This is topic Will the female foot truly go mainstream? My thoughts, insights, and research on it. in forum Foot Fetish Talk at Foot Fetish Forum.

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Posted by AFfootdude05 (Member # 2999) on :
I recently had a post asking people their opinions to compare the acceptance of 'foot fetishes' today and how they are integrated into our culture, compared to that of ten years ago, and then even into the future. Now, I am going to pose another question that goes beyond that oen: Do you think sometime in the future, whether near or distant, that foot fetishes are going to be wholly accepted by society?
It is possible that the fetish may not be as "taboo" as it used to be. So many examples of this (all courtesy of are starting to show that this taboo may be fading. Britney Spears admitted on one of the night shows her ultimate fantasy is "for a guy to kiss my feet." A King of the Hill episode features Peggy Hill - with her exceptionally large feet - who gets fooled into posing her toes for a foot fetish site. Anyone who watches wrestling may notice Gene Snitsky has an apparent fetish for feet and toes going after Lita's feet on some Raw telecasts. In Mr. Deeds it is portrayed as well. Deed's butler has that quote "I like feet...I do not know why." Also, in a movie that came out last year, Reefer Madness, there is a scene in the movie in which a girl has her socks taken off and there is a simulated toe-sucking scene. I know I left many out, but all of these examples along with my own thoughts makes me wonder if we are close to having a 'foot boom'
Women taking care of their feet has certainly increased, and is already mainstream which I am sure is obvious to most people on the forum. What happens, though, when the feet are better taken care of? We lose that old notion that was once there that feet are "gross," "disgusting," "smelly," among many other negative adjectives attached to the thought of feet. The problem is, even though it is mainstream for a women to take really good care of her feet is commonplace, the only problem is, even though the negative adjectives I described are being replaced with good ones like "beautiful," "sexy," "attractive," some of the bad descriptors are still there.
Will those bad words to describe feet ever truly go away? Do you think that our society's opinion of feet will one day totally change? One day, do you think that we will be able to remove the FETISH from the feet? Butts and breasts can technically be classified as 'fetishes' too since they focus on objects not vital for sexual activity. Since it is so commonplace for our society to focus on butts, and more on the breasts, any labeling of 'fetish' in those cases is not even thought about as being existant.
Will one day our society, as a whole, will recongize and willingfully accept that feet and the genitals both produce pheromones, and also be accepting of the fact that the genitals and feet share the same sensory cortex. Thus, this is the "feet's" case for being right up there with breasts and ass, as they certainly, with a much better projection of society, have a strong sexual appeal?
Will we one day be considered normal? (even the article I looked at saying the feet and genitals share the same sensory cortex, said the following quote "In much the same way that a normal (yep, they don't think we're normal) person may be aroused when seeing naked genitals, so do foot fetishists become aroused when seeing feet." [p.s. the site I listed about sharing the sensory cortex is,32732.asp It came up as a hit on Google.]
Will one day a foot "fetish" become something no longer seen as being developed, but rather have it be seen as something that is being possessed? I think that is a big key concept and once that is in acceptance, we will no longer be "foot fetishists" but a "foot guy/girl" Hopefully, time will say yes.
I understand that if feet one day do become as sexually attractive to society as a whole, the lines of sexuality will become blurred even more so than they are already. Sexuality is becoming more liberal, and if feet can be mentioned in the same sentence as ass and breasts, then there will be huge controversy as to whether or not the feet should be concealed just as the breasts and ass are, in general. The future prospect of feet could be shown off explicitly to mainstream society as a sexual item, which may change the way society conceals (or lackthereof) the breast or the ass. So, if the feet, ass, and breasts become a trio uttered in the same breath, the feet are eiither going to be concealed just like the ass and breasts OR it could make the ass and breasts come out and be 'unconcealed' along with the feet.
With both sides being said, what do you think about all of what I have presented? I apologize for being so lengthy here, but I just strongly feel that we as liking the feet shall not be outcasted, but have our liking for feet be seen as something as psychologcally healthy. I want to see if you have any insights on this, or anything you'd like to add, or just opinions on this as general. Tell me what you think!
Posted by bluetoelover (Member # 14736) on :
Well I think with the examples you have given that that in itself shows that society is easing towards an "understanding".I mean to say is that 10 years ago for instance you wouldnt have a reference to a foot obsession website or a person having an interest in feet.It will happen eventually but there will be a need for many more "baby steps".The more examples that are given the better...with every example of the feet in media the better.Whether it be bad or good...lets face it...if it wasnt for the dumbasses that lick feet in public etc. the media wouldnt focus on the subject at all therefore not exposing the fetish.Its a bad light to shed on the fetish yes but at the same time at least there is light! Now women who read the article about the incident(s) question to themselves such as "I wonder what it is like to have one's toes sucked?" wishful thinking on my part:) As for the fetish being seperated from feet..I cant see it happening..although it would make things better for people trying to tell a girl.
Posted by climax (Member # 6641) on :
This is the kind of thing i think about all the time, to me its a sexuality or sexual desire, not a sexual obsession which is basically what the word "fetish" means. Society is always changing every day, we except new ways and values and different types of people all the time, it happens with the racially different, it happend with the homosexual comunity, a big influence on the masses is what the see on the TV, through media, thats simply how it works. In short, is going to happen whether people like it or not, they can look the other way or ridicule us all they want but sooner or later, the will realise we are not a threat, we arent crinimals or freaks, we are regular people with every day lives, and the world will have to deal with us.

