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Posted by I eat robots (Member # 18605) on :
Hello, all. I've lately wondered why I've developed this taste for women's feet over the last seven or so years (beginning in late middle school), and decided to share my research on the topic with all of you and ask your personal opinion.

I discovered I liked feet accidentally, and really out of curiosity. Somebody mentioned a foot fetish at a party I was at, and, not knowing what that was, I looked it up on google later, only to discover that I, myself, was a foot fetishist.

But I found it curious that I had never thought to look at a girl or woman's feet before, and decided to research what had caused me to suddenly have this fetish. The answers I found vary widely.

1) There's the old, and perhaps more familiar, Freudian explanation of it being a result of being overly exposed to feet as a toddler (an explanation that I think is rather silly).

2) Then there's the thought that foot fetishists are simply people with greater sensitivity to pheromones, which come out of sweat pores, a lot of which are in feet. This would explain why some men prefer stinky feet. I, myself, do not, so I'm not sure how convinced I am by this theory.

3) A less common but more interesting explanation for foot fetishism I found on the web suggests that perhaps it's caused by the prevalence of women having delicate feet in art. This began when deities in ancient cultures were depicted to have really soft, uncalloused feet because they didn't have to suffer and toil like the common man. The tradition of giving women goddesses beautiful feet continued through artwork throughout the ages, I suppose, until modern times.

The last option I listed was a bit of a cheapened version of the link I found. If you guys are interested in reading it, I'll try and find the site again. It was really interesting. I thought I'd bring this up because I'm not sure if the source of foot fetishism has already been solved and I'm simply on the outside. Also, if any of you have alternative explanations, and/or stories relating your own experiences with foot fetishism and why you have it that you'd like to share, please feel free to do so. Plus, I'd like to hear your own opinions on the theories I listed for you.
Posted by cliveman (Member # 19258) on :
I guess it could be something to do with low self esteem, as in, the feet are the lowest aprt of someones body, and bringing yourself level with them is debasing yourself, that could work?

But I know alot of foot fetish guys are terribly confident, so I'm not sure if thats as right as I think it is..
Posted by I eat robots (Member # 18605) on :
That doesn't work quite for me. While I've always enjoyed a more submissive role when it comes to foot foreplay, I've also always enjoyed a more dominant one. And utter domination, crushing, and foot worship don't excite me quite like just looking at nice feet does. But I certainly understand how that psychology could develop in some guys, so it's an entirely plausible and likely suggestion.
Posted by AFfootdude05 (Member # 2999) on :
I have always wondered if it could be genetic, or maybe even the way you're raised, both having a significant impact.
Posted by Uno1 (Member # 2883) on :
1) I think -- as has also been mentioned before -- that a good deal of the attraction comes from the fact that feet are curvy.

2) Perhaps on a subconscious level, the sight of toes sitting neatly together has a visual appeal comparable to that of fine art. It's hard to describe, but maybe the way they're each similar, yet are also subtly different, with each slightly smaller than the last, sort of gives them that 'construct' kind of look -- like something that's 'meant' to look nice. Maybe there's a subliminal part of your brain that responds to that, sort of how you would consciously find a painting or some other piece of artwork fascinating.

3) On another psychological level, there's the more well-known 'mystery' aspect of it all. If you're one of us, then it can be very hard not to wonder whether an attractive woman you've met/seen has attractive feet. The intrigue can become part of the attraction, and I imagine that this particular aspect is a big part of what keeps most guys partial to this sort of thing.
Posted by I eat robots (Member # 18605) on :
Uno1, very interesting. But then, if you don't mind me asking (and I'm somewhat rudely presupposing that you are probably an advocate for evolution, but if I'm wrong please correct me), why do you think such an appeal in something similar to 'fine art' would evolve in humans? This isn't meant to challenge your opinion, but rather hear your thoughts on it, because to some extent I definitely agree with the possibility and plausibility of aspects of your theory.
Posted by babeflover (Member # 2953) on :
quote"Causes of Foot Fetishism"
Don't care to find out, i'm happy i have it, sex, i'm 100% sure, wouldn't be the same without it. It is my believe that after 15 years having sex with the same woman, my wife, the #1 reason i'm NOT sexualy bored, it is because of that extra "thing" my love for her feet brings.
Posted by Yogi (Member # 581) on :
My dad is a FOOT guy too. Hmm... I wonder
Posted by longtoenaillvr (Member # 19419) on :
I believe that it is genetic, I have loved feet ever since i was a child, i can remember looking at my aunts feet under the table when i was 5 years old. Every man has a favorite part of the female body that just sends him over the top,we dont know why, just like some men prefer a woman with curly dark hair, or blonde straight hair, they dont know why, they just know what they like. I love my foot fetish and I hate it... there have been many women that I have dated that were truley great but just didnt have the feet I like........such is our curse.
Posted by solebeit (Member # 1410) on :
Short foot fetish documentry

Some interesting answers can be found here. And if all the information presented here is correct, and you think about, a footjob is the ULTIMATE in sexual pleasure.

