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Posted by judi german (Member # 3051) on :
I am a sole man through and through. I love toes, too. The entire female foot; it's all great. But a nice pair of soles drives me wild. The other day I was invited to watch a movie screening with a group of friends in a private home. There were about 35 of us crowded into this guy's home theatre room, which comfortably sits 18 people in large comfortable leather chairs. I squeezed in on the carpeted floor at the back of the room, and to the far left, which was actually the far left aisle of the room. There was a column to my immediate right, which hid me from everyone's view to the right of me beyond the column, and the people in front of me to the left sat in high backed stadium level chairs, so they couldn't see me either. Only the people directly in front of me could see me behind them if they were to look over their shoulders to their left, but of course during the screening all eyes were focused on the screen. As it turned out, sitting where I was ended up being a huge advantage.

A few minutes before the movie began, a very attractive married couple asked if it would be alright if they could sit right in front of me. It was really the only bare spot left in the room, and besides, even though they ended up sitting directly in front of me, the room was graded to allow for everyone to view the movie without anyone in their way, and even on the lushly carpeted floor where we were. It was a tight fit, but comfortably so. We sat in tandem with her in the middle, her husband in front of her, and me in back of his wife. A rather large carpeted column to the ceiling was to our immediate right, so we were pretty much hidden away from anyone in the theatre. And yet, we had a clear view of the large screen below. We were given large cushioned pillows to sit on, which ended up being a great thing because her feet were elevated directly in front of me as she sat upon the pillow. Her soles and toes were literally only an inch away from my crotch because I chose to sit Indian fashion on the lush carpeting instead of the pillow I had been given. I simply tossed my pillow to the side against the column.

Before the movie started, we had a nice little chat, but I was somewhat distracted because this guy's wife had amazing feet. She was wearing open-toed sandals, the kind that had a woven rope look as part of the sole of the shoe, but she slipped them off right away because it was more comfortable for her to be barefoot while sitting on those pillows. Her perfectly pedicured toemails were painted red, and when her soles wrinkled up, it drove me crazy. They were staring right up at me, daring me to play with them.

I was a little surprised that she had worn these open-toed sandals because it was pretty cold outside. Then again, we were in a comfortably warm home theatre, and didn't at all need the coats that we had brought in with us. I guess most of the guests had checked their coats in a coat room someplace because I didn't see many people with coats on their laps in the theatre. Thankfully as it turned out, the coats that this couple and I had brought into the threatre with us ended up being extra cover for what turned out to be the best movie I never saw if you know what I mean. Who would have guessed?

Without skipping a beat in our conversation about the upcoming movie, this guy's wife scared me a bit by suddenly asking, "You don't mind that my feet are practically right in your face, do you? It's just much more comfortable for me to sit like this for an extended period of time."

I was afraid that she was going to move her position. I was about to assure you that it would be fine to keep her feet where they were, but before I could answer, her husband jokingly chimed in, "Careful. What she's really asking for is a foot massage from you." He laughed a little bit, and added, "She LOVES having her feet massaged."

She just kind of gasped as if she was embarrassed, and playfully hit him in the shoulder.

I finally came to my senses and got a reply out. "Oh, I don't mind at all. In fact, I love giving foot massages."

Turning to her husband she said triumphantly, "See that, honey? He LOVES giving foot massages."

"Well, be my guest," he quickly retorted, but with a smile on his face as if he was pleased with what had just gone one between his wife and me. Then someone he evidentially knew started chatting with him, so he happily got lost in that conversation.

Turning her head back over her shoulder at me, she whispered, "Don't worry. He was just teasing you. I'm not expecting you to give me a foot massage."

I didn't know what else to say, so I said what popped into my head. "Well, if you don't want one ..."

"Oh I didn't say I didn't want one," she interrupted with a teasing smile. And then in an even lower whisper she confessed, "In fact, my husband would find it a huge turn-on if he knew that you were playing with my feet. He's got a major foot fetish. You don't happen to have one, do you?"

Sensing that I didn't have a lot of time left before the movie started, I blurted out the truth. "As a matter of fact, I do have a foot fetish."

