to do or say anything to get you to buy their videos. If you think its real that you can walk up to a girl and say "you have nice feet", and then 5 minutes later be getting a footjob, your in for a rude awakening. I am not saying it never happens, but if thats what your waiting for, good luck.... 99.9% of the time, you will end up doing the "job" by yourself.
Posted by Mighty Mike (Member # 1922) on :
I think it is NEVER a good idea to start off with a compliment towards a girl, especially when it concerns a bodypart

just like it was mentioned in that vid all the guys i've known to have alot of success with girls basically treated them like a bratty little sister, I think most women like to feel like they are being dominated

compliments mean shit unless she already has interest in you, espeially if she's really good looking, trust me she's heard it all a million times already, even the average ones have heard it all too because guys are so fuckin horny

somehow you just have to learn to be a better converastionalist and learn self confidence, don't put women on a pedestal, let them know that you are the man

that is easier said than done but that is key for success in life
Posted by Mighty Mike (Member # 1922) on :
also learn good body language

head held high, shoulders back, stomach sucked in, and don't walk around looking angry or sad

3 years ago I had this all down pat and I often got smiles and stares and some conversations initiated by pretty girls

I've been kind of depressed over the last 3 years and i'm pretty sure I walk around looking angry therefore I RARELY get anything initiated by a girl, even though I've improved my physical appearance
Posted by WrinklesAndDirtLover (Member # 3015) on :
I am mostly celibate.
have been for five years.

The quality and self control i have gotten from it is good..

I still have alot of drive.

I photograph a fair amount of womens feet.

I could proboble get more if I didnt have so many stipulations.

I would advise you to realize being frustrated isnt going to help you.

How big of a part of your sexuality are you gonna let consume you?

its like a chinese finger trap, the more you struggle, the less you escape!

Learn to turn it off at will.
Posted by lamp (Member # 19270) on :
those thoughts have gone through my mind. i think we've all been that frustrated at some point and having a foot fetish seems like a lost cause, it can seem theres no hope of satistying your dreams.

however with patience you can find a girl who will accept it. otherwise there would be no such thing as footfetish websites or guys and girls who practise it at all with anyone.

it can be done, just take it step by step with the ladies. i doubt you'll do any foot worshipping on a first date but you can get there
Posted by lamp (Member # 19270) on :
ps. masturbate regularly its certainly not a sin! look at plenty of foot porn.

like the last guy said dont deny yourself as it will make things worse. i have realised how painfull it can be..

self control is a good thing however i would advise NOT to go celibate and put even more stress on youself. i believe that is totally un natural and will not help you at all, only mess you up and anger you even more!

the best thing for a bit of relief is to let off some steam on the internet, it will relax you and then take your time getting to know and open minded girl, think positively and it CAN work for you.

masturabting will help take your mind off things to do other fun stuff in the summer time too like sport. taking your mind of sex helps too. the more relieved you are, the less sexually frustrated you'll be and desperate for feet.

The reason im sounding so big headed is becasue ive been an expert on sexual frustration this year! and i know how damn hard it is! but im so lucky my gf has accepted it this summer and it can happen for you.

my main point here is that sex and our foot fetish is something we should be enjoying and cherishing! dont try to deny it or escape it, embrace it and love it and it wont consume you.

if you deny youself pleasure then it will
Posted by lamp (Member # 19270) on :
pps. with the girls, dont try too hard and take it slow to start. i've learnt from my mistakes that being demanding and frustrated does not get you any sex!

the guys posts before mine have given excellent advice on making women feel at ease with you
Posted by WrinklesAndDirtLover (Member # 3015) on :
Originally posted by lamp:

self control is a good thing however i would advise NOT to go celibate and put even more stress on youself. i believe that is totally un natural and will not help you at all, only mess you up and anger you even more!

well, that would depend on who you are.

To be more spacific, being celibate, wouldent put more stress on "Everyone or Anyone"

Like I said, its done just the opposite for me.
Its given me more control and prospective.

Less frustration!

Unnatural you say?
choosing not to have sex is not unnatural.

Your bypassing an activity using a higher mental faculty.

Some have the abilty to do it, others dont. They enslave themselves to their whims.

Others free themsevles from it.

Denying yourself the "orgasim fuction"
Now, that "would be" unnatural!

insomuch as, or for example;

Every ones got to go to the bathroom,
excreate urine, piss and poop.


When your sick, you may have to puke, etc..

Same goes for orgasim, its a natural biological funtion, which in the biggest scheme of things, serves its own ends.