I think thats whats happening now in short bursts such as things that pop in the media or on TV programmes, to add a few, there are some foot related scenes in the Kill bill movies with Uma Therman, although its not about someone saying the FF word, Quinten himself said he liked feet and judging by the films he does with foot scenes, thats another example of feet being in the media. Blue toe is right though, whether the press is good or bad, it still raises awareness of the foot fetish and the world is becoming more aware os us simply due to media, once the awareness has reaches a certain level, youll see more positive press and occurances on TV programmes and other media, thus more people will question whether its even bad in the first place.

As for the word fetish being deleted from the equasion, thats a tough one, id like to thing yes, that will happen, if more and more people see it in a positive way, eventually more and more people will come out, and will become more and more common to the extent that EVERYONE with the foot desire wont have to come out because there will be nothing to come out of as its a well known thing, itll then become so common place that the taboo will simply fade and fade, dont forget there are more things out there that WE dont even know if, when the media finds something even more unusual to pick on, theyll forget about picking on us as its no longer taboo and they have other people to poke fun at.

For now all we can hope for is more occurances in TV and Movies (positive) for it to reach the minds on the media culture and the masses to raise eyebrows, and to be honest i think its already begun.
Posted by Craigy boy (Member # 3340) on :
The Internet has seen foot fetishism explode. Millions around the world now know they are not alone in what they may have considered as bizarre.

And, we have people like Tarantino showing his fetish and talking about it.

But to me, the biggest thing that shows it becoming acceptable, is the use of toe rings, slings, tattoos and the use of amazing array of different paint colors. Lets not forget, also nail rings now! And little decals. The air brushing of toe nails is very popular. Also, something a bit of left field here, but look at any catalogue for a large store. 100% there will be a foot massager/spa for sale.

As for the love of feet being totally mainstream, i dont know. Any more than bukkake, rimming or s&m.

But, i do think the appreciation of attractive feet does not meet with the stunned glare that it used to. I often say to women how pretty their feet are, and instead of the "My feet are pretty? Are you nuts?"

It's now "thank you".

Or, more recently, like the last year or 18mths, its "Thank you, i got the toe ring from blah-blah, i get my nails done by blah-blah, and i've ordered some fantastic shoes from Ebay".

What is helping legitimise feet is the women themselves. Alot see it as non-threatening, unlike say, a gang bang fetish or a boobie fetish. And, i think anyway, many women are making a real effort in regards to beautifying their feet, and in general, foot health.

I mean, explain this to me. I see so many, many, many women in their 40's & even 50's with toes rings, anklets, way-out nail colors.

