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Posted by jediofthefeet (Member # 1463) on :
I read the first few lines, and knew I had to post this.

Dating a guy with a foot fetish
Posted by scarlet (Member # 2117) on :
I agree with her.
Posted by Jak (Member # 7343) on :
[Laugh] he didnt go about it the right way but it seems like she would never let anybody get to her feet ANYWAY, so he might not be missing out on much. Matter of fact, her feet might be the only reason why he started flirting with her in the first place. It wasn't a good move inquiring about her feet that much, especially in a public place. Offer the foot massage first, and THEN compliment her feet if anything. I think she might've overreacted a little bit talking about running to her car, he didn't wanna kill her, just wanted to suck her toes. lol
Posted by scarlet (Member # 2117) on :
It is more the act of sex though. If a guy was like..

"so, do you like getting head? I love going down on a girl, if you'd like, I can go down on you have a very lovely vagina"

She'd run to her car just as much with that as with feet.
Posted by feetluvr (Member # 1570) on :
Originally posted by Jak:
he didnt go about it the right way but it seems like she would never let anybody get to her feet ANYWAY, so he might not be missing out on much... It wasn't a good move inquiring about her feet that much, especially in a public place.

My guess is he wanted her for nothing but her feet. He definitely didn't go about it the right way, and I think he failed by being obsessed with talking about nothing but her feet, not in a public place, but on the first date.

I agree that it's probably going to be a cold day in Hell before anyone other than her pedicurist, touches her feet. Gosh, after this experience she may never get another pedicure again.
Posted by Benji (Member # 1757) on :
psh... this girl doesn't know where it's at! Someone ought to teach her a lesson in the realm of foot fetish!
Posted by Wrinklesguy (Member # 732) on :
I meet a girl like that, {not that i would ask so many questions about her feet}..and she acted like that i would be like "Next"!..there's too many fish in the sea to worry about some stupid anti-feet bitch.
Posted by Bondo (Member # 1403) on :
Maybe he might have had a better chance if he had refrained from the toe sucking references (especially from relatives?!) on their first date. I mean, it's great that he was that open about his fetish, but he could have taken it a little slower seeing that he was introducing someone to the foot realm for the first time.

She admitted to enjoying pedicures and the occasional foot massage. The guy may have had a chance if he slowed down a bit...ya know, like maybe offered to suck her toes on the second date.

Posted by Mona (Member # 8351) on :
"I thought, this could be it—seventeen bad dates be damned—this could be the one that turns into an actual relationship."

oh ha! trust me boys you dont want this girl anyway!
Posted by ghost (Member # 1664) on :
see its guys like this that ruin it for us because she will forever be freaked out by any foot man she ever meets. and to top it off all these people will read this story and make fun of people with foot fetishes. i hate ignorant people so much.
Posted by Calico Jack (Member # 2299) on :
I've actually read that blog entry once before on a previous occasion, but I got a kick out of it seeing it again. The Steve Harvey Show aired an episode once with a similar premise in which Regina started dating a handsome young man who turned out to have an extreme shoe fetish much to her dismay. Regarding this particular story, I agree with Jak in so much as the guy didn't play his cards right at all from the outset. I'm probably the most vocal endorser of the direct approach that you'll encounter, but that guy's methodology is from a completely different school of thought and from the looks of it there was no thought put into it whatsoever in his case. What he lacked in tact & charisma he more than made up for in one-track mindedness & blatant eccentricity.

On the other hand, I agree with Mona too because I most definitely would not have had any interest in a girl like that who's automatically so closed off to the notion of her feet being sexually appealing to a man. Even if the guy had done everything right and made her feel comfortable, she likely still would've recoiled in disgust at the prospect of a foot fetish based on the manner in which she wrote about it. Sounds like they both have some issues to contend with, but that's what made for a rather amusing little story!

[Big Grin]

Calico Jack
Posted by Bondo (Member # 1403) on :
Originally posted by Calico Jack:
Even if the guy had done everything right and made her feel comfortable, she likely still would've recoiled in disgust at the prospect of a foot fetish based on the manner in which she wrote about it.

