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Posted by ChrisSlut (Member # 6745) on :
whats everyone's thought about having your foot fetish the other way around???would you guys like having your gf/wife licking and worshipping your feet???do you think that would be sexy and a turn on???
Posted by Footman9 (Member # 1100) on :
[Eek!] [Confused] ... No!
Posted by Sinnister (Member # 2394) on :
That's just not right....
Posted by Lars (Member # 1461) on :
think its cool;)
Posted by babeflover (Member # 2953) on :
i have said it many times, i'll say it again. NO GUY'S FEET TALK. PLEASE. thank you
Posted by toelicker91 (Member # 7658) on :
Posted by Lars (Member # 1461) on :
hey what is the problem? I mean its nice to have your toes sucked..
its ok. If the girl wants to lick my feet to and it makes her day : great [Wink]
Posted by wiggler (Member # 2240) on :
Hello all, you may remember my post last week about meeting my new GF and having a romantic week together. Well, that got pushed back. She's meeting me tonight for my birthday. (I'm 26 today)

As for this post, this lady is the first girlfriend I have ever had who had a foot fetish (she is bisexual, so this does not apply exclusively to guys), although her fetish is less acute than ours. But she wants to worship mine so this is not as uncommon as some may think.

I'll let you know how it goes, but let me go on record as saying hers are spectacular. As I said earlier, a sort of Jessica Biel meets Charlize Theron. And she herself is porn star beautiful.
Posted by Martial Law (Member # 2564) on :
I guess I'd be OK with it; it wouldn't do anything for me but if it's someone I'm in a relationship with then yeah, why not. Seems a little selfish otherwise.
Posted by Gimme (Member # 6872) on :
all views are acceptable and debatable .. but no thanks.. not my cuppa after all [Smile]
Posted by Cubsfan (Member # 8486) on :
Hilarious. What a bunch of hypocrites.

I bet you guys have great relationships with women. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by thosetoes (Member # 2489) on :
I've had two chicks worship my feet. They like it, I do it. I can't deny them of their fetish since they don't deny mine.
Posted by Benji (Member # 1757) on :
eh, I suppose, but giving is better than recieving in this case
Posted by feet lover (Member # 2048) on :
what ever turns her on do it.she probably lets you worship her feet even though she might not like it but she wants to please you. please her.
Posted by dougiezerts (Member # 6829) on :
Why do men develope attractions for women's feet, but women almost never develope attractions for men's feet? I've thought about this subject quite often.
Posted by Lick (Member # 2412) on :
God no, I can't even bring myself to think of it. As a submissive only I do the licking and it is always females.

Having said that there are the rare guys (girly types) who's feet I wouldn't mind worshipping. You just throw a blanket over their face and see to the feet!
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by dougiezerts:
Why do men develope attractions for women's feet, but women almost never develope attractions for men's feet? I've thought about this subject quite often.

I've thought about it too, and I think it simply boils down to us guys being more visually oriented than women are. For instance, guys dig on pornography, but romance novels are bought almost exclusively by women. Why is that? We like the pretty sights, they like the feelings. As such, if our eyes tend to focus on one area over another, we develop that kind of attraction. Feelings are a lot more vague...that is, you can't nail down a certain area of them as well as you can a visual stimulation. On the flip-side, a woman might like the way a guy touches her more than how his, say, chest-hairs look or something. I think this is a big reason why us guys can tend to get into female feet, but women are less likely to develop an attraction to men's feet.

As for the question at hand, I can't imagine why in the world a girl would want to put her mouth on my funky feet, but if she does, God and her only knowing why, then I wouldn't have a qualm about it. If she can accomodate me, I can accomodate her. The door has to swing both ways in relationships. Besides, it's not like she's wanting to put on a strap and take the back door. Something like that, there'd be no way in hell any hetero guy would want to consent to that. However, if she wants to suck on my toes I can't see it being the end of the world. Odds are I'd have her barefooting all over creation by that point anyway. [Joint]
Posted by dougiezerts (Member # 6829) on :
I like your thoughts, Lou.
But consider this: Women like to look at other women JUST AS MUCH as men like to look at them! There isn't a day that goes by that I don't here a women complimenting another woman on her beauty. Yes, I've even heard women compliment each other on their feet!
Posted by Lou Gojira (Member # 983) on :
Originally posted by dougiezerts:
I like your thoughts, Lou.
But consider this: Women like to look at other women JUST AS MUCH as men like to look at them! There isn't a day that goes by that I don't here a women complimenting another woman on her beauty. Yes, I've even heard women compliment each other on their feet!

True, but I think it's safe to say that women usually look at other women for different reasons than us guys looking at women. [Big Grin]

As such, when they compliment each other, that's about like us guys complimenting each other on our cars or music collections or something. They take WAY more pride in their appearance than we do, so I think that just snowballs into acknowledging when another woman is pretty, and not necessarily meaning that girls think each other are hot to look at. I could be wrong about it all, but that's what I'm kinda' lead to believe.