(pro-creation of the speices)
(plus, you feel better when your done)

when you puke, it serves it owns ends,
(evacuting invading elements)
(Plus, you feel better when your done)

When you piss, it serves its own ends,
(emptying the blatter of liquid)
(Plus, you feel better when your done)

Having a bowl movment, serves its own ends.
(Eliminating waste from the lower entrails)
(Plus, you feel better when its done)

So, in this respect, I dont agree so much with your regards to the importance or cherishing of sexual ideals,or sex itself, motivated by the natural propensity to have orgasims.

The fetish itself or sexual frustration is not the ends...

The orgasim is.
Having sex is pleasing because at the end, you have an orgasim!

Masturbation is agreeable, because at the end, you have an orgasim.

Choosing to focus on a desired or spacific means to acheive the function, is a moot point in the biggest picture.

choosing to feel frustration, or anger and attachment to certain means is truely involved in a form of self torture.

It dosent have to be that way.

To repeat, some things are natural biological functions of the human body.

piss,shit,puke,cum, sometimes blood and puss with issuies of healing.

So, what im saying to this dude is, frustrating yourself everytime before you sit down to take some pressure off your love pump, about what you wish you had to help you do it, is in reality, the same thing as if you needed certain stipulations in place to take a shit.

Image that?
if I got caught up in thinking,

"I am fully pissed! I want something to enhance my shiting experience"

It about as relavent. Really it is.
Posted by acer123 (Member # 21033) on :
You can't just run straight for the goal line.
Posted by Eliza Durden (Member # 22995) on :
Not all girls that paint their nails and wear toe rings are looking for guys to drool at the site of their feet. You would probably get the same response if you said "Hey nice ass"

From the way you talk about dating it sounds like you are looking for a hooker. Do you expect to take a girl out and lick her toes at the end of the date? Good luck dude! Dating is usually about getting to know a person, not about getting laid or licking toes afterward.

Girls like that pornstar you mentioned are exactly that...PORNSTARS. Of course they will say things like that.

I hope you can learn to be a bit patient and you will find the girl you are looking for. Salvy_Mic has some good advice. Try to listen a learn a bit.
Posted by canIsmellYourFeet (Member # 11183) on :
No offense, but you sound desperate. IMO, what you need to do is find a way NOT to be desperate. Everything begins and ends with YOUR MIND. Change how you view yourself and everything will fall into place. Convince yourself you're the sh*t. If you have trouble doing that, learn a new hobby, learn music, learn SOMETHING that'll make you feel good about yourself and something that will also be a conversation starter.

I have a friend who told me his success with women is due to how he thinks about himself: he's convinced that's he's such the sh*t that when he goes up and talks to a woman, in his mind, he's thinking "this is your lucky day!", like they won the lottery. If she turns him down, he tells himself there's something wrong with THEM and moves on to the next one. He doesn't SAY this to their face of course, he THINKS it. You HAVE to think this way or your mind will put you exactly where you are now.
Posted by WrinklesAndDirtLover (Member # 3015) on :

he's convinced that's he's such the sh*t that when he goes up and talks to a woman, in his mind, he's thinking "this is your lucky day" [/QB]

That would be the "Mike Demoan"
from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" line of thinking about having the right attitude about women.

"It shouldent matter to you wither she leaves, stays, lays or prays, you're toes are still tappin"
Posted by canIsmellYourFeet (Member # 11183) on :
Originally posted by WrinklesAndDirtLover:

he's convinced that's he's such the sh*t that when he goes up and talks to a woman, in his mind, he's thinking "this is your lucky day"

That would be the "Mike Demoan"
from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" line of thinking about having the right attitude about women.

"It shouldent matter to you wither she leaves, stays, lays or prays, you're toes are still tappin" [/QB]

LOL He probably got it from that movie, too, knowing him. [Big Grin] But you get my point: its all about your ATTITUDE toward YOURSELF.
Posted by feetpies (Member # 10542) on :
"All that got left behind in high school".. hahahaha. That's funny!

Here's a tip - women get turned on in the summer, too. But summer or winter - "nice feet" is a tricky way to begin.

Try any of these:

- - - -
What are you reading?

Excuse me, do you know a place I can get my 6 year old niece a birthday gift? And what do 6 year old girls like, anyway? (or a cool guy's clothing store).

If she's not from the area... then ask what's she's doing there, etc. or where is she from. then "Oh, I have a cool friend there - you'd love him..." blah blah.

I've done PLENTY of women. (many many plenty). I've never ended up with one by saying "nice... (insert item here)". (I have ended up with one whom I walked right up to and kissed... full make out kiss. It was in a club. It just spontaneaously happened. The time was right. I ended up in her bed that night).

You have to have a comfortable, confident vibe. That is more important than ANYTHING else. More important than what you say.. look like, etc..
Posted by Bondo (Member # 1403) on :
Originally posted by yupyup:
I don't have the patience you guys have and don't like playing around when it comes to girls, all that bullshit stayed in high school.

