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Posted by Eve_Adams (Member # 8652) on :
Hi Everyone!

Some of you might already know me from my site:
Long Foot Goddess

I have size 12 (11 inch long) feet and I have been wondering lately about developing a rubber/silicon
model of my feet to offer for sale.
A foot friend once suggested it to me after sucking and licking my soles & toes almost raw!

I thought I'd ask you guys what you thought:

* Is owning a foot model's "pair of feet" something you would be into?

* How much would you expect to pay?

I greatly appreciate all input- you guys often have great advice!


ps u might have noticed I have been away for while (on vacation) but I'm back and ready to rock!
Posted by climax (Member # 6641) on :
I think its a great idea, and a few years ago i would probably have also wanted one, but i have already brought a pare of rubber/silicon feet from another site that doesnt exist no more, but they serve me well. Im sure alot of people would want it.

For me personally, im want a pair of feet made out of the material of those Real Dolls that ive been hearin about, cuz they are suppose to really feel like the real thing.
Posted by ct_feet (Member # 6757) on :
I personally would not waste my money on fake feet. I like the smell and taste of real feet and would get very turned off by any sort of rubber/vinyl/plastic smell or taste. So I would say don't bother, but that's just my 2 1/2 cents.
Posted by RJ82 (Member # 20037) on :
well i can see the point about the smell not really being there, or smelling more like rubber than anything. so yeah that's definitely a drawback. but if you haven't ever worshipped a woman's feet yet, i guess it could be useful as long as it's not too pricey. just my random thoughts [Big Grin]
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
I personally wouldn't buy a pair, but I think this is something a lot of other guys could be interested in purchasing. It's hard to determine what would be a good price to name until you see how much it costs to manufacture these things first.

So in other words, go for it! If you've got some money to put up for this venture, I think it could pay off pretty well for you.
Posted by canIsmellYourFeet (Member # 11183) on :
I'd buy a pair. I did with Serenity's Feet. Having it just sitting on your coffee table would be the ultimate converation starter. [Wink]
Posted by LeDaemon (Member # 198) on :
I wouldn't buy those things, but I'm sure if they looked and felt as close to the real thing as possible you could probably sell them to the shy closet foot fetishists.
Posted by vineofthorns (Member # 1313) on :
I remember a few years ago some famouse pornstar made a replica of her feet out of cyberskin(rubber that feels close close to real flesh,many didlos are made of it)and what was suprising was this was in a adult store with all the male ''toys''.my onely complaint aside from the obviouse was it was they didn't put any shadeing work into the soles of the feet(red,pink,etc),but other than that it was suprising....dude,I'm sure somone or a bunch of somones would by footreplicas of yourself
Posted by Salvy_Mic (Member # 13384) on :
I'd probably buy a pair for decoration, they'd probably make a lovely centerpiece. But it would also depend on the cost. If a pair of cyberskin feet costs as much as just getting a regular 'ol foot session somewhere, then it probably wouldn't be as worth it.
Posted by feetluvr (Member # 1570) on :
The issues/concerns I have:

* The material- would have to be cyberskin, don't think the silicone would do much for me. Although I'm not sure what the cyberskin feels like when lubed up (I always use lube)

* Would need two- a single foot wouldn't do much for me either.

* The cost

* Keeping them hidden would be the big issue for me.

I'm absolutely positive you'd find some buyers. Just don't know how many. As someone said, if they're going to cost a fortune, you could buy yourself a lot of footfun from a local gal for the same price.
Posted by toepher (Member # 2592) on :
its a good idea! dont forget about other shoe sizes.
Posted by Mighty Mike (Member # 1922) on :
it would sell but in my opinion it is beyond creepy and I can't help but laugh at guys that would consider buying it
Posted by Toe Sucker II (Member # 1720) on :
no smell......... no sweat........ no taste........... no wiggling....... no wrinkles............. no smell is the most important.... i live for smelly sweaty feet.
Posted by Jak (Member # 7343) on :
most of the thrill about feet is that they're attached to a woman.
Posted by guitardrew (Member # 6635) on :
yes i think there are many guys who would say things about how its creepy and this and that, and then would buy a pair, loll. no really, i think you could make money doing it, guys who have tasted and are continually pleased by womens' feet in reality probably wouldnt go for it, but that is mostly not the case for foot lovers. if pocket vaginas sell, then this will be the same way.
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
Eve that is an amazing idea. Most particularly because they would be of your feet.

