This is topic A Story I found in the Internet in forum Foot Fetish Talk at Foot Fetish Forum.

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Posted by bayruti (Member # 17727) on :
The Bicycle

"I’m just so glad I finally bought one, I mean it’s changed my life, I tell you." Clarissa waved her hand animatedly to make the point.
"In what way?" asked Diana, her voice slightly skeptical.
"In every way! I just feel…. Sooo much fitter. I can breathe better, I have more energy, my stomach and legs are firmer…" Clarissa gave a contented sigh. "…And most of all, I’ve lost six pounds in the last couple of weeks alone. You really ought to get one, it’s much more ecologically friendly, you know."
"Hmmmmm… we’ll see." Diana really didn’t care much for bicycles. She didn’t care much for any exercise really, and barely managed to drag herself to her twice weekly aerobics class.
"Erm… excuse me, please." The voice was shaky, timid, the handsome twenty year old man who owned it clearly uneasy. "Erm…. How long is this going to take, please?"
"Don’t you worry about a thing, love." Diana, her voice carrying an air of professional calm, patted the young man’s arm reassuringly just above where the leather strap held it tightly to his torso. "It will be over so quickly, you won’t feel a thing."
Clarissa said.......We know that you have a foot fetish so we are going to give you some foot action and enjoy your death on your last day of your life.
"Yeah, you’ll be alright," Agreed Clarissa, her voice adopting the tone one would use when speaking to a five year old child. "You remember when Doctor Metcalfe weighed you this morning? Good! Well that was so we could work out exactly how long you have to drop for your neck to snap. Thwack! Just like that!" Not appearing to notice that this last fact had made the young man even more nervous, Clarissa went back to telling Diana another twenty interesting facts about bicycles.
They turned the corner and headed directly for the gallows, deserted at this hour, most of the day shift having already left the compound. The two women would be leaving soon themselves, this being their last job of the day. Suddenly, the man in the prison issue denims jerked to a halt when he saw the gallows and began to beg and plead desperately. However, the two female guards had expected it, had gotten an extra firm hold on his arms and began to pull him harder. After so many executions, they never listened to the pleas anymore, looked at it as no more than shifting a piece of meat from point A to point B.
Sweating and cursing, and with the odd stumble, the two girls managed to maneuver the reluctant prisoner up the six steps. It was then a mere formality to position him over the trap and place the noose over his head. Diana gave him a reassuringly dazzling smile, told him once more that he wouldn’t feel a thing, then consulted her watch.
"What you waiting for Di?"
"We’re not supposed to execute him until 7pm. I make it only ten to." Let us have some fun before we hang him Di said.

