By Anonymus

Eva was a beautiful brown haired girl with green eyes. We had been going out for a few months and I never knew about her love for feet. She was 5'8, with size 7 feet, her toes were perfect. One night in June it was hot outside but raining, and she came over. She came in and removed her running shoes. She had on little white socks. I knew she had beautiful feet but I was afraid she would have found it weird. We decided to go outside because the rain had stopped. We walked outside, and the grass was wet.She then asked me if I would massage her feet. Of course I said yes, then we sat down and I removed her socks, her toes were painted light blue. I could smell the sweat from her feet as she put them in my lap. I then started to massage her feet. I told her they were very beautiful and i would love to kiss and lick them, I then started to lick her soles, in between each toe one by one, then I sucked her toes. After that I kissed her feet then she saw the bulge in my pants. I took out my manhood and she put her feet around it, and grasped it jerking me up and down. "Cum on my toes baby", she cried out finally I could feel myself starting to break after a while, so I started to cum. I covered her toes and she licked them clean. Ever since then we have explored the world of foot fetish even more.
©2000 by and may not be reposted without his written permission.

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