Your size 12s are truly a masterpiece of female foot genetics. The perfect slender shapeliness of your feet would make me wanna own a pair.

That way I could feel like I really have your feet next to me often in real life than just my wildest fantasies.

Your idea is great. I own a pair of silicon size 8s but they resemble nothing like your perfect feet. Would love it if you made those [Big Grin]

I'd pay $40 for a pair
Posted by thosetoes (Member # 2489) on :
I've seen a set on eBay and they looked really real. I don't think I'd have as much with them as a real pair. Maybe if i was in the army away from feet i'd be all over those!
Posted by babinsky2 (Member # 1297) on :
Naw...I wouldn't buy em either..I only got one parking space out front.
Posted by Eve_Adams (Member # 8652) on :
Thanks everyone! you guys always come through with the good advice!

I'll let you know if it ever happen - but for now I'll stick to getting more pics and vids on my site..

BFN [Wink]

Posted by Foot Lover Of London (Member # 2420) on :
How odd this topic should come up...I have been toyed with the idea before and recently came across these...[IMG][/IMG]


And had intended to get them moulded in clear achrylic...For display purposes...Would look alot like an ice sculputor...

eve so so have to do this [Big Grin] lol How much would i pay...around £60, then again at exchange rates thats like $120.00 atm [Blush] Shocking...Would I be interested...Definetly...

Can only wait in antipation lol
Posted by elongated second toe man (Member # 22368) on :
1st PC makes a nice pair. Bit pricey, but they have served me well when I didn’t have a real pair or got tired of my hand and pics/movies. Some dudes don't mind using sex toys, others get by with pics/movies.

I don't personally get what’s wrong or weird about liking something like this, beats my hand that’s for sure. As far as a silicone smell is concerned after a short time it disappears. Just rub some female foot lotion on them....not problem. After you bust a nut all over them, mild soap and warm water time.

I like elongated second toes and 1st PC's size 6 model has that.

2 sites for those interested:

Eve - I hope you join the fray
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
^ thx for those two links!! I love the products.

the thing i like best about these kind of detached feet is that you can literally do whatever you want with those feet.

and we all know how it goes down when things start getting too excited and we start to lose control over ourselves when having sex with feet! well with these detached ones, we don't have to worry about the woman looking back at us when we're breathing hard or whatever and we don't have to deal with the embarrassment of being thought of as a freak if she was there in person.

that's what i like about the privacy of these things.

no offense Eve, I would love to have you there with me, but honestly i think it'd be better for both of us if it was just your silicon feet around cuz that way you wouldn't have to witness all the embarrassing things I do as a foot fetishist [Wink]
Posted by elongated second toe man (Member # 22368) on :
Hey Tyler D, couldn’t have said it better myself, enjoy!!
Posted by canIsmellYourFeet (Member # 11183) on :
Originally posted by elongated second toe man:
1st PC makes a nice pair. Bit pricey, but they have served me well when I didn’t have a real pair or got tired of my hand and pics/movies. Some dudes don't mind using sex toys, others get by with pics/movies.

Well its that SECOND link that's a little creepy to me. If that existed in real life...I think I'd lose my foot fetish. [Puke] I kinda like them seperate. To each his own, but still, damn.

But yeah, that first link seems alright. AND they're from my home state, too? Awesome. [Thumbs Up]

[ April 15, 2007, 01:59 AM: Message edited by: canIsmellYourFeet ]
Posted by dougiezerts (Member # 6829) on :
Foot replicas wouldn't really interest me, but may I make a suggestion? How about foot casts? You'd put your feet into paster of paris, or perhaps cement, then you'd sell it when it dries. Perhaps you could also release a DVD, or a photo set, of you doing it.
Or how about paint! You could create an artwork where you use your feet as the brush. Then sell that off, and also sell a DVD of you doing it!
Posted by elongated second toe man (Member # 22368) on :
Yup, I wish they would have just kept it just feet. It sort of looks Twighlight Zoneish to me!
Posted by Nicky0501 (Member # 6110) on :
I don't know how many would be interested, but I have created a realistic female foot (a pair of feet actually) that isn't very expensive, and isn't ugly, and is made out of latex and latex foam. If I knew how to post pictures here, I could show you. You may have even seen them on Ebay. I created them for myself, in an effort to invent a fake female foot that didn't cost hundred(s) of dollars. What do you think? I would love to make more for anyone who might want them!
Posted by Weekend_Warrior (Member # 2662) on :
Originally posted by ct_feet:
I personally would not waste my money on fake feet. I like the smell and taste of real feet and would get very turned off by any sort of rubber/vinyl/plastic smell or taste.