Good point. She wrote about how she shut down and avoided simple questions about her feet before she even suspected that the guy had a foot fetish.

And the "Seventeen Bad Dates" title like Mona pointed out is likely not the fault of seventeen bad guys.

Posted by Sinnister (Member # 2394) on :
Originally posted by Mona:
"I thought, this could be it—seventeen bad dates be damned—this could be the one that turns into an actual relationship."

oh ha! trust me boys you dont want this girl anyway!

Mona's got it right.
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by Mona:
"I thought, this could be it—seventeen bad dates be damned—this could be the one that turns into an actual relationship."

oh ha! trust me boys you dont want this girl anyway!

I bow before your perception and knowledge Mona! [Bow Down] [Thumbs Up]

Thing is, I haven't even read the blog entry! Seeing this line quoted out of it seals the deal for me...the problem apparently lies with the girl who wrote it. Seventeen bad dates? Jeez-louise this chick has a serious chip on her shoulder. If she hadn't picked him apart for his running off at the mouth about her feet, she'd have found something else "wrong" with him.
Posted by Jak (Member # 7343) on :
anybody got a picture of this girl? shes probably ugly as hell. figures why the dude would ONLY want her for her feet. lol Cuz all of you guys know, no matter how much we LOVE feet, if a girl is really beautiful and we are interested in her as a person, we're gonna try to get to know her FIRST, not her feet.
Posted by Stryder_007 (Member # 13405) on :
OK-this date was bad from the start-on BOTH parts.

The guy: 1st off, dude had NO GAME. On a first date you don't just sit there and start talking about her feet obsessively. If he had any sense he would have known it was making her uncomfortable. It's the equivalant of talking to her and starring at her boobs and saying you wanna suck them. Most women would think your only after sex. In his case, he was only after the feet. He came off way to strong and agressive. If I had been that girl I would have bounced on him as well. She tried to change the subject but he kept on pursing it.

The Girl: She should not have been like he's the ONE. This ain't Neo and the Matrix. When you set your hopes up that high on a first date your bound to be crushed on some fake ass expectation that he's..the ONE. I think that paritally played a part in the date going bad. Expect the worst and hope for the best is what I learned from first dates. She sould have had a more open mind-and she may have if he didn't freak her out.
Posted by Footman9 (Member # 1100) on :
Originally posted by Calico Jack:
I've actually read that blog entry once before on a previous occasion, but I got a kick out of it seeing it again. The Steve Harvey Show aired an episode once with a similar premise in which Regina started dating a handsome young man who turned out to have an extreme shoe fetish much to her dismay. Regarding this particular story, I agree with Jak in so much as the guy didn't play his cards right at all from the outset. I'm probably the most vocal endorser of the direct approach that you'll encounter, but that guy's methodology is from a completely different school of thought and from the looks of it there was no thought put into it whatsoever in his case. What he lacked in tact & charisma he more than made up for in one-track mindedness & blatant eccentricity.

On the other hand, I agree with Mona too because I most definitely would not have had any interest in a girl like that who's automatically so closed off to the notion of her feet being sexually appealing to a man. Even if the guy had done everything right and made her feel comfortable, she likely still would've recoiled in disgust at the prospect of a foot fetish based on the manner in which she wrote about it. Sounds like they both have some issues to contend with, but that's what made for a rather amusing little story!

