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Posted by noladude17 (Member # 11132) on :
Ok I know my wife said she wasn’t fucking anyone anymore….well on New Years Eve she reneged big fucking time. There were a few people there at house but my buddy was there also. We all started playing cards and one thing lead to another and my buddy had my wife’s legs spread far apart eating her pussy…I got up and to suck on her toes and she pushed me away and said to just watch…..our friend then began to suck on her toes and said he missed her a lot. She gave his dick a few foot strokes and he slid it in her…she let out a loud moan and he fucked her so fast that the sofa started to move….she told him no one could ever fuck her like he could she looked back at me and said his dick feels so good. About 45 min later he finally came deep in her (he wore a condom) and then they cuddled for a little while…then she started to suck his dick. When he was hard enough she sat on top and started to ride him. I went to go join in….and she told me don’t ruin this sit the fuck down and watch me fuck a real dick. I watched her fuck my friend longer, harder, faster. She let him cum in her toes and all over her arches she sucked up his cum and swallowed it. The whole night she sat with him he played with her feet tickled her toes and She had HER FEET in his pants playing with him. When he left she took a shower and went to bed. I went to go make love to her and she told me she didn’t want to. The moral of this erotic but very true tale……….be careful what you wish for you might just get it.
Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on :
Dude, I know you have said in the past that the two of you are cool "messing" around like this... but I'd be careful here... it sounds like she's starting to like it/him a little too much.

Just my opinion though.
Posted by logo29a (Member # 9556) on :
How do you deal with it? That's the kinda thing that would cause a normal man to start a murder spree. [Big Grin]
Posted by feetluvr (Member # 1570) on :
Though it can appear as strange, for many years I've entertained a strong "cuckold" fantasy (if that's an appropriate term)where I imagined my wife being played with and fucked by any number of men. My best guess is that it was a reaction to my desire for more frequent sexual escapades than she was willing to participate in. So I fantasized about her willingly taking on hordes of men. Would never really happen though, nor would I truly want it to. Just a head-game.
Posted by ledaemon (Member # 198) on :
Eh, I dunno about this one. I get annoyed enough with my wife if I try to initiate something and she shoos me away because "Law and Order" is on. If she shooed me away because I was interrupting her while my best buddy was planting the root in her you'd probably hear the outcome of the story in the headlines of the next day's newspaper...and obituaries...
Posted by lopey (Member # 11430) on :
dude,thats a hot story!
Posted by rggamera95687 (Member # 8284) on :
I would call this a scary story more than I would wierd. Now your wife has tested the boundaries and changed the rules without your consent. Now you have to start to wonder if your buddy will be getting this treatment when you are not around. I mean lets face it, he may be your friend, but if he is gettin it from the wife I doubt he will let you know about it. The bottom line is now you have to be careful because you have already crossed the line...
Posted by noladude17 (Member # 11132) on :
This morning I told her how I felt. Told her I was going to leave her. She basically broke down. What do I do? I allowed this behavior for years now we decide that its not exceptable and it hurts me. Never open pandoars box. She wants to work it out but now I'm not so sure. She told me this mornng that she's been seeing him behind my back. I left not knowing if I'll ever go back. This buddy of mine got a rude awaking this morning. I told him to stay away for good.
Posted by footboy1 (Member # 4549) on :
Wow, what a cruel web we weave, eh?

And to think, at first she didn't want to start having sex with your friend, but you forced her... and she did it just for you. Or so she said. Only problem is... she started to enjoy it. Too much.

I told you that once you shut it off, and all parties seemingly agreed to the terms, that she would begin to get "the itch"... and what do you know, not only has your "buddy" been going back to the well, he's been drinking it dry behind your back.

What made the alarm go off in my head, when you told me after he left, she took a shower and you wanted to make love to her, and she told you to scram... THAT IS TROUBLE.

It's like letting a kid eat a gigantic slab of chocolate cake for breakfast, every day for five years, then when he becomes obese, you try to take it away from him and see what happens.

It's the same thing... you're telling her that she can't have his cock anymore, and now she's going to go through the withdrawl symptoms... because she's downright addicted. And now she will see YOU as the BAD GUY in this, because you're the one taking away her chocolate cake. Well you know what they say, you can't have your cake and eat it to.

