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» Foot Fetish Forum » Foot Fetish Content & Discussion » Foot Fetish Talk » A Worrying (in the UK, at least) Trend

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Author Topic: A Worrying (in the UK, at least) Trend
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for super_strawberry   Email super_strawberry   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
So, just over five years ago, I moved into my current apartment; in a heavily-university student area. Nextdoor lived four student girls, and a similar number opposite; can you guess what I was thinking???

Come the summer, what a visual treat I could be in for. Then came the summer. I was dismayed, and still am,as, in the 15 years since I left university before then, female students seemed to have gone from living in flip-flops in the summer, to living in trainers; and it was around this time that I noticed this trend on a wider scale, in women up to the age of about 22, with the trend, five years on, equating to women into their late-twenties.

However hot the weather gets here (albeit, this is the UK), young women just seem to wear these standard white trainers; and even the few that wear sports-type sandals wear them with socks, unbelievably; that would have been so geeky, a few years ago!

As for flip-flops, the sexiest footwear, they seem to have disappeared from young women's wardrobes!

As someone who's 40, it doesn't matter as much to me, but it makes for less lovely sights, and is rather a worrying trend; if it continues, feet will barely ever be seen outside of the beach.

I pity any young guys who have this fetish.

Has anyone in the UK also noticed this? And is this trend noticeable anywhere else?

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The Legend
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I dont know if its because your weather is cooler, but.

I live in NYC, and today was in the boro of Manhattan. The Temp was about UK Celsius 24, or 75 F, and as I was walking down the street in Manhattan toward the subway to take me home, I saw literally dozens of women in at least flip flops , or sandals. The Avg temp in NYC in June is probably about 27 C. It does go as high as 32 or 35 C on a very hot day. On those occasions, very few women wear closed toe shoes except maybe business people who are dressed up Besides that, the sandals and flip flops are all over the place

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for dmk0246         Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Miraculously, even with all the torturous winter weather in Southern California we’ve been having since last October, girls are still going out in sandals and other open-toed shoes in public. That being said, I am concerned about a couple of trends:

1. Teen/college girls and young women are fully embracing sneaker (or trainer) culture. I have to assume it’s due to TikTok, but Generations Z and Alpha are wearing more and more Chucks, Nike AFOs, chunky Filas, and other sneakers instead of what young women wore in public 10-15 years ago, like Havannias, Rainbow, Reef, or other ultra-sexy flip flops. It’s maddening how more young women are wearing these dead shoes in high-traffic areas like the beach or malls in the sunshine, when a generation ago those areas would be a bliss to quench your foot fetish thirst.

2. If there ARE young women wearing sandals, nowadays it’s Birkenstocks, perhaps the most detested shoe company among us with foot fetishes. Most of the time, none of their “sandals” look sexy nor attractive, especially those mult-strap ones. I get women are buying them for comfort, but it comes at the cost of showing off their sexy feet or other toe cleavage.

3. The most reliable demographic to be wearing tranditional sexy flip flops would be…older women. I’m taking about moms in their 30s/40s who grew up putting on the Reefs or Havannias instead of their kids now lacing the chunky Filas. But within this trend, I’ve noticed that since #metoo and the pandemic, more and more women will immediately notice if you glance at them in a negative reaction. You take one look at their pretty feet, and all of a sudden they or their husbands will whip out their phones to record and shame you, because “vigilante justice” has been the go-to in public.

Perhaps the worst of it all is that I’ve seen more MEN in flip flops in pubic. Gross as hell. 🤢🤢🤮

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Red Neptune
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I still see women--even young women--wearing flip-flops and thong-style sandals quite often in my city, at least in the downtown area where I work.

However, I have noticed an uptick in slide-style sandals--with socks, even--and crocs, which I don't like. Even worse are those ass-ugly "Yeezy" slides that some people are wearing.


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Icon 1 posted      Profile for 5thgear     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I live around a university in the US in a tropical climate and this seems to be the thing. I see more of the college women in trainers, or Golden Goose or the cheaper knock offs than any barefoot shoes during the hot months. The barefoot shoes seem to be slides now. I think the leather ones are sexy, but not those awful athletic ones. Give me Birkenstocks before them. It's still great to see the feet, but they're outnumbered by the trainers.
Maybe they've caught on to the foot guys...

I'm later aged as well, but remember 15 to 20 years ago passing through the university and seeing arch upon arch going up and down from the flip flops.

I remember articles from podiatrists that discussed how flip flops are bad to be worn as everyday shoes bc of no real insole support. May have something to do with it. I still see platform flip flops and wedges around by women my age, but no more of the beach type thin sole flip flops.

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