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Posted by CuriousGirl (Member # 17298) on :
He has been exposing me to it for about a year. He loves to kiss and lick my feet and suck my toes... And over the past year I have been pampering my feet every day, making them softer and softer (I ran around barefoot a lot as a kid.) ... In fact they're as soft as they've ever been in my adult life... I never walk around barefoot anymore.

I enjoy the attention on my feet, and while I wasn't born with a foot fetish I know I think about it a lot more than other girls.

I joined this forum in hopes of understanding my boyfriend's fetish. I think feet are beautiful, how they are soft and curvy and small, yet strong... I can't really understand it fully, though; it's an enigma to me.

I have a spanking fetish (which he lovingly indulges [Big Grin] ) and would never be judgmental... please take my questions at face value.

I hope you all will write back and tell me what you love about feet, and why do you think you do? Please be totally honest.


Posted by cjmeyer (Member # 1621) on :
Welcome aboard!
Posted by Pete-The-Feet-Lover (Member # 3260) on :
Hey, welcome to Wu's.

To answer your question:

There's something very sexy about the smell of a woman's feet. I'm not talking about a powerful, poisonous scent -- that just signifies bad hygiene. Rather, I am talking about the natural, warm scent that perhaps comes from wearing a pair of shoes for a few hours. It's very intoxicating. As for why, I honestly do not know.

You can search my forum posts for more insights, but you will no doubt have a whole lot to read in a very short time as more members start posting replies. We're a very active group here at Wu's, and a very friendly one.

Enjoy your stay,

Posted by vineofthorns (Member # 1313) on :
welcome to wus,im sure you will find this site helpful to a better understandment of foot onely advice is to let u know ahead of time that theres many differant forms of having a foot fetish and not everything you see posted here is gonna be exacly what ur mate is into(you will see things that may seem a lil bizzare)theres many differant forms of foot fetishism and just feel out to what may be useful for you guys
Posted by Ummmmm (Member # 15145) on :
Hi Curiousgirl and welcome [Smile]
I can't speak for all my FF brothers and sisters because we are all alike and yet, very different in our desires of the peds. [Wink]
I feel that the feet are part of my sensual and sexual endevours. I happen to like the smell of nylons stuffed in pumps. I am a kiss and sniff guy. That's it. [Woot] I don't really suck toes or have foot jobs. Not that I won't try it, it's just that I don't need it to fulfill my sexual appetite.
As you hang here a bit longer, you'll find all types of fetishes of the foot. And that's cool coz, I learn more and more. [Big Grin]
Hope that helps! [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Rae124 (Member # 328) on :
Hi CG, which one is you in your profile pic?
Posted by RPM (Member # 2895) on :
Welcome CG,

great question. glad you're here checking things out further. I don't get the spanking thing myself, and my ex had a thing for spanking that I never indulged (but that is a different story)

AS for me.. i like the whole woman. The feet in heels is an added bonus to me. my interest is complex and doesn't fall into any neat fetish catergory.

in a nutshell.. power is the name of the game. I like beautiful feminine girly-girl sexy yet powerful women. and that has to be from head to toe.

the point of power to me is the feet. it balances the whole body and sets the tone of posture (not really.. but that is how i see it). high heels captures that power the most effeciently and the most sexy of ways. symetry of the toes with an nice arch is a master piece of art. the scent (as Ummmm and pete-the-feet-lover said) can't be too harsh.. but after wearing hose in pumps a few hours.. yummy!!!

to me.. the ultimate display of power for a woman.. is one in a business suit (the sexy kind) with hose and very high heels driving a v8 powered car.. super sexy.. her feet controls all that power!!

unlike a lot of folks i met... i don't need the feet present to enjoy my encounter with a woman. i do just fine without the feet present. however.. I rather not have the feet abscent... i much rather she has her feet in pumps.. i take them off for her.. massage her feet.. maybe nibble or kiss.. then.. have fun working my way up.

i became aware of this around the age of 7 to 8. actually.. as i'm typing this.. my mind just drifted to earlier years of my life.. about 5 to 6 and recall having a babysitter (something I totally forgot about)..and the imprint of her feet in her flip-flops always intrigued me. interestingly.. i don't care too much about flip-flops.. but do about feet!

hope that helps. enjoy this site!!!

Posted by Bondo (Member # 1403) on :
Welcome newbie!

I don't think I'll ever figure out why I have a foot fetish. Was I born with it? Did something happen that caused me to like feet? Who knows. All I really know is that I have a foot fetish, and that I acknowledge and accept it.

Every one of us has very different and specific preferences in terms of what we like about feet. I like the shape of the curves. The ball of the foot, the arch, the heel, the toes, even up as far as the ankle and calf are curves that I like enjoy looking at (and touching). So I like curvy high arched feet, I prefer small feet over large ones, I like toenails to be painted rather than not, I prefer clean feet over dirty feet, oh and I love ticklish feet (tickling is my second fetish, one just wasn't enough I

I'll direct the same question to you. Do you know why you have a fetish for spanking? What are your thoughts on how or why you acquired it? What do you like about spanking? (the pain? the feeling? being dominated?)