I wish you loads of luck now, my friend, because I think you're marriage is in BIG trouble.
Posted by rggamera95687 (Member # 8284) on :
I think its beyond that point-it's over, unless you are willing to share her. Now the next problem is that your buddy will start to brag about what he has done, so humiliation may also be on the way...
Posted by lopey (Member # 11430) on :
Dude I apologize for my lack of compassion...but I was thinking you were into the cuckolding thing.

If your relationship is going south over this matter then truly I feel for you and I hope things look up.And your buddy is lucky if his ass doesnt get handed to him by you.
Posted by Christian (Member # 5824) on :
I find this interesting cuz me and my gf talk about doing these things. She wants to force me to watch her with other men and women. But she also wants to watch me with other women. This all makes me think though...
Posted by rggamera95687 (Member # 8284) on :
well it makes me realize that the reason I got married was so that I wouldnt have to share!
Posted by noladude17 (Member # 11132) on :
Christian DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!! it does suck our relationship is worth more. We have agreed to see a therapist now that's really embrassing.
wish me luck wife tried to call me I'm stayin with my brother right now....If our families find this out it will bring shame to both sides. My buddy also tried to call and apologize. Thid friend has always been my friend way before my wife was even in the picture. he tells me he's sorry.....What to do?
Posted by Outback69 (Member # 2217) on :

Your post definitely brought up some memories of my own as this type of scenario is what ultimately led to the breakdown of my marriage of only three years....

I wasn't into the cuckold thing as I wanted to be an active participant. At first it seemed like a harmless distraction, we had a foursome with a couple that we had known a long time and things were awesome!

Then she started talking in different chat rooms over the internet, at first just in fun but then it started taking over her life. She would sit in front of the computer for hours at a time and sometimes until 4 or 5 in the morning.

She also started sharing less and less of the online experiences with me which was sign number one.

She then started to push to meet another man from another city - without me there -. I told her that from what I understood from what we had talked about I thought that the situations were to be with both of us in the same room. We fought over this for weeks until I finally broke down and allowed it. She took off after supper one night and didn't return until 3 a.m.

I was under the impression that this was spicing up our sex life but when I pressed her for the details of what had happened, she didn't say a word. When I wanted to get a little frisky, she turned over and went to sleep. Warning sign #3.

Suffice to say we were divorced within six months as she kept telling me that I was "holding her back" and that she "never thought she could be a one man woman".

Now I know that I have rambled on but I also wanted to give you some advice.....


The only way that therapy is going to work is if BOTH of you are commited to seeing this through! You both have to be OPEN and HONEST with not only each other, but with the therapist.

In my case, my ex stopped attending counselling after the second visit.


Make sure that you keep this between yourselves as much as possible.

I know that you want to feel like "spilling your guts" to your brother or family or friends, but please, take my advice, DON'T DO IT!

You have enough things to worry about without having outsiders, who WILL NOT understand why you wanted to share her with others, to cloud your judgement. Unless they have had an experience similar to yours, all they will do is look at you funny and ask "why the hell did you do this in the first place???"

It is hard to understand why some have these urges and some don't. Some guys feel insecure about themselves while others just like to live on the edge when they bring others into the bedroom.

I hope that your buddy understands your wishes and that he does stay away from her. For the marriages' sake. As long as he doesn't "move in for the kill" then you and him should still have a friendship after things have calmed down.

See how the therapy/counselling goes, take it one step at a time and see what happens. If she really does still love you then she will work as hard as you to make your marriage work again.

Just watch for the warning signs. I'm not sure if there are children involved, but for your own peace of mind, you may want to seek some legal advice sooner than later.

Please feel free to PM me if you like....

Tony. [Smile]
Posted by noladude17 (Member # 11132) on :
thanks for your advice during this difficult time
any advice is definately welcome. i really can't be mad i'm responsible as much as she is
Posted by Rae124 (Member # 328) on :
Great marriage you guys have there.
Posted by UnholyPriest (Member # 10589) on :
...Wow, I'm suprised you havent let rip with bullets/knives/chicken wire; I know I would have, but then again I wouldn't dare try anything like sharing my girlfriend.

If I were you, I'd have left and never come back. But seeing as how I'm not you, I'd suggest to stick it out with her, but if she takes one step back towards sleeping with another man or doing anything like that, leave and never go back to her.

That story made my heart feel like someone ripped it apart with two pairs of pliers. Placing myself in your situation in my mind was enough to make my blood boil, so I can't imagine how horrid the situation is for you.