Posted by babeflover (Member # 2953) on :
i had to stop watching the video because it contains the most disgusting thing ever created, MEN'S feet.
Posted by JayArr (Member # 2229) on :
Hmmm, I dunno.

This is not the kind of topic that can necessarily be resolved. Like all things psychological, it can only be debated. Endlessly debated...

I think I would term foot fetishism partly -- perhaps primarily -- a love of "intimate geometry". That is to say: feet are inherently geometrically complex, with asymmetric curves, discrete extensions, topographical variations, elaborate contours and so on. But this geometry is "intimate" because (speaking as a sole-lover, which I'm sure goes for many) it's contained underneath -- literally and metaphorically. Literally, soles are the bottom, and the natural end-point of the body, with many neural connections; metaphorically, they are below the social line (i.e. foot fetishism is not seen as socially acceptable). This "intimate geometry" is a potent cocktail. This is Category A.

Now, if you combine the idea of scent/smell with this paradigm of "intimate geometry", whether that be natural smell (sweat/bacteria) or artificial (lotion/soap), then foot fetishism explictly moves out of the abstract, artistic realm of admiration and into the carnal and animalistic, which, to a large extent, sex is predicated on, and we all desire it to be. With the idea of smell added in, the "intimate" in "intimate geometry" is intensified -- we want to experience it up close, all for ourselves, and only for ourselves. Category A changes, through the conduit of smell, from admiration to wanton lust. This is Category B.

But nothing is clear cut. There may be people here -- and I'm sure there are -- that like feet to be neutral (i.e. no smell). There may even be people that are anosmic (no sense of smell) that like feet. So it's rather hard to talk objectively; rather, one can only talk subjectively.

Incidentally, while I've never used the term "intimate geometry" till now (on the contrary, I just thought of it), I have had girls ask me, "why feet?". And one answer I give is that they are just more darn interesting than those blobs of fat we call breasts. They seem to be OK with that -- and it's the truth, anyway (for me). That's not to say that breasts are inherently disinteresting or not arousing; it's just that feet have their own innate appeal. There's a versatility there uniquely their own.

See, hands should have this same appeal for many -- maybe even for many foot fetishists. But they don't seem to. That's not to say there aren't hand fetishists out there (there are), or that some foot fetishists aren't hand fetishists, too (or, at least, don't reserve some extra measure of affection for them that the "average" person does not). Hands just don't have the same draw. Now, why is that? They seem like fairly "intimate geometry". So they fit Category A. They can also be given a smell. So they fit Category B. Maybe it's that it might be more socially acceptable to like hands. Maybe they're too far up the body. Maybe they extend off the wrong part of the body (i.e. arms are generally less admired than legs on a woman).

The hand-dilemma, if you want to call it that, is interesting. It causes me to think harder on this issue. Something else is at play. Maybe it's the odour of a woman's feet -- something you can't get (at least, not of the same composition/potency) from hands? And maybe anyone that hates odour is living in some form of denial? Or is that concept insulting and wrong? If it is, then the dilemma remains. Even if it isn't, there could be other reasons. I'd like to advocate that one reason feet have this special magic is position: they are on a kind of bee-line for a woman's pussy and ass. Legs run up a woman's body; arms at the side (wow, what powers of observation I have [Tongue] ). We can perhaps imagine -- no, we perhaps are imagining -- on some subconscious level that beams of pleasure are rippling from a woman's feet to her vagina in some way when we touch them (with hands, face, lips, tongue, penis etc.). It is arousing for us because we inwardly believe that it is arousing for them. Of course, this is true to some extent of any tactile contact between people engaged in sexual activities, but when you consider the earlier categories, there's a powerful love equation at work.

In fact, it may be the latter feature that is key -- for very few women possess foot fetishes towards men. In other words: the answer probably does lie with the male love of female legs. Foot fetishists thus become the ultimate leg lovers by proxy (and vice versa). In this line of thought, female legs, in the crudest terms possible, become like super information highways; massive neural pathways running towards the ultimate erogenous zone. Like a great movie with great characters and a great plot, the kind that supposedly have deep themes running underneath (e.g. "Star Wars"), feet are a symbol for something deeper. But that doesn't rubbish the idea of feet being extremely aesthetically/sexually pleasurable in and of themselves. The symbol is not artificial; it is real. But why do we really, really, really love them so?