Posted by Fate111 (Member # 2627) on :
Welcome to Wu's, CuriousGirl!

For me, I know my foot fetish began at an early age. So early, as a matter of fact, that I'm not exactly sure when and/or how exactly it began and what events set it off. Since then though, I just enjoy the sensual, and sexy, look and feel of female feet - the roundness of her toes, the curves along a woman's arches, the roundness of her heels, the smoothness of her soles and the balls of her feet. For me, it is a visual and tactile experience. I enjoy many different aspects of the way women's feet are presented as well. I can appreciate a woman in flip-flops, as well as in high heels, pumps, sandals, slides, etc., bare feet and stockinged/nylon feet, the pleasant female foot smell, a nice pedicure with painted toenails, toe rings, ankle bracelets, etc.. I greatly enjoy giving women foot massages, foot ticklings, toe sucking, licking a woman's feet, etc. in a way that she will find pleasing and very, very sensual. I also enjoy footjobs and I'm one of those who needs to have a woman's feet as part of any sexual experience I may have. That's just the way I am.

As you can tell from the responses so far, we all have our differences, preferences and reasons for liking women's feet. There's no real hard and fast answer as to the "why". We're all wired differently, although we have the same interest. I'm sure you're interest in spankings (Which, I think, is very cool and erotic, by the way.) is much, much different from another woman who may like it as well. For you, it may be the act of giving up control that gets you going, or maybe the anticipation of not knowing what's going to happen next, or you're just a submissive woman who likes to be dominanted by a man. For you, it might be all of these reasons above or it may be just one of them. For another woman who likes the same thing, it may be a different reason or reasons than yours and something I didn't even mention. People like the same things but for many, varied reasons. All that really matters is that you have this interest and have someone who wants to turn you on in the way that interests you to make the experience that much better for you and you're willing to do the same with regards to his interest. There are quite a few people who post here, including myself, who really can't explain why we're wired up to have some kind of attraction for women's feet. We just know that we have this interest and that's really all that matters.
Posted by Toe Sucker II (Member # 1720) on :

i think as mensioned before, smell is good, a nice slightly sweaty smell, nothing dirty or infectous, maybe dirty socks with toe prints on them, a sheer pair of hose fresh out of leather pumps.

but i wish i had a girlfriend as thoughtful and ok with feet as you!!!!
Posted by FTPHANTOM (Member # 47) on :
Welcome to the board CuriousGirl [Big Grin]
I have had a thing for feet every sence I was a kid also,and it grew with age.I like all female feet as long as their cute - exquisite,medium-long juicy looking toe's make me [Drool] ,I like seeing clean too dirty sole's,dirty sole's are a real eye catcher,there's just some thing sexy about it.I also love the smell of sweaty female feet,from lightly smelly too extremely smelly,I find that most aroma's are sexy and they turn me on,and ya there's a few smell's that I really don't care for,including clean feet,perfumed,and lotioned,takes the fun out of sniffing them [Laugh] .So I mainly enjoy seeing feet,giving foot massage's,smelling,sucking toe's,and licking sole's.I like every thing else on a woman too,but the feet come 1st when it comes to physical attraction.Like this example a woman that is a plain jane and has sexy looking feet,in a split sec she has the look's of a Goddess or a 7-9,then vice versa what appears to be a 10 then you see that she has some ate up looking feet,in a split sec she fall's down to a plain jane or worst.Even though my wife is the total package,I'm cursed because she hate's feet,and think's it's nasty to like them.
Even though we here at Wu's have different prefference's when it come's to the stuff we like doing to feet,there is 1 thing we have in common,we can all agree on 1 thing,and thats knowing pretty feet when we see them.
Posted by Tadpole in a Jar (Member # 4402) on :

Just curious, does your boyfriend have a favorite polish color he likes to see on your feet ? How about a favorite type of shoe / high heel ?
Posted by jack11111 (Member # 16680) on :
I think its the same reason why people are attracted to boobs or other hidden body parts. Feet are mainly hidden behind shoes and socks, and when they are exposed its like a treat, especially if they are well looked after. The skin on a beautiful foot is soft and this feels good on your tongue or on certain parts of your body. The idea of worship is also a turn on, especially on a beautiful women.
Posted by Champpalmer (Member # 16374) on :
I found this very interested read titled "Proposed Explanations for foot fetishism" I discovered that I fell into many categories explained why I have a foot fetish. The one proposed explanation that happened to catch my attention was the segment about the feet has many sweat glands. These sweat glands "which theoritically produce the same pheromones which are produced by the genitalia. Therefore they invoke sexual arousal in the opposite sex." I'm GUILTY!