Well then, that's a pretty big problem right there. You definitely need patience when it comes to courting women for whatever reason. Can I get an Amen from the congregation...

Fresh out of high school, huh? You have a long life ahead of you. Think positively, be cool, be patient, make it happen when the time is right.

Sorry, there is no quick easy way to score...unless you can find a willing participant for cash like you mentioned.

Go to a foot party. You'll be like a kid in a candy store.
Posted by TopHat (Member # 20810) on :
I finally got to worship my girlfriend's feet because she wanted me to take her Step-Sisters son out to Disneyland. She said she actually liked it.
Posted by DeadGoon (Member # 24278) on :
Originally posted by Bondo:
Go to a foot party. You'll be like a kid in a candy store. [/QB]

I'd LOVE this. But so far I'm not even sure these things exist in Australia!
Posted by Footman9 (Member # 1100) on :
Amen... patience and finesse are key... and foot parties are about the only place you can get instant action in less than 5 minutes (for a fee of course) from what I have heard, but even then, you would have to use a little finesse in order to get the full treatment plus extras versus the standard deal... it's all in how you first size up the situation (each woman is different) and your approach [Smile] .
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
Originally posted by yupyup:
Seriously I'm sick of not being able to satisfy my foot worship fantasies, I can't understand wtf women want, the other day I saw a nice chick in flip flops with a pedicure, a toe ring and an anklet and I complimented her: "hey nice feet, you sure take care of them", and she looked at me like I was some freak psycho because I like feet.....WADDA FUCK!?!?!?! [Mad] , admit it you spend money and time getting a pedicure, buying toe rings and all that other stuff so your feet look attractive and then you feel victimized when someone looks at your feet, hey you know what FUCK YOU BITCH GO DIG A HOLE AND DIE. [Blow Job]

I'm a normal guy, I'm in shape, young, if I was ugly or something I would understand women getting grossed out by an ugly guy looking at them.

I can't take it anymore, it's summer now and a lot of chicks are wearing flip flops and stuff and to tell you the truth I really suffer watching those cute nice smelly sweaty feet [Jerkoff] and knowing either I can't worship them or it's going to cost me a lot of money and time to do so (knowing the chick, asking her out, dinner, movie, blah blah blah and in the end if she doesn't want you touching her feet you are basically fucked, all that money and time lost [Mad] ), I'm REALLY horny right this time of the year and everytime I watch women barefoot or wearing sandals I HAVE to look away because it's a pure torture for me knowing I will never be able to worship those pair of feet. [Cry]

I don't know how the photographers of the foot sites do it so all those women let them take pics of their feet, I'm sure they offer them money or some shit.

Sorry for the rant had to vent, having a foot fetish is a bitch sometimes.

i'm not gonna lie, i feel the same way most of the time. but more in the depressed way. hell, i'm the one dropping out of college because of feet
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
not really, but alot of stuff's gone down.
Posted by Bondo (Member # 1403) on :
Originally posted by MissMcKenzie:
This is just one chick's opinion, but equally important to confidence (remember, confident, not cocky) and patience is... a sense of humor. If a guy can make me laugh, I turn into butter...

Hey MissMac&Cheese, good to hear from you! Thanks for your female perspective too. Good point about being confident and not cocky. It's like being persistent but not pushy. Making people laugh is a good tension breaker too.
Posted by DeadGoon (Member # 24278) on :
Originally posted by blackHxC88:
i'm not gonna lie, i feel the same way most of the time. but more in the depressed way. hell, i'm the one dropping out of college because of feet

Oh dear! You find feet this distracting?! (Mind you, at colleges and universities there DO seem to be an almost endless supply of PERFECT feet!)

And I'll agree I have felt like Yupyup though my advice is not to make a lifestyle out of that attitude! But yes it's good to let off some steam once in a while. Having a foot fetish can be a bit complicated at times [Tongue]

For the time being enjoy the websites that are around. And if you live in the US you are one lucky guy as in here in Australia I think we're comletely devoid of them! And I'd go in no time!
Posted by clyde121 (Member # 9080) on :
Originally posted by yupyup:

I don't know how the photographers of the foot sites do it so all those women let them take pics of their feet, I'm sure they offer them money or some shit.

bingo we have a winner
Posted by cjmeyer (Member # 1621) on :
Originally posted by MissMcKenzie:
This is just one chick's opinion, but equally important to confidence (remember, confident, not cocky) and patience is... a sense of humor. If a guy can make me laugh, I turn into butter...