My personal Opinion: She's gone behind your back. Once a person has done that, it is so much easier for them to continue doing so, as they've jumped the first hurdle, and it all goes downhill from there.

Be careful and good luck with whatever happens. I hope the new year brings good fortune to you.
Posted by ilikesoftpeds (Member # 9269) on :
I am late in joining this.

I too thought that what noladude17 and his wife did was very hot and erotic, but I would never do it in real life....just to fantasize about it.

I have said before when noladude17 posted weeks back that he and his wife wanted to stop the swinging lifestyle, I said I can't imagining them stopping it. They have both been doing this for years, so it is gonna be hard for him and moreso his wife to quit. It has become a habit.

This is why I wouldn't want to "swing" in real can cause some major mental/emotional health problems.

The fact that she wants his friend and not him, HER HUSBAND is really bad.

noladude17, I really hope that you and your wife can work it out. This is serious stuff between you and your wife. You two need to seriously talk about this and maybe with a counselor.

Peace [Smile]
Posted by feetluvr (Member # 1570) on :
Originally posted by Christian:
I find this interesting cuz me and my gf talk about doing these things. She wants to force me to watch her with other men and women. But she also wants to watch me with other women. This all makes me think though...

I also apologize for my lack of compassion in my original post. I did not catch the seriousness of your situation, and I should have.

I can tell you from my participation in another online relationship forum that this fantasy is incredibly prevelant and popular with many more men and women than you might think. However, almost all of the people that have participated in any of these multiple partner experiences have faced huge conflicts in their relationships with most of them ending in a separation or divorce. It's just one of those things that sounds better than it really is, unless you've got an incredibly strong relationship and totally agree on ALL of your expectations and can deal with all of the copnsequences that can out of this situation.

I wish you well in attempting to work this out.
Posted by lopey (Member # 11430) on :
I can understand where dudes wife is coming from though too....Here's a woman who for years is getting action from her husband AND his buddy (which we know how much she enjoys his cock),then all of a sudden the action stops...That would be hard to do for anyone.

I know if I was having sex with my girl and her best friend for years, and I thought she was great in bed and all of a sudden it all comes to an end.Then on one wild night it happens again and you have the chance to have sex with the person you always thought was great in bed I know I would have done it too.But I would be smart enough not to push my girl away.

She may have missed having sex with the buddy so much that this one time she wanted to give him a "welcome home fuck". I'm not saying what she did was right by any means,she should not have pushed her man away during this,I'm just saying i can understand what possibly was going through her head at that time.

I also think she should have had sex with dude after the shower....doing this my have defused the previous situation.Maybe,maybe not.

I think the buddy is a jagoff for not sticking up for HIS friend who is ALOWING him to have sex with his wife when the wife pushed him away.I would have handled that differently if I was the buddy.

I hope things work out for the matter which way it goes.

What is your wife and buddy saying about the situation now that we're a few days into the new year?
Posted by noladude17 (Member # 11132) on :
My friens is very sorry. He was very drunk, however my wife wasn't. I see were she's comin from though.I've allowed this behavior for years. and now to just stop. I told my buddy never again was he to fuck my wife. He totally agreed said our friendship is worth more than this. I haven't returned any of my wife phone calls do yall think I should talk to her.
Posted by logo29a (Member # 9556) on :
Personally, I think that what your wife did was inexcusable even considering your past. She took it three steps further and completely shunned you after fucking your best friend against your will. She's seriously lacking in the character and integrity area. Character and integrity take a lifetime to build. It isn't done over night.
Posted by lopey (Member # 11430) on :
I think you should talk with else is this situation going to get resolved?If you love her and want to work it out then you're going to have to talk with her sooner or later....I know you cant possibly want to keep dragging this out.Time to step up and straighten this out.

I'm sure she's been reading this thread and knows how you feel.

Just out of curiosity,but if your wife was getting fucked by your buddy "against your will" why did you not do anything about it? Did you kinda enjoy it at the time?
Posted by 2spy (Member # 1528) on :
Originally posted by noladude17:
My friens is very sorry. He was very drunk, however my wife wasn't. I see were she's comin from though.I've allowed this behavior for years. and now to just stop. I told my buddy never again was he to fuck my wife. He totally agreed said our friendship is worth more than this. I haven't returned any of my wife phone calls do yall think I should talk to her.