Come on, they know what the go is!
Posted by Footman9 (Member # 1100) on :
Pretty feet are becoming cool and hip (have always been in my book) in society and that is evident by commercials, music (you hear it in rap all the time), sitcoms, getting fancy pedicures to enhance heels, etc. Pretty feet just enhances a woman's whole look. IMHO, F***** up feet can turn a gorgeous ensemble into pure tasteless trash. Woman should get a great looking pedicure to top off their look. We (society) are evolving and pretty feet are apart of the movement. I like the positive changes that are happening to promote pretty feet. [Joint]

[ November 10, 2006, 07:04 PM: Message edited by: Footman9 ]
Posted by feetluvr (Member # 1570) on :
I think largely due to it's increasingly evident inclusion in all media (internet, movies, print) there's no question that having pretty feet, showing them off and, to a degree, using them during sex is being better understood and accepted. The big question mark is whether it's going to have long-term growth or whether it's just a societal fad (meaning at some point much of the foot stuff we see today will decrease or even totally disappear). One of the indicators that it's potentially a fad is the fact that almost every age woman has donned toe-rings and anklets, including many senior citizens. I have a hard time believing that Granny really believes she'll be sexier if she dons an anklet like her daughter and grand-daughters.

We all know that (quite happily) bare feet are showing everywhere, references are made to barefeet, people are discussing it, mentioning it, and even kidding about it. Whether someone's opinion about barefeet is positive or negative, the fact of the matter is that they are being exposed to the foot world, which over time, I believe, will have an overall positive effect. It will gradually break down many of the barriers and pre-conceptions that people have about feet, their attractiveness and lend understanding to how someone can really love feet, even to the point of fetishism.

Given the assumption that society moves toward a greater understanding and acceptance of foot-related things, it's only natural that many of the pre-conceived notions about appreciating, loving and sexualizing feet, (such as it's weird, perverted, abnormal, etc.) will eventually disappear. The word Fetish though cannot ever disappear- because a fetish describes a sexual behavior, not feet exclusively. It will always be possible for a man to have a foot fetish which in and of itself can be either a good or bad thing depending on how it controls his actions, particularly in relation to society.

As we often note here- the guy laying under cars trying to lick women's feet in the mall parking lot is controlled by his foot fetish and acting out in inappropriate ways as defined by our society. Though someday people may understand this better, that does not mean that society will accept it.

The showing off of feet and their use as a sexual object, lure and lovemaking "tool" I think are bound to be more generally accepted over time, even though it may be a very long time.

One of the reasons that will happen is this forum. Many of us felt isolated, alone and even somewhat different or perverted ourselves until we came across fellow foot-brothers we could discuss our love of feet with. With the advent of internet and forums and sites like this one, many people will be exposed to foot-related information and discussions. This forum in particular, where we often intelligently (key word and concept) discuss and debate the foot world not only provides commraderie and information, but to a degree also helps mold, set and uphold some standards as far as foot lovers are concerned. Over time, as more men are exposed to this type of information and sharing, we learn and grow and become intelligent, classy footlovers (most of us hopefully). This will lead to a greater appreciation from women, who will in turn start to let their guard down, learn more about foot appreciation, and many eventually participate in foot-related activities. Obviously some men will only be exposed to those forums or sites that encourage them to selfishly only think about their needs and desires. They will continue to cause concern to women when it comes to foot-related things.

Over time though, this cycle will continue to move foot appreciation and love positively forward in society's mind.

As far as feet ever becoming a mainstream sexual object- to the point that feet would have to be covered in public- don't think there's any way that can ever happen. It's just too unprecendented. And as we all know, at least currently, female scoiety is headed in the opposite direction, trying to show as much skin as possible, even in public. I think the only way something like that could happen would be if the truly perverted footlovers that cannot control themselves (like the parking lot footlicker)became so prevelant that it was a constant public nuisance. IMHO, our scoiety has many more serious issues to deal with before that would ever become a critical community or societal issue- serious enough to mandate those kinds of controls.

That's my diatribe for the day.
Posted by Fate111 (Member # 2627) on :
I will agree that foot fetishism has become more widely accepted and there's more of an understanding about it to a certain degree, as bluetoelover pointed out. However, I think the idea of it truly becoming mainstream within the scope that AFootdude eluded to will not be seen.