Ah... the endless mysteries of life. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to get back to my quantum physics class. (I kid). [Big Grin]

P.S. I know that didn't directly address the origins of foot fetishism, but maybe someone can get something out of it. At the least, I got a kick out of writing it. Analyses of things you love are fun. And if an analysis isn't fun, then you don't really love it.

[ January 28, 2007, 08:30 PM: Message edited by: JayArr ]
Posted by thosetoes (Member # 2489) on :
It is has been said that men with foot fethishes havev higher IQ's. It has to do with the geometry and the way the foot works and is designed.
Posted by JayArr (Member # 2229) on :
Originally posted by thosetoes:
It is has been said that men with foot fethishes havev higher IQ's. It has to do with the geometry and the way the foot works and is designed.

I am always dubious of such claims -- and that's putting it mildly.

It's a vanitous claim.

Firstly, no one can determine what intelligence actually is or how it should be measured, rendering the I.Q. test flawed and a nice oddity at best. Secondly, associating intelligence -- which, as my last sentence just said, is impossible to absolutely define -- with sexual likes and dislikes strikes me as specious and silly.

Of course, I'd like to think it's true. Certainly, if we're being vain, we can maybe say we have a "sensual intelligence", at least for feet. I'm being PC even as I'm joking. See, ear lovers can then say they have a sensuous intelligence for ears -- and anyone that doesn't is an ear dummy. Well, I tell you, I'm proud not only to not be a foot dummy, but, in the words of Samuel L, to be a foot fuckin' mastuh! [Big Grin]
Posted by canIsmellYourFeet (Member # 11183) on :
I don't MIND dominance in foot vids, but I don't PREFER them or ask for them. I like it as simply as "Hi, I'd like to smell your feet" "Sure!" [Big Grin]

Screw trying to find out. Its funny when society comes across something they feel is disgusting they try to dissect it as a way of bring it back to something they're comfortable with (i.e., a cure), something they CAN wrap their minds around. Its not good enough to say "Eh, if they like it they like it", no, they have to be "fixed". [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Foot Soldier (Member # 16789) on :
I can only speak for myself, but I think the very shape and design of the female foot touches the subconscious in a way that goes beyond words. I not only lust for the female foot, I am actually intrigued by it and curious as to how it works. I have seen quite a few in my life time that I feel are the closest thing to perfection that I have witnessed. A perfectly shaped foot with just the right touches of character are a work of art indeed.
Posted by Uno1 (Member # 2883) on :

Very interesting insight. I liked the whole "intimate geometry" thing, and you're a fine writer.

Originally posted by I eat robots:
Uno1, very interesting. But then, if you don't mind me asking (and I'm somewhat rudely presupposing that you are probably an advocate for evolution, but if I'm wrong please correct me), why do you think such an appeal in something similar to 'fine art' would evolve in humans? This isn't meant to challenge your opinion, but rather hear your thoughts on it, because to some extent I definitely agree with the possibility and plausibility of aspects of your theory.

Thanks, IER. Actually, evolution wasn't that big of a factor in my theory (not consciously anyway); I just sort of assumed that whatever it is in each of us that catches our attention in regards to artwork -- making it pleasing/fascinating on an aesthetic level -- is perhaps the very same thing that makes the image of the female foot attractive to some of us as well.

Sort of like if you're looking at a sculpture, examining all the fine curves and such. Feet are comparable because they also have a certain complexity to them in structure. This is accented by the way the toes are all similar in appearance, but differ from one another slightly in size -- giving the foot, as I mentioned, a 'construct' kind of look, like something that's been molded with care (just as artwork is).

Also, let's face it, toes are just plain cute...especially those of Shayna Ryan, who likely has the most beautiful feet I've ever seen (which is why I enjoy observing 'fine art' during the first scene of Bikini Hoe-Down [Wink] ) except for perhaps Lauren Storm.

Anyway, if evolution does fit in somewhere, then perhaps it's the opposite of what I'm suggesting. Maybe feet are the earliest forms of 'artwork' (being among the curviest parts of the body), creating a primal appreciation for structural works of visual beauty that extends to things like fine art.

Guess I went kind of deep there. [Wink]

[ January 31, 2007, 11:16 PM: Message edited by: Uno1 ]
Posted by Dub (Member # 12547) on :
I believe I developed my fetish from a girl I liked during early highschool; start of high school she wore those cute leather schoolgirls shoes, then a year later she started wearing horrid white sneakers!