BTW, thanks for the kind words about my post. [Cool]
Posted by Calico Jack (Member # 2299) on :
Originally posted by Lou Gojira:
If she can accomodate me, I can accomodate her. The door has to swing both ways in relationships.

Bingo. Lou just summed up my whole perspective on this issue with clarity and eloquence, saving me the trouble of running my mouth on the subject.


Calico Jack
Posted by FTPHANTOM (Member # 47) on :
well if i had a woman that was into my feet,I'd let her, we would do a foot69 [Laugh]
Posted by feetluvr (Member # 1570) on :
Originally posted by dougiezerts:
Why do men develope attractions for women's feet, but women almost never develope attractions for men's feet?

I believe it's because, in general, men are much more visual than women and can appreciate and love ALL the different parts of a women's body.

My take on the original question is that, if it turned her on, I would gladly let her do it. One of the reasons- I love to see her suck on ANY of my body parts (I frequently make her suck on a finger or vibrator while we "do the nasty" because it's such a turn-on.) As to whether it actually would feel good- I've never experienced it, but it would be visually stimulating.
Posted by justaler (Member # 5013) on :
well i guess i'm one of the lucky ones to have a wife who has a foot fetish. when we started dating we were at my apartment she was the one to make the first move and asked if she could massage my feet. my socks were on and shortly thereafter she asked if she could take off my socks to look at my feet. it goes without saying that she wasn't dissapointed [Thumbs Up]
Posted by Lyrical (Member # 6603) on :
Not my favorite thing but I have had my toes sucked. it was a cool feeling but again not my first choice. She was doen though and man could she give Top.
Posted by BarefootNancy (Member # 8535) on :
IUf foot worshoip isn't mutual...i'm pretty much gonna dumpo her...but i'm lesbian so this isn't a guy foot comment.
Posted by tblfeet (Member # 4665) on :
First of all i like to say hello to everyone on the board i'm a newbie.I single and have a few lady friends.Well last weekend i got together with a new lady friend she knew about my fetish.Anyway after worshiping her feet for what seems like hours,she said want me to do you.I'm thinking h_ll no,but i say polietly i like to do the worshipping.Just the thought was a major turn off.
Posted by Benji (Member # 1757) on :
um... never, it is strange that it normally doesn't work the other way around if ever at all. But my feet are fine where they are (alone) believe me they don't mind. But my girl's feet on the other do prefer my attention [Wink]
Posted by guitardrew (Member # 6635) on :
of course id let her, she is letting me worship her's, it seems like a no-brainer to me unless you really are disgusted by the thought of having a girl worship your feet.
Posted by mywifesfeet (Member # 2630) on :
Nope... not into her doing it either.

I am willing and happy to lick ANY spot on her body. There are some places on me that if she licked I would definitely WAY not be into it. Those things below my ankles would be one of those NO suck zones for me.

Originally posted by Cubsfan:
Hilarious. What a bunch of hypocrites.

I bet you guys have great relationships with women. [Roll Eyes]

Doesn't mean that our relationship is lacking though, or that I am selfish and hypocritical. We understand an accomodate each other with the things we both enjoy because our relationship is very strong.

There have been a few things that we have tried that I was into and she gave it a shot... she didn't like it, therefore I don't want to do it anymore. If she doesn't like it then how can I? She has the same attitude about me and my desires.

I would say that is the opposite of selfishness and a sign of a mature, strong relationship.

Eating shit might end up to be a huge turn on.... would I try it even once.... NOPE!

Posted by TicklingFiend (Member # 10765) on :
Its only fair I guess, but i prefer to be the worship-er, not the worship-ee.
Posted by Plastercast to thank (Member # 827) on :
ChrisSlut, Congratulations on starting such a brilliant thread & yet I can't belive how many negative responses you have recived because I think it's only fair that we let woman worship our feet as well if that's what they want too do. Lars, you took the words right out of my mouth.
Posted by Sabbath (Member # 4844) on :
I like it better this way but it wouldn't bother me...
Posted by Diabolicus (Member # 7743) on :
Originally posted by Footman9:
[Eek!] [Confused] ... No!

Posted by Plastercast to thank (Member # 827) on :
Sabbath, Good for you that's the spirit because(as I have said on one or two other threads as well as this one), it's only fair that we respond in a positave manner if they want to do things with our feet otherwise they go back to covering thir beautiful feet up once again if we fail to return the favour & I don't know about you lot but that would drive me mad with frustration.
Posted by LicknTickleFeet (Member # 2004) on :
I've enjoyed it immensely when the woman sucked my toes.
Posted by Creamysoles (Member # 9641) on :
My feet are too ticklish for any woman to touch. Besides, I'd rather worship than be worshipped.
Posted by MagiK_11 (Member # 5917) on :
I can't believe how many of you guys said NO WAY!!! I mean it would not turn me on to have some chic suck on my toes, but if it turned her on I'd let her suck away. I mean, I doubt most girls get turned on when I smell their feet or lick them and such, but many have allowed me that privilege. So as many of you mentioned, I'd feel like a dick if I only indulged in my fetish and did not allow her to indulge in hers.