I highly doubt that women's feet will be raised to the degree of sexualism that women's breasts and butts are. As many real and authentic foot fetishists there are out there, the bottom line is we're still in the minority within the spectrum of what turns most people on. Sure, there are guys who find pretty feet attractive on a woman. Does this mean they have sexual feelings towards women's feet and they find them a turn on? Not neccesarily. They could just have a fine appreciation for a good looking pair of feet on a woman with no sexual feelings attached.

Also, the latest trend of women keeping their feet better looking with nail art, pedicures, toenail polish, etc. is more related to the concept that women are just finding another way to make their appearance more appealing. I'm sure that when the majority of women go for pedicures and paint their toenails, they're thinking about looking better as a whole or making their feet look better because they don't like the way they look. I highly doubt that most women are thinking, "Gee, I need to make my toes and feet look good and sexy just in case any guys with a foot fetish see them." While I'm sure there are some women out there who may have this thought, it's more likely they're thinking that way because they are aware of us foot guys and have had some experiences with someone that found women's feet to be a turn on sexually. For those women who have not had that experience, I doubt highly that their sole purpose (no pun intended) is to snare a foot guy with the beauty of their feet.

Personally, I wouldn't mind society being more accepting of those who like women's feet, rather than it becoming "mainstream". To put things in perspective, foot fetishism probably won't reach the fever pitch of discussion and be nearly as talked about to the degree that the same-sex lifestyle has reached in today's society. There's more at stake there with the issue of same-sex marriage and all the legal ramifications involved. That's more the reason so much focus has been made on the homosexual lifestyle over the last few years. Since same-sex marriage is illegal in most states, homosexual couples aren't usually entitled to the same benefits that heterosexual couples are. With same-sex couples, the real issue is about being treated in a more fair manner than they have been and having their unions being treated like the unions of heterosexual couples in the legal aspect, rather than a sudden interest among these people in expressing their sexuality to the rest of the world. I'm sure that if the laws within the U.S. allowed the same legal rights for same-sex marriage as they allow for heterosexual marriage, this wouldn't even be an issue today. The only "legal issue" it seems regarding foot fetishism that comes up is when some desperate buffoon with a foot fetish who seems to have no control over his actions goes off half-wittedly and tries to suck on the toes of some woman who's a stranger. By legal definition, that's a form of assault so it's pretty straight forward what the end result will be. In comparison, there's much, much more to talk about with the issue and debate over the unions of same-sex couples, what should be done, etc.. That's the real reason why it's such an issue today and has become so "mainstream".

Collectively, society has a tendency to look down on something that is different and not done or thought about by most other of society's members. Something that seems "out of bounds" by society at large is that way simply because that is the feeling of the majority. However, that is not neccesarily the feeling of each individual person within a large group of people. People in a collective group will have a tendency to go along with "the norm" simply because that's the thinking of the collective group and they don't want to look like they're in the minority. If they're in the minority, they will no longer be looked at as being part of the collective group. Although the love of women's feet may not reach the the astronomical proportions of being "mainstream", a tolerance and, eventually, acceptance of it can emerge through, as what bluetoelover called it, baby steps. If women are exposed to the love of their feet on an individual basis and it's in a positive light and they each have positive experiences with it, enlightenment occurs and the subject eventually becomes less taboo. That is when tolerance and acceptance can take hold.
Posted by pedactor (Member # 12893) on :
you will see the day when you sign in to aol and check the welcome page and the news part says " fashion trend: well groomed feet are now the new butts and breasts : feet no longer seen as disgusting." and everyone from wus has victory signs up and picket signs up w/ pictures of feet on it like they just passed a bill for it....

ok, let me come back to reality now [Big Grin]

but personally i think that it will become an increase... definately.
Posted by dougiezerts (Member # 6829) on :
I was going to post this as a new topic, but I think it goes nicely here:
I just saw a statistic that as as many as 20% of all men are attracted to women's feet!
Posted by AFfootdude05 (Member # 2999) on :
dougiezerts, I have a similar statistic. Men's Fitness magazine, cover dated 'June/July 2005,' it says that "in a poll of 450 guys visiting the Men's Fitness Web site, 25% expressed interest in women's shoes and feet." Mathematically that breaks down to about 112 guys out of the 450 in the survey!!
Posted by dougiezerts (Member # 6829) on :
So there's more of us out there than meets the eye!

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