I was indifferent with feet up until that stage.

[ January 29, 2007, 05:48 AM: Message edited by: Dub ]
Posted by JayArr (Member # 2229) on :
Originally posted by Uno1:

Very interesting insight. I liked the whole "intimate geometry" thing, and you're a fine writer.

Thank you, Uno1.

I have enjoyed your insights, too. And if anyone's a fine writer, it's you.

Originally posted by I eat robots:
Uno1, very interesting. But then, if you don't mind me asking (and I'm somewhat rudely presupposing that you are probably an advocate for evolution, but if I'm wrong please correct me), why do you think such an appeal in something similar to 'fine art' would evolve in humans? This isn't meant to challenge your opinion, but rather hear your thoughts on it, because to some extent I definitely agree with the possibility and plausibility of aspects of your theory.

Thanks, IER. Actually, evolution wasn't that big of a factor in my theory (not consciously anyway); I just sort of assumed that whatever it is in each of us that catches our attention in regards to artwork -- making it pleasing/fascinating on an aesthetic level -- is perhaps the very same thing that makes the image of the female foot attractive to some of us as well.

Sort of like if you're looking at a scuplture, examining all the fine curves and such. Feet are comparable because they also have a certain complexity to them in structure. This is accented by the way the toes are all similar in appearance, but differ from one another slightly in size -- giving the foot, as I mentioned, a 'construct' kind of look, like something that's been molded with care (just as artwork is).

Also, let's face it, toes are just plain cute...especially those of Shayna Ryan, who likely has the most beautiful feet I've ever seen (which is why I enjoy observing 'fine art' during the first scene of Bikini Hoe-Down [Wink] ) except for perhaps Lauren Storm.

Anyway, if evolution does fit in somewhere, then perhaps it's the opposite of what I'm suggesting. Maybe feet are the earliest forms of 'artwork' (being among the curviest parts of the body), creating a primal appreciation for structural works of visual beauty that extends to things like fine art.

Guess I went kind of deep there. [Wink]

Those are some cool ruminations.

I definitely think you have something -- even if I can't say what it is.

I remember reading a phrase in a book one time that's stuck with me: "dripping in elegance". That kinda describes feet, I think. They somehow look fluidic and solid. They have a viscous power, you might say (even though they are very much solid; well, to the same extent we're all solid -- our bodies ARE over 2/3 water, afterall). It seems like they came from something. And that they're forever melting -- slowly, imperceptibly, waiting to be sculpted by human hands. They're something we're compelled to want to grab onto and shape and explore while we can.

As you can see, that kinda ties in with what you've said. We're on the cusp of something, perhaps. I would say breasts have a similar connotation: they look like they're dripping down from a woman's body. And, for some very obvious reasons, sex and fluids go hand in hand.

I can definitely see why you invoked artwork. Feet have that statuesque look. If you look at a lot of fantasy drawings today, feet are often emphasised, perhaps as they once were in ancient and Renaissance art. They seem to connote a purity of being. When I see bare female feet, it's like seeing their whole body in natural form; they're naked, you might say. It's all rather fascinating, isn't it?

[ January 29, 2007, 08:09 AM: Message edited by: JayArr ]
Posted by Uno1 (Member # 2883) on :
Originally posted by JayArr:
Thank you, Uno1.

I have enjoyed your insights, too. And if anyone's a fine writer, it's you.

Well let's hope so, as I'm currently attempting to struggle through a novella. [Wink] I think that toes in a downward vertical position do indeed have that dripping in elegance look.

Originally posted by JayArr:
If you look at a lot of fantasy drawings today, feet are often emphasised, perhaps as they once were in ancient and Renaissance art.

Interestingly, it's a fantasy novel I happen to be writing, and yes, it is cool when female characters in medieval fantasy lore -- with their long garments and flowing hair and purposeful stares -- happen to be standing or sitting barefoot.
Originally posted by JayArr:
When I see bare female feet, it's like seeing their whole body in natural form; they're naked, you might say. It's all rather fascinating, isn't it?

That sums it up nicely. The feeling that the woman is in a natural form that connotes comfort on her part is also a big reason it's always been alluring to me.