"Oh, good. I guess I'll get that foot massage after all, huh?" She replied with that same alluring smile on her face.

I was speechless.

I must have had that deer caught in headlights look because she added in an almost pouting way, "But only if you really want to give me one."

Instead of actually answering her ... again my mind was frozen ... I changed the subject a bit by asking, "Are you ticklish?"

"My feet?"

"Uh, huh."

"VERY!" She announced, and then quickly added, "But if it's nice tickling then I love having my feet tickled."

"Anything else you like having done to your feet?" I asked almost timidly.

"Well of course," she answered, but left it at that.

Again I was left speechless. I mean things seemed to be going well. Better than well, but I didn't want to freak this woman out, so I just clammed up. But sometimes saying little or nothing works out for the best.

With an oh so sweet grin she teased me by saying, "I have one word for you; shrimping, and if you know what that means, then all I can say is that you DO have a foot fetish for sure."

"Oh I know what that is," I assured her, and I did. Shrimping is a slang term for toe sucking, which of course I loved to do. And her toes looked so delicious!

As the lights suddenly went down, and the movie's credits began, she turned to me one last time before the movie started and said, "Be nice. But whatever you do, don't tickle me too hard. I don't want to suddenly be screaming out loud during the movie." She then turned to the screen, put her arms around her husband in front of her in a shoulder hug, and kissed him gently on the neck.

"Was that an invitation?" I wondered to myself. I could NOT pay attention to the movie! There right in front of me were this woman's inviting soles staring right up at me. I wish that I had photos to show you what her feet looked like. Surprisingly enough this woman's soles and toes were very much like Water Goddess on this site. In fact, for a moment I thought that she was THE Water Goddess, but I've seen her husband's photo on the site, and of course knew that this was another woman.

As you can imagine, this woman's sexy soles were too hard to resist for long, especially since she practically told me that it would be okay to massage her feet. I'm always one to note, however, that just because a woman seems to be giving you a green light doesn't mean that she is. She could have been kidding for all I knew. This woman was clearly in love with her husband as she hung on to him like they were newlyweds. Perhaps they were.

What drove me wild was that, purposely or not, she would scrunch her toes to accentuate the tempting wrinkles of her lovely soles, which were just waiting to be touched. My legs were crossed in Indian fashion, and her toes were just hidden a bit underneath my legs. I could practically feel her scrumptious looking soles pressed up against my cock through my jeans, but of course my imagination was running wild with desire.

Her bare soles were literally within easy reach. Her toes were under my pant leg, and I leaned into her feet ever so slightly until my crotch just barely touched the pads of her toes. Her neck was only inches away from my face, and she smelled so good! I could feel her scrunch her toes to meet my crotch. I could hardly believe it. This was definitely an invitation unless of course she was just checking things out to see if what she felt was really me getting a little amorous with her. I hoped that everything was okay, and she was fine with me moving in as close as I had.

A dimmed aisle light showed enough of her wrinkled soles to make it pretty easy for me to test the waters by laying my hands down on either side of her feet. I raised my fingers ever so slightly, and then gently laid them down upon her wrinkled soles. The room was warm, but the sole of her foot was almost cold to the touch. I glided my fingers along her sole, and up to the soft pads of the bottoms of her toes.

Suddenly her toes deftly grasped my two fingers in a tight grip. She knew I was at her feet for sure now, and she knew that I realized that she was aware of me touching her soles and toes. She released my fingers, and then grasped them again. She was teasing me. I teased her back by tracing my fingers much more firmly along her soles, each of her toes, her heels, and every inch of both of her feet. I used both of my hands to firmly grasp, and massage each of her feet. I would occasionally alter the massage with tickling fingers; not too hard, but hard enough to elicit some nice quiet reactions from her.

I could tell that she enjoyed the light tickling because at one point she reached behind herself to trace my leg to my cock. She squeezed my cock through my jeans, evidentially in appreciation of what I was doing, and then snuggled up to her husband again. I could see her whispering to him occasionally, and I was sure from his actions that she was filling him in on some of the details of how I was playing with her feet. He never looked back, but he did reach around very discreetly, and began playing with what I was sure was his wife's pussy and clit. Every once in a while she seemed to shudder with the excitement of an orgasm, and I was certain that me playing with her feet was not what was pushing her over the edge although it was clear that she enjoyed the attentions I was giving her feet.