[Big Grin]

Calico Jack

No style or flow at all to his approach in wanting her sweet foot necture. She is not open to adventure or beauty of another form. You can't fit a square peg into a round hole... it's broke and you can't fix it. Move on, but change up your methodology. There is more shrimp cocktail in the sea. [Wink]
Posted by jediofthefeet (Member # 1463) on :
This girl lives a true Sex In The City lifestyle.!28039C2A43EE6C61!231.entry?_c=BlogPart

"The Beginning and The One"!28039C2A43EE6C61!184.entry?_c=BlogPart

"Zach 1"!28039C2A43EE6C61!225.entry?_c=BlogPart

"Zach 2"!28039C2A43EE6C61!227.entry?_c=BlogPart

"Toe Title and Zach 3"!28039C2A43EE6C61!271.entry?_c=BlogPart

"She hates close-mindedness. WTF???"!28039C2A43EE6C61!304.entry?_c=BlogPart

"Dog with a shoe fetish"!28039C2A43EE6C61!353.entry?_c=BlogPart

"Andrew is not into me so he must be gay"!28039C2A43EE6C61!354.entry?_c=BlogPart

"Andrew is married"!28039C2A43EE6C61!356.entry?_c=BlogPart!28039C2A43EE6C61!360.entry?_c=BlogPart

"The New Harem aka I fall for anyone"!28039C2A43EE6C61!385.entry?_c=BlogPart

"Harem update..Why I let some go"

"I found her!!!"!28039C2A43EE6C61!440.entry?_c=BlogPart

"Josh is so hot"!28039C2A43EE6C61!443.entry?_c=BlogPart

"Josh is a loser (this one is a must read)"
Posted by Mighty Mike (Member # 1922) on :
yeah he was too forward but this girl has issues if something like that bothered her so much

I bet her motto is "missionary for life"
Posted by lambskin (Member # 1542) on :
I agree with everyone else. Its pretty obvious that he went about this way to aggressively and soon in the wrong way. However, as others have said, this chick already thinks that the simple idea of a foot fetish is disgusting. She states at one point "I mean, who admits to deviant sexual behaviors/fantasies on a first date". She clearly thinks of this as a bad thing since I'm not sure what else deviant would mean. So in closing this chick is a bitch and the guy is a moron.
Posted by guitardrew (Member # 6635) on :
LOLL, what a boring blog in general....
Posted by nylonfootsniffer (Member # 3488) on :
I posted that I find it strange, she wears open toed sandals and spends all kinds of money on French pedicures and getting her toes all pretty and then gets offended when people compliment her on them????
I have complimented a girl at a mall once about her french pedicure and she seemed very flattered. She was like: "Wow it's rare someone notices somethign like that."
This girl on the blog just seems to have issues. Although I must say, this guy paid it on a bit thick, shoulda not laid it on so much like that. I would have givin her the first compliment and then left it at that for the first date.
Posted by Pete-The-Feet-Lover (Member # 3260) on :
That was a funny read. 17 bad dates though? I hope she knows it goes both ways... doesn't sound like it though.

Look at what she wrote in a later blog:

"Another major deal breaker for me is close-mindedness. I have my own unique set of beliefs that I have forged over my lifetime. Yours and mine may not be the same (quite likely, they’re not). But I respect that, and so should anyone who wants to spend any real time with me (i.e. potential suitors). If a man displays intolerance towards the beliefs and opinions of others, he can go ahead and pack his bags because I don’t want anything to do with him. I want a man who is receptive to new ideas, is willing to listen to other points of view and think them over before passing any judgment, and is, most importantly, willing to accept that just because he doesn’t agree, doesn’t mean other beliefs, opinions, or points of views aren’t valid."

Mmm, interesting... Gotta love people who don't practice what they preach.

As for that guy, ugh, he ruined his chances before he even had any. That was just wrong, creepy even, the way he went about it. He should of asked around Wu's before going out, I'm sure Calico Jack could of given some very sound advice, among others.