[ January 31, 2007, 11:14 PM: Message edited by: Uno1 ]
Posted by cs (Member # 9338) on :
I believe there was a neurologist that proposed that since the feet and genitals occupied adjacent areas of the brain, a foot fetish was simply a short circuit between the two.
Posted by afootpassion (Member # 1973) on :
I believe that there is a strong genetic component to it and when given the ideal situation and over time this part of our brain is triggered on. Once triggered on, the more you feed the fire the stronger it grows!
Posted by AFfootdude05 (Member # 2999) on :
cs, that is a really intriguing point - now with that theory, is a foot fetish cogenital or can that 'short circuit' of sorts devlop in one's life?
Posted by DenverSpleen (Member # 16230) on :
My understanding is that the part of the brain that manages sex (urges as well as the appropriate body parts) is right next to that part of the brain that handles the feet, and some "crosstalk" between these brain areas occurs. (See the work of neurologist Vilayanur S. Ramachandran.)

There is some considerable variance in how each of us enjoys feet for smell (or feet that DON'T smell) or the submissive aspect (some like "crushing" or foot dominance) or clean vs. dirty feet, so I question any of those aspects as being the cause of the so-called fetish.

I say so-called because, strictly speaking, it is only a fetish if it is a requirement for sexual arousal. If you enjoy feet among other aspects (and body parts) of a woman and if foot play is not required for satisfaction, then it is not a fetish.

I think there are more "breast fetishists" and "ass fetishists" than foot fetishists, although they don't find anything "wrong" with their prediliction towarts tits and ass.
Posted by seve60 (Member # 17374) on :
I decided to throw my two cents in here on foot fetish. Like all individuals genetics and environment play a role in foot fetishes. This would explain why we have some who like neutral,and some who like scent. Some who like mashing some who would think that is totally bizarre.
My reason for my foot fetish would be heavily influenced by environment. I grew up in an era where we didn't have access to seeing a lot of nude beautiful women, unless you bought or found a playboy. But you did see beautiful women on tv. The foot was something that was sometimes exposed and sometimes covered. So there for if you had the genetic prediposition and environment sometimes rewarding you with a glimpse of pretty feet. Waa Laaa!! YOu have me. Sorry for the long post!
Posted by mjl1717 (Member # 2939) on :
This forum has better thoughts and is more cognitive then the other major foot forum(I aint saying no name-(slang)) that Ive seen. My opinion is that the origin of foot fetish is a combination of EVERYTHING that was mentioned here. And in all honesty we were all at our moms and aunts feet as YOUNG CHILDREN, and perhaps unconsciously formed opinions. Whenever my grandmother would come over as a young child Id run and get her some slippers. Sometimes, or once actually she asked me to cut her toenails. Actions like this may have permeated my gray matter somewhere.
There was great sharing of opinion and some even came close to echoing prose like Shakespeare. I thought that was great! In addition the pheremone concept is probably scientifically correct. There is nothing wrong with terms like "dripping in elegance", "bowing down at her pretty feet", "geometry and mathematics of her feet", Galileo himself said "If you dont describe space in terms of mathematics you are lost in a labyrinth. But who am I? Italy is shaped like a boot anyway. Good work guys..In unity there is strength!! Yes, lets spill our guts in order to learn the utmost detail!!

[ February 04, 2007, 01:06 PM: Message edited by: mjl1717 ]
Posted by darkwargreymon (Member # 19675) on :
I am not sure if foot fetish is genetic. I remmber my father once spoke to me about it, a long time ago, which makes me wonder if he has a foot fetish or not. As for me I have never told anyone that I have a foot fetish, because it is very wierd and is not seen as sometihng good. And I remmber I have had a foot fetish ever since I was little, I remmber I liked to tickle my aunt`s feet when I was like 3. And at school I always looked at girls wearing open-toe shoes or taking off their shoes and doing a sock wiggle.
Posted by FTPHANTOM (Member # 47) on :
I ran across these two link's,they go with this topic.

But I think we're born with this great foot thing.
Posted by goofballa (Member # 3167) on :
I honestly dident think I would gleen any new information on the subject when I started reading this forum. I still have no idea as to why we have the fetish or where it came from. I am just glad i have it and wouldent trade it for anything.
Posted by Capt.Wolf (Member # 19760) on :
Mmm. I don't understand why anyone really questions why they've got a foot fetish. It doesn't matter and yet it seems to draw everyones attention away to discover "why" or "how" they got it. No one really knows unless you try explaining it with much difficulty. That might be a little too much to read as well. X_X
Posted by pedactor (Member # 12893) on :
as far as my development of appreciation for feet goes, it was something like this...

hearing things growing up about girls having pretty hair and hands and legs and dressing nice and such, i thought to myself... HMMM can feet be pretty?? and sure enough when i saw my first pair of pretty feet at such a young age it was so conclusive like i was doing a science experiment.. so i started paying attention to more girl's feet... and the more pretty feet i saw i guess the more curious and intrigued with feet i got...

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