Hey all...haven't been posting as much since school was hell this past semester but I was done today! 200 question final in which a girl was sitting 4 seats next to me with a cute tan, and a BEAUTIFUL french pedicure. Kept fumbling around with her sandal/clog thing...dont care what it was but it was damn sexy. My question is this...over the past 5-8 years or so, feet have seen a huge boom. Mainly from a combination of better grooming (pedicures becoming more popular than manicures) and the whole flip-flop sensation. Better groomed women now feel the need to have their feet looking good, and that's been a topic of discussion many many times. As to why that is, if its fetish related or not, so on. My question is this: where do feet go from here? Is this a trend like those sheep dresses from the 50's, the big hair of the 80's, or will feet simply remain shown off for...ever? Feet are a huge deal now, and it is visible from the toe rings, to anklets, to foot tattoos and nail polish. But will this end? Or is it here to stay? I remember back in Junior High when it was rarer to see feet, especially nicely cared for feet. Now they are everywhere, and it's great. But is it here to stay...or will closed toed shoes become the next trend and the ladies put the feet away for a while? Just a concern...lemme know what you guys think.
Posted by Reinforcedheelstoes (Member # 1099) on :
Go back and look at my old post, dig it up.
I said it once and I wil say it again, this foot thing is starting to roll downhill.
It is going to be huge.
Posted by Fate111 (Member # 2627) on :
Yes, it is a shame to say but I'm afraid everyone had better enjoy making hay while the sun is still shining because I think that this whole baring of the feet that's today's "in" fashion will start to be on the downside within the next couple of years, if it's not already. It's a shame that, as good as we feet people have it now, we'll probably be crying the blues within the next two to three years and be longing for these days where bare feet ruled fashion. Posted by mystik (Member # 1420) on :
Can't find the old post and dont feel like diggin through 5+ pages of post. I know its naive to think that way, that feet are here to stay, but what fashion trend could possibly make feet unacceptable anymore? Can't think of any.
Posted by feetluvr (Member # 1570) on :
You're correct, it's very easy to see that feet have come out- hopefully to stay. While I don't believe, like Reinforced does, that girls will be running around barefoot everywhere anytime soon (largely due to practical and health reason)I do think that sandals, flip-flops will continue to be common, everyday wear for lots of HS, college girls and young stay-at-home moms.
Sometimes it surprises me what I'm seeing out in public. I was in Northern Va two weeks ago. Morning temps were in the low 40's, highs in the sixties. Besides seeing lots of sandals and flip-flops around in general, one morning I walked into our office building and there was a latino girl standing in the lobby talking on her cell in a summer outfit (off-the-shoulder blouse and short shorts) complete with flip-flops. It just seems that they've become so accepted, or cliche, or comfortable but for whatever reason, girls just slip them on before they go out the door no matter what the temp or weather. Sure is great for us!
Posted by Reinforcedheelstoes (Member # 1099) on :
feetluvr, this was funny! While I don't believe, like Reinforced does, that girls will be running around barefoot everywhere anytime soon...
feetluvr, you have got to get to a college campus sometime in the near future.
Ladies are already doing that!
I meant it won't be met with the odd reaction we sometimes are forced to endure today.
Posted by Tanman (Member # 1773) on :
Mystic, I couldn't agree more with your observation. For the past 10 years I've lived 1.5 miles from the beach. I walk the pier and ride my bike down there quite often. Holy smokes, it's pedicure city. I would say 8 of 10 girls I see have some sort of salon pedicure. Young gals, old gals, and everyone in between. I've noticed that average toes are much more appealing with a clean pedicure and nice polish. Feet are definetly in. I have a soft spot for tan feet. Hence my login name. With summer quickly approaching, I'm in heaven.
Posted by Footman9 (Member # 1100) on :
Pretty feet are here to stay, guys. Now, do I think the fashion world will taper off a bit and look for the next trend, of course, I do. The fashion world is flaky with trends, one can be hot right now and not in the next minute, but pretty feet will return quickly with pure abandon added with some new twist to sell because pretty feet enhance the fashion look on a woman. Think about it, pretty feet/toes have gone through many types of heels, mules, pumps, flip flops, flats, clogs, anklets, toes rings, nail polish with designs, color/clear polish, French pedicure, tattoos on feet, rough/soft heel looks, and just plain primitive bare feet walking. Real lovers of pretty feet, like us, will never go away; it is that simple. I love pretty feet and ass today, tomorrow, and as far out as I will go. I like, what I like. Posted by Sam 4 Feet (Member # 2222) on :
Foot Fetishism is getting more common and popular. This can be good and bad. Good points is that it will be more accepted and there will be more women who will let us worship there feet. Bad points are that our little group on wu's and other foot fetish sites wont have its little community feel to it anymore, it will be like big corporate porn industry. Another bad thing is that because its getting bigger people may start to cover there feet up because of people staring and they may class it as porn. Feet will be along the lines of boobs and pussy so people may hide there fet for that reason aswell.