For the next hour and a half until the movie ended, I explored every inch of this woman's delicious looking soles, including the tops of her feet, and each of her heels. I simply cupped each of her feet in the palms of my hands as I was massaging them, and made sure that I gave her a really great foot massage. I was very glad that we had our coats with us. Even though nobody could really see us in the darkened theatre, especially because of where we were sitting, it was good that our coats helped to hide our most private areas, as things soon got pretty kinky.

At one point while her husband continued to discreetly play with her, she reached behind herself again without looking back, and one by one undid the buttons of my blue jeans to give her access to my cock. I almost died with excitement right there and then. But she didn't want my cock, at least not in her hands. She wanted her husband's cock in her hands, or at least that's what I was sure she was doing when she reached around his torso as her hands disappeared underneath the coat that he had in his lap. I could only imagine.

Because of the big thick pillow that she was sitting upon, her feet were at the same level as my crotch since I was sitting cross-legged, so my cock found its place in between her soles easily enough. I enjoyed tickling her soles heavily enough for her to squeeze my cock in between her soles, but not so heavily that she would have to make any noises to give notice to what we were doing in the back of that screening room. Pre-cum oozed out from my hard cock. Every once in a while she would bring her right hand back behind her, give my cock a squeeze, and then join her other hand, which was wrapped around her husband's torso underneath his coat. I was certain that she must be playing with his cock.

We played like this for a while until I noticed that her husband's hands moved back into his own lap. His hands had surely been in his wife's lap underneath that coat of hers, and they had most probably been playing with her her pussy and clit as well.

She reached behind herself again, and then around me to grab my wrists, which were at her feet. She gently pulled my arms around her waist, and then guided them down onto her pussy. I was surprised to find that she had no panties on; not even a g-string. My heart began pounding. This woman was very naughty, and about as sexy as a woman can get. As I saw her reach around her husband's waist, and then down to his cock underneath his coat, I wasted no time exploring her pussy and clit. Her clit was engorged, and her pussy was dripping wet. While nibbling on the side of her husband's neck, she whispered something into his ear, probably telling him how I was playing with her pussy and clit, and what she was doing to me with her feet.

This woman was amazing with her feet. With one of her feet to basically anchor my cock, her other foot expertly gave me one of the best footjobs I had ever been given before. While she was giving me this amazing footjob, I managed to find her g-spot while inserting a couple of my fingers into her pussy, and curving my fingers back. I could tell that I had hit her g-spot because her body tensed up in that special way when you've managed to hit it just right. It was more difficult to remain on her g-spot, but I managed to to that as well, and firmly but gently massaged it while I teased her clit with the middle finger of my other hand. It didn't take long for her to cum with multiple orgasms. I could feel her wetness spewing onto my fingers. The heat of her new cum helped to make me climax, but what really made me explode cum all over her soles was the way that she squeezed my cock with her feet. I could hardly stand it.

Evidentially she was also pretty sensitive from having climaxed the way that she did because her hand suddenly left her husband's lap, and grabbed onto mine to ease me off of her clit. It was clear to me then that she had gotten her husband off because her hand was pretty wet with his cum. Even though I'm straight, it turned me on to know that she had made her husband climax probably at about the same time that we had climaxed.

Nothing was said of course, and the movie was still going on. Because the people in the seats in front of us, and slightly to the right were sitting in high-backed theatre chairs, we could even see their faces, so it was certain that they couldn't see us behind them. They were oblivious to what had just gone on.

This guy's wife handed me a couple of tissues from her coat pocket without even turning back to look at me. Instead, she just kind of squeezed my leg for a good time I guess, and kind of curled up into a fetal position on her side with her head on her husband's lap. I didn't mind at all that she hadn't looked back. I actually found it all to be very naughty. It was a very quiet, but explosive sexual experience that I would never forget. Thankfully for me, it didn't end there.