One explanation, advanced by neurologist Vilayanur S. Ramachandran, highlights the fact that the feet and the genitals occupy adjacent areas of the somatosensory cortex, possibly entailing some neural crosstalk between the two. Similarly, Reflexology is the practice of stimulating points on the feet to process this crosstalk.
A somewhat more Freudian hypothesis is that in many cultures, an infant's experience of its mother may involve crawling around her feet. If sexual/behavioral imprinting occurs during this time, this might lead to the feet becoming the primary object of sexual arousal. The human brain somehow attributes the feet to hold sexual properties according to Freud. [citation needed][original research?]
Another theory is that the shape of the human foot is visually similar to that of the curves and cleavage found on the body of the human female, particularly the female hips and buttocks. The average foot is composed almost entirely of curves; the top of the foot, the tips and bottoms of the toes, balls of the toes, instep, heel, ankle, soles, and toenails are often all curved, making the foot one of the curviest parts of the human body. In much the same way that breasts, buttocks, or hips are often considered attractive because of their curves, so too can the foot be regarded as an object of sexual desire. This would explain why so many foot fetishists are aroused by watching a barefoot girl with dirty soles, as the dust highlights the curves, the shape of the female feet by leaving only the arches clean.[citation needed] [original research?]
Yet another theory proposes that visually, the feet and genitals and breasts occupy the same space within the sexual visual field and the male, during coitus (missionary) utilize this 'sexual trigger' to enhance reproduction. Some males may be genetically brain imprinted to find parts of the body within that field as erotic. The female face, breasts, legs and feet can all be seen during lovemaking in this position.[citation needed][original research?]
Another possible theory behind foot-fetishism could be rooted in the idea that a person's feet are usually hidden, much in the same manner as genitalia or a woman's breasts. Suddenly exposed feet could hypothetically produce a feeling of pleasure in the same way that exposed breasts could. A female, in the initial stages of undress for a romantic encounter, usually removes her shoes first. Perhaps launching a visually erotic chain reaction, allowing the male to perform during reproduction.[citation needed][original research?]
Another possible theory is that it is a part of the body that has an odor. Feet have many sweat glands which produce (theoretically) the same pheromones (chemical signals) which are produced by genitalia. Therefore they both invoke sexual arousal in the opposite sex.[citation needed][original research?]
Still another theory is that some men (not all) who adore feet are submissive to women. This would imply that the male is NOT a true 'fetishist' and is aroused, rather, by simply his humiliating role in the relationship. On the other hand there is another look on the domination which is attributed to a foot fetishist (interepreted in Jungian and Adler manner). Legs serve as a support for a body. A human is strong when he or she stands on both feet. Foot fetishist can reach soles of other person only by changing persons position to submissive and weak. Thus foot fetishist expresses his superiority feelings by controlling other person.[citation needed][original research?]
And the final discussion of this topic is the fact that foot adoration is NOT a 'fetish' at all, but rather a normal reaction to simply another body part that defines the parameters of what we find attractive in a female, such as vibrant hair or an appealing figure.
Madison Avenue has been quick to grasp the subliminal power the female foot holds as a symbol of sexuality. We are bombarded daily with images of the female foot in advertising for a variety of products. The footwear and footcare industries have profited to the tune of billions of dollars year in and year out as women worldwide adorn their feet on a daily basis with an abundance of products including jewelry, pigments and colors, general beautification and maintenance hygiene. Not to mention the stylish and endless selection of shoes and boots.

<LI id=_note-0>^ Kippen, Cameron (2006). The History of Footwear - Foot Sex., last accessed July 2006. <LI id=_note-1>^ Kippen, Cameron (2006). The History of Footwear - Foot Sex., last accessed July 2006. <LI id=_note-2>^ Giannini, A J; Colapietro, G; Slaby, A E; Melemis, S M; Bowman, R K (October 1998). Sexualization of the female foot as a response to sexually transmitted epidemics: A preliminary study. Psychological Reports. Volume 83(2): 491–498.
^ Anonymous. Fetish Psychology, last accessed September 2006

Posted by footcrazy3 (Member # 17175) on :
I am very sumbissive. I guess that is the reason.
All my fantasies involve being dominated. Especially by petite stuck up asian girls.
Posted by dougiezerts (Member # 6829) on :
I have a question for you, CuriousGirl: How did you first react when your boyfriend confessed his fetish to you? Were you shocked, surprised, or (ahem!) curious?
Posted by NYC Latino 1960 (Member # 491) on :
I Love women with big/large feet.
Right now i'm dating a PR female i met through myspace with size 9.5-10 wide feet.
She's a lovely BBW with perfect toes and soft feet.
When she wears her boots w/stockings or sneakers, they have a vinegar/ammonia scent to them. Yummy..

Take care to all...

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