[ April 26, 2006, 11:56 AM: Message edited by: Pete-The-Feet-Lover ]
Posted by Pete-The-Feet-Lover (Member # 3260) on :
Originally posted by jediofthefeet:
This girl lives a true Sex In The City lifestyle.!28039C2A43EE6C61!231.entry?_c=BlogPart

"The Beginning and The One"!28039C2A43EE6C61!184.entry?_c=BlogPart

"Zach 1"!28039C2A43EE6C61!225.entry?_c=BlogPart

"Zach 2"!28039C2A43EE6C61!227.entry?_c=BlogPart

"Toe Title and Zach 3"!28039C2A43EE6C61!271.entry?_c=BlogPart

"She hates close-mindedness. WTF???"!28039C2A43EE6C61!304.entry?_c=BlogPart

"Dog with a shoe fetish"!28039C2A43EE6C61!353.entry?_c=BlogPart

"Andrew is not into me so he must be gay"!28039C2A43EE6C61!354.entry?_c=BlogPart

"Andrew is married"!28039C2A43EE6C61!356.entry?_c=BlogPart!28039C2A43EE6C61!360.entry?_c=BlogPart

"The New Harem aka I fall for anyone"!28039C2A43EE6C61!385.entry?_c=BlogPart

"Harem update..Why I let some go"

"I found her!!!"!28039C2A43EE6C61!440.entry?_c=BlogPart

"Josh is so hot"!28039C2A43EE6C61!443.entry?_c=BlogPart

"Josh is a loser (this one is a must read)"

And you forgot:
"I painted my toenails for this?!?!"!28039C2A43EE6C61!227.entry?_c=BlogPart
Posted by guitardrew (Member # 6635) on :
Lolll, this girl is a walking contradiction, also though i cant stand this attitude of thinking the dating scene is a certain way, and of course theyve got it all figured out and everyone else has to come up to their "level". i cant stand it when people think they have human communication down to a science especially in this type of context. this girl wont ever find what shes looking for 'till SHE changes HER biases, judgements that she claims to hate when men have, lolll
Posted by phatburger (Member # 34621) on :
Originally posted by Calico Jack:
I've actually read that blog entry once before on a previous occasion, but I got a kick out of it seeing it again. The Steve Harvey Show aired an episode once with a similar premise in which Regina started dating a handsome young man who turned out to have an extreme shoe fetish much to her dismay. Regarding this particular story, I agree with Jak in so much as the guy didn't play his cards right at all from the outset. I'm probably the most vocal endorser of the direct approach that you'll encounter, but that guy's methodology is from a completely different school of thought and from the looks of it there was no thought put into it whatsoever in his case. What he lacked in tact & charisma he more than made up for in one-track mindedness & blatant eccentricity.

On the other hand, I agree with Mona too because I most definitely would not have had any interest in a girl like that who's automatically so closed off to the notion of her feet being sexually appealing to a man. Even if the guy had done everything right and made her feel comfortable, she likely still would've recoiled in disgust at the prospect of a foot fetish based on the manner in which she wrote about it. Sounds like they both have some issues to contend with, but that's what made for a rather amusing little story!

[Big Grin]

Calico Jack

Posted by phatburger (Member # 34621) on :
Originally posted by phatburger:
Originally posted by Calico Jack:
I've actually read that blog entry once before on a previous occasion, but I got a kick out of it seeing it again. The Steve Harvey Show aired an episode once with a similar premise in which Regina started dating a handsome young man who turned out to have an extreme shoe fetish much to her dismay. Regarding this particular story, I agree with Jak in so much as the guy didn't play his cards right at all from the outset. I'm probably the most vocal endorser of the direct approach that you'll encounter, but that guy's methodology is from a completely different school of thought and from the looks of it there was no thought put into it whatsoever in his case. What he lacked in tact & charisma he more than made up for in one-track mindedness & blatant eccentricity.

On the other hand, I agree with Mona too because I most definitely would not have had any interest in a girl like that who's automatically so closed off to the notion of her feet being sexually appealing to a man. Even if the guy had done everything right and made her feel comfortable, she likely still would've recoiled in disgust at the prospect of a foot fetish based on the manner in which she wrote about it. Sounds like they both have some issues to contend with, but that's what made for a rather amusing little story!

[Big Grin]

Calico Jack

I've seen this episode before. It seems like another effort by the mainstream media to maintain the silly notion that people with feet/shoe fetishes are nothing but sick freaks who cannot and should not get dates. I could be wrong, but that's how I perceive it.

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