Posted by feetluvr (Member # 1570) on :
quote:Originally posted by Sam 4 Feet: Another bad thing is that because its getting bigger people may start to cover their feet up because of people staring and they may class it as porn. Feet will be along the lines of boobs and pussy so people may hide there feet for that reason as well.
I really don't think that will happen.
#1 look at how lots of women and girls dress these days. Not too long ago I saw a girl (she was with her bf) walking down a major metro mall wearing hip-hugging jeans and a very cropped top- revealing a very bare midriff. She was incredibly hot and might as well been wearing her bikini. These styles are becoming increasingly popular.
#2 The one advantage we have as feet lovers is that most people, including girls, don't see feet as anything sexual and therefore have no interest in covering them up.
Posted by Plastercast to thank (Member # 827) on :
Reinforced, Your 100% right & I have been telling freinds back here in England that as we are always about 20 years behind the U.S.A. in terms of following likes/habits behaviour ect the chances are that in 10 years time, The Sun will be showing women's Feet instead of their Breasts because once you've seen one pair of Breasts you've seen the lot were as Lady's Feet vary in shape size & they can also be decorated can't they?
Posted by Plastercast to thank (Member # 827) on :
Feetlover, As you have correctly pointed out there's no reason for them to cover their beautiful feet up at all & it would certainly be a bitter pill to swallow if they do ever chose to go back to covering up the sexiest part of their body!
Posted by Gimme (Member # 6872) on :
I dont like trends and fashion in general. SO much for a situation and state of mind like "female feet preference: it is getting to my nerves to see that it has become a fashion. The other day I was like talking to some friends (non FF fans at all) .. and there was a "new" female friend to the company so I started chatting with her about this and that and when I had the chance to tell her about female feet .. and that I like them... she replied: "What's wrong with all of you like female feet nowadays" ... As much as you talked to her so much I continued to have a conversation after this reply
And certainly I wont be happy at all when time comes when everybody (who hadnt previously got a clue of what is "female feet preference" starts mumbling around and say pick up lines to chicks about their feet .. just because it is "just another fashion/trend".
Gimme. Posted by Bondo (Member # 1403) on :
Bare feet trendy? I don't think it's all that much of a "trend" per say. I think women are just taking better care of their feet, and I don't think that will change.
If bare feet were "the in thing", the media would focus on it to an extreme, and me personally, I just don't see the over exposure. There'd be mainstream magazines and talk shows jumping on the band wagon to be part of a click. It would be taken to an extreme and overkilled until it dies off. If bare feet were trendy, the media would flat out and collectively announce "BARE FEET ARE TRENDY".
So, bare feet trendy? I don't think so. I think more women are more aware of their feet and how they look, but it's not because it's a trend.
Trends die, that's what makes them trends. Neat feet are here to stay IMHO.
Posted by dougiezerts (Member # 6829) on :
Does anybody remember "jellies"--those transparent plastic sandals that were popular a few years ago? One of the girls in my office wore a pair often, and whenever she did, I said to her, "You have very nice feet!" She responded by saying, "They keep me up!" Who know? Maybe a celebrity will ge barefooted in public, and it will encourage other women to do that. Then bare feet would become a fashion statement!
Posted by Gimme (Member # 6872) on :
Correction: When I said that the whole thing tends to become trendy I didnt mean the fact that all women should follow the whatever fashion which dictates that they should wear this or that showare or that it's "trendy" to walk barefoot in public... etc ... etc.... etc
What I meant is that people who once mocked or had ingnorance about "female feet preference" tend to do a follow up into this favourite subject of ours ... and in this way disintegrate or cause to lose its identity from real foot lovers. In any case, I emphasise once again that as far women is concerned it would nice to see them follow each trend/fashion about their feet and their way of living. Other than that, I see no cause of existence a bunch of wimpy "I-follow-trends-every-year" people infuse foot fetish in their life style.. just because they might sound or be cool.
Wimps and posers leave the scene.
NB: This correction does NOT address any member byany means within this Forum but it's rather statement of negation towards the above mentioned group of people.
Posted by Plastercast to thank (Member # 827) on :
Bondo, I have to say that you certainly provided some food for thought with your comments in that last post in this thread & when you put it like that, it has to be said that all of a sudden Im not so sure if I want feet to become quite so trendy after all. On the other hand or perhaps that(should that be Foot), You could also point out that, Breast s & arses have been classed as trendy for years & have never shown any sign of fading away(unfortunatly), but I accept your point that the whole world would probably get excited about feet for a year or so then they would suddenly be seen as yesterday's trend which would be very sad.