I also got the feeling some guys in here got the impression that the original post was about guys sucking other guys feet. Anyone else get that impression with some of the responses?
Posted by Calico Jack (Member # 2299) on :
Originally posted by MagiK_11:
I also got the feeling some guys in here got the impression that the original post was about guys sucking other guys feet. Anyone else get that impression with some of the responses?

I didn't get the impression that they thought the original post was about guys sucking other guys' feet, but I do think that some of them were simply unable or perhaps unwilling to allow themselves to see foot worship as anything other than a male-on-female activity. I don't mean to imply that they're necessarily homophobic on some level, but perhaps their fetishes have been conditioned through societal gender roles to project women's feet as objects of desire whereas they cannot envision their own male feet as objects of desire to anybody, be they man or woman. For what it's worth, I agree with what you said about reciprocation, MagiK. I don't necessarily derive much pleasure from having a gal be intimate with my feet, but if that's her desire then I'm always more than happy to oblige and accomodate in consideration for all that she does for me and allows me to do to her. A truly mutual exchange of sexual fulfillment is a must in my opinion.


Calico Jack
Posted by shyguy10 (Member # 1617) on :
i actually met a girl with a foot fetish once. i kind of thought she liked feet because a everytime i was in the training room (she was a athletic trainer) she would tickle me feet. well this one time when we were studying after i had massaged and tickled her feet for the entire session. she goes..yeah i have a foot fetish too. she then asked for my foot. big problem!!! although it was great that i was still allowed to massage and tickle her feet. my feet are 10 times more ticklish!! so i was dying. she got a kick of of seeing me try to study but unable to because of her playing with my toes tickling so bad.

my 2 cents
Posted by Plastercast to thank (Member # 827) on :
Magik 11, Not only do I belive we should encourage ladies if they are interested in our feet but I also reckon we should consider it a huge comliment if they want to do such things as sucking our toes because they are basicly implying that we are looking after our hygene very well indeed, because if they had any doubts on that score they would'nt even consider participating in such a cause of action would they?
Posted by Plastercast to thank (Member # 827) on :
Originally posted by LicknTickleFeet:
I've enjoyed it immensely when the woman sucked my toes.

Yes my ladyfreind has been known to do that in the past & I would like to think my cleaner might be prepared to suck them soon.
Posted by UnholyPriest (Member # 10589) on :
I don't know about you guys, but I quite enjoy having my girlfriend massage AND tickle my feet, and yes i do get turned on by it (heck, I even ask her to massage and/or tickle them sometimes)

I never have asked, and never expect her to do anymore than massage and tickle my feet, but if she wishes to experience more with my feet, than im more than willing to give her a helping hand (and foot).

Today for instance, we were laying on the bed watching tv, when she accidently tickled my sole with her toenails, making me giggle like a schoolgirl [Cry] . This must have excited her, as she continued then to tickle my soles with her toes, making me go to the point of almost squealing from the tickling. It turned me o that she was tickling my feet iwht her feet, and it was turning her on that she was able to make me giggle like a girl through this activity.

Fun for all in my opinion. Let the ladies indulge if they wish!
Posted by Plastercast to thank (Member # 827) on :
Originally posted by Plastercast to thank:
Originally posted by LicknTickleFeet:
I've enjoyed it immensely when the woman sucked my toes.

Yes my ladyfreind has been known to do that in the past & I would like to think my cleaner might be prepared to suck them soon.
It appears that my cleaner would rather play Footsy instead but to be fair it feels really sexy.
Posted by Tyler D. (Member # 11452) on :
Originally posted by ChrisSlut:
whats everyone's thought about having your foot fetish the other way around???would you guys like having your gf/wife licking and worshipping your feet???do you think that would be sexy and a turn on???

I had a really hot ex 7 years ago who was into that, not to mention numerous other little kinkier things (like sitting on my lap to watch the concentration on my face when I was on the toilet, for one).

Anyway, I was uncomfortable with all her little kinks, from shower curtains, to the sniffing of my neck after a workout, to the licking of my feet during foreplay. That's just me personally.
Posted by Flicker (Member # 11860) on :
What a great question this was! I've got to agree with the majority, though... I'd much rather do it than have it done to me.
Posted by boss289 (Member # 8911) on :
I try to steer away from this topic on this board cause I know it grosses some out and its not the boards purpose, but I definitely like it mutual.

Man it can send me, drive me totally bananas ...

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