Because she was kind of lying on her side, she was sort of able to stretch her legs out behind her husband. Her feet found themselves right in my lap. I began massaging her feet again. But within a few minutes she flattened herself out onto her tummy, and looked ahead to the movie screen until her husband began massaging her back and neck, at which point she just closed her eyes, and happily rested in his lap. Because there really wasn't enough room for her to lay completely prone on the floor, her legs were bent up, and back at the knees so that her feet rested up against the back wall.

I very much wanted to grab her right leg, and ease it towards me so that I could massage her foot, and suck her toes. She was perfectly positioned for me to do that, but she had placed her leg up against the back wall rather than down upon my chest, so I figured that I no longer had an invitation to play with her feet. I was disappointed. But luck was still on my side that evening. Within minutes her husband briefly turned his head back in my direction, winked at me, and gestured with his hand that I could play with his wife feet if I wanted. I had the distinct feeling that it's exactly what he wanted me to do, so I kind of smiled back at him, and nodded my head that I would do exactly that.

I reached over to gently grab her right leg, lifted it a bit to clear her knee, and brought it to me. She shifted her position just slightly, and bent her left leg down so that it crossed over, and laid onto my lap. Until the movie was at its end, I gave each of her feet a seriously good foot massage, but I also included a lot of shrimping as I sucked each and every one of her delicious toes. I licked her soles, nibbling them, too, and I held her feet together against my chest while tickling her soles just enough to make her squirm a bit. Her husband continues massaging her back and neck.

When the movie ended, she kissed me on the cheek, and discreetly thanked me for giving her such a great foot massage. Her lucky husband smiled at me and said, "I told you she loves having her feet massaged."

Then they were suddenly surrounded by friends of theirs, and that was almost the end of our conversation. While this guy's wife looked away, he handed me a business card. He leaned into my ear and quietly whispered how cool it would be if we could end up getting together for some "foot fun" with his wife the next time they were in town. It turns out that they lived back East, and since the screening was in Los Angeles where I lived, the chances of me connecting with them was pretty slim.

We've exchanged some e-mails since then, but nothing's come of it yet. This happened quite a while ago. If I think hard enough, I can still smell the pleasing scent of what had to be bath oils of some kind that must have bathed her feet so wonderfully before I was able to have my way with them. Thank goodness we have our memories.
Posted by guitardrew (Member # 6635) on :
good lord, you got your fetish indulged in a movie with a married woman you didnt even know while her husband was there???? why doesnt this stuff happen to me??loll sounds like literal heaven to one of us
Posted by lambskin (Member # 1542) on :
That is one of the best stories I have ever heard. I thought you were just going to get to massage her feet a little, but wow!!! Just think of all the circumstances that had to go exactley that way (being at the screaning, sitting where you did, an extremely kinky couple sitting right in front of you). Again, great story.
Posted by DaBootman (Member # 1280) on :
Posted by ilikesoftpeds (Member # 9269) on :
Wow, that is awesome!!

You are VERY lucky. You just lived a fantasy greater than many of us even dream about!!

You got a cummy footjob, got to massage/lick/kiss her feet, and she sqeezed not only your cock with her feet, but also her hands.

Plus, this was all done with a married woman with her husband fully aware and supportave of it in a public movie theatre!!

And you all had orgasms right there in the theatre and noone even knew about it but you 3.


Wish that would happen to me!
Posted by judi german (Member # 3051) on :
By the way, it is not my story, also, i am a woman and not a man
Posted by ThisisMe373 (Member # 2340) on :
great story but what i don't get is how a husband would let a another guy stick he's fingers up he's wife and touch her and let her basically wack him off because i mean i would't even let my gf have a shoulder massage off another guy
Posted by ilikesoftpeds (Member # 9269) on :
Originally posted by judi german:
By the way, it is not my story, also, i am a woman and not a man

Yeah, that is what I thought before, but you made it sound like this was your story.

Sorry about that.

Great story though!

Where did you get this story?
Posted by Rae124 (Member # 328) on :
Originally posted by ThisisMe373:
great story but what i don't get is how a husband would let a another guy stick he's fingers up he's wife and touch her and let her basically wack him off because i mean i would't even let my gf have a shoulder massage off another guy

Exactly what I was thinking.

Made for a hot story tho.

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