Posted by Calico Jack (Member # 2299) on :
I've always found this topic interesting. When it comes to just about anything in the sexual kingdom, I'd probably not use the word "trendy" to describe it. For as long as men and women will continue to have hormones, I don't really believe that any widespread sexual activity will merely be a passing phase or a brief pop culture phenomenon. Rather than it being an issue of trendiness, I think it's really just an issue of public acceptance. If it ever gets to the point where the notion of foot fetish becomes so widely accepted by the mainstream public that everybody recognizes it as a normal & enjoyable sexual interest, then I sincerely doubt it will go away or become less common. The only potential downside to it spreading in that capacity would be the lack of exclusivity it would mean for us. What I mean is that many of us have revelled in the fact that our foot fetish community is relatively small, and thus it's almost seemed as if foot fetish is a treasure which is ours and ours alone. Once it's accepted on a mass scale, that magical & enchanting element of exclusivity will dissipate as we're homogenized into society at large. If I were still back in college you can bet that I'd be finding a way to do a thesis on the sociology of foot fetish, and with a little luck I'd be hookin' up with some sweet feet because of it, as part of my research of course...
Calico Jack
Posted by Craigy boy (Member # 3340) on :
I truly believe foot affection has grown rapidly in the past 5 -10 years or so. Toe rings, ankle to toe straps, widely varied toe nail polish colors, air brushing of nails on toes - these things are only recent. Less than 10 years ago, all this stuff wasnt around at all. The net has certainly helped bring feet to a broader audience. And helped that audience to realise its great to love feet. To appreciate their allure as much as a tit, bum, pussy or, gulp, dick.
Think about it. A few years ago there was like maybe 4 colors for toes. Red, pink, French & natural. Blue, green, orange, even black, was not considered. Let alone, painting designs like flowers or butterflies.
Also, i certainly think more women are getting pedicures than, say, 10 years ago.
Posted by Calico Jack (Member # 2299) on :
quote:Originally posted by Craigy boy: I truly believe foot affection has grown rapidly in the past 5 -10 years or so.
Oh no doubt, I'd definitely concur with that assessment 100%. I've spoken about that topic at length in the past with the general gist being that our media (namely television, film, & radio) have grown increasingly more foot-fetish-friendly over the course of the last 15 years. Proponents of this shift undoubtedly owe a debt of gratitude to the likes of Jerry Springer, Howard Stern, Quentin Tarantino, and on and on. It's made significant strides to seep into pop culture to the point where we've on numerous occasions seen foot fetish flirted with in mainstream movies, television shows, talk radio, rap lyrics and so forth, not to mention the world of difference that the Internet has made in spreading the concept of foot fetish around the world and giving our community a place to come together, network and expand. Furthermore, the explosion of interest in fashion footwear (like Manolo Blahnik shoes for instance) sparked by celebrities both on the red carpet and in television programs (Sex & The City for instance) has sent a wake-up call to women everywhere and told the world that their feet are not only sexy, but sexual as well! Yes indeed, it's a fine time to be a foot fetishist!
Calico Jack
Posted by Plastercast to thank (Member # 827) on :
quote:Originally posted by Calico Jack: I've always found this topic interesting. When it comes to just about anything in the sexual kingdom, I'd probably not use the word "trendy" to describe it. For as long as men and women will continue to have hormones, I don't really believe that any widespread sexual activity will merely be a passing phase or a brief pop culture phenomenon. Rather than it being an issue of trendiness, I think it's really just an issue of public acceptance. If it ever gets to the point where the notion of foot fetish becomes so widely accepted by the mainstream public that everybody recognizes it as a normal & enjoyable sexual interest, then I sincerely doubt it will go away or become less common. The only potential downside to it spreading in that capacity would be the lack of exclusivity it would mean for us. What I mean is that many of us have revelled in the fact that our foot fetish community is relatively small, and thus it's almost seemed as if foot fetish is a treasure which is ours and ours alone. Once it's accepted on a mass scale, that magical & enchanting element of exclusivity will dissipate as we're homogenized into society at large. If I were still back in college you can bet that I'd be finding a way to do a thesis on the sociology of foot fetish, and with a little luck I'd be hookin' up with some sweet feet because of it, as part of my research of course...
Calico Jack
Could you not do a thesis on it anyway just for the sheer fun you would get out of it, afterall the ladies's who's feet you get hooked up with are'nt to know if your a student or not aret they, My advice would be to go for it, Calico because you know you want to.