You should see me!One look and you would be laughing!LOL
Posted by Camille (Member # 21761) on :
yupyup, you sound just like one of those school-shooting guys

you scare me...
Posted by Lick (Member # 2412) on :

Don't get downhearted over the idea of of paying for feet as these can be your BEST foot experiences, they have certainly been mine!

Visit some foothookers and find one that you particularly like, then try and build up a relationship. It may only be business affair but it can become friendly at least.
Posted by Mighty Mike (Member # 1922) on :
Originally posted by Camille:
yupyup, you sound just like one of those school-shooting guys

you scare me...

so give him a footjob and all is fine

think about it you could save lives [Big Grin]
Posted by Mighty Mike (Member # 1922) on :
Originally posted by Lick:

Don't get downhearted over the idea of of paying for feet as these can be your BEST foot experiences, they have certainly been mine!

I used to look down on guys that paid for sexual favors but now i realize that's what all guys do anyways [Smile]

when we buy them dinner, flowers, birthday gifts etc we are paying for sexual favors

going to foot parties eliminates the boring "getting to know her" nonsense [Wink]
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
Originally posted by Mighty Mike:
I used to look down on guys that paid for sexual favors but now i realize that's what all guys do anyways [Smile]

when we buy them dinner, flowers, birthday gifts etc we are paying for sexual favors

going to foot parties eliminates the boring "getting to know her" nonsense [Wink]

absolutely brilliant summary Mike! I've not seen the point conveyed so accurately and concisely in a very long time [Big Grin]

You are very much on key with that!
Posted by Footman9 (Member # 1100) on :
Originally posted by Tyler D.:
Originally posted by Mighty Mike:
I used to look down on guys that paid for sexual favors but now i realize that's what all guys do anyways [Smile]

when we buy them dinner, flowers, birthday gifts etc we are paying for sexual favors

going to foot parties eliminates the boring "getting to know her" nonsense [Wink]

absolutely brilliant summary Mike! I've not seen the point conveyed so accurately and concisely in a very long time [Big Grin]

You are very much on key with that!

I call it the bartering way of doing things and everyone is happy in the end. This sounds too easy, but some people can make it complicated. It is really that simple.
Posted by Mighty Mike (Member # 1922) on :
Originally posted by Tyler D.:
Originally posted by Mighty Mike:
I used to look down on guys that paid for sexual favors but now i realize that's what all guys do anyways [Smile]

when we buy them dinner, flowers, birthday gifts etc we are paying for sexual favors

going to foot parties eliminates the boring "getting to know her" nonsense [Wink]

absolutely brilliant summary Mike! I've not seen the point conveyed so accurately and concisely in a very long time [Big Grin]

You are very much on key with that!

thanks, i've wised up [Cool]
Posted by clyde121 (Member # 9080) on :
Originally posted by Camille:
yupyup, you sound just like one of those school-shooting guys

you scare me...

[Laugh] definatly i dont want to justify shooting people but i understand how they get to the point where they go off the deep end. some people control it better than others
Posted by DeadGoon (Member # 24278) on :
Originally posted by clyde121:
Originally posted by Camille:
yupyup, you sound just like one of those school-shooting guys

you scare me...

[Laugh] definatly i dont want to justify shooting people but i understand how they get to the point where they go off the deep end. some people control it better than others
Hmmm yes I do have mixed feelings about Camille's comment. Complaining doesn't help, but at the same time it's good to let off some steam. I mean yeah, I try to be positive, but it is a painfully slow process of anything good happening.
But I know I'll never turn into one of those guys (school shooters). Just become a hermit if nothing works out.
Posted by Audrey (Member # 20306) on :

I don't know how the photographers of the foot sites do it so all those women let them take pics of their feet, I'm sure they offer them money or some shit.

LOL ya you have to pay models. Thsi is why we charge money for the sites, its not free to make them.
Posted by blackHxC88 (Member # 15094) on :
Originally posted by DeadGoon:
Originally posted by blackHxC88:
i'm not gonna lie, i feel the same way most of the time. but more in the depressed way. hell, i'm the one dropping out of college because of feet

Oh dear! You find feet this distracting?! (Mind you, at colleges and universities there DO seem to be an almost endless supply of PERFECT feet!)

And I'll agree I have felt like Yupyup though my advice is not to make a lifestyle out of that attitude! But yes it's good to let off some steam once in a while. Having a foot fetish can be a bit complicated at times [Tongue]

For the time being enjoy the websites that are around. And if you live in the US you are one lucky guy as in here in Australia I think we're comletely devoid of them! And I'd go in no time!

i'm not gonna lie, they are. but at the same time, it's 1 in a couple of reasons i'm thinking about it. not feet by itself, but how i react. when you go to a school where the guy to girl ratio is 6 to 1, you'll get desperate.

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