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Posted by Ben Del Amitri (Member # 2724) on :
This was the best day in a long time. Footgirl Summer took (and passed) her final GED test today and was awarded her GED at 3:30 this afternoon.

She had a tough start in life but has always shown sweetness and character, despite some very bad things. I took the afternoon off and after attending her graduation ceremony, we had a pot luck dinner party for her.

I posted some photographs of Summer and her delicious feet in a separate thread:

She's going to attend a local Community College in the fall semester, taking six hours for starters. This is a great life we live.

PS - I don Summer's Avatar with pleasure and honor.

Here's a little bonus photo of Summer from our foot party:

[ August 09, 2005, 03:15 AM: Message edited by: Ben Del Amitri ]
Posted by Footman9 (Member # 1100) on :
Whoa! Way to go Summer! Finishing any school is an accomplishment in my book. I wish Summer much success with CC. She is a cutie w/sexy feet that can/will go very far in life because she has determination. Determination is half the battle of any goal.

...Persistence and determination alone are ommipotent.
- C. Coolidge

Also, I think it was pretty cool Ben that you took some time to support Summer by attending her graduation. Just you being there for her probably made Summer's day... Great Stuff, Ben [Thumbs Up] [Thumbs Up] .

[ August 05, 2005, 12:56 AM: Message edited by: Footman9 ]
Posted by Ben Del Amitri (Member # 2724) on :
Hello Footman9 -

It's very nice of you to say those things (and to notice, actually). I've cut and pasted your remarks & forwarded them to Summer herself. The Calvin Coolidge quote was fascinating (the very act of quoting Calvin Coolidge is fascinating, actually).

You've never seen a girl so happy and so proud of herself, such a genuine sense of accomplishment. After the graduation - while walking across the street to a coffee shop for her "Victory Latte'" I noticed she was still wearing her graduation hat; it must have felt good to her.
Posted by Gimme (Member # 6872) on :
What's GED? Something like British GSCE or "A" levels?
Posted by DJ (Member # 1698) on :
That is really good to hear Ben! Congrats to Summer.

Most people give up after having quit school once. To go back is a great testament to her desire to succeed!

I wish her the best!
Posted by Ben Del Amitri (Member # 2724) on :
Hello Gimme -

GED stands for General Education Development. It is a High School Equivalency certification. Unfortunately you will sometimes hear people refer to this as a "Low Life Degree" or a "Loser's Diploma", things like that. But a GED is one hundred percent equivalent to a regular high school diploma.

People who drop out of school or for other reasons are not able to complete high school can get a second chance at it by studying for a GED and taking a series of tests that will give them this "degree". GEDs are accepted by Colleges as a full equivalent to a High School Diploma and in this case, it is her ticket into Community College.

[ August 04, 2005, 11:01 AM: Message edited by: Ben Del Amitri ]
Posted by Ben Del Amitri (Member # 2724) on :
Good Morning DJ -

That's a great point. Once out, out forever - that's usually how it goes and I think it is a testament. I learned a lot about the GED process in all of this (eight month process in Summer's case) and have a new respect for the very existence of it.
Posted by Calico Jack (Member # 2299) on :
Congratulations, Summer! It's never too late to go back again. I remember having that lesson etched into my consciousness when I showed up for one of my college course's first meetings and found an elderly woman sitting in the front row when I got to the room. I later found out that she was 87 years old, and she was enrolled to take the very same course that I was toward securing her degree. That really made me open my eyes and appreciate/respect her commitment & tenacity. People can truly accomplish just about anything if they set their minds to it, and time need not be an obstacle.

[Thumbs Up]

Calico Jack
Posted by Gimme (Member # 6872) on :
I see! Now I know what's GED. Good for her to keep the right for learning and education to her own judgement [Smile] Good luck and as an ancient Greek proverb said: "As I grow up I learn more"

Posted by Ben Del Amitri (Member # 2724) on :
Hello Calico Jack -

That story about an eighty-seven year old woman is amazing! It is amazing. She must have been something else! I can say with near certainty that I'd not be able to do that at such a stage.
Posted by Cubsfan (Member # 8486) on :
Awesome stuff.
Posted by Calico Jack (Member # 2299) on :
Originally posted by Ben Del Amitri:
She must have been something else!

She was indeed. I can only hope that I'm half as coherent and vivacious as she was when I'm 87, assuming I make it that far.


Calico Jack
Posted by Footman9 (Member # 1100) on :
Originally posted by Ben Del Amitri:
Hello Footman9 -

It's very nice of you to say those things (and to notice, actually). I've cut and pasted your remarks & forwarded them to Summer herself. The Calvin Coolidge quote was fascinating (the very act of quoting Calvin Coolidge is fascinating, actually).

You've never seen a girl so happy and so proud of herself, such a genuine sense of accomplishment. After the graduation - while walking across the street to a coffee shop for her "Victory Latte'" I noticed she was still wearing her graduation hat; it must have felt good to her.

Here is the full quote of "Press On:"

"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."

I am glad you found one of my favorite quotes inspiring and fascinating, Ben. This quote has helped me mentally push through some of life's obstacles and I have had my fair share. It has been a comforting blanket in my time of need.

