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» Foot Fetish Forum » Foot Fetish Content & Discussion » Foot Fetish Talk » Can you tell a woman's feet? (Page 1)

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Author Topic: Can you tell a woman's feet?
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Had an interesting conversation with a fellow foot friend. Question came up: If you put three women in a room, got a good look at them without seeing their feet, then left the room while they got barefoot and all propped their feet up and crossed the same way- would you later be able to identify which feet belonged to which women if they were to say, hide behind a curtain or behind a wall so you couldn't see their faces or the rest of their body? In other words, can you tell enough about a women to get an idea of what their feet would like like without actually seeing them? You would have to go by skin tone, bone structure, etc. How about identifying just by soles? The odd stuff we talk about over beers!
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The King Of Feet
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I think I could... I also think that if a woman has pretty hands she probably has pretty feet and same for ugly hands probably has ugly feet... Usually they coincide

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true, that's what I concluded. Short fingers, shorter toes, meaty palms, meaty soles. But sometimes feet are out of proportion and you end up surprised.
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Hall Of Famer
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Yep. Its hard to explain, but a woman's hands tend to match her feet in some way, and I don't necessarily mean matching nail polish.

Latina and Asian feet can't be beat! Hey that rhymed!

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The King Of Feet
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I'd rather try and identify them by smell. [Evil Grin]
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The setup in this clip would be perfect for what you have in mind, Kneedragger:

Also, I think it is possible to tell what a girl's feet approximately look like based on the rest of her appearance. For example, if she has pudgy features she is likely to have pudgy/plump feet. A taller girl will have bigger feet. And a thin girl will have slender feet. Notice that I am not getting specific. What makes a woman's feet sexy to you is most likely something specific about them. When it comes to this aspect I think it's not easy to tell if a woman has what you would call 'sexy' feet.

Recipe for tartar sauce: Thick Strong Calves and Wrinkled Shapely Soles.

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It is funny because i had the exact same thought some days ago. Well, I think I am able to recognise a lady just by her feet. The upper side of her toes and especially her soles (big time sole maniac here hehe). To me the shape of the foot, the "design" of the toes and the looks of the soles (especially wrinkles work for me as finger prints to recognise someone) are enough to recognise most women i already know. Ex girlfriends, long time friends and women whose soles I have observed a lot can be easily recognised. As for the smell that footjoyboy mentioned, if i smell them and i ve sniffed before i just know!

As for the scene of the foot video that dolo. posted, that is exactly what we are talking about here and I cannot forget to mention that Gianna is one of the hottest babes ever and her long meaty wrinkled soles are classic foot beauty!

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Hmmmm? Good question.I would try it to Jimmy.I can maybe do it.
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The Legend
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Originally posted by aka.footjoyboy:
I'd rather try and identify them by smell. [Evil Grin]

I saw that same video on YouTube! It was on a celebrity show. Three women propped up their feet, one of them was a host on the show. One of her cohosts had to identify which of them was her. The guy sniffed their feet and also sucked the tips of their toes. Somehow, he guessed correctly. But I think he may also have smelled her perfume since he was blindfolded, which of course, would heighten his other four senses.

You must do what you feel is right, of course-Obi Wan Kenobi

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The Legend
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This reminds me of a cocktail party game I read about many years ago:
A group of barefoot girls sit in a row of chairs. Their husbands/boyfriends are blindfolded. They must feel the feet of each girl, and from that along must determine which ones' belong to their wives/girlfriend's!

"You have very nice feet!"

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I've always thought about something like this and wanted to try it

I'm a sucker for nice toes

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The Homie
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Originally posted by jediofthefeet:
Originally posted by aka.footjoyboy:
I'd rather try and identify them by smell. [Evil Grin]

I saw that same video on YouTube! It was on a celebrity show. Three women propped up their feet, one of them was a host on the show. One of her cohosts had to identify which of them was her. The guy sniffed their feet and also sucked the tips of their toes. Somehow, he guessed correctly. But I think he may also have smelled her perfume since he was blindfolded, which of course, would heighten his other four senses.
Would be alot better if they would identify by smell lol

Where is this video at?! What it called? Sounds kinda hott

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The Homie
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Originally posted by jediofthefeet:
Originally posted by aka.footjoyboy:
I'd rather try and identify them by smell. [Evil Grin]

I saw that same video on YouTube! It was on a celebrity show. Three women propped up their feet, one of them was a host on the show. One of her cohosts had to identify which of them was her. The guy sniffed their feet and also sucked the tips of their toes. Somehow, he guessed correctly. But I think he may also have smelled her perfume since he was blindfolded, which of course, would heighten his other four senses.
Would be alot better if they would identify by smell lol

Where is this video at?! What it called? Sounds kinda hott

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The Homie
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Originally posted by jediofthefeet:
Originally posted by aka.footjoyboy:
I'd rather try and identify them by smell. [Evil Grin]

I saw that same video on YouTube! It was on a celebrity show. Three women propped up their feet, one of them was a host on the show. One of her cohosts had to identify which of them was her. The guy sniffed their feet and also sucked the tips of their toes. Somehow, he guessed correctly. But I think he may also have smelled her perfume since he was blindfolded, which of course, would heighten his other four senses.
Would be alot better if they would identify by smell lol

Where is this video at?! What it called? Sounds kinda hott

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Hall Of Famer
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Originally posted by dolo.:
The setup in this clip would be perfect for what you have in mind, Kneedragger:

I've seen that clip around, but until now never could find the name of it. Thanks! [Thumbs Up]

Latina and Asian feet can't be beat! Hey that rhymed!

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