Of course talk with her. Communication has to be established to resolve this. Just get your head clear, collect your thoughts. You know what you have between yourselfs. Get this worked out and behind you if possible. Good luck noladude17, I wish you the best.
Posted by noladude17 (Member # 11132) on :
we talked and she says she is very sorry. kepts apologizing and wants to come clean with me tonight about I'm really worried. We 'er goin to our dinner spot tonight.....all my friends here...who you pray to pray for me
Posted by lopey (Member # 11430) on :
Come clean about everything???? That doesnt sound good....I'll pray for you. Be strong,and best wishes.
If you need to talk I'll be around....Feel free to drop a line.
Posted by UnholyPriest (Member # 10589) on :
The only possible reason I can think of, for her to shun you away whil;e fucking your friend, is that she may have trhought it to be a turn on for you to watch her fuck her friend, and decided to add abit more, by refusing you, so you're forced into just watching. However, I'm not making excuses and although it's one posibility, I don't believe it.

Anyway, talk to her. If she's so desperate to contact you and have you back, then something must have clicked inside her. This situation is very weird. Had it been the other way around, and had you been the one to heat on her, and if you kept ringing her back trying to get taken back, I doubt if she'd let you back into her life. But since it is HER who's ringing back, maybe she has changed. After all, every man knows that if a woman wants sex and they can't get it from one place, they can go elsewhere and get it far easier than if a guy was in the same situation. I think she's changed, and I say talk to her and try to work thigns out.

And if it doesn't work, post a picture of her face on here and we can have a photoshop session on here [Big Grin] lol
Posted by noladude17 (Member # 11132) on :
Well dinner went well. Nothing ever happened behind my back. She wanted to work things out and I want to too. She confessed to really enjoying my friend and was missing him. I told her no more. We both agreed and decided to stop seeing that friend. We want to be the only ones for each other, however we are still going to go to a counselor this week…….wish me luck.
Posted by spartanguy (Member # 6990) on :
Contact me buddy I have gone through the same thing. I am a CUCK foot lover!!
Posted by lopey (Member # 11430) on :
I hope everything works out for you two.
Posted by noladude17 (Member # 11132) on :
Posted by scarlet (Member # 2117) on :
I've always said that threesome anything is playing with fire. If it is with a woman, you open yourself up to gaining feelings and wanting the person alone, not just with your wife. If it is a man, well you saw what happened. We're all human, we may have sexual perversions and want to experiment with them, but chemicals in the brain work how they are supposed to and when there is a connection clicks.

As far as your friend goes...well you can't blame a guy for being open, especially if it was your idea to begin with. And with her being forced into it how can you honestly be that upset with her.

Hope things work out...and at the least you both learn from it and truly end that life once and for all.
Posted by lopey (Member # 11430) on :
Originally posted by scarlet:
And with her being forced into it how can you honestly be that upset with her.

Was she forced into this life style in the beginning? I never caught that anywhere.If she was....well then this is a serious backfire.
Posted by noladude17 (Member # 11132) on :
It wasn't forced. Never was it forced. It was agreed on by both partners(me and my wife). I'm not even blaming him(my buddy) or my wife....but it still hurts like hell.
Posted by scarlet (Member # 2117) on :
Originally posted by noladude17:
It wasn't forced. Never was it forced. It was agreed on by both partners(me and my wife). I'm not even blaming him(my buddy) or my wife....but it still hurts like hell.

My mistake then, I read above someone said she was forced...I didn't read the beginning of the lifestyle.
Posted by noladude17 (Member # 11132) on :
its cool
Posted by lopey (Member # 11430) on :
Has there been any type of make up sex between you two yet?
Posted by noladude17 (Member # 11132) on :
actually there was. Make up footjob. she went down on me til her spit covered my dick and useed that for lube and jerked me off with her feet.
Posted by lopey (Member # 11430) on :
Sweet...thats good news!
Posted by Sinnister (Member # 2394) on :
Damn man. Good to here things are a bit better.

You are a better man then I my friend. Because I would most definately be surving 25 to life facing concurrent sentences....
Posted by noladude17 (Member # 11132) on :
Originally posted by Sinnister:
Damn man. Good to here things are a bit better.

You are a better man then I my friend. Because I would most definately be surving 25 to life facing concurrent sentences....

Thanks man. I have really learned my lesson and I'll say it again never open pandoras box. Cuz you don't know if you'll get burned or not.

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