Clarissa snorted her contempt for the regulations, wondered what difference did ten minutes make.
Clarissa and Diana slowly removed their shoes and stockings and offered their sexy feet to the condemned man to admire.Having no choice the youth could not help himself but to suck the feet offered to him before being hanged.After 10 minutes they told him it was about time to die.....
See ya!" Clarissa loved to give all the prisoners a traditional cheery send off.
"Noooooo! Ack!" With a loud bang, the trapdoor opened and the youth dropped. This was immediately followed by the clatter of wood on metal. The leaves of the trapdoor froze halfway open, leaving the dangling youth stretched precariously, his legs peddling wildly but occasionally gaining purchase on the sloped wood.
"Shit! What the hell’s gone wrong?"
"Eck….uurrghhh! Kkkkkhhh…."
Both women rushed to the edge of the trap, looked down past the slowly throttling young man. Just inches below where his straining feet clawed desperately for a foot hold, a bright silver bicycle could be seen. Dented and scratched now, it prevented the heavy wooden doors from falling fully open. Clarissa looked mortified. Diana raised her eyes to heaven.
"Oh my god! I put it under there after we did the last guy…. it looked like it was going to rain. Sorry Di, I completely forgot."
"Urgh! Helk meeeee! Ack!"
"You silly ! You’d best get down there and move it then." Without another word, Clarissa had lowered herself until she was on the edge of the trapdoor, her long legs dangling. As she slid off the edge, she gave a yelp of pain.
"Now what?" Diana stared into the dark recess, losing all patience now, to see her colleague had hitched up her skirt and was inspecting the back of one shapely thigh.
"Damn! Bloody splinter got me in my bare foot.....
"Never mind your foot! Just shift the bike…." Before Diana could finish, there was a clatter of metal and the trapdoor opened fully. As he slid slowly lower, the purple faced youth stared back up at her with a combination of desperation and accusing hatred.
"Now stay down there and swing on his legs."
"What did you say? Are you mad?"
" No! Khh…khhhh…kleeese!"
"Just do it, Clarissa! This guy’s still alive up here, so we need to speed things up a bit." As she said this, Clarissa herself moved closer to the young man. Murmuring a half-hearted apology at his bulging bloodshot eyes, she hitched her skirt halfway up her thighs, placed one knee into his shoulder and both hands around his neck and pushed down with all her weight.
Her nose wrinkled in distaste when she felt the wildly protruding tongue brush against her inner thigh, leaving a snail trail of spit as it went. She ignored it and kept pushing.
"Eck….uurrghhh! Kkkkkhhh…."
Meanwhile, Clarissa was wrapping her arms around the trembling, thickly muscled thighs. She made sure she got a good grip on his waistband, then swung her legs up and wrapped them round the man’s shins.
His pants came down.
With a desperate grab, she just managed to transfer her hold to his shirt tails in time to stop herself from tumbling to the floor. Because of her success in staying aboard, however, her head had remained at the level of the prisoner’s naked groin when the large and semi-tumescent cock sprang out and buffeted her in the face. Her mouth dropped open in surprise, the swinging cock springing back to actually brush the side of her lips. It left a silvery trail of pre-cum across them, and caused her to finally drop to her knees.
Diana heard the gasp and peered down through the gloom again.
"Hey Clarissa! You OK down there……. Oh my God!" Diana could clearly make out what her fascinated colleague was now holding not two inches from her face. It was the largest and most magnificent penis she had ever seen. Without warning, a stab of heat and desire surged through her.
"Jesus! What a cock!"
Clarissa never even spoke. With her lust-glazed eyes still fixed on Diana, she simply opened her mouth wide and moved her head forward until the shiny dome was enveloped between her scarlet lips. She finally closed her eyes as her cheeks hollowed.
"Uuuuuuuummmmm…..tastes sooo good."
Diana climbed off the youth’s shoulders and knelt at the trapdoor to watch enviously as Clarissa’s greedy lips stretched themselves around the hard shaft. Every time they slid back up towards the dome, Diana could see the pink tongue flickering along the ridged and veined underside, make out the shine of the spit on the smooth skin. She allowed her thighs to drift apart, slid one hand up her skirt and straight into her panties.
"Eck….uurrghhh! Kkkkkhhh…."
The sounds of tortured breathing were of no concern to the girls now, the man they were executing reduced to nothing more than the cock that Clarissa was milking between her eager lips. But then Diana’s arm brushed against the saliva on her thigh. Her brain screaming with the desire for more pleasure, she looked again at the wildly protruding tongue and had another idea. She climbed to her feet, noted with satisfaction that if she slipped her heels off it would be just at the right height.
Such was Diana’s haste, she didn’t even take off her panties. She just flung one leg over the choking prisoner’s shoulder, eased them to one side and pushed her aching cunt onto the soft tongue. With one hand on the back of his head and her buttocks clenching and unclenching rythmically, she began to mash her wet sex against his mouth. She looked over her shoulder, could just see Clarissa’s blonde locks flying wildly as she chased the cock closer to orgasm around her mouth, one hand in her own panties frigging herself.
"Mmmmmm, Ammmm, slurp…."
"Oooh, Oh yeah, do it…"
Diana could last out no longer. With her free hand holding tightly onto the nooserope, she brought her other leg up over the young man’s shoulders until his face was clamped tightly between her thighs, her full weight precipitating his demise. His body began to kick and jerk violently, partly because of the gyrations of her hips, partly because the youth was now entering his death throes. Just as she heard Clarissa give a muffled scream of orgasm, Diana’s brain exploded too. She threw back her head, leaned back as if the prisoner was no more than a makeshift garden swing. Her uniform cap fell off with the jerky movement of her gyrations, tumbling into the darkness below.
When she felt the cold wood of the scaffold against her back, Diana unclamped her thighs from the prisoners neck and kicked him away from her to swing free. His body bobbed gently, the head now falling low on the chest, his face a wildly staring death mask. it took another 15 minutes for the youth to die.

From behind her, Diana heard Clarissa climb the steps. She turned to her with a contented smile and both women grinned at each other. The dark haired girl lying on her back with her skirt round her waist, legs still spread lewdly and yawning pussy on display to the world, the blonde girl with her hair all dishevelled, lips bruised and a string of escaped sperm spattered on her chin.
"How’s your bicycle?"
"I dunno, I never checked." With a twinkle in her eyes and a smirk just below the surface, she added. "But I hope it looks like rain again tomorrow……."

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