Summer, you should be proud of your accomplishment and always think of yourself as a winner. The best thing about your GED is, It is yours forever and no one can take it away from you and with your determination you should do an exceptional job at CC or where ever you may decide. Shoot for the moon (in life) and if you miss you will land with the stars. Great job, Summer [Wink] .
Posted by Ben Del Amitri (Member # 2724) on :
Hello Footman9 -

That is an excellent quote! Thanks for digging up the full context from which it was taken, it's quite something. I don't know that much about Calvin Coolidge, but my personal favorite story relating to him was this little anecdote:

While at a dinner party, a woman sitting next to him told him about some bet she had with a friend or something - that she could get at least three words out of him at dinner.

Calvin Coolidge replied (with a deadpan expression and monotone voice) ..... "You Lose".

That's about the most interesting (and hilarious) thing I've ever heard of a sitting president.
Posted by Squid (Member # 3518) on :
Congratulations Summer! That's awesome that you got your GED. Believe it, you can go very far from there. My ex got a GED, she went on to community college, then a university, and now she makes much more than I do (too bad she left me, but thats another story). Anyhow, keep up the good work, you can do anything you put your mind to.
Posted by Footman9 (Member # 1100) on :
Originally posted by Ben Del Amitri:
Hello Footman9 -

That is an excellent quote! Thanks for digging up the full context from which it was taken, it's quite something. I don't know that much about Calvin Coolidge, but my personal favorite story relating to him was this little anecdote:

While at a dinner party, a woman sitting next to him told him about some bet she had with a friend or something - that she could get at least three words out of him at dinner.

Calvin Coolidge replied (with a deadpan expression and monotone voice) ..... "You Lose".

That's about the most interesting (and hilarious) thing I've ever heard of a sitting president.

[Big Grin] [Cool]
Posted by Ben Del Amitri (Member # 2724) on :
What makes the story even more intersting is that they never figured out if he was serious, trying to be funny, or what - and he never said anything, either way.
Posted by Lyrical (Member # 6603) on :

Please give my heartfelt congratulations to Summer. She has a right to be proud. having a tough start in life is unfair and it sucks but she decided not to let that dictate the rest of her life she should be completely commended for that alone. it takes "GUTS" to go back. She has them and she did it !!!

Ps. She does also have such a soft looking pair fo feet which is one of the most important characteristics to me as well. Softness mmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!
Posted by Ben Del Amitri (Member # 2724) on :
Hello Lyrical -

I will pass those sentiments on to Summer. You are right, too - going back is hard and the more time passes the more difficult it becomes. In her case it had been three years and if I'd been out of the system that long I'd probably never get back.

She is excited about going to Community College and has already put in applications for jobs that she could not have applied for without her certification (two of them have called her to interview).

She's been working for a horrible bunch of people (as a waitress) and can't wait to give her notice there. So I guess it's true there's always room to grow and it's never too late. And yes, her feet are delicious!

Here's a bonus photograph of Summer from our Foot party here in Seattle:
Posted by Summer (Member # 9946) on :
hey Ben its summer. it was real nice of you to write about me in this ged story. i should really say thanks to all the nice things everyones said in here. it was 1 of the best days i ever had.

from summer
Posted by FootLover84 (Member # 5693) on :
Way to go summer. Keep up the good work and good luck with college.
Posted by guitardrew (Member # 6635) on :
Congratulations Summer!! Looks like you are on your way to realizing your dreams!! you know, i remember being told over and over the classic parently grandparently advice of "You can do anything you put your mind too son!" and other sayings about will and determination, but i never really found the deep truth in all these statements till about 19-20. Now i realize that these wonderful bits of advice should not be taken for granted and sadly, not everybody has heard these things growing up, in fact they may have heard a lot of things quite the opposite or negative, and to me it is amazing to see someone like Summer rise above early obstacles in life and completely commit herself to having just as much a chance at happiness as everyone else, cause its absolutely the truth!! Summer, such a kind, sweet person deserves all the best! Keep it up and dont ever get down and good luck in the next chapter!
Posted by Adam X (Member # 2872) on :
Sorry I missed this the first time.

Congrats Summer and good luck with your future endeavors.
Posted by lover_of_feet11 (Member # 13186) on :
Ya know, not to take away from the subject of feet, but I want to share a similar experience, if you all will allow.

I am currently attempting to pursue my GED. Reading the story about Summer only inspired me to keep on keeping on. I began my classes back in January, in compliance to my New Year's Resolution. I went through a period where everything was going great, but Mathematics was my only hangup...I got discouraged. I missed about two weeks, and then I read the story about Summer.
I just want to thank you for being an inspiration to continue my GED class. I may not know you at all, but messages have a funny way of presenting themselves at times. And NEVER would I have thought that this Foot Fetish Forum would provide me with the kick in the ass I need at this point in my life. You did it Summer, congratulations. You just proved to me that I can as well. Thank you.
Posted by pacfootluver (Member # 9180) on :
This is one of the coolest things. I hope Summer has the greatest success in life. I found out about girlswithfeet by going to a "Meet the footgirls" thing they had in Seattle. Summer was SO SWEET and they even let me such her big toe while we took a picture. It was the 1st time I've ever suched a girls toes and it changed my life just like this GED changed hers. Good luck Summer I hope you do great in college and whatever else you do in life.

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