I couldn't agree more!

I'd rather [Jerkoff] to foot mags & clips4sale [Roll Eyes]

btw, have you recently posted pics of your size 12s? [Fingers Crossed]
Posted by asiafoot (Member # 1925) on :
The replica foot resurfaces!

In all honesty I’m neither here nor there on the subject; I can see the wow factor & the creepy factor of a realistic “fake” foot. I will admit there’s no way one can truly simulate the texture, warmth, color nuances, and of course smell of the real thing but visually I believe there are now products that may come close. A couple months back my girlfriend came across a Chinese site with replica feet while looking at nail art. Well amazingly she’s done it again, now she says she doesn’t like the idea but she sure has a knack for finding stuff like this, crazy. I think she really likes them or at least thinks it’s cool, that morbid Thai sense of humor strikes again! [Wink] Anyway she points these out to me the other day while perusing EBay Hong Kong (who knows for what)…

When I saw them I was shocked by their visual realism & detail, pretty amazing. I asked her if she wanted me to buy a pair, maybe give her feet a break once in awhile, thank goodness she said no! [Big Grin] What I find surprising is there appears to be a market for these replicas in Asia as several auction & specialty sites in Asia sell them. The other amazing thing is the price, about $60US, bet one could make a killing bringing them into the US. As much as people seem to downplay their interest I’m betting there are a lot of folks that don’t have access to the real deal who would buy something like this. I’ll stick with the meaty, warm soles, & the beautiful Asian woman they’re apart of for now but those replicas are still pretty interesting!

Thanks for looking [Cheers]

Posted by canIsmellYourFeet (Member # 11183) on :
I'm curious as to HOW you make it.
Posted by canIsmellYourFeet (Member # 11183) on :
Originally posted by asiafoot:
A couple months back my girlfriend came across a Chinese site with replica feet while looking at nail art.

Would you by any chance have the link to that site handy?


When I saw them I was shocked by their visual realism & detail, pretty amazing.

Same. That's awesome! I wonder why its not done here in the US?

The other amazing thing is the price, about $60US, bet one could make a killing bringing them into the US.

Yeah, but how much is shipping?
Posted by Five For Feet (Member # 33596) on :
I wouldn't be turned on by fake feet personally. Although I'm not as much of a "smell" guy as some on here, I always say that I at least want to know it's a foot. The aroma and feel of a womans foot, in addition to the appearance, are what does it for me. Having said that, I think it's an intriguing idea and I think/hope you'll do well with it if you decide to pursue it. If it gives a foot guy or gal satisfaction, then I'm all for it.
Posted by asiafoot (Member # 1925) on :
Originally posted by canIsmellYourFeet:
Originally posted by asiafoot:
A couple months back my girlfriend came across a Chinese site with replica feet while looking at nail art.

Would you by any chance have the link to that site handy?


When I saw them I was shocked by their visual realism & detail, pretty amazing.

Same. That's awesome! I wonder why its not done here in the US?

The other amazing thing is the price, about $60US, bet one could make a killing bringing them into the US.

Yeah, but how much is shipping?

Really not sure about shipping cost, I reside mostly in Southeast Asia so shipping wouldn't be much I imagine. But I have had items shipped to my stateside home and it can get costly depending on the service... My guess at the shipping charge would be $30-$40US.

And here's a link to the other website, the first one she found...

A lot more popular than I realized [Big Grin]

Asiafoot [Cheers]
Posted by climax (Member # 6641) on :
cant seem to find a 'buy' link of any sort. acording to that site, there not available until may, have i got that right?
Posted by nineone5 (Member # 13245) on :
screw that, id rather have the real thing which is easy access to me so i personally wouldnt buy it.

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